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Teleost fishes provide the first unambiguous support for ancient whole-genome duplication in an animal lineage. Studies in yeast or plants have shown that the effects of such duplications can be mediated by a complex pattern of gene retention and changes in evolutionary pressure. To explore such patterns in fishes, we have determined by phylogenetic analysis the evolutionary origin of 675 Tetraodon duplicated genes assigned to chromosomes, using additional data from other species of actinopterygian fishes. The subset of genes, which was retained in double after the genome duplication, is enriched in development, signaling, behavior, and regulation functional categories. The evolutionary rate of duplicate fish genes appears to be determined by 3 forces: 1) fish proteins evolve faster than mammalian orthologs; 2) the genes kept in double after genome duplication represent the subset under strongest purifying selection; and 3) following duplication, there is an asymmetric acceleration of evolutionary rate in one of the paralogs. These results show that similar mechanisms are at work in fishes as in yeast or plants and provide a framework for future investigation of the consequences of duplication in fishes and other animals.  相似文献   

Inferences about the evolutionary impact of gene duplications often rely on the analysis of their long-term outcome. The fate of the majority of them must, however, be decided shortly after duplication. Here we analysed the evolutionary pattern of 10 mouse genes very recently duplicated by retrotransposition, by sequencing the retroposed copy in five to 10 closely related mouse species. In all cases the retroposed copy experienced accelerated nonsynonymous evolution whereas the divergence pattern of the source copy appeared unaffected by the duplication, consistent with the neofunctionalization model. The analysis further revealed that most retrogenes, including pseudogenes, did not experience a period of relaxed neutral evolution, but have been submitted to purifying selection ever since their retroposition. We propose that these duplicates play a biochemical role but are not indispensable. Purifying selection prevents them from acquiring a negative role until they are lost or silenced. This period of unnecessary redundancy could in rare cases give the time for new functions to evolve.  相似文献   

Raquel Assis 《Fly》2014,8(2):91-94
Gene duplication is thought to play a key role in phenotypic innovation. While several processes have been hypothesized to drive the retention and functional evolution of duplicate genes, their genomic contributions have never been determined. We recently developed the first genome-wide method to classify these processes by comparing distances between expression profiles of duplicate genes and their ancestral single-copy orthologs. Application of our approach to spatial gene expression profiles in two Drosophila species revealed that a majority of young duplicate genes possess new functions, and that new functions are acquired rapidly—often within a few million years. Surprisingly, new functions tend to arise in younger copies of duplicate gene pairs. Moreover, we found that young duplicates are often specifically expressed in testes, whereas old duplicates are broadly expressed across several tissues, providing strong support for the hypothetical “out-of-testes” origin of new genes. In this Extra View, I discuss our findings in the context of theoretical predictions about gene duplication, with a particular emphasis on the importance of natural selection in the evolution of novel phenotypes.  相似文献   

基因倍增和脊椎动物起源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有机体基因复制导致基因复杂性增加及其和脊椎动物起源的关系已经成为进化生物学研究的热点。20世纪70年代由Ohno提出后经Holland等修正的原始脊索动物经两轮基因组复制产生脊椎动物的假设目前已被广泛接受。脊椎动物起源和进化过程中发生过两轮基因组复制的主要证据有三点:(1)据估计脊椎动物基因组内编码基因数目大约相当于果蝇、海鞘等无脊椎动物的4倍;原口动物如果蝇和后口动物如头索动物文昌鱼的基因组大都只有单拷贝的基因,而脊椎动物的基因组则通常有4个同属于一个家族的基因。(2)无脊椎动物如节肢动物、海胆和头索动物文昌鱼都只有一个Hox基因簇,而脊椎动物除鱼类外,有7个具有Hox基因簇,其余都具有4个Hox基因簇。(3)基因作图证明,不但在鱼类和哺乳动物染色体广大片段上基因顺序相似,而且有证据显示哺乳动物基因组不同染色体之间存在相似性。据认为第一次基因倍增发生在脊椎动物与头索动物分开之后,第二次基因倍增发生在有颌类脊椎动物和无颌类脊椎动物分开以后。但是,基因是逐个发生倍增,还是通过基因组内某些DNA片段抑或整个基因组的加倍而实现的,目前还颇有争议。  相似文献   

The evolution and functional diversification of animal microRNA genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
microRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of-22 nucleotide (nt) regulatory RNAs that are pervasive in higher eukaryotic genomes. In order to fully understand their prominence in genomes, it is necessary to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that can diversify miRNA activities. In this review, we describe some of the many strategies that allow novel miRNA functions to emerge, with particular emphasis on how miRNA genes evolve in animals. These mechanisms include changes in their sequence, processing, or expression pattern; acquisition of miRNA^* functionality or antisense processing; and de novo gene birth. The facility and versatility of miRNAs to evolve and change likely underlies how they have become dominant constituents of higher genomes.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is thought to play an important role in the co-option of existing protein functions to new physiological pathways. The globin superfamily of genes provides an excellent example of the kind of physiological versatility that can be attained through the functional and regulatory divergence of duplicated genes that encode different subunit polypeptides of the tetrameric hemoglobin protein. In contrast to prevailing views about the evolutionary history of the alpha-globin gene family, here we present phylogenetic evidence that the alpha(A)- and alpha(D)-globin genes are not the product of a single, tandem duplication of an ancestral globin gene with adult function in the common ancestor of extant birds, reptiles, and mammals. Instead, our analysis reveals that the alpha(D)-globin gene of amniote vertebrates arose via duplication of an embryonic alpha-like globin gene that predated the radiation of tetrapods. The important evolutionary implication is that the distinct biochemical properties of alpha(D)-hemoglobin (HbD) are not exclusively derived characters that can be attributed to a post-duplication process of neofunctionalization. Rather, many of the distinct biochemical properties of HbD are retained ancestral characters that reflect the fact that the alpha(D)-globin gene arose via duplication of a gene that had a larval/embryonic function. These insights into the evolutionary origin of HbD illustrate how adaptive modifications of physiological pathways may result from the retention and opportunistic co-option of ancestral protein functions.  相似文献   

The widely popular hypothesis that there were two rounds of genome duplication by polyploidization early in vertebrate history (the 2R hypothesis) has been difficult to test until recently. Among the lines of evidence adduced in support of this hypothesis are relative genome size, relative gene number, and the existence of genomic regions putatively duplicated during polyploidization. The availability of sequence for a substantial portion of the human genome makes possible the first rigorous tests of this hypothesis. Comparison of gene family size in the human genome and in invertebrate genomes shows no evidence of a 4:1 ratio between vertebrates and invertebrates. Furthermore, explicit phylogenetic tests for the topology expected from two rounds of polyploidization have revealed alternative topologies in a substantial majority of human gene families. Likewise, phylogenetic analyses have shown that putatively duplicated genomic regions often include genes duplicated at widely different times over the evolution of life. The 2R hypothesis thus can be decisively rejected. Rather, current evidence favors a model of genome evolution in which tandem duplication, whether of genomic segments or of individual genes, predominates.  相似文献   

Nearly four decades ago, Roose & Gottlieb (Roose & Gottlieb 1976 Evolution 30, 818–830. (doi:10.2307/2407821)) showed that the recently derived allotetraploids Tragopogon mirus and T. miscellus combined the allozyme profiles of their diploid parents (T. dubius and T. porrifolius, and T. dubius and T. pratensis, respectively). This classic paper addressed the link between genotype and biochemical phenotype and documented enzyme additivity in allopolyploids. Perhaps more important than their model of additivity, however, was their demonstration of novelty at the biochemical level. Enzyme multiplicity—the production of novel enzyme forms in the allopolyploids—can provide an extensive array of polymorphism for a polyploid individual and may explain, for example, the expanded ranges of polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors. In this paper, we extend the concept of evolutionary novelty in allopolyploids to a range of genetic and ecological features. We observe that the dynamic nature of polyploid genomes—with alterations in gene content, gene number, gene arrangement, gene expression and transposon activity—may generate sufficient novelty that every individual in a polyploid population or species may be unique. Whereas certain combinations of these features will undoubtedly be maladaptive, some unique combinations of newly generated variation may provide tremendous evolutionary potential and adaptive capabilities.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins and impacts of novel traits has been a perennial interest in many realms of ecology and evolutionary biology. Here, we build on previous evolutionary and philosophical treatments of this subject to encompass novelties across biological scales and eco-evolutionary perspectives. By defining novelties as new features at one biological scale that have emergent effects at other biological scales, we incorporate many forms of novelty that have previously been treated in isolation (such as novelty from genetic mutations, new developmental pathways, new morphological features, and new species). Our perspective is based on the fundamental idea that the emergence of a novelty, at any biological scale, depends on its environmental and genetic context. Through this lens, we outline a broad array of generative mechanisms underlying novelty and highlight how genomic tools are transforming our understanding of the origins of novelty. Lastly, we present several case studies to illustrate how novelties across biological scales and systems can be understood based on common mechanisms of change and their environmental and genetic contexts. Specifically, we highlight how gene duplication contributes to the evolution of new complex structures in visual systems; how genetic exchange in symbiosis alters functions of both host and symbiont, resulting in a novel organism; and how hybridisation between species can generate new species with new niches.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are small, secreted proteins that play important roles in the development of pathogenic and symbiotic fungi. Evolutionary mechanisms generating sequence and expression divergence among members in hydrophobin gene families are largely unknown. Seven hydrophobin (hyd) genes and one hyd pseudogene were isolated from strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. Sequences were analysed using phylogenetic methods. Expression profiles were inferred from microarray experiments. The hyd genes included both young (recently diverged) and old duplicates. Some young hyd genes exhibited an initial phase of enhanced sequence evolution owing to relaxed or positive selection. There was no significant association between sequence divergence and variation in expression levels. However, three hyd genes displayed a shift in the expression levels or an altered tissue specificity following duplication. The Paxillus hyd genes evolve according to the so-called birth-and-death model in which some duplicates are maintained for a long time, whereas others are inactivated through mutations. The role of subfunctionalization and/or neofunctionalization for preserving the hyd duplicates in the genome is discussed.  相似文献   

Twist genes are essential for embryonic development and are conserved from jellyfish to human. To study the vertebrate twist family and its evolution, the entire complement of twist genes was obtained for 9 representative species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that a single protochordate twist gene was duplicated at least twice before the teleost-tetrapod split to give rise to 3 ancestral genes, which were further duplicated or deleted, resulting in fluctuating number of twist paralogs in different vertebrate lineages. To find whether changes in gene copy number were associated with changes in gene function, embryonic expression patterns of twist orthologs were evaluated against the number of twist paralogs in different species. The results showed evidence for both neo- and subfunctionalization, and, in addition, for loss of an ancestral regulatory gene. For example, in Xenopus, twist2 was lost, but the twist1 paralog acquired, and therefore preserved, twist2 function. A general model is proposed to explain the data. In this process, termed synfunctionalization, one paralog acquires the expression domain(s) of another. The merging may lead to function shuffle. Alternatively, it may leave one paralog redundant and thus subject to deletion--while its function is retained by the surviving paralog(s). Synfunctionalization is a mechanism that, together with neo- and subfunctionalization, may work to establish equilibrium in the number of genes that regulate developmental processes; it may regulate the complexity of regulatory regions as well as gene copy number and therefore may play a role in evolution of gene function and the structure of genome.  相似文献   

Population-genetic models of the fates of duplicate genes   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Walsh B 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):279-294
The ultimate fate of a duplicated gene is that it either silenced through inactivating mutations or both copies are maintained by selection. This later fate can occur via neofunctionalization wherein one copy acquires a new function or by subfunctionalization wherein the original function of the gene is partitioned across both copies. The relative probabilities of these three different fates involve often very subtle iterations between of population size, mutation rate, and selection. All three of these fates are critical to the expansion and diversification of gene families.  相似文献   

Learning about the roles that duplicate genes play in the origins of novel phenotypes requires an understanding of how their functions evolve. A previous method for achieving this goal, CDROM, employs gene expression distances as proxies for functional divergence and then classifies the evolutionary mechanisms retaining duplicate genes from comparisons of these distances in a decision tree framework. However, CDROM does not account for stochastic shifts in gene expression or leverage advances in contemporary statistical learning for performing classification, nor is it capable of predicting the parameters driving duplicate gene evolution. Thus, here we develop CLOUD, a multi-layer neural network built on a model of gene expression evolution that can both classify duplicate gene retention mechanisms and predict their underlying evolutionary parameters. We show that not only is the CLOUD classifier substantially more powerful and accurate than CDROM, but that it also yields accurate parameter predictions, enabling a better understanding of the specific forces driving the evolution and long-term retention of duplicate genes. Further, application of the CLOUD classifier and predictor to empirical data from Drosophila recapitulates many previous findings about gene duplication in this lineage, showing that new functions often emerge rapidly and asymmetrically in younger duplicate gene copies, and that functional divergence is driven by strong natural selection. Hence, CLOUD represents a major advancement in classifying retention mechanisms and predicting evolutionary parameters of duplicate genes, thereby highlighting the utility of incorporating sophisticated statistical learning techniques to address long-standing questions about evolution after gene duplication.  相似文献   

Since 1990 the recognition of deep homologies among metazoan developmental processes and the spread of more mechanistic approaches to developmental biology have led to a resurgence of interest in evolutionary novelty and innovation. Other evolutionary biologists have proposed central roles for behaviour and phenotypic plasticity in generating the conditions for the construction of novel morphologies, or invoked the accessibility of new regions of vast sequence spaces. These approaches contrast with more traditional emphasis on the exploitation of ecological opportunities as the primary source of novelty. This definitional cornucopia reflects differing stress placed on three attributes of novelties: their radical nature, the generation of new taxa, and ecological and evolutionary impact. Such different emphasis has led to conflating four distinct issues: the origin of novel attributes (genes, developmental processes, phenotypic characters), new functions, higher clades and the ecological impact of new structures and functions. Here I distinguish novelty (the origin of new characters, deep character transformations, or new combinations) from innovation, the ecological and evolutionary success of clades. Evidence from the fossil record of macroevolutionary lags between the origin of a novelty and its ecological success demonstrates that novelty may be decoupled from innovation, and only definitions of novelty based on radicality (rather than generativity or consequentiality) can be assessed without reference to the subsequent history of the clade to which a novelty belongs. These considerations suggest a conceptual framework for novelty and innovation, involving: (i) generation of the potential for novelty; (ii) the formation of novel attributes; (iii) refinement of novelties through adaptation; (iv) exploitation of novelties by a clade, which may coincide with a new round of ecological or environmental potentiation; followed by (v) the establishment of innovations through ecological processes. This framework recognizes that there is little empirical support for either the dominance of ecological opportunity, nor abrupt discontinuities (often caricatured as ‘hopeful monsters’). This general framework may be extended to aspects of cultural and social innovation.  相似文献   

Occurrence of polyploidy in the fishes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polyploidy, the multiplication of entire setsof chromosomes beyond the normal set of two,has occurred extensively, independently, and isoften repeated in many groups of fish, from thesharks to the higher teleosts. While there areseveral ways that a polyploid fish can develop,environmental change and hybrid stabilizationmay play a large role in the initiation of anew polyploid species. Despite its prevalence,the importance of polyploidy in the evolutionof the fishes is unclear. Polyploidy is morecommon in the lower teleosts than the higherteleosts, possibly due to an advantage gainedthrough decreased specialization in the lowerteleosts, a decreased viability of polyploidyin the higher fish, or both. Polyploid fishcould gain an advantage over diploid fishthrough increased heterozygosity, divergence ofduplicate genes, and/or increased expression ofkey physiological proteins. While polyploidfish do not differ considerably from diploidsphenotypically, they may be at a disadvantage,or certain advantages may be lessened due to anoverall decrease in cell number. This papersummarizes all polyploid species of fish knownto-date, and discusses the possible roles andpathways for establishment of polyploidy in theevolution of the fishes.  相似文献   

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