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The bushmeat industry has been a topic of increasing importance among both conservationists and public health officials for its influence on zoonotic disease transmission and animal conservation. While the association between infectious diseases and the bushmeat trade is well established in the research community, risk perception among bushmeat hunters and traders has not been well characterized. I conducted surveys of 123 bushmeat hunters and traders in rural Sierra Leone to investigate hunting practices and awareness of zoonotic disease risk associated with the bushmeat trade. Twenty-four percent of bushmeat hunters and traders reported knowledge of disease transmission from animals to humans. Formal education did not significantly affect awareness of zoonotic disease transmission. Individuals who engaged exclusively in preparation and trading of bushmeat were more likely to accidentally cut themselves compared to those who primarily engaged in bushmeat hunting (P < 0.001). In addition, women involved in the bushmeat trade were at greater risk of exposing themselves to potential zoonotic pathogens through accidental self-cutting compared to men (P < 0.01). This study collected preliminary information on risk perception among bushmeat hunters that could guide the creation of a future public health-based education program to minimize zoonotic disease transmission risk among vulnerable communities.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市家庭饲养宠物日益增多,宠物已经成为人们日常生活中接触最多的动物。然而,许多宠物是人兽共患疾病的重要传染源,随着人类与各种动物间"零"距离的接触,各种宠物携带的人兽共患病也悄然传入人类,给人们身体健康和公共卫生安全带来了严重的威胁。近年来,许多学者对犬、猫、鸟、鼠和其他宠物易感的人兽共患病毒病开展了许多研究工作,本文对狂犬病、戊型肝炎、禽流感、淋巴细胞脉络膜脑膜炎、流行性出血热、西尼罗热等一些严重危害的宠物人兽共患病毒病进行了概述。  相似文献   

The use of mobile phones has increased rapidly in many developing countries, including in rural areas. Besides reducing the costs of communication and improving access to information, mobile phones are an enabling technology for other innovations. One important example are mobile phone based money transfers, which could be very relevant for the rural poor, who are often underserved by the formal banking system. We analyze impacts of mobile money technology on the welfare of smallholder farm households in Kenya. Using panel survey data and regression models we show that mobile money use has a positive impact on household income. One important pathway is through remittances received from relatives and friends. Such remittances contribute to income directly, but they also help to reduce risk and liquidity constraints, thus promoting agricultural commercialization. Mobile money users apply more purchased farm inputs, market a larger proportion of their output, and have higher profits than non-users of this technology. These results suggest that mobile money can help to overcome some of the important smallholder market access constraints that obstruct rural development and poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Interspecies transmission of pathogens may result in the emergence of new infectious diseases in humans as well as in domestic and wild animals. Genomics tools such as high-throughput sequencing, mRNA expression profiling, and microarray-based analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms are providing unprecedented ways to analyze the diversity of the genomes of emerging pathogens as well as the molecular basis of the host response to them. By comparing and contrasting the outcomes of an emerging infection with those of closely related pathogens in different but related host species, we can further delineate the various host pathways determining the outcome of zoonotic transmission and adaptation to the newly invaded species. The ultimate challenge is to link pathogen and host genomics data with biological outcomes of zoonotic transmission and to translate the integrated data into novel intervention strategies that eventually will allow the effective control of newly emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Pandemic plans recommend phases of response to an emergent infectious disease (EID) outbreak, and are primarily aimed at preventing and mitigating human‐to‐human transmission. These plans carry presumptive weight and are increasingly being operationalized at the national, regional and international level with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). The conventional focus of pandemic preparedness for EIDs of zoonotic origin has been on public health and human welfare. However, this focus on human populations has resulted in strategically important disciplinary silos. As the risks of zoonotic diseases have implications that reach across many domains outside traditional public health, including anthropological, environmental, and veterinary fora, a more inclusive ecological perspective is paramount for an effective response to future outbreaks.  相似文献   

EcoHealth - Diseases transmitted between animals and people have made up more than 50% of emerging infectious diseases in humans over the last 60&nbsp;years and have continued to arise in...  相似文献   

Feedstock used in the production of vermicompost (VC) and vermicompost tea (VCT) may harbour various pathogenic bacteria responsible for a number of animal and human diseases worldwide. The identification and characterisation of such pathogenic organisms is necessary for assessing the safety of these products. In the present study, our goal was to determine the presence of possible pathogens in VC and VCT and, if present, to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of the organisms. VC and VCT samples were collected from five different farms in the Winterveldt, South Africa. Only one out of 60 VC and VCT samples was found to contain a potentially pathogenic organism. The use of phenotypic procedures aided the final identification of the isolate, which was confirmed to be Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. This isolate tested positive for species specific invA genes. Antibiotic testing using the agar diffusion technique showed that the Salmonella isolate was resistant to only kanamycin. The Salmonella counts that were observed in this study were lower than the generally accepted infective doses of these bacteria. In the light of these findings, it was concluded that VC and VCT produced by the farmers involved presented a low risk in terms of the safety of the products.  相似文献   



Zoonoses account for over half of all communicable diseases causing illness in humans. As there are limited resources available for the control and prevention of zoonotic diseases, a framework for their prioritization is necessary to ensure resources are directed into those of highest importance. Although zoonotic outbreaks are a significant burden of disease in North America, the systematic prioritization of zoonoses in this region has not been previously evaluated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study describes the novel use of a well-established quantitative method, conjoint analysis (CA), to identify the relative importance of 21 key characteristics of zoonotic diseases that can be used for their prioritization in Canada and the US. Relative importance weights from the CA were used to develop a point-scoring system to derive a recommended list of zoonoses for prioritization in Canada and the US. Over 1,500 participants from the general public were recruited to complete the online survey (761 from Canada and 778 from the US). Hierarchical Bayes models were fitted to the survey data to derive CA-weighted scores. Scores were applied to 62 zoonotic diseases of public health importance in Canada and the US to rank diseases in order of priority.


This was the first study to describe a systematic and quantitative approach to the prioritization of zoonoses in North America involving public participants. We found individuals with no prior knowledge or experience in prioritizing zoonoses were capable of producing meaningful results using CA as a novel quantitative approach to prioritization. More similarities than differences were observed between countries suggesting general agreement in disease prioritization between Canadians and Americans. We demonstrate CA as a potential tool for the prioritization of zoonoses; other prioritization exercises may also consider this approach.  相似文献   


Human toxocariasis is a zoonotic infection with global and regional impacts. Worldwide it is underestimated and clinically overlooked. Medical practitioners are generally unaware of the extent of the resulting disease spectrum. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge and disease awareness among medical practitioners in Aseer, south-western Saudi Arabia. A questionnaire addressing knowledge about the parasite, its visceral larva migrans and the disease spectrum generated was used to interview participants. The study included 285 participants. In answer to the question what is toxocara, only 27%, answered correctly that it is a nematode, paediatricians being the majority. With regard to years of experience among participants, 56.8% of those who answered correctly had less than 5-year experience, as opposed to 35.4% for those with more than 10-year experience. The cumulative awareness about the disease manifestations and spectrum, i.e. those who knew, was less than 30% across specialties and years of experiences. Lack of awareness regarding Toxocara infection and the disease spectrum it can generate is evident. The consequence for such lack of knowledge within our practising medical community is simply unacceptable as it might translate into misdiagnosis and consequently misguided treatment.


BackgroundZoonoses are common causes of human and livestock illness in Tanzania. Previous studies have shown that brucellosis, leptospirosis, and Q fever account for a large proportion of human febrile illness in northern Tanzania, yet they are infrequently diagnosed. We conducted this study to assess awareness and knowledge regarding selected zoonoses among healthcare providers in Moshi, Tanzania; to determine what diagnostic and treatment protocols are utilized; and obtain insights into contextual factors contributing to the apparent under-diagnosis of zoonoses.Methodology/ResultsWe conducted a questionnaire about zoonoses knowledge, case reporting, and testing with 52 human health practitioners and 10 livestock health providers. Immediately following questionnaire administration, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 60 of these respondents, using the findings of a previous fever etiology study to prompt conversation. Sixty respondents (97%) had heard of brucellosis, 26 (42%) leptospirosis, and 20 (32%) Q fever. Animal sector respondents reported seeing cases of animal brucellosis (4), rabies (4), and anthrax (3) in the previous 12 months. Human sector respondents reported cases of human brucellosis (15, 29%), rabies (9, 18%) and anthrax (6, 12%). None reported leptospirosis or Q fever cases. Nineteen respondents were aware of a local diagnostic test for human brucellosis. Reports of tests for human leptospirosis or Q fever, or for any of the study pathogens in animals, were rare. Many respondents expressed awareness of malaria over-diagnosis and zoonoses under-diagnosis, and many identified low knowledge and testing capacity as reasons for zoonoses under-diagnosis.ConclusionsThis study revealed differences in knowledge of different zoonoses and low case report frequencies of brucellosis, leptospirosis, and Q fever. There was a lack of known diagnostic services for leptospirosis and Q fever. These findings emphasize a need for improved diagnostic capacity alongside healthcare provider education and improved clinical guidelines for syndrome-based disease management to provoke diagnostic consideration of locally relevant zoonoses in the absence of laboratory confirmation.  相似文献   

?????? 目的 以北京市医院为例,了解现阶段医务人员对积极性的认知现状,探索存在差异的影响因素。方法 问卷调查法并深入访谈法。结果 逾八成的医务人员对积极性至少有一定程度了解,积极性最重要体现前五项为:自觉履行救死扶伤的宗旨;良好的医疗质量;适宜的工作量使患者能得到妥善救治;快捷的服务效率;过度医疗。近八成的医务人员认为员工积极性正在削弱,积极性削弱最重要原因前五项为:付出与所得不相称;医患关系不和谐;缺乏职业安全感;工资待遇低;工作的不到应有的认可、重视、尊重。逾九成的医务人员认为应调动员工积极性,积极性调动最重要措施前五项为:建立健全公平公正、科学合理的薪酬机制;和谐医患关系;营造良好的执业环境;员工意见和建议受认可、重视、尊重的程度;建立健全公平公正、科学合理的绩效考评制度。对积极性认知的主要影响因素有性别、婚姻状况、文化程度、工作年限、岗位、部门、编制、月收入等。结论 积极性认知有较广泛的群众基础,开展医务人员服务积极性认知现状调查,熟悉相关影响因素,有利于从源头上为切实落实“调动积极性”提供一个参考的视角。  相似文献   

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