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Organelle transport in neuronal processes is central to the organization, developmental fate, and functions of neurons. Organelles must be transported through the slender, highly branched neuronal processes, making the axonal transport vulnerable to any perturbation. However, some intracellular structures like mitochondria are able to considerably modify their volume. We therefore hypothesized that swollen mitochondria could impair the traffic of other organelles in neurite shafts. To test this hypothesis, we have investigated the effects of mitochondrial swellers on the organelle traffic. Our data demonstrate that treatment of neurons with potassium ionophore valinomycin led to the fast time-dependent inhibition of organelle movement in cerebellar granule neurons. Similar inhibition was observed in neurons treated with the inhibitors of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, sodium azide and antimycin, which also induced swelling. No decrease in the motility of organelles was observed in cultures treated with inhibitors of ATP production or transport, oligomycin or bongkrekic acid, suggesting that inhibition of the ATP-generating activity itself without swelling does not affect the motility of organelles. The effect of swellers on the traffic was more important in thin processes, thus indicating the role of steric hindrance of swollen mitochondria. We propose that the size and morphology of the transported cargo is also relevant for seamless axonal transport and speculate that mitochondrial swelling could be one of the reasons for impaired organelle transport in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

We developed a two-dimensional model of transport-dependent intracellular calcium signaling in endothelial cells (ECs). Our purpose was to evaluate the effects of spatial colocalization of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and capacitative calcium entry (CCE) channels in caveolae on eNOS activation in response to ATP. Caveolae are specialized microdomains of the plasma membrane that contain a variety of signaling molecules to optimize their interactions and regulate their activity. In ECs, these molecules include CCE channels and eNOS. To achieve a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms of microdomain calcium signaling and the preferential sensitivity of eNOS to calcium entering the cell through CCE channels, we constructed a mathematical model incorporating the cell morphology and cellular physiological processes. The model predicts that the spatial segregation of calcium channels in ECs can create transport-dependent sharp gradients in calcium concentration within the cell. The calcium concentration gradient is affected by channel density and cell geometry. This transport-dependent calcium signaling specificity effect is enhanced in ECs by increasing the spatial segregation of the caveolar signaling domains. Our simulation significantly advances the understanding of how Ca2+, despite its many potential actions, can mediate selective activation of signaling pathways. We show that diffusion-limited calcium transport allows functional compartmentalization of signaling pathways based on the spatial arrangements of Ca2+ sources and targets.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics of the neurons containing complex convolutions have been studied in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the 31-month-old rat. Neurons were seen to contain oval or round dense bodies which were surrounded by a nuclear membrane and granular endoplasmic reticulum. Their perikarya showed rarely clusters of pleomorphic and small clear vesicles intermingled with a few larger vesicles of dense material. Dendrites occasionally exhibited intermediate forms between laminated bodies and complex convolutions. The significance of these features has been discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we unmask a novel downregulation mechanism of the uric acid/xanthine transporter UapA, the prototype member of the ubiquitous Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporter family, directly related to its function. In the presence of substrates, UapA is endocytosed, sorted into the multivesicular body pathway and degraded in vacuoles. Substrate-induced endocytosis, unlike ammonium-induced turnover, is absolutely dependent on UapA activity and several lines of evidence showed that the signal for increased endocytosis is the actual translocation of substrates through the UapA protein. The use of several UapA functional mutants with altered kinetics and specificity has further shown that transport-dependent UapA endocytosis occurs through a mechanism, which senses subtle conformational changes associated with the transport cycle. We also show that distinct mechanisms of UapA endocytosis necessitate ubiquitination of a single Lys residue (K572) by HulARsp5. Finally, we demonstrate that in the presence of substrates, non-functional UapA versions can be endocytosed in trans if expressed in the simultaneous presence of active UapA versions, even if the latter cannot be endocytosed themselves.  相似文献   

Presenilin-1 null mutation (PS1 -/-) in mice is associated with morphological alterations and defects in cleavage of transmembrane proteins. Here, we demonstrate that PS1 deficiency also leads to the formation of degradative vacuoles and to the aberrant translocation of presynaptic alpha- and beta-synuclein proteins to these organelles in the perikarya of primary neurons, concomitant with significant increases in the levels of both synucleins. Stimulation of autophagy in control neurons produced a similar mislocalization of synucleins as genetic ablation of PS1. These effects were not the result of the loss of PS1 gamma-secretase activity; however, dysregulation of calcium channels in PS1 -/- cells may be involved. Finally, colocalization of alpha-synuclein and degradative organelles was observed in brains from patients with the Lewy body variant of AD. Thus, aberrant accumulation of alpha- and beta-synuclein in degradative organelles are novel features of PS1 -/- neurons, and similar events may promote the formation of alpha-synuclein inclusions associated with neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A phosphatase, hydrolyzing pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), a physiologically active component of the vitamin B6 complex and an essential co-enzyme in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, has been localized cytochemically in the perikarya of neurons in the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems of the rat. Neurons in dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and ventral horn of spinal cord were studied by light and electron microscopy, while Purkinje cells, neurons in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, thalamus, and hypothalamus were studied by light microscopy only. Optimal conditions for demonstrating this activity in aldehyde-fixed tissue were determined with dorsal root ganglia. At the optimal pH of 5.0, neurons in these ganglia and in all other neurons studied show pyridoxal-5-phosphatase (P5Pase) activity in GERL. Small neurons in dorsal root ganglia also display enzyme activity in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER); activities in GERL and ER are also appreciably high at neutral pH. Small and large neurons in these ganglia, and neurons of sympathetic ganglia, show variable P5Pase activity in the Golgi apparatus. These localizations differ from the usual sites of both acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities. The P5Pase activity, demonstrated cytochemically, is a new acid hydrolase activity in GERL.  相似文献   

The effect of covalent sulfhydryl modification on dopamine uptake by the human dopamine transporter was determined by rotating disc electrode voltammetry. A transporter construct, X5C, with five mutated cysteines (C90A, C135A, C306A, C319F, and C342A) and the constructs into which the wild-type cysteines were substituted back into X5C, one at a time, all showed nearly normal binding affinity for [(3)H]CFT and for cocaine, but they displayed significant reductions in K(m) and V(max) for DA uptake. Reaction of Cys-90 or Cys-306 with impermeant methanethiosulfonate derivatives enhanced dopamine uptake to a similar extent as the previously observed enhancement of [(3)H]CFT binding caused by the same reaction, suggesting that cocaine may bind preferentially to a conformation in the transport cycle. m-Tyramine increased the rate of reaction of (2-aminoethyl)methanethiosulfonate (MTSEA) with X-A342C, the construct with a cytoplasmic loop residue Cys-342 restored. This m-tyramine-induced increase in reactivity appeared to require the inward transport rather than the outward transport or external binding of m-tyramine, and it was prevented by cocaine. Thus, inward translocation of substrates may involve structural rearrangement of hDAT, which likely exposes Cys-342 to reaction with MTSEA, and Cys-342 may be located on a part of the transporter associated with cytoplasmic gating.  相似文献   

Dynamics of spatial reorganization of organellas in catecholamine-synthesizing neurons of A1 group, that participate in reactions of the cardiovascular control, have been studied under normal conditions and under stimulation of the ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus. During transition of the hypertensive reaction into the hypotensive one, concentration of various organellas in the Golgi complex area and in the perinuclear zone is intensively increasing. Deep mutual nucleocytoplasmic invaginations appear. The spatial reorganization of the organellas in the neuron demonstrates that some new integrations take place in its metabolic system and reflects its another qualitative state. This serves as an impulse for structural adaptive modifications of the synaptic apparatus. There is a reason to suppose that one of the ways for organization of the alive system stability to an emotional stress is the way of reorganization of the connections, creation of another physiological architecture of the functional system, that can ensure the adaptive reactions of the organism to emotional overstrains.  相似文献   

Changing interactions between astrocytes and neurons during CNS maturation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The environments of the developing brain and injured adult brain differ in their abilities to support axonal growth. To determine if astrocytes contribute to this difference, neurons were plated onto astrocytes cultured from the neonatal rat cortex and from the injured adult brain. Two patterns of neurite growth were observed in these two astrocyte culture systems. Neurons contacting the neonatal astrocytes had neurites that were twice as long as those contacting the injured adult astrocytes. Furthermore, in cultures with neonatal astrocytes, neurites faithfully followed the astrocytic processes, maximizing their contact, while in cultures of injured adult astrocytes, the neurites had a tendency to cross the processes orthogonally, minimizing their interaction with the astrocytes. When neurons were grown suspended over either neonatal or injured adult astrocytes, no difference in neurite length or the pattern of neurite growth was observed, indicating that neurite growth was not differentially affected by soluble factors released from the two populations of astrocytes. The addition of fetal calf serum, which is known to contain protease inhibitors, did not alter neurite growth when compared to serum-free medium, suggesting that a substantial difference in protease activity does not account for the variations in neurite length observed. Based on these results, it appears that the molecular components of the external surface of injured adult astrocytes do not support neurite growth to the same extent as those found on neonatal astrocytes. The differing abilities of these two populations of cultured astrocytes to support neurite growth in culture may reflect a change in the functional role of these cells that occurs during the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of microtubule-associated tau protein on trafficking of vesicles and organelles in primary cortical neurons, retinal ganglion cells, and neuroblastoma cells. Tau inhibits kinesin-dependent transport of peroxisomes, neurofilaments, and Golgi-derived vesicles into neurites. Loss of peroxisomes makes cells vulnerable to oxidative stress and leads to degeneration. In particular, tau inhibits transport of amyloid precursor protein (APP) into axons and dendrites, causing its accumulation in the cell body. APP tagged with yellow fluorescent protein and transfected by adenovirus associates with vesicles moving rapidly forward in the axon (approximately 80%) and slowly back (approximately 20%). Both movements are strongly inhibited by cotransfection with fluorescently tagged tau (cyan fluorescent protein-tau) as seen by two-color confocal microscopy. The data suggests a linkage between tau and APP trafficking, which may be significant in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Summary Direct current (DC) measurement methods have been commonly used to characterize the conductance properties of the mammalian colon. However, these methods provide no information concerning the effects of tissue morphology on the electrophysiological properties of this epithelium. For example, distribution of membrane resistances along narrow fluid-filled spaces such as the lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) or colonic crypts can influence DC measurements of apical and basolateral membrane properties. We used impedance analysis to determine the extent of such distributed resistance effects and to assess the conductance and capacitance properties of the colon. Because capacitance is proportional to membrane area, this method provides new information concerning membrane areas and specific ionic conductances for these membranes.We measured transepithelial impedance under three conditions: (1) control conditions in which the epithelium was opencircuited and bathed on both sides with NaCl–HCO3 Ringer's solutions, (2) amiloride conditions which were similar to control except that 100 m amiloride was present in the mucosal bathing solution, and (3) mucosal NaCl-free conditions in which mucosal Na and Cl were replaced by potassium and sulfate or gluconate (K+ Ringer's). Three morphologically-based equivalent circuit models were used to evaluate the data: (1) a lumped model (which ignores LIS resistance), (2) a LIS distributed model (distributed basolateral membrane impedance) and (3) a crypt-distributed model (distributed apical membrane impedance). To estimate membrane impedances, an independent measurement of paracellular conductance (G s ) was incorporated in the analysis. Although distributed models yielded improved fits of the data, the distributed and lumped models produced similar estimates of membrane parameters. The predicted effects of distributed resistances on DC microelectrode measurements were largest for the LIS-distributed model. LIS-distributed effects would cause a 12–15% underestimate of membrane resistance ratio (R a /R b ) for the control and amiloride conditions and a 34% underestimate for the K Ringer's condition. Distributed resistance effects arising from the crypts would produce a 1–2% overestimate ofR a /R b .Apical and basolateral membrane impedances differed in the three different experimental conditions. For control conditions, apical membrane capacitance averaged 21 F/cm2 and the mean apical membrane specific conductance (G a-norm) was 0.17 mS/F. The average basolateral membrane capacitance was 11 F/cm2 with a mean specific conductance (G b-norm) of 1.27 mS/F.G a-norm was decreased by amiloride or K+ ringer's to 0.07 mS/gmF and 0.06 mS/F, respectively. Basolateral conductance was also reduced by amiloride, whereas capacitance was unchanged (G b-norm=0.97 mS/F). For the K+ Ringer's condition, both basolateral conductance and capacitance were greatly increased such thatG b-norm was not significantly different from the control condition.  相似文献   

Using in vitro cultures of dissociated brain neurons and astrocytes, we have compared the morphologies of mesencephalic and striatal neurons cultured for two days on mesencephalic and striatal astrocytes in the four possible combinations. From these comparisons, it appears that: 1. Neurons grown on co-regionalized (homotopic) astrocytes have more primary neurites and branching points than neurons grown on heterotopic astrocytes. 2. The total neuritic length is only slightly affected by the type of co-culture. 3. The branched arborization which develop faster on homotopic astrocytes present several dendritic features. Following these morphological observations, we have been able to demonstrate: 1. That mesencephalic astrocytes (but not striatal astrocytes) secrete trypsin sensitive factors different from laminin and FGF that increase the number of primary neurites and branching points but have no or little effect on total neuritic length. 2. That mesencephalic astrocytes (but not striatal astrocytes) present at their surface a 190 KD glycoprotein specifically recognized by the fucose-specific lectin UEA.  相似文献   

Co-operative dynamics in organelles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some organelles produce elementary life phenomena which are characterized by the spontaneous formation and/or maintenance of ordered macroscopic dynamics like e.g. the shortening of sarcomeres in striated muscle and the transmission of electrical impulses in an axon. It has been widely accepted that such organelles are organized molecular systems where molecular elements work independently under constraint of a more or less rigid and regular structure of the system. On the other hand, such organelles should be regarded as self-organizing systems if the ordered macroscopic dynamics are self-organized. As the macroscopic dynamics gradually emerge, the microscopic dynamics of its elements become linked to each other through a feedback loop. It is crucial for the feedback loop to operate that the macroscopic dynamics are "free" in their behavior. In the present paper, it is pointed out that the traditional view of independent molecular elements has been obtained from experiments in which, by means of external constraint, the macroscopic dynamics is "clamped". Under such conditions, the self-organizing system may behave as an organized one. Based on synergetics we propose criterions for proving self-organizing systems, and, by applying the criterions, we conclude that skeletal muscle actomysin is a co-operative element in the sense of self-organization.  相似文献   

Neuritogenesis, neuronal polarity formation, and maturation of axons and dendrites are strongly influenced by both biochemical and topographical extracellular components. The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of polylactic acid electrospun fiber topography on primary motor neuron development, because regeneration of motor axons is extremely limited in the central nervous system and could potentially benefit from the implementation of a synthetic scaffold to encourage regrowth. In this analysis, we found that both aligned and randomly oriented submicron fibers significantly accelerated the processes of neuritogenesis and polarity formation of individual cultured motor neurons compared to flat polymer films and glass controls, likely due to restricted lamellipodia formation observed on fibers. In contrast, dendritic maturation and soma spreading were inhibited on fiber substrates after 2 days in vitro. This study is the first to examine the effects of electrospun fiber topography on motor neuron neuritogenesis and polarity formation. Aligned nanofibers were shown to affect the directionality and timing of motor neuron development, providing further evidence for the effective use of electrospun scaffolds in neural regeneration applications. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 589–603, 2010  相似文献   

There has been indirect evidence that the olfactory system of mammals could be functional shortly before birth. Taking advantage of the accessibility of bird embryos, we studied the functional maturation of the olfactory mucosa during embryonic development in birds. Using the combination of electrophysiological EOG recordings and immunohistochemical studies, it was possible to directly demonstrate for the first time that the olfactory system is functional during embryogenesis from embryonic day (ED) 13 and that the beginning of olfactory function coincides with the first localization of the calcium dependent calmodulin kinase II (CaMKIIalpha) in the dendrites of the olfactory receptor neurons. CaMKII and olfactory receptor genes are expressed much earlier in olfactory neurons, both involved in the sensory transduction, but the pattern of expression of CaMKIIalpha changes during the ontogenesis. The increase of EOG amplitude between ED13 and ED15 also coincides with the increase of the number of neurons presenting the dendritic localization of CaMKIIalpha. These results suggest that the enzyme CaMKII might play a role in the functional maturation of the olfactory mucosa.  相似文献   

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