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Azia A  Unger R  Horovitz A 《The FEBS journal》2012,279(4):543-550
Experimental studies and theoretical considerations have shown that only a small subset of Escherichia coli proteins fold in vivo with the help of the GroE chaperone system. These proteins, termed GroE substrates, have been divided into three classes: (a) proteins that can fold independently, but are found to associate with GroEL; (b) proteins that require GroE when the cell is under stress; and (c) 'obligatory' proteins that require GroE assistance even under normal conditions. It remains unclear, however, why some proteins need GroE and others do not. Here, we review experimental and computational studies that addressed this question by comparing the sequences and structural, biophysical and evolutionary properties of GroE substrates with those of nonsubstrates. In general, obligatory substrates are found to have lower folding propensities and be more aggregation prone. GroE substrates are also more conserved than other proteins and tend to utilize more optimal codons, but this latter feature is less apparent for obligatory substrates. There is no evidence, however, for any specific sequence signatures although there is a tendency for sequence periodicity. Our review shows that reliable sequence- or structure-based predictions of GroE dependency remain a challenge. We suggest that the different classes of GroE substrates be studied separately and that proper control test sets (e.g. TIM barrel proteins that need GroE for folding versus TIM barrels that fold independently) be used more extensively in such studies.  相似文献   

Tenascin and fibronectin are two major extracellular matrix glycoproteins. They both consist of large disulfide-linked subunits composed of multiple structural domains. More than half of each molecule consists of so-called fibronectin type III repeats, but the other domains differ. Fibronectin is a dimer, whereas tenascin is a hexamer. Often fibronectin and tenascin are colocalized in tissues, but the occurrence of tenascin is much more restricted when compared with fibronectin. Tenascin is transiently expressed in many developing organs such as connective tissues, the mesenchyme of epithelial organs, and also the central and peripheral nervous systems, and it reappears in the stroma of many tumors. The distinctive and highly regulated expression of tenascin has provoked interest in trying to identify possible functions of tenascin in cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion, cell migration, growth, and cell differentiation during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic organisms, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is regarded as an important though infrequent source of reticulate evolution. Many confirmed instances of natural HGT involving multicellular eukaryotes come from flowering plants. This review intends to provide a synthesis of present knowledge regarding HGT in higher plants, with an emphasis on tobacco and other species in the Solanaceae family because there are numerous detailed reports concerning natural HGT events, involving various donors, in this family. Moreover, in-depth experimental studies using transgenic tobacco are of great importance for understanding this process. Valuable insights are offered concerning the mechanisms of HGT, the adaptive role and regulation of natural transgenes, and new routes for gene trafficking. With an increasing amount of data on HGT, a synthetic view is beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

What Can Medicine Learn from the Human DNA Sequence?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cooperation of biochemistry with clinical medicine consists of two overlapping temporal phases. Phase 1 of the cooperation, which still is not finished, is characterized by joint work on the pathogenesis and diagnostics of systemic metabolic diseases, whereas in phase 2 the cooperation on tissue and cell specific as well as on molecular diseases is prevailing. In view of the conceptual revolution and shift in paradigm, which biochemistry and medicine are presently experiencing, the content of cooperation between the two disciplines will profoundly change. It will become deeply influenced by the results of the research into the human genome and human proteome. Biochemistry will strongly be occupied to relate the thousands of protein coding genes to the structure and function of the encoded proteins, and medicine will be concerned in finding new protein markers for diagnostics, to identify novel drug targets, and to investigate, for example, the proteomes of the variety of tumors to aid tumor classification, to mention only a few areas of interest which medicine will have in the progress of human genome research. The review summarizes the recent achievements in sequencing the human DNA as published in February 2001 by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and Celera Genomics and discusses their significance in respect to the further development of molecular, in particular genetic, medicine as an interdisciplinary field of the modern clinical sciences. Only biochemistry can provide the conceptual and experimental basis for the causal understanding of biological mechanisms as encoded in the genome of an organism.  相似文献   

Against the background of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other potentially emerging (or re-emerging) infectious diseases, this review will focus on the properties which enable an infectious agent to establish and maintain itself within a specified host population. We shall emphasize that for a pathogen to cross a species barrier is one thing, but for it successfully to maintain itself in the new population is must have a 'basic reproductive number', R(0), which satisfies R(0) > 1. We shall further discuss how behavioural factors interweave with the basic biology of the production of transmission stages by the pathogen, all subject to possible secular changes, to determine the magnitude of R(0). Although primarily focusing on HIV and AIDS, we shall review wider aspects of these questions.  相似文献   

Melanocytes are neuroectoderm-derived pigment-producing cells with highly polarized dendritic morphology. They protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation by providing melanin to neighbouring keratinocytes. However, the mechanisms underlying melanocyte polarization and its relevance for diseases remain mostly elusive. Numerous studies have instead revealed roles for polarity regulators in other neuroectoderm-derived lineages including different neuronal cell types. Considering the shared ontogeny and morphological similarities, these lineages may be used as reference models for the exploration of melanocyte polarity, for example, regarding dendrite formation, spine morphogenesis and polarized organelle transport. In this review, we summarize and compare the latest progress in understanding polarity regulation in neuronal cells and melanocytes and project key open questions for future work.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has appeared as a new tool that is very powerful for cognitive neuroscience, offering the potential to look at the dynamics of cerebral processes underlying cognition, non-invasively and on an individual basis. Work remains to be done to optimize the technique and to better understand its basic mechanisms, but one may expect to build in a foreseeable future a functional list of the main brain cortical networks implicated in sensory-motor or cognitive processes. Still, the real understanding of brain function requires direct access to the functional unit consisting of the neuron, so that one may look at the transient temporal relationships that exist between largely distributed groups of hundreds or thousands of neurons. Furthermore, communication pathways between networks, which are carried by brain white matter, must be identified to establish connectivity maps at the individual scale, taking into account individual variability resulting from genetic factors and cerebral plasticity. In this respect, MRI of molecular diffusion is very sensitive to water molecular motion and, thus, to tissue dynamic microstructure, such as cell size and geometry. Preliminary data suggest that diffusion MRI visualizes dynamic tissue changes associated with large neuronal activation and space orientation of large bundles of myelinated axons in the white matter.  相似文献   

In some African protected areas, concerns have arisen about the influence of locally high elephant numbers on other forms of biodiversity. In arid and semi-arid savannas, surface-water resources are scarce and agonistic interactions between elephants and other herbivores have been reported at waterholes, yet surprisingly very little is known about the impact of elephants on the use of waterholes by other herbivores. Here, we test whether when there are elephants at a waterhole, other herbivores (1) do not change their drinking behaviour; (2) spend shorter time around the water because they are disturbed by elephants’ presence and consequently have to leave the waterhole area probably without having met their water requirements, or (3) spend more time around the water probably owing to an increase in vigilance activities or because the presence of elephants may signal safety from predators. Results show that all species spend longer time around water when there are elephants at the waterhole, although the difference is not large. Consequently, this study strongly suggests that elephants do not prevent other herbivores from drinking (time at waterholes is not shortened when elephants are around). Further, if the additional time spent to drink is linked to an increased vigilance, the difference is not large, and hence unlikely to affect the population dynamics of other herbivores.  相似文献   

We present the results of an exact analysis of a model energy landscape of a protein to clarify the idea of the transition state and the physical meaning of the phi values determined in protein engineering experiments. We benchmark our findings to various theoretical approaches proposed in the literature for the identification and characterization of the transition state.  相似文献   

We present the first analysis of cephalopod mitochondrial gene order and construct phylogenies based on gene order using Bayesian, distance, and parsimony analysis methods. Analyses included all species of cephalopod for which the whole mitochondrial genome has been sequenced. Where resolution was obtained, these analyses supported division of Neocoleoidea, in which all recent coleoid Cephalopoda can be placed, into Octopodiformes and Decapodiformes. For the same taxa, we also constructed a phylogeny in a maximum likelihood framework based on amino‐acid coded sequence data of all mitochondrial protein coding genes. As well as supporting Octopodiformes and Decapodiformes, amino‐acid analyses established support for Teuthoidea (Oegospida and Myopsida) to the exclusion of Sepiidae, and supported a monophyletic Oegopsida. Partial mitochondrial sequences of additional higher‐level taxa for which whole genome data were not available were subsequently included in the amino‐acid analysis to provide additional information on phylogeny. Spirulida was found to be basal amongst Decapodiformes. Mapping of morphological characters onto our phylogeny and consideration of palaeontological evidence suggests that our phylogeny reflects true evolutionary relationships. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 573–586.  相似文献   



A recent meta-analysis of drug effects in patients with hypertension claims that all β-adrenergic blockers are equally effective but less so than other antihypertensive drugs. Published comparisons of the β-adrenergic blocker atenolol and non-atenolol β-adrenergic blockers indicate different effects on death rates, arrhythmias, peripheral vascular resistance and prognosis post myocardial infarction, all in disfavour of atenolol. In keeping with these findings, the data presented in the meta-analysis indicate that atenolol is less effective than the non-atenolol β-adrenergic blockers both when compared with placebo and with other antihypertensive drugs. These findings were not, however, statistically significant.  相似文献   

One of the most perplexing questions regarding the current COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic is the discrepancy between the severity of cases observed in the Hubei province of China and those occurring elsewhere in the world. One possible answer is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) of SARS-CoV-2 due to prior exposure to other coronaviruses. ADE modulates the immune response and can elicit sustained inflammation, lymphopenia, and/or cytokine storm, one or all of which have been documented in severe cases and deaths. ADE also requires prior exposure to similar antigenic epitopes, presumably circulating in local viruses, making it a possible explanation for the observed geographic limitation of severe cases and deaths.  相似文献   

What is the Job?     

Optical mapping using voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes has become a major tool for studying excitation propagation in the heart. Computational and experimental studies have indicated that the optical upstroke morphology reflects the orientation of the subsurface excitation front. In a recent whole heart computational study performed by Bishop et al. (Bishop, M. J., B. Rodriguez, J. Eason, J. P. Whiteley, N. Trayanova, and D. J. Gavaghan. 2006. Synthesis of voltage-sensitive optical signals: application to panoramic optical mapping. Biophys. J. 90:2938-2945), an example was provided of two different directions of propagation having nevertheless very similar epicardial optical upstrokes. The goal of this comment is to clarify the interpretation of optical upstroke morphologies and reconcile the results obtained by Bishop et al. with previous computational and experimental studies.  相似文献   

The concept of an optimum yield at intermediate levels of fishing (the so called maximum sustainable yield or MSY) has been with us since the 1930s and is now enshrined in legislation as a key objective of fisheries management. The concept seems intuitively reasonable and is readily applicable to a single stock treated in isolation and assuming a constant environment. However, translating this concept into a mixed and multispecies fishery, where there are complex trade-offs between fleets and stocks and in general no simple optimum solution, has been problematic. Here I introduce a framework for thinking about multispecies MSY in terms of an integrated risk of stock depletion and expected long-term yield. Within this framework I consider the performance of a set of simple harvest control rules based upon a single-limit fishing mortality rate (F) which is common to all stocks and a target biomass which is a set fraction of a stock's virgin biomass. Using a multispecies management strategy evaluation, I compare expected outcomes for a set of these harvest control rules with alternative scenarios, in which each stock has its own F based on the assessment process. I find that the simple framework can produce outcomes that are similar to those from the more sophisticated estimates of F. I therefore conclude that achieving multispecies MSY may depend more upon setting reasonable biomass targets and faithfully applying a harvest control rule approach rather than determining the best possible Fs for each stock.  相似文献   

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