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Seasonal activity of the loiasis vectors Chrysops dimidiata Wulp and Chrysops silacea Austen (Diptera: Tabanidae) was studied during 1987-89 in villages and surrounding forest of the Chaillu Mountains, Congo. Chrysops were captured mainly in the hot rainy season (November-May) and densities of both species were higher in the forest than in villages. C.silacea predominated at all sites and C.dimidiata was rarely found in villages. In the rain forest, between 07.00 and 18.00 hours, 12 times more C.silacea and 3 times more C.dimidiata were collected with hand-nets (range 15-81 per man-day) than were caught in landing/biting collections on human bait. Chrysops man-biting rates were higher in villages closer to the forest, but variations in loiasis prevalence among villagers (microfilaraemia rates 16-37%) were not proportional to the intensity of contact between people and vectors in the villages, indicating that the majority of loiasis transmission probably occurs when people go into the forest.  相似文献   

In villages near Sanaga river, in the forest zone of south Cameroon, Anopheles nili Theobald is the main species of mosquito regularly found biting man inside houses. Its densities are related to the flow level of the river. It is also the main malaria vector in terms of intensity and seasonal duration of transmission. The yearly malaria inoculation rate due to An. nili alone is 104 infective bites/man, varying between 3 infective bites/man in October and 20 in March. Anopheles gambiae Giles is a less important vector in the area but reached its peak in the dry season, when the Sanaga river is at its lowest level. These observations underline the influence of local ecology on malaria transmission and the need for entomological studies in each situation.  相似文献   

Field investigations of the home range size and emigration pattern of wild helmeted guineafowl ( Numida meleagris galeata Pallas) from 1992 to 1995 showed that home range size (±95% confidence limits (CL) ) varied with season from 3·6±1·5 km2 for the dry seasons to 3·1±1·5 km2 for the rainy seasons. Home range size varied depending on whether it was estimated with data for adult males, adult females or young birds, with a higher home range size for young birds, closely followed by adult males. Group size (±95%CL) varied by month, and was highest between March and April (47·0±8·1 birds/group) and lowest in August 9·0±5·1 birds/group). More young birds (±95%CL) (36·8±19·6%) dispersed than adult males (21·1±1·9%) or adult females (13·5±1·8%). There was a highly significant positive correlation between group size and the number of birds emigrating from the group. There was also a significant negative correlation between the weights of birds at tagging and the percentage that emigrated during the first year of study but not later. This is suggested to be linked to the high number of young birds emigrating, since they weigh relatively less than adults. The lack of correlation between body weight and number of birds emigrating a year or later after birds were tagged was thought to be due to the fact that birds tagged while young attained adult weight within a year.  相似文献   

Diplopods (millipedes) are one of the important groups of terrestrial Arthropoda in tropical forest ecosystems. Despite their ecological importance, data on millipede populations are still scarce and outdated in Cameroon. The first comparative eco‐faunistic analysis is presented of two local populations of Diplopoda in two lowland rainforests (nearly primary and secondary) during 12 months (2015–2016) at the southern periphery of the Campo Ma'an National Park in southern Cameroon. The millipedes were collected using pitfall trapping and quadrat sampling, their diversity and distribution analyzed with the help of two diversity indexes and two nonparametric estimators. Overall, 27 species in eighteen genera, ten families and four orders were revealed in the two forests, yet each faunule was about equally rich (23 and 22 species in the primary and secondary forest, respectively) and peculiar (five and four species unique, respectively). The Odontopygidae was the most abundant family, which made up to 33% of the total species diversity. The most abundant species in both forests was Aporodesmus gabonicus (26.8% of occurrences). This study shows that despite the similarity in millipede species richness between both habitats, the species composition of all habitats was different. Some species occurred in two habitats whilst others were restricted to only one habitat.  相似文献   

On the basis of sex chromosome variation, three cytotypes of Simulium squamosum (Enderlein) (Diptera: Simuliidae) are described from Cameroon and Nigeria. Simulium squamosum A is the typical form as originally described by Vajime & Dunbar (1975) with chromosome I as the sex chromosome. It occurs throughout most of Cameroon and south-east Nigeria. A second cytotype, S. squamosum B, is described from the river Sanaga (Cameroon). It also has chromosome I as the sex chromosome, but the nature of the sex differential region is different. Simulium squamosum C has no sex-linked chromosomal rearrangements. It is widespread in Nigeria and occurs near Mount Cameroon, where it seems to hybridize with S. squamosum A.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to detect potential hosts of Phytophthora infestans, causal agent of potato late blight among weeds occurring in Cameroon. Isolates of P. infestans isolated from garden huckleberry (Solanum scabrum), potato (S. tuberosum) and tomato (S. lycopersicon) were inoculated on detached leaves of 12 solanaceous and 14 asteraceous species collected from the potato agroecosystem in the western highlands of Cameroon. Isolates of P. infestans from huckleberry and potato infected the same host plants as well as gboma eggplant (S. macrocarpon) and two asteraceous weeds; Billy goatweed (Ageratum conyzoides) and Dichrocephala (Dichrocephala integrifolia). Inoculum from potato caused late blight symptoms on haemorrhage plant (Aspilia africana); while inoculum from tomato resulted in late blight on worowo (Solanecio biafrae). This is the first report of late blight infection on S. macrocarpon, A. conyzoides, Sol. biafrae and Asp. africana in Cameroon. The research results indicate that some asteraceous and solanaceous weeds may be alternative hosts of P. infestans in the potato agroecosystem.  相似文献   

To study the dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes in Singapore, females of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) were fed blood containing rubidium (Rb), which was detectable in their eggs by means of Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (GFAAS). Laboratory calibration of the Rb reading, for a range of egg numbers from Rb-fed females, indicated a reasonably linear relationship and an unequivocal distinction between results with zero and one marked egg. Rb-marked female Aedes mosquitoes aged 3-5 days were released in semi-rural and urbanized parts of Singapore, with an array of ovitraps extending to a radius of 320 m from the release point. Subsequently, Rb-marked Aedes eggs were detected throughout the array, with similar distributions on each of the 4 days after release. More Rb was detected nearer the release point. However, when correction was made for the greater areas of zones further from the release point (and therefore presumably existence of more alternative oviposition sites), there were no significant differences in the numbers of marked eggs per ovitrap in the zones nearer or further from the release points. It is concluded that females of both these Aedes (Stegomyia) species could disperse easily and quickly throughout areas of radius 320 m in search of oviposition sites. This contrasts with the general belief that Ae. aegypti seldom flies more than 50 m and that control operations can safely be based on such an assumption. Releases on level 12 of a 21-storey apartment block, with ovitraps on each storey, showed similar easy and rapid dispersal to the top and bottom of the block.  相似文献   

The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, is one of the world's most destructive invasive ants. It has been present in Cameroon for more than four decades, but its impact on local ant diversity is not known. We studied impact of W. auropunctata in three disturbed habitats located in rural and urban areas. We monitored ant diversity in both invaded and noninvaded zones in each area using a combination of three sampling methods: bait, pitfall traps and visual catch in quadrat. We collected 28 species in urban area and 64 in rural area. In invaded zone, W. auropunctata made up 97.72% and 99.96% of all ant fauna and ant species richness decreased to 7 and 2 in urban and rural area, respectively. In accordance with others findings in introduced environments, the presence of W. auropunctata has severely reduced abundance and richness of local ant species in both urban and rural environments in Cameroon. Measures should therefore be put in place to prevent its introduction in natural environment as forest reserves and natural parks.  相似文献   

Peridomestic structures are considered the main sites where Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) remain and disperse, representing the first risk factor for intradomestic invasion, even after vector control activities. This study analyzed T. infestans dispersal during vector control interventions in six rural houses of the arid Chaco (La Rioja, Argentina). Flying and walking dispersers were captured during five months of two consecutive warm seasons after insecticide spraying of intra‐ and peridomiciles. These data were compared with previous published data in the same scenario but without insecticide spraying in peridomiciles. Recorded climatic conditions were favorable for active dispersion during the study. Total number of T. infestans dispersers moving among domestic habitats decreased after insecticide spraying. Sylvatic triatomines T. guasayana, T. eratyrusiformis, T. garciabesi, and T. platensis, not targeted by insecticide spraying, were captured simultaneously within peridomestic areas and showed higher invasion pressure than T. infestans. Adult T. infestans peridomestic populations showed high nutritional status, indicating low dispersion probability. Some peridomiciles remained infested at the end of the study. However, no intradomiciles were recolonized. These results suggest that there is a low probability of intradomestic recolonization by active dispersion from peridomiciles during 15 months post‐spraying.  相似文献   

Aedes-transmitted arboviruses have spread globally due to the spread of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Its distribution is associated with human and physical geography. However, these factors have not been quantified in Cameroon. Therefore, the aim was to develop an Ae. albopictus geo-referenced database to examine the risk factors associated with the vector distribution in Cameroon. Data on the Ae. albopictus presence and absence were collated and mapped from studies in published scientific literature between 2000 and 2020. Publicly available earth observation data were used to assess human geography, land use and climate risk factors related to the vector distribution. A logistic binomial regression was conducted to identify the significant risk factors associated with Ae. albopictus distribution. In total, 111 data points were collated (presence = 87; absence = 24). Different data collection methods and sites hindered the spatiotemporal analysis. An increase of one wet month in a year increased the odds of Ae. albopictus presence by 5.6 times. One unit of peri-urban area increased the odds by 1.3 times. Using publicly available demographic and environmental data to better understand the key determinants of mosquito distributions may facilitate appropriately targeted public health messages and vector control strategies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously described a five-plasmid HIV-1 vector system that utilises a codon-optimised gagpol gene. While this system was shown to be safer than systems using proviral type helpers, the titre of virus produced was relatively low. Therefore, a process of optimising all aspects of virus production was initiated. METHODS: A systematic approach was taken to the optimisation of virus production by transient expression using a five-plasmid packaging system. Codon-manipulation was used to reduce homology between helper and vector constructs. Ultrafiltration and ultracentrifugation were used for large-scale virus production. RESULTS: We describe codon-optimised reading frames for Tat and Rev and the optimisation of virus production. The optimisation process resulted in an increase in virus titre of 7- to 8-fold. Several other approaches to increasing viral titre described by others proved ineffective in our system after it had been optimised. In addition, we show that by varying the ratio of the GagPol helper construct to vector, the infectivity of the virus could be controlled. The use of a novel codon-optimised HIV-1 GagPol expression construct with reduced homology to vector sequences significantly reduced transfer of gagpol sequences to transduced cells. Virus could be collected in serum-free medium without a significant loss of titre, which facilitated subsequent processing. Processing using a combination of ultrafiltration and ultracentrifugation allowed efficient and rapid processing of litre volumes of virus supernatant. CONCLUSIONS: By taking a systematic approach to optimising all aspects of our five-plasmid lentiviral vector system we improved titre, safety, large-scale production, and demonstrated that infectivity could be specifically controlled.  相似文献   

We studied diet selection and density of forest buffalo in the Campo Ma’an National Park of southern Cameroon. The buffalo’s diet in this rainforest comprised 43% grass, including 15%Leptochloa caerulecens. Other species eaten were non‐graminoid monocots (21.3%), mainly Commelinaceae (18.2%), including Palisota spp. and dicotyledons (32.7%), mainly leaves (26.5%). This diet revealed that buffalo collect their food on road verges, logging tracks and along large rivers. This agrees well with the distribution of buffalo tracks in the study area. Mean buffalo density in the forest was only 0.01 buffalo km?2, whereas the density on the road together with its direct surroundings was 0.4 buffalo per km of road. We estimated the total number of buffalo in the 650 km2 southern part of National Park Campo‐Ma’an of only twenty individuals. We suggest that the buffalo’s ancestral niche was not a primeval type of rainforest, as suggested by Kingdon, but an interface between savanna and rainforest. The Campo‐Ma’an buffalo most likely depend to a very large extent on anthropogenic vegetation types. Maintaining some grass cover by annual clear‐cutting along roads and on logging tracks might be necessary for the survival of the buffalo population within the National Park.  相似文献   



The vulnerability of montane species to environmental change has been increasingly recognized in recent years. However, most of these species are regionally endemic with restricted distributions, limiting dispersal necessary for avoiding extinction. The outcome of threats posed for montane lizards is further complicated in species exhibiting mass–temperature relationships where body size increases with cooling temperatures, and thus with altitude, causing intraspecific physiological and behavioural differences. We aimed to identify areas suitable for montane endemic skinks of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) under current and future climates to reveal patterns of persistence and vulnerability based on an intersection of climate and body mass.


Cameroon Volcanic Line


We recorded occurrences and measured body mass in the field for two CVL-endemic skink species. We supplemented occurrences with online repository records. We projected current and future habitat suitability in the region by implementing bioclimatic species distribution models-based on occurrences. We tested for elevational variations in body mass, and integrated both occurrence and body mass information in a trait-based model to estimate current and future body mass.


Projected currently suitable habitat for both species was limited to higher elevation regions, which are inhabited by numerous other threatened herpetofauna. We additionally detected Bergmann clines in body mass for both species. Given this variation in body mass, trait model projections covered slightly larger geographical ranges than bioclimatic estimates. Under future warming, both models project substantial contractions in suitable areas, potentially constraining species to mountain tops. Through the trait-based approach, we further detected potential warming-induced body mass reductions in projected suitable areas.

Main Conclusions

We demonstrate how combining occurrence records with species trait information in ecological modelling can reveal complementary trends for comprehensive warming impact assessments. Overall, challenges toward the persistence of CVL-endemic skinks should prompt urgent responses in national conservation management and local community engagement.  相似文献   

The distribution of the carabid beetle Nebria brevicollis was monitored in the summer during a period of declining activity associated with aestivation in a hedgerow. After emergence from aestivation, population density, distribution and dispersal of N. brevicollis were studied during autumn 1994 in a mark‐recapture experiment. 3560 beetles were marked and 1887 were recaptured in a grid of pitfall traps spanning a hedgerow and extending approximately 32 m either side into two recently harvested cereal fields. Population size, estimated from a Lincoln index, increased slightly with time with a mean population density of approximately 0.9 beetles m?2. Activity‐density varied during the experiment and was significantly related to maximum temperature. The population was aggregated within the hedgerow during aestivation and in several spatially stable hot‐spots of activity‐density within the field during autumn. There was considerable movement within fields but the hedgerow was a significant barrier to dispersal between fields, with potential effects on the metapopulation structure of the species.  相似文献   

The past 30 years of restoration activities in Australia has been mere cautious fiddling in the face of continental‐wide native habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation. A fundamental principle of conservation is to address threats at the scale of the threatening processes. This is still not happening for two reasons: we do not know how to effectively restore at scale, and if we did, there is no demand because it does not pay. The first problem of developing the technologies needed for large‐scale revegetation will largely be solved if we collectively demand revegetation at scale. Such a scale of demand by Australian governments (taxpayers) is only likely if a permanent Natural Heritage Trust is created for long‐term funding complemented by a price on carbon pollution. That will take a lot of political will. The other big opportunity is to create demand for large‐scale revegetation cofunded by farmers to improve their farm's long‐term productivity, resilience and economic viability. This requires sustained R&D supported by novel partnerships with the massive Australian agricultural market. Native vegetation must move from the margins to the mainstream if scale is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Large carnivores are frequently used as focal species for landscape-level planning and conservation purposes. Information on cougars Puma concolor , for example, is being used to predict movement corridors and linkage areas in habitats influenced by rapid urbanization. However, animal movement through habitat terrain is a function of multiple factors, including complex topographic features. To assess the use of topographic position during movements by cougars in the Santa Ana Mountain Range of southern California, we analyzed the travel paths of 10–17 radio-tagged individuals monitored during 44 overnight sessions. We examined selection for canyon bottom, gentle slope, steep slope and ridgeline topography at the scale of the movement session and at the scale of the home range. At both scales of selection, our results suggest that traveling or hunting cougars discriminated in their use of topographic position, that canyon bottoms and gentle slopes (<6°) ranked highest in compositional analyses of selection, and that these patterns were not highly confounded by the presence of preferred vegetation types. Ridgelines were used significantly less often than other positions. Our novel method of quantifying availability and use of topographic positions permits the assessment of terrain features, such as canyon bottoms, in facilitating cougar movements. For complex landscapes, models of animal movement should consider the topographic context that motivates patterns of habitat use, and should be developed using data obtained and analyzed at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

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