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T. J. Lynch  J. Brickner  K. J. Nakano    E. Orias 《Genetics》1995,141(4):1315-1325
We have used the PCR-based randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to efficiently identify and map DNA polymorphisms in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The polymorphisms segregate as Mendelian genetic markers. A targeted screen, using DNA from pooled meiotic segregants, yielded the polymorphisms most closely linked to the mat locus. A total of 10 polymorphisms linked to the mat-Pmr segment of the left arm of micronuclear chromosome 2 have been identified. This constitutes the largest linkage group described in T. thermophila. We also provide here the first crude estimate of the frequency of meiotic recombination in the mat region, 20 kb/cM. This frequency is much higher than that observed in most other eukaryotes. Special features of Tetrahymena genetics enhanced the power of the RAPD method: the ability to obtain in a single step meiotic segregants that are whole-genome homozygotes and the availability of nullisomic strains permitting quick deletion mapping of polymorphisms to micronuclear chromosomes or chromosome segments. The RAPD method appears to provide a practical and relatively inexpensive approach to the construction of a high-resolution map of the Tetrahymena genome.  相似文献   

In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, chloroplast genomes are normally transmitted by the mating type plus (mt+) parent and mitochondrial genomes by the mating type minus (mt-) parent. In this paper we describe three new nuclear mutations, designated mat-3-1 to -3, which are tightly linked to the mt+ allele and permit high transmission of chloroplast genomes from the mt- parent, but have no effect on transmission of mitochondrial genomes. We also show that mat-1, reported by others to be a nuclear mutation linked to mt- which promotes transmission of chloroplast genomes by the mt- parent, is probably a vegetative diploid since it contains both mt+ and mt- alleles. Vegetative diploids behave as if they are mt- with respect to mating, but possess a level of chloroplast gene transmission intermediate between that of haploid mt- and mt+ stocks.  相似文献   

Mets LJ  Geist LJ 《Genetics》1983,105(3):559-579
Data are presented that associate three new markers with the uniparental linkage group in Chlamydomonas reinhardii. One of these, mutant 10-6C, is a genetic marker for the structural gene of the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. These results provide the first direct link between the uniparental gene map and the physical map of chloroplast DNA. The other two markers, Dr2 (DCMU resistant) and 8-36C (deficient in photosystem II activity), map to a single locus. The data suggest that mixing in zygotic chloroplasts may not be complete so that input genomes do not have equal opportunities to recombine. The data are not compatible with simple linear or circular maps but can be explained on the basis of the known physical structure of chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

Multiple alleles at the SerH locus specify the major cell surface protein (immobilization antigen) of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Following mutagenesis of SerH1 homozygotes, two mutations, H1-1 and H1-2, were recovered in heterozygous form. Mutant homozygotes do not express H1 antigen, nor is H1 expressed in F1 progeny of crosses to wild-type strains homozygous for SerH2 or SerH3. H1-1 and H1-2 segregate without recombination from these wild-type alleles in expected F2 and testcross Mendelian ratios. H1-1 and H1-2 do, however, complement each other to express H1 antigen. Experiments suggest this complementation is due neither to recombination during macronuclear development nor to interallelic complementation of defective SerH1 gene products. These results suggest that SerH1 is intact in one mutant, and possibly both, although no such allele has been segregated in testcross progeny (N = 205). The hypothesis is presented that complementation between H1-1 and H1-2 is due to interaction between allele-specific regulators closely linked to the SerH1 gene.  相似文献   

Yeast cells that inherit mutations at the PEP4 locus exhibit a pronounced phenotypic lag in the expression of the mutant phenotype imparted by these mutations. This lag appears to extend to all of the enzymes that are affected by the pep4-3 mutation. For at least two of the enzymatic activities, phenotypic lag shows mitotic cosegregation. Phenotypic lag is found for meiotic progeny and for mitotic segregants from heterokaryons. The phenotypic lag in the expression of the carboxypeptidase Y deficiency is abolished by nonsense mutations in either PRC1, the structural gene for carboxypeptidase Y, or PRB1, the structural gene for proteinase B. Models to explain these observations are proposed.  相似文献   

Pedigree Mating with Two Linked Loci   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

C. Colby  S. M. Williams 《Genetics》1995,140(3):1129-1136
Based on recent studies in single-celled organisms, it has been argued that a fitness benefit associated with a mutation will increase the probability of that mutation occurring. This increase is independent of mutation rates at other loci and is called adaptive mutagenesis. We modeled the effect of adaptive mutagenesis on populations of haploid organisms with adaptive mutation rates ranging from 0 to 1 X 10(-5). Allele frequencies at the selected locus and a neutral linked locus were tracked. We also observed the amount of linkage disequilibrium during the selective sweep and the final heterozygosity after the sweep. The presence of adaptive mutagenesis increases the number of genetic backgrounds carrying the new fitter allele, making the outcomes more representative of the population before the selection. Therefore, more neutral genetic variation is preserved in simulations with adaptive mutagenesis than in those without it due to hitchhiking. Since adaptive mutagenesis is time-dependent, it can generate mutants when other mechanisms of mutation cannot. In addition, adaptive mutagenesis has the potential to confound both phylogeny construction and the detection of natural selection from patterns of nucleotide variation.  相似文献   

H. S. Judelson 《Genetics》1996,144(3):1005-1013
Mating type in the oomyceteous fungus, Phytophthora infestans, is determined by a single locus. In a previous study of a few isolates, the locus segregated in a manner genetically consistent with its linkage to a system of balanced lethal loci. To determine the prevalence of this phenomenon within P. infestans, genetic analyses were performed using isolates representative of the diversity within the species that had been selected by DNA fingerprinting using probes linked to mating type. Non-Mendelian segregation of the mating type locus was observed in crosses performed with each isolate. An unusual group of isolates was identified in which the mating type determinants had been rearranged within the genome; these strains also produced an aberrantly large number of self-fertile progeny. Curiously, in all isolates, markers linked to the mating type locus appeared prone to duplication, transposition, deletion, or other rearrangement. This was not observed for loci unlinked to mating type. Data from the crosses and analyses of marker variation were used to erect models to explain the bases of mating type determination and of the unusual segregation of the chromosomal region containing the mating type locus.  相似文献   

A New Mating Compatibility Locus in PHYSARUM POLYCEPHALUM   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The rate and extent of plasmodium formation were studied in mating tests involving pairs of largely isogenic amoebal strains compatible for mating-type (mt) alleles. A systematic variability was observed: plasmodia formed either rapidly and extensively or slowly and inefficiently. Plasmodium formation was found to be 103- to 104-fold more extensive in "rapid" crosses than in "slow" crosses. A genetic analysis revealed that the variability reflects the influence of a multiallelic compatibility locus that determines mating efficiency. This compatibility locus (designated matB), together with the original mating type locus, mt (in this work designated matA), constitute a tetrapolar mating specificity system in Physarum polycephalum.  相似文献   

THE action of the two alleles which control mating type in fungi with bipolar heterothallism is uncertain. A diffusible oligopeptide, produced by the α mating type of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, blocks division and induces copulatory processes in cells of a mating type2,3 and in some yeasts the mating type locus may be induced to mutate by other genes in the same cell4,5. These observations in yeast, however, may not be representative of the other fungi with bipolar heterothallism2.  相似文献   

Haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells find each other during conjugation by orienting their growth toward each other along pheromone gradients (chemotropism). However, when their receptors are saturated for pheromone binding, yeast cells must select a mate by executing a default pathway in which they choose a mating partner at random. We previously demonstrated that this default pathway requires the SPA2 gene. In this report we show that the default mating pathway also requires the AXL1, FUS1, FUS2, FUS3, PEA2, RVS161, and BNI1 genes. These genes, including SPA2, are also important for efficient cell fusion during chemotropic mating. Cells containing null mutations in these genes display defects in cell fusion that subtly affect mating efficiency. In addition, we found that the defect in default mating caused by mutations in SPA2 is partially suppressed by multiple copies of two genes, FUS2 and MFA2. These findings uncover a molecular relationship between default mating and cell fusion. Moreover, because axl1 mutants secrete reduced levels of a-factor and are defective at both cell fusion and default mating, these results reveal an important role for a-factor in cell fusion and default mating. We suggest that default mating places a more stringent requirement on some aspects of cell fusion than does chemotropic mating.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of the Hairy Locus in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations of the hairy locus in Drosophila may affect both adult chaeta differentiation and embryonic segmentation. In an effort to understand this phenotypic complexity, we have analyzed 30 mutant alleles of the locus. We find that the alleles fall into four groups according to their complementation properties, suggesting a structurally complex locus in which two distinct functions share a common coding region.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of Mutations Indirectly Suppressing recB and recC Mutations   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Mutations in sbcB inactivate exonuclease I and suppress the UV-sensitive, mitomycin-sensitive, recombination-deficient phenotypes associated with recB and recC mutations. Mapping experiments have located sbcB about 0.4 minutes from the his operon at 38.0 on the standard map of E. coli. This places sbcB between supD and his. A four-point cross shows that sbcB lies between P2 attH and his. P2 eduction deleting the his operon beginning with P2 attH also deletes sbcB and produces the expected exonuclease I deficiency and suppression of recB(-). The occurrence of chemical-mutagen-induced and spontaneous mutations indirectly suppressing recB(-) and recC(-) is examined. Three lines of strains produce only sbcA mutations while only sbcB mutations occur in a fourth line. Explanations for this behavior are proposed in light of the ability of the first three lines to express sbcB mutations which they inherit by transduction.  相似文献   

Impotent mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardi, mating-type (mt) plus, are described that have normal growth and motility but fail to differentiate into normal gametes. Procedures for their isolation and their genetic analysis are described. Five of the imp strains (imp-2, imp-5, imp-l, imp-7, and imp-8) exhibit no flagellar agglutination when mixed with mt- or mt+ gametes and the mutations are shown to be unlinked to the mt locus (with the possible exception of imp-7). Two of the strains (imp-3 and imp-4) carry leaky mutations that affect cell fusion; neither mutation is found by tetrad analysis to be linked to mt or to the other. Cells of the imp-1 strain agglutinate well with mt- gametes and active agglutination continues for up to 48 hours, but cell fusion occurs only very rarely. Analysis of these rare zygotes indicates that imp-1 is closely linked to the mt+ locus, and fine-structural studies reveal that imp-1 gametes produce a mutant mating structure involved in zygotic cell fusion. The development of sexuality in C. reinhardi therefore appears amenable to genetic dissection.  相似文献   

We have analyzed at the molecular level diepoxybutane-induced mutants determined to have lesions affecting expression of the ry locus. Of the 21 mutants analyzed here, genetic analysis suggested that five were putative deficiencies involving ry and adjacent lethal loci. However, molecular analysis confirmed that only two of these five putative deficiencies were in fact deletions detectable by the methods used in the analysis. The remaining 16 mutants were viable as homozygotes, suggesting that their lesions were confined to the ry locus. Seven of these 16 intragenic mutants were determined to be deletions of genetic material as evidenced by altered restriction patterns relative to the wild type patterns. Thus, nine of 21 (43%) diepoxybutane-induced mutants are due to deletions ranging in size from approximately 50 base pairs to more than 8 kilobase pairs. Most of the deletions (seven of nine or 78%) are intragenic and less than 250 base pairs in size; it seems that most, if not all, affect coding rather than regulatory sequences.  相似文献   

Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is a congenital disease in neonates characterized by the absence of the enteric ganglia in a variable length of the distal colon. This disease results from multiple genetic interactions that modulate the ability of enteric neural crest cells to populate developing gut. We previously reported that three rat strains with different backgrounds (susceptible AGH-Ednrbsl/sl, resistant F344-Ednrbsl/sl, and LEH-Ednrbsl/sl) but the same null mutation of Ednrb show varying severity degrees of aganglionosis. This finding suggests that strain-specific genetic factors affect the severity of HSCR. Consistent with this finding, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for the severity of HSCR on chromosome (Chr) 2 was identified using an F2 intercross between AGH and F344 strains. In the present study, we performed QTL analysis using an F2 intercross between the susceptible AGH and resistant LEH strains to identify the modifier/resistant loci for HSCR in Ednrb-deficient rats. A significant locus affecting the severity of HSCR was also detected within the Chr 2 region. These findings strongly suggest that a modifier gene of aganglionosis exists on Chr 2. In addition, two potentially causative SNPs (or mutations) were detected upstream of a known HSCR susceptibility gene, Gdnf. These SNPs were possibly responsible for the varied length of gut affected by aganglionosis.  相似文献   

Suppressor Mutations for the Isoleucine Locus in Saccharomyces   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Satya N. Kakar 《Genetics》1963,48(8):967-979

Genetic Analysis of the Claret Locus of Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
W. Sequeira  C. R. Nelson    P. Szauter 《Genetics》1989,123(3):511-524
The claret (ca) locus of Drosophila melanogaster comprises two separately mutable domains, one responsible for eye color and one responsible for proper disjunction of chromosomes in meiosis and early cleavage divisions. Previously isolated alleles are of three types: (1) alleles of the claret (ca) type that affect eye color only, (2) alleles of the claret-nondisjunctional (cand) type that affect eye color and chromosome behavior, and (3) a meiotic mutation, non-claret disjunctional (ncd), that affects chromosome behavior only. In order to investigate the genetic structure of the claret locus, we have isolated 19 radiation-induced alleles of claret on the basis of the eye color phenotype. Two of these 19 new alleles are of the cand type, while 17 are of the ca type, demonstrating that the two domains do not often act as a single target for mutagenesis. This suggests that the two separately mutable functions are likely to be encoded by separate or overlapping genes rather than by a single gene. One of the new alleles of the cand type is a chromosome rearrangement with a breakpoint at the position of the claret locus. If this breakpoint is the cause of the mutant phenotype and there are no other mutations associated with the rearrangement, the two functions must be encoded by overlapping genes.  相似文献   

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