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Tissues were fixed at 20° C for 1 hr in 1% OsO4, buffered at pH 7.4 with veronal-acetate (Palade's fixative), soaked 5 min in the same buffer without OsO4, then dehydrated in buffer-acetone mixtures of 30, 50, 75 and 90% acetone content, and finally in anhydrous acetone. Infiltration was accomplished through Vestopal-W-acetone mixtures of 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 to undiluted Vestopal. After polymerisation at 60° C for 24 hr, 1-2 μ sections were cut, dried on slides without adhesive, and stained by any of the following methods. (1) Mayer's acid hemalum: Flood the slides with the staining solution and allow to stand at 20°C for 2-3 hr while the water of the solution evaporates; wash in distilled water, 2 min; differentiate in 1% HCl; rinse 1-2 sec in 10% NH,OH. (2) Iron-trioxyhematein (of Hansen): Apply the staining solution as in method 1; wash 3-5 min in 5% acetic acid; restain for 1-12 hr by flooding with a mixture consisting of staining solution, 2 parts, and 1 part of a 1:1 mixture of 2% acetic acid and 2% H2SO4 (observe under microscope for staining intensity); wash 2 min in distilled water and 1 hr in tap water. (3) Iron-hematoxylin (Heidenhain): Mordant 6 hr in 2.5% iron-alum solution; wash 1 min in distilled water; stain in 1% or 0.5% ripened hematoxylin for 3-12 br; differentiate 8 min in 2.5%, and 15 min in 1% iron-alum solution; wash 1 hr in tap water. (4) Aceto-carmine (Schneider): Stain 12-24 hr; wash 0.5-1.0 min in distilled water. (5) Picrofuchsin: Stain 24-48 hr in 1% acid fuchsin dissolved in saturated aqueous picric acid; differentiate for only 1-2 sec in 96% ethanol. (6) Modified Giemsa: Mix 640 ml of a solution of 9.08 gm KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of distilled water and 360 ml of a solution of 11.88 gm Na2HPO4-2H2O in 1000 ml of distilled water. Soak sections in this buffer, 12 hr. Dissolve 1.0 gm of azur I in 125 ml of boiling distilled water; add 0.5 gm of methylene blue; filter and add hot distilled water until a volume of 250 ml is reached (solution “AM”). Dissolve 1.5 gm of eosin, yellowish, in 250 ml of hot distilled water; filter (solution “E”). Mix 1.5 ml of “AM” in 100 ml of buffer with 3 ml of “E” in 100 ml of buffer. Stain 12-24 hr. Differentiate 3 sec in 25 ml methyl benzoate in 75 ml dioxane; 3 sec in 35 ml methyl benzoate in 65 ml acetone; 3 sec in 30 ml acetone in 70 ml methyl benzoate; and 3 sec in 5 ml acetone in 95 ml methyl benzoate. Dehydrated sections may be covered in a neutral synthetic resin (Caedax was used).  相似文献   

Staining of myelinated fibers including the delicate myelin sheaths of infantile animals is as follows: perfuse the anesthetized animal with a pH 7.4 posphate-buffered fixative, either 10% formalin, 6% gluteraldehyde or a mixture containing 3% gluteraldehyde and 2% acrolein. Dissect out the brain or spinal cord and continue fixation for at least 24 hr. Cut larger brains to 1 cm in at least one dimension. Wash in running tap water 2-3 hr and soak in 2.5% potassium dichromate in 1% acetic acid (the primary mordant) for 3-5 days in darkness. Wash at least 12 hr in running tap water. Dehydrate and embed in celloidin and store in 80% ethanol. Section at 25-60 μ into 80% ethanol. Wash 1-2 min in distilled water and then immerse in 1-2% ferric alum at 50 C for at least 1 hr (the secondary mordant). Wash in tap water and stain at least 1 hr at 50-60 C in 0.5% unripened hematoxylin in 1% acetic acid. Wash well in tap water and differentiate in a mixture containing 0.5% ferrityanide, 0.5% borax and 0.5% Na2CO3; 2 changes. Wash well in distilled water, then in tap water, and dehydrate, clear and mount. Myelin stains black, cell bodies stain tan, and the background is pale yellow. With minor modifications in timing, the method is applicable to frozen and to paraffin sections; the primary mordant being omitted in the freezing technique.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were stained in liver, kidney, pancreas, adrenal and intestinal mucosa of rat and mouse. Tissues 1 mm thick, were fixed in a mixture of saturated aqueous HgCl2, 90 ml; formalin (37-38% HCHO), 10 ml, at room temperature (25°C) for 1 hr. Deparaffinized sections 3-4μ thick were treated with Lugol's iodine (U.S.P.) followed by Na2S2O3 (5%), rinsed in water and the ribonucleic acid removed by any of the following procedures: 0.2 M McIlavaine's buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr, or 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr at 37°C; 0.1% aqueous ribonuclease, 2 hr at 37°C; 5% aqueous trichloracetic acid overnight at 37°C; or 1% KOH at room temperature for 1 hr. After washing in water, sections were treated with a saturated solution of ferric ammonium alum at 37°C for 8-12 hr and colored by Regaud's ripened hematoxylin for 18 hr. They were then differentiated in 1% ferric ammonium alum solution while under microscopic observation.  相似文献   

The survival and development of cow eggs in the rabbit oviduct after storage at room temperature and after cooling and storage at 0-7-5 degrees C was examined. In PBS medium at room temperature 88% of Day-5 and 85% of Day-3 eggs showed normal development, but in TCM 199, 71% of Day-5 and only 49% of Day-3 eggs showed normal development. Duration of storage (1 1/2-2 hr or 6 1/2-7 1/2 hr) and cleavage stage before storage had no appreciable effect on development. Some retardation of development occurred in Day-3 eggs after 96 hr in the rabbit oviduct when compared to Day-5 eggs after 48 hr. Cooling of Day-5 and Day-6 eggs to 0-7-5 degrees C resulted in degeneration of a large proportion of eggs. Of the factors examined, storage medium (PBS or PBS+20%FCS), storage time (2 min, 24 hr) and storage temperature (0, 2, 5 or 7-5 degrees C) had little effect, but slower cooling rates tended to improve survival of eggs although the differences were not significant. More morulae (greater than 32 cells) than 8-to 24-celled eggs developed normally.  相似文献   

Dog platelets were frozen with 6% dimethyl sulfoxide at 2-3 degrees C per minute in a -80 degrees C mechanical freezer. The frozen platelets were stored at -80 degrees C for as long as 39 months. After storage at -80 degrees C for less than 1 year, platelet in vitro freeze-thaw-wash recovery values were 70%, and in vivo survival values 1 to 2 hr after transfusion were 40% those of fresh platelets. After 2 years or longer storage, in vitro freeze-thaw-wash recovery values were 60%, and in vivo survival values 1 to 2 hr after transfusion were 20% those of fresh platelets. These results indicate that significant deterioration of the dog platelets occurred between the first and second year of storage at -80 degrees C. Platelets that were stored frozen at -80 degrees C for less than 1 year and washed before transfusion into lethally irradiated thrombocytopenic dogs were hemostatically effective.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies were conducted on the cercariae of Echinostoma caproni. Of the 15 media tried, 2 resulted in effective in vitro encystment in petri dish cultures maintained at 23 +/- 1 C. They were a Locke's--artificial springwater (ASW) (1:1) medium (67% encystment) and a Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic cell line medium (23% encystment). To obtain large numbers of in vitro--formed cysts, finger bowl cultures containing 40 ml of the Locke's-ASW (1:1) medium were used at 23 +/- 1 C. Of 3,000 cercariae tested, 1,890 (63%) were encysted in this medium by 48 hr. Most of these cysts looked similar to those formed in vivo, although some showed abnormalities in the outer cyst wall and other malformations. A total of 200 in vitro-formed cysts treated in an alkaline trypsin-bile salts (TB) medium for 2 hr at 41 C showed 94% excystation. In vitro-formed cysts fed to mice produced ovigerous adults within 2 wk postinfection (PI). Eggs from these worms gave rise to miracidia that produced patent intramolluscan infections in B. glabrata snails. In vivo encystment was studied in lab-raised juvenile Helisoma trivolvis (Colorado strain) snails, 1-3 mm in shell diameter. From 6 to 24 hr PI, 93-100% of the cercariae were recovered as metacercarial cysts in the snail tissue. Treatment of these cysts in the TB medium resulted in 96% excystation within 2 hr at 41 C.  相似文献   

Living root tips of coast redwood were pretreated for 6 hr at 10-14 C in a homogenized mixture of 0.003 M aqueous solution of about 5 ml of 8-hydroxyquinoline and a drop of castor oil. They were rinsed 2-3 times in Carnoy's alcohol-chloroform-acetic acid (3:2:1), and fixation allowed to continue in this fluid for 1 hr at 60 C. They were then hydrolysed in 1 N HC1 at 60 C for 45 min; washed with distilled water, and squashed in a drop of aceto-carmine or aceto-orcein to make a temporary slide, subsequently made permanent by a quick-freezing method. Our work to date seems to confirm 2n = 66 for S. sempervirens.  相似文献   

A quadruple staining procedure has been developed for staining pollen tubes in pistil. The staining mixture is made by adding the following in the order given: lactic acid, 80 ml; 1% aqueous malachite green, 4 ml; 1% aqueous acid fuchsin, 6 ml; 1% aqueous aniline blue, 4 ml; 1% orange G in 50% alcohol, 2 ml; and chloral hydrate, 5 g. Pistils are fixed for 6 hr in modified Carnoy's fluid (absolute alcohol:chloroform:glacial acetic acid 6:4:1), hydrated in descending alcohols, transferred to stain and held there for 24 hr at 45 +/- 2 C. They were then transferred to a clearing and softening fluid containing 78 ml lactic acid, 10 g phenol, 10 g chloral hydrate and 2 ml 1% orange G. The pistils were held there for 24 hr at 45 +/- 2 C, hydrolyzed in the clearing and softening fluid at 58 +/- 1 C for 30 min, then stored in lactic acid for later use or immediately mounted in a drop of medium containing equal parts of lactic acid and glycerol for examination. Pollen tubes are stained dark blue to bluish red and stylar tissue light green to light greenish blue. This stain permits pollen tubes to be traced even up to their entry into the micropyle.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were stained in liver, kidney, pancreas, adrenal and intestinal mucosa of rat and mouse. Tissues 1 mm thick, were fixed in a mixture of saturated aqueous HgCl2, 90 ml; formalin (37-38% HCHO), 10 ml, at room temperature (25°C) for 1 hr. Deparaffinized sections 3-4μ thick were treated with Lugol's iodine (U.S.P.) followed by Na2S2O3 (5%), rinsed in water and the ribonucleic acid removed by any of the following procedures: 0.2 M McIlavaine's buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr, or 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 2 hr at 37°C; 0.1% aqueous ribonuclease, 2 hr at 37°C; 5% aqueous trichloracetic acid overnight at 37°C; or 1% KOH at room temperature for 1 hr. After washing in water, sections were treated with a saturated solution of ferric ammonium alum at 37°C for 8-12 hr and colored by Regaud's ripened hematoxylin for 18 hr. They were then differentiated in 1% ferric ammonium alum solution while under microscopic observation.  相似文献   

Pineal bodies were removed immediately after death from 6 rats: representing both sexes, and adult and 21-day postnatal ages; cut into 2 or 3 pieces, and subjected to experimental fixations at pH 7.3, 0-4 C as follows: 1-2 hr in 1% OsO4, with veronal-acetate buffer of phosphate buffer; 3-4 hr in 3% or 6% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M or 0.2 M phosphate buffer, with or without 1% sucrose. Specimens from OsO4 were dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy resin; those from glutaraldehyde were allowed to soak in buffer for 12-16 hr, then transferred to 1% OsO4 at 0-4 C for 2 hr, and embedded in the same manner as the ones fixed directly in OsO4. Representative electron micrographs of postganglionic sympathetic endings were studied for the morphology and frequency of granular vesicles. No consistent difference was shown between vesicles fixed in OsO4 buffered by phosphate or by veronal-acetate, nor was there any effect caused by the different concentrations used for the glutaraldehyde solution; however, vesicles fixed by the glutaraldehyde-OsO4 sequence showed an enhancement in the graininess of their membranes, were slightly larger, and had a much larger dense core than those fixed by OsO4 alone. After glutaraldehyde-OsO4, granular vesicles showed a frequency of 81%, whereas after direct fixation in OsO4, only 40% without significant change their number per unit area. Therefore, glutaraldehyde-OsO4 seems to be more effective than straight OsO4 for the demonstration of granular vesicles in the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

For staining in toto, planarians are fixed in a mixture of 10 ml of commercial formalin, 45 ml of 95% ethanol and 2 ml of glacial acetic acid. After treatment with 70% ethanol 3-10 days, they are washed in distilled water and immersed in 10% CuSO4. 5H2O for 3 hr at 50° C, transferred without washing to 1% AgNO3 for 1.0-1.5 hr at 50° C; and then developed in: 10 ml of 1% pyrogallol, 100 ml of 56% ethanol and 1 ml of 0.2% nitric acid. Gold toning, 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration follow as usual. For staining sections, material is fixed in the same fixative, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 10 μ. After bringing sections to water, they are immersed in 20% CuSO4. 5H2O for 48 hr at 37° C; then rinsed briefly in distilled water and placed in 7% AgNO3 for 24 hr at 37° C. They are washed briefly in distilled water and reduced in: hydroquincne, 1 gm; Na2SO3, 5 gm and distilled water 100 ml. Gold toning, followed by 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration completes the process. Any counterstaining may follow.  相似文献   

Modifications in preparation techniques of acetolyzed pollen and spore exines for electron microscopy have reduced preparation time from the conventional 16-71 hr to 4-5 hr or less. These modifications include: (1) reduction of agar concentration from 4% to 0.9%; (2) omission of graded alcohol dehydration, going directly to acetone immersion and resin infiltration; (3) reduction of three steps in resin infiltration to one; (4) polymerization of resin at 80-85 C for 4-5 hr or at 90-98 C for 45-90 min, as opposed to conventional polymerization at 60-80 C for 12-59 hr.  相似文献   

For the meiotic study of Ipomea spp., flower buds were stripped of the calyx and corolla and soaked in saturated aqueous paradichlorobenzene at about 28° C for 3 hr, transferred to acetic-alcohol (1:3) for 6 hr, then into 1% saponin solution and left overnight. They were mordanted in 1:3 acetic-alcohol saturated with ferric oxide for 24 hr and stained in a mixture of 1% aceto-carmine and 2% aceto-orcein with 1 N HCl in the proportion of 9:9:1. The preparations were mounted in 1% aceto-carmine for temporary use and made permanent by dehydration through the n-butanol schedule. The pollen mother cells had clear cytoplasm with deeply stained chromosomes.  相似文献   

This procedure is especially suited for studying the embroyology of sexual and apomictic grasses. Material is fixed in a 2:2:1 alcohol-chloroform-propionic acid mixture for a minimum period of 2 days, soaked in 4% iron alum at 75 C for 7 min, and 2 min each in 2 changes of distilled water, also at 75 C. After 2-3 min in cold water, it is macerated in 50% HCI for 10 min at about 22-25 C, washed and mordanted for 12-16 hr in 50% alcohol saturated with ferric acetate. Ovules are then dissected out and squashed in 1% carmine in 45% propionic acid. Squashing should be firm enough to separate and flatten the embryo sacs but not to burst them. The slides are set aside for 12-24 hr for intensification of the stain.  相似文献   

Celloidin sections from formalin-fixed brain and spinal cord of primates are stored in 70% alcohol after cutting, soaked in 2% pyridine in 50% alcohol for 6-8 hr at 37 C, and transferred to 1% concentrated NH4OH in 50% alcohol 15-18 hr at 20-25 C. After washing and flattening, the sections are transferred to 1% silver protein solution containing 30 ml of 0.2 M H3BO3/100 ml. Impregnation is accomplished in 50 ml screw-top jars, 50 mm in diameter, which are filled to a depth of 35 mm, and have 1 gm of copper foil, 0.002 inch thick added. The foil is folded in loose accordion-fashion, pierced and threaded, cleaned in 5% HNO3, rinsed in distilled water, and suspended in the solution just above the sections by fastening the thread to the jar lid. The sections are impregnated for 24 hr at 37 C, rinsed in distilled water, reduced in a solution of 5% Na2SO3 and 1% hydroquinone for 10 min, washed in distilled water and toned in 0.2% gold chloride for 5 min. After rinsing in distilled water, the sections are transferred to 1% oxalic acid for 45-60 sec, washed in distilled water and placed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 5 min. Sections are then washed, dehydrated to 95% alcohol, cleared in terpineol, followed by 3 changes in xylene, and mounted.  相似文献   

Three methods that are adapted to the various consistencies of plants are as follows: 1. Samples are placed for 10-14 hr at 60° C in a 1% aqueous solution of basic fuchsin, to which 10 gm of solid NaOH per 100 ml are added. 2. Samples when taken out of 95% alcohol are placed in a 1% solution of basic fuchsin in 95% alcohol for 24 hr; after washing in water, they are placed in a 15% solution of NaOH at 60° C until cleared. 3. Samples are placed in a 15% aqueous solution of NaOH at 60° C until cleared, then for 24 hr at 60° C in 15% NaOH containing basic fuchsin. After being stained and cleared by one of these three methods, the samples are rinsed in water, dehydrated and then passed into a mixture of absolute alcohol and concentrated HC1 (3:1) for 1-15 min, rinsed in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylene and mounted in Canada balsam. The lignified tissues appear red; the others, transparent.  相似文献   

Summary Alcohol fixed blood films and fresh blocks of spinal cord were immersed in phosphate buffered neutral 10% formol for graded intervals, the films for 10, 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 hr; the blocks for 2, 4, 6, 24 hr at 3 and 24° C; 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56 da, 3 and 14 mo at 24–26°. Graded deaminations in 2 N NaNO2/HAc at 3° C were applied: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 min; 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, 36 hr. Blood films were stained at pH 6 and 6.5, tissue at pH 4.5 and 5.0, both in azure A eosin B. The point at which erythrocytes reached a slightly bluish green was taken as the end point, since no further color change occurred on further exposure and erythrocytes were the last of usually deamination susceptible tissue elements to lose their oxyphilia on deamination. Deamination of alcohol fixed blood films is completed in about 2 min, of sublimate fixed spinal cord in about 1 hr. Progressive formaldehyde exposure increased deamination time of blood films to 10–20 min in 1 hr, to 6–8 hr in 4 hr and to 12 hr in 24 hr. The tissue deamination showed similar progressive increase of deamination time, slower with 3° C fixation than with 24–26°, reaching 18–36 hr by about 3 days formol, and remaining about the same thereafter.Supported by National Cancer Institute Grant No. C-04816, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Test tissues consisted of: (1) popliteal lymph nodes of rabbits, removed 6 hr after injection of hind footpads with 0.2 ml of 125 mg/ml solution of 5× crystallized chicken ovalbumin, and (2) lungs from guinea pigs, passively sensitized with rabbit antiovalbumin serum, then anaphylactically shocked by intracardial injection of a 1% chicken ovalbumin solution. Similar control tissues from normal rabbits, and lungs of passively sensitized guinea pigs, but shocked with histamine instead of ovalbumin, were included. Pieces of fresh tissue not exceeding 2 mm3 were fixed as follows: (1) Cyanuration—lymph nodes, 1 hr; lung, 0.5 hr; both at 23-27 C—in anhydrous methanol containing 0.5% w/v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diethylaminoethanol. (2) Control fixatives—all specimens 18-24 hr at 4—6 C—absolute methanol; 95% ethanol; neutral buffered 10% formalin; and an FAA mixture (formalin, conc., 6; glacial acetic acid, 2; 30% ethanol, 92). Freeze-dried material was either left unfixed (a control) or fixed in xylene or toluene containing 0.5% w/'v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diisopropylaminoethanol; time and temperature as for fresh tissues. All tissues were routinely dehydrated, cleared, and vacuum embedded in an ester wax, diethylene glycol distearate, or in paraffin at 52 C. Sections 2-4 μ thick were attached to gelatin-coated slides, the wax removed in petroleum ether, and stained 20 min at 23-27 C in a 0.10% solution of fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated rabbit antiovalbumin globulin, washed in phosphate buffered saline 10 min, dehydrated, cleared and covered in a nonfluorescent medium. With ultraviolet illumination, brightly immunofluorescent, anti-genically specific staining was obtained in cyanurated fresh and freeze-dried lymph node and lung tissues. In contrast, specific staining was diminished or absent in comparable tissues reacted in the control fixatives.  相似文献   

Oxidation of the branched-chain amino acid leucine was studied in 22 male Sprague-Dawley rats (70-90 g) over 3 days following the ingestion on Day 1 of a mixed diet containing a tracer dose (10 muCi) of L-[1-14C]Leu. One group (E) completed 1 hr exercise at 80% VO2 max immediately after a 2-hr feeding period on all 3 days, while a second group served as a control. Rats from group E were sacrificed immediately after the 2 hr feeding on Day 1, following exercise on Days 1 and 3, and at the end of Day 3. The following were determined: (1) continuous 14CO2 production, (2) radioactivity remaining in the gastrointestinal tract, and (3) distribution of free vs protein bound 14C in muscle and liver. The results indicated that (1) 14CO2 production increased during exercise on all 3 days (P less than 0.01), (2) 14CO2 production also increased (P less than 0.05) following food intake (unlabeled diet), (3) 14CO2 production due to exercise was greater than that due to food intake (P less than 0.05), (4) absolute 14CO2 production decreased dramatically by 15 hr of Day 1 (P less than 0.01) with little change thereafter (except with exercise and food intake on Days 2 and 3), (5) greater than 98% of the labeled diet was absorbed from the GIT 51 hr postingestion, and (6) 14C in the free pool of muscle and liver could account for less than 15% of the total 14CO2 production. These results suggest that protein bound 14C in addition to free 14C may be responsible for a significant proportion of the observed increased 14CO2 production during exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the viability of Neospora caninum sporulated oocysts after various chemical and physical treatments. Bioassays in gerbils and molecular techniques (PCR-RFLP) were used for identification of the oocysts shed by experimentally infected dogs. Sporulated oocysts were purified and divided into 11 treatment groups as follows: absolute ethanol for 1 hr; 20 C for 6 hr; 4 C for 6 hr; 60 C for 1 min; 100 C for 1 min; 10% formaldehyde for 1 hr; 10% ammonia for 1 hr; 2% iodine for 1 hr; 10% sodium hypochlorite for 1 hr; 70% ethanol for 1 hr; and one group was left untreated and kept as a positive control. All chemical treatments were performed at room temperature (37 C). A total of 33 gerbils, or 3 gerbils per treatment, were used for bioassays. After treatment, the oocysts were divided into aliquots of 1,000 oocysts and orally administered to gerbils. After 63 days, the gerbils were anesthetized and killed with 0.2 ml of T61; blood and tissue samples were collected for serological (IFAT and western blotting), molecular (real-time PCR), histopathology, and immunohistochemical tests. Treatments were considered effective only if all 5 detection techniques tested negative. High temperatures at 100 C for 1 min and 10% sodium hypochlorite for 1 hr were the only treatments that met this condition, effectively inactivating all oocysts.  相似文献   

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