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Several investigations have shown that the vagal nerve can affect the reflex responses of the masticatory muscles acting at level either of trigeminal motoneurons or of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MTN). The present experiments have been devoted to establish the origin of the vagal afferent fibres involved in modulating the masseteric reflex. In particular, the gastric vagal afferents were taken into consideration and selective stimulations of such fibres were performed in rabbit. Conditioning electrical stimulation of truncus vagalis ventralis (TVV) reduced the excitability of the MTN cells as shown by a decrease of the antidromic response recorded from the semilunar ganglion and elicited by MTN single-shock electrical stimulation. Sympathetic and cardiovascular influences were not involved in these responses. Mechanical stimulation of gastric receptors, by means of gastric distension, clearly diminished the amplitude of twitch tension of masseteric reflex and inhibited the discharge frequency of proprioceptive MTN units. The effect was phasic and depended upon the velocity of distension. Thus the sensory volleys originating from rapid adapting receptors reach the brain stem through vagal afferents and by means of a polysynaptic connection inhibits the masseteric reflex at level of MTN cells.  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of afferent vagal A- and C-fibers on abdominal expiratory muscle activity (EMA). In seven spontaneously breathing supine dogs anesthetized with alpha-chloralose we recorded the electromyogram of the external oblique muscle at various vagal temperatures before and after the induction of a pneumothorax. When myelinated fibers were blocked selectively by cooling the vagus nerves to 7 degrees C, EMA decreased to 40% of control (EMA at 39 degrees C). With further cooling to 0 degrees C, removing afferent vagal C-fiber activity, EMA returned to 72% of control. On rewarming the vagus nerves to 39 degrees C, we then induced a pneumothorax (27 ml/kg) that eliminated the EMA in all the dogs studied. Cooling the vagus nerves to 7 degrees C, during the pneumothorax, produced a slight though not significant increase in EMA. However, further cooling of the vagus nerves to 0 degrees C caused the EMA to return vigorously to 116% of control. In three dogs, intravenous infusion of a constant incrementally increasing dose of capsaicin, a C-fiber stimulant, decreased EMA in proportion to the dose delivered. These results suggest that EMA is modulated by a balance between excitatory vagal A-fiber activity, most likely from slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors, and inhibitory C-fiber activity, most likely from lung C-fibers.  相似文献   

Capsaicin treatment destroys vagal afferent C fibers and markedly attenuates reduction of food intake and induction of hindbrain Fos expression by CCK. However, both anatomical and electrophysiological data indicate that some gastric vagal afferents are not destroyed by capsaicin. Because CCK enhances behavioral and electrophysiological responses to gastric distension in rats and people, we hypothesized that CCK might enhance the vagal afferent response to gastric distension via an action on capsaicin-insensitive vagal afferents. To test this hypothesis, we quantified expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos) in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) of capsaicin-treated (Cap) and control rats (Veh), following gastric balloon distension alone and in combination with CCK injection. In Veh rats, intraperitoneal CCK significantly increased DVC Fos, especially in nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), whereas in Cap rats, CCK did not significantly increase DVC Fos. In contrast to CCK, gastric distension did significantly increase Fos expression in the NTS of both Veh and Cap rats, although distension-induced Fos was attenuated in Cap rats. When CCK was administered during gastric distension, it significantly enhanced NTS Fos expression in response to distension in Cap rats. Furthermore, CCK's enhancement of distension-induced Fos in Cap rats was reversed by the selective CCK-A receptor antagonist lorglumide. We conclude that CCK directly activates capsaicin-sensitive C-type vagal afferents. However, in capsaicin-resistant A-type afferents, CCK's principal action may be facilitation of responses to gastric distension.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a peptide released from gastric endocrine cells that has an orexigenic effect via a vagal pathway. Here we determine the effect of ghrelin on mechanosensitivity of upper-intestinal vagal afferent fibers in ferret and mouse. The responses of gastroesophageal vagal afferents to graded mechanical stimulation were determined in vitro before and during application of ghrelin to their peripheral endings. Three types of vagal afferent were tested: tension receptors responding to circumferential tension, mucosal receptors responding only to mucosal stroking, and tension/mucosal (TM) receptors in ferret esophagus that responded to both stimuli. In the mouse, ghrelin did not significantly affect the response of mucosal receptors to mucosal stroking with calibrated von Frey hairs. However, it significantly reduced responses of tension receptors to circumferential tension (P < 0.005; two-way ANOVA) by up to 40%. This inhibition was reversed by the ghrelin receptor antagonist [d-Lys-3]-growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP)-6. In the ferret, ghrelin significantly reduced the response of mucosal and TM receptors to mucosal stroking with calibrated von Frey hairs. Surprisingly, ghrelin did not significantly alter the response to circumferential tension in either tension or TM receptors. RT-PCR analysis indicated that both ghrelin and its receptor are expressed in vagal afferent cell bodies in mouse nodose ganglia. In conclusion, ghrelin selectively inhibits subpopulations of mechanically sensitive gastroesophageal vagal afferents; there is also potential for ghrelin release from vagal afferents. However, the subpopulation of afferents inhibited differs between species. These data have broad implications for ghrelin's role in food intake regulation and reflex control of gastrointestinal function.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of hepatic peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma 2 in the control of energy balance, Uno and colleagues examined the metabolic effects of overexpression of PPAR gamma 2 selectively in mouse and rat liver. Mice demonstrated a surprising degree of hepatic steatosis accompanied by significant reductions in peripheral adiposity. This crosstalk between liver and adipose tissue appears to be mediated by both the sensory component of the hepatic vagus nerve and sympathetic efferents. These data suggest a novel hepatic-adipose neuraxis that regulates the distribution of stored fat.  相似文献   

In anesthetized rabbits, direct and integrated phrenic neurogram (Ephr) and electromyograms from the diaphragm (Edi) and intercostal (Eic) (2nd space) and transversus abdominis muscles (Etr) were simultaneously recorded in two protocols. 1) In animals breathing spontaneously, we used infinite inspiratory (RI) or expiratory (RE) resistive load and intravenous injections of carbachol, histamine, or phenyl diguanide (PDG). All circumstances except RE evoked tonic activities in Ephr, Edi, and Eic but never in Etr. Intravenous atropine abolished carbachol-induced bronchoconstriction and associated tonic inspiratory activities, but this effect persisted with RI, histamine, and PDG. Selective procaine block of conduction in thin vagal fibers (with persistence of the Breuer-Hering inflation reflex) reduced or suppressed the tonic response, which was abolished in all cases after vagotomy. 2) In rabbits artificially ventilated with open chest, passive deflation of the lung or intravenous injections of histamine or PDG also produced tonic discharge in Ephr and often in Eic. The present results demonstrate that 1) stimulation of vagal afferents and mostly thin sensory fibers elicits tonic inspiratory discharges, 2) bronchoconstriction is not necessary for the induction of the response, and 3) reflexes from the chest wall do not mediate this response in rabbits.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulation of afferent mesenteric nerves on tidal volume (VT), phrenic nerve, and external intercostal muscle activities was studied in anesthetized spontaneously breathing cats. Both mechanical distension of the small intestine and electrical stimulation of the mesenteric nerves resulted in an initial inspiratory inhibition of VT followed by a gradual recovery above the prestimulus controls. Changes in VT were accompanied by a depression of phrenic nerve activity and an excitation of external intercostal muscle activity. During the recovery phase of VT, the amplitude of phrenic nerve activity returned only partially, whereas the activity of the external intercostal muscle was greater than the prestimulus controls. In a second group of experiments, brief tetanic stimulation at the beginning of inspiration led to a complete and maintained inhibition of phrenic nerve activity but with a simultaneous excitation of external intercostal muscle activity and without any change in VT; whereas expiratory stimulation caused a decrease in expiratory abdominal muscle activity, without changing the peak amplitude of phrenic nerve activity. The respiratory changes observed with distension of the small intestine were abolished after denervation of the mesenteric plexus. It is concluded that activation of the visceral afferents of the mesenteric region reflexly changes diaphragmatic breathing to intercostal breathing. It is assumed that such a type of breathing pattern may occur in pregnancy and in pathophysiological situations involving splanchnic viscera.  相似文献   

Importance of vagal afferents in determining ventilation in newborn rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We studied the effect of acute bilateral vagotomy on ventilation and ventilatory pattern in rats. In 1- to 6-day-old unanesthetized rats, vagotomy resulted in a substantial decrease (38%) in ventilation during air breathing. After vagotomy there was a threefold increase in tidal volume (VT), inspiratory time (TI) doubled, and expiratory time (TE) was six times longer. When studied under isoflurane anesthesia, newborn rats showed decreases in ventilation similar to that observed without anesthesia, whereas anesthetized adult rats had no consistent changes in ventilation. Adult and newborn rats had nearly identical proportionate increases in VT and TI after vagotomy, but TE lengthened to a greater extent in the newborns. Additionally, we demonstrated a significant decrease in ventilation when 100% O2 rather than air was supplied to nonvagotomized unanesthetized newborn rats. Ventilation decreased by 19% after vagotomy under hyperoxic conditions. We conclude that vagal afferent input, probably of pulmonary mechanoreceptor origin, provides positive feedback to respiration in newborn rats and that newborn rats greater than 24 h old also have a degree of peripheral chemoreceptor drive during air breathing.  相似文献   

Lung sensory receptors with afferent fibers coursing in the vagus nerves are broadly divided into three groups: slowly (SAR) and rapidly (RAR) adapting stretch receptors and bronchopulmonary C fibers. Central terminations of each group are found in largely nonoverlapping regions of the caudal half of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). Second order neurons in the pathways from these receptors innervate neurons located in respiratory-related regions of the medulla, pons, and spinal cord. The relative ease of selective activation of SARs, and to a lesser extent RARs, has allowed for more complete physiological and morphological characterization of the second and higher order neurons in these pathways than for C fibers. A subset of NTS neurons receiving afferent input from SARs (termed pump or P-cells) mediates the Breuer-Hering reflex and inhibits neurons receiving afferent input from RARs. P-cells and second order neurons in the RAR pathway also provide inputs to regions of the ventrolateral medulla involved in control of respiratory motor pattern, i.e., regions containing a predominance of bulbospinal premotor neurons, as well as regions containing respiratory rhythm-generating neurons. Axon collaterals from both P-cells and RAR interneurons, and likely from NTS interneurons in the C-fiber pathway, project to the parabrachial pontine region where they may contribute to plasticity in respiratory control and integration of respiratory control with other systems, including those that provide for voluntary control of breathing, sleep-wake behavior, and emotions.  相似文献   

The respiratory response to hypercapnia has been investigated in 10 anesthetized rabbits by use of a rebreathing technique. The responses were obtained in three situations: with one intact vagus nerve (control), during differential block of conduction, and after vagotomy. Differential block was achieved using anodal hyperpolarization by application of a direct current to the cervical vagus nerve. Great care was taken during the differential block to establish that all impulse conduction in myelinated fibers of the cervical vagus nerve was abolished but that the nonmyelinated fibers conducted normally. Additionally, in five more rabbits the nature of the differential block was confirmed from single-fiber recordings of activity in both myelinated and nonmyelinated fibers. The same increase in tidal volume in response to hypercapnia was present in all three experimental situations, indicating that it was not vagally mediated. The increase in frequency in response to hypercapnia in the control state was abolished by vagotomy but preserved when only the nonmyelinated fibers were functioning during the differential block. This increased frequency response, attributable to decreases in both inspiratory and expiratory durations, was usually enhanced during the differential block, despite the slower deeper pattern of breathing attributed to loss of activity in myelinated fibers. The implications of this reflex increase in frequency in response to hypercapnia, mediated by nonmyelinated vagal endings in the lung, are discussed.  相似文献   

We have shown that gastrin-releasing peptide-29 (GRP-29), the large molecular form of GRP in rats, reduces meal size (MS, intake of 10% sucrose solution) and prolongs the intermeal interval (IMI). In these studies, we first investigated possible pathways for these responses in rats undergoing total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (VGX, removal of vagal afferent and efferent innervation of the gut), celiaco-mesenteric ganglionectomy (CMGX, removal of splanchnic afferent and efferent innervation of the gut) and combined VGX and CMGX. Second, we examined if the duodenum communicates the feeding signals (MS and IMI) of GRP-29 (0, 0.3, 1.0, 2.1, 4.1, 10.3 and 17.2 nmol/kg) with the feeding control areas of the hindbrain by performing duodenal myotomy (MYO), a procedure that severs some layers of the duodenal wall including the vagal, splanchnic and enteric neurons. We found that GRP-29 (2.1, 4.1, 10.3, 17.2 nmol/kg) reduced the size of the first meal (10% sucrose) and (1, 4.1, 10.3 nmol/kg) prolongs the first IMI but did not affect the subsequent meals or IMIs. In addition, CMGX and combined VGX/CMGX attenuated reduction of MS by GRP-29 and all surgeries attenuated the prolongation of the IMI. Therefore, reduction of MS and prolongation of IMI by GRP-29 require vagal and splanchnic nerves, and the duodenum is the major conduit that communicates prolongation of IMI by GRP-29 with the brain.  相似文献   

Helen E. Raybould   《Peptides》1991,12(6):1279-1283
The role of vagal afferent pathways and cholecystokinin (CCK) in mediating changes in gastric motor function after a meal was investigated in urethane-anesthetized rats. Proximal gastric motor function was measured manometrically, and nutrients were infused into an isolated segment of duodenum. Inhibition of gastric motility in response to duodenal infusion of protein (peptone or casein), but not carbohydrate (glucose), was significantly attenuated by administration of the CCK antagonist, L364,718. Selective ablation of vagal afferents by perineural treatment with the sensory neurotoxin, capsaicin, significantly reduced responses to both duodenal protein and glucose. These results suggest that protein in the duodenum decreases proximal gastric motor function via release of CCK and a vagal capsaicin-sensitive afferent pathway. In contrast, glucose acts via a capsaicin-sensitive vagal pathway not involving CCK. Thus separate neural and hormonal mechanisms mediate the effects of different nutrients in the duodenal feedback regulation of gastric motor function.  相似文献   

Sensitization of vagal lung C fibers has been postulated to contribute to the development of asthma, but support for this notion is still lacking. We investigated the characteristics and function of pulmonary C fibers (PCFs) in ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized Brown Norway rats, an established animal model of asthma. Rats were sensitized with intraperitoneal injection of OVA or were treated with saline (control). In study 1, with the use of open-chest and artificially ventilated rats, inhalation of 5% OVA aerosol evoked an augmented increase in total lung resistance in the OVA-sensitized rats, compared with the control rats. Bilateral vagotomy or subcutaneous pretreatment with a high-dose of capsaicin for blocking of C-fiber function equally attenuated this augmented total lung resistance response, suggesting the involvement of PCFs. In study 2, with the use of anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats, right atrial injection of capsaicin (1 microg/kg; a PCF stimulant) evoked an augmented apneic response in the OVA-sensitized rats, compared with the control rats. In study 3, with the use of open-chest, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated rats, the afferent PCF responses to right atrial injection of capsaicin (0.5 and 1.0 microg/kg), phenylbiguanide (8 microg/kg; a PCF stimulant), or adenosine (0.2 mg/kg; a PCF stimulant) were enhanced in the OVA-sensitized rats, compared with the control rats. However, the baseline activities of PCFs and their afferent responses to mechanical stimulation by lung hyperinflation in the OVA-sensitized and control rats were comparable. Our results suggested that OVA-sensitized Brown Norway rats possess sensitized vagal PCFs, which may participate in the development of the airway hyperreactivity observed in these animals.  相似文献   

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