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Seasonal changes in abundance and species composition of rotifers were surveyed at five locations under different physical and chemical conditions in the south basin of Lake Biwa during July 1987–June 1988. Total density of rotifers showed similar seasonal fluctuation with three peaks, although the maximum density showed north (low)-south (high) gradient. Polyarthra spp. (P. vulgaris and P. dolichoptera with low density) dominated except during July–October 1987 and April–May 1988. In the former period the species of Brachionus, Trichocerca, Filinia and Hexarthra, and in the latter, those of Synchaeta, Keratella and Kellicottia had somewhat different proportions in the communities of north and south stations, respectively. The difference in composition during July–October suggests a difference of trophic state between the northern and southern areas in the south basin of Lake Biwa. However, the dominance of Polyarthra and the difference in the composition during April–May 1988 could not be explained by such a difference in trophic state. No critical difference was observed in the community structure of the eastern area of the south basin, where the seasonal fluctuations in nutrient levels and phytoplankton community structure were different from other areas in the south basin. The present results, therefore, suggest that physical and chemical conditions were not effective in controlling the rotifer community structure in the south basin of Lake Biwa.  相似文献   

An effect of age of quarry lakes on rotifer abundance and species composition has been evaluated. Rotifers occurred in all lakes under study. They were even found in the youngest (2 years of age) one, Rogonica 4, but both rotifer density and species richness were low there. Rotifer communities of much higher density and species diversity were noted in lakes only 4–6 years older. Lakes of over 30 years of age were strongly differentiated in rotifer numbers and species structure. In general, age of quarry lakes has an impact on rotifer communities only at the very beginning of the process of colonization. Several years later other factors become more important, e.g., depth or trophic state of the lakes.  相似文献   

Agricultural history was investigated by means of pollen and charcoal analyses from the sediment of Lake Kirjavalampi in the Riekkalansaari Island, in the northern archipelago of Lake Ladoga, NW Russia (61°44N, 30°46E). Pollen and charcoal stratigraphies, and loss-on-ignition were analysed from a 0–294-cm profile cored from the deepest part of the small lake. The pollen profile was divided into six local pollen assemblage zones Kir 1–6 and dated by three radiocarbon samples. Lake Kirjavalampi was isolated from Lake Ladoga between 1460–1300 b.c., when the River Neva was formed as a new outlet for Lake Ladoga and the water level rapidly fell. The isolation is seen as a phase of rapid sedimentation in Kir 2 (237–173 cm). Spruce (Picea) starts to decline at 113 cm ca. a.d. 70, and the earliest cereal (Secale cereale) pollen was encountered at the 97-cm level, empirically dating the onset of cultivation to ca. a.d. 600. A marked intensification in agricultural activities occurs around a.d. 1200, and the indication of an open cultivated landscape is at its strongest during the time period 1700 to 1850.  相似文献   

The study is based on multi-year monthly and yearly averaged time series of the Neva River discharge, monthly salinity observations from near-shore hydrographic and hydrometeorological stations in the Gulf of Finland, and several years of data from international seasonal salinity observations in the open region of NE Baltic Sea. There is a good coherence between seasonal variations of the Neva River flow and the salinity regime in the upper layer of the Baltic Sea. Near the shores periods of low, normal and high salinity correspond to the periods of high, normal and low river runoff, and the same trends are observed with some time lag in the open parts of the Sea as well. The impacts of the Neva River discharge oscillations on salinity of the Gulf of Finland surface waters are analyzed in terms of time regression probability models. The obtained river flow-marine salinity transfer functions summarize well the observation data on both multiannual and seasonal scales of variability. Some seasonal periods with different anomalies of the influence are distinguished.  相似文献   

The results of a joint Russian-Finnish investigation on zooplankton in Lake Ladoga are presented, and a comparison is made between two sampling techniques, tube sampler and plankton net, and between two counting methods. The precision of subsampling and sampling is further discussed on the basis of zooplankton data gathered in Lake Saimaa, Finland. The comparison clearly indicates that a tube sampler is required for reliable sampling of small-sized animals, while a plankton net saves time and is a more economical sampler for large, rare or active animals. The comparison between the results obtained by Finnish and Russian workers, using different counting procedures, shows that the main groups of crustacean zooplankton are similarly counted and identified in the two laboratories.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水体中紫外线状况及藻体内MAAs的检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对太湖梅梁湾水体中的紫外线状况以及藻体内MAAs的研究时发现:在一年的1~3月,紫外线与有效光合辐射的比值较低,而在7月较高,其余月份相对稳定;可溶性有机碳(Doc)的含量有明显的季节性变化;有色可溶性有机碳(CDOC)对紫外线的衰减作用较为明显;通过紫外分光光度计扫描和高效液相色谱方法对藻类研究时发现,藻体内有含量较高的MAAs类物质,主要为shinorine和porphyra-334。  相似文献   

The effect of some environmental factors on the composition and spatial distribution of the meiobenthos were studied in Vostok Bay. The spatial density of the meiobenthos significantly positively correlated with ground type and was maximum in fine- grained sands. The eumeiobenthos was dominated by harpacticoids in coarse-grained ground and by nematodes in ground with a high silt content. The pseudomeiobenthos was dominated by polychaetes and bivalve mollusks in all ground types. The depth distribution of the meiobenthos was highly heterogenous, harpacticoids being the only group whose distribution correlated significantly with depth.  相似文献   

珠江口伶仃洋海域底层游泳动物的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
珠江口伶仃洋海域是渔业资源的重要栖息地,近年来由于人类活动的加剧导致生态环境质量下降。为进一步了解栖息环境恶化对渔业资源的影响,于2009年8月至2010年4月采用底拖网在珠江口伶仃洋海域进行了游泳动物4个季节的调查。共鉴定游泳动物92种,其中鱼类54种,甲壳类32种和头足类6种。游泳动物种数夏季最高,为52种,春季最低,仅35种,春、夏季和冬、春季种类季节更替显著。优势种组成较为稳定,以日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、黑斑口虾蛄(Oratosquilla kempi)和棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)为主要优势种,其中日本蟳为全年优势种,平均尾数密度占总密度的8.07%~26.22%。游泳动物资源密度和尾数密度季节变化趋势一致,均为夏季最高,秋季和春季次之,冬季最低。珠江口伶仃洋海域温度和盐度有明显的季节变化,夏季和秋季温度较高,盐度较低,冬季和春季温度较低,而盐度较高。温度是伶仃洋海域游泳动物种类和数量季节变化的主要因子。与历史资料比较,珠江口主要经济鱼、虾类出现小型化趋势。  相似文献   

An ecological project for water purification was conducted in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, which supplies one-third of the drinking water for Wuxi City, China. Sediment dredging was employed. The floating-leaf and floating macrophytes were planted, combined with wave-attenuating, algal bloom blocking to improve the water quality. At the same time, large amounts of fish net were placed in the experimental zone, to which massive periphytes adhere. To evaluate the effectiveness of remediation, many studies were based on chemical analysis or acute toxicity test. In this study, chronic toxicities before and after the ecological project in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, China, were evaluated based on a battery of in vitro bioassays, including EROD bioassay, recombined yeast assay, as well as umu test for detection of Ah-receptor (AhR) agonists, estrogenic chemicals and genotoxic chemicals, respectively. Before remediation, AhR effect, estrogenic effect and indirect genotoxicity were all detected in sediments of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake. After amelioration, levels of AhR agonists decreased by 42.3–80.7%, estrogenic chemicals decreased by 71.6–93.9% and indirect genotoxic chemicals decreased by 23.2–75.0%. Results showed that the ecological project effectively removed the chronic toxicants from the sediments.  相似文献   

The nitrogen (N) uptake kinetic parameters for Microcystis field assemblages collected from the San Francisco Bay Delta (Delta) in 2012 and non-toxic and toxic laboratory culture strains of M. aeruginosa were assessed. The 15N tracer technique was used to investigate uptake of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3), urea and glutamic acid over short-term incubations (0.5–1 h), and to study inhibition of NO3, NH4+ and urea uptake by NH4+, NO3 and NH4+, respectively. This study demonstrates that Delta Microcystis can utilize different forms of inorganic and organic N, with the greatest capacity for NH4+ uptake and the least for glutamic acid uptake, although N uptake did not always follow the classic Michaelis–Menten hyperbolic relationship at substrate concentrations up to 67 μmol N L−1. Current ambient N concentrations in the Delta may be at sub-saturating levels for N uptake, indicating that if N loading (especially NH4+) were to increase, Delta Microcystis assemblages have the potential for increased N uptake rates. Delta Microcystis had the highest specific affinity, α, for NH4+ and the lowest for NO3. In culture, N uptake by non-toxic and toxic M. aeruginosa strains was much higher than from the field, but followed similar N utilization trends to those in the field. Neither strain showed severe inhibition of NO3 uptake by NH4+ or inhibition of NH4+ uptake on NO3, but both strains showed some inhibition of urea uptake by NH4+.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The distribution of marine birds relative to water clarity was examined in the nearshore waters of Monterey Bay, California. I conducted nine at-sea surveys in 1999 and 2000 and simultaneously recorded water clarity and the density of five taxa of marine birds. Among plunge-divers, Forster's Terns ( Sterna forsteri ) occurred more frequently than expected over turbid water (<2.5 m Secchi depth) and, among pursuit-diving species, Brandt's Cormorants ( Phalacrocorax penicillatus ) occurred most often in the clearest water available (>5 m Secchi depth). Turbidity in Monterey Bay may be caused by suspended organic matter, including phytoplankton, during summer and fall. Forster's Tern may prefer such areas because small fish are likely to occur near this potential food source. Brandt's Cormorants probably rely on vision to catch fish near the bottom and turbid water may reduce available light and limit visual acuity. The distribution of Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis ), Western/Clark's Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis/clarkii ), and Marbled Murrelets ( Brachyramphus marmoratus ) did not appear to be influenced by turbidity levels, indicating that some seabirds use marine habitats with a wide range of water clarities.  相似文献   

Regularities of distribution and primary production of an Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Kanno et Matsubara) Mak. population, an agar-containing red alga, were studied in the Bay ot Izmena. Experiments were conducted in a flow-through system under conditions similar to algal habitats. The population of A. tobuchiensis unattached to the ground may be from a few centimeters to as much as 1 m thick. It has been shown that only the upper part of a stratum 15–20 cm thick receives a sufficient amount ot light to realize its production potential. While 15–20% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) of that falling on the water surface reaches the stratum surface, only 0.1% of PAR from that falling on the water surface penetrates through stratum 15 cm thick. It has been shown for A. tobuchiensis that its photosynthetic rate curve during the daytime mainly follows the PAR intensity curve. The highest values of photosynthetic rate have been measured in the afternoon when PAR reaches its maximum. It is noted that a stratum 15–20 cm thick has peak values ot net primary production (NPP) which averages 3.2 g C m?2 day?1. The total area of A. tobuchiensis population was 23.4 km2, and its biomass was 125 000 tons in this area. On average, the NPP of the A. tobuchiensis population made up in summer and in autumn was 46.8 and 25.0% of its biomass, respectively.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾冬季水-气界面二氧化碳通量日变化观测研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用静态箱式法对太湖梅梁湖区冬季(2003年12月23日8:00~26日6:00)的水气界面CO2通量进行了昼夜连续观测,共测得60组数据,分析了梅梁湾湖区CO2通量的冬季日变化规律。结果表明,在光照条件较好,风速较小情况下,白天梅梁湾湖区为CO2的汇,极大值出现在14:00时,其平均CO2通量为-3.01 mg.m-2.h-1;夜间梅梁湾湖区CO2通量值为-0.897~1.006 mg.m-2.h-1,其平均通量为-0.02 mg.m-2.h-1;在阴天、风速较大时,湖区CO2通量日变化与前面有较大差异,表现为CO2的强源,最大CO2通量达到76.53 mg.m-2.h-1。  相似文献   

The abundance, weight, and age structure of aggregations of the Far East trepang Apostichopus japonicuswere studied in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, during the first part of September 2000. The highest density of aggregations (8.3 ± 0.5 ind/m2) and biomass (131.88 ± 10.50 g/m2) of animals was characteristic for coastal sites at the depth 0.5–1.5 m. With anincrease in depth the biomass and density of A. japonicusreduced 1.5 and 3 (depth 5–6 m), 220 and 830 times (depth 8–15 m) respectively. The ratio of large animals concurrently increased in the aggregation structure. The specifics of the distribution and spatial variability of the aggregation structure are discussed in relation to uncontrolled fishing of holothurians of large sizes.  相似文献   

1. The geographical distribution of planktonic rotifer species was investigated in 31 lakes in the North Island of New Zealand.
2. A total of 78 species was recorded. Species richness, previously thought to be low in New Zealand, was found to be comparable with that of northern temperate lakes with an average of 21.1 species found per lake. The large, deep oligotrophic Lake Taupo had the lowest richness, and the artificial reservoirs the highest.
3. The distribution of species, investigated using multivariate techniques [Cluster analysis, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)], was most strongly associated with trophic state gradients. For example, Conochilus unicornis, C. dossuarius and Ascomorpha ovalis were associated with more oligotrophic conditions, and Brachionus budapestinensis, B. calyciflorus and Keratella tropica with more eutrophic conditions. Inorganic turbidity was also of importance in determining rotifer distributions in some shallower lakes.
4. Some species, for example K. australis and C. exiguus , appear to be limited in distribution by poor dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

Inorganic Carbon of Sediments in the Yangtze River Estuary and Jiaozhou Bay   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
JGOFS results showed that the ocean is a major sink for the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from human activity. However, the role of the coastal seas in the global carbon cycling is poorly understood. In the present work, the inorganic carbon (IC) in the Yangtze River Estuary and Jiaozhou Bay are studied as examples of offshore sediments. Sequential extraction was used to divide inorganic carbon in the sediments into five forms, NaCl form, NH3 H2O form, NaOH form, NH2OH HCl form and HCl form. Studied of their content and influencing factors were also showed that NaCl form < NH3 H2O form<NaOH form < NH2OH HCl form<HCl form, and that their influencing factors of pH, Eh, Es, water content, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen, organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus on inorganic carbon can be divided into two groups, and that every factor has different influence on different form or on the same form in different environment. Different IC form may transform into each other in the early diagenetic process of sediment, but NaCl form, NH3 H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH HCl form may convert to HCl form ultimately. So every IC form has different contribution to carbon cycling. This study showed that the contribution of various form of IC to the carbon cycle is in the order of NaOH form>NH2OH HCl form>NH3 H2O form>NaCl form>HCl form, and that the contribution of HCl form contributes little to carbon cycling, HCl form may be one of end-result of atmospheric CO2. So Yangtze River estuary sediment may absorb at least about 40.96×1011 g atmospheric CO2 every year, which indicated that offshore sediment play an important role in absorbing atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The ecosystems of the rivers Rhine and Meuse have suffered drastic environmental changes, for example because of the regulation of the stream bed and the construction of weirs and dams. Furthermore, discharges of industrial and municipal waste water have caused the water quality of these rivers to deteriorate; this problem became acute in the sixties and seventies. Recently some chemical parameters of water quality have improved in the Rhine, and as a consequence some aquatic communities are showing signs of recovery after decades of severe degradation. This paper describes the present state of the aquatic communities in the Dutch part of the rivers Rhine and Meuse, using published observations on plankton, macrophytes, invertebrates, and fish. The sparse information on the food chain in these rivers is summarized. The main channels of the Rhine and Meuse are characterized by a dense plankton that develops rapidly in the nutrient-rich river waters. The stream beds, now dominated by wave-exposed sand and gravel, have a sparse fauna and flora. The river banks, mostly consolidated by blocks of stone, offer a substratum for numerous benthic organisms, particularly now that the water quality has improved. The floodplain waters and old river channels harbour a flora and fauna rich in species. The degree of water exchange with the river is crucial for the ecological development of the river and its backwaters. Today the freshwater tidal reaches of the rivers occupy a very restricted area, and only remnants of the previously abundant vegetation of rushes are found. Losses in the numbers of animal and plant species, notably those specific to rivers, are evident, but over the last 15 years several species have returned. Allochthonous species (exotics), including crustaceans and molluscs, have also settled in the Rhine and Meuse. Fish species characteristic of these rivers, such as river lamprey, sea trout, barbel, and flounder, have recently been observed in appreciable numbers. The Rhine Action Programme provides a framework for the large-scale rehabilitation of the Rhine. Experiments on re-stocking the Rhine with Atlantic salmon and on the ecological rehabilitation of floodplains are being carried out on the assumption that there will be a further reduction of the pollution load. A similar programme is required for the Meuse.  相似文献   

Gene therapy is defined as a technology that aims to modify the genetic component of cells to gain therapeutic benefits. Suicide gene therapy (or gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy [GDEPT]) is a two-step treatment for cancer (especially, solid tumors). In the first step, a gene for a foreign enzyme is delivered to the tumor by a vector. Following the expression of the foreign enzyme, a prodrug is administered during the second step, which is selectively activated in the tumor. This article discusses the principles and the theoretical background of GDEPT. A special emphasis is put on enzyme/prodrug systems developed for GDEPT, the design of prodrugs and the kinetic of their activation, the types and the mechanisms of bystander effect and its immunological implications. The possible strategies to improve GDEPT are also discussed.  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区湿地遥感监测与评估:现状、挑战及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志峰  曹峥  宋松  蒋卫国  郭冠华  吴艳艳 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8440-8450
粤港澳大湾区水热丰沛河网密布,岸线曲折峡湾众多,复杂的自然条件孕育了丰富的湿地资源,构成了区域生态安全屏障的重要防线。近几十年来气候变化与区域高强度人类活动的双重胁迫下,大湾区湿地资源面积衰减、质量退化趋势明显,亟需开展湿地资源监测与评估研究,为国家战略提供基础保障。现阶段湿地遥感已实现由最初的湿地面积、形态提取向湿地生物物理参量提取的过程转变,然而粤港澳大湾区特有的气候特征,限制了传统光学影像在湿地遥感领域的应用,大大提升了此区域长时间序列湿地遥感数据获取的难度。此外,如何实现湿地生态价值与生态资产对接与评估,也是现阶段自然资源监测管理面临的重大课题之一。本文基于粤港澳大湾区建设的国家战略需求,讨论湿地资源在构建大湾区生态安全保障体系中的重要地位,厘清大湾区湿地资源保护与利用存在的关键技术瓶颈与核心科学问题,围绕湿地遥感监测、湿地资源生态资产价值评估、湿地生态功能分区与定位等关键问题,指出开展粤港澳大湾区湿地遥感监测与评估面临的挑战,明确构建"天-空-地"湿地遥感监测的综合技术体系实施方案,并展望粤港澳大湾区湿地常态化监测与资产评估的几个重要方向:1构建适用于不同自然环境特征的湿地分...  相似文献   

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