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The infrared spectra of normal knee joint cartilage, normal and rheumatoid arthritis-affected human synovial membrane and the same normal bovine tissues were obtained over the region of 400--4000 cm-1. A comparative analysis of the spectra of these tissues and those containing hyaluronate, protein-chondroitin-keratan sulfate aggregates of cartilage proteoglycans and heparin made it possible to identify greater absorption bands of these biopolymers in the tissue spectra. The interpretation of the results obtained is presented.  相似文献   

One major remaining problem in structural biology is to elucidate the structure and mechanism of function of membrane proteins. On the basis of preliminary information from genome projects, it is now estimated that up to 50,000 different membrane proteins may exist in the human being and that virtually every life process proceeds, sooner or later, through a membrane protein. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy in high magnetic field is rapidly developing into a widely applicable tool to describe the structure and help understand the mechanism of function of a membrane protein. Recent work in applied solid-state NMR spectroscopy crosses the boundary between the biological and the physical sciences, and aims at increasing the predictive range of this biophysical method.  相似文献   

This review gives an experiment directed survey of the application of linear-dichroism (LD) spectroscopy to the study of proteins. LD spectroscopy is a relatively simple technique that provides information on the orientation of chromophores in molecules, on molecular characteristies such as shape, size and electronic properties, and on binding parameters in molecular complexes. Since LD is only observed when the molecules are non-randomly oriented in the sample, particular attention is paid to various orientation techniques, viz. in electric and flow fields, in polymer films and gels, and by light induction (photoselection). Examples are given on bacteriorhodopsin and retinals, chlorosomes, lens crystallins, aspartate aminotransferase, and the interaction of gene32-and recA-protein with DNA.Abbreviations AAT aspartate aminotransferase - BR bacteriorhodopsin - CD circular dichroism - LD linear dichroism - PLP pyridoxal-5-phosphate - ss single stranded - TDM transition dipole moment  相似文献   

Lactone compounds are widely distributed in nature and play important roles in organisms. These compounds are synthesized and metabolized enzymatically in vivo; however, detailed investigation of these enzymes lags behind that of other common enzymes. In this paper, recent work on the enzymes involved in the metabolism of lactone compounds will be reviewed. In particular, fundamental and application studies on lactonases and Baeyer-Villiger monooxgenases of microbial origin are described.  相似文献   

Fundamental biological processes such as cell-cell communication, signal transduction, molecular transport and energy conversion are performed by membrane proteins. These important proteins are studied best in their native environment, the lipid bilayer. The atomic force microscope (AFM) is the instrument of choice to determine the native surface structure, supramolecular organization, conformational changes and dynamics of membrane-embedded proteins under near-physiological conditions. In addition, membrane proteins are imaged at subnanometer resolution and at the single molecule level with the AFM. This review highlights the major advances and results achieved on reconstituted membrane proteins and native membranes as well as the recent developments of the AFM for imaging.  相似文献   

As more and more high-resolution structures of proteins become available, the new challenge is the understanding of these small conformational changes that are responsible for protein activity. Specialized difference Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques allow the recording of side-chain modifications or minute secondary structure changes. Yet, large domain movements remain usually unnoticed. FTIR spectroscopy provides a unique opportunity to record (1)H/(2)H exchange kinetics at the level of the amide proton. This approach is extremely sensitive to tertiary structure changes and yields quantitative data on domain/domain interactions. An experimental setup designed for attenuated total reflection and a specific approach for the analysis of the results is described. The study of one membrane protein, the gastric H(+),K(+)-ATPase, demonstrates the usefulness of (1)H/(2)H exchange kinetics for the understanding of the molecular movement related to the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Current strategies for determining the structures of membrane proteins in lipid environments by NMR spectroscopy rely on the anisotropy of nuclear spin interactions, which are experimentally accessible through experiments performed on weakly and completely aligned samples. Importantly, the anisotropy of nuclear spin interactions results in a mapping of structure to the resonance frequencies and splittings observed in NMR spectra. Distinctive wheel-like patterns are observed in two-dimensional 1H-15N heteronuclear dipolar/15N chemical shift PISEMA (polarization inversion spin-exchange at the magic angle) spectra of helical membrane proteins in highly aligned lipid bilayer samples. One-dimensional dipolar waves are an extension of two-dimensional PISA (polarity index slant angle) wheels that map protein structures in NMR spectra of both weakly and completely aligned samples. Dipolar waves describe the periodic wave-like variations of the magnitudes of the heteronuclear dipolar couplings as a function of residue number in the absence of chemical shift effects. Since weakly aligned samples of proteins display these same effects, primarily as residual dipolar couplings, in solution NMR spectra, this represents a convergence of solid-state and solution NMR approaches to structure determination.  相似文献   

Müller DJ  Engel A 《Nature protocols》2007,2(9):2191-2197
Membrane proteins comprise 30% of the proteome of higher organisms. They mediate energy conversion, signal transduction, solute transport and secretion. Their native environment is a bilayer in a physiological buffer solution, hence their structure and function are preferably assessed in this environment. The surface structure of single membrane proteins can be determined in buffer solutions by atomic force microscopy (AFM) at a lateral resolution of less than 1 nm and a vertical resolution of 0.1-0.2 nm. Moreover, single proteins can be directly addressed, stuck to the AFM stylus and subsequently unfolded, revealing the molecular interactions of the protein studied. The examples discussed here illustrate the power of AFM in the structural analysis of membrane proteins in a native environment.  相似文献   

The structural study of membrane proteins requires detergents that can effectively mimic lipid bilayers, and the choice of detergent is often a compromise between detergents that promote protein stability and detergents that form small micelles. We describe lipopeptide detergents (LPDs), a new class of amphiphile consisting of a peptide scaffold that supports two alkyl chains, one anchored to each end of an alpha-helix. The goal was to design a molecule that could self-assemble into a cylindrical micelle with a rigid outer hydrophilic shell surrounding an inner lipidic core. Consistent with this design, LPDs self-assemble into small micelles, can disperse phospholipid membranes, and are gentle, nondenaturing detergents that preserve the structure of the membrane proteins in solution for extended periods of time. The LPD design allows for a membrane-like packing of the alkyl chains in the core of the molecular assemblies, possibly explaining their superior properties relative to traditional detergents in stabilizing membrane protein structures.  相似文献   

During the last few years, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) has become one of the most powerful methods to determine the structure of biological materials and in particular of components of biological membranes, like proteins that cannot be studied by x-ray crystallography and NMR. ATR-FTIR requires a little amount of material (1-100 microg) and spectra are recorded in a matter of minutes. The environment of the molecules can be modulated so that their conformation can be studied as a function of temperature, pressure, pH, as well as in the presence of specific ligands. For instance, replacement of amide hydrogen by deuterium is extremely sensitive to environmental changes and the kinetics of exchange can be used to detect tertiary conformational changes in the protein structure. Moreover, in addition to the conformational parameters that can be deduced from the shape of the infrared spectra, the orientation of various parts of the molecule can be estimated with polarized IR. This allows more precise analysis of the general architecture of the membrane molecules within the biological membranes. The present review focuses on ATR-IR as an experimental approach of special interest for the study of the structure, orientation, and tertiary structure changes in peptides and membrane proteins.  相似文献   

在精子形成过程中,存在性染色体特异基因的表达,这是X、Y精子膜蛋白差异形成的基础。尽管精子形成过程中形成的细胞间桥可能使精子细胞间共享基因表达产物,但雄性传递偏移现象和性别偏移现象的发生又证明两类精子间存在非共享蛋白,同时H-Y抗原表位的成功鉴定、精子分离实验结果以及性别特异蛋白的检测结果都肯定了精子膜蛋白差异的存在,只是这种膜蛋白的差异很小。蛋白分离技术的进步及技术间的优化集成,为精子间细微差异膜蛋白的分离提供了可能。  相似文献   

IR absorption spectroscopy of hemoglobin was performed using an infrared (IR) optical parametric oscillator laser and a commercial atomic force microscope (AFM) in a novel experimental arrangement based on the use of a bottom-up excitation alignment. This experimental approach enables detection of protein samples with resolution much higher than that of standard IR spectroscopy. Presented here are AFM-based IR absorption spectra of micron-sized hemoglobin features.  相似文献   

A general approach is illustrated for providing detailed structural information on large enzyme/inhibitor complexes using NMR spectroscopy. The method involves the use of isotopically labeled ligands to simplify two-dimensional NOE spectra of large molecular complexes by isotope-editing techniques. With this approach, the backbone and side-chain conformations (at the P2 and P3 sites) of a tightly bound inhibitor of porcine pepsin have been determined. In addition, structural information on the active site of pepsin has been obtained. Due to the sequence homology between porcine pepsin and human renin, this structural information may prove useful for modeling renin/inhibitor complexes with the ultimate goal of designing more effective renin inhibitors. Moreover, this general approach can be applied to study other biological systems of interest such as other enzyme/inhibitor complexes, ligands bound to soluble receptors, and enzyme/substrate interactions.  相似文献   

A novel method for studying membrane proteins in a native lipid bilayer environment by solid-state NMR spectroscopy is described and tested. Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) substrates with flow-through 175 nm wide and 60-mum-long nanopores were employed to form macroscopically aligned peptide-containing lipid bilayers that are fluid and highly hydrated. We demonstrate that the surfaces of both leaflets of such bilayers are fully accessible to aqueous solutes. Thus, high hydration levels as well as pH and desirable ion and/or drug concentrations could be easily maintained and modified as desired in a series of experiments with the same sample. The method allows for membrane protein NMR experiments in a broad pH range that could be extended to as low as 1 and as high as 12 units for a period of up to a few hours and temperatures as high as 70 degrees C without losing the lipid alignment or bilayers from the nanopores. We demonstrate the utility of this method by a solid-state 19.6 T (17)O NMR study of reversible binding effects of mono- and divalent ions on the chemical shift properties of the Leu(10) carbonyl oxygen of transmembrane pore-forming peptide gramicidin A (gA). We further compare the (17)O shifts induced by binding metal ions to the binding of protons in the pH range from 1 to 12 and find a significant difference. This unexpected result points to a difference in mechanisms for ion and proton conduction by the gA pore. We believe that a large number of solid-state NMR-based studies, including structure-function, drug screening, proton exchange, pH, and other titration experiments, will benefit significantly from the method described here.  相似文献   

A new approach has been developed to probe the structural properties of membrane peptides and proteins using the pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance technique of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy and the α-helical M2δ subunit of the acetylcholine receptor incorporated into phospholipid bicelles. To demonstrate the practicality of this method, a cysteine-mutated nitroxide spin label (SL) is positioned 1, 2, 3, and 4 residues away from a fully deuterated Val side chain (denoted i + 1 to i + 4). The characteristic periodicity of the α-helical structure gives rise to a unique pattern in the ESEEM spectra. In the i + 1 and i + 2 samples, the 2H nuclei are too far away to be detected. However, with the 3.6 residue per turn pattern of an α-helix, the i + 3 and i + 4 samples reveal a strong signal from the 2H nuclei of the Val side chain. Modeling studies verify these data suggesting that the closest 2H-labeled Val to SL distance would in fact be expected in the i + 3 and i + 4 samples. This technique is very advantageous, because it provides pertinent qualitative structural information on an inherently difficult system like membrane proteins in a short period of time (minutes) with small amounts of protein (μg).  相似文献   

The outer membranes of pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires have been isolated. The spectrum of outer membrane proteins in three saprophytic and one pathogenic Leptospira strains has been studied by means of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. In Leptospira strains VGNKI-6 (pathogenic) and G-80 (saprophytic) identical proteins, as well as proteins similar in their Rf value, have been detected. The possibility of using strain G-80 for the development of leptospiral vaccine against serovars having common surface antigens with this strain has been suggested.  相似文献   

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