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The vertical distribution of codling moth,Cydia pomonella (L.) within pheromone-treated and untreated apple and pear orchard canopies was determined using tethered virgin females, unbaited sticky traps, and blacklight observation of released moths. Mating of virgin females tethered at various heights in untreated orchard canopies increased with placement height from 1–4 m. Application of pheromone dispensers for mating disruption at 2 and 4 m above the ground greatly decreased mating. Greatest capture of males and females on unbaited sticky traps occurred at mid- and upper-canopy heights. Total capture of males and females in pheromone-treated plots was not statistically different than in untreated plots. The percentage of mated females captured on sticky traps did not vary with trap height or pheromone treatment. Released moths marked with flourescent powder and observed at dark with a blacklight indicated that moths are primarily distributed high in the canopy. However, males shifted to a position lower in the canopy when pheromone dispensers were placed 2.1 m above the ground. Results suggest that pheromone dispensers be placed in the upper canopy for optimal disruption of codling moth mating.  相似文献   

Male and female codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), were monitored with passive interception traps (PI-traps) in apple orchards treated with sex pheromone dispensers. The proportion of mated females recaptured by PI-traps was significantly higher than the proportion released after the release of both sexes into a codling moth-infested orchard. However, no significant difference occurred between the proportion of mated females recaptured and released when only females were released into uninfested orchards. Replicated nine-tree apple plots situated either on the edge or in the center ofpheromone-treated apple orchards were monitored with PI-traps during first moth flight in 1995 and during both flights in 1996. Moths caught on PI-traps were predominately males. The first male moths were captured 7-10 d before females during the first flight in both years. Initial capture of virgin and mated females on PI-traps coincided in 1995. Mated females were captured 14 d after the first virgin females in 1996. The mean proportion of females that were mated ranged from 32 to 55% during the first flight and 85 to 92% during the second flight. Moth catch and fruit injury were significantly higher in the edge versus the center plots. The numbers of total and female moths caught with PI-traps were significantly correlated with fruit injury for each generation. The percentage of female moths caught on PI-traps that were mated was 32% lower and the mean oocyte load of all females was 42% higher in a pheromone-treated apple orchard than in the untreated crabapple grove monitored during May and June 1997.  相似文献   

Mating disruption of codling moth, Cydia pomonella, was studied in apple orchards treated with the main pheromone compound codlemone, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienol, and a blend of codlemone and codlemone acetate, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate, a strong pheromone antagonist. Codlemone alone and the pheromone/antagonist-blend had a similar effect on the behavior of males emerging into air-permeated orchards. Male flights within tree canopy and upwind orientation along tree rows were strongly enhanced by both formulations, compared to untreated plots. However, the codlemone/codlemone acetate-blend increased the rate of cross-wind and downwind flights within the orchard, compared to codlemone alone. The major difference between these two formulations was that males from nearby, untreated orchards were attracted towards orchards treated with codlemone, but not towards treatments with codlemone/codlemone acetate. Additional tests were done with an equilibrium blend of codlemone and its geometric isomers. Aerial pheromone concentrations in the orchards were recorded by the field electroantennogram technique. Decreasing pheromone concentrations towards the upper part of the tree canopy, together with the stimulation of male flight activity by synthetic pheromone explains failures to control codling moth at high population densities with current dispenser formulations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the spatial distribution and dispersal of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), adults within two heterogeneous agroecosystems typical of central Chile: commercial apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, orchards surrounded by various unmanaged host plants. Both a geostatistical analysis of catches of adult males with a grid of sex pheromone-baited traps and an immunological self-marking technique combined with traps baited with a male and female attractant were used. The spatial analyses identified the key sources of moths within these diverse landscapes. Codling moth catches in traps were spatially associated within distances of ≈ 150-300 m. Similarly, the mean distance from the immunological self-marking plots within the commercial apple orchard to the traps that captured marked adults was 282 m. In contrast, the mean distance in the capture of marked moths from unmanaged self-marking plots to a commercial orchard was 828 m. These data suggest that the success of any future area-wide management programs for codling moth in Chilean pome fruit must include a component for managing or removing noncommercial hosts that surround orchards. This analysis also suggests that the selection pressure for resistance imposed by insecticide sprays within managed orchards is likely dampened by the influx of susceptible moths from unmanaged sites common in central Chile.  相似文献   

The influence of trap placement on catches of codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., was examined in a series of studies conducted in orchards treated with Isomate-C Plus sex pheromone dispensers. Mark-recapture tests with sterilized moths released along the interface of pairs of treated and untreated apple and pear plots found that significantly more male but not female moths were recaptured on interception traps placed in the treated plots. In a second test, significantly higher numbers of wild male and female moths were caught on interception traps placed in treated versus untreated plots within a heavily infested orchard. The highest numbers of male moths were caught on traps placed along the interior edge of the treated plots. Trap position had no influence on the captures of female moths. In a third test, north-south transects of sex pheromone-baited traps were placed through adjacent treated and untreated plots that received a uniform release of sterilized moths. Traps on the upwind edge of the treated plots caught similar numbers of moths as traps upwind from the treated plots. Moth catch was significantly reduced at all other locations inside versus outside of the treated plots, including traps placed on the downwind edge of the treated plot. In a fourth test, five apple orchards were monitored with groups of sex pheromone-baited traps placed either on the border or at three distances inside the orchards. The highest moth counts were in traps placed at the border, and the lowest moth counts were in traps placed 30 and 50 m from the border. In a fifth test, the proportion of traps failing to catch any moths despite the occurrence of local fruit injury was significantly higher in traps placed 50 versus 25 m from the border. The implications provided by these data for designing an effective monitoring program for codling moth in sex pheromone-treated orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been successfully applied against codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera; Tortricidae) in British Columbia since 1992 where the mass‐rearing facility produces between 15 and 16 million moths per week. Due to the seasonality of this pest, the facility is only fully utilized for part of the year. The time and expense of implementing SIT against codling moth in South Africa may be substantially reduced if moths from Canada were sexually compatible with those from South Africa. In addition, because the pome fruit‐growing season in both countries is opposite, the programme in Canada might benefit by maintaining moth production year‐round and selling moths to South Africa. Semi‐field studies in small cages and release‐recapture studies were conducted in an unsprayed apple orchard in South Africa to assess mating compatibility of laboratory‐reared codling moth from Canada and wild codling moths from South Africa. The results suggest that Canadian codling moth males were equally attracted to calling Canadian and South African females despite the fact that Canadian moths had been transported (from Canada to South Africa) for 48 h as both pupae and adults. The data also suggest that at lower field temperatures Canadian moths were more active than South African moths. Results from the release‐recapture field trials indicated that Canadian and South African males were equally attracted to Canadian and South African females. These results suggest that codling moths from Canada and South Africa are fully compatible and indicate that Canadian moths can be used for SIT studies in South Africa. As these studies were conducted with moths from two very different climatic and time zones, it is proposed that populations of codling moth in other pome fruit production areas may also be compatible with the Canadian moths.  相似文献   

1 We evaluated the efficacy and mode of action of commercially available female‐equivalent dispensers of pheromone for mating disruption of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). 2 Scentry fibres, but not Hercon flakes, were consistently as or more effective than Isomate C Plus dispensers when applied by hand at 50 dispensers per tree. 3 Individual Scentry fibres were slightly more attractive to male codling moth than Hercon flakes. 4 Efficacy of aerially applied Scentry fibres was equivalent to that of Isomate dispensers in disrupting male codling moth in 4‐ha commercial apple plots. 5 Initial deposition and retention of aerially applied fibres were inefficient with approximately 44% formulation loss at application, poor rainfastness and a gradual loss of dispensers from tree canopies after application. 6 Male codling moths were captured in traps baited with lures containing 0.1 mg of pheromone and mated with tethered virgin females that were surrounded by eight fibres placed 30 cm away or 16 fibres placed 45 cm away in untreated plots and plots treated with a background of 50 Isomate dispensers per hectare. 7 A plausible explanation for mating disruption of codling moth by female‐equivalent dispensers is competitive attraction without associated habituation and thus improving the effectiveness of these technologies will depend on maximizing the attractiveness of individual dispensers as well as the application density of dispensers per area of crop.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The thermoregulation behaviour of the adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella , is investigated in the laboratory using temperature gradient experiments. Unmated males and females are tested at dawn when moths typically move to resting sites. Mated females are tested during oviposition over a complete diurnal cycle. Temperature strongly affects microhabitat selection in adult moths. Unmated males and females prefer to rest at the low-temperature ends of temperature gradients between 15 and 32 °C. Relative humidity does not influence the thermal response in unmated females, whereas males show a less distinct temperature selection under high humidity. By contrast to unmated moths, ovipositing females prove to be highly thermophilous (i.e. they deposit the highest proportions of their eggs in the zones of highest temperatures of gradients between 15 and 36 °C). This striking discrepancy in thermal response of females between their premating and oviposition period is likely to reflect an adaptation to different selection pressures from the thermal environment. Unmated moths may benefit from low temperatures by a longer lifespan and crypsis within the tree canopy, whereas the choice of warmer oviposition sites by mated females will favour a faster development of eggs.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted with codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., to evaluate the mating status of male and female moths in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen), orchards treated with and without sex pheromone dispensers. Laboratory studies first examined the effect of multiple mating of male and female moths on female fecundity and egg fertility. Females that had mated three times had a significantly higher fecundity than singly mated moths. Sequential mating by male moths had no effect on the fecundity of female moths or egg fertility. However, male moth age did impact female fecundity, with significantly fewer eggs laid after mating with virgin 1- versus 3-d-old males. The mean size of the first spermatophore transferred by males was significantly larger than all subsequent spermatophores. Classifying spermatophores based on size was used in field sampling to categorize the mating status of the female's partner. The proportion of mated females with small spermatophores (partner had previously mated) was significantly higher in treated versus untreated orchards. The proportion of female moths caught in traps baited with pear ester that were virgin was low (相似文献   

甘肃酒泉苹果蠹蛾的发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是我国重要的果树害虫和检疫对象。本文通过田间调查和性诱芯诱捕器诱捕的方法,研究了2008年苹果蠹蛾在甘肃酒泉的年发生规律和空间分布特性。结果表明,苹果蠹蛾在我国甘肃酒泉1年发生2代;越冬代和第1代成虫发生高峰期分别为5月上旬至中旬和7月上旬至中旬,成虫在树冠的中层、向阳的方向(东部和南部)、果实和叶背面产卵较多;幼虫发生的两次高峰分别发生在6月17日和7月26日,刚孵化幼虫很快蛀果隐蔽为害,给防治带来很大困难;幼虫化蛹前,主要从树的上部向下爬行,并常以老熟幼虫潜入树干或分枝的树皮下结茧化蛹或越冬,次年4月中下旬开始羽化。  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Two codling moth Cydia pomonella kairomonal attractants, ethyl (E,Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate (pear ester) and (E)‐β‐farnesene, were tested in an insecticide‐sprayed apple orchard and an orchard treated for mating disruption with synthetic pheromone (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadienol (codlemone). Male captures with pear ester were higher in the pheromone‐treated than in the insecticide‐treated orchard, whereas captures with (E)‐β‐farnesene were not different. Subsequent wind tunnel experiments confirmed that pre‐exposure to sex pheromone codlemone increased the behavioural response of codling moth males to pear ester. This supports the idea that male attraction to the plant volatile pear ester and sex pheromone codlemone is mediated through the same sensory channels. 2 Pear ester is a bisexual codling moth attractant and even captures of female moths were significantly increased in the pheromone‐treated orchard. In the laboratory wind tunnel, pheromone pre‐exposure had no effect on female response to pear ester, but significantly more mated than unmated codling moth females flew upwind towards a pear ester source. Differences in mating status in insecticide‐treated vs. pheromone‐treated orchards may thus account for the differences in female trap captures with pear ester. 3 These findings are important with respect to monitoring of codling moth with pear ester in mating disruption orchards. They also emphasize the importance of host plant volatiles in pheromone‐mediated mating disruption, which has been neglected to date.  相似文献   

Insecticide‐based management programmes targeting codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), in apple orchards in southern France have incurred increasing levels of fruit injury in recent years. An alternative programme incorporating the use of exclusion netting named Alt'carpo has been developed. This study aimed at studying its efficiency and gaining more insight into its mode of action. This was achieved through laboratory and field behavioural tests and observations in a network of commercial orchards in southern France. The moths were able to lay eggs through the nets and escape from net cages in the laboratory. Male moths released in the netted rows were poorly recaptured using sexual pheromone trapping, whereas over 20% of the released males were recaptured in unprotected rows. The netting reduced fruit injury by up to 91% compared to the unprotected rows in the experimental orchard. The efficacy of this netting was even higher in commercial orchards in which fruit injury did not exceed 0.1% without any application of specific insecticide. These results lead us to assume that netting alters the reproduction of the pest, mainly by preventing it from flying over the canopy to find mates.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two insecticide control programs for managing the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), and the apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), were compared in the Georgian Bay, London, Niagara, and Quinte apple production areas of Ontario during 1995, 1996, and 1997. In the border spray program, an initial cover spray of organophosphorus insecticide was applied to eradicate codling moths that may have colonized a test plot during the previous growing season. Subsequent sprays were applied only to a four-tree-wide zone (approximately 20 wide) around the perimeter of the plot to control immigrating codling moths or apple maggots. In the cover spray program, all sprays of organophosphorus insecticide were applied to the entire plot. Apple maggot injury was significantly greater in border spray program plots than in cover spray program plots only during 1995 in the London production area. There was no significant difference in codling moth injury between border spray and cover spray plots in the four production areas during the three-year study. The elimination of cover sprays from border spray plots during July and August may have left the apple crop more susceptible to damage by second generation larvae of the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), in the London production area during 1995. There was a trend of increasing codling moth injury from 1995 to 1997 in two border spray plots, and apple maggot injury was detected in these plots during the third year of the study.  相似文献   

This research tested the hypothesis that a codling moth male, Cydia pomonella L., selects the sex pheromone plume of highest concentration when encountering overlapping plumes of differing concentrations. A plume of normal concentration generated by a female-like lure (7 ηg/h), and a plume of high concentration generated by a polyethylene sex pheromone “rope” dispenser, Isomate-C® Plus (6,000 ηg/h), were deployed at various distances and elevations from a standard monitoring trap (Pherocon® VI delta trap) deployed in an abandoned apple orchard. Moth captures in lure-baited traps in the tree canopy were significantly inhibited when the plume from the rope was nearby. However, the concentrated plume from the rope positioned below the monitoring trap at distances of 50 cm or more did not influence moth capture significantly. When the plume from the rope was positioned at the same elevation as the lure, moth captures were reduced significantly only when the separation was 50 cm or less. Our data: 1) falsify the hypothesis that codling moth males are able to select plumes of normal pheromone concentration when exposed simultaneously to plumes of high vs. normal concentrations; 2) confirm that codling moth males favor more vs. less concentrated plumes; and 3) provide further support for competitive attraction as the disruptive mechanism for the Isomate-C® Plus.  相似文献   

The attractiveness and responsiveness of adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), exposed to surfaces treated with the ecdysteroid agonist methoxyfenozide was investigated in wind tunnel and orientation tube assays. When males were exposed to either water- or surfactant-treated surfaces for 48 h, and regardless of what treatment surfaces the females had been exposed to, the mean percent recaptures of such treated males in the wind tunnel assay were sometimes significantly greater than the recaptures of males that had been exposed to methoxyfenozide. Similarly, in the orientation tube assay, males exposed to methoxyfenozide-treated surfaces almost always had significantly lower mean levels of individuals exhibiting sexual excitability and the mean distances traveled upwind, regardless of female exposures. The two assays demonstrated that male codling moths exposed to methoxyfenozide-treated surfaces were not as responsive to calling females (treated and nontreated) as were the nontreated males. Conversely, females exposed to methoxyfenozide-treated surfaces were just as attractive to nontreated males as were nontreated females. It appears that a male's ability to respond to a calling female is more negatively affected by the ecdysone agonist than a female's ability to call and attract males.  相似文献   

Field experiments quantified the effect of synthetic pheromone release-site density and distribution on 1) orientational disruption of male codling moths, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), to pheromone-baited traps; and 2) fruit injury. A clustering test varied pheromone release-site density from 0 to 1,000 Isomate-C Plus dispensers per ha while maintaining the total number of dispensers at 1,000. Percentage of orientational disruption of pheromone-baited traps increased significantly as a function of increasing density of release sites. Fruit injury decreased as the density of release sites increased and was lowest in plots treated with Isomate-C Plus dispensers distributed as 1,000 point sources per ha. We also manipulated point source density of 0.1-ml paraffin-wax drops containing 5% codlemone [(E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol], and thus the total amount of pheromone deployed per hectare. The percentage of disruption of traps baited with either 1.0- or 0.1-mg codlemone lures increased with increasing density of wax drops deployed. Both trapping and field observations confirmed that wax drops were attractive to male codling moths, suggesting that disruption was mediated by competitive attraction. Development of dispensers that can be mechanically applied at high densities has potential to improve the efficacy and economics of codling moth disruption at high population densities.  相似文献   

The performance of clear delta traps baited with 3.0 mg of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate, and 5.0 ml of acetic acid in separate lures was compared with orange delta traps baited with a single lure containing 3.0 mg of both pear ester and the sex pheromone, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) for codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen). Residual analyses and field tests demonstrated that both the pear ester and acetic acid lures were effective for at least 8 wk. The two trap-lure combinations caught a similar number of total moths in an orchard treated with sex pheromone dispensers during short-term trials in 2008. However, the mean catch of female moths was significantly higher and male moths significantly lower in clear traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid versus orange traps baited with pear ester and codlemone. Season-long studies were conducted with these two trap-lure combinations in orchards treated with (n = 6) and without (n = 7) sex pheromone dispensers during 2009. The two trap-lure combinations caught similar numbers of moths in dispenser-treated orchards. In contrast, total catch was significantly higher (>2-fold) in the orange compared with the clear traps in untreated orchards. The clear caught >6-fold more females than the orange trap in both types of orchards. These studies suggest that deploying clear delta traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid can be an effective monitoring tool for female codling moth and an alternative to codlemone-baited traps in sex pheromone-treated orchards.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of Stenoma catenifer was evaluated in commercial avocado orchards in Guatemala to determine operational parameters, such as optimal lure type, trap height, trap density and estimates of the distances that male moths fly. Of four pheromone dispensers tested, gray and white rubber septa were of equal efficacy, whereas 1-ml low-density polyethylene vials and 2×3-cm polyethylene ziplock bags were least efficacious. The height at which wing traps were hung did not significantly affect the number of adult male S. catenifer captured. For monitoring S. catenifer, these data suggest that the pheromone should be dispensed from gray rubber septa in wing traps hung inside the tree canopy at 1.75 m, a height convenient for trap placement and monitoring. Mark-recapture studies of male S. catenifer indicated that, on average, males flew 67 m in one night. However, it is likely that this is an underestimate of the distance that male moths are capable of flying in a single night. Probabilistic modeling of S. catenifer capture data from different numbers of pheromone traps deployed in seven commercial avocado orchards of varying sizes and infestation levels suggested that 10-13 randomly deployed traps per orchard for a 7-day period are needed to detect at least one male S. catenifer with 90% confidence. These data provide sufficient information to develop effective protocols for using the S. catenifer pheromone to detect and monitor this pest in countries with endemic populations that are exporting fresh avocados, and for quarantine detection and incursion monitoring in countries receiving avocado imports from high risk areas.  相似文献   

The efficacy of mating disruption by using Isomate-M 100 pheromone dispensers and two formulations of microencapsulated sprayable pheromone for management of oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), was compared with conventional insecticides in large plot studies in Henderson County, North Carolina, in 2000 and 2001. In addition, experiments were conducted in small and large plots to test the response of oriental fruit moth males to different application rates of sprayable pheromone. Pheromone trap catches were significantly reduced in mating disruption blocks compared with conventional and abandoned orchards. Pheromone traps placed in the upper canopy captured significantly more moths than traps placed in the lower canopy across all treatments, and lures loaded with 100 microg of pheromone caught more moths than traps with 300 microg, but the difference between doses was statistically significant at only one location in 2001. Isomate-M 100 provided excellent trap shutdown and was significantly more effective than sprayable pheromone formulations. Fruit damage by oriental fruit moth larvae was very low (< or = 1%) in mating disruption blocks and was generally lower than in conventional and nonmanaged blocks. Based on male moth response to pheromone traps in small plots, there was little difference among doses of sprayable pheromone, ranging from 12.4 to 49.1 g (AI)/ha, but efficacy declined at 2.4 g (AI)/ha. With the exception of one orchard, there was no significant difference between 12.4 and 37.1 g (AI)/ha under low and high oriental fruit moth population pressure in large plot studies. Mating disruption proved to be an alternative to organophosphate insecticides for managing oriental fruit moth populations in North Carolina apple orchards.  相似文献   

In the last years a significant attack increasing of codling moth was observed in the western part of Romania. In order to reduce the population of this pests a bioproduct was used named Trichotim based on entomophagous insect Trichogramma sp. Trichotim is a Romanian product certified in year 2000 with the purpose to control the pests present in various cultures such us cabbage, vineyards and fruits plantations. The study was expanded over two years (2008 and 2009), in a super intensive apple orchard of Didactical Experimental Station part of University of Agricultural Sciences Timisoara. In order to control the codling moth, the product Trichotim was used three times correlated to pest biology (two releasing of Trichogramma wasps in the time of first generation and one release in the time of second generation of the pest), releasing 300.000 wasps/ha in total, where 250.000 wasps in first generation time of the codling moth respectively 50.000 wasps in the time of second generation of the pest. The releasing of entomophagous species Trichogramma succeeded at two days after maximal flight values of Cydia pomonella L. The flight curves was realized based on pheromonal traps ATRAPOM placed in tree canopy in stage BBCH 69 (end of flowering, all petals fallen). In order to assess the efficacy of Trichotim the observation was conducted 14 days before fruit harvesting. In the plots where 300.000 wasps were released, the fruits were attacked in percent of 12,33% (efficacy 87,67%) in year 2008 and respectively 14,66% (efficacy 85,33%) in 2009. In untreated plots (control) the fruits were attacked in percent of 23% in 2008 respectively 27,33% in 2009.  相似文献   

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