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During direct development the butterfly Lycaena tityrus was previously found to display sex-related reaction norms in response to temperature. Based on selection for protandry in males and fecundity selection for larger females, males favoured early emergence over large size, leading to a dramatic weight loss at higher temperatures, whereas females maintained similar weights throughout. Because males were able to avoid a weight reduction relative to females in spite of their shorter development at lower temperatures, sexual size dimorphism existed at higher temperatures only. In the present paper we compare sexual differences in life-history traits in L. tityrus between direct and diapause development at 25 °C. We demonstrate that, regardless of developmental pathway, protandry persisted and relative sexual size dimorphism, with females being larger, remained unchanged. Although diapausing individuals were less time-constrained, allowing them to grow to considerably higher final weights in both sexes, males were not able to reduce their weight loss relative to females. This is explained by the pressure to gain a developmental advantage solely during post-diapause development, whereas direct developing males may spread the burden over the whole larval period. Our results highlight the importance of considering sexual differences in selective pressures, which may influence central life-history traits in manifold ways.  相似文献   

Protandry, sexual selection and climate change   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Protandry refers to the earlier appearance of males before females at sites of reproduction. Sexual selection has been hypothesized to give rise to sex differences in benefits and costs of early arrival, thereby selecting for earlier appearance by the sex subject to more intense sexual selection. If sexual selection is more intense, there is a greater premium on early arrival among individuals of the chosen sex because of direct selection for earlier arrival. This hypothesis leads to the prediction that changes in the costs and benefits of early arrival related to changes in environmental conditions should particularly affect the sex that arrives first and hence the degree of protandry. I tested this hypothesis using the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica. During 1971–2003, the degree of protandry increased significantly in a Danish population because males advanced arrival date while females did not. This earlier arrival by males compared with females was correlated with a significant increase by over 1.2 standard deviations in the length of the outermost tail feathers of males, a secondary sexual character, suggesting direct selection on both protandry and the secondary sexual character. Environmental conditions during spring migration in Northern Africa, as reflected by the normalized difference vegetation index, have deteriorated since 1984, resulting in increased mortality among males during spring migration, but not among females, and this deterioration of climatic conditions was positively correlated with an increasing degree of protandry. Likewise, an increase in April temperatures at the breeding grounds during recent decades is positively correlated with increased protandry, apparently because males can arrive earlier without increasing the fitness cost of early arrival. Local population size did not predict changes in arrival date. These findings suggest that rapid changes in climate can cause a change in degree of protandry and secondary sexual characters.  相似文献   

Synopsis Gulf of California populations of Serranus fasciatus are composed of functional simultaneous hermaphrodites and males. This is the first serranid known to have this sexual pattern which is functionally intermediate between the typical serranid patterns of simultaneous and protogynous hermaphroditism. Males of S. fasciatus are derived from hermaphrodites by resorption of ovarian tissue and proliferation of the extant testicular band. Distinct sexual roles are evident in spawning events. Hermaphrodites gain female function by pair spawning with males (124 and 125 observed spawns) and rarely with other hermaphrodites (1 of 125). Hermaphrodites gain male function by sneak spawning (9 of 125) and rarely by pair spawning with other hermaphrodites. Males exclusively pair spawned with hermaphrodites. Despite its unusual sexual pattern, S. fasciatus appears allied with other Serranus species based on similarities in gonad morphology.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), for sex-reversal in the Java tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus was investigated. Fry of 8–10 mm total length were fed diets containing 25, 50 and 100 ppm of DES for 30 days in plastic pools; this was followed by 45–65 days rearing in fertilized cement cisterns where hormone-free diet was given. DES at 50 and 100 ppm induced 100% sex-reversal; DES at 25 ppm resulted in only a slightly larger proportion of females to males. The untreated control group had a higher proportion of males than females. No intersex or sterile individuals were observed among the steroid-treated fish. The present investigation demonstrates that 50 ppm DES administered for 30 days is sufficient to induce a 100% sex-reversal in O. mossambicus.  相似文献   

Abstract. The sexual system of two peppermint shrimps, Lysmata bahia and Lysmata intermedia, inhabiting intertidal fossil coral terraces at Bocas del Toro, on the Caribbean coast of Panama, was examined. Dissections suggested that the population of each species consisted of functional males and functional simultaneous hermaphrodites. Males have cincinulli and appendices masculinae on the first and second pair of pleopods, respectively, gonopores located at the coxae of the third pair of walking legs, and ovotestes with a well‐developed male portion full of sperm, but an undeveloped female portion. Hermaphrodites lacked appendices masculinae and cincinulli. However, they have male gonopores and ovotestes with well‐developed ovaries full of mature oocytes and testes with sperm. When hermaphrodites were maintained in pairs, both molted and spawned eggs (to beneath abdomen) that continued developing after 3 d, demonstrating that hermaphrodites can reproduce as males and inseminate other hermaphrodites acting as females. The possibility of self‐fertilization or parthenogenetic reproduction was tested and disregarded, because hermaphrodites reared in isolation spawned oocytes that failed to develop, disappearing from the abdomen after 2 d. Males reared in pairs mature as hermaphrodites in <50 d, showing the ability of males to mature as hermaphrodites. These results demonstrate that L. bahia and L. intermedia are protandric simultaneous hermaphrodites, as reported for all species of this genus whose sexual system has been examined. However, the studied species featured a lifestyle, termed “tropical‐low abundance,” here not recognized previously for the genus; they occur in low abundances in tropical environments, they do not develop symbiotic associations with sessile invertebrates, and they are not conspicuously colored. Information on the sexual systems and lifestyles of more species needs to be examined before these observations can be placed into a comparative context within the genus.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted of the emergence times and mating success ofCardiochiles nigriceps Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larval parasitoid of the tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and in view of this information, the parasitoid's mating system was explored. Observations on laboratory populations ofC. nigriceps confirmed the occurrence of two types of protandry, i.e. seasonal and diurnal; males emerged 2 days before females in a generation, and emerged about 1 hr before females on a given day. An experiment on mating success showed that newly emerged females are not receptive to males that emerged 1 hr earlier, but that these males and females often mate successfully after 1 more hr. The experiment also showed that 1- to 5-day-old males are more successful than 1-hr-old males in mating with 0- to 1-hr-old females. Thus, it is argued that males emerging on a given day have a disadvantage in competition for mates with males that emerged days earlier, and that this disadvantage may serve as a selection pressure toward diurnal protandry. A monogamous mating system for females ofC. nigriceps is suggested because sexual selection would be expected to be strong in species exhibiting both seasonal and diurnal protandry. A possibility of a sibling mating system inC. nigriceps is questioned partly because newly emerged females are unreceptive to males that emerged 1 hr earlier and partly because this parasitoid is solitary in what is considered highly dispersed hosts in the field.  相似文献   

The gonadal sexual patterns of three Atlantic/Caribbean Lythrypnus (L. nesiotes, L. phorellus, L. spilus) are described, based on histological examination, and compared with previously described sexual patterns of L. dalli and L. zebra, from the eastern Pacific. Overall, there was striking similarity in the sexual patterns of all the species; each exhibited simultaneous hermaphroditism with a high degree of variability in allocation to male tissue among individuals. Among the five species whose sexual patterns are described, at least three distinct sexual patterns were identified. Lythrypnus dalli has an allocation pattern distinct from the other species, with populations consisting of primarily pure females, strongly female-biased hermaphrodites and pure males. Lythrypnus nesiotes was also found to be distinct from the other species, consisting primarily of pure females and strongly female-biased hermaphrodites and male-biased individuals (mean allocation to male tissue = 75%). In contrast to L. dalli, L. nesiotes had no pure males. Indeed, no other species examined included pure males. L. phorellus, L. spilus and L. zebra had much more intermediate allocation patterns than either L. dalli or L. nesiotes. Most individuals were female biased (<10% male tissue), and there were significant numbers of individuals with intermediate allocation (10–90% male). L. zebra differed somewhat from L. phorellus and L. spilus in that more strongly male-biased individuals were common in the sample (i.e., ranging in allocation from 90 to 98% male); this difference was not statistically compelling. This marked variation in allocation among closely related species suggests Lythrypnus is a useful model system to explore factors affecting allocation. For example, models developed for simultaneous hermaphrodites and appropriate for Lythrypnus predict that pure sexed individuals will be more common at higher density (e.g., because mating success is more certain). The observed interspecific variation supports this prediction – both L. dalli and L. nesiotes occur at high density and have the most extreme allocation patterns, whereas L. phorellus, L. spilus, and L. zebra occur at lower density and have more intermediate allocation patterns.  相似文献   

Serranus baldwini (Serranidae), the lantern bass, is a small, gleaning carnivore found in turtle grass and rubble substrates in the Caribbean. Small S. baldwini are simultaneous hermaphrodites, but large members of this species are males. The males patrol territories in which several hermaphrodites reside. Hermaphrodites spawn as females with the resident males and rarely spawn as males themselves. Unlike the pattern in reciprocating hermaphrodites, courtship is largely a male function in S. baldwini. Males are much more active and aggressive than are hermaphrodites. In reciprocally spawning species, interactions among mates are more symmetrical. The behavior patterns found in the serranines reflect the differences in mating systems in a manner similar to that found in other organisms and is consistent with current mating system theory.  相似文献   

Female‐biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often considered an epiphenomenon of selection for the increased mating opportunities provided by early male maturation (i.e., protandry). Empirical evidence of the adaptive significance of protandry remains nonetheless fairly scarce. We use field data collected throughout the reproductive season of an SSD crab spider, Mecaphesa celer, to test two hypotheses: Protandry provides fitness benefits to males, leading to female‐biased SSD, or protandry is an indirect consequence of selection for small male size/large female size. Using field‐collected data, we modeled the probability of mating success for females and males according to their timing of maturation. We found that males matured earlier than females and the proportion of virgin females decreased abruptly early in the season, but unexpectedly increased afterward. Timing of female maturation was not related to clutch size, but large females tended to have more offspring than small females. Timing of female and male maturation was inversely related to size at adulthood, as early‐maturing individuals were larger than late‐maturing ones, suggesting that both sexes exhibit some plasticity in their developmental trajectories. Such plasticity indicates that protandry could co‐occur with any degree and direction of SSD. Our calculation of the probability of mating success along the season shows multiple male maturation time points with similar predicted mating success. This suggests that males follow multiple strategies with equal success, trading‐off access to virgin females with intensity of male–male competition. Our results challenge classic hypotheses linking protandry and female‐biased SSD, and emphasize the importance of directly testing the often‐assumed relationships between co‐occurring animal traits.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism depends in part on the additive genetic variance-covariance matrices within females, within males, and across the sexes. We investigated quantitative genetics of floral biomass allocation in females and hermaphrodites of gynodioecious Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae). The G-matrices within females (G(f)), within hermaphrodites (G(m)), and between sexes (B) were compared to those for the closely related S. salicaria, which exhibits a lower frequency of females and less-pronounced sexual dimorphism. Additive genetic variation was detected in all measured traits in S. adamantis, with narrow-sense heritability from 0.34-1.0. Female allocation and floral size traits covaried more tightly than did those traits with allocation to stamens. Between-sex genetic correlations were all <1, indicating sex-specific expression of genes. Common principal-components analysis detected differences between G(f) and G(m) , suggesting potential for further independent evolution of the sexes. The two species of Schiedea differed in G(m) and especially so in G(f) , with S. adamantis showing greater genetic variation in capsule mass and tighter genetic covariation between female allocation traits and flower size in females. Despite greater sexual dimorphism in S. adamantis, genetic correlations between the two sexes (standardized elements of B) were similar to correlations between sexes in S. salicaria.  相似文献   

Synopsis The sexual pattern of the zebra goby Lythrypnus zebra, is an apparent exception to sex allocation theory. Most L. zebra are simultaneous hermaphrodites (i.e., have active female and male gonadal tissue), yet it appears they do not reproduce as males and females simultaneously. Understanding the maintenance of simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra could expand sex allocation theory. In this study, I used a comparison with the blue-banded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, a sympatric congener with a qualitatively similar sexual pattern, to investigate the role of male spawning rate, body size and sexual flexibility in determining the sexual pattern of L. zebra and to isolate differences between the species that might explain their differing sexual patterns. Using field measurements of male nesting success, I found no differences between the species in the body size of nesting males suggesting that large size is associated with successful male reproduction in both species. In addition, nesting males spawned at approximately three times the rate of females in both species; thus, reproduction via male function can be equally advantageous relative to adopting the female role. However, the nest longevity of L. zebra males was shorter than that of L. dalli males, suggesting reproduction via male function may be less reliable in L. zebra. Finally, under laboratory conditions, L. zebra females tended to prefer large mates, and L. zebra were able to re-allocate in both directions, exhibiting a greater capacity to switch than L. dalli. Given these results, I suggest that switching between the sexes plays a greater role in maintaining simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra than L. dalli, perhaps because male reproduction is not as consistent in L. zebra. Sexual flexibility may be an important factor affecting patterns of sex allocation, generally.  相似文献   

The olfactory response of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Het., Miridae), to rice, Oryza sativa L., and paddy weed, Scirpus juncoides Roxb. var. ohwianus T. Koyama, was investigated with an olfactometer to clarify the mechanism of the invasion of the bugs in paddy fields. Both adult females and males were significantly attracted to panicles of rice in the flowering and full‐ripe stages. Whole plants (aboveground parts) of rice in the panicle‐formation stage, and stems and leaves of rice in the flowering stage significantly attracted only adult females. Other rice structures tested did not attract males or females. Both males and females were attracted to the flowering spikelets of S. juncoides. Although females showed no olfactory response to stems of S. juncoides in the flowering stage, males were repelled by them. Only females were attracted to whole plants of flowering S. juncoides. Whole plants of S. juncoides in the spikelet‐formation stage significantly attracted only females. The findings suggest that the invasions of S. rubrovittatus into paddy fields are caused by their olfactory responses to the volatiles emitted from rice and some paddy weeds such as S. juncoides.  相似文献   

How androdioecy (coexistence of hermaphrodites and males) is maintained is still poorly understood. Therefore, sex determination was studied in the androdioecious barnacle Scalpellum scalpellum L. First, 247 cypris larvae from seven broods were investigated for sexual dimorphism in larval morphology and found to be all identical. Second, experiments with cyprids showed that males and hermaphrodites differ distinctly in morphology as soon as 4–5 days after settlement. Third, 14 252 cyprids were allowed to settle on the bottom of their culture cages, and all surviving larvae developed into hermaphrodites and none into dwarf males. Fourth, larvae settled in hermaphrodite receptacles (i.e. future males) were removed at increasing intervals after settlement to study if the male and hermaphrodite sexual expressions are fixed or plastic. All larvae became dwarf males if allowed to stay there for more than 8 h after settlement. But if removed within 3 h after settlement, half of them developed into hermaphrodites. We conclude that an environmental sex determination mechanism operates in S. scalpellum. Together with a 1:1 hermaphrodite/male ratio observed in previously reported experiments offering a free choice of settlement, we suggest that all larvae are potential hermaphrodites, but only 50% can settle in hermaphrodite receptacles and yield males.  相似文献   

The breeding system of Spachea membranacea (Malpighiaceae), an understory tropical rain forest tree, was studied on Barro Colorado Island in central Panama. Two types of trees were found, those with hermaphroditic flowers and those with female flowers. Crossing experiments indicated that morphological hermaphrodites normally function as males but may be induced to set fruit if emasculated prior to cross-pollination. Thus, although morphologically gynodioecious, S. membranacea is functionally dioecious. This is the first experimental evidence for functional dioecism in the Malpighiaceae. The proportions of hermaphrodites (functional males) in the three populations examined were 44.7% (N = 47), 60.0% (N = 10), and 87.5% (N = 17). The distribution of hermaphrodites and females in size classes was quite similar, suggesting that sexual expression is not influenced by the age of the individual. Flowers are visited and presumably pollinated primarily by bees of the genera Paratetrapedia (Anthophoridae) and Trigona (Apidae).  相似文献   

The two coefficients of the von Bertalanffy growth model [maximal standard length (LS∞) and initial growth rate (a)] were determined in eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki in the most northern area where it is established (Rennes, Brittany, France). The estimated mean LS∞ was 57·7 and 25·0 mm in females and males, respectively. The value of a was identical for both males and females before the males diverged from the females by slowing down their growth, probably because of the onset of puberty. The sexual competition reported in males would be responsible for higher interindividual variability of LS∞ in males than in females. a was positively correlated with water temperature and could be modulated by fish density and length at birth. Moreover, interindividual variability of a was influenced in a complex way by interactions between water temperature, length at birth and fish density. When compared to the data from studies in G. holbrooki inhabiting their native range or the southern introduced range, the present results suggest that the thermal tolerance domain for growth was altered and that males exhibited a shorter length at sexual maturity and a shorter LS∞ in the population established in Rennes.  相似文献   

The green hydra, Hydra viridissima, has three sexes: hermaphrodite, male, and female. I investigated the reproductive strategies of the green hydra and the relationship between asexual budding and sexual reproduction. The proportion of mature individuals in the asexually reproducing population increased with increasing temperature. Sexual reproduction did not interrupt asexual budding in hermaphrodites or males; sexual reproduction did interrupt asexual budding in females. Sexual reproduction also resulted in exponential population growth during the reproductive season. The number of asexual buds on each parental individual was positively correlated with the parental individual size in asexual individuals and in males. The same positive correlation was found between the number of testicles and the size of males. These correlations reflect a common tendency in asexual and sexual reproduction: larger parental individuals have a greater number of propagules or gametes. No correlation was found between size and buds or size and gonads in hermaphrodites; hermaphrodites had at most one asexual bud and were significantly larger than males, females, and asexual individuals. The larger size of hermaphrodites supports the hypothesis that producing both female and male gonads is more energetically costly than producing only one type of gamete (gonochorism).  相似文献   

Resource allocation to male and female functions was investigated in Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme), a gynodioecious species, in which females produce twice as many seeds as hermaphrodites. Negative correlations were found between male and female fertility of hermaphrodites, providing evidence of a trade-off. There was a high variability in sexual investment, some of the hermaphrodites functioning almost as males, and others almost as females. Estimation of the relative cost of male and female gametes showed that the female advantage in seed production was mainly due to reallocation of the resources not allocated to male function into female function. The determination of sex allocation was shown to have a genetic component, and there were some evidence that an interaction between nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes was involved.  相似文献   

The importance of ecological factors such as sex lability, spatial segregation, and resource allocation in the evolution of dioecy were examined in Schiedea globosa. S. globosa is a subdioecious species with equal numbers of plants possessing strictly male or female function and a small proportion of hermaphrodites. The propensity for labile sex expression was under both environmental and genetic control; some plants with male function became hermaphroditic (by producing female flowers) under better growing conditions in the field and in the greenhouse. There was some spatial segregation of the sexes. Because of sex lability, more hermaphrodites than males occurred on moister slopes. Although there were not measurable sex-related differences in mortality within or between two flowering seasons, more females than males and hermaphrodites occurred at the bottom of slopes. Males and females produced the same number of ramets and inflorescences, but females had a greater number of flowers per inflorescence. Males and females had the same number of ovules (vestigial in males), but females had larger ovules and longer stigmas. Hermaphrodites and males had the same amount of pollen per flower despite the production of fruit by the hermaphrodites. In hermaphrodites, there was no apparent tradeoff within flowers between pollen production and ovule production. These results indicate that spatial segregation, sex lability, and environmental conditions influence allocation patterns of S. globosa, and in combination with high inbreeding depression and selling rates, may promote the further evolution of dioecy in S. globosa.  相似文献   

1. The phenomenon of male pioneering, whereby males are active (daily) before females, is compared with protandry, a phenomenon whereby males are sexually matured before females. The effects of natural selection and sexual selection on both phenomena are discussed. 2. In Maladera matrida Argaman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), males emerged from the soil a few minutes before females, every evening, to feed and mate. 3. Aggregations of males and females are formed at sites of plant damage where males initiated feeding. 4. All copulations were initiated at the beginning of the activity period so males that emerge earlier may increase their probability of finding a mate. 5. Females mate only once in an evening. 6. Males that emerge later may not find receptive females with which to mate. 7. The aggregation of beetles per se did not contribute to the individual mating success because it occurred during and after the copulating had begun. 8. Male pioneering may evolve through sexual selection by means of male–male competition in time to achieve receptive females.  相似文献   

The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans and the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana are two well‐studied androdioecious species consisting mostly of self‐fertilizing hermaphrodites and few males. To understand how androdioecy can evolve, a simple two‐step mathematical model of the evolutionary pathway from a male–female species to a selfing‐hermaphrodite species is constructed. First, the frequency of mutant females capable of facultative self‐fertilization increases if the benefits of reproductive assurance exceed the cost. Second, hermaphrodites become obligate self‐fertilizers if the fitness of selfed offspring exceeds one‐half the fitness of outcrossed offspring. Genetic considerations specific to C. elegans and E. texana show that males may endure as descendants of the ancestral male–female species. These models combined with an extensive literature review suggest a sexual conflict over mating in these androdioecious species: selection favours hermaphrodites that self and males that outcross. The strength of selection on hermaphrodites and males differs, however. Males that fail to outcross suffer a genetic death. Hermaphrodites may never encounter a rare male, and those that do and outcross only bear less fecund offspring. This asymmetric sexual conflict results in an evolutionary stand‐off: rare, but persistent males occasionally fertilize common, but reluctant hermaphrodites. A consequence of this stand‐off may be an increase in the longevity of the androdioecious mating system.  相似文献   

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