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The minimum free energy (MFE) of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) increases at an apparent linear rate with sequence length. Simple indices, obtained by dividing the MFE by the number of nucleotides, have been used for a direct comparison of the folding stability of RNAs of various sizes. Although this normalization procedure has been used in several studies, the relationship between normalized MFE and length has not yet been investigated in detail. Here, we demonstrate that the variation of MFE with sequence length is not linear and is significantly biased by the mathematical formula used for the normalization procedure. For this reason, the normalized MFEs strongly decrease as hyperbolic functions of length and produce unreliable results when applied for the comparison of sequences with different sizes. We also propose a simple modification of the normalization formula that corrects the bias enabling the use of the normalized MFE for RNAs longer than 40 nt. Using the new corrected normalized index, we analyzed the folding free energies of different human RNA families showing that most of them present an average MFE density more negative than expected for a typical genomic sequence. Furthermore, we found that a well-defined and restricted range of MFE density characterizes each RNA family, suggesting the use of our corrected normalized index to improve RNA prediction algorithms. Finally, in coding and functional human RNAs the MFE density appears scarcely correlated with sequence length, consistent with a negligible role of thermodynamic stability demands in determining RNA size.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment plays a key role in protein structure prediction and fold family classification. An efficient method for multiple protein structure alignment in a mathematical manner is presented, based on deterministic annealing technique. The alignment problem is mapped onto a nonlinear continuous optimization problem (NCOP) with common consensus chain, matching assignment matrices and atomic coordinates as variables. At each step in the annealing procedure, the NCOP is decomposed into as many sub-problems as the number of protein chains, each of which is actually an independent pairwise structure alignment between a protein chain and the consensus chain and hence can be efficiently solved by the parallel computation technique. The proposed method is robust with respect to choice of iteration parameters for a wide range of proteins, and performs well in both multiple and pairwise structure alignment cases, compared with existing alignment methods.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of tissue cultures depend strongly on the physical and chemical properties of the underlying substrate. Inspired by previous advances in the context of inorganic materials, the use of patterned culture surfaces has been proposed as an effective way to induce space-dependent properties in cell tissues. However, cells move and diffuse, and the transduction of external stimuli to biological signals is not instantaneous. Here, we show that the fidelity of patterns to demix tissue cells depends on the relation between the diffusion (τD) and adaptation (τ) times. Numerical results for the self-propelled Voronoi model reveal that the fidelity decreases with τ/τD, a result that is reproduced by a continuum reaction-diffusion model. Based on recent experimental results for single cells, we derive a minimal length scale for the patterns in the substrate that depends on τ/τD and can be much larger than the cell size.  相似文献   

《Nature biotechnology》2008,26(11):1199

The original protocol of Red/ET recombination requires 50-bp sequence homology with target vector on both sides of the DNA fragment. To make it more cost effective, we investigated to determine the minimal length of homology required for the system to work. We found that a homology of 9-bp was sufficient to achieve homologous recombination with more than 50% efficiency.  相似文献   

Up to now, various approaches for phylogenetic analysis have been developed. Almost all of them put stress on analyzing nucleic acid sequences or protein primary sequences. In this paper, we propose a new sequence distance for efficient reconstruction of phylogenetic trees based on the distribution of length about common subsequences between two sequences. We describe some applications of this method, which not only show the validity of the method, but also suggest a number of novel phylogenetic insights.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres consist of a continuous 325 ± 75-bp tract of the heterogeneous repeat TG1-3 which contains irregularly spaced, high-affinity sites for the protein Rap1p. Yeast cells monitor or count the number of telomeric Rap1p molecules in a negative feedback mechanism which modulates telomere length. To investigate the mechanism by which Rap1p molecules are counted, the continuous telomeric TG1-3 sequences were divided into internal TG1-3 sequences and a terminal tract separated by nontelomeric spacers of different lengths. While all of the internal sequences were counted as part of the terminal tract across a 38-bp spacer, a 138-bp disruption completely prevented the internal TG1-3 sequences from being considered part of the telomere and defined the terminal tract as a discrete entity separate from the subtelomeric sequences. We also used regularly spaced arrays of six Rap1p sites internal to the terminal TG1-3 repeats to show that each Rap1p molecule was counted as about 19 bp of TG1-3 in vivo and that cells could count Rap1p molecules with different spacings between tandem sites. As previous in vitro experiments had shown that telomeric Rap1p sites occur about once every 18 bp, all Rap1p molecules at the junction of telomeric and nontelomeric chromatin (the telomere-nontelomere junction) must participate in telomere length measurement. The conserved arrangement of these six Rap1p molecules at the telomere-nontelomere junction in independent transformants also caused the elongated TG1-3 tracts to be maintained at nearly identical lengths, showing that sequences at the telomere-nontelomere junction had an effect on length regulation. These results can be explained by a model in which telomeres beyond a threshold length form a folded structure that links the chromosome terminus to the telomere-nontelomere junction and prevents telomere elongation.  相似文献   

A microscope substage mirror is mounted by means of a channeled lucite block on the base of a Porter-Blum knife holder. The plane face of the mirror, centered on, and about 2 inches below the edge of the knife, reflects light to the front edge of the knife so that the formation of an image of the knife edge on the face of the tissue block results. Alignment of the edge of the knife with the edge of the block to parallelism is accomplished by rotating the block. Alignment of the face of the block to the cutting plane is done by tilting the block until the image of the knife neither approaches the knife nor recedes from it with up and down movement of the block. Ultrathin sections of an area within a 1-2 μ section examined by light microscopy can thus be obtained from a previously established cutting face without loss of material.  相似文献   

Aligning block faces by reflected light for precise sectioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

糖多孢红霉菌同源片段长度与染色体重组率关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探索同源片段长度与糖多孢红霉菌染色体同源重组率的关系,化学合成或用重叠PCR合成带有突变位点、在突变位点两侧长度为(26bp+27bp)、(500bp+576bp)和(1908bp+1749bp)的同源序列,克隆于糖多孢红霉菌同源重组载体pWHM3后,分别构建了pWHM1113、 pWHM1116和 pWHM1119质粒。以PEG介导转化糖多孢红霉菌A226原生质体,3个质粒分别获得每皿30个、69个和170个转化子,但pWHM1113质粒不能与染色体有效整合,pWHM1116质粒与染色体整合率为转化子的2%,而pWHM1119质粒与染色体整合率达到转化子的19%。 pWHM1116和 pWHM1119质粒均可进行有效的染色体二次重组,将突变位位点引入染色体。因此,同源片段长度为(500bp+576bp)或更长时,可与糖多孢红霉菌染色体进行有效的单重组和双重组。  相似文献   

Tong F 《Neuron》2011,72(2):199-201
In this issue of Neuron, Haxby and colleagues describe a new method for aligning functional brain activity patterns across participants. Their study demonstrates that objects are similarly represented across different brains, allowing for reliable classification of one person's brain activity based on another's.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular genetic study on the sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA (ITS1 region) gene in 4-day-old adult worms of Macroorchis spinulosus recovered in mice experimentally infected with metacercariae from crayfish in Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. The metacercariae were round, 180 μm in average diameter, encysted with 2 layers of thick walls, but the stylet on the oral sucker was not clearly seen. The adult flukes were oval shape, and 760-820 μm long and 320-450 μm wide, with anterolateral location of 2 large testes. The phylogenetic tree based on ITS1 sequences of 6 M. spinulosus samples showed their distinguished position from other trematode species in GenBank. The most closely resembled group was Paragonimus spp. which also take crayfish or crabs as the second intermediate host. The present study is the first molecular characterization of M. spinulosus and provided a basis for further phylogenetic studies to compare with other trematode fauna in Korea.  相似文献   

以7种古菌、46种细菌和10种真核生物的基因组为样本,考虑碱基间的短程关联和长程关联作用,得到编码序列的密码对和基因间序列的三联体对中不同位点的二核苷酸频率,据此构建了基于编码序列和基因间序列的系统发生关系。无论是基于编码序列还是基因间序列对信息进行聚类,古菌或真核均被聚在一支上,表明聚类参数的选择是合适的;与基于氨基酸序列构建的系统发生关系进行两两比较,发现大部分硬壁菌的编码序列与基因间序列之间,以及编码序列与氨基酸序列之间的进化都存在较大差异。通过分析认为,只有综合考虑这三类序列的进化信息,才可能得到更自然的系统发生关系。  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) profiling of the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA of unknown fungal communities is currently unsupported by a broad-range enzyme-choosing rationale. An in silico study of terminal fragment size distribution was therefore performed following virtual digestion (by use of a set of commercially available 135 type IIP restriction endonucleases) of all published fungal ITS sequences putatively annealing to primers ITS1 and ITS4. Different diversity measurements were used to rank primer-enzyme pairs according to the richness and evenness that they showed. Top-performing pairs were hierarchically clustered to test for data dependency. The enzyme set composed of MaeII, BfaI, and BstNI returned much better results than randomly chosen enzyme sets in computer simulations and is therefore recommended for in vitro TRFLP profiling of fungal ITSs.Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) profiling was originally developed as a means of genotyping mixed DNA samples (30) and is currently being employed in fungal community ecology studies (3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 33, 38), despite a number of technical and conceptual difficulties (11). Briefly, TRFLP profiling involves amplifying the DNA in pools of mixed genetic material with fluorescently labeled primers, digesting the products with restriction endonucleases, and sizing the labeled terminal fragments in a sequencer. The difference in the positions at which the different restriction enzymes cleave DNA is thought to provide enough variability for such DNA mixtures to be characterized and the contributing organisms to be identified.However, the technique is not without its problems. DNA extraction and PCR amplification biases burden most modern molecular techniques, including TRFLPs (18, 25). Additionally, concerns exist regarding the ability of the differences between primer-enzyme pairs (PEPs) to generate sufficiently different fragment sizes (2), the success of enzymatic cleavage (2), the dependency on the detection threshold of the sequencer (4), and the accuracy of DNA sizing (1). The choice of the primer pairs and restriction enzymes to be used has also been a matter of concern since the appearance of TRFLP profiling. Liu et al. (30) performed virtual digestion of all the bacterial RNA sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project database (release V) with 10 different enzymes and four primer pairs. This pioneering work showed the importance of avoiding enzymes with highly conserved target motifs, something that later became recognized as a major source of TRFLP bias (2, 14, 16, 32). Similar studies have been performed by Osborn et al. (36), Dunbar et al. (12), Engebretson and Moyer (15), and Cardinale et al. (8).The first virtual TRFLP analysis involving a database of fungal DNA sequences was performed by Edwards and Turco (14). This consisted of virtual digestion, by use of six restriction endonucleases, of 316 internally transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences belonging to a number of ectomycorrhizal genera. Avis et al. (2) found only small differences in the diversity of the TRFLPs produced in silico by three PEPs when using their own fungal ITS database, although these differences increased with sample number in iterative analysis. Recent advances using automated resources, such as REPK software (9), have allowed optimal enzyme selection for TRFLP profiling of previously defined communities of organisms. This software selects up to four restriction endonucleases capable of discriminating a desired number of sequence groups. However, this system relies on a priori information, which in real biological communities may not available.The aim of the present work was to improve selection of restriction enzymes for use in the TRFLP profiling of the ITS sequences of unknown fungal communities.  相似文献   



Proteins are composed of domains, protein segments that fold independently from the rest of the protein and have a specific function. During evolution the arrangement of domains can change: domains are gained, lost or their order is rearranged. To facilitate the analysis of these changes we propose the use of multiple domain alignments.


We developed an alignment program, called MDAT, which aligns multiple domain arrangements. MDAT extends earlier programs which perform pairwise alignments of domain arrangements. MDAT uses a domain similarity matrix to score domain pairs and aligns the domain arrangements using a consistency supported progressive alignment method.


MDAT will be useful for analysing changes in domain arrangements within and between protein families and will thus provide valuable insights into the evolution of proteins and their domains. MDAT is coded in C++, and the source code is freely available for download at http://www.bornberglab.org/pages/mdat.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0442-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Helix formation between various combinations of 3–5 linked oligoribouridylates and oligoriboadenylates from dimer to dodecamer has been studied to gain information on the chain-length requirement for the template-directed condensation of oligoribonucleotides. We have measured the helix formation under high oligoribonucleotide concentration in the presence of magnesium ion at 0–50°C by UV or CD, as many model processes of oligoribonucleotides replication have been carried out under such conditions. Adenylic acid, (pA), diadenylic acid, (pA)2, or triadenylic acid, (pA)3, forms a helix with poly(U) or oligo(U) with a chain length of more than eight. On the other hand, neither uridylic acid, (pU), nor diuridylic acid, (pU)2, can form a helix with oligo(A) or poly(A). Triuridylic acid, (pU)3, or the longer oligo(U) forms a helix with oligo(A) with a chain length of over six. The results suggest that a trimer is the minimum unit as an incorporating nucleotide for conducting any set of nonenzymatic template-directed synthesis, AU and UA, as the nonenzymatic template-directed condensation of oligoribonucleotides correlates well with the results of helix formation of complementary oligoribonucleotides. We have further found the partial helix formation between 2–5 linked decauridylate, (pU)10, and pA or 2–5 linked (pA)2 at 0 °C, which indicates the possibility of the template activity of long 2–5 linked oligonucleotides for the nonenzymatic oligonucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

The brain''s decoding of fast sensory streams is currently impossible to emulate, even approximately, with artificial agents. For example, robust speech recognition is relatively easy for humans but exceptionally difficult for artificial speech recognition systems. In this paper, we propose that recognition can be simplified with an internal model of how sensory input is generated, when formulated in a Bayesian framework. We show that a plausible candidate for an internal or generative model is a hierarchy of ‘stable heteroclinic channels’. This model describes continuous dynamics in the environment as a hierarchy of sequences, where slower sequences cause faster sequences. Under this model, online recognition corresponds to the dynamic decoding of causal sequences, giving a representation of the environment with predictive power on several timescales. We illustrate the ensuing decoding or recognition scheme using synthetic sequences of syllables, where syllables are sequences of phonemes and phonemes are sequences of sound-wave modulations. By presenting anomalous stimuli, we find that the resulting recognition dynamics disclose inference at multiple time scales and are reminiscent of neuronal dynamics seen in the real brain.  相似文献   

The prescriber needs adequate and concise information about each product that he uses, to allow him to obtain optimal effects while minimising harm. Neither the present UK data sheets nor their equivalents in other countries have succeeded in providing such information clearly or completely. This paper develops the proposals on the arrangement of drug information made in the WHO report "The selection of essential drugs." Three sets of minimum information (on tetracycline, propranolol, and aspirin) which illustrate this approach were compared with the manufacturers'' data sheets: the latter were incomplete. The information content of our proposals was worked out with a group of clinical pharmacologists, general practitioners, and specialists, and we suggest that this approach should be extended to other drugs.  相似文献   

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