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The effect of a weak acid (butyric acid) on the germination of seeds of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. (cv. Bleu Clair) has been studied. Butyric acid inhibited the early phase of germination, and the inhibition was correlated to the amount of the per-meant undissociated form present in the incubation medium. The inhibition by butyric acid in the dark was also correlated to a decrease of dark fixation of CO2 and to a more pronounced decrease in malic acid levels during the early phase of germination; suggesting that the uptake of the uncharged form of this weak acid was followed by a release of H+ into the cytoplasm, leading to a decrease in its pH. The inhibitory effect of butyric acid in the dark on many metabolic events (rise in respiratory activity, levels of reducing sugars, glucose-6–phosphate and malic acid, dark CO2 fixation, transport activities and macromolecular synthesis) appeared similar to the one of light. Fusicoccin (FC), which directly stimulates the H+ pump at the plasmalemma level, ameliorated the effect of butyric acid, as well as that of light, on germination. The bulk of these data is interpreted as suggesting that the mechanism of light inhibition of germination of Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds might be the consequence of a general block of metabolic reactivation due to the presence of an unfavourable (acidic) cytoplasmic pH; which might be explained with the lack of the phytochrome-dependent activation of the H+ pump at the plasmalemma level.  相似文献   

The germination of the negatively photoblastic seeds of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. (cv. Bleu Clair) is promoted by gibberellic acid and fusicoccin. In the dark, or in the light in the presence of fusicoccin, seed germination is accompanied by an increase of gibberellic acid-like substances. In these conditions, the inhibition of the synthesis of gibberellic acid-like substances does not prevent seed germination, but it affects the growth and the survival of the seedlings. Seed germination, growth, and survival of seedlings are discussed in relation to phytochrome, fusicoccin, and gibberellic acid-iite substances.  相似文献   

31 P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscope (NMR) was used to study the response of Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds to dark and light conditions during the first 72 h of incubation. Changes in the chemical shifts (δ) of the pH-dependent 31P-NMR signals from the vacuolar and the cytoplasmic orthophosphate pools were correlated with the different incubation conditions. In the dark (favorable to germination), the cytoplasmic pH remained nearly constant over the whole period considered, while the vacuolar pH shitted to more acidic values after the 24th h of incubation. In the light (inhibiting germination), the values of cytoplasmic pH tended to become more acidic than in the dark after the 24th h of incubation, while the vacuolar pH remained practically constant. When seed germination was inhibited in the dark by butyric acid (BA). a permeant weak acid, the values of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH were similar to those of the ungerminated seeds incubated in the light. When, vice versa, seed germination was promoted in the light by fusicoccin (FC), the values of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH were similar to those of the dark-germinated seeds. A progressive augmentation of P, metabolism occurred both in the dark and in the light up to the 24th h of incubation. Subsequently, light blocked any further evolution of this parameter. Treatment with butyric acid in the dark again mimicked the effect of light, while FC reversed the negative effect of light. The data show that in Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds germination is linked to a more alkaline cytoplasmic pH. The finding that the light-dependent metabolic inhibition occurs after an early activation of metabolism, i.e. after the first 24 h. suggests that the effects of light on the cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH depend on the early metabolic processes involved in the control of the homeostasis of cell pH and/or on the inhibition of the reactivation of the transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

Germination of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. (cv. Bleu Clair) seeds is accompanied in its early phases by the development of the K+ uptake capacity. Dormancy due to light and high temperatures and the negative effect on seed germination of a medium with low water potential inhibit the development of potassium uptake. Fusicoccin, which promotes seed germination under all examined conditions, accelerates also the appearance of the K+ uptake capacity. The relationship between the development of K+ uptake and seed germination in Phacelia tanacetifolia is discussed.  相似文献   

Massanori Takaki  V. M. Zaia 《Planta》1984,160(2):190-192
A short period (15–30 min) at 30° C promotes germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Repolhuda in darkness. Far-red light reverses this stimulation, and the escape curves for phytochrome and high-temperature action are quite similar, indicating that the two factors act at a common point in the chain of events leading to germination. It is suggested that high temperature acts by decreasing the threshold of the active, far-red absorbing, form of phytochrome (Pfr) needed to promote germination.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

 We assessed nectar and honey potential of Phacelia tanacetifolia, an American plant, under Mediterranean conditions. Its flowering occurred during the major flowering season unless intensely irrigated, whereas duration and flower life span were shorter compared to continental conditions. Mediterranean climate limitations to nectar secretion were assessed on plants grown under natural conditions (xeric) vs. regular irrigation. May flowering xeric plants produced less nectar per flower than the irrigated ones, but had the same nectar potential per surface area. On the contrary, at the cost of intense irrigation, July flowering plants produced much higher nectar per flower and per surface area compared to xeric ones. In all flowering periods and sections honeybees were the most constant and numerous visitors, visiting the flowers mainly for nectar, whereas solitary bees were scarce. Based on our results, we suggest that although the plant may be a good nectar source for honeybees in some cases, we have serious reservations for a generalised use in the Mediterranean. Received September 3, 2002; accepted November 18, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

为妥善保存罂粟种质资源及防止种子老化,研究了温度对罂粟种子萌发及种子活力的影响。结果表明:罂粟为高温敏感低温萌发型种子,发芽的适宜温度为10~20℃,最适温度为18℃左右,低于5℃和高于20℃的温度,种子萌发受到抑制;在对其进行丸化包衣时,加热温度应控制在60℃以内,时间应控制在60min以内;在常温库存条件下,罂粟种子活力随贮藏年限的增加而下降,贮藏时间超过五年后,发芽率低于50%,不宜作种用,在作为种质资源保存时,须每隔五年繁殖一次。  相似文献   

Shepley S. C. Chen 《Planta》1970,95(4):336-340
Summary Germination of Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds is inhibited by light. Embryos freed of endosperm grow irrespective of light. However, if they are held in 0.3 M mannitol plus 2% sucrose, light sensitivity is reinstated: growth (i. e., germination) occurs in darkness but not in light. Gibberellic acid (GA3) releases the inhibition due to light. These results suggest that (a) the photoreceptor site of the seed is in the embryo; (b) GA3 acts directly on the embryo; and (c) darkimbibed embryos appear to have a higher water-uptake potential.This work was supported in part by the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research, and by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract No. AT(11-1)-1338.  相似文献   

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) germination is often low, so new methods need to be developed with a view to improving nursery yields and to inform decision-making on natural regeneration. To this end, the effects of seed moisture content (MC) levels in combination with warm and chilling treatments on blackthorn seed dormancy release were investigated. In another experiment, the effect on seed germination of warm and chilling treatments in combination with exogenous hormones was investigated. Following treatment, the seeds were allowed to germinate at a constant 15°C with 8 h lighting per day or 20 (dark)/30°C (light). Seed lot effects were evident, but were consistent across treatments. Seeds adjusted to the lower target MC level (TMC) maintained high germination potential over a longer period of treatment than in those held in the fully imbibed (FI) state. The highest germination was achieved in the TMC seeds that were given six weeks warm treatment followed by 32 weeks chilling. Hormone treatments significantly reduced the amount of chilling needed to release dormancy in TMC seeds, but not in the FI seeds. Overall, germination response was better at 15°C test temperature than at 20/30°C.  相似文献   

通过在人工培养箱内模拟环境条件,探讨了不同光照和变温对飞机草种子萌发的影响。结果表明:在有光照状况下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃~40℃/35℃条件下均能萌发,飞机草种子萌发的最适变温为30℃/25℃,萌发率达47.5%;而黑暗条件下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃时不能萌发;在20℃/15℃~35℃/30℃范围内,温度越高,飞机草种子萌发高峰的出现时间越早;在15℃/10℃~30℃/25℃范围内,飞机草种子的萌发率随温度的升高而升高,超过30℃/25℃后,萌发率下降,而适当的光照有利于飞机草种子的萌发。飞机草成为入侵种并迅速扩散与其种子萌发对光照和温度的适应性密切相关。  相似文献   

近年来由于灭绝性采挖和生态环境的恶化,沼兰(Malaxis monophyllos)的自然资源遭到严重破坏,加上沼兰种子具有萌发缓慢和萌发率低的特性,已处于近危乃至易危的状态。为了繁殖和保护沼兰种质资源,利用添加2%蔗糖、3%活性炭和0.8%琼脂的Knudson C(KC)培养基,研究了萘乙酸(NAA)、6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、椰乳、香蕉泥、土豆泥和光照条件6种因素对沼兰种子非共生萌发的影响;同时通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了种子的外部形态。结果显示,沼兰种皮细胞的平周壁方向结构平坦、没有纹络,但是沿着细胞垂周壁方向细胞壁较厚。通过正交试验设计和冗余分析,建立了沼兰种子非共生萌发的最佳方案,即在含有4.5mg·L–1NAA、10mg·L–16-BA、8%香蕉泥和3%土豆泥的KC培养基上光照条件(光照强度为20μmol·m–2·s–1,光周期为12h/12h)下萌发。该方案的种子萌发率在90%以上。  相似文献   

Abstract. The cardinal temperatures, rate of germination and final percentage germination of pearl millet seeds were measured for seeds raised in greenhouses maintained at mean air temperatures of 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31°C. The results showed that cardinal temperatures for germination are unaffected by the temperature during seed development and growth. However, the conditions during seed growth did affect seed size and, subsequently, germination rate and seed viability.  相似文献   

Our aim was to search for specific seed germinative strategies related to flooding escape in Setaria parviflora, a common species across the Americas. For this purpose, we investigated induction after floods, in relation to fluctuating temperature requirements for germination in seeds from mountain, floodplain and successional grasslands. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which seeds were imbibed or immersed in water at 5°C. Seeds were also buried in flood-prone and upland grasslands and exhumed during the flooding season. Additionally, seeds were buried in flooded or drained grassland mesocosms. Germination of exhumed seeds was assayed at 25°C or at 20°C/30°C in the dark or in the presence of red light pulses. After submergence or soil flooding, a high fraction (>32%) of seeds from the floodplain required fluctuating temperatures to germinate. In contrast, seeds from the mountains showed maximum differences in germination between fluctuating and constant temperature treatment only after imbibition (35%) or in non-flooded soil conditions (40%). The fluctuating temperature requirement was not clearly related to the foregoing conditions in the successional grassland seeds. Maximum germination could also be attained with red light pulses to seeds from mountain and successional grasslands. Results show that the fluctuating temperature requirement might help floodplain seeds to germinate after floods, indicating a unique feature of the dormancy of S. parviflora seeds from floodplains, which suggests an adaptive advantage aimed at postponing emergence during inundation periods. In contrast, the fluctuating temperature required for germination among seeds from mountain and successional grasslands show its importance for gap detection.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. 'Moneymaker') was transformed with a codA gene, from Arthrobacter globiformis, for choline oxidase that had been modified to allow targeting to both chloroplasts and the cytosol. Glycinebetaine (GB) accumulated in seeds of transformed plants up to 1 μmol g(-1) dry weight (DW), while no detectable GB was found in wild-type (WT) seeds. The codA-transgenic seeds germinated faster and at higher frequency than WT seeds with high temperature treatment. After heat stress, levels of expression of a mitochondrial small heat-shock protein (MT-sHSP), heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) and heat-shock cognate 70 (HSC70) were higher in transgenic seeds than in WT seeds during heat stress, and the accumulation of HSP70 was more prominent in codA-transgenic seeds than in WT seeds. Addition of GB to the germination medium or imbibition of seeds in a solution of GB enhanced the tolerance of WT seeds to high temperatures. WT seeds treated with exogenous GB also expressed heat-shock genes at elevated levels and accumulated more HSP70 than controls. Our results suggest that GB, either applied exogenously or accumulated in vivo in codA-transgenic seeds, enhanced the expression of heat-shock genes in and improved the tolerance to high temperature of tomato seeds during germination.  相似文献   

Seeds (nutlets) of Rumex obtusifolius L. fail to germinate in darkness at 25° C, but are stimulated by short exposure to red light (R) the effectiveness of which can be negated by a subsequent short exposure to far red light (F) indicating phytochrome control. Short periods of elevated temperature treatment (e.g. 5 min at 35° C) can induce complete germination in darkness. Although short F cannot revert the effect of 35° C treatment, cycling the phytochrome pool by exposure to short R before short F results in reversion of at least 50% of the population. Prolonged or intermittent F can also revert the germination induced by 35° C treatment. The effect of elevated temperature treatment is interpreted on the basis of two possible models; (i) that it increases the sensitivity of the seeds to a low level of pre-existing active form of phytochrome (Pfr) (ii) that it induces the appearance of Pfr in the dark. In both cases it is envisaged that elevated temperature treatment and Pfr control germination at a common point in the series of reactions that lead to germination.Abbreviations D Dark - F far red light - P phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of P - Pfr far red absorbing form of P - R red light  相似文献   

光照和温度对滇丁香种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同光照和温度条件对滇丁香(Luculia pinciana)种子萌发的影响。结果表明,滇丁香种子是需光种子,有明显的光休眠现象;种子在光下萌发的最适温度范围为20~25℃,8~10d开始萌发,2~3周萌发完全,萌发率可达97%,温度的升高或降低均会降低种子萌发率。在15~30℃,用250mg/L GA3处理24h能代替光照解除光休眠。  相似文献   

D. Grubišić  R. Konjević 《Planta》1990,181(2):239-243
Pulsed light and nitrate exhibit an interactive effect on the germination ofPaulownia tomentosa Steud. seeds that require long periods of light irradiation. Two pulses of red light (R), separated by an adequately long dark interval, substitute for continuous prolonged irradiation. A far-red (FR) pulse given at the beginning of the dark interval inhibits germination, while it has no effect if given at the end. The requirement for certain ratios of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome/total phytochrome (Pfr/Ptot) differs when a FR+R-pulse is given as the first or second of two pulses (FR+R or R) separated by a dark interval. An equal decrease of the Pfr/Ptot ratio leads to a more pronounced decrease in germination when the pulse of the same FR+R ratio is given as the second pulse at the end of the dark interval. The length of dark interval between light pulses needed for maximal germination, differed in (i) seeds with a natural requirement for long periods of light irradiation from that in (ii) seeds with their long light requirement imposed by two weeks of imbibition in darkness or by (iii) imbibition in 40% heavy water. However, a single R pulse was sufficient to induce a high percentage of germination if the seeds were supplied with KNO3 (10 mM) from the onset of imbibition up to the onset of light. This effect decreased with a delayed time of application, and was prevented if FR preceded the KNO3 application. We dedicate this paper to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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