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The permeability of mitochondria from pea (Pisum sativum L. var Kleine Rheinländerin) leaves, etiolated pea shoots, and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber for malate, oxaloacetate, and other dicarboxylates was investigated by measurement of mitochondrial swelling in isoosmolar solutions of the above mentioned metabolites. For the sake of comparison, parallel experiments were also performed with rat liver mitochondria. Unlike the mammalian mitochondria, the plant mitochondria showed only little swelling in ammonium malate plus phosphate media but a dramatic increase of swelling on the addition of valinomycin. Similar results were obtained with oxaloacetate, maleate, fumarate, succinate, and malonate. n-Butylmalonate and phenylsuccinate, impermeant inhibitors of malate transport in mammalian mitochondria, had no marked inhibitory effect on valinomycin-dependent malate and oxaloacetate uptake of the plant mitochondria. The swelling of plant mitochondria in malate plus valinomycin was strongly inhibited by oxaloacetate, at a concentration ratio of oxaloacetate/malate of 10−3. From these findings it is concluded: (a) In a malate-oxaloacetate shuttle transferring redox equivalents from the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol, malate and oxaloacetate are each transported by electrogenic uniport, probably linked to each other for the sake of charge compensation. (b) The transport of malate between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol is controlled by the oxaloacetate level in such a way that a redox gradient can be maintained between the NADH/NAD systems in the matrix and the cytosol. (c) The malate-oxaloacetate shuttle functions mainly in the export of malate from the mitochondria, whereas the import of malate as a respiratory substrate may proceed by the classical malate-phosphate antiport.  相似文献   

(1) Mitochondria were prepared from leaves of spinach, green and etiolated seedlings and roots of pea, potato tuber and rat liver and heart. In the case of leaf mitochondria, an improved isolation procedure resulted in high respiratory rates (460–510 nmol/mg protein per min) and good respiratory control ratio (6.8–9.8) with glycine as substrate. (2) In these mitochondria oxaloacetate transport was studied either by following the inhibitory effect of oxaloacetate on the respiration of NADH-linked substrates or by determining the consumption of [4-14C]oxaloacetate. (3) Studies of the competition by other carboxylates and effect of inhibitors on the oxaloacetate transport demonstrate that mitochondria from spinach leaves, green pea seedlings, etiolated pea seedlings and pea roots contain a specific translocator for oxaloacetate with a very high affinity to its substrate (Km = 3–7 μM) and an even higher sensitivity to its competitive inhibitor phthalonate (Ki = 3–5 μM). The Vmax values ranged from 150 to 180 nmol/mg protein per min for mitochondria from etiolated pea seedlings and pea roots and from 550 to 570 nmol/mg protein per min for mitochondria from spinach leaves and green pea seedlings. In mitochondria from potato tuber, the Km was about one order of magnitude higher (Vmax = 450 nmol/mg protein per min). In mitochondria from rat liver and rat heart, a specific translocator for oxaloacetate was not found. (4) The oxaloacetate translocator enables the functioning of a malate-oxaloacetate shuttle for the transfer of reducing equivalents across the inner mitochondrial membrane. (5) This malate-oxaloacetate shuttle appears to play a role in the photorespiratory cycle in catalyzing the transfer of reducing equivalents generated in the mitochondria during glycine oxydation to the peroxysomal compartment for the reduction of β-hydroxypyruvate. (6) Interaction between the mitochondrial and the chloroplastic malate oxaloacetate shuttles would make it possible for surplus-reducing equivalents, generated by photosynthetic electron transport, to be oxidized by mitochondrial electron transport.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are made up of two membrane systems that subdivide this organelle into two aqueous subcompartments: the matrix, which is enclosed by the inner membrane, and the intermembrane space, which is located between the inner and the outer membrane. Protein import into mitochondria is a complex reaction, as every protein has to be routed to its specific destination within the organelle. In the past few years, studies with mitochondria of Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae have led to the identification of four distinct translocation machineries that are conserved among eukaryotes. These translocases, in a concerted fashion, mediate import and sorting of proteins into the mitochondrial subcompartments.  相似文献   

Protein targeting into plant mitochondria was investigated by in vitro translocation experiments. The precursor of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase beta subunit from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia was synthesized in vitro, translocated to, processed, and assembled in purified Vicia faba mitochondria. Transport (but not binding) required a membrane potential and external nucleotides and was conserved among plant species. beta subunit precursors from the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe were imported and correctly processed in plant mitochondria. This translocation used protease-sensitive components of the outer membrane. Conversely, the N. plumbaginifolia beta subunit precursor was efficiently translocated and cleaved in yeast mitochondria. However, a precursor for a chloroplast protein was not targeted to plant or yeast mitochondria. We conclude that the machinery for protein import into mitochondria is specific and conserved in plant and yeast organisms. These results are discussed in the context of a poly- or monophyletic origin of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Protein import into plant mitochondria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plant Molecular Biology -  相似文献   

Ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, and glucose transport was investigated in plant mitochondria and mitoplasts prepared from cultured BY2 tobacco cells. Using a rapid filtration method with radiolabeled ligands, we observed a specific glucose and dehydroascorbate transport, which was temperature and time dependent and saturable. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by KCN and the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol did not influence the transport of the investigated compounds. Dehydroascorbate transport was inhibited by glucose and genistein, while glucose uptake was decreased upon 3-O-methyl-glucose, D-mannose, cytochalasin B or genistein addition. On the other hand, a low affinity low capacity ascorbate transport was found. Oxidizing agents (potassium ferricyanide or ascorbate oxidase) increased ascorbate uptake. The results demonstrate the presence of dehydroascorbate and glucose transport in plant mitochondria and suggest that it is mediated by the same or closely related transporter(s).  相似文献   

NADH oxidation and cytochrome c reduction rates in the electrontransport chain were determined for mitochondria isolated from leaves of matureEuropean black alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) and exposed to arange of concentrations of the growth retardants flurprimidol andpaclobutrazol.NADH oxidation and cytochrome c reduction were enhanced by low concentrationsofboth compounds whereas higher concentrations reduced electron transport. Thisisthe first report of gibberellin synthesis inhibitors affecting electrontransport in plant mitochondria and provides evidence for another potentialmodeof action of this type of growth retardant.  相似文献   

Coupled mitochondria isolated from the white leaves of cabbage (Brassica Oleracea, var. capitata) were inactive in respiration-coupled Ca2+ accumulation, in contrast to mitochondria isolated from etiolated corn (Zea mays) which showed the ability to take up Ca2+ from the medium, although with a much lower activity than liver mitochondria. The addition of corn mitochondria to aerobic medium containing succinate as respiratory substrate and a free Ca2+ concentration of 40 microM resulted in Ca2+ uptake with a decrease in free Ca2+ concentration until a steady state of about 2.0 microM was reached and maintained constant for several minutes. Perturbation of this steady state by the addition of Ca2+ or EGTA was followed by Ca2+ uptake or release, respectively, until the steady state was attained at the original extramitochondrial free Ca2+ concentration. These results indicate that corn but not cabbage mitochondria, as with some animal mitochondria, have the ability to buffer external Ca2+ and may be involved in the maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis in the cell.  相似文献   

In the presence of exogenous NAD+, malate oxidation by cauliflower mitochondria takes place essentially via an electron transport pathway that is insensitive to rotenone, antimycin and cyanide but is strongly sensitive to salicyl hydroxamic acid. It bypasses all phosphorylation sites. NAD+ is reduced by an enzyme identified as malic enzyme (L-malate:NAD oxidoreductase (decarboxylating), EC The NADH produced is reoxidized by an internal rotenone-insensitive NADH dehydrogenase that yields electrons directly to the cyanide-insensitive pathway.  相似文献   

Ca 2+ transport activity in mitochondria from some plant tissues   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mitochondria isolated from some 14 different higher plants and fungi were examined for their capacity to carry out respiration-dependent accumulation of Ca2+. Additions of Ca2+ give little or no stimulation of state 4 respiration of plant mitochondria, although the added Ca2+ was largely accumulated. Accumulation of Ca2+ required phosphate and, in most cases, was stimulated by Mg2+ and ADP or ATP. Ca2+ uptake was abolished by respiratory inhibitors and uncoupling agents. The ratio of Ca2+ ions taken up per pair of electrons per energy-conserving site was normal at about 2.0 for mitochondria from sweet potato and white potato; mitochondria from other plants showed somewhat lower ratios. Accumulated Ca2+ was only very slowly released from previously loaded plant mitochondria. Respiration-inhibited sweet potato mitochondria show both high-affinity and low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites sensitive to uncouplers, La3+, and ruthenium red and thus resemble animal mitochondria. Most other plant mitochondria lack high affinity sites. In general, mitochondria from sweet potato and white potato tubers resemble those from animal tissues, but mitochondria from carrots, beets, turnips, onions, cabbage, artichokes, cauliflower, avocados, mung bean and corn seedlings, and mushrooms show rather low affinity and activity in accumulation of Ca2+, probably due to lack of a specific Ca2+ carrier.  相似文献   

A study on Ca2+ transport by mitochondria isolated from Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus L. cv. OB1) tubers is presented. By following the distribution of Ca2+ under respiratory conditions, we have been able to show that Ca2+ accumulation into the matrix space depends on membrane potential (ΔΨ) since the uptake is not affected by the protonophore nigericin but fully blocked by valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide- p -trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone (FCCP). Ca2+ uptake requires phosphate (Pi) and is inhibited by mersalyl and by ruthenium red (RR). In addition to a Ca2+ influx route, mitochondria from H. tuberosus possess an RR-insensitive Ca2+ efflux pathway which is not stimulated by external Na+, Ca2+ is rapidly released from Ca2+-loaded mitochondria in the presence of ionophores such as A23187 and valinomycin and of the uncoupler FCCP. The Pi-transport inhibitor mersalyl also induces a massive Ca2+ release through reversal of the uptake route, the latter process being blocked by RR. Thus Jerusalem artichoke mitochondria possess a Ca2+ cycling mechanism which is different from that of animal mitochondria and certain other plant species.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine inhibits ADP-stimulated respiration in mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) mitochondria when either NADH, malate, or succinate serve as substrates (IC50 values of 56, 59, and 55 microM, respectively). Succinate:ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity of these mitochondria was inhibited to a similar extent. The oxidation of ascorbate/TMPD was also sensitive to the phenothiazine (IC50 = 65 microM). Oxidation of exogenous NADH was inhibited by trifluoperazine even in the presence of excess EGTA [ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid] (IC50 = 60 microM), indicating an interaction with the electron transport chain rather than with the dehydrogenase itself. In contrast, substrate oxidation in Voodoo lily (Sauromatum guttatum) mitochondria was relatively insensitive to the phenothiazine. The results suggest the bc1 complex to be a major site of inhibition. The membrane potential of energized mung bean mitochondria was depressed by micromolar concentrations of trifluoperazine, suggesting an effect on the proton-pumping capability of these mitochondria. Membrane-bound and soluble ATPases were equally sensitive to trifluoperazine (IC50 of 28 microM for both), implying the site of inhibition to be on the F1. Inhibition of the soluble ATPase was not affected by EGTA, CaCl2, or exogenous calmodulin. Trifluoperazine inhibition of electron transport and phosphorylation in plant mitochondria appears to be due to an interaction with a protein of the organelle that is not calmodulin.  相似文献   

Apocytochrome c, the cytosolic precursor of cytochrome c, competes with the precursor of ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OCT) for entry into isolated rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Dibutylchloromethyl tin chloride (DBCT) inhibits coupled and uncoupled respiration of mitochondria from potato tubers, cauliflower florets and etiolated mung bean hypocotyls with succinate andl-malate but not with external NADH or TMPD/ascorbate as substrates. Using potato and cauliflower mitochondria, DBCT at 200 pmole/mg of protein gives complete inhibition only in KCl-based media and at pH 6.8. DBCT has no effect on the internal pH of mung bean mitochondria, but does cause a decrease in the membrane potential. Electron transport through the alternative oxidase is not inhibited, neither is the ATP-synthase system. DBCT appears to interact with the functionally-distinct pool of ubiquinone associated with the oxidation of succinate andl-malate.  相似文献   

The relationship between the respiratory rate and the membrane ionic current on the protonmotive force has been investigated in percoll purified potato mitochondria. The dependence of the membrane ionic current on the membrane potential was monitored using a methyltriphenylphosphonium-sensitive electrode and determining the maximal net rate of depolarization following the addition of a respiratory inhibitor. We have confirmed that a nonohmic relationship exists between the ionic conductance and membrane potential. Addition of ATPase inhibitors markedly increased the initial rate of dissipation suggesting that in their absence the dissipation rate induced by respiratory inhibitors is partially offset by H+-efflux due to the hydrolysis of endogenous ATP. This was corroborated by direct measurement of endogenous ATP levels which decreased significantly following dissipation of the membrane potential. Results are discussed in terms of the regulation of electron transport in plant mitochondria in vivo.  相似文献   

The herbicides amiprophosmethyl (APM) trifluralin, and oryzalin as well as the fungicides methylbenzimidazolyl carbamate (MBC), O-isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (IPC), and chlorisopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (CIPC), which are known to cause the destruction of microtubules in vivo but do not interfere with tubulin polymerization in vitro, have been examined with respect to their ability to affect Ca2+ transport in isolated cell organelles. In contrast to colchicine which has no effect on Ca2+ transport in isolated mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, all of the substances investigated caused considerable reduction of ca2+ net uptake into mitochondrial but not into microsomal fractions. This reduction has been shown to be due to an increase in passive Ca2+ efflux. These results have been extrapolated to in vivo situations where they are postulated to act by raising cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels.Abbreviations APM amiprophosmethyl - CIPC chlorisopropyl N-phenyl carbamate - IPC O-isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate - MBC methylbenzimidazolyl carbamate - Mops 3-(N-Morpholino) propanesulfonic acid - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide  相似文献   

The etiolated 2.5-day winter wheat sprouts were chilled at 3 degrees C during 24 to 144 hours. After 24 h cooling, shoot intact mitochondria showed a high degree of activation of the alternative oxidase, which was measured as sodium azide and benzohydroxamate sensitivity of the organelles respiration with succinate as a substrate. The role of the alternative oxidase in limiting the level of reactive oxygen species produced in the stressed plant tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

The electron transport chain in mitochondria of different organisms contains a mixture of common and specialised components. The specialised enzymes form branches to the universal electron path, especially at the level of ubiquinone, and allow the chain to adjust to different cellular and metabolic requirements. In plants, specialised components have been known for a long time. However, recently, the known number of plant respiratory chain dehydrogenases has increased, including both components specific to plants and those with mammalian counterparts. This review will highlight the novel branches and their consequences for the understanding of electron transport and redundancy of electron paths.  相似文献   

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