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Molecular evidence for the phylogeny of Australian gekkonoid lizards   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and nuclear c-mos genes were determined for 12 species of gekkonoid lizards representing the four major taxa of the Australian region, the Diplodactyhni and Carphodactylini (forming the subfamily Diplodactylinae), the Pygopodidae and the Gekkoninae. One further species represented a non-Australian gekkonoid lineage, the Eublepharinae. The combined sequence data were used to reconstruct the underlying molecular phylogeny. We used the molecular phylogeny to test the monophyly of the diplodactyline tribes and conflicting hypotheses of relationships of die pygopods and of the genus Oedura. Monophyly of the Diplodactylinae is supported, while pygopods form a monophyletic sister lineage to all Diplodactylinae. The molecular data support the monophyly of the Diplodactyhni, with Oedura firmly placed as a diplodactylin. Monophyly of the Carphodactylini is not supported. The four carphodactylin genera form a paraphyletic cluster at the base of the Diplodactyhni. Pygopods are nested within the traditional Gekkonidae and pygopods plus diplodactylines form a well-supported monophyletic group with respect to the remaining gekkonoids, the gekkonines and eublepharines.  相似文献   

The aphid subfamily Hormaphidinae is a good candidate for the study of the evolution of insect – plant relationships. Most hormaphidine species depend on woody primary host plants and woody or herbaceous secondary host plants, and represent high host specificity, especially to their primary hosts. No detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae has been reported, and the taxonomic positions of some taxa in this group remain unclear. To reconstruct major phylogenetic relationships and to understand the evolution of host association patterns for major lineages, we present the first detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae, as inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Hormaphidinae and its three traditional tribes was supported, and a sister relationship between Hormaphidini and Nipponaphidini was suggested. Most inner relationships within tribes were also supported, and some novel relationships were revealed. Two subtribes of Cerataphidini are proposed. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian approach indicate that tribal diversifications occurred during the Late Cretaceous and were coincident with the appearance of their primary host plants. The current pattern of secondary host association for the three tribes may have evolved in different time ranges. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 73–87.  相似文献   

Major opsin (LW Rh) DNA sequence has been reported to provide useful data for resolving phylogenetic relationships among tribes of corbiculate bees based on analyses of 502 bp of coding sequence. However, the corbiculate tribes are believed to be of Cretaceous age, and strong support for insect clades of this age from small data sets of nucleotide sequence data has rarely been demonstrated. To more critically assess opsin's phylogenetic utility we generated an expanded LW Rh data set by sequencing the same gene fragment from 52 additional bee species from 24 tribes and all six extant bee families. Analyses of this data set failed to provide substantial support for monophyly of corbiculate bees, for relationships among corbiculate tribes, or for most other well-established higher-level relationships among long-tongued bees. However, monophyly of nearly all genera and tribes is strongly supported, indicating that LW Rh provides useful phylogenetic signal at lower taxonomic levels. When our expanded LW Rh data set is combined with a morphological and behavioral data set for corbiculate bees, the results unambiguously support the traditional phylogeny of the corbiculate bee tribes: (Euglossini + (Bombini + (Meliponini + Apini))). This implies a single origin of advanced eusocial behavior among bees rather than dual origins, as proposed by several recent studies.  相似文献   

A comprehensive higher‐level phylogeny of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) based on larval characters is presented. Larval morphology and chaetotaxy of a broad range of genera and species was studied, covering all currently recognized subfamilies and tribes except for the small and geographically restricted Hydrodytinae, where the larva is unknown. The results suggest several significant conclusions with respect to the systematics of Dytiscidae including the following: monophyly of all currently recognized subfamilies, although Dytiscinae when considered in a broad context is rendered paraphyletic by Cybistrinae; currently recognized tribes are monophyletic except for Agabini, Hydroporini and Laccornellini; inter‐subfamily and inter‐tribe relationships generally show weak support, except for a few well supported clades; three distinct clades are recognized within Dytiscinae [Dytiscini sensu lato (i.e. including the genera Dytiscus Linnaeus and Hyderodes Hope), Hydaticini sensu lato, and Cybistrini]; and recognition of Pachydrini as a distinct tribe. Other less robust results include: Methlini sister to the rest of Hydroporinae; relative basal position of Laccornini, Hydrovatini and Laccornellini within Hydroporinae; close relationship of Agabinae and Copelatinae; Matinae nested deep within Dytiscidae, as sister to a large clade including Colymbetinae, Coptotominae, Lancetinae and Dytiscinae sensu lato; the sister‐group relationship of Agabetini and Laccophilini is confirmed. The results presented here are discussed and compared with previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on different datasets, and the evolution of some significant morphological features is discussed in light of the proposed phylogeny. All suprageneric taxa are diagnosed, including illustrations of all relevant synapomorphies, and a key to separate subfamilies and tribes is presented, both in traditional (paper) format and as an online Lucid interactive identification key.  相似文献   

Abstract A molecular phylogeny of the Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) is presented. This group of minute egg parasitoids is known from a broad range of host insects. The phylogeny produced, the first of any kind for the family, utilizes 121 taxa in fifty‐two of the eighty‐four recognized genera. Results were inferred from the ribosomal RNA regions 18S, 28S‐D2 and 28S‐D3, all aligned according to secondary structure models. Parsimony analysis was performed on both a complete and reduced dataset, in which ambiguous regions as defined by secondary structure were eliminated. The reduced dataset produced a much less resolved phylogenetic hypothesis. Only the complete dataset was utilized for Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses. A robust‐choice Bayesian hypothesis stemmed from the concatenation of five distinct character set parameters. The results are compared with the current classification based primarily on male genitalia. Although our conclusions are partially congruent with the accepted hypothesis of trichogrammatid relationships, none of the currently adopted assemblages was recovered as monophyletic. Nevertheless, the structure of the male genitalia does correspond with relative taxon position in the molecular hypotheses. In general, the greatest genitalic simplification and fusion characterizes taxa treated as the most derived in the molecular hypotheses. Several groups are consistently recovered, but relationships between these groups and other genera vary with the analytical method. A new classification of the Trichogrammatidae is proposed. It includes one tribe, Trichogrammatini, within the subfamily Trichogrammatinae, and three tribes, Paracentrobiini, Chaetostrichini and Oligositini, within the Oligositinae. All tribes are more narrowly defined than previously and many genera are treated as incertae sedis within each subfamily. The results are interpreted in the light of morphological evidence, and the placement of genera not represented in molecular analysis is inferred by morphology alone. Host associations throughout the family are varied, although the molecular results suggest that Trichogrammatidae primitively parasitized Coleoptera, with more recent radiations onto other insect orders, such as Lepidoptera and Hemiptera.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The phylogenetic relationships of taxa representative of blood parasitic adeleids were investigated in a cladistic analysis. Two phylogenetic analyses were performed. Monophyly of species of Haemogregarina (sensu lato) of some marine fishes with species of Haemogregarina (sensu stricto) was not supported in either analysis. A new genus, Desseria n. g., was created to accommodate these species. The historical burden placed on the genus Haemogregarina Danilewsky, 1885 as a repository for poorly known and inadequately described species is partially relieved through taxonomic revisions involving the genera Haemogregarina , and Desseria n. g.  相似文献   

The traditional phylogeny of the coral-inhabiting barnacles, the Pyrgomatidae, is based on morphological characteristics, mainly of the hard parts. It has been difficult to establish the phylogenetic relationships among Pyrgomatidae because of the apparent convergence of morphological characteristics, and due to the use of non-cladistic systematics, which emphasize ancestor-descendant relationships rather than sister-clade relationships. We used partial sequences of two mithochondrial genes, 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA, and a nuclear gene, 18S rDNA, to infer the molecular phylogeny of the pyrgomatids. Our phylogenetic results allowed us to reject previous classifications of Pyrgomatidae based on morphological characteristics. Our results also suggested the possibility of paraphyly of the Pyrgomatidae. The hydrocoral barnacle Wanella is not found on the same clade as the other pyrgomatids, but rather, with the free-living balanids. The basal position of Megatrema and Ceratoconcha is supported. The archeaobalanid Armatobalanus is grouped with Cantellius at the base of the Indo-Pacific pyrgomatines. Fusion of the shell plate and modification of the opercular valves are homoplasious features that occurred more than three times on different clades. The monophyly of the "Savignium" group, comprising four nominal genera, is also not supported, and the different taxa are placed on different clades.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships based on 801 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene are examined for eight genera and 28 species of the akodontine tribe of South American murid rodents. The akodontine tribe comprises some 35% of the total diversity of the subfamily Sigmodontinae, but the current taxonomy at virtually all levels is uncertain because of inadequate generic diagnoses and assessments of variation and trends in traditional morphological characters. Monophyly of the tribe cannot be resolved by the sequence data, based on comparisons to outgroup taxa in three other tribes (Oryzomyini, Phyllotini, and Thomasomyini). However, highly corroborated monophyletic units within the group are obtained in a variety of both parsimony and distance analyses. These include a redefined and numerically dominant genus Akodon (with Microxus and Hypsimys as synonyms), Bolomys, Lenoxus, Oxymycterus, and a strongly supported assemblage that includes the central Andean Chroeomys and 'Akodon' andinus and the southern Abrothrix, 'Akodon' olivaceus, and the long-clawed mice of the genera Notiomys, Geoxus, and Chelemys. Sequence divergence within species is typically less than 5%, although levels can reach 10% for some highly polytypic forms. Divergence among genera within the tribe reaches 35% in corrected estimates, a level that is as great as that among representatives of different tribes. Changes in the current classification of akodontines are suggested based on these data, and the timing and place of origin of the tribe and its radiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The subfamily Ambleminae is the most diverse subfamily of fresh‐water mussels (order Unionoida), a globally diverse and ecologically prominent group of bivalves. About 250 amblemine species occur in North America; however, this diversity is highly imperiled, with the majority of species at risk. Assessing and protecting this diversity has been hampered by the uncertain systematics of this group. This study sought to provide an improved phylogenetic framework for the Ambleminae. Currently, 37 North American genera are recognized in Ambleminae. Previous phylogenetic studies of amblemines highlighted the need for more extensive sampling due to the uncertainties arising from polyphyly of many currently recognized taxa. The present study incorporated all amblemine genera occurring in North America north of the Rio Grande, with multiple species of most genera, including the type species for all but seven genera. A total of 192 new DNA sequences were obtained for three mitochondrial gene regions: COI, 16S, and ND1. In combination with published data, this produced a data matrix incorporating 357 gene sequences for 143 operational taxonomic units, representing 107 currently recognized species. Inclusion of published data provides additional taxa and a summary of present molecular evidence on amblemine phylogeny, if at the cost of increasing the amount of missing data. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses suggest that most amblemine genera, as currently defined, are polyphyletic. At higher taxonomic levels, the tribes Quadrulini, Lampsilini, and Pleurobemini were supported; the extent of Amblemini and the relationships of some genera previously assigned to that tribe remain unclear. The eastern North American amblemines appear monophyletic. Gonidea and some Eurasian taxa place as probable sister taxa for the eastern North American Ambleminae. The results also highlight problematic taxa of particular interest for further work.  相似文献   

Planorbid gastropods are the most diverse group of limnic pulmonates, with both discoidal and highspired taxa. Phylogenetic relationships among these genera are confused and controversial. In particular, the monophyly of the limpet‐like taxa (traditionally Ancylidae) is disputed. Even recent molecular studies have concluded that substantially more work is necessary to solve the remaining issues concerning intergeneric phylogenetic relationships and higher taxa systematics. Planorbid snails are of great significance for humans as several members of this group are intermediate hosts of blood flukes (schistosomes) causing a chronic disease, schistosomiasis. We used the two independent molecular markers COI and 18S (concatenated dataset of 2837 nucleotide bp) to infer phylogenetic relationships of 26 genera (27 species) of Planorboidea, represented mostly by type species from mainly topotypical populations. With the majority of the taxa discussed not having been studied previously, this study attempted to test several hypotheses on planorbid phylogenetic relationships using Bayesian inference techniques. The monophyly of Planorboidea (= ‘Ancyloplanorbidae’) is strongly suggested on the basis of our extensive molecular analysis. Besides a distinct Burnupia clade, two major clades were recovered that correspond to family level taxa (traditional Bulinidae and Planorbidae). Considerable rearrangements of suprageneric taxa are evident from the phylogeny inferred. Therefore, the only clades recognized by current classifications and supported by our analysis are Planorbini and Segmentinini. The present study found that Ancylidae as traditionally understood, i.e. covering most freshwater limpet gastropods, is paraphyletic, as the genera of Burnupia and Protancylus have been shown to lie phylogenetically outside the Ancylini. Chromosome numbers and levels of polyploidy are discussed in the light of the new phylogeny. An earlier theory of shell shape evolution, i.e. that of patelliform taxa being most advanced, was not supported by this study; a limpet‐shaped taxon is most basal within Planorboidea. Although many taxa still remain to be studied, our results will hopefully contribute towards a better understanding of this very important group of freshwater organisms. Some taxonomic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To estimate the evolutionary history of the mustard family (Brassicaceae or Cruciferae), we sampled 113 species, representing 101 of the roughly 350 genera and 17 of the 19 tribes of the family, for the chloroplast gene ndhF. The included accessions increase the number of genera sampled over previous phylogenetic studies by four-fold. Using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods, we reconstructed the phylogeny of the gene and used the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (S-H test) to compare the phylogenetic results with the most recent tribal classification for the family. The resultant phylogeny allowed a critical assessment of variations in fruit morphology and seed anatomy, upon which the current classification is based. We also used the S-H test to examine the utility of trichome branching patterns for describing monophyletic groups in the ndhF phylogeny. Our phylogenetic results indicate that 97 of 114 ingroup accessions fall into one of 21 strongly supported clades. Some of these clades can themselves be grouped into strongly to moderately supported monophyletic groups. One of these lineages is a novel grouping overlooked in previous phylogenetic studies. Results comparing 30 different scenarios of evolution by the S-H test indicate that five of 12 tribes represented by two or more genera in the study are clearly polyphyletic, although a few tribes are not sampled well enough to establish para- or polyphyly. In addition, branched trichomes likely evolved independently several times in the Brassicaceae, although malpighiaceous and stellate trichomes may each have a single origin.  相似文献   

The avian family Accipitridae has historically been divided into subfamilies or tribes based on features such as general resemblance, feeding ecology, and behavior. Consequently, the monophyly of those groups has been questionable. Recently, three phylogenetic analyses of a majority of the genera have appeared, one based on osteology, one on DNA sequences from a single mitochondrial gene, and the third on mitochondrial plus nuclear DNA sequences, and the resulting phylogenies were in substantial disagreement concerning the composition and basal branching patterns of the clades and hence require further analysis and confirmation. Here we use DNA sequences from the large nuclear RAG-1 exon to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of these birds. Our results largely corroborated the prior study that included nuclear genes. We found strong support for a monophyletic clade comprising the secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius , the osprey Pandion haliaetus , and the traditional accipitrids. However, every one of the traditionally recognized subfamilies of accipitrids was found to be polyphyletic. The most basal nodes in the phylogeny separate small clades of insectivorous and scavenger species, such as kites and Old World vultures, from the rest of the family. The speciose genera of bird and mammal predators are all relatively derived (terminal) in the phylogeny. Many of the basal clades are cosmopolitan in their distributions, consistent with the great mobility of these raptors. A new classification is proposed that eliminates the problem of polyphyletic intrafamilial taxa.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of generic relationships for avian chewing lice of families Goniodidae and Heptapsogasteridae (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) is presented. These lice, hosted by galliform, columbiform and tinamiform birds are reputedly basal in the phylogeny of Ischnocera. A cladistic analysis of sixty‐two adult morphological characters from thirty‐one taxa revealed thirty equally parsimonious cladograms. The phylogeny is well resolved within Heptap‐sogasteridae and supports the monophyly of subfamily Strongylocotinae (sensu Eichler 1963 ). Resolution within Goniodidae is lower but suggests that the genera hosted by Columbiformes are largely monophyletic. Mapping host taxonomy on to the phylogeny of the lice reveals a consistent pattern which is largely congruent down to the rank of host family, although at lower taxonomic levels the association appears to be more complex. The inclusion of more louse taxa may help considerably to unravel the coevolutionary history of both the hosts and their parasites.  相似文献   

A parsimony‐based phylogenetic analysis of eighty‐three morphological characters of adults and immatures of seventy representatives of the tribes and subfamilies of Membracidae and two outgroup taxa was conducted to evaluate the status and relationships of these taxa. Centrotinae apparently gave rise to Nessorhinini and Oxyrhachini (both formerly treated as subfamilies, now syn.n. and syn.reinst., respectively, of Centrotinae). In contrast to previous analyses, a clade comprising Nicomiinae, Centronodinae, Centrodontinae, and the unplaced genera Holdgatiella Evans, Euwalkeria Goding and Antillotolania Ramos was recovered, but relationships within this clade were not well resolved. Nodonica bispinigera, gen.n. and sp.n., is described and placed in Centrodontini based on its sister‐group relationship to a clade comprising previously described genera of this tribe. Membracinae and Heteronotinae were consistently monophyletic. Neither Darninae nor Smiliinae, as previously defined, was monophyletic on the maximally parsimonious cladograms, but constraining both as monophyletic groups required only one additional step. The monophyly of Stegaspidinae, including Deiroderes Ramos (unplaced in Membracidae), was supported on some but not all equally parsimonious cladograms. More detailed analyses of individual subfamilies, as well as morphological data on the undescribed immatures of several membracid tribes and genera, will be needed to elucidate relationships among tribes and genera. A key to the subfamilies and tribes is provided.  相似文献   

A remarkable diversity of life history strategies, geographic distributions, and morphological characters provide a rich substrate for investigating the evolutionary relationships of arhynchobdellid leeches. The phylogenetic relationships, using parsimony analysis, of the order Arhynchobdellida were investigated using nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, mitochondrial 12S rDNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data, as well as 24 morphological characters. Thirty-nine arhynchobdellid species were selected to represent the seven currently recognized families. Sixteen rhynchobdellid leeches from the families Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae were included as outgroup taxa. Analysis of all available data resolved a single most-parsimonious tree. The cladogram conflicted with most of the traditional classification schemes of the Arhynchobdellida. Monophyly of the Erpobdelliformes and Hirudiniformes was supported, whereas the families Haemadipsidae, Haemopidae, and Hirudinidae, as well as the genera Hirudo or Aliolimnatis, were found not to be monophyletic. The results provide insight on the phylogenetic positions for the taxonomically problematic families Americobdellidae and Cylicobdellidae, the genera Semiscolex, Patagoniobdella, and Mesobdella, as well as genera traditionally classified under Hirudinidae. The evolution of dietary and habitat preferences is examined.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Within a framework of historical analysis of Eneopterinae crickets, the genus Pseudolebinthus Robillard gen.n. and two new species P. africanus Robillard, sp.n. and P. whellani Robillard, sp.n. , endemic from south-east Africa, are described. A cladistic analysis using 198 morphological characters and 47 terminals assessed the phylogenetic position of the new taxa within the subfamily. The resultant topologies support the previously proposed phylogeny for the subfamily and contained tribes. The monophyly of Pseudolebinthus is supported strongly as well as its sister relationship with Xenogryllus within the tribe Xenogryllini. A key to Eneopterinae tribes, Xenogryllini genera and Pseudolebinthus species is given. Taxonomic, evolutionary and acoustic issues raised by the recognition of Pseudolebinthus are discussed.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The subfamily Panicoideae (Poaceae) encompasses nearly one-third of the diversity of grass species, including important crops such as maize and sugarcane. Previous analyses recovered strong support for a Panicoideae+Centothecoideae lineage within the diverse Panicoideae+Arundinoideae+Chloridoideae+Micrairoideae+Aristidoideae+Danthonioideae (PACMAD) clade, although support for internal relationships was inconsistent. The objectives of this research were to (1) further test the monophyly of each subfamily and previously recovered clades within the Panicoideae+Centothecoideae lineage, (2) establish phylogenetic relationships among these groups, and (3) propose a new tribal classification for this lineage based explicitly on the phylogeny. ? Methods: Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of 37 taxa were based on previously published sequences (ndhF and rpl16 intron) and on new plastid and nuclear (rbcL and granule-bound starch synthase I) sequence data as well as structural data. ? Key results. The Panicoideae+Centothecoideae lineage and a majority of the clades identified in previous analyses continue to be robustly supported, but resolution along the backbone of the topology remains elusive. Support for the monophyly of both subfamilies was lacking although support values for some clades increased. The tribes Centotheceae and Arundinelleae were confirmed as polyphyletic. ? Conclusions: Subfamily Centothecoideae is formally submerged into the Panicoideae, and a new tribal classification for the expanded Panicoideae is proposed based explicitly on the phylogeny. This classification includes 12 tribes of which Chasmanthieae and Zeugiteae are segretated from the Centotheceae; Tristachyideae is segregated from Arundinelleae, and a new tribe, Cyperochloeae, is validated to accommodate two isolated genera. A key to the tribes is provided.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were studied based on DNA sequences obtained from all recognized genera of the family Corvidae sensu stricto . The aligned data set consists 2589 bp obtained from one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes. Maximum parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses were used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. The analyses were done for each gene separately, as well as for all genes combined. An analysis of a taxonomically expanded data set of cytochrome b sequences was performed in order to infer the phylogenetic positions of six genera for which nuclear genes could not be obtained. Monophyly of the Corvidae is supported by all analyses, as well as by the occurrence of a deletion of 16 bp in the β-fibrinogen intron in all ingroup taxa. Temnurus and Pyrrhocorax are placed as the sister group to all other corvids, while Cissa and Urocissa appear as the next clade inside them. Further up in the tree, two larger and well-supported clades of genera were recovered by the analyses. One has an entirely New World distribution (the New World jays), while the other includes mostly Eurasian (and one African) taxa. Outside these two major clades are Cyanopica and Perisoreus whose phylogenetic positions could not be determined by the present data. A biogeographic analysis of our data suggests that the Corvidae underwent an initial radiation in Southeast Asia. This is consistent with the observation that almost all basal clades in the phylogenetic tree consist of species adapted to tropical and subtropical forest habitats.  相似文献   

Subsocial behaviour is known to occur in at least 19 insect orders and 17 families of Coleoptera. Within the leaf beetle family, Chrysomelidae, extended maternal care is reported in only 2 of 15 subfamilies: Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae. Although the emergence of subsociality in insects has received much attention, extensive analyses on the evolution of this behaviour based on phylogenetic approaches are missing. Subsociality is recorded in 33 species of tortoise beetles belonging to the tribes Mesomphaliini and Eugenysini. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of these tribes and the remaining five Neotropical tribes of cassidine tortoise beetles was used to investigate the evolution of maternal care and to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among Neotropical cassidine tribes. A phylogeny was constructed using 90 species and three loci from both mitochondrial and nuclear genes (COI, CAD and 28S). Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses based on a concatenated dataset recovered two independent origins, with no evidence of reversal to solitary behaviour. One origin comprises three Mesomphaliini genera tightly associated with Convolvulaceae, and the other consists of the genus Eugenysa Chevrolat (Eugenysini), a small clade embedded within a group feeding exclusively on Asteraceae. A previous hypothesis suggesting dual origins on different host plants was confirmed, whereas other hypotheses based on a phylogenetic reconstruction of Cassidinae could not be sustained. Our analysis also revealed that the tribe Mesomphaliini is a monophyletic taxon if Eugenysini is included, and for this reason, we re-establish synonymy of both tribes. We also provide nine new records of subsociality for tortoise beetles species.  相似文献   

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