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tRNA-like properties of tobacco rattle virus RNA.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The 3' terminal forty nucleotides of tobraviral RNAs readily fold into a tertiary structure, resembling that of tymo- and tobamoviral RNAs. The latter RNAs possess a tRNA-like structure at their 3' end that is recognized by a number of tRNA-specific enzymes (Rietveld et al. (1984), EMBO J. 3, 2613-2619). Characteristic for their aminoacyl acceptor arm is the presence of a so-called pseudoknot which we now also find in a corresponding position at the 3' terminus of TRV RNA2 (PSG strain). The nucleotide sequences of all tobraviral RNAs analysed so far indicate that they all possess a similar 3' terminal structure. A domain resembling the anticodon arm of canonical tRNA is not readily recognizable. TRV RNA2 can be adenylated with CTP, ATP; tRNA nucleotidyl transferase and ATP. It is unable, however, to accept any of the twenty common amino acids when incubated with ATP and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from wheat germ or yeast. We conclude that TRV RNA contains a tRNA-like structure, which, in contrast to the tymo- and tobamoviral tRNA-like structures, cannot be aminoacylated. It is unlikely therefore, that aminoacylation of plant viral RNAs with a tRNA-like structure is a prerequisite for viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 3'-terminal 1210 nucleotides of RNA 1 and the complete sequence of 3389 nucleotides of RNA 2 of tobacco rattle virus (TRV) strain TCM has been deduced. The sequence of the 3'-terminal 1099 nucleotides of RNAs 1 and 2 was found to be identical. Thus the genome of this TRV strain is partially diploid, encoding a 16K protein in both RNA 1 and RNA 2. The sequence that is unique to RNA 2 contains two open reading frames: the coat protein cistron and a cistron for a 29.1K protein, which shows no homology with the RNA 1 encoded 28.8K protein. cDNA probes corresponding to these two open reading frames cross-hybridized to pea early-browning virus RNA 2, but not to RNA 2 of five other tobraviruses tested.  相似文献   

Functions of the two particles of tobacco rattle virus   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Functions of long and short particles of five different tobacco rattle virus (TRV) systems were studied by complementation experiments with the corresponding long and short species of ribonucleic acid (RNA). The progeny of long RNA species alone was proteinless or “free” infectious long RNA, whereas short RNA species alone did not replicate by themselves but appeared to be dependent on long RNA for replication. When both types of RNA derived from the same isolate were inoculated together, particulate virus with long and short particles was produced in more than 50% of the resulting primary infections. These virus systems obtained by homologous complementation resembled the parent isolates in all their characteristics. In addition, heterologous complementation tests were performed with long and short RNA, each derived from another isolate. Heterologous interaction could be observed in only 2 out of 20 possible combinations. As a result, two “mixed” TRV systems with respect to their particle length distributions were obtained, since their long and short particles resembled the ones from the other isolate. The symptoms produced by these mixed viruses were determined by the corresponding long RNA and appeared not to be influenced by the heterologous short one. However, the protein coat of both particles of the “mixed” viruses was specified by the corresponding noninfectious short RNA. Therefore, TRV is a system of at least two functionally defective and mutually complementing components which appear to be specialized in early and late functions.  相似文献   

Inheritance of insensitivity to tobacco rattle virus in potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sensitivity of 20 genotypes from each of 13 progenies of parental potato clones was assessed using recently developed glasshouse testing procedures. Significant heritable differences between the progenies with respect to their degree of sensitivity to TRV were observed. Significant general and specific combining abilities were also demonstrated. The results are discussed in relation to modes of inheritance of this trait. The results indicate that though a major gene for TRV insensitivity may be operating this does not explain all the observed variation and it is suggested that there is also a system inherited in a polygenic manner that can confer good levels of insensitivity to TRV.  相似文献   

Internal symptoms in epidermal cells of tobacco rattle virus infected tobacco were investigated. Ring-, elipsoid- and spindle-shaped inclusions were found in the period between the fourth and thirtieth day after inoculation of Samsun seedlings.  相似文献   

The two species of RNA isolated from the multicomponent plant virus, tobacco rattle, have been shown to have the identical tetranucleotide sequence … GpCpCpCoh at their 3′-ends. The result is consistent with the idea that the RNA species have similar binding sites for the virus-specified polymerase.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 3'-terminal 2077 nucleotides of genomic RNA 1 and the complete sequence of genomic RNA 2 of tobacco rattle virus (TRV, strain PSG) has been deduced. RNA 2 (1905 nucleotides) contains a single open reading frame for the viral coat protein (209 amino acids), flanked by 5'- and 3'-noncoding regions of 570 and 708 nucleotides, respectively. A subgenomic RNA (RNA 4) was found to lack the 5'-terminal 474 nucleotides of RNA 2 and is the putative messenger for coat protein. The deduced RNA 1 sequence contains the 3'-terminal part of a reading frame that probably corresponds to the TRV 170K protein and reading frames for a 29K protein and a 16K protein. Proteins encoded by the first two reading frames show significant amino acid sequence homology with corresponding proteins encoded by tobacco mosaic virus. Subgenomic RNAs 3 (1.6 kb) and 5 (0.7 kb) were identified as the putative messengers for the 29K and 16K proteins, respectively. At their 3'-termini all PSG-RNAs have an identical sequence of 497 nucleotides; at the 5'-termini homology is limited to 5 to 10 bases.  相似文献   

A virus (isolate SYM) obtained from spinach plants in England with a severe yellow mottle disease induced symptoms resembling those of tobacco rattle virus (TRV) in several indicator species but caused systemic necrosis in Chenopodium amaranticolor and C. quinoa. It was transmitted to bait plants grown in soil containing the nematode Trichodorus primitivus. Purified virus preparations contained rod-shaped particles that were predominantly of four modal lengths: 188 nm (L particles), 101 nm (S particles), 57 nm and 48 nm (together called VS particles), containing RNA with mol. wts of 2.4, 1.5, 0.7 and 0.6 million, respectively. L particles (s°20= 300 S) and S particles (230 S) greatly outnumbered VS particles (c. 150 S). All particles contained a single polypeptide species with estimated mol wt of 24 700, slightly larger than those previously reported for tobraviruses. Purified L particles were infective but both L and S particles were needed to induce the production of virus nucleoprotein particles. VS particles were not infective and apparently had no qualitative or quantitative effect on infection by L or by L plus S particles. S particles carried determinants for serological specificity and ability to invade C. amaranticolor systemically. Isolate SYM produced pseudo-recombinants with isolate PRN of TRV. Also, isolates CAM, OR and PRN of TRV, and isolate SYM, were found to be distantly related by three kinds of serological test. No relationship was detected between these isolates and pea early-browning virus in gel-diffusion precipitin tests or electron microscope serological tests, but a distant relationship between isolate SYM and pea early-browning virus was found by micro-precipitin tests. Isolate SYM therefore has closer affinities with TRV than with pea early-browning virus and is considered to be a distinctive strain of TRV.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of tobacco rattle virus RNA-2 (CAM strain).   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of the smaller genomic strand (RNA-2) of the bipartite tobacco rattle virus (CAM strain) has been determined. RNA-2 is capped at the 5' terminus and contains 1799 nucleotide residues. There is a single 223 codon long open reading frame extending from nucleotide 574 to 1242 which designates a protein of Mr 23,654. The derived amino acid composition, in percent, matches that previously determined for the virus capsid protein. The long open reading frame is flanked by 5' and 3' untranslated regions of 573 and 554 nucleotides, respectively. The 5' leader sequence contains two different sets of direct repeats, one of 119 nucleotides and the other of 76. It also contains 13 apparently unused AUG codons, four of which lie in the same frame as the capsid protein cistron. The 3' terminal sequence of RNA-2 is identical to that of the larger genomic strand (RNA-1) for 459 nucleotides.  相似文献   

The Czechoslovak isolate produced symptoms characteristic for viruses belonging to the rattle group. A virus variant comparable to Köhler's “Wintertyp” appeared to be present. Two predominant particle lengths of 90 and 191 nm were found in purified preparations. The virus reacted with Dutch TRV antiserum.  相似文献   

Plant parasitic nematodes cause significant damage to crops on a worldwide scale. These nematodes are often soil dwelling but rely on plants for food and to sustain them during reproduction. Complex interactions occur between plants and nematodes during the nematode life cycle with plant roots developing specialized feeding structures through which nematodes withdraw nutrients. Here we describe a novel method for delivering macromolecules to feeding nematodes using a virus-based vector [tobacco rattle virus (TRV)]. We show that the parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii will ingest fluorescent proteins transiently expressed in plant roots infected with a TRV construct carrying the appropriate protein sequence. A prerequisite for this delivery is the presence of replicating virus in root tips prior to the formation of nematode-induced syncytia. We show also that TRV vectors expressing nematode gene sequences can be used to induce RNAi in the feeding nematodes.  相似文献   

A mechanically transmissible virus obtained from symptomless plants of a red raspberry selection imported into Scotland from Quebec, Canada was indistinguishable serologically from a cherry isolate of cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV). The raspberry isolate, CRLV-R, was graft transmitted to several virus indicator species and cultivars of Rubus without inducing noticeable symptoms. In Chenopodium quinoa sap, CRLV-R lost infectivity after dilution to 10-5 or heating for 10 min at 60°C but was infective after 16 days (the longest period tested) at 18°, 4° or - 15°C. The virus particles are isometric, c. 28 nm in diameter, and were purified with difficulty from infected C. murale and C. quinoa plants. The particles comprise two nucleoprotein components with sedimentation coefficients of 89 and 115 S and are prone to aggregate during purification. When centrifuged to equilibrium in CS2SO4 solution, purified virus preparations formed two major components with p= 1·28 and 1·36 g/cm3. Virus particles contained two RNA species which, when denatured in glyoxal and electrophoresed in agarose gels, had estimated mol. wt of 2·56 × 106 (RNA-1) and 1·26 × 106 (RNA–2). Infectivity of CRLV-R RNA was abolished by treatment with proteinase K, suggesting that the RNA is linked to protein necessary for infectivity; RNA molecules contained polyadenylate. In reticulocyte lysates, CRLV-R RNA stimulated the incorporation of 3H-leucine, mainly into two polypeptides of estimated mol. wt 200 000 and 102 000. When electrophoresed in polyacrylamide gels, protein obtained from CRLV-R particles purified by centrifugation to equilibrium in Cs2SO4 separated into three bands with estimated mol. wt 26 000 , 23 000 and 21 000.  相似文献   

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