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An evolutionary scheme is postulated in which a primitive code, involving only guanine and cytosine, would code for glycine(GG.), alanine(GC), arginine(CG.) and proline(CC). There evolves from this primitive code families of related amino acids as the code expands. The evolution of the aminiacyl-tRNA synthetases are considered to be indicators for the evolution of the genetic code. The postulated model for the evolution of the genetic code is used to give an evolutionary interpretation to the recent work on the structure and sequences of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

Arbitrariness in the genetic code is one of the main reasons for a linguistic approach to molecular biology: the genetic code is usually understood as an arbitrary relation between amino acids and nucleobases. However, from a semiotic point of view, arbitrariness should not be the only condition for definition of a code, consequently it is not completely correct to talk about “code” in this case. Yet we suppose that there exist a code in the process of protein synthesis, but on a higher level than the nucleic bases chains. Semiotically, a code should be always associated with a function and we propose to define the genetic code not only relationally (in basis of relation between nucleobases and amino acids) but also in terms of function (function of a protein as meaning of the code). Even if the functional definition of meaning in the genetic code has been discussed in the field of biosemiotics, its further implications have not been considered. In fact, if the function of a protein represents the meaning of the genetic code (the sign’s object), then it is crucial to reconsider the notion of its expression (the sign) as well. In our contribution, we will show that the actual model of the genetic code is not the only possible and we will propose a more appropriate model from a semiotic point of view.  相似文献   

We consider a model of the origin of genetic code organization incorporating the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and their physicochemical properties. We study the behavior of the genetic code in the set of codes subject both to biosynthetic constraints and to the constraint that the biosynthetic classes of amino acids must occupy only their own codon domain, as observed in the genetic code. Therefore, this set contains the smallest number of elements ever analyzed in similar studies. Under these conditions and if, as predicted by physicochemical postulates, the amino acid properties played a fundamental role in genetic code organization, it can be expected that the code must display an extremely high level of optimization. This prediction is not supported by our analysis, which indicates, for instance, a minimization percentage of only 80%. These observations can therefore be more easily explained by the coevolution theory of genetic code origin, which postulates a role that is important but not fundamental for the amino acid properties in the structuring of the code. We have also investigated the shape of the optimization landscape that might have arisen during genetic code origin. Here, too, the results seem to favor the coevolution theory because, for instance, the fact that only a few amino acid exchanges would have been sufficient to transform the genetic code (which is not a local minimum) into a much better optimized code, and that such exchanges did not actually take place, seems to suggest that, for instance, the reduction of translation errors was not the main adaptive theme structuring the genetic code.  相似文献   

The genetic code is not random but instead is organized in such a way that single nucleotide substitutions are more likely to result in changes between similar amino acids. This fidelity, or error minimization, has been proposed to be an adaptation within the genetic code. Many models have been proposed to measure this adaptation within the genetic code. However, we find that none of these consider codon usage differences between species. Furthermore, use of different indices of amino acid physicochemical characteristics leads to different estimations of this adaptation within the code. In this study, we try to establish a more accurate model to address this problem. In our model, a weighting scheme is established for mistranslation biases of the three different codon positions, transition/transversion biases, and codon usage. Different indices of amino acids physicochemical characteristics are also considered. In contrast to pervious work, our results show that the natural genetic code is not fully optimized for error minimization. The genetic code, therefore, is not the most optimized one for error minimization, but one that balances between flexibility and fidelity for different species.  相似文献   

Selection for resource conservation can shape the coding sequences of organisms living in nutrient-limited environments. Recently, it was proposed that selection for resource conservation, specifically for nitrogen and carbon content, has also shaped the structure of the standard genetic code, such that the missense mutations the code allows tend to cause small increases in the number of nitrogen and carbon atoms in amino acids. Moreover, it was proposed that this optimization is not confounded by known optimizations of the standard genetic code, such as for polar requirement or hydropathy. We challenge these claims. We show the proposed optimization for nitrogen conservation is highly sensitive to choice of null model and the proposed optimization for carbon conservation is confounded by the known conservative nature of the standard genetic code with respect to the molecular volume of amino acids. There is therefore little evidence the standard genetic code is optimized for resource conservation. We discuss our findings in the context of null models of the standard genetic code.  相似文献   

The genetic code is known to have a high level of error robustness and has been shown to be very error robust compared to randomly selected codes, but to be significantly less error robust than a certain code found by a heuristic algorithm. We formulate this optimization problem as a Quadratic Assignment Problem and use this to formally verify that the code found by the heuristic algorithm is the global optimum. We also argue that it is strongly misleading to compare the genetic code only with codes sampled from the fixed block model, because the real code space is orders of magnitude larger. We thus enlarge the space from which random codes can be sampled from approximately 2.433 × 10(18) codes to approximately 5.908 × 10(45) codes. We do this by leaving the fixed block model, and using the wobble rules to formulate the characteristics acceptable for a genetic code. By relaxing more constraints, three larger spaces are also constructed. Using a modified error function, the genetic code is found to be more error robust compared to a background of randomly generated codes with increasing space size. We point out that these results do not necessarily imply that the code was optimized during evolution for error minimization, but that other mechanisms could be the reason for this error robustness.  相似文献   

The genetic code appears to be optimized in its robustness to missense errors and frameshift errors. In addition, the genetic code is near-optimal in terms of its ability to carry information in addition to the sequences of encoded proteins. As evolution has no foresight, optimality of the modern genetic code suggests that it evolved from less optimal code variants. The length of codons in the genetic code is also optimal, as three is the minimal nucleotide combination that can encode the twenty standard amino acids. The apparent impossibility of transitions between codon sizes in a discontinuous manner during evolution has resulted in an unbending view that the genetic code was always triplet. Yet, recent experimental evidence on quadruplet decoding, as well as the discovery of organisms with ambiguous and dual decoding, suggest that the possibility of the evolution of triplet decoding from living systems with non-triplet decoding merits reconsideration and further exploration. To explore this possibility we designed a mathematical model of the evolution of primitive digital coding systems which can decode nucleotide sequences into protein sequences. These coding systems can evolve their nucleotide sequences via genetic events of Darwinian evolution, such as point-mutations. The replication rates of such coding systems depend on the accuracy of the generated protein sequences. Computer simulations based on our model show that decoding systems with codons of length greater than three spontaneously evolve into predominantly triplet decoding systems. Our findings suggest a plausible scenario for the evolution of the triplet genetic code in a continuous manner. This scenario suggests an explanation of how protein synthesis could be accomplished by means of long RNA-RNA interactions prior to the emergence of the complex decoding machinery, such as the ribosome, that is required for stabilization and discrimination of otherwise weak triplet codon-anticodon interactions.  相似文献   

During the last 30 years, a number of alterations to the standard genetic code have been uncovered both in prokaryotes and eukaryotic nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. But, the study of the evolutionary pathways and molecular mechanisms of codon identity redefinition has been largely ignored due to the assumption that non-standard genetic codes can only evolve through neutral evolutionary mechanisms and that they have no functional significance. The recent discovery of a genetic code change in the genus Candida that evolved through an ambiguous messenger RNA decoding mechanism is bringing that naive assumption to an abrupt end by showing, in a rather dramatic way, that genetic code changes have profound physiological and evolutionary consequences for the species that redefine codon identity. In this paper, the recent data on the evolution of the Candida genetic code are reviewed and an experimental framework based on forced evolution, molecular genetics and comparative and functional genomics methodologies is put forward for the study of non-standard genetic codes and genetic code ambiguity in general. Additionally, the importance of using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism for elucidating the evolutionary pathway of the Candida and other genetic code changes is emphasised.  相似文献   

shCherbak VI 《Bio Systems》2003,70(3):187-209
The first information system emerged on the earth as primordial version of the genetic code and genetic texts. The natural appearance of arithmetic power in such a linguistic milieu is theoretically possible and practical for producing information systems of extremely high efficiency. In this case, the arithmetic symbols should be incorporated into an alphabet, i.e. the genetic code. A number is the fundamental arithmetic symbol produced by the system of numeration. If the system of numeration were detected inside the genetic code, it would be natural to expect that its purpose is arithmetic calculation e.g., for the sake of control, safety, and precise alteration of the genetic texts. The nucleons of amino acids and the bases of nucleic acids seem most suitable for embodiments of digits. These assumptions were used for the analyzing the genetic code.

The compressed, life-size, and split representation of the Escherichia coli and Euplotes octocarinatus code versions were considered simultaneously. An exact equilibration of the nucleon sums of the amino acid standard blocks and/or side chains was found repeatedly within specified sets of the genetic code. Moreover, the digital notations of the balanced sums acquired, in decimal representation, the unique form 111, 222, …, 999. This form is a consequence of the criterion of divisibility by 037. The criterion could simplify some computing mechanism of a cell if any and facilitate its computational procedure. The cooperative symmetry of the genetic code demonstrates that possibly a zero was invented and used by this mechanism. Such organization of the genetic code could be explained by activities of some hypothetical molecular organelles working as natural biocomputers of digital genetic texts.

It is well known that if mutation replaces an amino acid, the change of hydrophobicity is generally weak, while that of size is strong. The antisymmetrical correlation between the amino acid size and the degeneracy number is known as well. It is shown that these and some other familiar properties may be a physicochemical effect of arithmetic inside the genetic code.

The “frozen accident” model, giving unlimited freedom to the mapping function, could optimally support the appearance of both arithmetic symbols and physicochemical protection inside the genetic code.  相似文献   

A model for topological coding of proteins is proposed. The model is based on the capacity of hydrogen bonds (property of connectivity) to fix conformations of protein molecules. The protein chain is modeled by an n -arc graph with the following elements: vertices (alpha -carbon atoms), structural edges (peptide bonds) and connectivity edges (virtual edges connecting non-adjacent atoms). It was shown that 64 conformations of the 4-arc graph can be described in the binary system by matrices of six variables which form a supermatrix containing four blocks. On the basis of correspondences between the pairs of variables in matrices and four letters of the genetic code matrices and supermatrix are converted, respectively, into the triplets and the table of the genetic code. An algorithm admitting computer programming is proposed for coding the n -arc graph and protein chain. Connectivity operators (polar amino acids) are assigned to blocks of triplets coding for cyclic conformations (G, A-in the second position), while anti-connectivity operators (non-polar amino acids) correspond to blocks of triplets coding for open conformations (C, U-in the second position). Amino acids coded by triplets differing by the first base have different structures. The third base for C, U and G, A is degenerated. Properties of the real genetic code are in full agreement with the model. The model provides an insight into the topological nature of the genetic code and can be used for development of algorithms for the prediction of the protein structure.  相似文献   

The genetic code might be a historical accident that was fixed in the last common ancestor of modern organisms. 'Adaptive', 'historical' and 'chemical' arguments, however, challenge such a 'frozen accident' model. These arguments propose that the current code is somehow optimal, reflects the expansion of a more primitive code to include more amino acids, or is a consequence of direct chemical interactions between RNA and amino acids, respectively. Such models are not mutually exclusive, however. They can be reconciled by an evolutionary model whereby stereochemical interactions shaped the initial code, which subsequently expanded through biosynthetic modification of encoded amino acids and, finally, was optimized through codon reassignment. Alternatively, all three forces might have acted in concert to assign the 20 'natural' amino acids to their present positions in the genetic code.  相似文献   

A simple selforganizing model system of molecules is considered and it is demonstrated by a computer simulation, that a genetic code of 16 elements (aminoacids) can gradually be formed by such a system in the course of many generations. By a number of rare chance events, each suppressing other events of equal a priori probability, a single code results out of an immense number of possible codes of the same a priori probability. The result is discussed in relation to the uniqueness of the genetic code in living systems. The computer simulation emphasizes a particular step in a model pathway discussed elsewhere consisting of many assumed physicochemical steps leading to a genetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code poses a challenge in understanding the evolution of information processing at a fundamental level of biological organization. Genetic codes are generally coadapted with, or 'frozen' by, the protein-coding genes that they translate, and so cannot easily change by natural selection. Yet the standard code has a significantly non-random pattern that corrects common errors in the transmission of information in protein-coding genes. Because of the freezing effect and for other reasons, this pattern has been proposed not to be due to selection but rather to be incidental to other evolutionary forces or even entirely accidental. We present results from a deterministic population genetic model of code-message coevolution. We explicitly represent the freezing effect of genes on genetic codes and the perturbative effect of changes in genetic codes on genes. We incorporate characteristic patterns of mutation and translational error, namely, transition bias and positional asymmetry, respectively. Repeated selection over small successive changes produces genetic codes that are substantially, but not optimally, error correcting. In particular, our model reproduces the error-correcting patterns of the standard genetic code. Aspects of our model and results may be applicable to the general problem of adaptation to error in other natural information-processing systems.  相似文献   

The codon-degeneracy model (CDM) predicts that patterns of nucleotide substitution in protein-coding genes are largely determined by the relative frequencies of four-fold (4f), two-fold, and non-degenerate sites, the attributes of which are determined by the structure of the governing genetic code. The CDM thus further predicts that genetic codes with alternative structures will "filter" molecular evolution differentially. A method, therefore, is presented by which the CDM may be applied to the unique structure of any genetic code. The mathematical relationship between the proportion of transitions at 4f degenerate nucleotide sites and the transition-to-transversion ratio is described. Predictions for five individual genetic codes, relative to the relationship between code structure and expected patterns of nucleotide substitution, are clearly defined. To test this "filter" hypothesis of genetic codes, simulated DNA sequence data sets were generated with a variety of input parameter values to estimate the relationship between patterns of nucleotide substitution and best-fit estimates of transition bias at 4f degenerate sites for both the universal genetic code and the vertebrate mitochondrial genetic code. These analyses confirm the prediction of the CDM that, all else being equal, even small differences in the structure of alternative genetic codes may result in significant shifts in the overall pattern of nucleotide substitution.  相似文献   

Two forces are in general, hypothesized to have influenced the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships. In view of this, we have considered a model incorporating these two forces. In particular, we have studied the optimization level of the physicochemical properties of amino acids in the set of amino acid permutation codes that respects the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. Where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity and molecular volume we obtain indetermination percentages in the organization of the genetic code of approximately 40%. This indicates that the contingent factor played a significant role in structuring the genetic code. Furthermore, this result is in agreement with the genetic code coevolution hypothesis, which attributes a merely ancillary role to the properties of amino acids while it suggests that it was their biosynthetic relationships that organized the code. Furthermore, this result does not favor the stereochemical models proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. On the other hand, where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity alone, we obtain an indetermination percentage of at least 21.5%. This might suggest that the polarity distances played an important role and would therefore provide evidence in favor of the physicochemical hypothesis of genetic code origin. Although, overall, the analysis might have given stronger support to the latter hypothesis, this did not actually occur. The results are therefore discussed in the context of the different theories proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. Received: 10 September 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

The standard genetic code is found to exhibit an exact symmetry under a finite group of order 4 known in mathematics as the Klein group. The same symmetry is also present in almost all non-standard codes, mitochondrial as well as nuclear. Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for the evolution of the mitochondrial codes reveals that all changes along the main line of evolution preserve this symmetry, with a tendency towards symmetry enhancement. In the side branches of the evolutionary tree, the majority of changes also respect the symmetry. The few exceptional cases where it is broken correspond to reassignments that appear to be unstable or incomplete. Since the Klein group emerges naturally from the symplectic model for the prebiotic evolution that has led to the standard code, we interpret these results as lending support to the hypothesis that this symmetry has been selected during the evolution of the genetic code, not only before but also after establishment of the standard code.  相似文献   

A primitive genetic code, composed of a smaller set of amino acids, may have expanded via recursive periods of genetic code ambiguity that were followed by specificity. Here we model a step in this process by showing how genetic code ambiguity could result in an enhanced growth rate in Acinetobacter baylyi.  相似文献   

Statistical and biochemical studies have revealed nonrandom patterns in codon assignments. The canonical genetic code is known to be highly efficient in minimizing the effects of mistranslational errors and point mutations, since it is known that, when an amino acid is converted to another due to error, the biochemical properties of the resulted amino acid are usually very similar to those of the original one. In this study, we have taken into consideration both relative frequencies of amino acids and relative gene copy frequencies of tRNAs in genomic sequences in order to introduce a fitness function which models the mistranslational probabilities more accurately in modern organisms. The relative gene copy frequencies of tRNAs are used as estimates of the tRNA content. We also altered the rule previously used for the calculation of the probabilities of single base mutation occurrences. Our model signifies higher optimality of the genetic code towards load minimization and suggests the presence of a coevolution of tRNA frequency and the genetic code.  相似文献   

On the basis of the principles of Darwinian evolutionary systems laid out earlier, a system is constructed which simulates protein evolution. Two types of situations are studied: adaptation to highest possible alkalinity (“alkalinity model”), and adaptation to an arbitrary sequence (“sequence model”). No restrictions in adaptability were found for the (comparably special) alkalinity model, but severe restrictions were found for the sequence model. Approximately 15% of all possible evolutionary paths from one amino acid to another turned out to be impossible, in the sense that no chain of intermediate steps exists which leads to a higher fitness level, in this case an increased chemical similarity of the two amino acids.The evolutionary efficiency of the natural genetic code was also investigated by comparing it with two classes of artificially constructed codes: semi-random and random codes. It was found that the natural code possesses the highest evolutionary efficiency, given by the mean number of generations required to reach identity in 5 of 10 sites, if originally all 10 were different. Closest to the natural code in evolutionary efficiency were the random codes, next, the semi-random codes.This pattern could be explained by a theoretical measure, called the code efficiency. The most important component of the code efficiency is the percentage of impossible paths. The natural code is far superior to the other code types in this respect. However, the random codes are superior to the natural code with respect to the mean shortest path length of the possible paths, the other important component of the code efficiency.It is suggested that the natural genetic code might have arisen from a semi-random code during a process of optimizing several of its features, of which the evolutionary efficiency is a very important one; or that the natural code is the most efficient edition of a large variety of semi-random codes which originated by chance.  相似文献   

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