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This report presents a patient with macrovolt T wave alternans, PVC with R on T or a long-short sequence followed by torsades de pointes.  相似文献   

IKs channels are voltage dependent and K+ selective. They influence cardiac action potential duration through their contribution to myocyte repolarization. Assembled from minK and KvLQT1 subunits, IKs channels are notable for a heteromeric ion conduction pathway in which both subunit types contribute to pore formation. This study was undertaken to assess the effects of minK on pore function. We first characterized the properties of wild-type human IKs channels and channels formed only of KvLQT1 subunits. Channels were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes or Chinese hamster ovary cells and currents recorded in excised membrane patches or whole-cell mode. Unitary conductance estimates were dependent on bandwidth due to rapid channel “flicker.” At 25 kHz in symmetrical 100-mM KCl, the single-channel conductance of IKs channels was ∼16 pS (corresponding to ∼0.8 pA at 50 mV) as judged by noise-variance analysis; this was fourfold greater than the estimated conductance of homomeric KvLQT1 channels. Mutant IKs channels formed with D76N and S74L minK subunits are associated with long QT syndrome. When compared with wild type, mutant channels showed lower unitary currents and diminished open probabilities with only minor changes in ion permeabilities. Apparently, the mutations altered single-channel currents at a site in the pore distinct from the ion selectivity apparatus. Patients carrying these mutant minK genes are expected to manifest decreased K+ flux through IKs channels due to lowered single-channel conductance and altered gating.  相似文献   

This paper records the results of an investigation into potentiation and staircase phenomena in rightventricular guinea-pig papillary muscles with particular reference to the sarcoplasmic Ca2+-channel. As a tool to isolate the second (late, 1tonic) component of isoproterenol-induced biphasic contractions ryanodine was used. On the evidence at present available the monophasic ryanodine-resistant component of the twitch represents that portion of the activator calcium which reaches the troponin C directly, that is, not taking the roundabout way through the intracellular storage structures. In order to avoid functional instabilities of the isolated muscle preparation a short-time double rest stimulation programme was used which combines a number of different tests and gives information on (1) the post-rest potentiation, (2) the post-extrasystolic potentiation, (3) the mechanical post-rest recovery, (4) the interval-strength relationship, and (5) the mechanical restitution. The results of the present work show that under the influence of ryanodine (1) the BOWDITCH staircase, a typical feature of normodynamic mammalian ventricular preparations as well as of hypodynamic frog heart preparations, does not exist, (2) the post-extrasystolic potentiation disappears, (3) the curve reflecting the mechanical restitution, under normal in vitro conditions a monotonically increasing function, becomes biphasic within the relative refractory period, (4) the conspicuous depression of the isometric post-rest contraction for long iasting pauses interrupting the regular pacing rhythm, a typical feature of isolated guinea-pig ventricular tissue, is clearly diminished, and (5) the characteristic curve, reflecting the potentiation of the post-extrasystolic post-rest contraction as a function of the delay time preceding the extrastimulus, becomes displaced to the premature interstimulus interval. The concept of an extended 2-calcium-store model is supported by this work.  相似文献   

The rapid delayed rectifier K(+) current, I(Kr), plays a key role in repolarisation of cardiac ventricular action potentials (APs). In recent years, a novel clinical condition denoted the short QT syndrome (SQTS) has been identified and, very recently, gain in function mutations in the gene encoding the pore-forming sub-unit of the I(Kr) channel have been proposed to underlie SQTS in some patients. Here, computer simulations were used to investigate the effects of the selective loss of voltage-dependent inactivation of I(Kr) upon ventricular APs and on the QT interval of the electrocardiogram. I(Kr) and inactivation-deficient I(Kr) were incorporated into Luo-Rudy ventricular AP models. Inactivation-deficient I(Kr) produced AP shortening that was heterogeneous between endocardial, mid-myocardial, and epicardial ventricular cell models, irrespective of whether heterogeneity between these sub-regions was incorporated of slow delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(Ks)) alone, or of I(Ks) together with that of transient outward K(+) current. The selective loss of rectification of I(Kr) did not augment transmural dispersion of AP repolarisation, as AP shortening was greater in mid-myocardial than in endo- or epicardial cell models. Simulated conduction through a 1 D transmural ventricular strand was altered by incorporation of inactivation-deficient I(Kr) and the reconstructed QT interval was shortened. Collectively, these results substantiate the notion that selective loss of I(Kr) inactivation produces a gain in I(Kr) function that causes QT interval shortening.  相似文献   

Patient‐specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) will assist research on genetic cardiac maladies if the disease phenotype is recapitulated in vitro. However, genetic background variations may confound disease traits, especially for disorders with incomplete penetrance, such as long‐QT syndromes (LQTS). To study the LQT2‐associated c.A2987T (N996I) KCNH2 mutation under genetically defined conditions, we derived iPSCs from a patient carrying this mutation and corrected it. Furthermore, we introduced the same point mutation in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), generating two genetically distinct isogenic pairs of LQTS and control lines. Correction of the mutation normalized the current (IKr) conducted by the HERG channel and the action potential (AP) duration in iPSC‐derived cardiomyocytes (CMs). Introduction of the same mutation reduced IKr and prolonged the AP duration in hESC‐derived CMs. Further characterization of N996I‐HERG pathogenesis revealed a trafficking defect. Our results demonstrated that the c.A2987T KCNH2 mutation is the primary cause of the LQTS phenotype. Precise genetic modification of pluripotent stem cells provided a physiologically and functionally relevant human cellular context to reveal the pathogenic mechanism underlying this specific disease phenotype.  相似文献   



Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inheritable arrhythmic disorder which is linked to at least 17 genes. The clinical characteristics and genetic mutations may be variable among different population groups and they have not yet been studied in Thai population.


Clinical characteristics were retrospectively reviewed from children and young adults with congenital long QT syndrome whose blood samples were sent for genotyping during 1998–2017. Sangers sequencing was used to sequentially identify KCNQ1 or KCNH2 genetic variants. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to identify variants in all other known LQTS genes.


Of the 20 subjects (17 families), 45% were male, mean QTc was 550.3?±?68.8?msec?(range 470–731 msec) and total Schwartz's score was 5.6?±?1.2 points (range 3–8 points). Fifty percent of patients had events at rest, 30% had symptoms after adrenergic mediated events, and 20% were asymptomatic. We discovered pathogenic and likely pathogenic genetic variants in KCNQ1, KCNH2, and SCN5A in 6 (35%), 4 (24%), and 2 (12%) families, respectively. One additional patient had variance of unknown significance (VUS) in KCNH2 and another one in ANK2. No pathogenic genetic variant was found in 3 patients (18%). Most patients received beta-blocker and 9 (45%) had ICD implanted. LQT1 patients were either asymptomatic or had stress-induced arrhythmia. Most of the LQT2 and LQT3 patients developed symptoms at rest or during sleep.


Our patients with LQTS were mostly symptomatic at presentation. The genetic mutations were predominantly in LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3 genes.  相似文献   

The acquired form of the long-QT syndrome (LQTS) is a major safety consideration for the development and subsequent use of both cardiac and non-cardiac drugs; it is usually associated with pharmacological inhibition of cardiac HERG-encoded potassium channels. Clomiphene is an anti-estrogen agent used extensively in the treatment of infertility and is not associated with a risk of QT interval prolongation, in contrast to a structurally related compound tamoxifen. We describe here a potent inhibitory effect (IC(50) = 0.18 microM) of clomiphene on HERG ionic current (I(HERG)) recorded from a mammalian cell line expressing HERG channels. Inhibition of I(HERG) by clomiphene showed voltage-dependence and developed quickly following membrane depolarisation, indicating contingency of block on HERG channel gating. At 100 nM, clomiphene and the related anti-estrogen tamoxifen produced similar levels of I(HERG) blockade (p > 0.05). Experiments on guinea-pig isolated perfused hearts revealed that, despite its inhibitory action on I(HERG), clomiphene produced no significant effect at 1 microM on uncorrected QT interval (p > 0.1) nor on rate-corrected QT interval (QT(c); p > 0.1 for QT(c) determined using Van de Water's formula). The disparity between clomiphene's potent I(HERG) inhibition and its lack of effect on the QT interval underscores the notion that I(HERG) pharmacology may best be used alongside other screening methods when investigating the QT-prolonging tendency and related cardiotoxicity of non-cardiac drugs.  相似文献   

The K+ voltage‐gated channel subfamily H member 2 (KCNH2) transports the rapid component of the cardiac delayed rectifying K+ current. The aim of this study was to characterize the biophysical properties of a C‐terminus‐truncated KCNH2 channel, G1006fs/49 causing long QT syndrome type II in heterozygous members of an Italian family. Mutant carriers underwent clinical workup, including 12‐lead electrocardiogram, transthoracic echocardiography and 24‐hour ECG recording. Electrophysiological experiments compared the biophysical properties of G1006fs/49 with those of KCNH2 both expressed either as homotetramers or as heterotetramers in HEK293 cells. Major findings of this work are as follows: (a) G1006fs/49 is functional at the plasma membrane even when co‐expressed with KCNH2, (b) G1006fs/49 exerts a dominant‐negative effect on KCNH2 conferring specific biophysical properties to the heterotetrameric channel such as a significant delay in the voltage‐sensitive transition to the open state, faster kinetics of both inactivation and recovery from the inactivation and (c) the activation kinetics of the G1006fs/49 heterotetrameric channels is partially restored by a specific KCNH2 activator. The functional characterization of G1006fs/49 homo/heterotetramers provided crucial findings about the pathogenesis of LQTS type II in the mutant carriers, thus providing a new and potential pharmacological strategy.  相似文献   

本文介绍了KCNQ1基因和其编码的通道蛋白的结构、生理学功能及电生理特点。归纳了围绕KCNQ1基因的热点研究方向和成果,并展望了未来的研究趋势。对基础医学上关心的KCNQ1基因突变与疾病的关系,及相关的病理药理学研究做了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Electrical activity in nerve, skeletal muscle, and heart requires finely tuned activity of voltage-gated Na+ channels that open and then enter a nonconducting inactivated state upon depolarization. Inactivation occurs when the gate, the cytoplasmic loop linking domains III and IV of the alpha subunit, occludes the open pore. Subtle destabilization of inactivation by mutation is causally associated with diverse human disease. Here we show for the first time that the inactivation gate is a molecular complex consisting of the III-IV loop and the COOH terminus (C-T), which is necessary to stabilize the closed gate and minimize channel reopening. When this interaction is disrupted by mutation, inactivation is destabilized allowing a small, but important, fraction of channels to reopen, conduct inward current, and delay cellular repolarization. Thus, our results demonstrate for the first time that physiologically crucial stabilization of inactivation of the Na+ channel requires complex interactions of intracellular structures and indicate a novel structural role of the C-T domain in this process.  相似文献   

Congenital long QT syndrome is characterized by a prolongation of ventricular repolarization and recurrent episodes of life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias, often leading to sudden death. We previously identified a missense mutation F275S located within the S5 transmembrane domain of the KCNQ1 ion channel in a Chinese family with long QT syndrome. We used oocyte expression of the KCNQ1 polypeptide to study the effects of the F275S mutation on channel properties. Expression of the F275 mutant, or co-expression with the wild-type S275 polypeptide, significantly decreased channel current amplitudes. Moreover, the F275S substitution decreased the rates of channel activation and deactivation. In transfected HEK293 cells fluorescence microscopy revealed that the F275S mutation perturbed the subcelluar localization of the ion channel. These results indicate that the F275S KCNQ1 mutation leads to impaired polypeptide trafficking that in turn leads to reduction of channel ion currents and altered gating kinetics.  相似文献   

Idiopathic short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a recently identified, genetically heterogeneous condition characterised by abbreviated QT intervals and an increased susceptibility to arrhythmia and sudden death. This simulation study identifies mechanisms by which cellular electrophysiological changes in the SQT2 (slow delayed rectifier, IKs, -linked) SQTS variant increases arrhythmia risk. The channel kinetics of the V307L mutation of the KCNQ1 subunit of the IKs channel were incorporated into human ventricular action potential (AP) models and into 1D and 2D transmural tissue simulations. Incorporating the V307L mutation into simulations reproduced defining features of the SQTS: abbreviation of the QT interval, and increases in T wave amplitude and TpeakTend duration. In the single-cell model, the V307L mutation abbreviated ventricular cell AP duration at 90% repolarisation (APD90) and increased the maximal transmural voltage heterogeneity (δV) during APs; this resulted in augmented transmural heterogeneity of APD90 and of the effective refractory period (ERP). In the intact tissue model, the vulnerable window for unidirectional conduction block was also increased. In 2D tissue the V307L mutation facilitated and maintained reentrant excitation. Thus, in SQT2 increases in transmural heterogeneity of APD, δV, ERP and an increased vulnerable window for unidirectional conduction block generate an electrical substrate favourable to reentrant arrhythmia.  相似文献   

MinK subdomains that mediate modulation of and association with KvLQT1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
KvLQT1 is a voltage-gated potassium channel expressed in cardiac cells that is critical for myocardial repolarization. When expressed alone in heterologous expression systems, KvLQT1 channels exhibit a rapidly activating potassium current that slowly deactivates. MinK, a 129 amino acid protein containing one transmembrane-spanning domain modulates KvLQT1, greatly slowing activation, increasing current amplitude, and removing inactivation. Using deletion and chimeric analysis, we have examined the structural determinants of MinK effects on gating modulation and subunit association. Coexpression of KvLQT1 with a MinK COOH-terminus deletion mutant (MinK DeltaCterm) in Xenopus oocytes resulted in a rapidly activated potassium current closely resembling currents recorded from oocytes expressing KvLQT1 alone, indicating that this region is necessary for modulation. To determine whether MinK DeltaCterm was associated with KvLQT1, a functional tag (G55C) that confers susceptibility to partial block by external cadmium was engineered into the transmembrane domain of MinK DeltaCterm. Currents derived from coexpression of KvLQT1 with MinK DeltaCterm were cadmium sensitive, suggesting that MinK DeltaCterm does associate with KvLQT1, but does not modulate gating. To determine which MinK regions are sufficient for KvLQT1 association and modulation, chimeras were generated between MinK and the Na(+) channel beta1 subunit. Chimeras between MinK and beta1 could only modulate KvLQT1 if they contained both the MinK transmembrane domain and COOH terminus, suggesting that the MinK COOH terminus alone is not sufficient for KvLQT1 modulation, and requires an additional, possibly associative interaction between the MinK transmembrane domain and KvLQT1. To identify the MinK subdomains necessary for gating modulation, deletion mutants were designed and coexpressed with KvLQT1. A MinK construct with amino acid residues 94-129 deleted retained the ability to modulate KvLQT1 gating, identifying the COOH-terminal region critical for gating modulation. Finally, MinK/MiRP1 (MinK related protein-1) chimeras were generated to investigate the difference between these two closely related subunits in their ability to modulate KvLQT1. The results from this analysis indicate that MiRP1 cannot modulate KvLQT1 due to differences within the transmembrane domain. Our results allow us to identify the MinK subdomains that mediate KvLQT1 association and modulation.  相似文献   

短QT综合征(short QT syndrome,SQTS)是以心电图QT间期、心室和心房不应期明显缩短为主要显性特征,并伴有晕厥、高发心源性猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD)和恶性心律失常风险的一类遗传性心肌离子通道病.据目前资料信息,关于SQTS致病机理的报道比较多,而对SQTS药物治疗的报道罕见.为了揭示在SQTS下的药物作用,本文通过计算机仿真构建人体心室细胞和组织的药物作用模型,利用该模型,从亚细胞、细胞、组织三个尺度,模拟SQT1、SQT2和SQT3下的普罗帕酮药物作用过程,并仿真心电图的变化情况.仿真结果表明:在SQT1下普罗帕酮延长了动作电位时程(action potential duration,APD)和心电图QT间期,并降低T波幅值;相反,在SQT2和SQT3下普罗帕酮缩短了APD和QT间期.计算使用药物前后细胞间膜电压和APD空间离散度的变化,定量分析了普罗帕酮降低T波振幅的原因.总之,对SQT1,普罗帕酮有效;对SQT2和SQT3,普罗帕酮没有改变其致心律失常的危险.仿真结果为普罗帕酮用于临床治疗SQTS提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Pharmacological inhibition of human-ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) K(+) channels by structurally and therapeutically diverse drugs is associated with the 'acquired' form of long QT syndrome and with potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias. Two aromatic amino-acid residues (Y652 and F656) on the inner (S6) helices are considered to be key constituents of a high affinity drug binding site within the HERG channel pore cavity. Using wild-type (WT) and mutant HERG channels expressed in mammalian cell lines, we have investigated HERG channel current (I(HERG)) blockade at 37+/-1 degrees C by dronedarone (DRONED), a non-iodinated analogue of the Class III antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone (AMIOD). Under our conditions WT I(HERG) tails, measured at -40 mV following activating pulses to +30 mV, were blocked with IC(50) values of approximately 59 and 70 nM for DRONED and AMIOD, respectively. I(HERG) inhibition by DRONED was contingent upon channel gating, with block developing rapidly on membrane depolarization, but with no preference for activated over inactivated channels. High external [K(+)] (94 mM) reduced the potency of I(HERG) inhibition by both DRONED and AMIOD. Strikingly, mutagenesis to alanine of the S6 residue F656 (F656A) failed to eliminate blockade by both DRONED and AMIOD, whilst Y652A had comparatively little effect on DRONED but some effect on AMIOD. These findings demonstrate that high affinity drug blockade of I(HERG) can occur without a strong dependence on the Y652 and F656 aromatic amino-acid residues.  相似文献   

Mink相关蛋白1(MiRP1)是由KCNE基因家族成员KCNE2编码的具有一个跨膜结构的小分子蛋白质,发生在KCNE2上的相关突变能够引起遗传性长QT间期综合症(long QT syn&ome,LQT6),但其机制不明.以往的工作表明,MiRP1调节瞬间外向钾电流(transient outward current,Ito)的功能,对维持心电稳定性具有重要的调节作用.在哺乳细胞系COS-7表达系统利用膜片钳全细胞记录方式,研究了两种LQT6相关的突变体157T和V65M对Kv4.3通道功能的影响,从MiRP1对Ito功能调控的改变探讨LQT6引起心律失常的电生理机制.结果表明,KCNE2与Kv4.3共表达后对通道功能具有明显的调控作用,使通道的激活和失活明显减慢,电压依赖性失活发生正向移位,同时加快Kv4.3通道从失活中的恢复.157T与Kv4.3共表达的通道,门控动力学以及通道的恢复特性更接近Kv4.3单独表达的通道,表现为丧失KCNE2的功能—“loss of function”,而V65M的作用则与之刚好相反,对Kv4.3门控动力学和恢复特性的调节较KCNE2更强,同时,使通道电流密度明显降低,表现为增强KCNE2的功能——“gain of function”.由此推论,KCNE2对k功能有重要的调节作用,发生在KCNE2基因上的突变,无论是增强(V65M)还是减弱(157T)KCNE2的功能都可能通过改变Ito在心脏电稳定性中的贡献,从而使心脏在某些条件下发生心律失常.  相似文献   

Abuse of the common anti-diarrheal loperamide is associated with QT interval prolongation as well as development of the potentially fatal arrhythmia torsades de pointes. The mechanism underlying this cardiotoxicity is high affinity inhibition of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) cardiac K+ channel. N-Desmethyl loperamide is the major metabolite of loperamide and is a close structural relative of the parent molecule. To date no information is available regarding the affinity of N-desmethyl loperamide for human cardiac ion channels. The effects of N-desmethyl loperamide on various cloned human cardiac ion channels including hERG, KvLQT1/mink and Nav1.5 were studied and compared to that of the parent. N-Desmethyl loperamide was a much weaker (7.5-fold) inhibitor of hERG compared to loperamide. However, given the higher plasma levels of the metabolite relative to the parent, it is likely that N-desmethyl loperamide can contribute, at least secondarily, to the cardiotoxicity observed with loperamide abuse. We used the recently solved cryo-EM structure of the hERG channel together with previously published inhibitors, to understand the basis of the interactions as well as the difference that a single methyl plays in the hERG channel blocking affinities of these two compounds.  相似文献   

The emotional stress induces changes in redox processes in the visual analyzer at the level of the succinic acid transformation in the Krebs cycle. The stress evokes a particularly sharp decrease in the succinate dehydrogenase activity in the retina under conditions of dark adaptation whereas in the occipital lobes under the same condition a considerable intensification of the succinic acid oxidation is observed. Stress action under ordinary conditions of the day and night change is accompanied by the succinate dehydrogenase activation in the visual analyzer. However, the light load increases the enzyme activity in test animals the same way as in intact animals.  相似文献   

A study was made of the content of substance P in the blood and hypothalamus of Wistar rat brain in acute and chronic emotional stress and after intraperitoneal injection of substance P in a dose of 250 mg/kg. A possibility was demonstrated of inducing long-term changes in the content of substance P in the hypothalamus after a single injection. Exposure to a single 24-hour stress was followed by an increase in the substance P content in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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