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The malaria parasite sporozoite sequentially invades mosquito salivary glands and mammalian hepatocytes; and is the Plasmodium lifecycle infective form mediating parasite transmission by the mosquito vector. The identification of several sporozoite-specific secretory proteins involved in invasion has revealed that sporozoite motility and specific recognition of target cells are crucial for transmission. It has also been demonstrated that some components of the invasion machinery are conserved between erythrocytic asexual and transmission stage parasites. The application of a sporozoite stage-specific gene knockdown system in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, enables us to investigate the roles of such proteins previously intractable to study due to their essentiality for asexual intraerythrocytic stage development, the stage at which transgenic parasites are derived. Here, we focused on the rhoptry neck protein 11 (RON11) that contains multiple transmembrane domains and putative calcium-binding EF-hand domains. PbRON11 is localised to rhoptry organelles in both merozoites and sporozoites. To repress PbRON11 expression exclusively in sporozoites, we produced transgenic parasites using a promoter-swapping strategy. PbRON11-repressed sporozoites showed significant reduction in attachment and motility in vitro, and consequently failed to efficiently invade salivary glands. PbRON11 was also determined to be essential for sporozoite infection of the liver, the first step during transmission to the vertebrate host. RON11 is demonstrated to be crucial for sporozoite invasion of both target host cells – mosquito salivary glands and mammalian hepatocytes – via involvement in sporozoite motility.  相似文献   

HS (heparan sulfate) has been shown to be an important mediator of Plasmodium sporozoite homing and invasion of the liver, but the role of this glycosaminoglycan in mosquito vector host-sporozoite interactions is unknown. We have biochemically characterized the function of AgOXT1 (Anopheles gambiae peptide-O-xylosyltransferase 1) and confirmed that AgOXT1 can modify peptides representing model HS and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in vitro. Moreover, we also demonstrated that the mosquito salivary gland basal lamina proteoglycans are modified by HS. We used RNA interference-mediated knockdown of HS biosynthesis in A. gambiae salivary glands to determine whether Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites that are released from mosquito midgut oocysts use salivary gland HS as a receptor for tissue invasion. Our results suggest that salivary gland basal lamina HS glycosaminoglycans only partially mediate midgut sporozoite invasion of this tissue, and that in the absence of HS, the presence of other surface co-receptors is sufficient to facilitate parasite entry.  相似文献   

For malaria transmission to occur, Plasmodium sporozoites must infect the salivary glands of their mosquito vectors. This study reports that Anopheles gambiae SRPN6 participates in a local salivary gland epithelial response against the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei . We showed previously that SRPN6, an immune inducible midgut invasion marker, influences ookinete development. Here we report that SRPN6 is also specifically induced in salivary glands with the onset of sporozoite invasion. The protein is located in the basal region of epithelial cells in proximity to invading sporozoites. Knockdown of SRPN6 during the late phase of sporogony by RNAi has no effect on oocyst rupture but significantly increases the number of sporozoites present in salivary glands. Despite several differences between the passage of Plasmodium through the midgut and the salivary glands, this study identifies a striking overlap in the molecular responses of these two epithelia to parasite invasion.  相似文献   

For successful transmission to the vertebrate host, malaria sporozoites must migrate from the mosquito midgut to the salivary glands. Here, using purified sporozoites inoculated into the mosquito haemocoel, we show that salivary gland invasion is inefficient and that sporozoites have a narrow window of opportunity for salivary gland invasion. Only 19% of sporozoites invade the salivary glands, all invasion occurs within 8h at a rate of approximately 200 sporozoites per hour, and sporozoites that fail to invade within this time rapidly die and are degraded. Then, using natural release of sporozoites from oocysts, we show that haemolymph flow through the dorsal vessel facilitates proper invasion. Most mosquitoes had low steady-state numbers of circulating sporozoites, which is remarkable given the thousands of sporozoites released per oocyst, and suggests that sporozoite degradation is a rapid immune process most efficient in regions of high haemolymph flow. Only 2% of Anopheles gambiae haemocytes phagocytized Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, a rate insufficient to explain the extent of sporozoite clearance. Greater than 95% of haemocytes phagocytized Escherichia coli or latex particles, indicating that their failure to sequester large numbers of sporozoites is not due to an inability to engage in phagocytosis. These results reveal the operation of an efficient sporozoite-killing and degradation machinery within the mosquito haemocoel, which drastically limits the numbers of infective sporozoites in the mosquito salivary glands.  相似文献   

Malaria sporozoites have the unique capacity to invade two entirely different types of target cell in the mosquito vector and the vertebrate host during the course of the parasite's life cycle. Although little is known about the specific interaction of the sporozoite with its target cells, two sporozoite proteins, circumsporozoite (CS) and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP), have been shown to play important roles in the invasion of both cell types. CS protein is a multifunctional protein involved in sporogony, invasion of the salivary glands, the specific arrest of sporozoites in the liver sinusoid, gliding motility of the sporozoite, and hepatocyte recognition and entry. TRAP has been shown to be critical for sporozoite infection of the mosquito salivary glands and liver cells, and is essential for sporozoite gliding motility. This review will focus on the involvement of these molecules in sporozoite motility and the invasion of host cells.  相似文献   

Experimental malaria vaccines based on two sporozoite stage candidate antigens of Plasmodium falciparum, the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP), have undergone clinical trials of efficacy. The relevance of naturally existing polymorphism in these molecules remains unknown. Sequence polymorphism in the genes encoding these antigens was studied in a Gambian population (sample of 48 trap and 44 csp gene sequences) to test for signatures of selection that would result from naturally acquired immunity. Allele frequency distributions were analyzed and compared with data from another population (in Thailand). Patterns of non-synonymous and synonymous polymorphism in P. falciparum and in Plasmodium vivax were compared with divergence from related species. Results indicate that polymorphism in TRAP is under strong selection for amino acid sequence diversity and that allele frequencies are under balancing selection within the Gambian P. falciparum population. There was no such evidence for CSP, calling into question the idea that most polymorphisms in this gene are under immune selection. There was a weak trend for regions known to encode T cell epitopes to have slightly higher indices suggesting balancing selection. Overall, the results predict more allele-specific immunity to TRAP than to CSP and should be considered in design and efficacy testing of vaccine candidates based on these antigens.  相似文献   

The number of malaria sporozoites in the salivary glands was determined microscopically for 1137 wild, naturally infected Anopheles from western Kenya. Infective Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato (n = 874) contained a geometric mean (GM) of 962 sporozoites and An.funestus Giles (n = 263) contained 812. No significant differences were detected in geometric mean numbers of sporozoites between species, collection techniques or sites. Of the infective An.gambiae, 1.7% (15/874) contained more than 41,830 sporozoites, the maximum observed for An.funestus. Microscopic techniques were found to be more sensitive than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for detecting low-grade sporozoite infections in salivary glands. Salivary gland sporozoites from 83.6% of the 1137 gland infections were identified by ELISA as either Plasmodium falciparum Welch (n = 910), P.ovale Stephens (n = 7), P.malariae Grassi & Feletti (n = 3) or mixed (n = 30). The 187 gland infections which could not be identified by ELISA contained significantly fewer sporozoites (GM = 242) than those which could be identified (GM = 1200).  相似文献   

Ticks are obligate blood-feeding arachnids. During their long-lasting blood meal, they have to counteract the protective barriers and defense mechanisms of their host. These include tissue integrity, pain, hemostasis, and the inflammatory and immune reactions. Here, we describe a multigene family coding for five putative salivary metalloproteases induced during the blood meal of Ixodes ricinus. The evolutionary divergence inside the family was driven by positive Darwinian selection. This came together with individual variation of expression, functional heterogeneity, and antigenic diversification. Inhibition of the expression of some of these genes by RNA interference prevented completion of the tick blood meal and affected the ability of the tick saliva to interfere with host fibrinolysis. This family of proteins could therefore participate in the inhibition of wound healing after the tick bite, thereby facilitating the completion of the blood meal.  相似文献   

Olfaction is critical to the host preference selection behavior of many disease-transmitting insects, including the mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (hereafter A. gambiae), one of the major vectors for human malaria. In order to more fully understand the molecular biology of olfaction in this insect, we have previously identified several members member of a family of candidate odorant receptor proteins from A. gambiae (AgORs). Here we report the cloning and characterization of an additional AgOR gene, denoted as AgOr5, which shows significant similarity to putative odorant receptors in A. gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster and which is selectively expressed in olfactory organs. AgOr5 is tightly clustered within the A. gambiae genome to two other highly homologous candidate odorant receptors, suggesting that these genes are derived from a common ancestor. Analysis of the developmental expression within members of this AgOR gene cluster reveals considerable variation between these AgORs as compared to candidate odorant receptors from D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Scott K  Brady R  Cravchik A  Morozov P  Rzhetsky A  Zuker C  Axel R 《Cell》2001,104(5):661-673
A novel family of candidate gustatory receptors (GRs) was recently identified in searches of the Drosophila genome. We have performed in situ hybridization and transgene experiments that reveal expression of these genes in both gustatory and olfactory neurons in adult flies and larvae. This gene family is likely to encode both odorant and taste receptors. We have visualized the projections of chemosensory neurons in the larval brain and observe that neurons expressing different GRs project to discrete loci in the antennal lobe and subesophageal ganglion. These data provide insight into the diversity of chemosensory recognition and an initial view of the representation of gustatory information in the fly brain.  相似文献   



NEP1-like proteins (NLPs) are a novel family of microbial elicitors of plant necrosis. Some NLPs induce a hypersensitive-like response in dicot plants though the basis for this response remains unclear. In addition, the spatial structure and the role of these highly conserved proteins are not known.  相似文献   

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