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Anisogamy refers to gametes that differ in size, and characterizes the difference between males and females. The evolution of aniosgamy is widely interpreted as involving conflict between gamete producers with small sperm parasitizing on the investment made by the eggs. Using a population genetic model for evolution at a locus that codes jointly for sperm and egg sizes of a hermaphrodite, we show that the origin of anisogamy in an externally spawning population need not involve conflict between gamete producers. Gamete size dimorphism may be an adaptation that increases gamete encounter rates when large zygotes are selected, and we show this in a mechanistically general individual selection model. We use the Vance survival function without specific allometric assumptions to model the zygote fitness dependence on its size, and hence obtain ecological and life-history correlates of isogamy and anisogamy, which we successfully compare with data from Volvocales.  相似文献   

In parasitoids, the size of the adult is influenced by the size and quality of the host in which it develops. Body size is generally positively correlated with several adult fitness proxies (fecundity, longevity, and mating capacity). The initial resources available to an individual can influence gamete production (sperm and oocytes), and the number and quality of gametes produced directly influence the expected fitness of both males and females. Gamete production in relation to adult body size was quantified in Trichogramma euproctidis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), a short‐lived egg parasitoid of lepidopteran species. To avoid host quality variation, male and female parasitoids of different body sizes were produced using superparasitism by allowing mated and virgin female parasitoids to oviposit on Trichoplusia ni Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs. Seminal vesicles and ovaries of their offspring were dissected to count oocytes and to measure sperm length and oocytes volume. Tibia length was also measured to estimate body size. The number of oocytes, volume of oocytes, maternal investment index [= (number of oocytes × mean volume of oocytes)/10 000] and sperm length were all significantly positively correlated to body size. These results show that initial resources acquired during larval stage induce phenotypic plasticity in gamete production in both male and female T. euproctidis. Whereas number of sperm and oocytes can influence the fitness of males and females through increased mating capacity and fecundity, variation in gamete size (sperm length and oocyte volume) could also affect the fitness of an individual through sperm and larval competition.  相似文献   

Among many species of insects, females gain fitness benefits by producing numerous offspring. Yet actions related to producing numerous offspring such as mating with multiple males, producing oocytes and placing offspring in sub-optimal environments incur costs. Females can decrease the magnitude of these costs by retaining gametes when suitable oviposition sites are absent. We used the pomace fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to explore how the availability of fresh feeding/oviposition medium influenced female fitness via changes in offspring survivorship and the modulation of gamete release. Availability of fresh medium affected the absolute number and temporal production of offspring. This outcome was attributable to both decreased larval survival under crowded conditions and to female modulation of gamete release. Direct examination of the number of sperm retained among the different female storage organs revealed that females ‘hold on’ to sperm, retaining more sperm in storage, disproportionately within the spermathecae, when exposed infrequently to fresh medium. Despite this retention, females with lower rates of storage depletion exhibited decreased sperm use efficiency shortly after mating. This study provides direct evidence that females influence the rate of sperm depletion from specific storage sites in a way that can affect both female and male fitness. The possible adaptive significance of selective gamete utilization by female Drosophila includes lowering costs associated with frequent remating and larval overcrowding when oviposition sites are limiting, as well as potentially influencing paternity when females store sperm from multiple males.  相似文献   

A previous general model describing physical constraints on gamete encounter rates was modified to incorporate assumptions that increased size causes decreased swimming speed and increased fertile period (or other proportional enhancement to gamete fertility). The analysis indicates that with moderately strong size dependence of fertile period and a range of speed dependencies, selection for high encounter rates pressures mating systems that develop any heritable difference in size between the gametes of different mating types to exaggerate the difference and evolve from isogamy to anisogamy. The smaller gamete has an optimal size, but the larger faces continuing selection for increased size. This continues to a size that is estimated to be sufficient to make pheromone production of sperm attractants practical. This mechanism then bridges the missing link between isogametes and oogamy in a previous analysis of the effectiveness of pheromones in explaining the success of male-female mating systems. The evolution and success of anisogamy and oogamy can be explained solely on the basis of physical effects on the encounter process.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in Volvocine algae coevolved with the acquisition of multicellularity. Unicellular genera such as Chlamydomonas and small colonial genera from this group have classical mating types with equal-sized gametes, while larger multicellular genera such as Volvox have differentiated males and females that produce sperm and eggs respectively. Newly available sequence from the Volvox and Chlamydomonas genomes and mating loci open up the potential to investigate how sex-determining regions co-evolve with major changes in development and sexual reproduction. The expanded size and sequence divergence between the male and female haplotypes of the Volvox mating locus (MT) not only provide insights into how the colonial Volvocine algae might have evolved sexual dimorphism, but also raise questions about why the putative ancestral-like MT locus in Chlamydomonas shows less divergence between haplotypes than expected.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction implies binary outcomes of competitive interactions for access to male gametes: lifelong virgin females with null fitness vs. mated females with variable (generally nonzero) fitness. Female mating failure has long remained a dormant concept in sexual selection theory in part because it is acutely maladaptive (lifelong virgins that do not reproduce are strongly selected against) and also due to widespread acceptance of the Bateman–Trivers paradigm (anisogamy and correlated sex roles). Based on recent scientific output on lifelong virginity across multiple taxonomic groups in insects (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Strepsiptera), female mating failure has become a mainstay of sexual selection over the last decade. Lifelong virginity and senescence (death) are intertwined processes; old virgin females compensate for increased risk of lifelong virginity by becoming less choosy and increasing investment in mating‐related activities. Low rates of female lifelong virginity (<5%) in most natural populations of insects indicate that sex generally ‘works’ due to selective pressures acting on both males and females to enhance lifetime fitness. Mating failures are most common in insects with female flightlessness; these pressures may lead in evolutionary time to transitionary pathways from sexual reproduction to parthenogenesis. Female mating probability is affected by nonlinear density‐dependent processes dependent upon the scale of observation (mate‐encounter Allee effect at large spatial scales, mating interferences between females at small scales). Mate choice and sex role reversal (females being the active sexual partner) are ubiquitous in insects and arachnids with significant paternal investment, but consequences in terms of female lifelong virginity remain unknown. Logistically, conceptual development of female mating failure in insects is most limited by the lack of broadly applicable methods to assess rates of lifetime virginity among flighted females.  相似文献   

In the lights of the concept of cooperation wholes, I discuss why the differentiation of sperm and ova can occur with a mathematical model. Most of Parker's explanations for anisogamy are not completely proper, because it is proved that sperm competition is neither sufficient nor necessary for anisogamy and cooperation to deal with fertilization risks is the real key to understand the evolution of anisogamy. According to the computer simulation results, the transport of gametes between different individuals, risks of the transport, the consequent inequality of sperm and eggs and competition among different individuals were the main causes of gamete differentiation. But these factors have different roles and effects. The transport risk is the main reason for individuals of different mating types to cooperate and differentiate into sperm and egg producers. The transported gametes have an advantage to evolve into sperm to seek for a larger gamete number over the fixed gametes, because they suffer more risks as they can encounter the same fixed gamete and less sibling competition as they can be dispersed better. Gamete competition among different individuals just causes the transported gametes to become as small as possible if they have already become smaller beyond a critical state. In the final discussion, I further put the evolution of anisogamy into a broader background of levels of selection and of the evolution of cooperation, the most important existential mode of matters that makes life as life.  相似文献   

Why are sperm small and eggs large? The dominant explanation for the evolution of gamete size dimorphism envisages two opposing selection pressures acting on gamete size: small gametes are favoured because many can be produced, whereas large gametes contribute to a large zygote with consequently increased survival chances. This model predicts disruptive selection on gamete size (i.e. selection for anisogamy) if increases in zygote size confer disproportional increases in fitness (at least over part of its size range). It therefore predicts that increases in adult size should be accompanied by stronger selection for anisogamy. Using data from the green algal order Volvocales, we provide the first phylogenetically controlled test of the model''s predictions using a published phylogeny and a new phylogeny derived by a different method. The predictions that larger organisms should (i) have a greater degree of gamete dimorphism and (ii) have larger eggs are broadly upheld. However, the results are highly sensitive to the phylogeny and the mode of analysis used.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA) poses a major threat to marine organisms, particularly during reproduction when externally shed gametes are vulnerable to changes in seawater pH. Accordingly, several studies on OA have focused on how changes in seawater pH influence sperm behavior and/or rates of in vitro fertilization. By contrast, few studies have examined how pH influences prefertilization gamete interactions, which are crucial during natural spawning events in most externally fertilizing taxa. One mechanism of gamete interaction that forms an important component of fertilization in most taxa is communication between sperm and egg‐derived chemicals. These chemical signals, along with the physiological responses in sperm they elicit, are likely to be highly sensitive to changes in seawater chemistry. In this study, we experimentally tested this possibility using the blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, a species in which females have been shown to use egg‐derived chemicals to promote the success of sperm from genetically compatible males. We conducted trials in which sperm were allowed to swim in gradients of egg‐derived chemicals under different seawater CO2 (and therefore pH) treatments. We found that sperm had elevated fertilization rates after swimming in the presence of egg‐derived chemicals in low pH (pH 7.6) compared with ambient (pH 8.0) seawater. This observed effect could have important implications for the reproductive fitness of external fertilizers, where gamete compatibility plays a critical role in modulating reproduction in many species. For example, elevated sperm fertilization rates might disrupt the eggs' capacity to avoid fertilizations by genetically incompatible sperm. Our findings highlight the need to understand how OA affects the multiple stages of sperm‐egg interactions and to develop approaches that disentangle the implications of OA for female, male, and population fitness.  相似文献   

Price TA  Wedell N 《Genetica》2008,132(3):295-307
Females of many species mate with more than one male (polyandry), yet the adaptive significance of polyandry is poorly understood. One hypothesis to explain the widespread occurrence of multiple mating is that it may allow females to utilize post-copulatory mechanisms to reduce the risk of fertilizing their eggs with sperm from incompatible males. Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) are ubiquitous in eukaryotes, frequent sources of reproductive incompatibilities, and associated with fitness costs. However, their impact on sexual selection is largely unexplored. In this review we examine the link between SGEs, male fertility and sperm competitive ability. We show there is widespread evidence that SGEs are associated with reduced fertility in both animals and plants, and present some recent data showing that males carrying SGEs have reduced paternity in sperm competition. We also discuss possible reasons why male gametes are particularly vulnerable to the selfish actions of SGEs. The widespread reduction in male fertility caused by SGEs implies polyandry may be a successful female strategy to bias paternity against SGE-carrying males.  相似文献   

Gamete production for both males and females can be energetically expensive such that selection should maximize fertilization opportunities while minimizing fertilization costs. In laboratory studies of Drosophila reproduction, however, the failure of eggs to yield adult progeny can be quite high, suggesting that female control over gamete utilization is surprisingly inefficient. We examined gamete utilization in D. pseudoobscura from nature and compared our observations to those for laboratory populations. In natural populations 100% of oviposited eggs effectively produce adult progeny, and fertilization is exclusively monospermic, indicating that in nature, D. pseudoobscura females maintain a very strict control over their reproduction such that gamete usage is extremely efficient. The potential reasons for the inefficient gamete utilization in the laboratory, as well as the potential impact on laboratory studies of sperm competition, sexual conflict, and the evolution of reproductive barriers are discussed. Furthermore, in this sperm-heteromorphic species, our observations show definitively that in nature, as well as in the laboratory, only the long sperm morph participates in fertilization.  相似文献   

Price TA  Wedell N 《Genetica》2008,134(1):99-111
Females of many species mate with more than one male (polyandry), yet the adaptive significance of polyandry is poorly understood. One hypothesis to explain the widespread occurrence of multiple mating is that it may allow females to utilize post-copulatory mechanisms to reduce the risk of fertilizing their eggs with sperm from incompatible males. Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) are ubiquitous in eukaryotes, frequent sources of reproductive incompatibilities, and associated with fitness costs. However, their impact on sexual selection is largely unexplored. In this review we examine the link between SGEs, male fertility and sperm competitive ability. We show there is widespread evidence that SGEs are associated with reduced fertility in both animals and plants, and present some recent data showing that males carrying SGEs have reduced paternity in sperm competition. We also discuss possible reasons why male gametes are particularly vulnerable to the selfish actions of SGEs. The widespread reduction in male fertility caused by SGEs implies polyandry may be a successful female strategy to bias paternity against SGE-carrying males.  相似文献   

A number of parasites are vertically transmitted to new host generations via female eggs. In such cases, host reproduction is an intimate component of parasite fitness and no cost of the infection on host reproduction is expected to evolve. A number of these parasites distort host sex ratios towards females, thereby increasing either parasite fitness or the proportion of the host that transmit the parasite. In terrestrial isopods (woodlice), Wolbachia bacteria are responsible for sex reversion and female-biased sex ratios, changing genetic males into functional neo-females. Although sex ratio distortion is a powerful means for parasites to increase in frequency in host populations, it also has potential consequences on host biology, which may, in turn, have consequences for parasite prevalence. We used the woodlouse Armadillidium vulgare to test whether the interaction between Wolbachia infection and the resulting excess of females would limit female fertility through the reduction in sperm number that they receive from males. We showed that multiple male mating induces sperm depletion, and that this sperm depletion affects fertility only in infected females. This decrease in fertility, associated with male mate choice, may limit the spread of Wolbachia infections in host populations.  相似文献   

Gamete interactions may strongly influence speciation and hybridization in sympatric broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates. We examined the role of gamete compatibility in species integrity using cross-fertilization studies between sympatric Asterias sea stars from a secondary contact zone in the northwest Atlantic. In crosses between single males and single females, gametes of both species were compatible and produced viable, fertile hybrid offspring, but with considerable variation in the receptivity of eggs to heterospecific sperm. Differential compatibility of heterospecific gametes was detected in sperm competition studies in which we used a nuclear DNA marker to assign paternity to larval offspring. Several families showed conspecific sperm precedence in A. forbesi eggs, and one family showed competitive superiority of A. forbesi sperm fertilizing A. rubens eggs. Gametic interactions are an important component of prezygotic reproductive isolation in sympatric Asterias. The interaction between gametes of these closely related sea stars is consistent with the function of gamete recognition systems that are known to mediate fertilization success and speciation in other marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

1. Multiple male copulations can have detrimental effects on female fitness due to sperm limitation. 2. Monandrous Naryciinae females are immobile while the males are short‐lived and do not feed. Multiple male mating is therefore expected to lead to sperm limitation in females. Sperm limitation and male limitation are hypothesised as causes of the repeated evolution of parthenogenetic reproduction in the Psychidae. 3. In this study, the effects of multiple male mating on female reproduction are investigated in several species of Naryciinae by allowing males multiple copulations. The results for two species, Siederia listerella and Dahlica lichenella, are compared. The sex ratios of 53 natural populations are examined for indications of male limitation. 4. Previous copulations by the male increased the female's risk of remaining unfertilised. However, contrary to expectations, those unfertilised females were capable of successful re‐mating. 5. In S. listerella, the number of previous copulations of males negatively influenced female fitness. Females produced 30% fewer offspring if they mated with a previously mated male. In D. lichenella, the older the male and the lower its number of total lifetime copulations, the higher the female's reproductive success. 6. Only a fraction of the investigated populations had a female‐skewed sex ratio, but differences in development time between males and females could lead to reproductive asynchrony. 7. In conclusion, male mating history did not lead to strong sperm limitation in Naryciinae as had been suggested by their life history.  相似文献   

Summary B chromosomes are often considered genomic parasites. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is an extreme example of a parasitic B chromosome in the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis. PSR is transmitted through the sperm of carrier males and destroys the other paternal chromosomes in early fertilized eggs. PSR disrupts the normal haplodiploid sex determination in this wasp by converting diploid (female) eggs into haploid (male) eggs that bear PSR. In this study I compare a number of phenotypic fitness aspects of PSR and standard (non-PSR) males. In general, PSR males were as fit as standard males. No significant differences were found in longevity (with one exception), ability to compete for mates and sperm depletion rates. PSR males produced 11–22% larger family sizes and developed slightly faster than standard males. Under conditions of sperm competition, females who mated with both types of males fertilized a constant proportion of eggs with each sperm type over their lifetime. PSR males produced fewer offspring among progenies from double-inseminated females. Phenotypic fitness effects are believed to play a minor role in determining PSR frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

The question why females in many species mate with several males (polyandry) has engaged the interest of evolutionary biologists for many years, and many studies have been conducted on the nature of the benefits that the females gain from polyandry. To understand the variation of female mating rates among species and populations it is indispensable to test the prediction that females of more polyandrous populations experience larger fitness benefit than those of less polyandrous populations. We compared the fitness components of two strains of the adzuki bean beetle Callosobruchus chinensis that have genetically different female mating rates. We measured the number of hatched eggs of once-copulated females and twice-copulated females in each strain. The statistical interaction for the number of hatched eggs between the number of matings and strains was determined. The increase in the number of hatched eggs is larger for the lower mating-rate strain than for the higher mating rate strain. This means that females of the lower mating-rate strain would have larger fitness gain from polyandry than those of the higher mating-rate strain. The actual mating rates of females did not reflect female interests in adzuki bean beetles, suggesting they are affected by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to develop a technique for crossing and to gain insight into how sexual reproduction contributes to the maintenance of local populations of Ulva compressa L. To examine the durations of gamete motility and conjugation ability, freshly released gametes were incubated for various periods of time prior to mixing both mating types. The conjugation ability of the gametes gradually declined after being released from the thalli when the gametes were incubated without mixing with the opposite mating type. The ability to conjugate decreased by half after 6 h, although most of the gametes remained motile. The gametes released 4 h later had the same level of conjugation ability when mixed immediately after releasing. When the mature thalli were wrapped in a moist paper towel to prevent gametes from being released, the gametes were preservable for 7 h without a significant decrease in their conjugation ability. Conjugation occurred soon after mixing gametes of both mating types and reached a plateau after 30 s. However, conjugation rates did not exceed a rate of ~70%, even though freshly released gametes were used. Interestingly, a portion of the gametes newly conjugated 30 min after mixing both mating types, and conjugation rates reached a second plateau at ~90%. Gametes with delayed conjugation are provided some period of time that allows them to be transported away and increases their chances of mating with more distant populations, thus contributing to the maintenance of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis has evolved independently in more than 10 Drosophila species. Most cases are tychoparthenogenesis, which is occasional or accidental parthenogenesis in normally bisexual species with a low hatching rate of eggs produced by virgin females; this form is presumed to be an early stage of parthenogenesis. To address how parthenogenesis and sexual reproduction coexist in Drosophila populations, we investigated several reproductive traits, including the fertility, parthenogenetic capability, diploidization mechanisms, and mating propensity of parthenogenetic D. albomicans. The fertility of mated parthenogenetic females was significantly higher than that of virgin females. The mated females could still produce parthenogenetic offspring but predominantly produced offspring by sexual reproduction. Both mated parthenogenetic females and their parthenogenetic-sexual descendants were capable of parthenogenesis. The alleles responsible for parthenogenesis can be propagated through both parthenogenesis and sexual reproduction. As diploidy is restored predominantly by gamete duplication, heterozygosity would be very low in parthenogenetic individuals. Hence, genetic variation in parthenogenetic genomes would result from sexual reproduction. The mating propensity of females after more than 20 years of isolation from males was decreased. If mutations reducing mating propensities could occur under male-limited conditions in natural populations, decreased mating propensity might accelerate tychoparthenogenesis through a positive feedback mechanism. This process provides an opportunity for the evolution of obligate parthenogenesis. Therefore, the persistence of facultative parthenogenesis may be an adaptive reproductive strategy in Drosophila when a few founders colonize a new niche or when small populations are distributed at the edge of a species'' range, consistent with models of geographical parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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