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记述刺齿虫兆属温州 1 新种:六毛刺齿虫兆Homidia hexaseta sp. nov.,该种的鉴别特征包括体色,下唇具光滑毛L1,头背部顶区具6根大刚毛,胸部第Ⅱ节具p4系列大刚毛,腹部第Ⅲ节中间具a2大刚毛,腹部第Ⅳ节具B6和Ae5-7大刚毛以及端节亚顶端齿远大于顶端齿。同时,本文还给出了浙江省刺齿虫兆属分种检索表。正模:♀,浙江省温州市泰顺县乌岩岭国家自然保护区,采集号C9271-4,2005-Ⅶ-29;副模:5♀♀。其中两头雌性副模标本保存于台州学院生命科学学院,其余标本保存于南京大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

本文记述中国西部剌齿(虫兆)属1新种:中带剌齿(虫兆)H.mediofascia,sp.nov..该种区别属内其他种的主要特征是本种胸部第2节到腹部第2节背部中间具色带,第1腹节具大刚毛a1,腹部第4节后缘大刚毛7+7,粘管后侧面具光滑刚毛4根.本文还对属内5个相近种进行了比较.正模:早,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15;副模:8♀♀,1♂以及8头酒精标本,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15.1♀和1头酒精标本保存于南京大学,其他标本保存于台州学院生命科学学院.  相似文献   

本文记述刺齿虫兆属 Homidia 1新种——斑纹刺齿虫兆 Homidia fascia,sp.nov.( Figs.1~ 1 6) ,该种有些特征可与 H . tibetensis Chen & Zhong,1 998相似 ,但下唇刚毛 L1 ,第 4腹节毛序和腹管毛序可与后者区分。正模♀ ,副模 1 3♀♀ ,江苏南京南唐二陵 ,1 996- -6,存于南京大学生物系  相似文献   

本文记述刺齿(虫兆)属Homidia 1新种--斑纹刺齿(虫兆)Homidia fascia, sp.nov.(Figs.1~16),该种有些特征可与H. tibetensis Chen & Zhong, 1998 相似,但下唇刚毛L1,第4腹节毛序和腹管毛序可与后者区分.正模♀, 副模13♀♀,江苏南京南唐二陵,1996-Ⅲ-6,存于南京大学生物系.  相似文献   

A new species, Homidia pseudoformosana from Korea is described in the present paper. The new species is characterized by labral papillae, ciliated labial seta L1 and dorsal chaetotaxy of abdominal segment IV. The detailed differences between similar Homidia species are provided.  相似文献   

Dicranocentrus liuae sp. n. is described from the northern subtropical region of China. The new species is most similar to D. wangi Ma & Chen, 2007, but differs from it in the relatively shorter Ant. V, the 1+1 central macrochaetae on Abd. III, the number of chaetae on tenaculum, and the absence of dental spines. The systematic position of Dicranocentrus is also discussed. Present evidence, particularly S-chaetotaxy, indicates that the genus is closer to Heteromurus than to the unscaled species of Orchesella and Orchesellides.  相似文献   

记述福建省刺齿属1新种:拟中华刺齿Homidia pseudosinensis sp.nov.。该新种的鉴定特征有胸部第2节后侧具近似M型的横条带,下唇毛序及腹部第4节毛序。本文提供了该物种的特征图及福建省刺齿属分种检索表。  相似文献   

本文记述刺齿虫兆属1新种:祁门刺齿虫兆Hom idia qim enensis, sp. nov. (图1~12)。该种在颏部具有叶状毛与H. latifolia Li& Chen 1999和H. polyseta Chen 1998相似,主要区别在于体色斑纹和头部背面、下唇基部、颏部及第4腹节等部位毛序。正模♀,副模2♀♀,安徽祁门牯牛降国家自然保护区,1994- Ⅷ- 25,存于南京大学生物科学与技术系。  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species, Homidia latifolia is described from Mt. Tiantai, Zhejiang Province, East China. The species is characteristic in having leaflike setae on the mentum. The other characters, such as the color pattern, presence of labial seta M2, chaetotaxy on abd. N and setae on ventral tube, also make it separable from all the known species in the genus.  相似文献   

本文记述弹尾目刺齿属一新种,即安徽刺齿Homidiaanhuiensisspnov.。该种有些特征与H.speciosaSzeptycki1973相似,但第4腹节毛序,上唇无乳突及下唇三角区刚毛E纤毛状可与后者区分。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确松墨天牛 Monochamus alteratus 成虫及越冬幼虫体型大小的差异,探讨该虫越冬后成虫体型大小和越冬幼虫体重大小关系及原因。【方法】于2014年5月1日至10月31日在浙江富阳野外诱捕松墨天牛,通过测量野外诱捕到的松墨天牛成虫体长、体宽,确定林间松墨天牛成虫体型的差异;松墨天牛越冬幼虫的采集和称重测量明确越冬幼虫的组成和体重大小差异;进而通过对越冬幼虫单头跟踪饲养至化蛹、羽化,确定越冬幼虫体重大小与发育所得蛹和成虫大小的关系,阐明林间松墨天牛成虫体型差异的原因。【结果】浙江富阳野外诱捕发现,松墨天牛的活动期间很长,从5月中旬到10月初一直能诱捕到松墨天牛成虫,高峰期在6和7月份。松墨天牛雌雄成虫体型差异很大,雌虫平均体长和体宽分别为20.59±0.19和6.59±0.06 mm;雄虫平均体长和体宽分别为19.90±0.26 和6.44±0.08 mm; 雌虫的平均体长明显高于雄虫,但二者体宽没有显著差异;并且雌雄成虫体长和体宽呈显著正相关。越冬幼虫的头宽测定表明头宽的变化很大,最小为2.20 mm,最大为4.24 mm,经比对越冬幼虫由4龄和5龄幼虫组成;幼虫体重差异大,平均体重为304.2 mg, 介于71.6~858.0 mg之间,其中5龄越冬幼虫显著重于4龄越冬幼虫。进一步将越冬幼虫单管饲养跟踪研究发现,越冬幼虫体重大小决定蛹和羽化后的成虫的大小,二者存在显著的正相关,并且由4龄越冬幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫显著轻于由5龄幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫。【结论】松墨天牛成虫体型差异很大,这与越冬幼虫体重差异相关;越冬幼虫的体重大小决定了其化蛹后的蛹重和羽化后成虫的体型和体重的大小;造成越冬幼虫体重差异的可能原因包括松墨天牛成虫扬飞周期长导致的产卵期长而使得天牛发育进度不一致以及寄主不同部位营养的差异。  相似文献   

1. Aggregative feeding of larvae is widespread in the Lepidoptera, and many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the adaptive significance of this trait. Group feeding occurs disproportionately more in species with aposematic, chemically defended larvae compared with species with cryptic, non‐chemically defended larvae, consistent with the hypothesis that group feeding provides an enhanced aposematic signal to natural enemies. Most species characterised as having chemically defended larvae are cryptic during the first instar, when they are most highly aggregated and most vulnerable to predation. 2. The benefits of group feeding in terms of decreased predation were explored for first‐instar larvae of the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor, a species that sequesters aristolochic acids from its Aristolochia host plant and exhibits aposematism in later instars and as adults. We found that groups of larvae with experimentally enhanced aristolochic acid content had significantly lower survivorship due to predation both in the field and in laboratory experiments compared with groups of larvae without enhanced chemical defence. 3. A laboratory experiment found that aristolochic acid does not deter the generalist predator Hippodamia convergens. 4. No evidence was found that was consistent with the hypothesis that group feeding and increased sequestered chemical defence interact to decrease rates of larval mortality in non‐aposematic, first‐instar larvae. Future research on chemical defence, aposematism, and aggregative feeding should continue to appreciate that particular chemical defences and feeding behaviours are not universally effective against all natural enemies.  相似文献   

Menzel L 《ZooKeys》2011,(96):39-80
Mesocletodes Sars, 1909a encompasses 37 species to date. Initial evidence on intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism has been verified for 77 specimens of Mesocletodes elmari sp. n. from various deep-sea regions, and ontogenetic development has been traced for the first time. Apomorphies are a strong spinule-like pinna on the mx seta that is fused to the basis, P2-P4 exp3 proximal outer seta lost, P1-P4 enp2 extremely elongated, furcal rami elongated, female body of prickly appearance, female P2-P4 enp2 proximal inner seta lost. Intraspecific variability involves spinulation, ornamentation and size of the body and setation and spinulation of pereiopods. Sexually dimorphic modifications of adult females include prickly appearance of the body, P1 enp exceeds exp in length, P1 coxa externally broadened, seta of basis arising from prominent protrusion, hyaline frills of body somites ornate. Sexual dimorphism in adult males is expressed in smaller body size, haplocer A1, 2 inner setae on P2-P4 enp2 and on P5 exp, P5 basendopodal lobe with 2 setae. Some modifications allow sexing of copepodid stages. The female A1 is fully developed in CV, the male A1 undergoes extensive modifications at the last molt. P1-P4 are fully developed in CV. Mesocletodes faroerensis and Mesocletodes thielei lack apomorphies of Mesocletodes and are excluded.  相似文献   

Immature stages of Lutzomyia anduzei (Rozeboom), L.antunesi (Coutinho), L. flaviscutellata (Mangabeira), Psychodopygus davisi (Root), Ps.paraensis (Costa Lima) and Ps.lainsoni Fraiha & Ward are described from specimens reared in the laboratory. The Lutzomyia species are members of the intermedia group, though L. flaviscutellata larvae more closely resemble those of Psychodopygus species. The larvae of L.anduzei and L. antunesi are separable on minor setal differences and are similar to previously described members of the intermedia group. Ps. paraensis is distinguishable from the other two Psychodopygus species described, by the absence of prothoracic seta 2. Head seta 5 of Ps.davisi is about twice the length of that in Ps. paraensis and larvae of Ps.lainsoni are pale and characterized by colourless body setae 4 and 10. A key to the fourth instar larvae is given which includes all the known larvae of the intermedia group and of the genus Psychodopygus. Morphological differences in the Psychodopygus larvae do not appear to reflect the separation of the adults into series.  相似文献   

The adult instar of the oribatid mite, Galumna obvia (Berlese, 1914), is redescribed in detail, on the basis of specimens from Finland. The morphology of juvenile instars of G. obvia is described and illustrated for the first time, and compared to that of other species of the family Galumnidae. The position of the insertion of the lamellar seta in adults proved variable in studied European populations, being either on or medial to the lamellar line. Since the genera Galumna and Pergalumna are currently distinguished only by the relative positions of the seta and line, specimens of G. obvia in some populations show an intermediate situation between other studied Galumna species – with lamellar seta on or lateral of lamellar line – and Pergalumna with lamellar seta at a distinct distance medially of lamellar line. A detailed reevaluation of the two genera is needed.  相似文献   

桑粉虱形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究描述了容易与杨梅粉虱混淆的重要害虫桑粉虱Pealius mori(Takahashi)成虫、卵、1~4龄若虫及蛹的形状、分类特征,包括成虫的体长、体色、触角、单眼、复眼、口器、翅、足及雌雄外生殖器;卵的形状、大小、卵色及卵柄;1~4龄若虫及蛹的形状、大小、体色、体周的刚毛、触角、口器、足、管状孔、盖瓣、舌状器及腹沟等。并比较桑粉虱与杨梅粉虱的主要分类特征。  相似文献   

Sun X  Wu D 《ZooKeys》2012,(192):15-26
A checklist of Chinese Oligaphorurini is given. Two new Chinese species, Micraphorura changbaiensissp. n. and Oligaphorura pseudomontanasp. n., are described from Changbai Mountain Range. Micraphorura changbaiensis sp. n. has the same dorsal pseudocelli formula and number of papillae in Ant. III sensory organ as Micraphorura uralica, but they can be easily distinguished by number of chaetae in Ant. III sensory organ, ventral pseudocelli formula, ventral parapseudocelli formula, number of pseudocelli on subcoxa 1 of legs I-III, dorsal axial chaeta on Abd. V and number of chaetae on tibiotarsi. Oligaphorura pseudomontana sp. n. is very similar to the species Oligaphorura montana having an increased number of pseudocelli on body dorsally, well marked base of antenna with 1 pseudocellus and 3 pseudocelli outside, subcoxa 1 of legs I-III with 1 pseudocellus each, dorsally S-chaetae formula as 11/011/22211 from head to Abd. V, S-microchaeta present on Th. II-III, claw without inner teeth and with 1+1 lateral teeth, and unguiculus with basal lamella; but they can be separated easily by the number of pseudocelli on Abd. V and VI terga, parapseudocelli on the body, number of chaetae on Th. I tergum, and number of chaetae on tibiotarsi. A key to Chinese species of Oligaphorurini is provided in the present paper.  相似文献   

石坚  王原  梁佳  杜娟  赵章武 《昆虫学报》2021,64(9):1080-1091
【目的】神经肽F(neuropeptide F, NPF)是无脊椎动物特有的一类神经肽,因其C末端是苯丙氨酸(F)而命名,参与昆虫的取食、生物节律、学习记忆等多种生理功能的调控。本研究旨在明确NPF对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis生长发育的影响,为害虫防治提供重要依据。【方法】采用一种基于工程菌高效合成靶向昆虫基因的dsRNA的方法经济有效地敲降npf,用低浓度(0.01%)和高浓度(0.02%)dsNPF和dsGFP(对照)分别饲喂亚洲玉米螟1龄初、3龄初和5龄初幼虫直至化蛹,检测5龄幼虫平均取食量、体重、体长、存活率和化蛹率,蛹羽化率和成虫产卵量,以及幼虫各龄期、蛹发育历期和成虫寿命。【结果】从亚洲玉米螟1, 3和5龄初幼虫开始饲喂0.01%和0.02% dsNPF时,与饲喂相应浓度dsGFP的对照相比,除个别点外,5龄幼虫的取食量、体重、体长、存活率和化蛹率,蛹羽化率和成虫单雌产卵量均显著降低,幼虫各龄期、蛹发育历期均显著延长,成虫寿命显著缩短。且dsNPF处理幼虫的龄期越早对发育的影响越大。其中0.01% dsNPF处理的1龄幼虫和0.02% dsNPF处理的3龄幼虫有90%的个体在蛹期死亡,而0.02%dsNPF处理的1龄幼虫有90%的个体在幼虫期死亡。【结论】结果提示NPF对亚洲玉米螟的发育和取食具有调控作用,这为探索新型绿色的害虫防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

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