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Present human populations show a complex network of genetic relationships, which reflects mainly their unique origin and their migration and isolation history since the recent creation of modern man. The scrutiny of their genetic characteristics, according to GM polymorphism, shows that the continuity of the genetic variation between populations from neighbouring continents, assured by intermediate world part populations, is against any attempt to divide present human populations into major groups. GM polymorphism analysis also shows three remarkable levels of genetic differentiation, which would have appeared, respectively, within populations of sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and East Asia. The first small groups of people that split from the common ancestral population gave the sub-Saharan Africans. On the other hand, Asians diverged mainly from Europeans and Near East populations during a later period. The confrontation between the phylogeny and the frequency distribution of GM haplotypes shows that the ancestral population of actual South-Arabia people could be a candidate for a common ancestral population. The first major expansions of modern humans were proposed in a hypothetical scenario, which will open a new track in the research of our geographic origin.  相似文献   

We have shown the fetal liver cell engraftments into multiple tissues of adult healthy mice, achieved without suppressing the animals’ immune systems. Fetal cells from the livers of male C57Bl/6J Black lineage mice at day 13 to 15 of gestation were injected intravenously into female adult CC57W/MY White mice. The grafting was evaluated by Y-chromosome-specific PCR, cytometric analysis of fluorescently stained donor cells, and histological analysis. All the methods consistently showed the presence of multiple engraftments randomly distributed through the various organs of the recipients. After 60 days, the grafts still constituted 0.1 to 2.75% of the tissues. The grafted cells did not change their appearance in any of the organs except the brain, where they became enlarged. Inflammatory reactions were not detected in any of the histological preparations. The frequency of engraftments was higher in the liver, indicating that similarity between the donor and recipient cells facilitates engraftment. The high inherent plasticity of fetal liver cells underlies their ability to integrate into healthy recipient organs, which can be governed by environmental conditions and connections with neighboring cells rather than by the initial cellular developmental programs. The fact that fetal liver cells can be grafted into multiple tissues of healthy animals indicates that they can be used to replace the natural loss of cells in adult organisms.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of adults of Orchymontiinae, Prosthetopinae, Hydraeninae and Ochthebiinae were studied and those of Ochthebius semisericeus and Limnebius truncatellus are described in detail. The results are evaluated with respect to their relevance for a reconstruction of hydraenid phylogeny and also compared with structural features found in adults of other staphyliniform families. The monophyly of Hydraenidae is supported by the presence of a plate‐like, trilobed premento‐hypopharyngeal extension, an unusual origin of m. tentoriohypopharyngalis, dorsal tentorial arms firmly fused with the head capsule, modified basal antennomeres, and palpigers connected by a transverse sclerotized bar. Orchymontiinae are monophyletic and the basal sister group of the remaining Hydraenidae. The presence of a ventral transverse genal bulge and of a pubescent antennal club with more than two antennomeres (reversal in some prosthetopines: e.g. Mesoceration abstrictum) are possible apomorphies of Hydraenidae excluding Orchymontiinae. Prosthetopinae are probably monophyletic and the sister group of Ochthebiinae + Hydraeninae. The latter clade is characterized by a distinct cupula formed by antennomere VI, a loose five‐segmented pubescent antennal club, and a modified antennal musculature. The presence of an unusual tentorio‐pharyngeal dilator is a shared derived feature of Ochthebiinae and the genus Davidraena. The monophyly of Ochthebiinae was confirmed and Ochtheosus is the sister group of the remaining ochthebiine genera, which are characterized by a perforated wall‐like structure formed by the posterior tentorial arms. The absence of this tentorial modification and the fimbriate galea are plesiomorphies retained in Ochtheosus. Calobius differs strongly from other subgenera of Ochthebius and a generic status may be appropriate. The monophyly of Hydraeninae is not supported. Hydraena was confirmed as a clade and Laeliaena and Limnebius are sister groups. The latter genus is characterized by several autapomorphies. The basal position of Orchymontiinae and Prosthetopinae suggests a Gondwanan origin of Hydraenidae and a primary preference for life in running water. Important evolutionary changes of head structures are complex transformations of the antennae and related structures. Yet, the use of the antennae as accessory breathing organs is not a groundplan feature of the family. The results of this study strengthen the case of staphylinoid affinities of Hydraenidae.  相似文献   

越来越多古人类学和旧石器时代考古学的发现与研究成果极大地改变了我们对现代人类起源、演化和适应理论问题的看法。中国作为东亚一个幅员辽阔的地理区域,已经成为这项研究的热点地带。来自该地区新的人类化石和石器组合对基于非洲和欧亚大陆西部记录构建的“现代人出自非洲说”(Recent Out-of-Africa)提出了挑战。新的古人类学研究结果表明,早期现代人出现于约100 kaBP的中国南方,可能(至少部分)是由那里的土著居民演化而来。一些古老型智人表现出了与早期古人类镶嵌或过渡性的体质特征,并可能与尼安德特人和丹尼索瓦人杂交混合。同时一些遗址出土的打制石器表现出了早期现代人类技术和行为的复杂性。中国北方的小石片石器主工业和南方的砾石石器主工业贯穿于整个更新世,然而从约40 kaBP开始,石叶技术开始出现在中国北部,紧随其后的是这些地区骨制工具和个人装饰品的出现,这表明,更新世晚期西伯利亚和中亚地区与我国北部可能存在着紧密的文化关系,东北亚地区可能存在着由西北向东南的迁移路线。人类化石和考古学证据表明,中国现代人类起源和适应的过程与机制可能与欧亚大陆西部有所不同。本文对有关中国现代人类起源与演化的考古学研究所取得的新发现和进展进行了总体回顾,从考古学角度阐述了对相关重要学术问题的看法,并为未来的研究提出了方向性建议。  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine were measured by radioenzymatic assay in blood plasma samples drawn from the umbilical arteries of 30 anaesthetised Landrace pig fetuses. Just prior to term, the concentrations of dopamine (0.46±0.14 ng·ml–1) and norepinephrine (1.74±0.60 ng·mg–1) were lower than earlier in gestation, whereas epinephrine concentrations at term (0.80±0.31 ng·ml–1) were similar to those at mid-gestation, intervening stages of gestation having higher levels of plasma epinephrine. Fetal hypoxia was induced by clamping the umbilical cord for 2 min and the catecholamines determined in arterial blood samples immediately thereafter, then again 3 min after removal of the clamp. Inconsistent effects of cord clamping on catecholamine levels were seen at 55 days, but thereafter, in all but one instance, the hormone levels were increased. Fetuses near term tended to respond less than fetuses at 75 and 96 days gestation (term=114±1 day). Catecholamines were also present in the circulation of fetuses decapitated at 42 days gestation and studied at 109±1 days. The average concentrations of dopamine (1.12±0.27 ng·ml–1) and norepinephrine (8.23±3.04 ng·ml–1) were greater than in intact fetuses, the plasma epinephrine levels being comparable to, or slightly higher than, those in intact fetuses. The results demonstrate that catecholamines are present in the circulation of the intact and decapitated pig fetus and that the actual concentrations and the type of response to umbilical cord clamping are dependent on gestation age.  相似文献   

The position of the mammalian larynx has been shown to be an important determinant in breathing, swallowing, and vocalizing patterns. While the growth of the adult human larynx has been studied extensively, detailed examination of fetal development has not been undertaken. Thus, crucial developmental change in the fetal period and the effects of this change on normal maturation are still unclear. This study has examined the development of the larynx and its topography during the fetal period. Thirty specimens were preserved in 10% buffered formaldehyde solution for a period of 6 weeks, after which mid-sagittal sections were performed. Fetal ages were calculated from femur diaphyseal lengths and ranged from 15 to 29 weeks. Direct measurements were taken to determine the growth and position of the larynx and trachea relative to the vertebral column and soft palate. Results show that the upper and lower levels of the larynx correspond to the basiocciput and the lower border of the third to upper border of the fourth cervical vertebrae, respectively. The epiglottic cartilage was present at 15 weeks. By 21 weeks, the epiglottis was well developed and in close palatal apposition. At 23 to 25 weeks, the epiglottis and soft palate were found to be in full contact. The acquisition of this contact may be related to fetal respiratory viability.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of immunoreactive somatotrophs and lactotrophs in pituitaries of fetal rats at 19, 20 and 21 days of gestation and on the day of birth was studied. Somatotrophs, first detectable at 19 days of gestation, undergo only minor modifications before reaching the structure described for adults. In particular there is an increase in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Lactotrophs, first identifiable in newborn rats, are very different in ultrastructure from adult cells, because the secretory granules are generally small, but variable in shape and size, and the Golgi complex is prominent.  相似文献   

The adult head of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor was examined and described in detail. Morphological features are evaluated with respect to phylogenetic implications and possible effects of miniaturisation. Preserved groundplan features of Diptera are the orthognathous orientation of the head, the vestiture of small microtrichia (possible autapomorphy), filiform antennae inserted frontally between the compound eyes, the presence of a clypeolabral muscle (possible autapomorphy), the presence of labellae (autapomorphy), and the presence of only one premental retractor. Potential synapomorphies of the groups assigned to Bibionomorpha are the origin of M. tentorioscapalis medialis on the frons and the loss of M. craniolacinialis. Further apomorphies of Cecidomyiidae identified in Mayetiola are the unusually massive anterior tentorial arm, the absence of the labro‐epipharyngeal food channel, the absence of the lacinia, and the presence of antennal sensilla connected by a seta, a feature not known from any other group of Diptera. The very large size of the compound eyes (in relation to the entire head surface) and the complete loss of ocelli are possible effects of miniaturization. The large size of the brain (in relation to the cephalic lumen), the unusual shape of the optic lobes, and the absence of the frontal ganglion as a separate structure are probably also linked with size reduction. J. Morphol. 274:1299–1311, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究模拟难产大鼠模型盆底肌肉中Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad的表达,并探讨其表达与压力性尿失禁的相关性。方法:选择未生产过的雌性SD大鼠40只,按照随机数字表法均分为对照组、模型1组、模型2组和模型3组,对照组大鼠正常喂养,模型1组大鼠行阴道扩张手术,模型2组大鼠切除双侧坐骨神经,模型3组大鼠既行阴道扩张术又切除双侧坐骨神经。喂养1月后,称重后处死各组大鼠,并分离盆底肌肉,称重后通过定量PCR法(qPCR)检测Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad mRNA的表达。结果:与对照组大鼠相比,难产大鼠模型组(模型1组、模型2组和模型3组)体重和盆底肌肉重量无显著变化(P>0.05),漏尿点压力和最大膀胱容量均显著下降(P<0.05),盆底肌肉Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad mRNA表达均显著下降(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析:大鼠盆底肌肉Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad mRNA表达水平与漏尿点压力均呈密切正相关(Dystrophin:r=0.725,P=0.002;MGF:r=0.702,P=0.018;M-Cad:r=0.838,P<0.001);鼠盆底肌肉Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad mRNA表达水平与最大膀胱容量也均呈密切正相关(Dystrophin:r=0.733,P=0.001;MGF:r=0.682,P=0.025;M-Cad:r=0.819,P<0.001)。结论:模拟难产大鼠模型盆底肌肉Dystrophin、MGF及M-Cad的表达降低,并且提示其表达降低可能与压力性尿失禁有关。  相似文献   

Most tethered adult crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) assumed flight postures with or without flapping their wings in a windstream. Nymphal crickets (sixth and seventh, i.e. final, instars) also displayed the flight posture in spite of the incompleteness of wing development. These adult nymphal crickets rolled their heads towards the light source in response to unequal illumination of the compound eyes only while maintaining the flight posture. The amphtude of the head rolling movements was proportional to the change of light position up to 120°C, and independent of the light intensity if the duration was longer than 1 sec. The unequal illumination could also induce a transient increase in discharge frequency of the wing muscles on both sides, a decrease in wing beat amplitude of the ipsilateral wing on the illuminated side, and bending movements of the legs and abdomen towards the light. Cutting either of the nerve connectives at any level between the subosophageal and metathoracic ganglia did not affect the response of either the head or the abdomen to illumination. These results are discussed in relation to the steering mechanism associated with the dorsal light reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique, a small number of prolactin cells were first detected in the pars distalis of the hamster near developing sinusoids at 131/2 days gestation. Little change in number or distribution of immunoreactive cells was noted until the first few days after birth when a dramatic increase in number of immunoreactive cells was demonstrated throughout the pars distalis. Electron microscopy revealed cells in the fetal and neonatal anterior pituitary which had immunoreactive granules smaller in diameter than those seen in adult pituitary cells.Submitted by the senior author to the Graduate School at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree  相似文献   

Detectable levels of G-CSF by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were found in sera of 4 out of 15 patients with head and neck carcinomas. Also cells prepared from the tumors of these 4 patients secreted G-CSF. The supernatants of cells derived from all 15 patients did not contain granulocyte-monocyte CSF, monocyte CSF, tumor necrosis factor-, transforming growth factor- 1, epidermal growth factor, interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6. These findings suggest that leukocytosis in patients with carcinomas might be due to the production of G-CSF by tumor cells.Abbreviations CSF colony stimulating factor - EGF epidermal growth factor - ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - G granulocyte - GM granulocyte-monocyte - IL interluekin - M monocyte - TGF transforming growth factor - TNF tumor necrosis factor  相似文献   

Fetal malnutrition is associated with development of impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes and hypertension in later life in humans and several mammalian species. The mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon of fetal programming are unknown. We hypothesize that adverse effects in utero and early life may influence the basal expression levels of certain genes such that they are re-set with long-term consequences for the organism. An excellent candidate mechanism for this re-setting process is DNA methylation, since post-natal methylation patterns are largely established in utero. We have sought to test this hypothesis by investigating the glucokinase gene (Gck) in rat offspring programmed using a maternal low protein diet model (MLP). Northern blot reveals that fasting levels of Gck expression are reduced after programming, although this distinction disappears after feeding. Bisulphite sequencing of the hepatic Gck promoter indicates a complete absence of methylation at the 12 CpG sites studied in controls and MLP animals. Non-expressing cardiac tissue also showed no DNA methylation in this region, whereas brain and all fetal tissues were fully methylated. These findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that programming results from differential methylation of Gck. However, it remains possible that programming may influence methylation patterns in Gck at a distance from the promoter, or in genes encoding factors that regulate basal Gck expression.  相似文献   

Schneeberg, K. and Beutel, R.G. 2011. The adult head structures of Tipulomorpha (Diptera, Insecta) and their phylogenetic implications. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 316–343. Head structures of adults of Tipula paludosa, Limonia sp. and Trichocera saltator were examined and described. The results are compared with conditions found in other dipterans and other antliophoran groups, notably Nannochoristidae. Several potential synapomorphies of a dipteran–nannomecopteran–siphonapteran clade are present in Tipuloidea and Trichocera, the labro‐epipharyngeal food channel, the loss of the galea and the postpharyngeal pumping apparatus. The sensorial field of the maxillary palpomere 3, a potential dipteran–nannomecopteran synapomorphy, is also present but modified. The presence of M. clypeolabralis, labellae and mandibular stylets are groundplan apomorphies of Diptera, with secondary loss of the mandibles in Tipuloidea, Trichoceridae and many other groups. Tipuloidea is supported by the origin of M. tentorioscapalis anterior on the head capsule, the reduction of M. frontobuccalis anterior and the loss of the ocelli. The reduced tentorium, the origin of two further antennal muscles on the head capsule, the maxillary sensorial field with sensilla in individual pits, the lacking dorsal prelabial concavity and the unpaired salivary channel entering the head are apomorphies of Tipulidae. Closer affinities of Tipulidae and Cylindrotomidae are suggested by pseudotracheae of the advanced type, which have evolved independently in this lineage. The results do neither support a basal placement of Tipuloidea nor close affinities with Brachycera.  相似文献   

Until recently, the settlement of the Americas seemed largely divorced from the out‐of‐Africa dispersal of anatomically modern humans, which began at least 50,000 years ago. Native Americans were thought to represent a small subset of the Eurasian population that migrated to the Western Hemisphere less than 15,000 years ago. Archeological discoveries since 2000 reveal, however, that Homo sapiens occupied the high‐latitude region between Northeast Asia and northwest North America (that is, Beringia) before 30,000 years ago and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The settlement of Beringia now appears to have been part of modern human dispersal in northern Eurasia. A 2007 model, the Beringian Standstill Hypothesis, which is based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in living people, derives Native Americans from a population that occupied Beringia during the LGM. The model suggests a parallel between ancestral Native Americans and modern human populations that retreated to refugia in other parts of the world during the arid LGM. It is supported by evidence of comparatively mild climates and rich biota in south‐central Beringia at this time (30,000‐15,000 years ago). These and other developments suggest that the settlement of the Americas may be integrated with the global dispersal of modern humans.  相似文献   

The dielectric dispersion in the MHz range of the zwitterionic dipolar phosphocholine head groups has been measured from 0–70°C for various mixtures of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and cholesterol. The abrupt change in the derived relaxation frequency f2 observed for pure DPPC at the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition at 42°C reduces to a more gradual increase of frequency with temperature as the cholesterol content is increased. In general the presence of cholesterol increases the DPPC head group mobility due to its spacing effect. Below 42°C no sudden changes in f2 are found at 20 or 33 mol% cholesterol, where phase boundaries have been suggested from other methods. Above 42°C, however, a decrease in f2 at cholesterol contents up to 20–30 mol% is found. This is thought to be partly due to an additional restricting effect of the cholesterol on the number of hydrocarbon chain conformations and consequently on the area occupied by the DPPC molecules.  相似文献   

Providing data as evidence of good practice is becoming imperative to meet the demands of professional revalidation and clinical governance. Sensitivity and specificity are common performance measures in fine needle aspiration (FNA) but are vulnerable to discordant analytical methods. We introduce a CUSUM technique and show how it may be used to show attainment and maintenance of proficiency in head and neck (H&N) FNA. In addition, we show how it can be used to compare practices and demonstrate different performance for FNAs from different tissues; a fact that must be recognized by anyone devising minimum performance values.  相似文献   

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