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The biology of the cellular prion protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Prions are the etiological agents for infectious degenerative encephalopaties acting by inducing conformational changes in the cellular prion protein (PrPc), which is a cell membrane GPI anchored glycoprotein. Besides its conservation among species and expression in most tissues, and in particular, in high levels in the nervous system, the role for cellular prion protein remained obscure for some time. Initial skepticism about such a role was mainly due to the absence of a gross phenotype alteration in cellular prion protein null mice. In the last few years, some possible biological functions for cellular prion protein have been described. Copper binds to the molecule and the resulting complex may be responsible for cell protection against oxidative stress. Cellular prion protein is also a high-affinity ligand for laminin, and induces neuronal cell adhesion, neurite extension and maintenance. The binding site resides in a carboxy-terminal peptide of the gamma-1 chain, which is very conserved among all laminin types, indicating that this interaction may be relevant in other tissues besides the brain. Moreover, cellular prion protein association with a peptide that mimics a putative ligand at the cell surface, p66, triggers neuroprotective signals through a cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway. Since PrPc recycles from membrane to an intracellular compartment, which is induced by copper binding, it is also possible that the internalization mechanism allows switching off elicited signals.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein. We investigated whether PrP(C) can move from one cell to another cell in a cell model. Little PrP(C) transfer was detected when a PrP(C) expressing human neuroblastoma cell line was cultured with the human erythroleukemia cells IA lacking PrP(C). Efficient transfer of PrP(C) was detected with the presence of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an activator of protein kinase C. Maximum PrP(C) transfer was observed when both donor and recipient cells were activated. Furthermore, PrP(C) transfer required the GPI anchor and direct cell to cell contact. However, intercellular protein transfer is not limited to PrP(C), another GPI-anchored protein, CD90, also transfers from the donor cells to acceptor cells after cellular activation. Therefore, this transfer process is GPI-anchor and cellular activation dependent. These findings suggest that the intercellular transfer of GPI-anchored proteins is a regulated process, and may have implications for the pathogenesis of prion disease.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are transmissible neurodegenerative diseases caused by a conformational isoform of the prion protein (PrP), a host-encoded cell surface sialoglycoprotein. Recent evidence suggests a cytosolic fraction of PrP (cyPrP) functions either as an initiating factor or toxic element of prion disease. When expressed in cultured cells, cyPrP acquires properties of the infectious conformation of PrP (PrP(Sc)), including insolubility, protease resistance, aggregation, and toxicity. Transgenic mice (2D1 and 1D4 lines) that coexpress cyPrP and PrP(C) exhibit focal cerebellar atrophy, scratching behavior, and gait abnormalities suggestive of prion disease, although they lack protease-resistant PrP. To determine if the coexpression of PrP(C) is necessary or inhibitory to the phenotype of these mice, we crossed Tg1D4(Prnp(+/+)) mice with PrP-ablated mice (TgPrnp(o/o)) to generate Tg1D4(Prnp(o/o)) mice and followed the development of disease and pathological phenotype. We found no difference in the onset of symptoms or the clinical or pathological phenotype of disease between Tg1D4(Prnp(+/+)) and Tg1D4(Prnp(o/o)) mice, suggesting that cyPrP and PrP(C) function independently in the disease state. Additionally, Tg1D4(Prnp(o/o)) mice were resistant to challenge with mouse-adapted scrapie (RML), suggesting cyPrP is inaccessible to PrP(Sc). We conclude that disease phenotype and cellular toxicity associated with the expression of cyPrP are independent of PrP(C) and the generation of typical prion disease.  相似文献   

Prions are infectious proteins and over the past few decades, some prions have become renowned for their causative role in several neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans. Since their discovery, the mechanisms and mode of transmission and molecular structure of prions have begun to be established. There is, however, still much to be elucidated about prion diseases, including the development of potential therapeutic strategies for treatment. The significance of prion disease is discussed here, including the categories of human and animal prion diseases, disease transmission, disease progression and the development of symptoms and potential future strategies for treatment. Furthermore, the structure and function of the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) and its importance in not only in prion disease development, but also in diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of an inhibitory protein of ethylene productionisolated from etiolated mung bean hypocotyls (Planta 113: 115,1973) were investigated. Etiolated mung bean hypocotyl segmentsincubated with IAA for 3 hr (1st incubation) to induce ethylene-producingactivity were incubated for 1 hr with IAA in the presence ofthe inhibitory protein and a radioactive material to measuremetabolic activity. Under the conditions where ethylene productionwas inhibited 80% or more by the protein, RNA synthesis, proteinsynthesis and phosphate uptake were suppressed 55–60,65–80, and 60–75%, respectively. Conversion of 1-14C-acetateto CO2, lipid, basic and neutral fractions was also inhibited,but the degrees of inhibition were much less than those forthe other processes. When the segments pretreated with the inhibitoryprotein during the 1st incubation period were washed free ofthe protein and assayed for their metabolic activities, theinhibition of RNA and protein syntheses and of phosphate uptakewas partially restored, while ethylene-producing activity wasfully restored to the control level. Similar reversible inhibitoryeffects were also observed for those metabolic activities inthe tissue segments not treated with IAA, thus not producinginduced ethylene. Oxygen uptake and conversion of U-14C-glucoseto CO2 were not affected by the inhibitory protein. The possibilitythat the inhibitory protein acts on cell surface membranes andthe modified membranes affect the regulatory mechanism of cellularmetabolism is discussed. 1 This investigation was supported in part by grants from theMinistries of Education (B-248009), and of Agriculture and Forestryof Japan. (Received November 4, 1977; )  相似文献   

The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cellular prion protein (PrPc) has a fundamental role in prion diseases. Intracellular trafficking of PrPc is important in the generation of protease resistant PrP species but little is known of how endocytosis affects PrPc function. Here, we discuss recent experiments that have illuminated how PrPc is internalized and what are the possible destinations taken by the protein. Contrary to what would be expected for a GPI-anchored protein there is increasing evidence that clathrin-mediated endocytosis and classical endocytic organelles participate in PrPc trafficking. Moreover, the N-terminal domain of PrPc may be involved in sorting events that can direct the protein during its intracellular journey. Indeed, the concept that the GPI-anchor determines PrPc trafficking has been challenged. Cellular signaling can be triggered or be regulated by PrPc and we suggest that endocytosis of PrPc may influence signaling in several ways. Definition of the processes that participate in PrPc endocytosis and intracellular trafficking can have a major impact on our understanding of the mechanisms involved in PrPc function and conversion to protease resistant conformations.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is essential for the pathogenesis and transmission of prion diseases. Whereas the majority of PrP(C) is bound to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, a secreted form of the protein has been identified. Here we show that PrP(C) can be shed into the medium of human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells by both protease- and phospholipase-mediated mechanisms. The constitutive shedding of PrP(C) was inhibited by a range of hydroxamate-based zinc metalloprotease inhibitors in a manner identical to the alpha-secretase-mediated shedding of the amyloid precursor protein, indicating a proteolytic shedding mechanism. Like amyloid precursor protein, this zinc metalloprotease-mediated shedding of PrP(C) could be stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate and by copper ions. The lipid raft-disrupting agents filipin and methyl-beta-cyclodextrin promoted the shedding of PrP(C) via a distinct mechanism that was not inhibited by hydroxamate-based inhibitors. Filipin-mediated shedding of PrP(C) is likely to occur via phospholipase cleavage of the GPI anchor, since a transmembrane polypeptide-anchored PrP construct was not shed in response to filipin treatment. Collectively, our data indicate that shedding of PrP(C) can occur via both secretase-like proteolytic cleavage of the protein and phospholipase cleavage of the GPI anchor moiety.  相似文献   

Prion protein is a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchored glycoprotein localized on the surface and within a variety of cells. Its conformation change is thought to be essential for the proliferation of prion neurodegenerative diseases. Using the yeast two-hybrid assay we identified an interaction between prion protein and clusterin, a chaperone glycoprotein. This interaction was confirmed in a mammalian system by in vivo co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro by circular dichroism analysis. Through deletion mapping analysis we demonstrated that the alpha subunit, but not the beta subunit, of clusterin binds to prion and that the C-terminal 62 amino acid segment of the putative alpha helix region of clusterin is essential for the binding interaction. The full prion protein as well as the N-terminal section (aa 23-95) and C-terminal (aa 96-231) were shown to interact with clusterin. These findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of interaction between prion and clusterin protein and contribute to the understanding of prion protein's physiological function.  相似文献   

Aberrant metabolism and conformational alterations of the cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) are the underlying causes of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in humans and animals. In cells, PrP(c) is modified post-translationally and transported along the secretory pathway to the plasma membrane, where it is attached to the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. In surface biotinylation assays we observed that deletions within the unstructured N terminus of murine PrP(c) led to a significant reduction of internalization of PrP after transfection of murine neuroblastoma cells. Truncation of the entire N terminus most significantly inhibited internalization of PrP(c). The same deletions caused a significant prolongation of cellular half-life of PrP(c) and a delay in the transport through the secretory pathway to the cell surface. There was no difference in the glycosylation kinetics, indicating that all PrP constructs equally passed endoplasmic reticulum-based cellular quality control. Addition of the N terminus of the Xenopus laevis PrP, which does not encode a copper-binding repeat element, to N-terminally truncated mouse PrP restored the wild type phenotype. These results provide deeper insight into the life cycle of the PrP(c), raising the novel possibility of a targeting function of its N-proximal part by interacting with the secretory and the endocytic machinery. They also indicate the conservation of this targeting property in evolution.  相似文献   

The soluble cellular prion protein (PrPC) is best known for its association with prion disease (PrD) through its conversion to a pathogenic insoluble isoform (PrPSc). However, its deleterious effects independent of PrPSc have recently been observed not only in PrD but also in Alzheimer disease (AD), two diseases which mainly affect cognition. At the same time, PrPC itself seems to have broad physiologic functions including involvement in cognitive processes. The PrPC that is believed to be soluble and monomeric has so far been the only PrP conformer observed in the uninfected brain. In 2006, we identified an insoluble PrPC conformer (termed iPrPC) in uninfected human and animal brains. Remarkably, the PrPSc-like iPrPC shares the immunoreactivity behavior and fragmentation with a newly-identified PrPSc species in a novel human PrD termed variably protease-sensitive prionopathy. Moreover, iPrPC has been observed as the major PrP species that interacts with amyloid β (Aβ) in AD. This article highlights evidence of PrP involvement in two putatively beneficial and deleterious PrP-implicated pathways in cognition, and hypothesizes first, that beneficial and deleterious effects of PrPC are attributable to the chameleon-like conformation of the protein and second, that the iPrPC conformer is associated with PrD and AD.  相似文献   

Evidence for a secretory form of the cellular prion protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
B Hay  S B Prusiner  V R Lingappa 《Biochemistry》1987,26(25):8110-8115
The biogenesis of hamster brain prion protein (PrP) has been studied by expression of RNA transcribed from a full-length PrP cDNA in Xenopus oocytes and cell-free systems. Earlier studies in the wheat germ cell-free system showed that one form of PrP is a transmembrane protein that spans the bilayer at least twice [Hay, B., Barry, R. A., Lieberburg, I., Prusiner, S. B., & Lingappa, V. R. (1987) Mol. Cell. Biol. 7, 914-920]. We now report that PrP can also exist as a secreted protein. SP6 PrP RNA microinjected into Xenopus oocytes produced two forms of PrP: one that remained in the cell and another that was secreted into the medium. Cell-free translation studies in rabbit reticulocyte lysates supplemented with microsomal membranes gave similar results: while one form of PrP was found as an integral membrane protein spanning the membrane at least twice, another form of PrP was found to be completely translocated to the microsomal membrane vesicle lumen. Both the membrane and secretory forms of PrP appear to be generated from the same pool of nascent chains. The mechanism governing the alternative fates of nascent PrP remains to be elucidated but may have significance for understanding the pathogenesis of scrapie and other prion diseases.  相似文献   

Cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is an ubiquitously expressed glycoprotein whose roles are still widely discussed, particularly in the field of immunology. Using TgA20- and Tg33-transgenic mice overexpressing PrP(C), we investigated the consequences of this overexpression on T cell development. In both models, overexpression of PrP(C) induces strong alterations at different steps of T cell maturation. On TgA20 mice, we observed that these alterations are cell autonomous and lead to a decrease of alphabeta T cells and a concomitant increase of gammadelta T cell numbers. PrP(C) has been shown to bind and chelate copper and, interestingly, under a copper supplementation diet, TgA20 mice presented a partial restoration of the alphabeta T cell development, suggesting that PrP(C) overexpression, by chelating copper, generates an antioxidant context differentially impacting on alphabeta and gammadelta T cell lineage.  相似文献   

Conversion of the cellular isoform of the prion protein (PrP(C)) into the disease-associated isoform (PrP(Sc)) plays a key role in the development of prion diseases. Within its cellular pathway, PrP(C) undergoes several posttranslational modifications, i.e., the attachment of two N-linked glycans and a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) anchor, by which it is linked to the plasma membrane on the exterior cell surface. To study the interaction of PrP(C) with model membranes, we purified posttranslationally modified PrP(C) from transgenic Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The mono-, di- and oligomeric states of PrP(C) free in solution were analyzed by analytical ultracentrifugation. The interaction of PrP(C) with model membranes was studied using both lipid vesicles in solution and lipid bilayers bound to a chip surface. The equilibrium and mechanism of PrP(C) association with the model membranes were analyzed by surface plasmon resonance. Depending on the degree of saturation of binding sites, the concentration of PrP(C) released from the membrane into aqueous solution was estimated at between 10(-9) and 10(-7) M. This corresponds to a free energy of the insertion reaction of -48 kJ/mol. Consequences for the conversion of PrP(C) to PrP(Sc) are discussed.  相似文献   

Identification of cellular proteins binding to the scrapie prion protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) is an abnormal isoform of the cellular protein PrPc. PrPSc is found only in animals with scrapie or other prion diseases. The invariable association of PrPSc with infectivity suggests that PrPSc is a component of the infectious particle. In this study, we report the identification of two proteins from hamster brain of 45 and 110 kDa (denoted PrP ligands Pli 45 and Pli 110) which were able to bind to PrP 27-30, the protease-resistant core of PrPSc on ligand blots. Pli 45 and Pli 110 also bound PrPC. Both Pli's had isoelectric points of approximately 5. The dissociation rate constant of the Pli 45/PrP 27-30 complex was 3 x 10(-6) s-1. Amino acid and protein sequence analyses were performed on purified Pli 45. Both the composition and the sequence were almost identical with those predicted for mouse glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Furthermore, antibodies to Pli 45 reacted with recombinant GFAP. The identification of proteins which interact with the PrP isoforms in normal and diseased brain may provide new insights into the function of PrPC and into the molecular mechanisms underlying prion diseases.  相似文献   

The main hypothesis for prion diseases proposes that the cellular protein (PrP(C)) can be altered into a misfolded, beta-sheet-rich isoform (PrP(Sc)), which in most cases undergoes aggregation. In an organism infected with PrP(Sc), PrP(C) is converted into the beta-sheet form, generating more PrP(Sc). We find that sequence-specific DNA binding to recombinant murine prion protein (mPrP-(23-231)) converts it from an alpha-helical conformation (cellular isoform) into a soluble, beta-sheet isoform similar to that found in the fibrillar state. The recombinant murine prion protein and prion domains bind with high affinity to DNA sequences. Several double-stranded DNA sequences in molar excess above 2:1 (pH 4.0) or 0.5:1 (pH 5.0) completely inhibit aggregation of prion peptides, as measured by light scattering, fluorescence, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. However, at a high concentration, fibers (or peptide aggregates) can rescue the peptide bound to the DNA, converting it to the aggregating form. Our results indicate that a macromolecular complex of prion-DNA may act as an intermediate for the formation of the growing fiber. We propose that host nucleic acid may modulate the delicate balance between the cellular and the misfolded conformations by reducing the protein mobility and by making the protein-protein interactions more likely. In our model, the infectious material would act as a seed to rescue the protein bound to nucleic acid. Accordingly, DNA would act on the one hand as a guardian of the Sc conformation, preventing its propagation, but on the other hand may catalyze Sc conversion and aggregation if a threshold level is exceeded.  相似文献   

The soluble cellular prion protein (PrPC) is best known for its association with prion disease (PrD) through its conversion to a pathogenic insoluble isoform (PrPSc). However, its deleterious effects independent of PrPSc have recently been observed not only in PrD but also in Alzheimer disease (AD), two diseases which mainly affect cognition. At the same time, PrPC itself seems to have broad physiologic functions including involvement in cognitive processes. The PrPC that is believed to be soluble and monomeric has so far been the only PrP conformer observed in the uninfected brain. In 2006, we identified an insoluble PrPC conformer (termed iPrPC) in uninfected human and animal brains. Remarkably, the PrPSc-like iPrPC shares the immunoreactivity behavior and fragmentation with a newly-identified PrPSc species in a novel human PrD termed variably protease-sensitive prionopathy. Moreover, iPrPC has been observed as the major PrP species that interacts with amyloid β (Aβ) in AD. This article highlights evidence of PrP involvement in two putatively beneficial and deleterious PrP-implicated pathways in cognition and hypothesizes first, that beneficial and deleterious effects of PrPC are attributable to the chameleon-like conformation of the protein and second, that the iPrPC conformer is associated with PrD and AD.Key words: prion protein, prion disease, cognition, cognitive deficit, insoluble prion protein, Alzheimer disease, variably protease-sensitive prionopathy, dementia, memory  相似文献   

Local environmental effects on the structure of the prion protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prion diseases are neurodegenerative diseases causally linked to the partial unfolding and subsequent misfolding and aggregation of the prion protein (PrP). While most proteins fold into a single low energy state, PrP can fold into two distinct isoforms. In its innocuous state, denoted as PrPC, the protein has predominantly alpha-helical secondary structure, however, PrPC can misfold into an isoform rich in extended structure capable of forming toxic and infectious aggregates. While prion disease is believed to be a protein-only disease, one not requiring any non-protein elements for propagation, the different environments the protein finds itself in vivo likely influence its ability to misfold and aggregate. In this review we will examine various molecules, covalent modifications and environments PrP faces in vivo and the effect they have on PrP's local environment and, potentially, conformation. Included in this discussion are: (1) pH, (2) carbohydrates, (3) lipid membranes, (4) metal ions, and (5) small molecules.  相似文献   

Conservation of the cellular gene encoding the scrapie prion protein.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The major protein, PrP 27-30, in purified preparations of hamster scrapie prions is encoded within the genome of the experimental host. DNA sequences related to a PrP cDNA clone can be detected in a wide variety of organisms under relatively stringent conditions where the only signal generated by hamster or mouse DNA corresponds to the PrP gene. Three hosts for scrapie, goat, sheep and rat gave strong hybridization signals. In addition, three invertebrate DNAs reacted with the PrP probe, in the order nematode-Drosophila much greater than yeast. Thus, the sequences detected in goat, sheep, rat, nematode, Drosophila and possibly yeast DNA may arise from authentic PrP genes. This evolutionary conservation is consistent with the notion that PrP proteins participate in essential cellular processes.  相似文献   

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