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Extreme selective environments are commonly believed to funnel evolution toward a few predictable outcomes. Caves are well‐known extreme environments with characteristically adapted faunas that are similar in appearance, physiology, and behavior all over the world, even if not closely related. Morphological diversity between closely related cave species has been explained by difference in time since colonization and different ecological influence from the surface. Here, we tested a more classical hypothesis: morphological diversity is niche‐based, and different morphologies reflect properties of microhabitats within caves. We analyzed seven communities with altogether 30 species of the subterranean amphipod (crustacean) genus Niphargus using multivariate morphometrics, multinomial logit models cross‐validation, and phylogenetic reconstruction. Species clustered into four distinct ecomorph classes—small pore, cave stream, cave lake, and lake giants—associated with specific cave microhabitats and of multiple independent phylogenetic origins. Traits commonly regarded as adaptations to caves, such as antenna length, were shown to be related to microhabitat parameters, such as flow velocity. These results demonstrate that under the selection pressure of extreme environment, the ecomorphological structure of communities can converge. Thus, morphological diversity does not result from adaptive response to temporal and ecological gradients, but from fine‐level niche partitioning.  相似文献   

Closely related species may evolve to coexist stably in sympatry through niche differentiation driven by in situ competition, a process termed character displacement. Alternatively, past evolution in allopatry may have already sufficiently reduced niche overlap to permit establishment in sympatry, a process called ecological sorting. The relative importance of each process to niche differentiation is contentious even though they are not mutually exclusive and are both mediated via multivariate trait evolution. We explore how competition has impacted niche differentiation in two monkeyflowers, Mimulus alsinoides and M. guttatus, which often co‐occur. Through field observations, common gardens, and competition experiments, we demonstrate that M. alsinoides is restricted to marginal habitats in sympatry and that the impacts of character displacement on niche differentiation are complex. Competition with M. guttatus alters selection gradients and has favored taller M. alsinoides with earlier seasonal flowering at low elevation and floral shape divergence at high elevation. However, no trait exhibits the pattern typically associated with character displacement, higher divergence between species in sympatry than allopatry. Thus, although character displacement was unlikely the process driving initial divergence along niche axes necessary for coexistence, we conclude that competition in sympatry has likely driven trait evolution along additional niche axes.  相似文献   

Niphargus is the largest genus of freshwater amphipods. Its systematics from the species to the family level has always been problematic. This study is the first comprehensive phylogenetic treatment of the chiefly subterranean group in 160 years of its taxonomic history. It includes 103 niphargid species plus outgroups, representing about one‐third of all nominal species. The samples originated mainly from type localities or adjacent sites and covered most of the morphological variability of the genus. Character sampling included nuclear 28S and mitochondrial 12S rDNA sequences, and 122 morphological characters. Quantitative morphological traits were coded using two alternative methods. The first one searches for gaps in the variability range of each character, while the second one uses absolute differences between the standardized raw data as weights. Different data sets yielded alternative topologies. All data support the monophyly of Niphargidae, while Niphargopsis— another niphargid genus — was consistently nested within Niphargus, loosing justification for its separate status. We predict a similar fate for all or most of the remaining six small niphargid genera, which were not yet scrutinized phylogenetically. Different topologies agreed in species composition of five large, well‐supported clades, although the hierarchic relationships between them remain unresolved. These clades reject all previously proposed taxonomic subdivisions of Niphargus, implying a high degree of morphological homoplasy that renders any morphology‐based groups questionable. The clade members are distributed within well‐established zoogeographical regions that do not exceed 1300 km across the longest diagonal. These results provide a framework for future studies on niphargid systematics, the evolution of endemism and cryptic diversity in subterranean environments, the mechanisms leading to exceptional morphological heterogeneity, historical biogeography, and applied ecological issues.  相似文献   

The nature and timing of evolution of niche differentiation among closely related species remains an important question in ecology and evolution. The American live oak clade, Virentes, which spans the unglaciated temperate and tropical regions of North America and Mesoamerica, provides an instructive system in which to examine speciation and niche evolution. We generated a fossil‐calibrated phylogeny of Virentes using RADseq data to estimate divergence times and used nuclear microsatellites, chloroplast sequences and an intron region of nitrate reductase (NIA‐i3) to examine genetic diversity within species, rates of gene flow among species and ancestral population size of disjunct sister species. Transitions in functional and morphological traits associated with ecological and climatic niche axes were examined across the phylogeny. We found the Virentes to be monophyletic with three subclades, including a southwest clade, a southeastern US clade and a Central American/Cuban clade. Despite high leaf morphological variation within species and transpecific chloroplast haplotypes, RADseq and nuclear SSR data showed genetic coherence of species. We estimated a crown date for Virentes of 11 Ma and implicated the formation of the Sea of Cortés in a speciation event ~5 Ma. Tree height at maturity, associated with fire tolerance, differs among the sympatric species, while freezing tolerance appears to have diverged repeatedly across the tropical–temperate divide. Sympatric species thus show evidence of ecological niche differentiation but share climatic niches, while allopatric and parapatric species conserve ecological niches, but diverge in climatic niches. The mode of speciation and/or degree of co‐occurrence may thus influence which niche axis plants diverge along.  相似文献   

The extent to which species’ ecological and phylogenetic relatedness shape their co‐occurrence patterns at large spatial scales remains poorly understood. By quantifying phylogenetic assemblage structure within geographic ranges of >8000 bird species, we show that global co‐occurrence patterns are linked – after accounting for regional effects – to key ecological traits reflecting diet, mobility, body size and climatic preference. We found that co‐occurrences of carnivorous, migratory and cold‐climate species are phylogenetically clustered, whereas nectarivores, herbivores, frugivores and invertebrate eaters tend to be more phylogenetically overdispersed. Preference for open or forested habitats appeared to be independent from the level of phylogenetic clustering. Our results advocate for an extension of the tropical niche conservatism hypothesis to incorporate ecological and life‐history traits beyond the climatic niche. They further offer a novel species‐oriented perspective on how biogeographic and evolutionary legacies interact with ecological traits to shape global patterns of species coexistence in birds.  相似文献   

Adaptation to different thermal environments has the potential to cause evolutionary changes that are sufficient to drive ecological speciation. Here, we examine whether climate‐based niche divergence in lizards of the Plestiodon skiltonianus species complex is consistent with the outcomes of such a process. Previous work on this group shows that a mechanical sexual barrier has evolved between species that differ mainly in body size and that the barrier may be a by‐product of selection for increased body size in lineages that have invaded xeric environments; however, baseline information on niche divergence among members of the group is lacking. We quantified the climatic niche using mechanistic physiological and correlative niche models and then estimated niche differences among species using ordination techniques and tests of niche overlap and equivalency. Our results show that the thermal niches of size‐divergent, reproductively isolated morphospecies are significantly differentiated and that precipitation may have been as important as temperature in causing increased shifts in body size in xeric habitats. While these findings alone do not demonstrate thermal adaptation or identify the cause of speciation, their integration with earlier genetic and behavioral studies provides a useful test of phenotype–environment associations that further support the case for ecological speciation in these lizards.  相似文献   

Subterranean species show a distinct morphology, yet the adaptive significance of some traits, like body size and shape, is poorly understood and cannot be explained solely by distinct environmental conditions (darkness, less food). We predicted that in females some morphological changes may have co‐evolved with life history traits, and that co‐evolving life history traits provide at least part of the explanation for evolutionary changes of morphology. Using museum material we tested this prediction on the subterranean amphipod genus Niphargus. We studied six species found in springs and eight species found in cave lakes. We treated them as two ecologically distinct groups, and the major ecological differences between them were the availability of nutrients and the water currents. Cave species were found to be larger and stouter (as inferred from the shape of coxal plates, which are part of the marsupium), they had larger eggs and lower reproductive effort per brood, whereas the egg number and brood volume if corrected for the body size were not different. Using phylogenetic independent contrasts, we found a positive correlation between body shape and egg volume, a positive correlation between body size and egg volume, and a negative correlation between body size and reproductive effort per brood. We tentatively conclude that evolutions of morphology and life histories are functionally connected and that co‐evolving traits contribute to overall selective regime.  相似文献   

Aim There is increasing evidence that the quality and breadth of ecological niches vary among individuals, populations, evolutionary lineages and therefore also across the range of a species. Sufficient knowledge about niche divergence among clades might thus be crucial for predicting the invasion potential of species. We tested for the first time whether evolutionary lineages of an invasive species vary in their climate niches and invasive potential. Furthermore, we tested whether lineage‐specific models show a better performance than combined models. Location Europe. Methods We used species distribution models (SDMs) based on climatic information at native and invasive ranges to test for intra‐specific niche divergence among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) clades of the invasive wall lizard Podarcis muralis. Using DNA barcoding, we assigned 77 invasive populations in Central Europe to eight geographically distinct evolutionary lineages. Niche similarity among lineages was assessed and the predictive power of a combination of clade‐specific SDMs was compared with a combined SDM using the pooled records of all lineages. Results We recorded eight different invasive mtDNA clades in Central Europe. The analysed clades had rather similar realized niches in their native and invasive ranges, whereas inter‐clade niche differentiation was comparatively strong. However, we found only a weak correlation between geographic origin (i.e. mtDNA clade) and invasive occurrences. Clades with narrow realized niches still became successful invaders far outside their native range, most probably due to broader fundamental niches. The combined model using data for all invasive lineages achieved a much better prediction of the invasive potential. Conclusions Our results indicate that the observed niche differentiation among evolutionary lineages is mainly driven by niche realization and not by differences in the fundamental niches. Such cryptic niche conservatism might hamper the success of clade‐specific niche modelling. Cryptic niche conservatism may in general explain the invasion success of species in areas with apparently unsuitable climate.  相似文献   

The relative importance of ecological vs. nonecological factors for the origin and maintenance of species is an open question in evolutionary biology. Young lineages – such as the distinct genetic groups that make up the ranges of many northern species – represent an opportunity to study the importance of ecological divergence during the early stages of diversification. Yet, few studies have examined the extent of niche divergence between lineages in previously glaciated regions and the role of ecology in maintaining the contact zones between them. In this study, we used tests of niche overlap in combination with ecological niche models to explore the extent of niche divergence between lineages of the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird) species complex and to determine whether contact zones correspond to (divergent) niche limits. We found limited evidence for niche divergence between the different long‐toed salamander lineages, substantial overlap in the predicted distribution of suitable climatic space for all lineages and range limits that are independent of niche limits. These results raise questions as to the importance of ecological divergence to the development of this widespread species complex and highlight the potential for non‐ecological factors to play a more important role in the maintenance of northern taxa.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological differentiation is a key feature of adaptive radiations, with a general trend for specialization and niche expansion following divergence. Ecological opportunity afforded by invasion of a new habitat is thought to act as an ecological release, facilitating divergence, and speciation. Here, we investigate trophic adaptive morphology and ecology of an endemic clade of oreochromine cichlid fishes (Alcolapia) that radiated along a herbivorous trophic axis following colonization of an isolated lacustrine environment, and demonstrate phenotype‐environment correlation. Ecological and morphological divergence of the Alcolapia species flock are examined in a phylogenomic context, to infer ecological niche occupation within the radiation. Species divergence is observed in both ecology and morphology, supporting the importance of ecological speciation within the radiation. Comparison with an outgroup taxon reveals large‐scale ecomorphological divergence but shallow genomic differentiation within the Alcolapia adaptive radiation. Ancestral morphological reconstruction suggests lake colonization by a generalist oreochromine phenotype that diverged in Lake Natron to varied herbivorous morphologies akin to specialist herbivores in Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi.  相似文献   

There are examples of coexisting species with similar morphology and ecology, in apparent contradiction to competition theory. Shrews (Soricidae) are a paradigmatic example of this because members of this group exhibit a conserved body form, relatively low variability in lifestyle, and, in many cases, a sympatric distribution. Here, we combined geometric morphometrics and ecological niche modeling to test whether diversification of soricid species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula has been driven by niche divergence or, conversely, whether niche conservatism has played a paramount role in this process. We also examined whether pairwise morphological distances increase as the degree of niche overlap between species becomes greater, as would be expected if interspecific competition promotes morphological differentiation. Our results showed that water shrews (Neomys), white‐toothed shrews (Crocidurinae), and red‐toothed shrews (Soricinae) are clearly differentiated in terms of both skull shape and mandible shape. However, we found a lack of phylogenetic signal in most morphological traits, indicating that closely related species are not more similar than expected by random chance. Notably, water shrews show a more “triangular” or sharp skull than white‐toothed and red‐toothed shrews, probably as an adaptation to their semiaquatic lifestyle. In agreement with the phenotypic data, climatic traits (mean annual temperature and annual precipitation) were highly labile and sister taxa showed extensive differentiation in their realized niche space. Finally, we found that phenotypic distances between species tend to increase as the degree of niche overlap increases, suggesting that interspecific competition is an important factor in determining the level of morphological resemblance among relatives. Overall, our results indicate that the existence of limited morphological disparity in a given group does not necessarily imply the existence of a niche conservatism signature.  相似文献   

Tephroseris longifolia agg. is a complex group of outcrossing perennials distributed throughout Central Europe. Recent morphological study revealed six morphotypes corresponding to five previously distinguished subspecies, together with Alpine and Pannonian morphotypes of T. longifolia subsp. longifolia. The delimited morphotypes differ in relative DNA content, geographical range, and rarity. We compared ecological niches of the six morphotypes in order to assess the impact of ecological differentiation on the speciation processes within the T. longifolia agg. Further, we examined whether morphotypes with small range are more ecologically specialized than their widespread relatives. The distribution area of the aggregate includes the Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, and the Pannonian Basin. Ecological variables linked to climate, topography, soil, and vegetation were gathered from 135 circular plots recorded in 35 localities. Related variables were grouped to describe the partial ecological niches: climatic, topographic, pedological, biotic, and coenotic (based either on vascular plants or on bryophytes), each of them visualized as an envelope in the two‐dimensional nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination space. Each partial ecological niche for a given morphotype was characterized by its position (location of the envelope centroid), breadth (surface of the envelope), and overlaps with envelopes of the other morphotypes. Mantel statistics based on Spearman correlation coefficients were used to quantify differentiation of morphotypes in ecological parameters represented by the partial ecological niches. The significant niche differentiation was confirmed for climatic, topographic, pedological, and vascular plant‐based coenotic niches. Ecological niche differentiation corresponded well to morphological and partially also to karyological differentiation. Narrowly distributed morphotypes occupied more specific habitats and had narrower ecological niches than their widespread relatives. Ecological differentiation could be considered an important driver in allopatric speciation within the T. longifolia agg. Our results demonstrate that quantification of ecological divergence is helpful in assessing evolutionary history of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

The black‐spotted tokay and the red‐spotted tokay are morphologically distinct and have largely allopatric distributions. The black‐spotted tokay is characterized by a small body size and dark skin with sundry spots, while the red‐spotted tokay has a relatively large body size and red spots. Based on morphological, karyotypic, genetic, and distribution differences, recent studies suggested their species status; however, their classifications remain controversial, and additional data such as ecological niches are necessary to establish firm hypotheses regarding their taxonomic status. We reconstructed their ecological niches models using climatic and geographic data. We then performed niche similarity tests (niche identity and background tests) and point‐based analyses to explore whether ecological differentiation has occurred, and whether such differences are sufficient to explain the maintenance of their separate segments of environmental ranges. We found that both niche models of the black‐ and the red‐spotted tokay had a good fit and a robust performance, as indicated by the high area under the curve (AUC) values (“black” = 0.982, SD = ± 0.002, “red” = 0.966 ± 0.02). Significant ecological differentiation across the entire geographic range was found, indicating that the involvement of ecological differentiation is important for species differentiation. Divergence along the environmental axes is highly associated with climatic conditions, with isothermality being important for the “black” form, while temperature seasonality, precipitation of warmest quarter, and annual temperature range together being important for the “red” form. These factors are likely important factors in niche differentiation between the two forms, which result in morphological replacement. Overall, beside morphological and genetic differentiation information, our results contribute to additional insights into taxonomic distinction and niche differentiation between the black‐ and the red‐spotted tokay.  相似文献   

In this study we selected the New World species of Ephedra to understand the ecological consequences of different dispersal syndromes. The twenty‐three species of Ephedra in the New World have a disjunct distribution in North and South American arid and semi‐arid habitats, exhibiting three dispersal syndromes related to dispersal by birds, wind and rodents. Using DNA sequence data we inferred phylogenetic relationships and lineage divergence times, and used these estimates to test different ecological assumptions. Using comparative methods we tested for correlations between dispersal syndromes and a set of ecological variables (niche breadth, niche evolution, distributional ranges and niche position). We found that speciation events in the New World coincided with the expansion of arid habitats in this region. We suggest that the bird dispersal syndrome is related with higher rates of climatic niche evolution for all variables used, including aridity index, mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation. Distribution ranges were correlated with niche breadth, they were however not significantly different between dispersal syndromes. Species inhabiting the extremely arid regions on niche axes had narrower niche breadths. We conclude that species whose seeds are dispersed by birds have colonized a broader set of habitats and that those with wind and rodent dispersal syndromes might have promoted the colonization of more arid environments.  相似文献   

Sister species that diverged in allopatry in similar environments are expected to exhibit niche conservatism. Using ecological niche modeling and a multivariate analysis of climate and habitat data, I test the hypothesis that the Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) and Gray‐cheeked Thrush (C. mimimus), sister species that breed in the North American boreal forest, show niche conservatism. Three tree species that are important components of breeding territories of both thrush species were combined with climatic variables to create niche models consisting of abiotic and biotic components. Abiotic‐only, abiotic+biotic, and biotic‐only models were evaluated using the area under the curve (AUC) criterion. Abiotic+biotic models had higher AUC scores and did not over‐project thrush distributions compared to abiotic‐only or biotic‐only models. From the abiotic+biotic models, I tested for niche conservatism or divergence by accounting for the differences in the availability of niche components by calculating (1) niche overlap from ecological niche models and (2) mean niche differences of environmental values at occurrence points. Niche background similarity tests revealed significant niche divergence in 10 of 12 comparisons, and multivariate tests revealed niche divergence along 2 of 3 niche axes. The Bicknell's Thrush breeds in warmer and wetter regions with a high abundance of balsam fir (Abies balsamea), whereas Gray‐cheeked Thrush often co‐occurs with black spruce (Picea mariana). Niche divergence, rather than conservatism, was the predominant pattern for these species, suggesting that ecological divergence has played a role in the speciation of the Bicknell's Thrush and Gray‐cheeked Thrush. Furthermore, because niche models were improved by the incorporation of biotic variables, this study validates the inclusion of relevant biotic factors in ecological niche modeling to increase model accuracy.  相似文献   



Taxon co‐occurrence analysis is commonly used in ecology, but it has not been applied to range‐wide distribution data of partly allopatric taxa because existing methods cannot differentiate between distribution‐related effects and taxon interactions. Our first aim was to develop a taxon co‐occurrence analysis method that is also capable of taking into account the effect of species ranges and can handle faunistic records from museum databases or biodiversity inventories. Our second aim was to test the independence of taxon co‐occurrences of rock‐dwelling gastropods at different taxonomic levels, with a special focus on the Clausiliidae subfamily Alopiinae, and in particular the genus Montenegrina.


Balkan Peninsula in south‐eastern Europe (46N–36N, 13.5E–28E).


We introduced a taxon‐specific metric that characterizes the occurrence probability at a given location. This probability was calculated as a distance‐weighted mean of the taxon's presence and absence records at all sites. We applied corrections to account for the biases introduced by varying sampling intensity in our dataset. Then we used probabilistic null‐models to simulate taxon distributions under the null hypothesis of no taxon interactions and calculated pairwise and cumulated co‐occurrences. Independence of taxon occurrences was tested by comparing observed co‐occurrences to simulated values.


We observed significantly fewer co‐occurrences among species and intra‐generic lineages of Montenegrina than expected under the assumption of no taxon interaction.

Main conclusions

Fewer than expected co‐occurrences among species and intra‐generic clades indicate that species divergence preceded niche partitioning. This suggests a primary role of non‐adaptive processes in the speciation of rock‐dwelling gastropods. The method can account for the effects of distributional constraints in range‐wide datasets, making it suitable for testing ecological, biogeographical, or evolutionary hypotheses where interactions of partly allopatric taxa are in question.  相似文献   

Amphipods from the genus Niphargus represent an important part of the Western Palearctic subterranean fauna. The genus is morphologically diverse, comprising several distinct ecomorphs bound to microhabitats in the subterranean environment. The most impressive among them are “lake giants,” a series of massive, large‐bodied species. These range from morphologically distinct to morphologically cryptic taxa. We analysed the taxonomic structure of the Niphargus arbiterNiphargus salonitanus species complex, belonging to “lake giants” from the Dinaric Karst (West Balkans), and assessed their phylogenetic, morphological and ecological diversity. Multilocus phylogeny suggested that the complex is monophyletic and nested within other cave lake ecomorphs. Unilocus and multilocus coalescence species delimitations indicated that the complex totals nine species. These species substantially overlap in morphology and cannot be unambiguously told apart without the use of molecular markers. An analysis of splitting events within a palaeogeological context, and modelling of environmental characteristics on the phylogeny unveiled a complex history of diversification. Part of this diversification might have been influenced by ecological divergence along the altitudinal gradient reaching from the Adriatic coast to inland Dinaric mountain chains and Poljes. Other splits coincide with the marine regression–transgression cycles during Pliocene. We describe Niphargus alpheus sp. n., Niphargus anchialinus sp. n., Niphargus antipodes sp. n., Niphargus arethusa sp. n., Niphargus doli sp. n., Niphargus fjakae sp. n. and Niphargus pincinovae sp. n., and by doing so hope to prompt their further research.  相似文献   

Hypogean habitats offer unique opportunities for ecological studies because they are characterized by low abundance and diversity of organisms, they receive low energy inputs, they are relatively stable from a climatic point of view, and they are quite easily modeled. However, given the harsh conditions of the working environment and difficulty of access, very few studies have investigated in detail the ecology of subterranean species directly in the field. In this study, we describe the ecological niche of the subterranean spider Troglohyphantes vignai (Araneae, Linyphiidae). We monitored the population of T. vignai in a disused graphite mine in the Western Italian Alps over 1 year, and recorded the main biotic and abiotic parameters characterizing each sampling plot (i.e., temperature, humidity, prey availability, illuminance, and structural complexity). The ecological niche of T. vignai was modeled through polynomial generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and illustrated graphically by means of three‐dimensional plots and GIS techniques. The environmental range in which the probability of presence of T. vignai was higher was consistent with a trade‐off between climatic stability and food availability. Neither temporal nor spatial variation of the niche of T. vignai was detected through the year. The methodology used here may be easily adapted to other hypogean sites, paving the way to a novel understanding of niche partitioning in subterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions can shape genetic and morphological divergence. Release of new habitats during historical environmental changes was a major driver of evolutionary diversification. Here, forces shaping population structure and ecotype differentiation (‘pelagic’ and ‘coastal’) of bottlenose dolphins in the North-east Atlantic were investigated using complementary evolutionary and ecological approaches. Inference of population demographic history using approximate Bayesian computation indicated that coastal populations were likely founded by the Atlantic pelagic population after the Last Glacial Maxima probably as a result of newly available coastal ecological niches. Pelagic dolphins from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea likely diverged during a period of high productivity in the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic differentiation between coastal and pelagic ecotypes may be maintained by niche specializations, as indicated by stable isotope and stomach content analyses, and social behaviour. The two ecotypes were only weakly morphologically segregated in contrast to other parts of the World Ocean. This may be linked to weak contrasts between coastal and pelagic habitats and/or a relatively recent divergence. We suggest that ecological opportunity to specialize is a major driver of genetic and morphological divergence. Combining genetic, ecological and morphological approaches is essential to understanding the population structure of mobile and cryptic species.  相似文献   

The role of ecology in the origin of species has been the subject of long‐standing interest to evolutionary biologists. New sources of spatially explicit ecological data allow for large‐scale tests of whether speciation is associated with niche divergence or whether closely related species tend to be similar ecologically (niche conservatism). Because of the confounding effects of spatial autocorrelation of environmental variables, we generate null expectations for niche divergence for both an ecological‐niche modeling and a multivariate approach to address the question: do allopatrically distributed taxa occupy similar niches? In a classic system for the study of niche evolution—the Aphelocoma jays—we show that there is little evidence for niche divergence among Mexican Jay (A. ultramarina) lineages in the process of speciation, contrary to previous results. In contrast, Aphelocoma species that exist in partial sympatry in some regions show evidence for niche divergence. Our approach is widely applicable to the many cases of allopatric lineages in the beginning stages of speciation. These results do not support an ecological speciation model for Mexican Jay lineages because, in most cases, the allopatric environments they occupy are not significantly more divergent than expected under a null model.  相似文献   

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