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A post‐hoc analysis on the decline of the European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) population in the Elbe River was performed for the end of the 19th century. A modeling approach was applied to determine the role of various factors potentially impacting the population. Using an age‐structured population model developed for European sturgeon, the estimates of fishing efficiency in the Elbe were verified. Catches reported from 1850 to 1920 were used as a basis to identify the population size, dynamics of the decline and the impacts contributing to the population decline. According to results of the model, the historic population size of the European sturgeon in the Elbe River exceeded 450 000 individuals. The population revealed a significant response in abundance of adults towards the fishery directed at spawning migrants, even at low fishery effort. Unsustainable fishery was the initial cause of the population decline, while increasing pollution and habitat degradation revealed significant impacts after 1860. The results represent a good example for the fisheries ‘hyperstability’ phenomenon. In the case of the Elbe fishery, an increasing fishery effort was masking the actual population decline while temporarily maintaining the overall yield. The results indicate that, for sturgeons and other species with similar life history patterns, the use of fishery data for the assessment of population dynamics and fishery sustainability has to be applied with due caution, as it might produce false images of the population size and dynamics.  相似文献   

Large sub‐adult/adult western population Gulf Sturgeon move to barrier islands in winter to feed whereas eastern fish move offshore or to nearshore non‐island environments; most small sub‐adults/juveniles remain in the estuarine system during winter. To test this, we used an acoustic data set deployed around the Port of Gulfport (hereafter Port footprint, east gate, west gate) within Mississippi Sound. We documented between three and six fish on each receiver totaling 12,285 detections for all 19 receivers between September 2012–May 2013. Only 30% of fish had both a high number of overall detections and a high number of detection days. In contrast, from October 2013–May 2014, between three and nine fish were detected on each receiver but with only 2,371 detections. Five fish (29.4%) had a high number of detections but a reduced number of detection days in the acoustic array; all fish appeared to be transients. Adults, unexpectedly, had the most prevalent occurrence and number of detection days in these shallow, non‐island beach environments contrary to our initial hypothesis. Our data suggests annually variable, regional‐scale use of beach environments not associated with barrier islands that likely serve as a travel corridor between drainages/offshore barrier islands, or as feeding zones; these movements may enhance the potential for mortality in Mississippi Sound.  相似文献   

This study was conducted with a sample of 733 Cyprinus carpio collected between May 2013 and February 2016 from the ecosystem lake in the Ghrib dam which is eutrophic. Cyprinus carpio in this dam is characterized by a single fractional spawning that begins in the spring and ends in the late summer. The distributions of the viscerosomatic and gonadosomatic indices decrease between the spring and summer seasons. These periods correspond to the spawning period and the biological break of this species. They progressively increase between autumn and winter when the biological activity of the species returns. The hepatosomatic index progressively decreases between the spring and the summer when the hepatic reserves are used for reproduction. The repletion index shows that the trophic activity of C. carpio is intense in the spring. The condition factor varies between 1.1 and 1.35. The evolution of the biological indices of both sexes is well stressed in well‐defined periods according to the seasons. The values are weak for males and high for females. The redundancy analysis allows the characterization of the influence of the physico‐chemical parameters of the dam water, especially the role of the nutritious elements, in the biological seasonal cycle of C. carpio.  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial COI sequencing, we explored the genetic diversity and population structuring of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. Phylogeographic diversity and hence the evolutionary history of C. edule on the Scandinavian and Russian coastlines were found to be richer than expected for populations of temperate species in postglacially colonized seas. A major phylogeographic break at Lofoten Islands separated a group of subarctic populations dominated by a distinct star‐shaped clade of haplotypes from those to the south, extending to the North Sea and having highest gene diversities (h). At the northeastern edge of the range of C. edule, the Russian Murman coast, populations show a mosaic structure with considerable admixture of haplotypes from the south and high local‐scale variation in haplotype diversity (ranging between 0 and 0.8). To explain this mosaic we refer to the core‐satellite metapopulation model, with Norwegian populations as core, and Murman populations as satellites. Our results contradict the conventional biogeographic paradigm implying lack of metapopulation structuring in marine broadcast spawning invertebrates. Hypotheses considered to explain the origin of the unique variation in cockles from Northern Norway involve an early postglacial colonization and establishment of these populations (10–12 ka ago), a persistent oceanographic break at Lofoten, and a mitochondrial selective sweep associated with the postglacial recolonization of the subarctic seas by the boreal C. edule.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides (PF) from marine macroalgae, Caulerpa scalpelliformis were extracted and tested for its potential immunostimulatory and disease resistance properties in fish. Five groups of Nile tilapia (n = 6), Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) were intraperitoneally administered with the different doses of PF (2, 20 or 200 mg/kg body weight) or with yeast‐derived commercial immunostimulant, Macrogard? (20 mg/kg body weight), to compare the effectiveness. An untreated control group was also maintained. A total of fifteen fibre reinforced plastic tanks (150 L, ambient temperature and light conditions) were used, with triplicate tanks for each group. Only four fish per tank (totally 12 fish from a group) were taken at random and assayed. PF enhanced all the tested non‐specific serum immune responses namely lysozyme, myeloperoxidase, antiprotease, and bactericidal activities. There was an upregulation of the genes encoding IL‐1β, lysozyme and TNF‐α in the spleen of PF injected fish as compared to the control group. In order to study the overall functional immunity, disease resistance test was conducted. Another five groups of fish (n = 10) were treated by intraperitoneal injection with different doses of PF or Macrogard? or untreated as mentioned earlier in triplicates (30 fish per group in three tanks, totally 150 fish in 15 tanks). Seven days post treatment, fish were challenged by intraperitoneal administration of live virulent Aeromonas hydrophila. PF treated fish were protected with significant reduction in the mortality and the consequent increased relative percent survival (RPS) of 92 in the least (2 mg/kg) and middle dose (20 mg/kg) groups. The disease resistance experiment was repeated again but this time, fish were challenged 21 days post treatment that resulted in RPS of 50 for the middle dose. The results clearly show that the intraperitoneal administration of the polysaccharide fraction had a stimulating effect on the non‐specific immune responses, immune gene expression and disease resistance.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from type material in the nongeniculate coralline genus Lithophyllum were used to unambiguously link some European species names to field‐collected specimens, thus providing a great advance over morpho‐anatomical identifi‐cation. In particular, sequence comparisons of rbcL, COI and psbA genes from field‐collected specimens allowed the following conclusion: the generitype species, L. incrustans, occurs mostly as subtidal rhodoliths and crusts on both Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, and not as the common, NE Atlantic, epilithic, intertidal crust reported in the literature. The heterotypic type material of L. hibernicum was narrowed to one rhodolith belonging in Lithophyllum. As well as occurring as a subtidal rhodolith, L. hibernicum is a common, epilithic and epizoic crust in the intertidal zone from Ireland south to Mediterranean France. A set of four features distinguished L. incrustans from L. hibernicum, including epithallial cell diameter, pore canal shape of sporangial conceptacles and sporangium height and diameter. An rbcL sequence of the lectotype of Lithophyllum bathyporum, which was recently proposed to accommodate Atlantic intertidal collections of L. incrustans, corresponded to a distinct taxon hitherto known only from Brittany as the subtidal, bisporangial, lectotype, but also occurs intertidally in Atlantic Spain. Specimens from Ireland and France morpho‐anatomically identified as L. fasciculatum and a specimen from Cornwall likewise identified as L. duckerae were resolved as L. incrustans and L. hibernicum, respectively.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), is an important commercial species managed as two different stocks, western and eastern Atlantic, with their spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. The eastern Atlantic stock has been overexploited in the last decades, leading to the application of specific management measures introduced by the International Commission for the Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT). A clear understanding of the genetic structure of ABFT Mediterranean population should be pursued in order to support management decisions. To date the genetic studies on the Mediterranean ABFT, carried out with different molecular markers and sampling procedures, have produced unclear results. Here, we analysed ABFT samples from central and western Mediterranean Sea with mitochondrial sequences and 11 microsatellite loci to investigate, among the others, the area of the Strait of Messina, where environmental conditions seem to support a resident population of ABFT. Furthermore, genetic analyses of mitochondrial sequences were carried out including nucleotide sequences of Adriatic ABFT wild larvae retrieved from GenBank. Among the investigated areas a genetic differentiation was detected between the Strait of Messina and the Tyrrhenian Sea with microsatellite loci according to the exact G test, but not to the Bayesian analyses carried out with STRUCTURE. The analyses with mitochondrial sequences do not reveal any differentiation among sampled areas, however, a highly significant genetic divergence was observed between the Adriatic mitochondrial sequences retrieved from GenBank and the central‐western Mediterranean sequences obtained in the present work. Our results provide some evidence of population structure of Mediterranean ABFT adding pieces to a still unclear picture.  相似文献   

A cytopathological methodology was used to analyze infection by Bombyx mori multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmMNPV), a geographic isolate of the family Baculoviridae, in the caterpillar testes of the B. mori. Japanese B. mori strain caterpillar, fifth instar, were inoculated with BmMNPV and their testes were collected and processed for light and transmission electronic microscopy. Epithelial coating cells and interfollicular septa in testes were susceptible to BmMNPV. The first evidence of infection was detected on the 6th day post-inoculation (p.i.) in the external epithelium, and on the 7th day p.i. in the internal epithelium and interfollicular septa. Cytopathological characteristics consisted of hypertrophied nuclei, the formation of virogenic stroma, and the occlusion of virions in polyhedron protein crystals in several stages of development. At the end of the infectious process, cell lysis and release of polyhedra into the extracellular medium occurred. Histopathology revealed early infection foci in the surrounding regions of tracheal insertions, thus underlining the role of the trachea as an infection-spreading organ in insects. This spreading occurs through penetration of the basal lamina, which facilitates entry of the budded virus into the testis. Additionally, an alignment of a partial sequence of the ORF 14 of the BmMNPV geographic isolate with other NPV certified the virus genera.  相似文献   

Populations of the colonial hydroid Obelia geniculata in the White Sea reproduce asexually by frustule formation. Young medusae appear in the plankton during July and August. The number of medusae rarely exceeds 36 per m3, and the average number varies every year from 0.4 to 10 per m3. The size of medusae is smaller than reported from other regions. The umbrella of the largest recorded medusa was only 0.57 mm in diameter and the specimen had just 35 tentacles. Only a few mature medusae were found during the study. The colonies in the White Sea are epiphytic and grow only on laminarian thalli. At the beginning of July there are no colonies on thalli from the upper subtidal zone. By the end of August, colonies of O.␣geniculata had increased in density to 30 per m2. Hydroid recruitment was attributed to active frustule production by colonies living below that zone. The frustules detach from the stems of the hydroids and are found in plankton. Production of frustules on branches occurs continuously during colony growth until water temperatures climb above 0 °C. We found that water temperature in this Arctic environment is generally too low for medusa maturation and planula development in the species. Propagation by frustule formation is the principal means of reproduction in Obelia geniculata within the White Sea, and this phenomenon accounts for the species being a dominant epiphyte on laminarian thalli there.  相似文献   

The coccoid glaucophyte genus Glaucocystis is characterized by having a thick cell wall, which has to date prohibited examination of the native ultrastructural features of the protoplast periphery. Recently, however, the three‐dimensional (3‐D) ultrastructure of the protoplast periphery was revealed in two divergent Glaucocystis species, with the world's most powerful ultra‐high voltage electron microscope (UHVEM). The two species exhibit morphological diversity in terms of their 3‐D ultrastructural features. However, these two types do not seem to encompass actual ultrastructural diversity in the genetically diverse genus Glaucocystis. Here, we report a new type of peripheral 3‐D ultrastructure resolved in “G. incrassata” SAG 229‐2 cells by 3‐D modeling based on UHVEM tomography using high‐pressure freezing and freeze‐substitution fixation. The plasma membrane and underlying flattened vesicles in “G. incrassata” SAG 229‐2 exhibited grooves at intervals of 200–600 nm, and the flattened vesicles often overlapped one another at the protoplast periphery. This 3‐D ultrastructure differs from those of the two types previously reported in other species of Glaucocystis. The possibility of classification of Glaucocystis species based on the 3‐D ultrastructure of the protoplast periphery is discussed.  相似文献   

Giraffe populations have suffered a 40% decline in the past thirty years, making them a new priority for conservation and there are considerable uncertainty and disagreement over the taxonomic classification of giraffes. Consequently, there has never been a more critical time to fully understand the global population size and distribution of all giraffe subspecies. The Rothschild's giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi (Linnaeus, 1758) is arguably one of the most imperilled giraffe subspecies. Once widespread across southern Sudan, Uganda and Kenya, the Rothschild's giraffe is now confined to a few, isolated and enclosed populations throughout Kenya and Uganda, with only one natural population remaining. Information about Rothschild's giraffe population size, distribution, and conservation history is patchy, and confined to recondite or inaccessible resources. Here, I present a review of taxonomy, distribution, conservation status and population size of the Rothschild's giraffe and present the most recent estimate of population sizes based on direct census data. Although the Latin name affixed to Rothschild's giraffe is subject to discussion, continued reference to this subspecies as G. c. rothschildi is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Interspecific systematics in the red algal order Sporolithales remains problematic. To re‐evaluate its species, DNA analyses were performed on historical type material and recently collected specimens assigned to the two genera Sporolithon and Heydrichia. Partial rbcL sequences from the lectotype specimens of Sporolithon ptychoides (the generitype species) and Sporolithon molle, both from El Tor, Egypt, are exact matches to field‐collected topotype specimens. Sporolithon crassum and Sporolithon erythraeum also have the same type locality; material of the former appears to no longer exist, and we were unable to PCR amplify DNA from the latter. A new species, Sporolithon eltorensis, is described from the same type locality. We have not found any morpho‐anatomical characters that distinguish these three species. No sequenced specimens reported as S. ptychoides from other parts of the world represent this species, and likely reports of S. ptychoides and S. molle based on morpho‐anatomy are incorrect. A partial rbcL sequence from the holotype of Sporolithon dimotum indicates it is not a synonym of S. ptychoides, and data from the holotype of S. episporum confirm its specific recognition. DNA sequences from topotype material of Heydrichia woelkerlingii, the generitype species, and isotype material of Heydrichia cerasina confirm that these are distinct species; the taxon reported to be H. woelkerlingii from New Zealand is likely an undescribed species. Type specimens of all other Sporolithon and Heydrichia species need to be sequenced to confirm that they are distinct species; morpho‐anatomical studies have proved inadequate for this task.  相似文献   

Surveys of gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) during the molt period, when they are abundant on land, can be used to monitor changes in population size, but accurate interpretation of results requires an understanding of the molt process and how it may vary between years. This study investigates variability in onset (start date) and duration of visible molt by gray seals in the Wadden Sea, and the influence of environmental conditions on the onset. Molt was monitored in nine captive seals and observed molt phases were applied to wild seals over seven annual molt periods between 2004 and 2010, monitored using aerial photography. The onset of visible molt varied significantly between years, for example it differed 28 d between 2008 and 2009. Model selection by AIC retained one environmental variable that correlated with molt onset; however, its effect was inconsistent within the molt season and did not explain some of the apparent observed annual variation. Hence, the main causes of interannual variability in the onset of molt remain unclear and warrant further study. Researchers should account for annual variability in the onset of molt when interpreting survey results based on molt counts.  相似文献   

Seed size/weight is one of the key traits related to plant domestication and crop improvement. In rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) germplasm, seed weight shows extensive variation, but its regulatory mechanism is poorly understood. To identify the key mechanism of seed weight regulation, a systematic comparative study was performed. Genetic, morphological and cytological evidence showed that seed weight was controlled by maternal genotype, through the regulation of seed size mainly via cell number. The physiological evidence indicated that differences in the pod length might result in differences in pod wall photosynthetic area, carbohydrates and the final seed weight. We also identified two pleiotropic major quantitative trait loci that acted indirectly on seed weight via their effects on pod length. RNA‐seq results showed that genes related to pod development and hormones were significantly differentially expressed in the pod wall; genes related to development, cell division, nutrient reservoir and ribosomal proteins were all up‐regulated in the seeds of the large‐seed pool. Finally, we proposed a potential seed weight regulatory mechanism that is specific to rapeseed and novel in plants. The results demonstrate a causal link between the size of the pod (mother, source) and the seed (offspring, sink) in rapeseed, which provides novel insight into the maternal control of seed weight and will open a new research field in plants.  相似文献   

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