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Thiessen polygons are often used to model territory characteristics. However, information about the quality of Thiessen polygon‐based estimates is currently lacking. We used published data to investigate the match between Thiessen polygons and mapped bird territories regarding territory size, shape and neighbourhood. Although territory sizes and the number of neighbours were strongly correlated between these two methods, both parameters were overestimated by the Thiessen polygons. Therefore, caution is required when Thiessen polygons are used as a model for absolute values and when the assumptions of Thiessen polygons, such as formation of discrete territories and a contiguous study area, are not met.  相似文献   

1. Reproductive success of individual females may be determined by density-dependent effects, especially in species where territory provides the resources for a reproducing female and territory size is inversely density-dependent.
2. We manipulated simultaneously the reproductive effort (litter size manipulation: ± 0 and + 2 pups) and breeding density (low and high) of nursing female bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus in outdoor enclosures. We studied whether the reproductive success (number and quality of offspring) of individual females is density-dependent, and whether females can compensate for increased reproductive effort when not limited by saturated breeding density.
3. The females nursing their young in the low density weaned significantly more offspring than females in the high density, independent of litter manipulation.
4. Litter enlargements did not increase the number of weanlings per female, but offspring from enlarged litters had lower weight than control litters.
5. In the reduced density females increased the size of their home range, but litter manipulation had no significant effect on spacing behaviour of females. Increased home range size did not result in heavier weanlings.
6. Mother's failure to successfully wean any offspring was more common in the high density treatment, whereas litter manipulation or mother's weight did not affect weaning success.
7. We conclude that reproductive success of bank vole females is negatively density-dependent in terms of number, but not in the quality of weanlings.
8. The nursing effort of females (i.e. the ability to provide enough food for pups) seems not to be limited by density-dependent factors.  相似文献   

Breeding success in Blue Tits: good territories or good parents?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Territorial quality and parental quality are usually assumed to be the main sources of variation in the reproductive success of passerine birds. To evaluate their relative importance for variation in breeding time (itself an important factor for breeding success), clutch size and offspring condition at fledging, we analysed six years of data from a Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population breeding on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Hatching dates and the condition of offspring were consistent for territories between years and accounted for 30% and 33% of the variation in these variables, respectively. After removing the effect of territory quality, none of the breeding parameters were significantly repeatable for individual females, but offspring condition was repeatable for males, accounting for 28% of variation. For females breeding on the same territory in subsequent seasons (combined effect of individual and territory quality) only hatching date was repeatable (45% of variation accounted for). In males, the combined effect of individual and territory quality was repeatable for offspring condition and accounted for 33% of variation, but this result was only marginally significant. Consistency of the peak frass-fall date for individual frass collectors over the study period suggests that repeatable hatching dates on territories may be related to the relationship between timing of breeding and timing of peak food availability on territories. Our results suggest that territory quality is more important than parental quality for breeding success in the Blue Tit, and that male (but not female) quality makes a considerable contribution to reproductive success.  相似文献   

The density dependence of demographic parameters and its implications for population regulation have long been recognized. Recent work has revealed potential effects of density on mating systems and sexual selection, but few studies concurrently assess the consequences of density on both demography and sexual selection. Such an approach is important because population processes and individual behaviors can interact to influence population growth and evolutionary trajectories. In this study, we tested the density dependence of breeding success, extra‐pair paternity, and the opportunity for sexual selection in a population of American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla using two different measures of density. To evaluate temporal patterns, we analyzed annual territory density, based on the total number of territories at our study site each year. To evaluate spatial patterns, we analyzed local territory density within years, based on the number of territories surrounding a focal territory. Greater annual density was associated with fewer offspring fledged per female, a reduced mean population rate of fledging success, and a lower relative contribution of extra‐pair paternity to male fitness. Greater local density was associated with fewer offspring fledged, reduced fledgling success, higher rates of nest loss, and higher rates of paternity loss on focal territories. Interestingly, greater local density was also associated with greater nestling mass on focal territories, which could imply that more densely‐packed territories contain superior resources. Overall, our results suggest that the effects of crowding via greater territory density reduce fecundity through increased nest predation, rather than reduced food availability, and increase rates of extra‐pair paternity. Thus, the selective pressures faced by individuals and their reproductive behaviors are likely to differ based on the annual and local density they experience, which may then feed back into population demography.  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses of optimal reproductive rates usually assume a trade-off between offspring production and parental survival. This study verified a survival cost for willow tit males; nonbreeding males survived better than males attending a brood. Theory also predicts a smaller clutch size in birds that are less successful in transforming reproductive investments into mature offspring. As predicted, we found that crested tits, suffering a higher nest predation rate, laid smaller clutches than willow tits. The generally lower survival rate of willow tit adults may largely be attributed to their higher reproductive commitment (larger willow tit clutch size), because no significant interspecific survival difference remained between nonbreeding males. Finally, in willow tits we found a positive correlation between average clutch size and juvenile survival rate (density-dependent) the ensuing year, suggesting that willow tits may adjust clutch size in response to changing survival prospects for their young by using the breeding density as a cue.  相似文献   

Field studies of many vertebrates show that some individuals (floaters) do not defend territories even when there is space for them to do so. We show that the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for the threshold territory quality at which floating takes place is that which maximizes the size of the floating population (but not the total population, breeding population, or reproductive output). The ESS is solved separately for two assumptions: whether individuals wait to occupy a single territory or multiple territories and whether queuing rules are strict or if all waiting individuals are equally likely to obtain the next territory. The four combinations of these assumptions all give the same evolutionarily stable population size of both floaters and breeders. At the ESS, only territories with expected lifetime reproductive success (LRS) exceeding 1 should be occupied, which introduces a limit to ideal habitat selection. The behavioral decision to float alters the shape of the density-dependent response, reduces the equilibrium population size, and affects the response of the population to habitat loss. Specifically, the floater: breeder ratio is directly related to average breeding habitat quality, and the floater population size will decrease more than the breeding population size if better than average quality habitat is lost.  相似文献   

We examined the pattern of territory settlement and its consequences for breeding success in the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe on Bardsey Island, Wales, during the breeding seasons of 1991-93. Males returned earlier than females, and older males returned earlier than first-year breeders. Although their boundaries shifted between years, the general location of territories was consistent during the three-year study. There was a high degree of fidelity to area and territory between years for both sexes. The order of territory settlement, from which a territory rank was calculated, was highly consistent for males between years irrespective of individual settlement patterns and territory fidelity. Patterns of territory settlement were less predictable for females, although there was a significant correlation between the mean territory ranks of paired males and females. There was a male-biased sex ratio in each year, and between 5% and 26% of males remained unpaired throughout the breeding season. Male mating status and breeding success were dependent on arrival date, territory rank and breeding density. Early-arriving, usually older, males were able to settle on territories first and were more likely to pair, while later-arriving individuals were more likely to remain unmated. These effects were consistent between years, and consequently territories could be classified as either preferred (accounting for proportionately more breeding attempts) or non-preferred. Territory quality as opposed to individual quality appeared to explain much of the variation in breeding success, and both sexes benefited by breeding on preferred territories through enhanced breeding success and an increased probability that their offspring would be recruited to the population.  相似文献   

For most territorial species that defend food or other resources, territory size is inversely related to resource density. However, in some food-based territorial species, larger territories are known to contain greater absolute resource availability. For these latter species, both the specific determinants of territory size, and the relationship between territory size and fitness, remain unclear. We predicted that in American red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ), where larger territories tend to hold increased food resources, survival should be correlated positively with territory size and that both individual (body mass, sex, duration of territory ownership) and habitat-specific (population density) attributes would contribute to variation in territory size. We monitored survival and territory size of 58 squirrels during a two-year period using live-trapping and radio-telemetry. Survival and territory size were correlated positively, with each 0.1 ha decrease in territory size typically resulting in a 16.6% increase in mortality risk; mortality risk for squirrels with the smallest versus largest territories differed by up to 23-fold. Territory size was negatively related to local population density, but not to any attributes of individual squirrels, implying that, in this species, territory size may not be influenced strongly by individual quality. We conclude that while larger territories may confer a survival advantage to squirrels, territory size is unrelated to individual physical attributes, likely because costs associated with the acquisition of a larger or richer territory outweigh potential benefits of increased food access.  相似文献   

Spatial processes could play an important role in density-dependent population regulation because the disproportionate use of poor quality habitats as population size increases is widespread in animal populations-the so-called buffer effect. While the buffer effect patterns and their demographic consequences have been described in a number of wild populations, much less is known about how dispersal affects distribution patterns and ultimately density dependence. Here, we investigated the role of dispersal in spatial density dependence using an extraordinarily detailed dataset from a reintroduced Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus) population with a territorial (despotic) breeding system. We show that recruitment rates varied significantly between territories, and that territory occupancy was related to its recruitment rate, both of which are consistent with the buffer effect theory. However, we also show that restricted dispersal affects the patterns of territory occupancy with the territories close to release sites being occupied sooner and for longer as the population has grown than the territories further away. As a result of these dispersal patterns, the strength of spatial density dependence is significantly reduced. We conclude that restricted dispersal can modify spatial density dependence in the wild, which has implications for the way population dynamics are likely to be impacted by environmental change.  相似文献   

In most cooperatively breeding birds the offspring of one sex, usually male, delays dispersal to remain on the natal territory and helps its parents to rear subsequent young. Thus delayed dispersal could be the first step in the evolution of cooperative breeding. We studied natal dispersal in a population of the group-living speckled warbler, Chthonicola sagittata, based on observations of a colour-banded population over 3 years. Unlike other group-living members of the Acanthizinae, all juvenile males in this population dispersed to settle on foreign territories as subordinates, which do not help rear the young. Speckled warblers showed all the life history traits that are thought to result in a saturated habitat and lead to delayed dispersal: they were sedentary, had high adult survival and had a male-biased sex ratio. However, they differed from other acanthizids in occurring at low density (0.18 birds/ha) on large breeding territories (6-12 ha), with a maximum of two males per territory. This may allow subordinates to live on foreign territories yet avoid aggression from dominants. A benefit of dispersal is that it provides an additional route to gaining a breeding vacancy. Dispersers can acquire vacancies on their new territory or on a neighbour's, but incest avoidance would be likely to constrain nondispersing males to neighbours' territories. A model of relative lifetime success showed that the survival benefits of natal philopatry are unlikely to outweigh this benefit of dispersal.  相似文献   

Species differ enormously in their territorial systems. Some species defend only small areas surrounded by undefended space, while others defend large contiguous territories. Using an optimization approach, we show that this variation can be explained from the density of two types of resources: divisible and nondivisible. We assume that benefits of territories are monotonously related to the defended amount of divisible resources (hereafter called food). In contrast, no benefits are obtained without a nondivisible resource (hereafter called nest site) in the territory, while more than one nest site does not further increase the benefits. The optimal territory size depends on the relative abundance of these resources. With a low density of nest sites, the optimal territory size is small and includes only the nest site. If the density of nest sites is relatively large, the optimal territory size is high, and territories are contiguous. Competition for these different resources yields contrasting patterns of how populations are regulated. If there is mainly competition for nest sites, we expect density-dependent exclusion through territoriality and no density-dependent reproduction. When competition is mainly for food, we expect density-dependent reproduction because optimal territory size will be compressed at higher densities, resulting in lower reproductive success. These predicted patterns indeed are observed in some well-studied passerine species for which both the territorial system and the occurrence of density dependence is known.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour in territorial species is typically assumed to be independent of parental behaviour except for the possible role of parental eviction from the natal territory. Great tits defend exclusive territories at the onset of breeding but after fledging undertake substantial excursions with dependent offspring, sometimes covering distances equivalent to ten or more breeding territories and even moving across open spaces into neighbouring woodlots. We show that postfledging family movements are significantly associated with subsequent dispersal directions of recruits by comparing observed angles of movement with a simulated distribution taking into account the patchy nature of the landscape. However, the extent of family movements did not predict dispersal distances. Our findings provide an explanation for previously observed similarities in dispersal direction between siblings in the same study population, as well as for effects of nest site location on dispersal. More generally we show the existence of a novel mechanism for parents to influence dispersal and fine-scale kinship structure among their offspring.  相似文献   

Summary According to density-dependent habitat selection theory, reproductive success should decline with increased density. Fitness should be similar between habitats if habitat selection follows an ideal free distribution; fitness should be dissimilar between habitats if habitat selection is modified by territorial behavior. I tested these assumptions by examining a variety of fitness estimates obtained from white-footed mice living in nest boxes in forest, forest edge and fencerow habitats in southwestern Ontario. As expected, mean litter size declined with increased population density. Litter sizes, adult longevity and the proportion of adult animals in breeding condition were not significantly different among the three habitats. The success at recruiting at least one offspring to the adult population and the number of recruits per litter were much greater in the forest than in either of the other two habitats. Fitness was thus unequal among habitats and the results confirm both assumptions of density-dependent habitat selection theory for territorial white-footed mice.  相似文献   

Land management intrinsically influences the distribution of animals and can consequently alter the potential for density-dependent processes to act within populations. For declining species, high densities of breeding territories are typically considered to represent productive populations. However, as density-dependent effects of food limitation or predator pressure may occur (especially when species are dependent upon separate nesting and foraging habitats), high territory density may limit per-capita productivity. Here, we use a declining but widespread European farmland bird, the yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella L., as a model system to test whether higher territory densities result in lower fledging success, parental provisioning rates or nestling growth rates compared to lower densities. Organic landscapes held higher territory densities, but nests on organic farms fledged fewer nestlings, translating to a 5 times higher rate of population shrinkage on organic farms compared to conventional. In addition, when parental provisioning behaviour was not restricted by predation risk (i.e., at times of low corvid activity), nestling provisioning rates were higher at lower territory densities, resulting in a much greater increase in nestling mass in low density areas, suggesting that food limitation occurred at high densities. These findings in turn suggest an ecological trap, whereby preferred nesting habitat does not provide sufficient food for rearing nestlings at high population density, creating a population sink. Habitat management for farmland birds should focus not simply on creating a high nesting density, but also on ensuring heterogeneous habitats to provide food resources in close proximity to nesting birds, even if this occurs through potentially restricting overall nest density but increasing population-level breeding success.  相似文献   

Siffczyk C  Brotons L  Kangas K  Orell M 《Oecologia》2003,136(4):635-642
We examined the behavioral response to habitat loss and fragmentation of willow tits (Parus montanus) in winter in a mosaic forest landscape in northern Finland. We studied habitat preference, flock size and home range size of 16 flocks, half of which had their territories in forests fragmented by forestry and half in continuous forest. We predicted that birds would respond to habitat loss by enlarging their home range and/or diminishing group size. In addition, to compensate for fragmentation effects, willow tits might be expected to include more optimal habitat into their territories. Flocks included on average 3.9 birds and occupied territories of 12.6 ha. Willow tits avoided open areas (clear cuts and young sapling stands) and preferred mature forests and older sapling stands or pine bogs equally. Birds responded to habitat loss by enlarging their home ranges but not by reducing the group size. Large territories included a smaller proportion of mature forests, but the proportion of sapling and pine bog habitat did not change. Birds on territories that included a large proportion of open habitat localized their activity on several distinct habitat patches that were distributed over a wide area. We conclude that willow tits adjust territory use to compensate for the inclusion of unsuitable habitat within home ranges, and older sapling areas and pine bogs serve as surrogates for mature forests. However, birds did not enlarge the proportion of forest habitat in their territories with increasing habitat loss. Thus, our data do not suggest a strong effect of fragmentation, but imply that forestry practices reduce suitable wintering habitat and carrying capacity in the area. Thus winter habitat loss may explain the observed population decline of willow tits in Finland during recent decades.  相似文献   

Density-dependence effects acting on fecundity can be explained by two competing hypotheses. The individual adjustment hypothesis (IAH) states that, as population density increases, interference among individuals negatively affects their breeding performance. The second hypothesis, the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis (HHH), proposes that, as more individuals occupy the space available, lower quality habitats are increasingly used, causing average population fecundity to decline. In territorial species, it is often predicted that interference mechanisms (IAH) should be of less importance than spatial heterogeneity (HHH). Here, we test this prediction in Golden Eagles, using 35 years of reproduction monitoring data from a population that has been recolonizing the grounds of a French National Park (Ecrins) in the Alps. During the study period, the Eagle population increased from c. 11 to 41 territorial pairs, providing a good opportunity to explicitly assess fecundity across a gradient of densities. Under the IAH, we expect the fecundity of all territories to diminish as density rises. Under strict HHH, older territories should maintain higher fecundity across time, and a positive relationship between fecundity and the seniority of a territory should be observed. A density-dependent pattern was clearly detected at the population level. At the territory level, the decrease of fecundity was strongly related to population size but not to territory seniority. Fecundity decreased similarly in all territories, suggesting that the IAH better explains the observed pattern. Two alternative mechanisms, related to the IAH, could be at play in this population: (1) negative interference by neighbours and non-territorial Eagles and (2) the contraction of individual territories over time. Our results provide new insights into density dependence in territorial raptors, suggesting that, in addition to habitat heterogeneity, interference mechanisms might actually also play an important role.  相似文献   

Capsule: Pairs of White-throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus which defended winter territories bred earlier than non-territorial individuals, but there was no difference in reproductive success.

Aims: The effect of winter territoriality on breeding ecology has rarely been studied in resident birds. We carried out a preliminary investigation of whether winter territorial behaviour and territory size affect the timing of reproduction, breeding territory size and reproductive success in a riverine bird, the White-throated Dipper.

Methods: We monitored an individually marked population of White-throated Dippers in the UK. Wintering individuals were classified as either territorial or ‘floaters’ according to their patterns of occurrence and behaviour, and their nesting attempts were closely monitored in the subsequent months. Winter and breeding territory sizes were measured by gently ‘pushing’ birds along the river and recording the point at which they turned back.

Results: All birds defending winter territories did so in pairs, but some individuals changed partners before breeding. Territorial pairs that were together throughout the study laid eggs significantly earlier than pairs containing floaters and those comprising territorial birds that changed partners. However, there were no significant differences in clutch size, nestling mass or the number of chicks fledged. There was no relationship between winter territory length and lay date or any measure of reproductive success, although sample sizes were small. Winter territories were found to be significantly shorter than breeding territories.

Conclusion: Winter territoriality may be advantageous because breeding earlier increases the likelihood that pairs will raise a second brood, but further study is needed. Territories are shorter in winter as altitudinal migrants from upland streams increase population density on rivers, but this may also reflect seasonal changes in nutritional and energetic demands.  相似文献   

1. The habitat heterogeneity (HHH) and individual adjustment (IAH) hypotheses are commonly proposed to explain a decrease in reproduction rate with increasing population density. Higher numbers of low-quality territories with low reproductive success as density increases lead to a decrease in reproduction under the HHH, while more competition at high density decreases reproduction across all territories under the IAH. 2. We analyse the influence of density and habitat heterogeneity on reproductive success in eight populations of long-lived territorial birds of prey belonging to four species. Sufficient reliability in distinguishing between population-wide, site-specific and individual quality effects on reproduction was granted through the minimal duration of 20 years of all data sets and the ability to control for individual quality in five of them. 3. Density increased in five populations but reproduction did not decrease in these. Territory occupancy as a surrogate of territory quality correlated positively with reproductive success but only significantly so in large data sets with more than 100 territories. 4. Reproductive success was always best explained by measures of territory quality in multivariate models. Direct or delayed (t-1) population density entered very few of the best models. Mixed models controlling for individual quality showed an increasing reproductive performance in older individuals and in those laying earlier, but measures of territory quality were also always retained in the best models. 5. We find strong support for the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis but weak support for the individual adjustment hypothesis. Both individual and site characteristics are crucial for reproductive performance in long-lived birds. Proportional occupancy of territories enables recognition of high-quality territories as preferential conservation targets.  相似文献   

1. The effects of changes in habitat size and quality on the expected population density and the expected time to extinction of Sorex araneus are studied by means of mathematical models that incorporate demographic stochasticity.
2. Habitat size is characterized by the number of territories, while habitat quality is represented by the expected number of offspring produced during the lifetime of an individual.
3. The expected population density of S. araneus is shown to be mainly influenced by the habitat size. The expected time to extinction of S. araneus populations due to demographic stochasticity, on the other hand, is much more affected by the habitat quality.
4. In a more general setting we demonstrate that, irrespective of the actual species under consideration, the likelihood of extinction as a consequence of demographic stochasticity is more effectively countered by increasing the reproductive success and survival of individuals then by increasing total population size.  相似文献   

Despite the potential reproductive benefits of extrapair matings,extrapair paternity rates in many avian species often vary greatlyamong populations. Although ecological factors have been shownto influence intraspecific patterns of extrapair paternity insome species, for cooperatively breeding species living in familygroups, social/demographic factors may also play a role. Thisstudy examined how ecological factors related to territory quality(vegetation cover, insect abundance) and social/demographicfactors (group size, number of breeding pairs, genetic relatedness)influenced intraspecific patterns of extrapair paternity incooperatively breeding superb starlings, Lamprotornis superbus.Superb starlings inhabit spatiotemporally variable African savannaswhere high temporal variability drives reproductive decisions(adoption of breeding roles, offspring sex allocation) and whereterritories suitable for breeding are limited. Although extrapairpaternity rates were only 14% of offspring and 25% of nests,they varied greatly among groups, ranging from 4% to 32% ofoffspring and from 7% to 60% of nests. These among-group differencesin extrapair paternity were not related to social/demographicfactors but instead to territory quality; extrapair paternitywas higher on lower quality territories (lower vegetation coverand grasshopper abundance) than on higher quality territories(higher vegetation cover and grasshopper abundance). These resultssuggest that even in a heterogeneous landscape where suitablebreeding territories are limited, subtle differences in habitatquality can have profound effects on reproductive decisionsand patterns of extrapair paternity. Understanding the interactionbetween spatial (habitat heterogeneity) and temporal (temporalvariability) environmental variation will be important for determininghow environmental and social factors drive avian reproductiveand mating decisions.  相似文献   

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