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In multicellular organisms, biological activities are regulated by cell signaling. The various signal transduction pathways regulate cell fate, proliferation, migration, and polarity. Miscoordination of the communicative signals will lead to disasters like cancer and other fatal diseases. The JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway is one of the pathways, which was first identified in vertebrates and is highly conserved throughout evolution. Studying the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway in Drosophila provides an excellent opportunity to understand the molecular mechanism of the cell regulation during development and tumor formation. In this review, we discuss the general overview of JAK/STAT signaling in Drosophila with respect to its functions in the eye development and stem cell fate determination.  相似文献   

Stem cells, which can self-renew and generate differentiated cells, have been shown to be controlled by surrounding microenvironments or niches in several adult tissues. However, it remains largely unknown what constitutes a functional niche and how niche formation is controlled. In the Drosophila ovary, germline stem cells (GSCs), which are adjacent to cap cells and two other cell types, have been shown to be maintained in the niche. In this study, we show that Notch signaling controls formation and maintenance of the GSC niche and that cap cells help determine the niche size in the Drosophila ovary. Expanded Notch activation causes the formation of more cap cells and bigger niches, which support more GSCs, whereas compromising Notch signaling during niche formation decreases the cap cell number and niche size and consequently the GSC number. Furthermore, the niches located away from their normal location can still sufficiently sustain GSC self-renewal by maintaining high local BMP signaling and repressing bam as in normal GSCs. Finally, loss of Notch function in adults results in rapid loss of the GSC niche, including cap cells and thus GSCs. Our results indicate that Notch signaling is important for formation and maintenance of the GSC niche, and that cap cells help determine niche size and function.  相似文献   

Stem cells are maintained in vivo by short-range signaling systems in specialized microenvironments called niches, but the molecular mechanisms controlling the physical space of the stem cell niche are poorly understood. In this study, we report that heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans (HSPGs) are essential regulators of the germline stem cell (GSC) niches in the Drosophila melanogaster gonads. GSCs were lost in both male and female gonads of mutants deficient for HS biosynthesis. dally, a Drosophila glypican, is expressed in the female GSC niche cells and is responsible for maintaining the GSC niche. Ectopic expression of dally in the ovary expanded the niche area, showing that dally is required for restriction of the GSC niche space. Interestingly, the other glypican, dally-like, plays a major role in regulating male GSC niche maintenance. We propose that HSPGs define the physical space of the niche by serving as trans coreceptors, mediating short-range signaling by secreted factors.  相似文献   

Stem cells have become one of the "buzz" topics in the last decade or so. One of the best systems to study adult stem cells in vivo is in the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. One hundred years of genetic analysis, a sequenced and highly annotated genome and genomics makes this a difficult organism to avoid. The JAK/STAT pathway has been shown to regulate stem cells during haematopoiesis and gametogenesis in Drosophila. In this review we cover the current literature and contrast each group of stem cells with respect to JAK/STAT signaling.  相似文献   

Stem cells are found in specialized microenvironments, or "niches", which regulate stem cell identity and behavior. The adult testis and ovary in Drosophila contain germline stem cells (GSCs) with well-defined niches, and are excellent models for studying niche development. Here, we investigate the formation of the testis GSC niche, or "hub", during the late stages of embryogenesis. By morphological and molecular criteria, we identify and follow the development of an embryonic hub that forms from a subset of anterior somatic gonadal precursors (SGPs) in the male gonad. Embryonic hub cells form a discrete cluster apart from other SGPs, express several molecular markers in common with the adult hub and organize anterior-most germ cells in a rosette pattern characteristic of GSCs in the adult. The sex determination genes transformer and doublesex ensure that hub formation occurs only in males. Interestingly, hub formation occurs in both XX and XY gonads mutant for doublesex, indicating that doublesex is required to repress hub formation in females. This work establishes the Drosophila male GSC niche as a model for understanding the mechanisms controlling niche formation and initial stem cell recruitment, as well as the development of sexual dimorphism in the gonad.  相似文献   

The JAK/STAT pathway and Drosophila development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway plays a critical role in mammalian cells, particularly in hematopoiesis and immune responses. Several components of this pathway have been identified and characterized in Drosophila. Mutational analyses of these components have revealed a number of interesting developmental roles, and provide a mechanism to identify other interacting molecules and pathways. Hence, the JAK/STAT pathway in Drosophila serves as an attractive model for in vivo functional analyses of JAK/STAT signaling.  相似文献   

Human urine contains a large number of proteins and peptides (the urinary proteome). Global analysis of the human urinary proteome is important for understanding urinary tract diseases. Bladder cancer is the most common urological cancer with higher incidence rates in endemic areas of Blackfoot disease (BFD) in southern Taiwan. The aim of this study was to use the proteomic approach to establish urinary protein biomarkers of bladder cancer. ADAM28, identified by proteomic approaches and confirmed by Western blotting, showed significant differences compared with normal individuals, so it may be a biomarker of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Zhao R  Xuan Y  Li X  Xi R 《Aging cell》2008,7(3):344-354
Adult stem cells are important in replenishing aged cells to maintain tissue homeostasis. Aging in turn may exert profound effects on stem cell's regenerative potential, but to date the mechanisms of such stem cell aging are poorly understood, and it is not clear to what extent stem cell aging contributes to tissue or organ aging. Here we show in female Drosophila that germline stem cell (GSC) division rate progressively declines with age, which is accompanied by reduced decapentaplegic (dpp) niche signaling pathway activation within GSCs. Egg production also rapidly declines with age, which is accompanied by both decreased stem cell division and increased incidence of cell death of developing eggs, especially in the oldest females. Genetically increasing dpp expression delays GSC activity decline and transiently increases egg production. We conclude that age-related decline of reproduction is caused by both decreased GSC activity and increased incidence of cell death during oogenesis, while decreased GSC activity is attributed to declined signaling from the regulatory niche. We suggest that niche functional decay may be an important mechanism for stem cell aging and system failure.  相似文献   

Xu N  Wang SQ  Tan D  Gao Y  Lin G  Xi R 《Developmental biology》2011,354(1):2780-43
Tissue-specific adult stem cells are commonly associated with local niche for their maintenance and function. In the adult Drosophila midgut, the surrounding visceral muscle maintains intestinal stem cells (ISCs) by stimulating Wingless (Wg) and JAK/STAT pathway activities, whereas cytokine production in mature enterocytes also induces ISC division and epithelial regeneration, especially in response to stress. Here we show that EGFR/Ras/ERK signaling is another important participant in promoting ISC maintenance and division in healthy intestine. The EGFR ligand Vein is specifically expressed in muscle cells and is important for ISC maintenance and proliferation. Two additional EGFR ligands, Spitz and Keren, function redundantly as possible autocrine signals to promote ISC maintenance and proliferation. Notably, over-activated EGFR signaling could partially replace Wg or JAK/STAT signaling for ISC maintenance and division, and vice versa. Moreover, although disrupting any single one of the three signaling pathways shows mild and progressive ISC loss over time, simultaneous disruption of them all leads to rapid and complete ISC elimination. Taken together, our data suggest that Drosophila midgut ISCs are maintained cooperatively by multiple signaling pathway activities and reinforce the notion that visceral muscle is a critical component of the ISC niche.  相似文献   

The choice of sexual identity in Drosophila is determined by a system that measures the X chromosome to autosome ratio (X/A). This system depends upon unequal expression of X-linked numerator genes in 1X and 2X nuclei. The numerators activate a special Sxl promoter, Sxl-Pe, in 2X/2A nuclei, but not 1X/2A nuclei. By multimerizing a conserved Sxl-Pe sequence block, we generated a gain-of-function promoter, Sxl-PeGOF, that is inappropriately active in 1X/2A nuclei. GOF activity requires the X-linked unpaired (upd) gene, which encodes a ligand for the Drosophila JAK/STAT signaling pathway. upd also functions as a numerator element in regulating wild-type Sxl-Pe reporters. We demonstrate that the JAK kinase, Hopscotch, and the STAT DNA-binding protein, Marelle, are also required for Sxl-Pe activation.  相似文献   

The stem cell niche provides a supportive microenvironment to maintain adult stem cells in their undifferentiated state. Adhesion between adult stem cells and niche cells or the local basement membrane ensures retention of stem cells in the niche environment. Drosophila male germline stem cells (GSCs) attach to somatic hub cells, a component of their niche, through E-cadherin-mediated adherens junctions, and orient their centrosomes toward these localized junctional complexes to carry out asymmetric divisions. Here we show that the transmembrane receptor tyrosine phosphatase Leukocyte-antigen-related-like (Lar), which is best known for its function in axonal migration and synapse morphogenesis in the nervous system, helps maintain GSCs at the hub by promoting E-cadherin-based adhesion between hub cells and GSCs. Lar is expressed in GSCs and early spermatogonial cells and localizes to the hub-GSC interface. Loss of Lar function resulted in a reduced number of GSCs at the hub. Lar function was required cell-autonomously in germ cells for proper localization of Adenomatous polyposis coli 2 and E-cadherin at the hub-GSC interface and for the proper orientation of centrosomes in GSCs. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that in Lar mutants the adherens junctions between hub cells and GSCs lack the characteristic dense staining seen in wild-type controls. Thus, the Lar receptor tyrosine phosphatase appears to polarize and retain GSCs through maintenance of localized E-cadherin-based adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells are the most primitive cells of a lineage and are distinguished by the properties of self-renewal and multipotency. Coordinated control of stem cell proliferation and multilineage differentiation is essential to ensure a steady output of differentiated daughter cells necessary to maintain tissue homeostasis. However, little is known about the signals that coordinate stem cell proliferation and daughter cell differentiation. Here we investigate the role of the conserved JAK/STAT signaling pathway in the Drosophila intestinal stem cell (ISC) lineage. We show first, that JAK/STAT signaling is normally active in both ISCs and their newly formed daughters, but not in terminally differentiated enteroendocrine (ee) cells or enterocyte (EC) cells. Second, analysis of ISC lineages shows that JAK/STAT signaling is necessary but not sufficient for daughter cell differentiation, indicating that competence to undergo multilineage differentiation depends upon JAK/STAT. Finally, our analysis reveals JAK/STAT signaling to be a potent regulator of ISC proliferation, but not ISC self-renewal. On the basis of these findings, we suggest a model in which JAK/STAT signaling coordinates the processes of stem cell proliferation with the competence of daughter cells to undergo multilineage differentiation, ensuring a robust cellular output in the lineage.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial regulation of morphogenesis is pivotal to the formation of organs from simple epithelial tubes. In a genetic screen for novel genes controlling cell movement during posterior foregut development, we have identified and molecularly characterized two alleles of the domeless gene which encodes the Drosophila Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT receptor. We demonstrate that mutants for domeless or any other known component of the canonical JAK/STAT signaling pathway display a failure of coordinated cell movement during the development of the proventriculus, a multiply folded organ which is formed by stereotyped cell rearrangements in the posterior foregut. Whereas the JAK/STAT receptor is expressed in all proventricular precursor cells, expression of upd encoding its ligand and of STAT92E, the signal transducer of the pathway, is locally restricted to cells that invaginate during proventriculus development. We demonstrate by analyzing gene expression mediated by a model Notch response element and by studying the expression of the Notch target gene short stop, which encodes a cytoskeletal crosslinker protein, that JAK/STAT signaling is required for the activation of Notch-dependent gene expression in the foregut. Our results provide strong evidence that JAK/STAT and Notch signaling cooperate in the regulation of target genes that control epithelial morphogenesis in the foregut.  相似文献   

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