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Tight junctions are crucial for maintaining the polarity and vectorial transport functions of epithelial cells. We and others have shown that Na-K-ATPase plays a key role in the organization and permeability of tight junctions in mammalian cells and analogous septate junctions in Drosophila. However, the mechanism by which Na-K-ATPase modulates tight junctions is not known. In this study, using a well-differentiated human pancreatic epithelial cell line HPAF-II, we demonstrate that Na-K-ATPase is present at the apical junctions and forms a complex with protein phosphatase-2A, a protein known to be present at tight junctions. Inhibition of Na-K-ATPase ion transport function reduced protein phosphatase-2A activity, hyperphosphorylated occludin, induced rearrangement of tight junction strands, and increased permeability of tight junctions to ionic and nonionic solutes. These data suggest that Na-K-ATPase is required for controlling the tight junction gate function.  相似文献   

Tight junctions between brain microvessel endothelial cells (BMECs) maintain the blood-brain barrier. Barrier breakdown is associated with brain tumors and central nervous system diseases. Tumor cell-secreted vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) increases microvasculature permeability in vivo and is correlated with the induction of clinically severe brain tumor edema. Here we investigated the permeability-increasing effect and tight junction formation of VEGF. By measuring [(14)C]sucrose flux and transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) across BMEC monolayer cultures, we found that VEGF increased sucrose permeability and decreased TER. VEGF also caused a loss of occludin and ZO-1 from the endothelial cell junctions and changed the staining pattern of the cell boundary. Western blot analysis of BMEC lysates revealed that the level of occludin but not of ZO-1 was lowered by VEGF treatment. These results suggest that VEGF increases BMEC monolayer permeability by reducing occludin expression and disrupting ZO-1 and occludin organization, which leads to tight junction disassembly. Occludin and ZO-1 appear to be downstream effectors of the VEGF signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of occludin were found in Madin-Darby caninekidney (MDCK) cells. In the absence of cell-to-cell contacts, achievedby incubating cells in low-calcium growth medium, a cluster oflower-molecular-weight (LMW) occludin bands (~65,000-68,000) waspresent in both MDCK I and II cells. On formation of tight junctions,achieved by changing the low-calcium growth medium to normal-calciumgrowth medium, a cluster of higher-molecular-weight (HMW) bands(~72,000-75,000 for MDCK I cells and ~70,000-73,000 forMDCK II cells) was also expressed. The HMW occludin bands could beeliminated by phosphatase treatment. Therefore, the HMW forms ofoccludin appeared to be the hyperphosphorylated product of the LMWforms. These HMW forms were Triton X-100 insoluble, which correlatedwith their localization at the tight junctions. Furthermore, depletionof tight junction-localized occludin by an occludin extracellulardomian peptide (20) correlated with a decrease in the HMW forms ofoccludin. In conclusion, phosphorylation of occludin may be a mechanismby which occludin localization and function are regulated.


Differential centrifugation of Triton X-100 or CHAPS lysates from control and cholesterol (CH)-depleted MDCK II cells, segregated integral tight junction (TJ) proteins associated with detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) into two groups. Group A proteins (occludin, claudin-2 and -3) were detected in large, intermediate and small aggregates in both detergents, whereas group B proteins (claudin-1, -4 and -7) were observed in small aggregates in TX-100 and in intermediate and small aggregates in CHAPS. Depletion of CH altered the distribution of group A and B proteins among the three size categories in a detergent-specific manner. In lysates produced with octyl glucoside, a detergent that selectively extracts proteins from DRMs, group A proteins were undetectable in large aggregates and CH depletion did not alter the distribution of either group A or B proteins in intermediate or small aggregates. Neither occludin (group A) nor claudin-1 (group B) was in intimate enough contact with CH to be cross-linked to [(3)H]-photo-cholesterol. However, antibodies to either TJ protein co-immunoprecipitated caveolin-1, a CH-binding protein. Unlike claudins, occludin's presence in TJs and DRMs did not require palmitoylation. Equilibrium density centrifugation on discontinuous OptiPrep gradients revealed detergent-related differences in the densities of TJ-bearing DRMs. There was little or no change in those densities after CH depletion. Removing CH from the plasma membrane increased tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation of occludin, and transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) within 30 min. After 2 h of CH efflux, phospho-occludin levels and TER fell below control values. We conclude that the association of integral TJ proteins with DRMS, pelleted at low speeds, is partially CH-dependent. However, the buoyant density of TJ-associated DRMs is a function of the detergent used and is insensitive to decreases in CH.  相似文献   

It is now accepted that a conformational change of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) generates the prion, the infectious agent responsible for lethal neurodegenerative disorders, named transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or prion diseases. The mechanisms of prion-associated neurodegeneration are still obscure, as is the cell role of PrPC, although increasing evidence attributes to PrPC important functions in cell survival. Such a behavioral dichotomy thus enables the prion protein to switch from a benign role under normal conditions, to the execution of neurons during disease. By reviewing data from models of prion disease and PrPC-null paradigms, which suggest a relation between the prion protein and Ca2+ homeostasis, here we discuss the possibility that Ca2+ is the factor behind the enigma of the pathophysiology of PrPC. Ca2+ features in almost all processes of cell signaling, and may thus tell us much about a protein that pivots between health and disease.  相似文献   

Throughout spermatogenesis, inter-Sertoli tight junctions (TJs) that constitute the blood-testis barrier must be disassembled and reassembled to permit the timely movement of preleptotene and leptotene spermatocytes from the basal to the adluminal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium. However, the mechanism and the participating molecules that regulate the bioavailability of TJ proteins are entirely unknown. Using Sertoli cell culture, it was shown that there was an increase in occludin level, concomitant with a reduction of an E3 ubiquitin ligase, Itch, at the time when inter-Sertoli TJs were assembled. By co-immunoprecipitation, occludin was shown to associate with Itch at the TJs. A novel interaction between Itch and UBC4 (an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme) was identified. When TJs were disrupted by dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP), an increase in protein levels of Itch and UBC4 along with a significant reduction in endogenous occludin was detected. These results seemingly suggest that the interaction of Itch and UBC4 on occludin is potentially involved in regulating Sertoli TJ dynamics. Addition of a proteasome inhibitor, MG-132, into Sertoli cells cultured with db-cAMP blocked the db-cAMP-induced occludin loss in vitro. Accumulations of ubiquitin-conjugated and Itch-conjugated occludin were detected in Sertoli cells cultured in the presence of both MG-132 and db-cAMP. These results suggest that MG-132 prevented db-cAMP-induced TJ disruption by altering the rate of occludin degradation. Taken collectively, the results reported herein support the notion that db-cAMP-induced TJ disruption was mediated by an induction of Itch protein expression, which in turn triggered the ubiquitination of occludin resulting in TJ disruption.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) is stimulated by epidermal growth factor via activation of the epidermal growth factor receptors. The PLC inhibitor, 3-nitrocoumarin (3-NC), selectively inhibited PLC-gamma in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells without affecting the activity of PLC-beta. In contrast, inhibitors of PLC-beta, hexadecylphosphocholine and, had no effect on the activity of PLC-gamma. Inhibition of PLC-gamma by 3-NC was associated with an increase in tight junction permeability across Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers, as evidenced by 3-NC-induced decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance and increase in mannitol flux over a concentration range that was inhibitory to PLC-gamma. An analog of 3-NC, 7-hydroxy-3-NC (7-OH-3-NC), which was inactive as an inhibitor of PLC-gamma, also had no effect on tight junction permeability. Treatment with 3-NC caused punctate disruption in the cortical actin filaments. The PLC-gamma inhibitor, 3-NC, but not the inactive analog, 7-OH-3-NC, caused hyperphosphorylation of the tight junction proteins, occludin, ZO-1, and ZO-2. The serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, staurosporine (50-200 nm), significantly attenuated 3-NC-induced hyperphosphorylation of ZO-2. This corresponded with attenuation by staurosporine of 3-NC-induced increase in tight junction permeability, suggesting a relationship between ZO-2 phosphorylation and tight junction permeability.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) may have a physiologic role in regulating vessel permeability and contributes to the pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy as well as tumor development. We set out to ascertain the mechanism by which VEGF regulates paracellular permeability in rats. Intra-ocular injection of VEGF caused a post-translational modification of occludin as determined by a gel shift from 60 to 62 kDa. This event began by 15 min post-injection and was maximal by 45 min. Alkaline phosphatase treatment revealed this modification was caused by a change in occludin phosphorylation. In addition, the quantity of extracted occludin increased 2-fold in the same time frame. The phosphorylation and increased extraction of occludin was recapitulated in retinal endothelial cells in culture after VEGF stimulation. The data presented herein are the first demonstration of a change in the phosphorylation of this transmembrane protein under conditions of increased endothelial permeability. In addition, intra-ocular injection of VEGF also caused tyrosine phosphorylation of ZO-1 as early as 15 min and increased phosphorylation 4-fold after 90 min. In conclusion, VEGF rapidly increases occludin phosphorylation as well as the tyrosine phosphorylation of ZO-1. Phosphorylation of occludin and ZO-1 likely contribute to regulated endothelial paracellular permeability.  相似文献   

McKenzie JA  Riento K  Ridley AJ 《FEBS letters》2006,580(9):2388-2394
Occludin is an integral-membrane protein that contributes to tight junction function. We have identified casein kinase I epsilon (CKI epsilon) as a binding partner for the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of occludin by yeast two-hybrid screening. CKI epsilon phosphorylated occludin and co-localised and co-immunoprecipitated with occludin from human endothelial cells. Amino acids 265-318 of occludin were sufficient for CKI epsilon binding and phosphorylation. Deletion of the C-terminal 48 amino acids of occludin increased CKI epsilon binding and phosphorylation, suggesting that this region inhibits CKI epsilon binding. These data identify CKI epsilon as a novel occludin kinase that may be important for the regulation of occludin.  相似文献   

Acute airway inflammation is associated with enhanced production of nitric oxide (NO) and altered airway epithelial barrier function, suggesting a role of NO or its metabolites in epithelial permeability. While high concentrations of S-nitrosothiols disrupted transepithelial resistance (TER) and increased permeability in 16HBE14o− cells, no significant barrier disruption was observed by NONOates, in spite of altered distribution and expression of some TJ proteins. Barrier disruption of mouse tracheal epithelial (MTE) cell monolayers in response to inflammatory cytokines was independent of NOS2, based on similar effects in MTE cells from NOS2−/− mice and a lack of effect of the NOS2-inhibitor 1400W. Cell pre-incubation with LPS protected MTE cells from TER loss and increased permeability by H2O2, which was independent of NOS2. However, NOS2 was found to contribute to epithelial wound repair and TER recovery after mechanical injury. Overall, our results demonstrate that epithelial NOS2 is not responsible for epithelial barrier dysfunction during inflammation, but may contribute to restoration of epithelial integrity.  相似文献   

Occludin is an integral membrane protein with four transmembrane domains that is exclusively localized at tight junction (TJ) strands. Here, we describe the generation and analysis of mice carrying a null mutation in the occludin gene. Occludin -/- mice were born with no gross phenotype in the expected Mendelian ratios, but they showed significant postnatal growth retardation. Occludin -/- males produced no litters with wild-type females, whereas occludin -/- females produced litters normally when mated with wild-type males but did not suckle them. In occludin -/- mice, TJs themselves did not appear to be affected morphologically, and the barrier function of intestinal epithelium was normal as far as examined electrophysiologically. However, histological abnormalities were found in several tissues, i.e., chronic inflammation and hyperplasia of the gastric epithelium, calcification in the brain, testicular atrophy, loss of cytoplasmic granules in striated duct cells of the salivary gland, and thinning of the compact bone. These phenotypes suggested that the functions of TJs as well as occludin are more complex than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Occludin is a tetraspan integral membrane protein in epithelial and endothelial tight junction (TJ) structures that is projected to have two extracellular loops. We have used peptides emulating central regions of human occludin's first and second loops, termed O-A:101-121 and O-B:210-228, respectively, to examine potential molecular interactions between these two regions of occludin and other TJ proteins. A superficial biophysical assessment of A:101-121 and O-B:210-228 showed them to have dissimilar solution conformation characteristics. Although O-A:101-121 failed to strongly interact with protein components of the human epithelial intestinal cell line T84, O-B:210-228 selectively associated with occludin, claudin-one and the junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-A. Further, the presence of O-B:210-228, but not O-A:101-121, impeded the recovery of functional TJ structures. A scrambled peptide sequences of O-B:210-228 failed to influence TJ assembly. These studies demonstrate distinct properties for these two extracellular segments of the occludin protein and provide an improved understanding of how specific domains of occludin may interact with proteins present at TJ structures.  相似文献   

The exact sites, structures, and molecular mechanisms of interaction between junction organizing zona occludence protein 1 (ZO-1) and the tight junction protein occludin or the adherens junction protein alpha-catenin are unknown. Binding studies by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and peptide mapping combined with comparative modeling utilizing crystal structures led for the first time to a molecular model revealing the binding of both occludin and alpha-catenin to the same binding site in ZO-1. Our data support a concept that ZO-1 successively associates with alpha-catenin at the adherens junction and occludin at the tight junction. Strong spatial evidence indicates that the occludin C-terminal coiled-coil domain dimerizes and interacts finally as a four-helix bundle with the identified structural motifs in ZO-1. The helix bundle of occludin406-521 and alpha-catenin509-906 interacts with the hinge region (ZO-1591-632 and ZO-1591-622, respectively) and with (ZO-1726-754 and ZO-1756-781) in the GuK domain of ZO-1 containing coiled-coil and alpha-helical structures, respectively. The selectivity of both protein-protein interactions is defined by complementary shapes and charges between the participating epitopes. In conclusion, a common molecular mechanism of forming an intermolecular helical bundle between the hinge region/GuK domain of ZO-1 and alpha-catenin and occludin is identified as a general molecular principle organizing the association of ZO-1 at adherens and tight junctions.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated that the chloride channel ClC-2 modulates intestinal mucosal barrier function. In the present study, we investigated the role of ClC-2 in epithelial barrier development and maintenance in Caco-2 cells. During early monolayer formation, silencing of ClC-2 with small interfering (si)RNA led to a significant delay in the development of transepithelial resistance (TER) and disruption of occludin localization. Proteomic analysis employing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry /mass spectrometry revealed association of ClC-2 with key proteins involved in intracellular trafficking, including caveolin-1 and Rab5. In ClC-2 siRNA-treated cells, occludin colocalization with caveolin-1 was diffuse and in the subapical region. Subapically distributed occludin in ClC-2 siRNA-treated cells showed marked colocalization with Rab5. To study the link between ClC-2 and trafficking of occludin in confluent epithelial monolayers, a Caco-2 cell clone expressing ClC-2 short hairpin (sh)RNA was established. Disruption of caveolae with methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) caused a marked drop in TER and profound redistribution of caveolin-1-occludin coimmunofluorescence in ClC-2 shRNA cells. In ClC-2 shRNA cells, focal aggregations of Rab5-occludin coimmunofluorescence were present within the cytoplasm. Wortmannin caused an acute fall in TER in ClC-2 shRNA cells and subapical, diffuse redistribution of Rab5-occludin coimmunofluorescence in ClC-2 shRNA cells. An endocytosis and recycling assay for occludin revealed higher basal rate of endocytosis of occludin in ClC-2 shRNA cells. Wortmannin significantly reduced the rate of recycling of occludin in ClC-2 shRNA cells. These data clearly indicate that ClC-2 plays an important role in the modulation of tight junctions by influencing caveolar trafficking of the tight junction protein occludin.  相似文献   

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