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在云南,人们有食用蜜蜂幼虫和蛹的习俗。市场上销售的蜜蜂幼虫和蛹多经热水烫过或煮过,因而缺少成虫形态,俗名易混用,食用种类长期未予明确。本文在市场调查的基础上,收集其中部分样品,通过形态学和mtDNA的COI基因部分序列初步鉴定其分类地位,以明确食用种类。结果表明,云南蜜蜂的食用集中在横断山脉南部地区,接受人群广泛,食用方式多样;云南食用本地分布的全部5种野生蜜蜂,包括东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、小蜜蜂(A.florea)、大蜜蜂(A.dorsata)、黑大蜜蜂(A.laboriosa)和黑小蜜蜂(A.andreniformis);基于COI序列构建的邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)系统发育树支持现有的蜜蜂属系统发育关系;现有的食用蜜蜂大多采集自野外,亟待开展遗传资源保护。本研究为食用蜜蜂的鉴定提供了数据支持,也为蜜蜂自然资源的利用和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

蔗根锯天牛发生和防治研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 蔗根锯天牛Dorysthenes(paraphus)granu-losus(Thomson)在广西南部、广东海南岛、云南弥勒县蔗区均发现为害。蔗蔸受害率一般为5—10%,重者30—40%。我们对它进行了初步研究,现简报如下。 一、形态特征 成虫 体长33—50毫米,棕红色,头及触角基部棕黑,头部前额中央凹陷,上颚发达,向内弯勾。下颚须末节最长,端部宽。触角基瘤宽大,彼此接近,12节。雌虫触角长达鞘翅中部,光滑无毛,第5—10节外端角突出;雄虫触角较长,第3—6节腹面散生粒状突。前胸背板中部稍隆起,具细密刻点,两侧缘有锯齿3枚。鞘翅宽于前胸,具纵隆线两条。  相似文献   

陈汉彬 《四川动物》1989,8(2):28-29
在整理云南蚊类标本过程中,发观库蚊属(Culex)4种新纪录,分别隶属于库状蚊亚属(Culiciomyia)1种、簇角蚊亚属(Lophoceraomyia)2种和库蚊亚属(Culex)1种。一、佛氏库蚊Culex(Cui.)fragilis Ludlow,1903检视标本:云南,勐腊。1985,Ⅷ,10—4,14,4L,采自木槽积水。鉴别特征:腹节背板全暗。雄蚊抱肢端节齿脊自亚端部伸达亚基部。幼虫头毛5,6—C从亚基部各分出5—7芒支。前胸毛1—3P均不分支。呼吸管较短,自基部向端部渐变细。呼吸管毛1—S3对,每分2—3支。本种幼虫特征突出,不难与我国已知的库状蚊相区别。本种在国外分布于泰国、菲律宾、印…  相似文献   

皖南山区不同生态条件下中华蜜蜂形态特征差异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析皖南山区中华蜜蜂的生态适应性,对皖南山区5个不同采样点的15群中华蜜蜂450只工蜂的8个形态特征进行测定,对测定的性状特征数据进行数学分析和差异显著性检验,结果是,5个釆样点间的喙长、右前翅长、第三节背板宽、第三节背板颜色、第四节背板宽和第四节背板颜色差异显著。皖南山区中华蜜蜂的前翅长与宽均较大,第3+4背板长也较大,说明皖南中蜂飞翔能力强,采集能力强;背板长反映蜜囊的大小,蜜囊越大,贮存花蜜越多,蜂群进蜜就越快,从形态上说明皖南中蜂是较理想的蜜蜂种群。皖南中蜂种群内遗传变异丰富,种群形态性状的多态性、多型性及其生态地理变异式样,具有生态适应意义。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是昆虫纲膜翅目蜜蜂总科的通称。按生活方式可将蜜蜂分为社会性、独栖性和寄生眭三种。儿歌中唱的“小蜜蜂,整天忙,采花蜜,酿蜜糖”实际上指的是社会性蜜蜂。社会陛的蜜蜂,雌雄和职蜂生活在同—巢中,但在形态、生理和劳动分工方面均有区别。雌性个体较大,专司产卵生殖;雄性较雌阻小,专司交配,交配后即死亡;  相似文献   

最近,从云南盈江县(海拔826米)的青芋叶腋积水内采到一批局限蚊。经鉴定,发现其中有脊突局限蚊Topomyia(Suaymuia)cristata Thurman,1959的雄性成蚊。本蚊种为我国新记载,它与我国早年报导的胡氏局限蚊Topomyia(Suaymyia)houghtoniFeng,1941形态近似,但可根据下述特征与后者区别。脊突局限蚊的鉴别特征是:喙暗棕色,腹面基部至顶端具淡色纵线,后足跗节4从基部至端部两边具显著突生的暗色扁平鳞簇;跗节5与跗节4呈直角,肘状,并具不太明显的突生鳞。各腹节背板一致暗色,腹板一致暗色,但较背板色稍淡,尾器:(如图)第Ⅸ背板叶端毛粗刺状,末端钝圆;各叶内缘毛有6根,较发达。小抱近器端部内缘具两根粗鬃和6—7根细弯鬃。抱肢端节“C”字型,顶端平截,端背缘具3根指状毛和两根细毛;附叶背缘具6根细毛,其中3根较长而弯曲。 本种局限蚊幼虫与胡氏局限蚊、肘喙钩蚊和台湾伊蚊共栖。  相似文献   

对中国云南省的齿甲属Uloma Dejean进行了分类整理,描述1新种Uloma valgipes sp.nov.并绘图,新种与小齿甲U.minuta Liu,Ren& Wang,2007相似,但可以通过以下特征区别于后者:前足胫节向内侧极弯;雄性前胸背板无凹;前胸背板前缘近两侧具细饰边,中部1/3范围内无饰边;后足第1跗节长于第4节;雄性外生殖器形状不同.并给出了云南省已知种类检索表.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.弯胫齿甲,新种Ulomavalgipes sp.nov.(图1~9)正模♂,云南龙陵龙新黑山(海拔2 300 m),2008-07-23,徐吉山采.词源:新种种名源自拉丁词valgus(弯的)+拉丁词pes (足)变化词尾组合而成,意指该虫的雄性前足胫节向内侧极弯曲.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州省小翅蝗属1新种,黑条小翅蝗Alulacris nigristriatis sp.nov..新种近似于石林小翅蝗Alulacris shilinensis(Cheng,1977),主要区别为:1)雄性尾须近端部明显收缩变细;2)雄性腹部末节背板具细条状小尾片;3)前翅超过(♂)或到达(♀)第2腹节背板后缘;4)具黑色眼后带;5)前翅中部具宽黑色纵条纹;6)后足胫节黑褐色.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

本文记述采自北京和云南的寄蝇二新种。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 黑棒鞘寄蝇 Thecocarcalia melanohalterata, 新种(图1—5) 头、胸、腹全部黑色。侧额及胸部背面覆黄褐色粉被,其余部分覆灰色粉被;沿腹部背中线具一狭窄的黑纵条,粉被在腹部占第3背板基部的1/5,第4,5背板的1/2—3/5;上下腋瓣,平衡棒基半部、爪垫、唇瓣及雌蝇下颚须端半部黄褐色,平衡棒端半部黑褐色,翅灰色透明。  相似文献   

喙蚤蝇属Trophithauma Schmitz是一形态特异的类群。其雌性种类口上片延长,喙长,腹部第4—6背板特化成腺体。目前全世界仅记载6种。我国只记载1种(刘广纯等,1993)。本文描述1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。黄腰喙蚤蝇Trophithauma gastroflavidum Liu,新种。雌:体长2 mm。额黑色,有光泽。触角第3节黑色,球形;芒0.6 mm,具较长绒毛。下颚须黑色,具短鬃。胸背板和侧板下半部黑色;侧板下半部浅黄色。小盾片鬃1对,短毛1对。腹部第1节浅黄,其它节黑色。第Ⅳ—Ⅵ背板高度特化。翅长1.8 mm;前缘脉指数0.58,各段比2:1.6:1,前缘脉纤毛0.04 mm。腋区鬃3根,平衡棒浅黄。前、中足浅褐,后足深褐。中足栅毛列达胫节2/3;后足胫节栅毛列完整,具后背纤毛列。正模:♀,云南勐养,1991-Ⅵ-8,刘广纯采。  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II (COII) gene was determined for five species of the honeybee (Genus: Apis): A. andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, and A. koschevnikovi; these were then compared to the known sequence of the A. millifera gene from Crozier et al. (1989, Mol. Biol. Evol., 6: 399-411) and the wasp Excristes roborator (Liu and Beckenbach, 1992, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 1:41-52). Phylogenetic relationships were derived using the parasimony methods DNAPARS and PROTPARS of Felsenstein ("PHYLIP Manual Version 3.4, "University Herbarium, Univ. of California, Berkeley). The results suggest that A. dorsata is the most ancestral species, followed by the branching of A. florea/A. andreniformis and A. koschevnikovi, and then A. mellifera and A. cerana. This inference differs from the currently accepted view that considers the A. florea/A. andreniformis line to be the most ancestral.  相似文献   

构建了中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana,中蜂)8日龄工蜂头部cDNA文库,获得了中蜂王浆主蛋白2(major royal jelly protein 2,MRJP2)的全长cDNA序列,该序列长1 605bp,包含一个编码468个氨基酸的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)。在中蜂MRJP2的cDNA序列的C-端,首次发现存在串联重复片段长度多态性(variable numbers of tandem repeat,VNTR)。克隆并测定了蜜蜂属Apis内其他5个种的MRJP2基因的C-端重复序列,结果表明: 在蜜蜂属的其他5个种中,C-端重复片段的核心序列是以碱基高度突变方式而表现出个体之间的多态性,而重复片段长度基本一致。中蜂与西方蜜蜂A. mellifera,大蜜蜂A. dorsata与黑大蜜蜂A. laboriosa,以及小蜜蜂A. florea与黑小蜜蜂A. andreniformis分别形成3个进化枝。中蜂和西方蜜蜂与大蜜蜂和黑大蜜蜂之间的亲缘关系较近,而与小蜜蜂和黑小蜜蜂的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

基于线粒体和核基因序列的蜜蜂属系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cao LF  Niu DF  He SY  Kuang HO  Hu FL 《遗传》2012,34(8):1057-1063
文章测定了中国分布的蜜蜂属(Apis)5种蜜蜂22个样本的线粒体基因ND2、CO2、16S rRNA以及核基因ITPR的序列,对序列的碱基组成和蜜蜂种间的遗传距离进行了分析。结合下载的蜜蜂属其他4个种的相关序列,采用最大简约法、邻接法和最大似然法重建了蜜蜂属系统发育关系。系统发育分析结果支持蜜蜂属划分为3个类群,即小蜜蜂类群(包括小蜜蜂和黑小蜜蜂)、大蜜蜂类群(包括大蜜蜂和黑大蜜蜂)和穴居蜜蜂类群(西方蜜蜂、东方蜜蜂、沙巴蜂、苏拉威西蜂、绿努蜂),且小蜜蜂类群较早分化。结果还显示,我国海南岛的大蜜蜂和大陆的大蜜蜂之间可能存在较大的遗传分歧。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Time-budgets are constructed from censuses of hoverflies. Larger species spend less time in flight.
2. Most species are active under similar conditions of light intensity, but a shade-tolerant (Melanostoma scalare Fabr.) and a sun-loving species (Metasyrphus corollae Fabr.) were identified.
3. Large species become active (i.e. move, by flying or feeding) at lower temperatures than small ones, except M.scalare, which is tolerant to cool temperatures. This means that, M.scalare apart, the order of species appearing during the day is size-dependent, largest first.
4. Previous claims about the diel periodicity of syrphids can be reconciled by considering the importance of individual thermal balance.
5. Tolerance to low temperatures in small hoverflies is associated with feeding on anemophilous pollen; this may indicate a proline-fuelled flight.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Based on identification of collected pollen, in the area of North Khartoum, 21 plant genera (ca. 21 spp.) proved to be the main pollen sources for the honey bee Apis mellifera sudanensis . The imported dwarf honey bee Apis florea exploited 11 of these. The main pollen flow in the study area occurred between early December and late March. This is reflected by the amount of pollen collected by colonies of A. mellifera sudanensis . In spite of observations conducted soon after the introduction of A. florea , which gave hints of competition between the two bee species, further studies showed that A. mellifera sudanensis and A. florea do seem to coexist. This coexistence is based on different daily rhythms of pollen collection. A. mellifera collected pollen of Acacia seyal , date palm, and onions early in the morning (and partly in the late afternoon), while A. florea started pollen collection mostly later in the morning and ended it earlier in the afternoon. But in contrast to A. mellifera, A. florea was collecting pollen all day without interruption, even at very high air temperatures. Niche overlap (concerning the times of visits to flowers) between the two bee species was very low in date palms, and of medium importance in Acacia seyal . But it is remarkable that in total, A. florea is always present in higher numbers than A. mellifera sudanensis , on flowers. The significance of the introduction of A. florea to Sudan for pollination is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid titers were estimated on the whole body homogenates of Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabr.) female pupae during development by radioimmunoassay. A distinct peak of ecdysteroids was observed at 36-hr pupal development (743 pg/mg body wt). Titer declined to 299 pg/mg by the pharate adult stage and to 193 pg/mg body wt just before adult emergence. Qualitative studies by HPLC revealed a ratio of 3:1 ecdysone to 20-hydroxyecdysone in the initial pupal stage. Pharate adults had mainly 20-hydroxyecdysone. The observed single peak in ecdysteroid titer agrees with findings in other studied coleopteran species.
Zusammenfassung Der Ecdysteroidtiter weiblicher Puppen von Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabr.) wurde geschätzt, indem ganze Tiere homogenisiert und radioimmunologisch untersucht wurden. Ein ausgeprägtes Maximum an Ecdysteroiden wurde bei 36 Stunden Puppenent-wicklung beobachtet (743 pg/mg Körpergewicht). Der Titer nahm ab auf 299 pg/mg im Pharatstadium und auf 193 pg/mg unmittelbar vor Schlüpfen der Adulten. Qualitative Studien mit HPLC ergaben in frischen Puppen ein Verhältnis von 3:1 Ecdyson zu 20-Hydrooxyecdyson. Pharatstadien enthielten vor allem 20-Hydrooxyecdyson. Das beobachtete einzige Maximum im Titer stimmt überein mit den Resultaten bei andern untersuchten Coleopteren.

Sex pheromones are demonstrated in premoult and recently‐moulted female Carcinus maenas (L.) and Macropipus holsatus (Fabr.) (Crustacea Decapoda, Portunidae). Male conspecifics respond with searching activity. Dilute solutions of urine aspirated from the antennal glands of females of each species release characteristic responses in conspecific males, but males of other species respond differently, if at all. Aspects of responses of test animals in bioassays are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Field experiments demonstrated that the faecal covering that female Microrhopala vittata (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) place over their egg masses significantly reduces egg mortality.
  • 2 The bottom egg in the egg mass, which lies against the leaf of the host plant, suffers significantly higher mortality than the other eggs in the egg mass.
  • 3 The parasite Chrysonotomyia sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) generally parasitizes only the bottom egg in the egg mass, while predators rarely penetrate the faecal covering.
  • 4 No significant relationship was found between mortality and the number of egg masses per leaf.
  • 5 By placing eggs in masses, females may ensure that at least the upper eggs in any egg mass are effectively protected against virtually all natural enemies likely to pose a threat.

Two different genomic regions (ND2 mitochondrial gene and EF1-alpha intron) were PCR amplified, cloned and sequenced for the ten known honey bee species collected within their natural range distribution. DNA sequences were analyzed using parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood methods to investigate phylogenetic relationships within Apis. The phylogenetic analyses strongly supported the basic topology recoverable from morphometric analysis, grouping the honey bees into three major clusters: giant bees (A. dorsata, A. binghami, and A. laboriosa), dwarf bees (A. andreniformis and A. florea), and cavity-nesting bees (A. mellifera, A. cerana, A. koschevnikovi, A. nuluensis, and A. nigrocincta). However, the clade of Asian cavity-nesting bees included paraphyletic taxa. Exemplars of Apis cerana collected from divergent portions of its range were less related to each other than were sympatric A. cerana, A. nuluensis, and A. nigrocincta taxa. Nucleotide sequence divergence between allopatrically distributed western (A. mellifera) and eastern (A. cerana, A. koschevnikovi, A. nigrocincta, and A. nuluensis) cavity-nesting species, around 18% for the mitochondrial gene and 10-15% for the nuclear intron, suggested an earlier divergence for these groups than previously estimated from morphometric and behavioral studies. This latter finding neccessitates reevaluation of the hypothesized origin of extant European, African, and west Asian Apis mellifera. Sequence divergence between A. laboriosa and A. dorsata was consistent with behavioral data and supports the species status of A. laboriosa.  相似文献   

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