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Reproductive behavior and mate fidelity of the gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, not only foraging together for benthic animals in sandy areas, but also constructing several burrows within their home range. Before spawning, both fish, although mainly the male, constructed a mound, piling up dead-coral fragments, pebbles, shells, sand and algae onto one of the burrows. After spawning an egg mass on the ceiling of the burrow, the female stayed outside and continued the construction and maintenance of the mound for 3–5 days until hatching, while the male tended the eggs inside. Mate guarding of females seemed to prevent males from monopolizing several females. Although some pairs showed mate fidelity through several spawnings, more than half of the pairs broke up after only one spawning. The pair bond was broken by mate desertion and the disappearance of each sex. Both sexes preferred larger spawning partners; larger females spawned more eggs and larger males provided better egg care. Mate desertion occurred when larger potential mates, relative to the current partner, became available. The frequency of solitary individuals was higher in males than in females, resulting in females deserting their mates more often than males. Two factors seem to have facilitated mate desertion: (1) occurrence of size mis-matched pairing and (2) overlapping home ranges.  相似文献   

Feeding and burrowing behavior of the monogamous gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, the male and female feeding in close proximity to one another upon benthic animals and constructing several burrows cooperatively for purposes of shelter or spawning. Paired females fed more and burrowed less frequently than their mates. Because burrow maintenance was mostly conducted by the latter, the paired females performed work much less frequently than solitary females. Thus, the paired females may be able to allocate more energy toward egg production. The division of labor related to burrowing behavior in this species may be an effective way to increase reproductive success for both sexes. Moreover, the fameles burrowed even less frequently when paired with larger males, probably because burrowing ability may be correlated with mouth size in males. This is a likely reason for the preference of females to mate with larger males.  相似文献   

1. General accounts of the natural history and behaviour of fiddler crabs suggest there exist two broad mating patterns in the genus. Most western and Indo-Pacific species mate on the surface of intertidal substrates near burrows females defend. The sexes associate only briefly during courtship and mating. In contrast, males of many American species court from and defend burrows to which females come for mating. Copulation occurs underground in burrows plugged at the surface; the sexes usually remain together for at least several hours. Here we summarize and contrast recent detailed field studies of the mating systems of U. pugilator, an American species, and U. vocans, a species widely distributed in the western and Indo-Pacific. We indicate how differences in the breeding ecology of these two species may account for basic differences in modes of sexual selection leading to the two broad mating patterns in the genus. 2. U. pugilator burrows in protected sandy substrates in the upper intertidal and supratidal zone. During ebb tide, nonbreeding crabs leave burrows they occupy during high tide to forage on food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone. Reproductively active males remain in the burrow zone where they fight for and defend burrows from which they court. Large males win most fights for burrows and tend to defend burrows high on the elevation gradient, especially during periods with relatively high tides. Females usually approach and descend the burrows of several males before choosing their mates by remaining in males' burrows. Males remain underground with their mates for 1–3 days until after they oviposit their eggs. Some males then emerge and leave their burrows while others sequester their mates in the chambers where mating and oviposition has occurred, dig new chambers and resume courtship, perhaps attracting additional females. In either case, females remain underground for approximately 2 weeks, finally emerging to release their planktonic larvae. Burrows that do not collapse due to tidal inundation or flooding by groundwater are best for breeding and usually are located relatively high on the elevation gradient. Females choose mates indirectly by preferring to breed in burrows that will remain intact while they oviposit and incubate their eggs. Large males mate more often than small males because they are better able to defend burrows at locations females prefer to breed. The mating system of U. pugilator may be classified as resource-defence polygyny. 3. U. vocans burrows in open muddy substrates in the mid- to lower intertidal zone. At a site near Chunda Bay, Australia, where the reproductive behaviour of this species has been studied in depth, both sexes feed near burrows they defend. Females tend to occupy their burrows for longer periods and move shorter distances than do males. Mating occurs on the surface near the burrows that females defend. Females accept both resident and wandering males as mates. They show no preference for mating with larger males. Female choice may be based on other male morphological or behavioural characteristics. Females oviposit their eggs either while on the surface or in their burrows. They produce relatively small clutches and are active on the surface throughout their breeding periods. Males fight both their neighbours and wandering males. Large males tend to win fights and defend burrows in areas where large females, which produce relatively many eggs, are most dense. Such areas may offer greater protection from predators than areas occupied by smaller females. Small males mate about as often as large males but may father fewer larvae. The mating system of U. vocans is resource-free and promiscuous. 4. The mating systems of U. pugilator and U. vocans differ fundamentally in that female U. pugilator require access to a specific microenvironment to breed successfully, while female U. vocans do not. We suggest this difference occurs because of contrasts in clutch sizes and the mobility and movement patterns of feeding females. Female U. pugilator produce relatively large clutches and probably experience more intense selection from factors that can cause egg loss and mortality than do U. oocans, which produce clutches of sufficiently small volume to be protected by their abdominal flaps. Hence, the range of suitable breeding environments for U. pugilator is small compared to that for U. vocans. In addition, U. pugilator burrows in areas that are relatively food-poor, leading to daily migrations to and from food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone, preventing female defence of an area suitable for both breeding and feeding. U. vocans, however, burrows in areas sufficiently rich to support feeding, leading to relatively low female mobility and defence of burrows that are also suitable breeding sites. 5. Adaptive radiation of the genus Uca in the Americas is manifest by trends toward smaller adult size, higher population densities, more frequent microgeographic sympatry and increased terrestriality, compared to species in the western and Indo-Pacific regions. We outline the general features of the selection mechanisms tying each of these trends to the evolution of resource—defence mating systems. Intraspecific variation in the courtship behaviour and site of mating in U. lactea and U. vocans supports our contention that resourse—defence behaviour tends to occur at high population densities. Additional data are needed to evaluate the other hypotheses critically.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that individuals should adopt counterstrategies against intersexual conflict with their mating partners if the counterstrategies are effective and cost-efficient. In fishes, males with parental care often cannibalize their own offspring, which reduces the female’s fitness and creates intersexual conflicts. Males of the goby Rhinogobius flumineus cannibalize more eggs in the nest when they have access to additional females prior to spawning. Thus, it is predicted that females will strategically avoid spawning with males that have high mate availability. In the present study, we experimentally tested this prediction. When sexual pairs were placed in tanks, most females (control females; 21/22) successfully spawned inside the nest. In contrast, when a gravid female (stimulus female) that was housed in a small transparent cage was shown to the experiment pairs prior to spawning, only about half of the females (experiment females; 16/29) spawned inside the nest; the remaining females released unfertilized eggs outside of the nest. Moreover, experiment females infrequently accepted and followed males into nests, and delayed spawning more often than control females. R. flumineus females prefer males that court frequently. Indeed, experiment females that infrequently received courtship tended to spawn outside of the nest. However, infrequent courtship alone could not explain outside-nest spawning, delay in spawning, or the shorter stay of females in nests. These results imply that the presence of a stimulus female dampens female spawning with males. We suggest that R. flumineus females may strategically reject or hesitate to spawn with males that have high mate availability, and that this spawning avoidance may be a counterstrategy against male filial cannibalism.  相似文献   

Factors leading to the separation of mating behaviours were investigated in the sand-bubbler crab, Scopimera globosa. The crabs mated on the surface (surface copulation, SC) and underground (UC). UC males were large (old) whilst SC males were small (young). Burrowless females bred in the UC males' burrows. These females accepted UC in exchange for access to a burrow. UC occurred much more frequently than SC in the burrow area in which females oviposited. Most SC occurred in the water-saturated area affording a rich diet. SC was accepted by most large and small females in both areas and most UC by small females in the burrow area. SC was an alternative to UC for males in that there was a size dependence between types of copulation. These two mating behaviours involved different degrees of interaction with neighbouring males. Males attempting to carry a female to their burrows for UC were more often disturbed by other males than were males attempting SC. In the interaction for both UC and SC, larger males were likely to resist the disturbances. UC males needed their own burrows, but these burrows were not enlarged before mating. UC males have a higher paternity of eggs than SC males, because SC males' sperm is often displaced by other males. Thus, UC was a behaviour with relatively higher costs and benefits for male crabs than SC behaviour. Alternative mating behaviours in male S. globosa are conditional, and explained by intrasexual interactions and a male life history strategy with a trade-off between growth and reproduction. It is not likely that the size dependence of male mating behaviour is caused by mate preference of females for UC males in the burrow area.  相似文献   

Describe reproductive behavior and mating system of the clown goby from field observations. Clown gobies exhibit a loosely haremic mating system. Pairs construct burrows at the base of cattails, the roots of which provide structural support and a spawning substrate. Larger males monopolize multiple burrows, each with an individual female. After spawning, males camouflage burrow entrances with sand and females brood developing young for 4 days. Males continue to guard the covered nests in 50% of observed brooding periods. Burrows are also used as shelter from predators. Both sexes confront intruders but only males exhibit a distinct color response to juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, the most significant predator. The male color response appeared to mimic the color of adult blue crabs, a known predator of juvenile crabs, perhaps acting as a deterrent. The presence of the predatory blue crab may require one parent to perform deterrent displays, promoting female care in this mating system.  相似文献   

Amplexus in which a male grasps a female from behind, characterizes most anurans as their strategy to ensure mating success. The behavior usually takes place some minutes, hours or days before gamete release. In a few species, however, it forms very early and lasts up to months, assumed to be an extreme pattern of mate guarding. Rana chensinensis is a temperate frog endemic to northern China. They hibernate in water in groups and breed explosively. At 15 sites across the species’ range, we found that on average 34% (17–67%) of hibernating adult females were paired, and these pairs were initiated shortly before hibernation and remained until spawning, lasting up to 5 months for the northern populations. Data from a focal study site showed that paired males and females were both larger in body size than their non-paired counterparts, and that there was a positive relationship between the body sizes of the paired frogs. The proportion of females that were paired was positively related with hibernating group size and independent of the sex ratio of the adults in a refuge. We interpret the extended pairing behavior as a male strategy that facilitates the avoidance of intense intra-sexual competition in mating aggregations during the breeding period and the starting of spawning earlier to acquire additional females.  相似文献   

In many protogynous wrasses, large males with bright coloration (terminal phase males, TP males) establish mating territories and pair-spawn with females. In contrast, small primary males with drab coloration (initial phase males, IP males) are non-territorial and adopt three alternative reproductive tactics—group spawning, streaking, and sneaking. We investigated how IP males of the threespot wrasse Halichoeres trimaculatus use these tactics in different situations. The mating frequency of the IP males was positively correlated with their courtship frequency, but not with their body size. Larger IP males tended to attack the smaller ones at the mating sites. This indicates that the larger IP males attempted to exclude the smaller ones from mating with the intention of minimizing the number of IP males involved in group spawning and ultimately leading to pair spawning (sneaking). However, the larger IP males were unable to completely exclude the smaller males because the intensity of the attack by the larger IP males was weak. Consequently, the smaller IP males could easily streak into the sneaking of larger IP males, thereby resulting in group spawning.  相似文献   

A focus on the reproductive contributions of males displaying alternative life histories has neglected the role of size-dependent peripheral males in salmonine mating systems. We documented mating behaviour of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, including observations of spawning, over two breeding seasons to determine the mating costs of peripheral males to dominant males (kleptogamy) and females (egg cannibalism). For males and females, the mating costs of peripheral males were substantial because more than half (56%) of all observed brook trout spawnings involved peripheral males. Males that paired with large females experienced a greater incidence of kleptogamy due to increased numbers of peripheral males present. Large males face a conflict when mating in that they prefer to spawn with large females; however, these same females attract numerous males against which the dominant male cannot defend. From paternity studies, we estimated that males that had peripheral males participate in spawning may fertilize, on average, equal numbers of eggs compared to males spawning solely with a smaller female. Females that paired with relatively smaller males had significantly more eggs eaten by peripheral males than females that paired with relatively larger males. Latency to spawn by females increased when paired with a relatively small male, and resulted in females obtaining a larger spawning partner. The observed patterns of size-assortative mating, kleptogamy and cannibalism are discussed in relation to mate choice for this population of brook trout. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Harassment on mating pairs by solitary males is usually considered an attempt by the male to (1) take over the female, (2) guard the female against further insemination (when the solitary male has previously copulated with this female), or (3) influence mating duration. Paired males of a seed bug repel harassment on mating pairs by solitary males by firmly grasping females using their legs and/or genital claspers; in this way, mating duration is prolonged. Male fertilization success increases as mating duration increases. Males of the seed bug, Togo hemipterus (Scott) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), use seminal substances to inhibit female remating. These substances induce protracted female refractory periods and are transferred to the females in a time‐dependent manner. Consequently, mating duration has important effects on fitness in this species. We observed harassment on T. hemipterus mating pairs by solitary males, and examined conflicts between paired and solitary males over mating duration. None of the solitary males were able to take over a mating female, and this may be due to the unique male genital structure in this species. All conflicts over mating duration resulted in wins by the paired males over the solitary males. Paired males prolonged mating durations, whereas severe harassment on mating pairs by solitary males shortened durations. We show that even though there is no immediate reward for the solitary male (i.e., it is unable to take over the mating female), this harassment behavior may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Synopsis Paired males of the dark chub, Zacco temmincki, buried released eggs by vibrating their anal fin, but this behavior was prevented and eggs were cannibalized when many satellites (males and females) were present. A number of satellite males also caused a loss to paired males in sperm competition on spawning grounds far from shelters. Paired males followed repeating tactics, which were defined as successive spawning acts at the same redd, in most cases, but occasionally did shifting tactics which refer to spawning acts conducted successively at different redds. The proportion of the shifting tactic was not correlated with the dominance status of paired males. The shifting tactic was not advantageous in performing spawnings frequently. The calculation of the total advantage of both tactics indicated that the shifting tactic itself was not more beneficial than the repeating tactic at any density of satellites. Since a number of satellites stayed around the redd when no spawning pair was present, or pursued a pair or a single dominant male moving between spawning grounds, the occasional shifting tactics of paired males functioned to confuse and disperse satellites. The spawning tactics of paired males apparently reflected potential fitness costs of satellites. Paired males mainly spawned at the redds near shelters, despite the fact that more satellites were present to devour eggs, presumably because they could obtain many females and monopolize fertilizations.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted by varying the undersurface area of nesting substratum and the number of females in an experimental tank to elucidate the determinants of the mating pattern in the stream goby, Rhinogobius sp. cross‐band type. Males with larger nests tended to attract two or more females to their nest in a tank. Moreover, males spawned simultaneously with multiple females and entire brood cannibalism by males was rarely observed under a female‐biased sex ratio. When males spawned with a single female with low fecundity, however, entire brood cannibalism occurred at a high frequency, suggesting that a male guarding a nest with fewer eggs consumes the brood. Therefore, spawning behaviour of females that leads to a large egg mass would decrease the risk of entire brood cannibalism. In this species, simultaneous spawning by multiple females in a nest serves as a female counter‐measure against entire brood cannibalism. These results suggest that a conflict of interest between the sexes through brood cannibalism is a major determinant of simultaneous spawning.  相似文献   

Nesting males of Asterropteryx semipunctata conducted spawning behavior with 2–6 females simultaneously. We carried out field observations on a rocky reef in Kagoshima, Japan, to examine the hypotheses that large males will show multi-female spawning behavior because of their mating advantage, and that simultaneous multi-female spawning will occur when the operational sex ratio (OSR; the ratio of receptive males to receptive females) becomes female-biased. Contrary to our prediction, neither the total number of multi-female spawnings during a spawning season nor mean number of spawning females at a time were correlated with nesting male sizes. This indicates that larger males often did not conduct multi-female spawnings. As predicted, the incidence of multi-female spawning followed the change in the OSR over time—as the OSR in the study area became biased toward females, the incidence of multi-female spawnings gradually increased. Our results suggest that mate availability affects mating patterns in A. semipunctata.  相似文献   

Brood size and other life-history traits of females affect male investment in mating. Female Uca tetragonon, producing relatively small broods, were attracted to the burrows of males for underground mating (UM) while carrying eggs. Most UM females released larvae and ovulated new broods during the pairing, averaging 3.9 days. While a female was incubating one brood, another brood was developing within the ovaries because the females were feeding adequately during incubation. These findings suggest that in U. tetragonon, a small-brood species, females increase the total number of broods produced by breeding continually. In contrast, in large-brood species, feeding by ovigerous females is relatively brief and not enough to prepare the next brood during incubation, inducing temporal separation between incubation and brood production. Unlike females in other ocypodids where females with large broods remain in the breeding burrows of males, most female U. tetragonon left the male after UM. Wandering in female U. tetragonon after the pairs separate may occur because their small broods are adequately protected by an abdominal flap. Relative brood size probably determines the vulnerability of the incubated broods to the females' surface behavior. Hence, male reproductive success in large-brood species may decrease greatly if males expel their mates after ovulation, although this is not necessarily so in small-brood species. Whether the male drives away the female or not may depend on which behavior within either small- or large-brood species yields the greater male reproductive success. In U. tetragonon some females extruded eggs in their own burrows after surface mating as well as in males' burrows after UM. It was unclear whether females chose a male with a larger burrow as an UM mate unlike several large-brood species. Burrows of both UM males and ovigerous females in U. tetragonon were relatively smaller than those in some large-brood species, indicating that incubation of small broods does not require large burrows. Rather than benefits of UM by female choice, wandering resulting from intersexual conflict, and sperm competition may explain why some females mate in males' burrows in this small-brood species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive behaviour ofRudarius ercodes is described from undersea observations in Aburatsubo Bay, Japan. Reproductive behaviour can be separated into four parts: (1) Prespawning Search = searching for spawning sites by females and searching for gravid females by males, (2) Spawning Parade = males follow a gravid female in a line, competing with each other to reach the head of the queue, (3) Spawning = the female takes the spawning position, males rush to the side of the female, and mating occurs between one female and several anterior males of the spawning parade, (4) Parental Care = females attach adhesive eggs to seaweed with the mouth and guard them until embryos hatch. There is no male parental care. The reproductive season ranges from May to October and spawning occurs early in the morning every day. Females begin feeding early in the morning, but males feed little at this time.R. ercodes shows neither territorial behaviour nor fixed-pair spawning. One male might spawn several times in one morning. One female spawns at most once every 5 days. The mating system of this species is promiscuous. The probable function of the spawning parade as a style allowing female choice is discussed.  相似文献   

为了解中华峭(Octopus sinensis)繁殖行为特征,通过肉眼观察及水下摄像对其行为进行研究.结果 表明,中华蛸在繁殖期有运动、捕食、求偶、交配、产卵和护卵行为.中华蛸运动依靠漏斗喷水的反作用力进行游泳和爬行;以突然袭击的方式捕食日本蟳(Charybdis japonica),繁殖后期不再进食;中华蛸具明显的求...  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior and mating systems of the triggerfish,Sufflamen chrysopterus (Balistidae), were studied on the fringing reef of Sesoko Island, Okinawa. Both males and females maintained territories against consexual adults, feeding on benthic animals within their own territories. Each male territory overlapped one or two female territories, with mating occurring between the cohabitants. The monogamous males were smaller and foraged more frequently than the bigamous ones, suggesting that the former allocated more energy to growth rather than to improving reproductive success. Pair spawning occurred around sunrise, females only taking care of the demersal eggs until hatching, which occurred around sunset of the same day. On spawning days females foraged less frequently than usual, but as frequently as males. Females spawned at intervals of 5–7 days, usually shifting sites within their territories. Thus both feeding and spawning sites were available for females within their territories, providing males with the opportunity to monopolize females by defending their territories.  相似文献   

More than 50 yr ago, field studies recorded the same‐sex pairs (and trios) of penguins displaying to each other during the mating season, using behavior patterns typical of heterosexual mating displays. Such observations led to a hypothesis that due to a lack of sex recognition pairing occurs at random with respect to sex, an idea countered by the argument that sex recognition is highly accurate. No quantification of same‐sex mating displays has tested the frequency of such displays in penguins or tested the hypothesis of random display partners with respect to sex. During their mating season, we studied displaying and paired king penguins, Apenodytes patagonicus, at Kerguelen Island and sexed them using a DNA marker, to quantify any occurrence of this behavior. Indeed, same‐sex courtship displays were common (28.3% of 53 displaying pairs), the great majority of which were between males. Some homosexually displaying males eventually paired with females, but such males were significantly slower in heterosexual pairing than males that did not display homosexually. In two extraordinary cases, same‐sex pairs learned each other’s calls, an essential step in the pairing process. The frequency of such pairs was much lower than among displaying couples, significantly so for males. Finally, the frequency of homosexually displaying pairs was significantly lower than expected from random assortment of displaying birds, for both males and females. We examined possible explanations for same‐sex display and its biological significance. A population sex‐ratio bias in favor of males and high concentration of male sex hormones may help to explain non‐reproductive homosexually displaying pairs.  相似文献   

Courtship displays should be exaggerated enough to attract mates and yet tempered so as not to deter them. We tested this hypothesis in the fighting fish Betta splendens by studying courtship displays and body size and their relationships with male parental quality and female fecundity, as well as the effects of display behavior and body size on mate choice decisions and spawning success. Because of their high degree of parental investment, males are expected to be discriminating in their choice of mates. Males who displayed more frequently built larger nests, a measure of parental quality, but larger males did not. When females were paired with males with high display rates, however, the pair had fewer eggs in their nest, even when accounting for female body mass. In a mate choice test using computer‐generated male stimuli that differed only in display behavior, females showed no preferences for displaying males vs. non‐displaying males, or for males with higher display rates vs. lower display rates. In similar tests in which the computer‐generated males differed only in size, females preferred larger males, but also preferred males that differed with respect to body size (negative assortative mating). Males preferred computer‐generated females that performed courtship displays over non‐displaying females, but showed no preferences for female body size. Neither a female's body size nor her display behavior was a significant predictor of her fecundity as estimated by the number of eggs released during spawning. Thus, our results suggest that female B. splendens must balance male parental quality (nest size) with the risk of potentially disruptive or dangerous behavior during spawning, and that females may minimize these risks through negative size‐assortative mating. Female display behavior, while unrelated to fecundity in our study, may attract males because it indicates reproductive readiness or serves a species‐recognition function.  相似文献   

Activities associated with courtship are often in conflict with avoiding elevated predation risk. In polygamous species with temporally restricted mating seasons, males should be less responsive to interruption of courtship by detection of elevated predation risk compared to females. We tested this prediction with the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus. Courting males continued to execute pre‐copulatory behavior patterns when exposed to predator odors. However, in the presence of predator odors, fewer pairs were established. Exposing previously paired males and females to predator cues showed that males were unaffected in their motivation to form pairs, whereas females were no longer attractive to males following exposure to predator cues.  相似文献   

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