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The Methoprene-tolerant (Met) protein has been established as a juvenile hormone (JH) receptor. Knockdown of the Met gene caused precocious metamorphosis and suppression of ovarian development. However, the function of Met in caste development of social insects is unclear. In termites, JH acts as a central factor for caste development, especially for soldier differentiation, which involves two molts from workers via a presoldier stage. Increased JH titer in workers is needed for the presoldier molt, and the high JH titer is maintained throughout the presoldier period. Although presoldiers have the fundamental morphological features of soldiers, the nature of the cuticle is completely different from that of soldiers. We expected that JH signals via Met are involved in soldier-specific morphogenesis of the head and mandibles during soldier differentiation, especially in the presoldier period, in natural conditions. To test this hypothesis, we focused on soldier differentiation in an incipient colony of the damp-wood termite Zootermopsis nevadensis. Met homolog (ZnMet) expression in heads increased just after the presoldier molt. This high expression was reduced by ZnMet double stranded (dsRNA) injection before the presoldier molt. Although this treatment did not cause any morphological changes in presoldiers, it caused strong effects on soldiers, their mandibles being significantly shorter and head capsules smaller than those of control soldiers. Injection of ZnMet dsRNA throughout the presoldier stage did not affect the formation of soldier morphology, including cuticle formation. These results suggested that the rapid increase in ZnMet expression and subsequent activation of JH signaling just after the presoldier molt are needed for the formation of soldier-specific weapons. Therefore, besides its established role in insect metamorphosis, the JH receptor signaling also underlies soldier development in termites.  相似文献   

Plasticity in the caste developmental pathway is a remarkable characteristic of termite societies. In Reticulitermes, two types of neotenic reproductive, nymphoids and ergatoids, may differentiate from nymphs and workers and take over reproduction in the colony after the death of the original primary reproductive pair. We examined the dynamics of newly differentiated nymphoids and ergatoids in experimentally orphaned laboratory colonies of R. speratus with different caste compositions. The period required for differentiation of nymphoids was shorter than that for differentiation of ergatoids. The sex ratio of neotenics was strongly female‐biased, particularly in ergatoids. The results suggested that the number of differentiated ergatoids was restricted by the existence of nymphs or nymphoids in a colony. Workers were assumed to kill most newly differentiated neotenics. Attack reflecting conflict between colony members is probably an important mechanism to control neotenic emergence.  相似文献   

Rocha MM  Cancello EM  Cuezzo C 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):125-134
Acangaobitermes krishnaigen. et sp. n., is described here, based on soldiers and workers collected in Brazil. Some characteristics suggest a close kinship with Noirotitermes Cancello & Myles, and both genera share the following traits absent in all other Syntermitinae: the microsculpturing on the soldier head capsule surface with internal granulations; the piercing mandibles with a single very reduced marginal tooth and the worker very similar in both genera. The most conspicuous differences between Acangaobitermes and Noirotitermes are the shape of the soldier head, the frontal tube and pronotum. The shape of the soldier head in Noirotitermes is unusual, with a very broad and short frontal tube, four conspicuous protuberances like sharp corners at the rear, while in the new genus the posterior contour of the head is devoid of these protuberances. The frontal tube of Acangaobitermes is elongate and conical, while in Noirotitermes it is short and very broad. The pronotum of Acangaobitermes is saddle-shaped as is usual in other Syntermitinae, while it is aberrant in Noirotitermes.  相似文献   

The dampwood termite genus ZootermopsisEmerson contains three recognized species with four distinct and consistent hydrocarbon phenotypes. Agonistic behaviors among nonreproductive insects from colonies of the same and different hydrocarbon phenotypes were observed in the laboratory. Various combinations of soldier versus nymphs, pseudergate versus pseudergate, and soldier versus soldier encounters were used in experimental trials. Soldiers or pseudergates seldom attack individuals of the same hydrocarbon phenotype. Z. angusticollis(Hagen) (phenotype II) is typically aggressive toward phenotype III of Z. nevadensis(Hagen) but not always aggressive against phenotype I of Z. nevadensis.The variation in response is dependent on which castes are placed in the bioassay arena: soldier versus soldier bouts result in consistent aggression, while pseudergate versus pseudergate or soldier versus nymphs contacts do not. Both pseudergates and soldiers of Z. laticeps(Banks) (phenotype IV) respond agonistically toward the other three phenotypes: Z. angusticollis (II) and Z. nevadensis(I and III). Although hydrocarbon phenotypes I and III, both Z. nevadensis,are morphologically indistinguishable, agonistic behavioral responses between phenotype I and phenotype III are not equivalent to I versus I or III versus III behavioral responses. The I versus III engagements, regardless of the castes involved, display a greater proportion of avoidance and aggressive responses than I or III intraphenotype encounters. We interpret the lack of avoidance or aggressive behavior within each of the two phenotypes of Z. nevadensisand the significant avoidance and aggressive behavior between phenotypes as definite evidence of discrimination between disparate hydrocarbon phenotypes. These agonistic bioassays along with data on distinct hydrocarbon patterns and geographic distributions serve as the basis for creating two subspecies of Z. nevadensis: Z. n. nevadensis(Hagen) and Z. n. nuttingiHaverty and Thorne, ssp. nov.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1992,39(3):313-324
Summary The developmental pattern of the neuter castes was studied in the mandibulate nasute generaCornitermes, Embiratermes andRhynchotermes. InCornitermes walkeri, all the workers and soldiers are male. There are two larval and a single worker instar. Workers can molt into presoldiers. InEmbiratermes chagresi andRhynchotermes perarmatus, both sexes are present among the neuters. A slight sexual dimorphism (males > females) is discernible among both larval instars and among workers ofE. chagresi; female workers can molt into presoldiers. InR. perarmatus, the sexual dimorphism is conspicuous from the first larval instar on. Male larvae go through two instars, then give rise to workers, which do not molt. InR. perarmatus, there is no worker stage in females, but a third larval instar, preceding the presoldier. Hypotheses are proposed as to the evolution of these caste patterns, attempting to conciliate present knowledge of Nasutitermitinae phylogeny and known evolutionary trends affecting termite caste patterns, according to the species' ecology.Research Associate: National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium).  相似文献   

Syaukani  Thompson GJ  Yamane S 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):161-169
A new species of nasute termite, Hospitalitermes krishnaisp. n., is described from soldiers and workers discovered in Lampung Province, Sumatra. This species can be distinguished from other related Hospitalitermes species from Southeast Asia by the anterior part of head capsule that is much smaller than the posterior part, head capsule that is moderately constricted behind the antennal sockets, and relatively deep depression between the head and nasus and, finally, the short and robust nasus measuring less than half as long as head capsule. Moreover, in profile the nasus is slightly up-curved but slightly decurved at the apical tip. We name this new species after Professor Kumar Krishna in recognition of his life-long contributions to termite taxonomy, systematics and biology.  相似文献   

The studies of pathogen-prevention behaviors of termites have focused on hygiene behavior directed only against highly virulent pathogens. Therefore, we compared behavioral changes in the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus following contact with entomopathogenic fungi with different levels of virulence. The fungal virulence was inferred from the daily mortality and the LD50 value in previous data. When untreated termites were allowed to contact their fungus-inoculated nestmates, mutual grooming was frequent during 30 min after inoculation. The inoculated termites were often attacked and eaten by their uninoculated nestmates, and then buried after death. Notably, there was no influence of fungal virulence on these pathogen-prevention behaviors. However, the fungal isolates and genera affected not only the frequency of the behaviors but also the horizontal transmission pattern, the number of dead individuals and the survival period before the first death following infection.  相似文献   

The trail-following pheromone and sex pheromones were investigated in the Indomalayan termite Hodotermopsis sjoestedti belonging to the new family Archotermopsidae.Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) after solid phase microextraction (SPME) of the sternal gland secretion of pseudergates and trail-following bioassays demonstrated that the trail-following pheromone of H. sjoestedti was syn-4,6-dimethylundecan-1-ol, a new chemical structure for termite pheromones. GC–MS after SPME of the sternal gland secretion of alates also allowed the identification of sex-specific compounds. In female alates, the major sex-specific compound was identified as (5E)-2,6,10-trimethylundeca-5,9-dienal, a compound previously identified as the female sex pheromone of the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis. In male alates, the major sex-specific compound was identified as syn-4,6-dimethylundecanal, a homolog of syn-4,6-dimethyldodecanal, which has previously been confirmed as the male sex pheromone of Z. nevadensis. The presence of sex-specific compounds in alates of H. sjoestedti strongly suggests for this termite the presence of sex-specific pairing pheromones which were only known until now in Z. nevadensis. Our results showed therefore a close chemical relationship between the pheromones of the taxa Hodotermopsis and Zootermopsis and, in contrast, a clear difference with the taxa Stolotermes and Porotermes, which is in total agreement with the recent creation of the families Archotermopsidae and Stolotermitidae as a substitute for the former family Termopsidae.  相似文献   

Summary The direct development ofNeotermes papua (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) comprises four larval and three nymphal instars before the alate. The first five instars can be easily characterized. The second stage nymphs come morphologically close to the pseudergates, characterized by reduced wing buds. These nymphs can moult stationarily, i.e. with little morphological change, or to presoldiers, or proceed to the alate via the third nymphal stage. Pseudergates originate through a late and reversible deviation from the straight development to the alate. Presoldiers may derive from several stages, up to the last nymphal one; their production is subject to an inhibition by extant soldiers. This developmental schema is congruent with those described in other Kalotermitidae and the Termopsidae. By pinpointing the existence of a large pool of pluripotent individuals, in which the penultimate nymphal stage mingles with pseudergates, the present study also reveals a great similarity betweenNeotermes andProrhinotermes, and suggests that this developmental schema might be generally applicable to termites devoid of a permanent worker caste.King Léopold III Biological Station, Laing Island, Papua New Guinea, contribution No. 235  相似文献   

The unique feature of eusociality is reproductive division of labor. At the termite colony initiation stage, there are only reproductives plus larvae and eggs that need to be cared for. As workers increase in number with colony development, reproductives are thought to be relieved of the cost of brood care and able to resume reproduction. This transition of responsibility for the care of offspring from parents to their offspring has been considered as a crucial step in the evolution of termite eusociality (trophic shift model). Here, we studied the endogenous cellulase gene expression levels and reproductive characteristics of alates and primary reproductives at 30, 50, 100, and 400 days after colony foundation in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. As a result, when the numbers of workers reached about 100 (400 days), wood digestion abilities of alates and primary reproductives decreased significantly while ovaries and testis were well developed. Moreover, wood digestion abilities of female secondary reproductives with well-developed ovaries, collected in the field colony, were lower than those of any stages of primary queens. These results were consistent with the trophic shift model, and suggested the importance of switch from parental care to alloparental care for reproductive division of labor and evolution of termite eusociality.  相似文献   

Coptotermes gestroi is an exotic species of termite that is a pest of great economical importance in Brazil. This paper relates the occurrence of a coelomic gregarine (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinida) in the abdomen of the foraging workers recently collected from field colonies of this termite. The termite hosts presented large, white abdomens because they carried 1 up to 3 cysts of gregarines filled with numerous lemon-shaped spores. Earlier developmental stages of this gregarine were not observed in the scanning microscope preparations nor in the histological slides of the infected termites. However, the lemon-shaped spores suggest a parasite gregarine of Mattesia genus, family Lipotrophidae.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探讨圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes labralis雌性工蚁向补充生殖蚁转化过程中的卵巢发育特征以及卵母细胞从滞育到恢复生长发育的起点。【方法】观察圆唇散白蚁雌性工蚁从3龄-6龄-转化成补充生殖蚁发育过程中的卵巢和卵母细胞动态变化;在若蚁向原始生殖蚁和补充生殖蚁转化的转录组中筛选出与卵母细胞生长期相关的基因表达,利用qRT-PCR方法检测这些基因在工蚁向生殖蚁转化发育过程中的表达水平。【结果】圆唇散白蚁工蚁从低龄向老龄发育过程中卵巢逐渐增大;前补充生殖蚁卵巢长度和宽度分别是工蚁的约2和3倍,而前补充生殖蚁转化为补充生殖蚁之后,卵巢没有显著增大。工蚁转化为前补充生殖蚁之后,卵母细胞大小(长径)和滤泡细胞层厚度仍然没有显著改变;前补充生殖蚁转化成补充生殖蚁之后,卵母细胞大小和滤泡细胞层厚度显著增加。调控卵母细胞生长期发育的6个基因cyclin-dependent kinase 1, cell division cycle protein 20, G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B3, G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-A, aurora kinase A和serine/threonine-protein kinasepolo在补充生殖蚁中的表达水平极显著增加,分别是前补充生殖蚁的约34, 62, 91, 36, 57和106倍。工蚁转化为前补充生殖蚁之后,仅G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B3, G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-A和aurora kinase A表达水平显著增高,分别是工蚁的约3, 3和2倍。【结论】圆唇散白蚁工蚁卵巢发育的停滞发生在老龄期,卵母细胞发育的恢复和减数分裂启动从工蚁转化为补充生殖蚁之后开始。  相似文献   

Background and Aims The evolution of interspecific reproductive barriers is crucial to understanding species evolution. This study examines the contribution of transitions between self-compatibility (SC) and self-incompatibility (SI) and genetic divergence in the evolution of reproductive barriers in Dendrobium, one of the largest orchid genera. Specifically, it investigates the evolution of pre- and postzygotic isolation and the effects of transitions between compatibility states on interspecific reproductive isolation within the genus.Methods The role of SC and SI changes in reproductive compatibility among species was examined using fruit set and seed viability data available in the literature from 86 species and ∼2500 hand pollinations. The evolution of SC and SI in Dendrobium species was investigated within a phylogenetic framework using internal transcribed spacer sequences available in GenBank.Key Results Based on data from crossing experiments, estimations of genetic distance and the results of a literature survey, it was found that changes in SC and SI significantly influenced the compatibility between species in interspecific crosses. The number of fruits produced was significantly higher in crosses in which self-incompatible species acted as pollen donor for self-compatible species, following the SI × SC rule. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian tests did not reject transitions from SI to SC and from SC to SI across the Dendrobium phylogeny. In addition, postzygotic isolation (embryo mortality) was found to evolve gradually with genetic divergence, in agreement with previous results observed for other plant species, including orchids.Conclusions Transitions between SC and SI and the gradual accumulation of genetic incompatibilities affecting postzygotic isolation are important mechanisms preventing gene flow among Dendrobium species, and may constitute important evolutionary processes contributing to the high levels of species diversity in this tropical orchid group.  相似文献   

Reproductive altruism is an extreme form of altruism best typified by sterile castes in social insects and somatic cells in multicellular organisms. Although reproductive altruism is central to the evolution of multicellularity and eusociality, the mechanistic basis for the evolution of this behaviour is yet to be deciphered. Here, we report that the gene responsible for the permanent suppression of reproduction in the somatic cells of the multicellular green alga, Volvox carteri, evolved from a gene that in its unicellular relative, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, is part of the general acclimation response to various environmental stress factors, which includes the temporary suppression of reproduction. Furthermore, we propose a model for the evolution of soma, in which by simulating the acclimation signal (i.e. a change in cellular redox status) in a developmental rather than environmental context, responses beneficial to a unicellular individual can be co-opted into an altruistic behaviour at the group level. The co-option of environmentally induced responses for reproductive altruism can contribute to the stability of this behaviour, as the loss of such responses would be costly for the individual. This hypothesis also predicts that temporally varying environments, which will select for more efficient acclimation responses, are likely to be more conducive to the evolution of reproductive altruism.  相似文献   


Background and Aims Trithuria

is the sole genus of Hydatellaceae, a family of the early-divergent angiosperm lineage Nymphaeales (water-lilies). In this study different arabinogalactan protein (AGP) epitopes in T. submersa were evaluated in order to understand the diversity of these proteins and their functions in flowering plants.


Immunolabelling of different AGPs and pectin epitopes in reproductive structures of T. submersa at the stage of early seed development was achieved by immunofluorescence of specific antibodies.

Key Results

AGPs in Trithuria pistil tissues could be important as structural proteins and also as possible signalling molecules. Intense labelling was obtained with anti-AGP antibodies both in the anthers and in the intine wall, the latter associated with pollen tube emergence.


AGPs could play a significant role in Trithuria reproduction, due to their specific presence in the pollen tube pathway. The results agree with labellings obtained for Arabidopsis and confirms the importance of AGPs in angiosperm reproductive structures as essential structural components and probably important signalling molecules.  相似文献   

Summary. We investigated demographic, morphological and histological aspects of Distylaphis foliorum, a gall-forming nipponaphidine aphid from Java, Indonesia, whose first instar nymphs had been reported to have enlarged forelegs and attack other insects. The gall inhabitants of D. foliorum consisted of two discrete populations; one developing normally and the other remaining at the first instar. Morphometric analysis identified two types of first instar nymphs; nymphs with relatively long forelegs and slender abdomen, and nymphs with relatively short forelegs and fat abdomen. The former nymphs were found from both young galls and mature galls, while the latter nymphs were from young galls only. Histological analysis strongly suggested a reproductive division in the first instar. In the former nymphs from mature galls, ovaries and mycetomes were degenerate and replaced by well-developed fat body cells. These results indicated that D. foliorum has a morphologically differentiated sterile soldier caste in the first instar. This study is the first report of a soldier caste with morphological and reproductive division in the aphid tribe Nipponaphidini, and suggests that highly specialized soldier castes have evolved at least four times in aphids.Received 25 June 2004; revised 24 September 2004; accepted 11 October 2004.  相似文献   

Termites exploit microbially rich resources such as decayed wood and soil that are colonized by potentially pathogenic and parasitic fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. In colonies composed of thousands of individuals, the risk of infection among nestmates is significant, and individual and social behavior could involve various adaptations to resist disease and parasitism. Here we show that the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen) exhibits a dosage dependent susceptibility to the soil nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican strain) and that this social insect significantly alters its behavior in response to this entomopathogenic roundworm. Relative to their baseline behavior, termites exposed to infective juveniles increased the frequency and duration of allogrooming and vibratory displays as well as two other novel behaviors, abdominal tip-raising and self-scratching. Whereas the first two behaviors likely reflect general adaptations to reduce susceptibility to a variety of pathogens and parasites, the latter behaviors might be specific to nematodes because they have never been observed in Z. angusticollis in any other pathogenic context. Our results support the hypotheses that behavioral responses in termites are important in the control of pathogenic and parasitic microorganisms and that termite susceptibility is socially mediated.  相似文献   

After swarming, reproductive dealates of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus, run together in tandem. The tandem running is an age-related behavioral activity in C. formosanus. This behavior was not evoked in pre-flight alates less than 6-d-old that were artificially dealated. Female age was more important than male age for evoking tandem behavior. Females and males, older than 35 days, did not exhibit this behavior. Mating status was not important for female and male dealates to form the tandem pairs. The titers of the major tergal gland component, trilinolein, did not decline significantly and remained high, not only in virgin females, but also in mated females for a period of time after swarming. On the other hand, increasing amounts of the female-specific compound trilinolein were detected in male dealates 7, 14, and 42 days after pairing. This suggests that trilinolein in the females might be transferred to the males as a nuptial gift in C. formosanus. In addition, females have structurally different lateral setae that may constitute a morphological factor involved in the tandem behavior in this species. Covering the setae with dimethyl sulfoxide prevented the tandem behavior.  相似文献   

Cuezzo C  Nickle DA 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):1-9
A new genus and species of nasutitermitine termites are described and illustrated, based on soldier and worker characters. Sinqasapatermesgen. n., can be distinguished from all other nasutitermitine genera by its singular worker gut coiling and enteric valve characters: distal margin of the enteric valve not everted into the paunch but bending towards the ileum, that is, directed against the flow of food; enteric valve armature with one ring of six equal subtriangularly-shaped ridges, each ridge with short spines on the entire surface; enteric valve armature situatedonexternal face of cone, facing the internal ileum wall; enteric valve seating tri-lobed and separated from remaining portionof the paunch; paunch subdivided. Sinqasapatermes sachaesp. n., was collected on a tree in a very narrow flattened tunnel that was well concealed beneath lichens in a northern Peru rainforest (Arcadia, Loreto Province).  相似文献   

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