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Obg proteins are a family of P-loop GTPases, conserved from bacteria to human. The Obg protein in Escherichia coli (ObgE) has been implicated in many diverse cellular functions, with proposed molecular roles in two global processes, ribosome assembly and stringent response. Here, using pre-steady state fast kinetics we demonstrate that ObgE is an anti-association factor, which prevents ribosomal subunit association and downstream steps in translation by binding to the 50S subunit. ObgE is a ribosome dependent GTPase; however, upon binding to guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp), the global regulator of stringent response, ObgE exhibits an enhanced interaction with the 50S subunit, resulting in increased equilibrium dissociation of the 70S ribosome into subunits. Furthermore, our cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the 50S·ObgE·GMPPNP complex indicates that the evolutionarily conserved N-terminal domain (NTD) of ObgE is a tRNA structural mimic, with specific interactions with peptidyl-transferase center, displaying a marked resemblance to Class I release factors. These structural data might define ObgE as a specialized translation factor related to stress responses, and provide a framework towards future elucidation of functional interplay between ObgE and ribosome-associated (p)ppGpp regulators. Together with published data, our results suggest that ObgE might act as a checkpoint in final stages of the 50S subunit assembly under normal growth conditions. And more importantly, ObgE, as a (p)ppGpp effector, might also have a regulatory role in the production of the 50S subunit and its participation in translation under certain stressed conditions. Thus, our findings might have uncovered an under-recognized mechanism of translation control by environmental cues.  相似文献   

Obg is a ribosome-associated GTPase essential for bacterial viability and is conserved in most organisms, from bacteria to eukaryotes. Obg is also expressed in plants, which predicts an important role for this molecule in plant viability; however, the functions of the plant Obg homologs have not been reported. Here, we first identified Arabidopsis AtObgC as a plant chloroplast-targeting Obg and elucidated its molecular biological and physiological properties. AtObgC encodes a plant-specific Obg GTPase that contains an N-terminal region for chloroplast targeting and has intrinsic GTP hydrolysis activity. A targeting assay using a few AtObgC N-terminal truncation mutants revealed that AtObgC localizes to chloroplasts and its transit peptide consists of more than 50 amino acid residues. Interestingly, GFP-fused full-length AtObgC exhibited a punctate staining pattern in chloroplasts of Arabidopsis protoplasts, which suggests a dimerization or multimerization of AtObgC. Moreover, its Obg fold was indispensable for the generation of the punctate staining pattern, and thus, was supposed to be important for such oligomerization of AtObgC by mediating the protein–protein interaction. In addition, the T-DNA insertion AtObgC null mutant exhibited an embryonic lethal phenotype that disturbed the early stage of embryogenesis. Altogether, our results provide a significant implication that AtObgC as a chloroplast targeting GTPase plays an important role at the early embryogenesis by exerting its function in chloroplast protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Nog1 is a conserved eukaryotic GTPase of the Obg family involved in the biogenesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. Here we report the unique dominant-inhibitory properties of a point mutation in the switch II region of mouse Nog1; this mutation is predicted to restrict conformational mobility of the GTP-binding domain. We show that although the mutation does not significantly affect GTP binding, ectopic expression of the mutant in mouse cells disrupts productive assembly of pre-60S subunits and arrests cell proliferation. The mutant impairs processing of multiple pre-rRNA intermediates, resulting in the degradation of the newly synthesized 5.8S/28S rRNA precursors. Sedimentation analysis of nucleolar preribosomes indicates that defective Nog1 function inhibits the conversion of 32S pre-rRNA-containing complexes to a smaller form, resulting in a drastic accumulation of enlarged pre-60S particles in the nucleolus. These results suggest that conformational changes in the switch II element of Nog1 have a critical importance for the dissociation of preribosome-bound factors during intranucleolar maturation and thereby strongly influence the overall efficiency of the assembly process.  相似文献   

Current antibiofilm solutions based on planktonic bacterial physiology have limited efficacy in clinical and occasionally environmental settings. This has prompted a search for suitable alternatives to conventional therapies. This study compares the inhibitory properties of two biological surfactants (rhamnolipids and a plant-derived surfactant) against a selection of broad-spectrum antibiotics (ampicillin, chloramphenicol and kanamycin). Testing was carried out on a range of bacterial physiologies from planktonic and mixed bacterial biofilms. Rhamnolipids (Rhs) have been extensively characterised for their role in the development of biofilms and inhibition of planktonic bacteria. However, there are limited direct comparisons with antimicrobial substances on established biofilms comprising single or mixed bacterial strains. Baseline measurements of inhibitory activity using planktonic bacterial assays established that broad-spectrum antibiotics were 500 times more effective at inhibiting bacterial growth than either Rhs or plant surfactants. Conversely, Rhs and plant biosurfactants reduced biofilm biomass of established single bacterial biofilms by 74–88 and 74–98 %, respectively. Only kanamycin showed activity against biofilms of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were also ineffective against a complex biofilm of marine bacteria; however, Rhs and plant biosurfactants reduced biofilm biomass by 69 and 42 %, respectively. These data suggest that Rhs and plant-derived surfactants may have an important role in the inhibition of complex biofilms.  相似文献   

Awareness of the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has escalated and drug-resistant infections are named among the most urgent problems facing clinicians today. Our experiments here identify a transporter interactome and portray its essential function in acquisition of antimicrobial resistance. By exposing E. coli cells to consecutive increasing concentrations of the fluoroquinolone norfloxacin we generated in the laboratory highly resistant strains that carry multiple mutations, most of them identical to those identified in clinical isolates. With this experimental paradigm, we show that the MDTs function in a coordinated mode to provide an essential first-line defense mechanism, preventing the drug reaching lethal concentrations, until a number of stable efficient alterations occur that allow survival. Single-component efflux transporters remove the toxic compounds from the cytoplasm to the periplasmic space where TolC-dependent transporters expel them from the cell. We postulate a close interaction between the two types of transporters to prevent rapid leak of the hydrophobic substrates back into the cell. The findings change the prevalent concept that in Gram-negative bacteria a single multidrug transporter, AcrAB-TolC type, is responsible for the resistance. The concept of a functional interactome, the process of identification of its members, the elucidation of the nature of the interactions and its role in cell physiology will change the existing paradigms in the field. We anticipate that our work will have an impact on the present strategy searching for inhibitors of AcrAB-TolC as adjuvants of existing antibiotics and provide novel targets for this urgent undertaking.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila replicates in a vacuole that recruits material from the host cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Biogenesis of this unique vacuole depends on the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system that translocates proteins across host cell membranes. Here, we show that two translocated substrates, SidM and LidA, target host cell Rab1, a small GTPase regulating ER-to-Golgi traffic. SidM is a guanosine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab1 that recruits Rab1 to Legionella-containing vacuoles, a process that is enhanced by LidA. Expression of sidM in mammalian cells interferes with the secretory pathway and causes Golgi fragmentation. Consistent with a collaborative relationship between the two proteins, immobilized SidM and LidA synergize to promote Rab1-dependent binding of early secretory vesicles. These results indicate that proteins translocated into the host cell by the intravacuolar pathogen L. pneumophila are able to recapitulate events involved in host secretory trafficking.  相似文献   

Der, an essential Escherichia coli tandem GTPase, has been implicated in 50S subunit biogenesis. The rrmJ gene encodes a methyltransferase that modifies the U2552 residue of 23S rRNA, and its deletion causes a severe growth defect. Peculiarly, overexpression of Der suppresses growth impairment. In this study, using an rrmJ-deletion strain, we demonstrated that two GTPase domains of Der regulate its association with 50S subunit via the KH-like domain. We also identified a region of Der that is critical for its specific interaction with 50S subunit.Emerging evidence indicates that many Escherichia coli GTPases play critical roles in ribosome biogenesis (6). For example, E. coli Era consists of a conventional GTP-binding domain and a KH domain (an RNA-binding domain) with a consensus VIGXXGXXI sequence (9). The direct interaction between Era and 16S rRNA was demonstrated by structural studies of a Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with Era (24). Peculiarly, Era was shown to suppress the cold-sensitive cell growth of the rbfA-deletion strain whose gene product resembles a KH domain and plays an important role in 30S subunit assembly at low temperature (13, 16). A unique GTPase subfamily of Der (double Era-like GTPase; also known as EngA) is conserved only in eubacteria. We have previously demonstrated that Der is cofractionated with 50S subunits in a GTP-dependent manner and that Der plays a critical role in 50S subunit maturation at a later biogenesis step (15).Interestingly, both GTP-binding domains (G domains) were essential for cell growth; moreover, the two G domains function cooperatively, suggesting that GTP-induced conformational changes and GTPase activity are essential for cell viability as well as function (1, 15). The X-ray crystal structures of two Der orthologs from Thermotoga maritima and Bacillus subtilis revealed that the C-terminal domain has a topology similar to that of a KH domain without a consensus sequence motif and is flanked by two G domains (22, 23). It was suggested that the GTP-bound form of YphC (a Der ortholog in B. subtilis) triggers a dramatic conformational change, which favors an interaction with negatively charged ribonucleic acids by exposing a positively charged KH-like domain with a high pI value (14, 22).Overexpression of E. coli Der functionally suppressed the slow growth defect of a deletion strain of the rrmJ gene, whose gene product is a methyltransferase, modifying the U2552 residue in the A loop of 23S rRNA in an intact 50S subunit (5, 26). Even though ΔrrmJ (strain HB23) is viable, it causes a serious defect of cell growth by accumulating 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits at the expense of 70S ribosomes. Thus, overexpression of Der seems to overcome its weak interaction with 50S subunits that are unmethylated at U2552. In this study, using an ΔrrmJ strain as a genetic background, we tried to elucidate the nature of the functional regulation of two G domains and the KH-like domain. We further characterized the KH-like domain by random mutagenesis and identified crucial residues for its association with 50S subunits. Our data suggest that the unique C-terminal domain indeed plays a role in rRNA-ribosome recognition.  相似文献   

病毒性传染疾病是人类社会的重大威胁,严重危害人民生命安全和国家、社会安定.随着国内外经济发展,城镇化、都市化、全球化的进程加快,新发和突发病毒性传染病呈现不断增高的趋势,如艾滋病病毒、严重急性呼吸综合征病毒、禽流感病毒、甲流感病毒、埃博拉病毒等近年来一次又一次在世界不同地区频繁发生并蔓延、流行.本次埃博拉病毒在西非的爆发和疫情失控更再次警示我国和国际社会关于发展有效防治新发、突发病毒性传染病措施的重要性和紧迫性.天然免疫与宿主抗病研究领域的突破性进展为解决该世界性难题开辟了新的思路和途径.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L9 is a component of all eubacterial ribosomes, yet deletion strains display only subtle growth defects. Although L9 has been implicated in helping ribosomes maintain translation reading frame and in regulating translation bypass, no portion of the ribosome-bound protein seems capable of contacting either the peptidyltransferase center or the decoding center, so it is a mystery how L9 can influence these important processes. To reveal the physiological roles of L9 that have maintained it in evolution, we identified mutants of Escherichia coli that depend on L9 for fitness. In this report, we describe a class of L9-dependent mutants in the ribosome biogenesis GTPase Der (EngA/YphC). Purified mutant proteins were severely compromised in their GTPase activities, despite the fact that the mutations are not present in GTP hydrolysis sites. Moreover, although L9 and YihI complemented the slow-growth der phenotypes, neither factor could rescue the GTPase activities in vitro. Complementation studies revealed that the N-terminal domain of L9 is necessary and sufficient to improve the fitness of these Der mutants, suggesting that this domain may help stabilize compromised ribosomes that accumulate when Der is defective. Finally, we employed a targeted degradation system to rapidly deplete L9 from a highly compromised der mutant strain and show that the L9-dependent phenotype coincides with a cell division defect.  相似文献   

Purine nucleotide-binding proteins build the large family of P-loop GTPases and related ATPases, which perform essential functions in all kingdoms of life. The Obg family comprises a group of ancient GTPases belonging to the TRAFAC (for translation factors) class and can be subdivided into several distinct protein subfamilies. The founding member of one of these subfamilies is the bacterial P-loop NTPase YchF, which had so far been assumed to act as GTPase. We have biochemically characterized the human homologue of YchF and found that it binds and hydrolyzes ATP more efficiently than GTP. For this reason, we have termed the protein hOLA1, for human Obg-like ATPase 1. Further biochemical characterization of YchF proteins from different species revealed that ATPase activity is a general but previously missed feature of the YchF subfamily of Obg-like GTPases. To explain ATP specificity of hOLA1, we have solved the x-ray structure of hOLA1 bound to the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMPPCP. Our structural data help to explain the altered nucleotide specificity of YchF homologues and identify the Ola1/YchF subfamily of the Obg-related NTPases as an exceptional example of a single protein subfamily, which has evolved altered nucleotide specificity within a distinct protein family of GTPases.  相似文献   


PEGylated long-circulating liposomes were used as a delivery system of antibiotics providing enhancements in antibiotic pharmacokinetics and penetration to infected sites. Pharmacokinetic and therapeutic efficacy studies were performed in the model of unilateral pneumonia/septicemia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in rats with intact host defense or leukopenic rats. Gentamicin was encapsulated in PEGylated liposomes designed to achieve delivery of antibiotic to the infected left lung tissue. Our data show that the efficacy of liposomal gentamicin was superior to free gentamicin particularly in difficult to treat infection due to impaired host defense (leukopenia) or low antibiotic susceptibility of the infectious organism. In leukopenic rats infected with a high gentamicin-susceptible bacterial strain, free gentamicin must be administered at the maximum tolerated dose to be therapeutically effective. The addition of a single dose of liposome-encapsulated gentamicin on the first day of treatment with free gentamicin leads to full therapeutic efficacy while keeping the antibiotic doses low. In even more difficult to treat infection due to both an impaired host defense (leukopenia) and low gentamicin-susceptibility of the bacterial strain, free gentamicin is not effective, and the addition of the liposome-encapsulated form of gentamicin is needed to achieve full therapeutic efficacy. In this respect, the lipid composition of the liposomes is an important determinant in establishing both sufficient antibiotic levels in blood and sufficient release of antibiotic from the liposomes at the infectious focus.

Ciprofloxacin was encapsulated in PEGylated liposomes designed to serve as a microreservoir of antibiotic during circulation in blood. Our data show that the administration of ciprofloxacin in the liposomal form resulted in slow release of ciprofloxacin from the liposomes over time in blood. Delayed ciprofloxacin clearance, as well as increased and prolonged ciprofloxacin concentrations in blood and tissues was observed. The therapeutic efficacy of liposomal ciprofloxacin was superior to that of free ciprofloxacin. PEGylated liposomal ciprofloxacin was well tolerated in relatively high doses (increasing the maximum tolerated dose for free ciprofloxacin), permitting the administration on a once-a-day schedule without loss in therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Structural and biochemical analysis of the Obg GTP binding protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Obg nucleotide binding protein family has been implicated in stress response, chromosome partitioning, replication initiation, mycelium development, and sporulation. Obg proteins are among a large group of GTP binding proteins conserved from bacteria to man. Members of the family contain two equally and highly conserved domains, a C-terminal GTP binding domain and an N-terminal glycine-rich domain. Structural analysis of Bacillus subtilis Obg revealed respective domain architectures and how they are coupled through the putative switch elements of the C-terminal GTPase domain in apo and nucleotide-bound configurations. Biochemical analysis of bacterial and human Obg proteins combined with the structural observation of the ppGpp nucleotide within the Obg active sight suggest a potential role for ppGpp modulation of Obg function in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

RhoA GTPase is a key intracellular regulator of actomyosin dynamics and other cell functions, including adhesion, proliferation, survival, and gene expression. Most of our knowledge of RhoA signaling function is from studies in immortalized cell lines utilizing inhibitors or dominant mutant overexpression, both of which are limited in terms of specificity, dosage, and clonal variation. Recent mouse gene targeting studies of rhoA and its regulators/effectors have revealed cell type-specific signaling mechanisms in the context of mammalian physiology. The new knowledge may present therapeutic opportunities for the rational targeting of RhoA signaling-mediated pathophysiologies.  相似文献   

Der (double Era-like GTPase) is an essential GTPase consisting of two GTP-binding motifs in tandem followed by a KH-like domain. Der plays a critical role in 50S ribosome maturation at a later biogenesis step. Here, we attempted to identify a protein interacting with Der that modulates its function and regulation. Using a yeast two-hybrid, we discovered that Der interacts with YihI, which activates the GTPase activity of Der. Its overexpression affected cell growth, causing accumulation of rRNA precursors and an aberrant ribosome profile that was similar to that of Der-depleted cells, suggesting that Der and YihI are involved in the 50S ribosome assembly. The yihI deletion strain showed a shorter lag phase than wild-type strain, suggesting that YihI may be a negative regulator for ribosome assembly. We propose that YihI is a GAP (GTPase-activating protein)-like protein that modulates Der function to negatively regulate cell growth at the beginning of exponential growth.  相似文献   

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