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The divalent metal ion transporter DMT1 is localized in the brush border membrane (BBM) of the upper small intestine and has been shown to be able to transport Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+. Belgrade rats have a glycine-to-arginine (G185R) mutation in DMT1, which affects its function. We investigated copper transport with BBM vesicles of Belgrade rats loaded with calcein, which exhibits fluorescence quenching by various metal ions. Transport of copper was disrupted in unenergized BBM vesicle of b/b Belgrade rats, as had been described for iron transport, while +/b vesicles exhibited normal transport by DMT1. When either b/b or +/b vesicles were loaded with ATP and magnesium, similar high-affinity accumulation of copper was observed in both types of vesicles. Thus, brush border membranes possess an ATP-driven, high-affinity copper transport system which could serve as the primary route for copper uptake by the intestine.  相似文献   

Role of reduced folate carrier in intestinal folate uptake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies from our laboratory and others have characterized different aspects of the intestinal folate uptake process and have shown that the reduced folate carrier (RFC) is expressed in the gut and plays a role in the uptake process. Little, however, is known about the actual contribution of the RFC system toward total folate uptake by the enterocytes. Addressing this issue in RFC knockout mice is not possible due to the embryonic lethality of the model. In this study, we describe the use of the new approach of lentivirus-mediated short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to selectively silence the endogenous RFC of the rat-derived intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6), an established in vitro model for folate uptake, and examined the effect of such silencing on folate uptake. First we confirmed that the initial rate of [(3)H]folic acid uptake by IEC-6 cells was pH dependent with a markedly higher uptake at acidic compared with alkaline pH. We also showed that the addition of unlabeled folic acid to the incubation buffer leads to a severe inhibition ( approximately 95%) in [(3)H]folic acid (16 nM) uptake at buffer pH 5.5 but not at buffer pH 7.4. We then examined the effect of treating (for 72 h) IEC-6 cells with RFC-specific shRNA on the levels of RFC protein and mRNA and observed substantial reduction in the levels of both parameters ( approximately 80 and 78%, respectively). Such a treatment was also found to lead to a severe inhibition ( approximately 90%) in initial rate of folate uptake at buffer pH 5.5 (but not at pH 7.4); uptake of the unrelated vitamin, biotin, on the other hand, was not affected by such a treatment. These results demonstrate that the RFC system is the major (if not the only) folate uptake system that is functional in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of chronic ethanol ingestion on folate transport across the colonic apical membranes (CAM) in rats. Male Wistar rats were fed 1 g/kg body weight/day ethanol (20%) solution orally for 3 months and folate transport was studied in the isolated colon apical membrane vesicles. The folate transport was found to be carrier mediated, saturable, with pH optima at 5.0. Chronic ethanol ingestion reduced the folate transport across the CAM by decreasing the affinity of transporters (high Km) for the substrate and by decreasing the number of transporter molecules (low Vmax) on the colon luminal surface. The decreased transport activity at the CAM was associated with down‐regulation of the proton‐coupled folate transporter (PCFT) and the reduced folate carrier (RFC) which resulted in decreased PCFT and RFC protein levels in the colon of rats fed alcohol chronically. Moreover, the PCFT and the RFC were found to be distributed in detergent insoluble fraction of the CAM in rats. Floatation experiments on Optiprep density gradients demonstrated the association of the PCFT and the RFC protein with lipid rafts (LR). Chronic alcoholism decreased the PCFT and the RFC protein levels in the CAM LR in accordance with the decreased synthesis. Hence, we propose that downregulation in the expression of the PCFT and the RFC in colon results in reduced levels of these transporters in colon apical membrane LR as a mechanism of folate malabsorption during chronic alcoholism. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 579–587, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. A comparative study of pteroylpolygluatamte hydrolase (folate conjugase) of brush border membrane vesicles from human and porcine intestine was conducted. 2. The enrichment of conjugase activity during membrane isolation was 5-fold greater for the human than the pig. 3. Porcine and human conjugases exhibited similar Km values and could completely hydrolyze pteroyltriglutamate (PteGlu3) to PteGlu1 via an exohydrolytic process. 4. Pteroic acid, PteGlu1 and anionic polysaccharides did not inhibit human or porcine conjugase. 5. Apparent mol. wts for detergent-enzyme complexes were 237,000 (pig) and greater than 500,000 (human). 6. These results indicate similar kinetic properties and mode of action but differences in physical behavior between the intestinal brush border folate conjugases of human and pig.  相似文献   

Myosins are a class of motors that participate in a wide variety of cellular functions including organelle transport, cell adhesion, endocytosis and exocytosis, movement of RNA, and cell motility. Among the emerging roles for myosins is regulation of the assembly, morphology, and function of actin protrusions such as microvilli. The intestine harbors an elaborate apical membrane composed of highly organized microvilli. Microvilli assembly and function are intricately tied to several myosins including Myosin 1a, non-muscle Myosin 2c, Myosin 5b, Myosin 6, and Myosin 7b. Here, we review the research progress made in our understanding of myosin mediated apical assembly.  相似文献   

Transport of glycyl-L-leucine into isolated brush border membrane vesicles was studied. On the basis of the following observations it was postulated that glycyl-L-leucine was transported intact by a specific dipeptide mechanism. (1) The differing time course and Na-+ stimulation of glycine, L-leucine and glycyl-L-leucine. (2) The failure of glycine and L-leucine to inhibit glycyl-L-leucine transport. (3) Initial presence of dipeptide within the vesicle. (4) Inhibition of glycyl-L-leucine uptake by other dipeptides. (5) The occurrence of accelerated amino acid uptake in the presence of the dipeptide.  相似文献   

Mg2+ transport across the brush border of proximal intestinal epithelium of the teleost fish Oreochromis mossambicus was investigated, using 27Mg2+ to trace movement of Mg2+. Mg2+ uptake in brush border membrane vesicles was stimulated by a K+ diffusion potential (inside negative). Electrodiffusive Mg2+ transport obeyed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was strongly temperature dependent, indicative of a carrier mechanism. The metal ion specificity of this electrodiffusive pathway (inhibition potency order: Co > Mn = Ni > La > Ca > Gd > Ba), predicts a specific role in Mg2+ transport. Competitive inhibition by Co(III) hexammine [Co(NH3)(6)(3+)] suggests that this transport system interacts with the solvated Mg ion. We propose that this novel transport system allows the uptake of Mg2+ across the apical brush border membrane, and is involved in transcellular Mg2+ transport. Consequently, the prevailing potential difference across the apical membrane represents a major driving force for intestinal Mg2+ absorption.  相似文献   

Summary The ion permeability of rabbit jejunal brush border membrane vesicles was studied by measuring unidirectional fluxes with radioactive tracers and bi-ionic diffusion potentials with the potential-sensitive fluorescent dye, diS–C3-(5). Tracer measurements provide estimates of the absolute magnitudes of permeability coefficients, while fluorescence measurements provide estimates of relative and absolute ion permeabilities. The magnitudes of the permeability coefficients for Na+, K+, Rb+, and Br were approximately 5 nanoliters/(mg protein × sec) or 10–5 cm/sec as determined by radioactive tracer measurements. The apparent selectivity sequence, relative to Na+, as determined by bi-ionic potential measurements was: F, isetheionate, gluconate, choline (<0.1)+(1.0)–(1.5)=NO 3 (1.5)–(2.3)+(2.4)+(2.5)+(2.6)+(3.9) 4 +(12)–(40). The origin of this selectivity sequence and its relationship to the ion permeability of the brush border membrane in the intact epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase has been solubilized from porcine intestinal mucosa by two different methods: treatment of the mucosa by Emulphogen BC 720 and papain hydrolysis of enterocyte brush border membrane vesicles. Two different enzyme forms have been obtained by these methods.The two enzyme forms (‘detergent form’ and ‘papain form’) have been purified to homogeneity by similar techniques and exhibit closely related molecular characteristics. However, the detergent form displays a hydrophobic behaviour and aggregates in media free of detergent. The two forms can be differentiated by their electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gel in the absence of sodium dodecyl sulphate.By electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate, it has been shown that the detergent and papain forms of alkaline phophatase are dimers consisting of two apparently identical subunits whose molecular weights are 64 000 and 61 000, respectively. The difference between these molecular weights has been attributed to the existence of a hydrophobic region in the detergent form which is present on each subunit.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the intestinal brush border proline (Imino) carrier   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The kinetics of L-proline transport across intestinal brush borders via the Imino carrier were studied using membrane vesicles. The Imino carrier is defined as the agent responsible for L-alanine insensitive. Na+-dependent uptake of L-proline. Initial rate measurements were made under voltage clamped conditions (pD = 0) to investigate L-proline transport as a function of cis and trans Na+ and proline concentrations. Under zero-trans conditions, increasing cis Na+ activated proline uptake with a Hill coefficient of 1.7 and decreased the apparent Kt with no change in Jimax. The Jimax was approximately 60 pmol mg-1 s-1 and the apparent Kt ranged from 0.25 mM at cis Na = 100 to 1.0 mM at cis Na+ = 30 mM. Trans Na inhibited proline uptake via a reduction in Jimax. Trans proline had no significant effect in the absence of trans Na+, but it relieved the trans Na+ inhibition. Under equilibrium exchange conditions, the Jimax was twice that observed under zero-trans conditions. These kinetics of L-proline transport suggest a model in which uptake occurs by a rapid equilibrium iso-ordered ter ter system. Two Na+ ions bind first to the carrier on the cis face of the membrane to increase the affinity of the carrier for proline. The fully loaded complex then isomerizes to release the substrates to the trans side. The partially loaded Na+-only forms are unable to translocate across the membrane. A rate-limiting step appears to be the isomerization of unloaded carrier from the trans to the cis side of the membrane.  相似文献   

A longstanding question about the possible dependence of transmembrane peptide transport on sodium has now been resolved. Recent studies with purified intestinal brush border membrane vesicles have shown that peptide transport across this membrane is Na+-independent and occurs by a non-concentrative mechanism. Similar studies with renal brush border membrane vesicles have established for the first time the presence of a peptide transport system in mammalian kidney. The essential characteristics of peptide transport in these two tissues are the same. However, it still remains to be seen whether a new mechanism other than the Na+-gradient, hitherto unrecognized, is involved in energizing the active transport of peptides in vivo in mammalian intestine and kidney.  相似文献   

The releases of proteins, maltase, lactase, sucrase, trehalase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyltransferase and leucylnaphthylamide-hydrolyzing activity from human intestinal brush border membrane vesicles by various enzymes (especially pancreatic proteases) have been studied.The brush border membrane enzymes are not solubilized by digestion with trypsin and chymotrypsin but are largely released after treatment with papain or elastase. Most of the enzymes are fully active after the proteolytic treatment. All proteins released by papain and elastase have been identified by electrophoresis to already known intestinal hydrolases.Electron microscopy of brush border membrane vesicles demonstrates “knob-like” structures (particles) attached to the external side of the membrane. During papain treatment, enzyme removal runs parallel with the disappearance of the particles. During elastase treatment it is not possible to correlate the release of th enzymic activities with the removal of the particles.The results indicate that most of the intestinal hydrolases are surface components attached to the external side of the membrane. They are in accord with the concept that the brush border membrane enzymes are organized within the membrane in a mosaic-like pattern.  相似文献   

The kinetics of uptake of radioactive label from [U-14C]Gly, L-[4,5-3H]Leu and the dipeptide [14C]Gly-L-[4,5-3H]Leu by the brush border membrane vesicles of porcine small intestine have been studied. The effect of aminopeptidase N inhibitors and leucine-binding protein on accumulation rates has also been tested. Comparison of the kinetic parameters for uptake and hydrolysis of Gly-L-Leu makes it possible to conclude that the dipeptide transfer includes two conjugated steps, viz., hydrolysis catalysed by aminopeptidase N and transport of the resultant free amino acids by a specific carrier.  相似文献   

To learn more about how the step of cholesterol uptake into the brush border membrane (BBM) of enterocytes influences overall cholesterol absorption, we measured cholesterol absorption 4 and 24 h after administration of an intragastric bolus of radioactive cholesterol in mice with scavenger receptor class B, type 1 (SR-BI) and/or cluster determinant 36 (CD36) deleted. The cholesterol absorption efficiency is unaltered by deletion of either one or both of the receptors. In vitro determinations of the cholesterol uptake specific activity of the BBM from the mice reveal that the scavenger receptors facilitate cholesterol uptake into the proximal BBM. It follows that cholesterol uptake into the BBM is not normally rate-limiting for the cholesterol absorption process in vivo; a subsequent step, such as NPC1L1-mediated transfer from the BBM into the interior of the enterocyte, is rate-limiting. The absorption of dietary cholesterol after 4 h in mice lacking SR-BI and/or CD36 and fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet is delayed to more distal regions of the small intestine. This effect probably arises because ATP binding cassette half transporters G5 and G8-mediated back flux of cholesterol from the BBM to the lumen of the small intestine limits absorption and causes the local cholesterol uptake facilitated by SR-BI and CD36 to become rate-limiting under this dietary condition.  相似文献   

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