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Larger males of the wild Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens were more successful in male contests. There were no differences in fighting duration among treatments. Comparing agonistic behaviour between large and small males in ±1 and ±2 S.D treatments, larger males attacked, chased and performed total agonistic behaviour more than smaller males. There were no differences between larger and smaller males concerning other agonistic behaviour during fighting. Females presented with two potential mates of different sizes did not prefer larger males.  相似文献   

Extreme asymmetric morphologies are hypothesized to serve an adaptive function that counteracts sexual selection for symmetry. However, direct tests of function for asymmetries are lacking, particularly in the context of animal weapons. The weapon of the maritime earwig, Anisolabis maritima, exhibits sizeable variation in the extent of directional asymmetry within and across body sizes, making it an ideal candidate for investigating the function of asymmetry. In this study, we characterized the extent of weapon asymmetry, characterized the manner in which asymmetric weapons are used in contests, staged dyadic contests between males of different size classes, and analyzed the correlates of fighting success. In contests between large males, larger individuals won more fights and emerged as the dominant male. In contests between small males, however, weapon asymmetry was more influential in predicting overall fighting success than body size. This result reveals an advantage of asymmetric weaponry among males that are below the mean size in the population. A forceps manipulation experiment suggests that asymmetry may be an indirect correlate of a morphologically independent factor that affects fighting ability.  相似文献   

The War of Attrition model of John Maynard Smith predicts a single, mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for animal contests which are settled by conventional displays with no assessment of the opponent's fighting ability. We test the predictions of the model by simulating the evolution of strategies in a finite population of animals under various assumptions on how possible strategies are coded and mutated. While our simulations for the most part confirm the predictions of the model, we also discovered some significant deviations from the theoretically predicted ESS. Specifically, we found that if inheritance of strategies is somewhat imprecise, then a population can evolve that achieves on average a higher payoff than a population at the theoretically predicted ESS. Moreover, if the ESS is realized as a polymorphism of fixed persistence times, then for small populations, sufficiently stringent statistical tests will reject the hypothesis that these times are distributed as theoretically predicted.  相似文献   

Can social behaviour be probabilistic? Classical results in evolutionary game theory seem to suggest that recognizable asymmetries between individuals in the likelihood of winning fights (i.e. in resource holding power, RHP) rule out the stable probabilistic behaviour associated with mixed strategies. Here, using a variant of the hawk-dove game, I show that these mixed strategies can be common in asymmetric contests, because opponents of similar RHP benefit by ignoring discernable differences to form RHP equivalence categories. This process of categorizing (i.e. opting not to distinguish an opponent's discernably different RHP from one's own) can be adaptive when assessment is imprecise or expensive and mistakes can lead to dangerous combat. For large RHP differences between opponents, discriminating by acting on the discernable RHP difference is evolutionarily stable. For moderate RHP differences, typically neither categorizing nor discriminating is stable, but categorizing predominates if social interactions are frequent. More frequent interactions imply that the social status ultimately achieved is more important in accumulating fitness; this reduces the probability that a loser in combat will accept the submissive role without additional fighting, where this probability of ‘surrender’ expresses another mixed strategy. These patterns appear to fit the establishment of social relationships in some species for which combat is dangerous, and the analysis represents a step towards understanding the emergence of dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

Social experiences can be useful sources of information for animals charged with making fitness‐related decisions. Fighting experience can alter an animal's perception of its fighting ability possibly leading to changes in future contest decisions, which may increase/decrease their probability of winning future contests. Winner and loser effects have been revealed in a wide array of animals, but studies using reptilian models are rare. This study investigated the impact of fighting experience on future contest performance and outcome in the green anole lizard and investigated the assessment strategies used by anoles during contests of different intensities. To determine whether the green anole expresses winner or loser effects, focal animals engaged in a primary contest with a smaller (larger) opponent to gain a winning (losing) experience; opponent size asymmetries were a significant predictor of contest outcome. Focal individuals were isolated for 2 d before being given a secondary contest with a size‐matched, naïve opponent. We found no evidence of winner or loser effects 2 d following a previous contest. Although previous contest outcome did not dictate future contest success, dynamics of the previous contest did. Highly aggressive primary contest losers won a significant proportion of the secondary contests, while less aggressive losers were more apt to lose the secondary contest. Secondary contest success of prior winners was not influenced by earlier contest performance. Further analyses of contest dynamics reveal that individuals may use different assessment strategies depending on the intensity of the contest. Our results demonstrate that future contest success may be driven more by individual performance in a prior contest and less by prior contest outcome.  相似文献   

In this study, the author evaluated two adult age groups of the Mexican rivulus Millerichthys robustus with body size asymmetries to determine the strategies used by an annual killifish during agonistic interactions of different ontogenetic stages. To achieve this goal, the author first characterized the ethogram of agonistic interactions of M. robustus composed of seven behavioural units in males and five behavioural units in females. The author then analysed agonistic interaction strategies used by males and females with body size asymmetries in two groups of different adult ages that represent different ontogenetic stages: (a) just after sexual maturity was reached, at 5 weeks of age, and (b) near natural death, at 24 weeks of age. The agonistic behaviour patterns of M. robustus were compatible with the logic of mutual assessment. Large males had an advantage during their interactions in both age groups, winning all of the encounters. Nonetheless, there was more aggression in 5-week-old fish encounters. In addition, small 24-week-old fish were more aggressive than small 5-week-old fish. These changing strategies may be because of the cost–benefits required during a fight at each ontogenetic stage. In the female encounters, size did not predict winners, as both small and large fish won a similar number of encounters, and some contests remained unresolved regardless of age group. There was a tendency for small females of any age to risk more than males in fights to maintain reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses were conducted on a data set derived from the literature so as to test several hypotheses which were developed to explain the distribution of adult–adult play fighting within the order primates. Ratings for play occurring in sexual and non‐sexual contexts were developed. Three hypotheses were evaluated: (i) that play occurring in non‐sexual social contexts is a byproduct of its use in sex; (ii) that the occurrence of play is related to its use for social assessment and manipulation, and so is more likely to be present in species with reduced familiarity between individuals; and (iii) that phylogenetic affiliation influences the likelihood that species within clades engage in play. We used independent contrasts to test the first two hypotheses, and both were significant, with the presence of play in sexual contexts accounting for 14–16% of the variance of play in non‐sexual contexts, and reduced social familiarity accounting for 30–40% of the variance in the occurrence of play in non‐sexual contexts. To test the third hypothesis, we mapped the occurrence of both types of play onto known phylogenies. The overlap was not congruent, indicating that phylogenetic relationships did not account for the distribution of play. Given that play in both sexual and non‐sexual contexts was more likely to occur in species with a social organization involving reduced frequency of contact between the sexes and other social group members, we suggest that the likely adaptive value of play fighting is as a tool for social assessment and manipulation. The possible factors that mitigate the use of play fighting for these purposes, such as the availability of other forms of communication that could serve similar functions, are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of aggression: can selection generate variability?   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Three models--the war of attrition, the size game and the badges of dominance game--are described, in which natural selection can maintain genetic variability for aggression. The models differ in whether or not the traits that settle contests are costly in contexts other than fighting, and also in whether signals are used. It is concluded that contests will be settled by non-costly traits only if the value of the contested resource is small relative to the cost of fighting, and that 'honest' signalling of aggressiveness is stable only if individuals giving signals that are inconsistent with their behaviour suffer costs. The literature on 'badges of dominance' in birds is reviewed. New data on great tits, greenfinches and corn buntings show that there is plumage variability within age and sex that sometimes serves to settle contests, and that, in the first two species but not the third, the badges are uncorrelated with size, and settle contests only over trivial resources.  相似文献   

The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is well known as an aggressive fish with unique spawning and parental care behavior. During reproduction, male fish construct a bubble nest, court females, protect the brood, and defend the territory through aggressive displays. Aggression in male Siamese fighting fish has long been the subject of investigation; however, the kinematics of aggression during contests have been largely overlooked. Here we investigated how nest-holding, male Siamese fighting fish use two different types of displays, gill flaring and fin spreading, towards intruders during various reproductive phases; before (BB) and after bubble nest building, and after spawning (AS), and hatching (AH). Males were more aggressive towards male than female intruders and the level of aggression changed significantly between reproductive phases. Gill flaring, the more energetically costly display, was the dominant initial display towards male and female intruders in BB, AS, AH phases. However, defending males switched to fin spreading after prolonged exposure to intruders. The results suggest that Siamese fighting fish use gill flaring as an acute response in order to defend their territory; this response may be replaced by fin spreading as a chronic response, probably to reduce the energetic costs during the contest.  相似文献   

The relationship between numerical advantage and competitive ability is a fundamental component in contests between groups of social animals. An individual's ability to correctly assess the numerical state of its group is of vital importance. In addition to numerical dominance, the group's fighting ability also plays an important role in competitive interactions. By staging experimental fights between two Formica ant species, I show that Formica xerophila are able to assess their own group's strength prior to any competitive encounter. Ants that perceive themselves as part of a large group act more aggressively toward a competitor than ants that perceive themselves as isolated individuals. This increase in aggression improves F. xerophila's competitive ability. Furthermore, the number of individuals in a contest was found to affect competitive ability. In contests with equal number of competitors, groups of F. xerophila were more successful than individual F. xerophila. Contrary to previous predictions using Lanchester's laws of fighting, F. xerophila's ability to kill competitors increased nonlinearly with group size. This nonlinearity was due to the collective fighting strategy of an F. xerophila group isolating and engaging a single Formica integroides competitors.  相似文献   

1. Current game theory models and recent experimental evidence suggests that the strategy an animal adopts in agonistic encounters is determined by individual state. Therefore manipulation of an individual's state should elicit different behavioural responses. In this paper, mechanisms are examined that underlie state-dependent strategies using Shore Crabs, Carcinus maenas , and how, by altering the environment, behaviour and physiology are affected.
2. Fights were staged between pairs of male crabs under normoxic and severely hypoxic (<15 torr) conditions to determine if the metabolic costs of fighting and resource acquisition are affected by water P O2. After fighting, blood and tissue samples from each crab were taken and analysed for metabolites associated with anaerobiosis ( L -lactate, glucose and glycogen).
3. The spectrum of behavioural acts performed during contests was unaffected by hypoxic conditions. However, fight duration was significantly shorter in the hypoxic treatment.
4. The phenomenon of being of a larger relative size and winning had a greater influence in the contests staged under hypoxia with 93% of the victors being of a larger size compared to 78% in normoxic conditions. Fight duration and intensity had no relationship with relative size in either treatments.
5. The accumulation of L -lactate was significantly greater in the blood and tissues of crabs after fighting under hypoxia than in normoxic conditions. In addition, there was greater glycolytic activity in the tissues of these crabs, shown by elevated concentrations of glucose in the blood and increased breakdown of glycogen.
6. This study demonstrates that the internal state of the crabs altered the length of time they were willing to engage in fighting and that fighting was energetically more expensive under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Escalated contests between animals are potentially costly because of increased energy expenditure and risk of predation or injury. Hence we would expect selection to favour any mechanism that avoids unnecessary prolonged fighting. One such means of avoiding escalated fights could be the use of information gained through individual recognition. Previous work has shown that a darkening of the body colour is closely associated with submission in contests between juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and it has been hypothesized that this may act as a visual signal to the opponent. We tested the hypothesis that body darkening is used to reduce the cost of contests between familiar fish such that losers darken more quickly when faced with familiar than unfamiliar opponents. In contests between unfamiliar fish, submissive darkening occurred after more escalated contests in which the loser incurred more aggression, whereas the opposite occurred when familiar fish were in conflict. In addition familiar fish either submitted quickly or engaged in protracted conflicts in which neither fish signalled submission, whereas in unfamiliar fish contests were of intermediate duration regardless of whether either fish darkened. We suggest that body darkening is used by familiar fish to signal submission to familiar dominants in order to avert a costly escalated fight, but familiarity can lead to escalation without submission if perceived competitive asymmetries are finely balanced. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet signals fighting ability in a lizard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ultraviolet (UV) signals are used in female mate choice in numerous taxa; however, the role of UV signals in male contests remains relatively unexplored. We experimentally reduced throat UV of free-ranging lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) to test whether UV acts as a signal of fighting ability during male contests. We found that UV-reduced males were more likely to be challenged than control males. However, contest outcome was not influenced by UV-reduction, and this was despite other obvious asymmetries between opponents, such as body size and residency. Throat UV was confirmed as a signal of fighting ability because contests were more likely to escalate when one contestant had reduced UV. Therefore, throat UV, not body size or residency, was used during the initial stage of opponent assessment, but this did not influence contest outcome. The results suggest that UV overrides other traits that could function as signals during rival assessment.  相似文献   

Game theory models predict that individuals in contests adjust their strategy appropriately to the current value of the contested resource and the resource holding potential (RHP) of their opponent. In the current investigation, I examined interactively operating, multiple contest asymmetries on dyadic disputes for precopulatory guarding positions in the crab spider Misumenoides formosipes. In contests between equally sized adult males with no previous contest experience, residents had clear advantages in fighting success over intruders. Asymmetries in experience predicted outcome when tested against residency status, and experience operating in concert with residency status predicted resolution when tested against size asymmetries. Data from this investigation suggest that crab spiders learn strategies through experience rather than rely solely on the assessment of their opponent's RHP before determining contest effort.  相似文献   

Studies of animal communication often underestimate the presence of individuals other than the signaller-receiver dyad. Signalling interactions often occur in the presence of non-participating individuals (audiences); the effect of these individuals upon the dynamics of interactions has been called the audience effect. Recent studies of fighting fish Betta splendens have shown that the presence of a male audience can increase aggression during interactions. However, in many of these studies males were allowed to see the audience prior to the interaction, thus such pre-exposure may have facilitated aggressive behaviour (aggressive priming). Here we present results of two experiments designed to examine the relative importance of priming and audience effects on the dynamics of aggressive interactions. Males that were pre-exposed showed higher levels of aggression during subsequent interactions regardless of the presence or absence of an audience. When only one of the interactants had been pre-exposed to the audience, the non-exposed male showed similar increases in aggressive behaviour, i.e. matching the level of aggression showed by his opponent. Taken together these results suggest that aggressive priming may have resulted in an over-estimation of the audience effect in previous studies. The results still highlight the importance of social environment in determining the dynamics and outcomes of aggressive contests.  相似文献   

Contests mediate access to reproductive opportunities in almost all species of animals. An important aspect of the evolution of contests is the reduction of the costs incurred during intra-specific encounters to a minimum. However, escalated fights are commonly lethal in some species like the honeybee, Apis mellifera. By experimentally reducing honeybee queens' fighting abilities, we demonstrate that they refrain from engaging in lethal contests that typically characterize their reproductive dominance behavior and coexist peacefully within a colony. This suggests that weak queens exploit an alternative reproductive strategy and provides an explanation for rare occurrences of queen cohabitation in nature. Our results further indicate that self-assessment, but not mutual assessment of fighting ability occurs prior to and during the agonistic encounters.  相似文献   

Resource value and the context dependence of receiver behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many animals use signals of fighting ability to minimize the costs of competition. Theory predicts that signals must be costly to remain reliable indicators of their bearer's abilities, but many signals of fighting ability lack obvious developmental costs. Instead, receivers are thought to maintain signal accuracy by behaving aggressively towards individuals with inaccurate signals (i.e. social costs). Models predict that the evolutionary stability of social cost signals depends on receivers trusting signals in certain contexts and testing signal accuracy in other contexts. Here, I use the signals of agonistic ability in Polistes dominulus wasps to provide the first experimental evidence that receiver responses to social cost signals are context dependent. During contests over low-value resources, wasps trust signals; they avoid patches of food guarded by rivals with elaborate signals. As the value of the resource increases, wasps become more likely to test signal accuracy. In fact, receivers challenge guards regardless of their signal phenotype when the resource is sufficiently valuable. Context-dependent receiver responses are likely to be an important behavioural mechanism underlying the evolution of social costs, as context-dependent responses allow receivers to minimize the costs of conflict while also ensuring signal accuracy.  相似文献   

Male firemouth cichlids, Cichlasoma meeki, have red pigmentationcovering large areas of their ventral surface, which is displayedduring aggressive interactions. We manipulated the levels ofred pigmentation by assigning the fish to one of two diets,which were as similar as possible except that one was high incarotenoids while the other was low in carotenoids. During diadictrials under white light, fish kept on the high carotenoid dietwon a higher proportion of contests than fish kept on the lowcarotenoid diet Under green light, where differences in rednesscannot be discriminated, there was no effect of diet on theoutcome of contests. These experiments demonstrate that it isthe effect of the diet on red pigmentation that is importantrather than some confounding variable such as differential growthrates. The weight of the two fish was also important; therewas a tendency for the heavier fish to win more contests. Themass effect was subordinate to color under white light but wasthe dominant factor under green light The nature of the contestsunder the different light conditions also varied; the displayin which the red pigmentation is most obvious was not used undergreen light, but was common under white light This suggeststhat the display strategies are flexible and can be alteredaccording to which displays are most effective in a given environmentPrevious studies of other species of fish and birds have shownthat the degree of redness influences mate choice and is affectedby parasite infestations. We propose that carotenoid pigmentationis likely to reflect a general quality, influenced by severalfactors, rather than a context-specific quality such as fightingability.  相似文献   

Males of the autumn spider, Metellina segmentata (***Araneac: Metidae), compete for access to mates by guarding the orb webs of mature females. We investigated the influences of relative male righting ability and resource value on fighting behaviour by staging interactions in the field on webs occupied by females. In these contests, the larger male nearly always defeated its opponent when it was at least 10% greater in size. For smaller size asymmetries between opponents, the male previously resident on the female's web usually won the contest. Contest duration decreased exponentially with increasing size asymmetry between opponents, as predicted if each male assessed its relative size and adjusted its fighting strategy according to its likelihood of winning. Contest duration was also greater when the prior resident was the lighter opponent, or when size and residency asymmetries favoured different opponents as winners. Prior residents fought longer over larger, more fecund females, indicating an adjustment of fighting effort according to assessments of resource value. In contrast, intruders did not increase their fighting effort over larger females, suggesting an inability to assess female size quickly and accurately. Assessment appears to reduce the costs of settling conflicts, but imperfect information can result in inaccurate assessments and unexpected outcomes. Assessment strategies are used by other types of spiders to resolve contests, but this appears to be the first evidence for such strategies among orb-web-building spiders.  相似文献   

Siamese fighting fish and paradise fish were operantly conditioned to swim through a cylinder to open a door allowing them to explore visually conspecifics, non-conspecifics, or inanimate objects. All stimuli significantly elevated response levels compared to control conditions, but response rate for conspecifics was not higher than for other stimuli. In experiments 2 and 3, fighting fish threatened and attacked non-conspecifics as well as conspecifics, and using a blind procedure, displays to different fish could not be easily differentiated. A final experiment with models failed to reveal any specific shape critical to the elicitation of the threat display. Discussion considers the possibility that the operant behaviour of the fighting fish may be motivated by visual exploration as well as by aggression, and that in actual fighting the social behaviour of the opponent may be more crucial than any particular visual stimulus.  相似文献   

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