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Gündüz  Ertunç 《Hydrobiologia》1998,368(1-3):193-199
Eudiaptomus anatolicus n.sp. displays similarity to E. transylvanicus (Daday, 1890) by possessing an outer marginal spine located proximally on the second exopodite segment of the male right P5, but it differs from this closest species in the presence of a chitinous projection on the second exopodite segment of the male right P5, and in the typical shape of the female's thoracic wings. E. transylvanicus (Daday, 1890) has three chitinous processes located on the basipodite segment of the male right P5, whereas Eudiaptomus anatolicus n.sp. has only one small process on this part. This new species is living in lake Poyraz, which is small and shallow. Some cladoceran species, namely, Pleuroxus truncatus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Pleuroxus laevis (Sars, 1862), Pleuroxus trigonellus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Simocephalus exspinosus (Koch, 1841), Eurycercus lamellatus (O.F. Müller, 1785), Alonella excisa (Fischer, 1854), Lathonura rectirostris (O.F. Müller, 1785), Pseudochydorus globosus (Baird, 1843) and two cyclopoid copepods, Megacyclops viridis (Jurine, 1820) and Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851) share the same habitat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Limnocalanus macrurus, an omnivorous calanoid copepod with strongcarnivorous tendencies that invaded fresh water during the Pleistoceneglaciation, retains a marine arctic lipid and life cycle strategyin the hypolimnion of Lake Michigan. Its maximum lipid concentrationof 67% of dry mass—consisting largely of wax esters—isthe highest reported for freshwater zooplankton and is amongthe highest reported for marine polar species. The high lipidconcentration of L.macrurus runs counter to the paradigm thathigh wax ester concentrations are found in herbivorous, butnot in carnivorous, polar species. Lipids are drawn down toextremely low levels (10% of dry mass) during the reproductiveperiod, November–May. Reproduction in this univoltinespecies appears to be timed so that the new generation developsduring the high abundance of prey (crustacean microzooplanktonand net phytoplankton) in spring. A high wax ester content mayallow egg production to start in winter when the prey concentrationis low. In contrast to many polar species, the new generationmoves through all copepodid stages to adult without diapausing.Copepodid 5 females have a low lipid concentration, and lipidsare slowly built up in new generation adults during summer andfail before reproduction commences. This lipid and life cyclestrategy may have given L.macrurus an advantage over potentialfreshwater competitors, such as the arctic freshwater cyclopoidcopepod Cyclops scutifer, in the hypolimnia of glaciated lakes.  相似文献   

The distribution and stage composition of Calanoidescarinatus (Kroyer) are described together with changes in protein and lipid content, respiration rate and gonad development in copepodite stages IV and V (CV) and adults in the Northern Benguela current (17°S, 23°S and 25°S).During active upwelling the population consisted of two parts: the surface part over the shelf was represented by all development stages, while the deep part offshore was dominated (90–95%) by diapausal CVs. In the surface CVs the surplus assimilated energy was allocated to structural growth and maturation or to synthesis of reserve lipids. CVs with large oil sacs and high lipid content descended into deeper layers and formed diapausal stock; they were characterized by a dramatic decrease of respiration rate. Increase of gonad size in association with decrease of oil sac volume in diapausal CV suggests that reserve lipids were expended not only for respiration but also for gonad development. The moulting of dispausal CVs into adults took place in deep water.These results are discussed in relation to the life cycle of the C. carinatus population and the factors causing the formation and termination of the diapausal phase.  相似文献   

The developmental stages and increase in length of Acartia bifilosa,a dominant planktonic copepod in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea, Korea,were investigated in a laboratory. Adults laid eggs at a rateof 2.5 eggs day–1 female–1 and up to 97% of eggshatched. The eggs were 92 µm in diameter and larger thanthe eggs of other Acartia species. The body segmentation wasrecognizable at the fifth nauplius stage and sex distinctionwas possible at the fourth copepodite stage. Thesix naupliusstages took -7.5 days and the five copepodite stages -8.5 days.Sexually mature males and females appeared at the 16th day,and by the 20th day the adults laid eggs that hatched and grewsuccessfully into the nauplius stages. The detailed morphologicalcharacteristics of each developmental stage are presented anddiscussed in relation to A.dausi.  相似文献   

Seasonal and ontogenetic changes in natural development timewere studied for Eodiaptomus japonicus in Lake Biwa in 1986and 1987. Wild individuals in a certain developmental stagewere collected, fed on natural food and examined until theyhad moulted twice. Natural development times fluctuated irrespectiveof temperature from May to October. Food deficiency delayeddevelopment in all feeding stages, and food availability probablydetermined natural development time. Serious food limitationraised mortality in copepodid stage I. In November developmentwas delayed even with enough food. The development of E.japonicuswas almost isochronal except for a short prefeeding naupliarstage I and a long copepodid stage V.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on life history traits of the dominant calanoid Eodiaptomus japonicus were examined to evaluate its population dynamics in Lake Biwa (Japan). Embryonic and post-embryonic development times and reproduction were determined in the laboratory at four temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) and under ad libitum food condition. Post-embryonic development time of E. japonicus from hatching to adult female decreased with increasing temperature from 67.9 to 15.1 days. Males reached the adult stage 1–6 days earlier than the females. Only 15 % of the individuals survived until the adult stage at 10 °C, while 40 % did so at >15 °C. Egg production also depended on temperature. A power function of temperature on instantaneous growth rate predicted a value of <0.06 day?1 when water temperature was below 10 °C, suggesting that E. japonicus retards its growth during winter. The null value obtained at 8.6 °C for the computed population growth rate supports the idea of an overwintering strategy. Responses of life history traits to temperature suggested that in conditions where there was no food limitation, E. japonicus in Lake Biwa would be able to take advantage of the rise of temperature predicted in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

All the postembryonic developmental instars of Neodiaptomus lindbergi Brehm, 1953, reared in the laboratory from eggs, are described and illustrated. Further, the larval affinities of this species vis-a-vis certain other Indian diaptomid species are mentioned.  相似文献   

A flow-through method was employed to study the algal part of the diet spectrum of the calanoid Arctodiaptomus salinus in the surface layer of the lake and in the phytoplankton biomass maximum zone (10 m deep). Daily consumption rates of this calanoid differed markedly in these layers, being 1 and 11 g ind –1 d–1, respectively. The cyanobacterial taxa, Lyngbya contorta and Microcystis sp., accounted for more than a half of the ration. Nevertheless, the negative Ivlev electivity coefficient indicated that Arctodiaptomus prefers none of these two taxa. The low measured uptakes suggest that the energy expenditure is compensated by other resources, presumably microzooplankton and detritus.  相似文献   

The order Calanoida includes some of the most successful planktonic groups in both marine and freshwater environments. Due to the morphological complexity of the taxonomic characters in this group, subdivision and phylogenies have been complex and problematic. This study establishes a multi-gene molecular phylogeny of the calanoid copepods based upon small (18S) and large (28S) subunits of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes and mitochondrial encoded cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit-I genes, including 29 families from 7 superfamilies of the order. This analysis is more comprehensive than earlier studies in terms of number of families, range of molecular markers, and breadth of taxonomic levels resolved. Patterns of divergence of ribosomal RNA genes are shown to be significantly heterogeneous among superfamilies, providing a likely explanation for disparate results of previous studies. The multi-gene phylogeny recovers a monophyletic Calanoida, as well as the superfamilies Augaptiloidea, Centropagoidea, Bathypontioidea, Eucalanoidea, Spinocalanoidea and Clausocalanoidea. The phylogeny largely agrees with previously-published morphological phylogenies, including e.g., enlargement of the Bathypontioidea to include the Fosshageniidae.  相似文献   

The development of a population of Eudiaptomus vulgaris (Schmeil, 1896) in the Meeuwenven, a shallow acid guanotrofic moorland pool, has been described during one year. The population hibernates as copepodite 5 stages, adults and, to a small extent as naupliar stages N1, N2 and N3 (which could not develop further at low temperatures in autumn). In spring the population development starts at temperatures above 10°C and shows 3 or 4 pulses a year. An attempt has been made to explain seasonal changes in the size of adult males and females and in the sex ratio.In order to establish the duration of the various development stages, the animals have been cultured at different temperatures under illumination with 2000 Lux at a daylength of 14 hours. An adequate quantity of food from the natural habitat was available.Total egg development and total naupliar and copepodite development have been compared with the results of other workers, especially with those from Eckstein (1964), who studied Eudiaptomus vulgaris in the deep Schluchsee. The duration curves do not differ markedly with those of Eckstein and are strongly temperature dependent.The relation between the development times of the various stages with temperature can be generally expressed as parabolic regressions of the type D = a + b1T + b2T2, the C5 and adult stages being the only exception at higher temperatures. Comparison of the relative duration of the stages at different temperatures did show that younger stages can take a larger share of the total development time at lower temperatures, stage N6 being the most temperature-sensitive.  相似文献   

The freshwater Calanoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of Thailand   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
14 Species of freshwater Calanoida in Thailand are reported in this study. The most common species is Neodiaptomus botulifer. Most of these belong to the Southeast Asian species, the remainder are either Indian or East Asian copepods. The zoogeographical demarcation of copepods in Thailand is not very distinct due to its interconnecting riverine and reservoir systems as well as frequent flood. The peculiarity of the Thai Calanoida and their distribution is discussed in a Southeast Asia context. A taxonomic key to the Thai Calanoida is formulated.  相似文献   

We carried out a complete study of oogenesis in Centropages typicus using structural, ultrastructural and cytochemical data. The usual stages of oogenesis, i.e. germinative phase, premeiosis, primary and secondary vitellogenesis, were found. The latter two stages were the most typical. Primary vitellogenesis consisted of endogenous yolk accumulations; these substances, probably of lipoprotein or lipoglycoprotein nature, were produced at the granular endoplasmic reticulum level and then stocked in the reticulum cavities. During secondary vitellogenesis, endogenous yolk production continued, but we mainly observed the development of exogenous yolk accumulation (lipid droplets and protein globules) in the ooplasm. These accumulations resulted from the fusion of very numerous pinocytotic vesicles arising from the oolemma and containing substances probably brought to the oocytes by the hemolymph. The effect of various proteases on the vitellus globules caused a more or less marked digestion of their contents, tending to prove their protein nature. The end of vitellogenesis was marked by the appearance of vacuolar formations with dense lamellae which could correspond to cortical granules.  相似文献   

All freshwater calanoids in southern Africa belong to the family Diaptomidae of which there are two subfamilies, the Paradiaptominae (Lovenula, Paradiaptomus and Metadiaptomus) and Diaptominae (Tropodiaptomus and Thermodiaptomus). The Paradiaptominae are endemic to Africa, while the Diaptominae have one endemic African genus Thermodiaptomus, and the other genus Tropodiaptomus, occurs in other parts of the world as well as Africa. Knowledge of distribution of the Diaptomidae has been hampered by incomplete taxonomic knowledge and lack of co-ordination of available information. Distribution patterns of 19 described species and 11 new species confirm that the majority of species have a limited distribution, and that the Paradiaptominae are arid-adapted and belong to temporary pool communities. Six species are endemic to coastal pans and vleis of the western and southern Cape Province. Only those species with a wider distribution have been recorded as colonising man-made lakes. The four Lovenula species are predators and often co-exist with a Metadiaptomus species as prey. Synapomorphies of widely separated species of the Paradiaptominae, provide interesting insights into how their evolution may have been governed by vicariance, dispersal and palaeoenvironments of the African continent.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens was studied in Thau lagoon, an important French shellfish site, for 1 year in three potential hosts: the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mytiliidae), the grooved carpet shell Ruditapes decussatus (Veneriidae) and the copepod Paracartia grani (Acartiidae). Parasite DNA was detected by PCR in R. decussatus. In situ hybridisation showed necrotic cells of M. refringens in the digestive epithelia of some R. decussatus suggesting the non-involvement of this species in the parasite life cycle. In contrast, the detection of M. refringens in mussels using PCR appeared bimodal with two peaks in spring and autumn. Histological observations of PCR-positive mussels revealed the presence of different parasite stages including mature sporangia in spring and autumn. These results suggest that the parasite has two cycles per year in the Thau lagoon and that mussels release parasites into the water column during these two periods. Moreover, PCR detection of the parasite in the copepodid stages of P. grani between June and November supports the hypothesis of the transmission of the parasite from mussels to copepods and conversely. In situ hybridisation performed on copepodites showed labeling in some sections. Unusual M. refringens cells were observed in the digestive tract and the gonad from the third copepodid stage, suggesting that the parasite could infect a copepod by ingestion and be released through the gonad. This hypothesis is supported by the PCR detection of parasite DNA in copepod eggs from PCR-positive females, which suggests that eggs could contribute to the parasite spreading in the water and could allow overwintering of M. refringens. Finally, in order to understand the interactions between mussels and copepods, mussel retention efficiency (number of copepods retained by a mussel) was measured for all P. grani developmental stages. Results showed that all copepod stages could contribute to the transmission of the parasite, especially eggs and nauplii which were retained by up to 90%.  相似文献   

The Paradiaptominae, a subfamily of the large Diaptomidae family, is a small group of freshwater calanoids of which 24 species in four genera have been described. They are endemic to Africa with the exception of four species, Metadiaptomus asiaticus (Asia and Mongolia), M. gauthieri (Africa and Madagascar), Paradiaptomus greeni (India and Sri Lanka) and Neolovenula alluaudi (Canary Islands, North Africa, Baltic and Mediterranean countries). The North African species Metadiaptomus chevreuxi extends its range into Iraq and Iran. The Paradiaptominae are widely distributed in semi-permanent water bodies in the drier areas of Africa although most individual species have a restricted distribution. Only a few species have the ability to colonise permanent waters and these species are usually located at higher altitudes. The Paradiaptominae have not been recorded from the wet equatorial lowland areas of Africa. It seems likely that they are Gondwanian in origin as evidenced by their distribution (Africa, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka). Neolovenula alluaudi (Mediterranean) shares morphological characters tenuously linked to the other species in the group and may either have a different origin or have branched off at an early stage in evolution of the group.  相似文献   

The Malaysian Tropodiaptomus (Copepoda : Calanoida) and its distribution   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
In Peninsular Malaysia there are three species of Tropodiaptomus namely: T. hebereri Kiefer, T. ruttneri Brehm, and T. vicinus Kiefer. The last species is most common in swampy habitats along the west coast whereas T. ruttneri occurs only in the north and T. hebereri is present in the south. The affinity of the Malaysian tropodiaptomids and their Sunda counterparts is discussed.  相似文献   

The species composition of copepods of the genus Pseudocalanusthat dominate the zooplankton in Avachinskaya Bay was studied from samples collected in 1988. Three species were identified: P. minutus(Kröyer), P. newmani(Frost), and P. acuspes(Giesbrecht). The latter species is the first record for the fauna of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Synonymy and original figures are given; the seasonal variations in the morphometric features and characteristics of Pseudocalanusare discussed.  相似文献   

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