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Lower effective sizes (N(e)) than census sizes (N) are routinely documented in natural populations, but knowledge of how multiple factors interact to lower N(e)/N ratios is often limited. We show how combined habitat and life-history influences drive a 2.4- to 6.1-fold difference in N(e)/N ratios between two pristine brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations occupying streams separated by only 750 m. Local habitat features, particularly drainage area and stream depth, govern trout biomass produced in each stream. They also generate higher trout densities in the shallower stream by favoring smaller body size and earlier age-at-maturity. The combination of higher densities and reduced breeding site availability in the shallower stream likely leads to more competition among breeding trout, which results in greater variance in individual reproductive success and a greater reduction in N(e) relative to N. A similar disparity between juvenile or adult densities and breeding habitat availability is reported for other species and hence may also result in divergent N(e)/N ratios elsewhere. These divergent N(e)/N ratios between adjacent populations are also an instructive reminder for species conservation programs that genetic and demographic parameters may differ dramatically within species.  相似文献   

Allometric relationships linking species characteristics to body size or mass (scaling) are important in biology. However, studies on the scaling of life history traits in the reptiles (the nonavian Reptilia) are rather scarce, especially for the clades Crocodilia, Testudines, and Rhynchocephalia (single extant species, the tuatara). Previous studies on the scaling of reptilian life history traits indicated that they differ from those seen in the other amniotes (mammals and birds), but so far most comparative studies used small species samples and also not phylogenetically informed analyses. Here, we analyzed the scaling of nine life history traits with adult body mass for crocodiles (= 22), squamates (= 294), turtles (= 52), and reptiles (= 369). We used for the first time a phylogenetically informed approach for crocodiles, turtles, and the whole group of reptiles. We explored differences in scaling relationships between the reptilian clades Crocodilia, Squamata, and Testudines as well as differences between reptiles, mammals, and birds. Finally, we applied our scaling relationships, in order to gain new insights into the degree of the exceptionality of the tuatara's life history within reptiles. We observed for none of the life history traits studied any difference in their scaling with body mass between squamates, crocodiles, and turtles, except for clutch size and egg weight showing small differences between these groups. Compared to birds and mammals, scaling relationships of reptiles were similar for time‐related traits, but they differed for reproductive traits. The tuatara's life history is more similar to that of a similar‐sized turtle or crocodile than to a squamate.  相似文献   

A total of 293 shorthorn sculpins Myoxocephalus scorpius from Tromsø, northern Norway, were sampled between November 1998 and April 1999 to determine sex, total length, age, growth, maturity and mortality. Females grew to larger sizes ( L =26·9 v. 18·5 cm), matured later (2 v. 1 year of age) at larger size (maturation length=16 v. 14 cm L T), and had lower instantaneous mortality rates (0·93 v. 1·20 year−1) than males. The life history parameters of shorthorn sculpins in northern Norway were more similar to the parameters of short-lived central European populations than to the parameters of the long-lived population of Newfoundland. This study confirms that northern Norwegian shorthorn sculpins exhibit sexual dimorphism as in other shorthorn sculpin populations. The relationships between growth pattern, age at maturity and mortality rates observed in the Tromsø population and in other shorthorn sculpin populations, correspond well with the predictions from a published life history model.  相似文献   

Conservation planning for protected species often relies on estimates of life‐history parameters. A commonly used parameter is the instantaneous maximum population growth rate (rmax) that can be used to limit removals and design recovery targets. Estimation of rmax can be challenging because of limited availability of species‐ and population‐specific data and life‐history information. We applied a method proposed by Neil and Lebreton, originally developed for birds, to loggerhead turtles. The method uses age‐at‐first‐reproduction and adult survival to estimate rmax. We used a variety of datasets and matrix population models to confirm an allometric assumption required by the method, and to generate estimates of age‐at‐first‐reproduction and adult survival. A meta‐analysis was applied to parameters from reported growth curves, which were then combined with the size distribution of neophyte nesters to derive estimates of age‐at‐first‐reproduction. Adult survival rates were obtained from an existing matrix population model. Monte Carlo simulation was then used to combine the estimates of the allometric coefficients, age‐at‐first‐reproduction, and adult survival to obtain a probability distribution of approximate rmax values. Estimated annual maximum population growth rates averaged 0.024, with a mode of 0.017 and a 95% highest density interval of 0.006–0.047. These estimates were similar to values reported by others using different methods and captured the variability in positive, annual change estimates across nesting beach sites for the northwest Atlantic loggerhead population. The use of life‐history parameters has a long history in wildlife and fisheries management and conservation planning. Our estimates of rmax, while having some biases and uncertainty, encompassed values presently used in recovery planning for loggerhead turtles and offer additional information for the management of endangered and threatened species.  相似文献   

Species establishing outside their natural range, negatively impacting local ecosystems, are of increasing global concern. They often display life‐history features characteristic for r‐selected populations with fast growth and high reproduction rates to achieve positive population growth rates (r) in invaded habitats. Here, we demonstrate substantially earlier maturation at a 2 orders of magnitude lower body mass at first reproduction in invasive compared to native populations of the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi. Empirical results are corroborated by a theoretical model for competing life‐history traits that predicts maturation at the smallest possible size to optimize r, while individual lifetime reproductive success (R0), optimized in native populations, is near constant over a large range of intermediate maturation sizes. We suggest that high variability in reproductive tactics in native populations is an underappreciated determinant of invasiveness, acting as substrate upon which selection can act during the invasion process.  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) shows high intraspecific variability in morphological, physiological, demographic and behavioural characters. To gain insight into the extent of adaptation and evolutionary changes in response to environmental heterogeneity in this species, quantitative genetic analyses of life‐history variation were conducted for two natural populations under two thermal conditions (23°C and 28°C). Paternal half‐sib heritability and genetic correlation in six life‐history traits (i.e. development time, adult body weight, adult lifespan, age at first reproduction, the number of eggs laid during the first 5 days after emergence, and total fecundity) were compared. Significant heritabilities were shown consistently in development time; this is also true for adult body weight, except for the Canberra population at 23°C. However, neither population differences nor the effect of temperature were statistically detectable for any of these heritabilities, confirming the genetically determined flexibility. Positive genetic correlations between development time and adult body weight, and negative genetic correlations between the number of eggs laid during the first 5 days and adult lifespan were present for these populations at both temperatures, indicating the presence of genetic constraints. Pairwise comparisons of genetic correlations revealed the heterogeneity of the two populations and across temperatures. These results suggest that the structure of genetic covariance might have changed significantly during the divergence of natural populations and in response to the alteration of environmental conditions in E. postvittana.  相似文献   

Temporal autocorrelation in demographic processes is an important aspect of population dynamics, but a comprehensive examination of its effects on different life‐history strategies is lacking. We use matrix population models from 454 plant and animal populations to simulate stochastic population growth rates (log λs) under different temporal autocorrelations in demographic rates , using simulated and observed covariation among rates. We then test for differences in sensitivities, or changes of log λs to changes in autocorrelation among two major axes of life‐history strategies, obtained from phylogenetically informed principal component analysis: the fast‐slow and reproductive‐strategy continua. Fast life histories exhibit highest sensitivities to simulated autocorrelation in demographic rates across reproductive strategies. Slow life histories are less sensitive to temporal autocorrelation, but their sensitivities increase among highly iteroparous species. We provide cross‐taxonomic evidence that changes in the autocorrelation of environmental variation may affect a wide range of species, depending on complex interactions of life‐history strategies.  相似文献   

Fluctuating population density in stochastic environments can contribute to maintain life‐history variation within populations via density‐dependent selection. We used individual‐based data from a population of Soay sheep to examine variation in life‐history strategies at high and low population density. We incorporated life‐history trade‐offs among survival, reproduction and body mass growth into structured population models and found support for the prediction that different life‐history strategies are optimal at low and high population densities. Shorter generation times and lower asymptotic body mass were selected for in high‐density environments even though heavier individuals had higher probabilities to survive and reproduce. In contrast, greater asymptotic body mass and longer generation times were optimal at low population density. If populations fluctuate between high density when resources are scarce, and low densities when they are abundant, the variation in density will generate fluctuating selection for different life‐history strategies, that could act to maintain life‐history variation.  相似文献   

A broad range of mortality patterns has been documented across species, some even including decreasing mortality over age. Whether there exist a common denominator to explain both similarities and differences in these mortality patterns remains an open question. The disposable soma theory, an evolutionary theory of aging, proposes that universal intracellular trade‐offs between maintenance/lifespan and reproduction would drive aging across species. The disposable soma theory has provided numerous insights concerning aging processes in single individuals. Yet, which specific population mortality patterns it can lead to is still largely unexplored. In this article, we propose a model exploring the mortality patterns which emerge from an evolutionary process including only the disposable soma theory core principles. We adapt a well‐known model of genomic evolution to show that mortality curves producing a kink or mid‐life plateaus derive from a common minimal evolutionary framework. These mortality shapes qualitatively correspond to those of Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, medflies, yeasts and humans. Species evolved in silico especially differ in their population diversity of maintenance strategies, which itself emerges as an adaptation to the environment over generations. Based on this integrative framework, we also derive predictions and interpretations concerning the effects of diet changes and heat‐shock treatments on mortality patterns.  相似文献   

福建东山岛海岸带潺槁树种群生命表分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为揭示海岸带天然植被中潺槁树种群生命过程,对东山岛海岸带风积沙地潺槁树林进行调查和数据统计,通过编制种群生命表,绘制存活曲线、死亡率曲线、亏损度曲线、死亡密度函数曲线、积累死亡函数曲线和危险率函数曲线,分析了其种群的年龄结构。结果表明,该种群的年龄结构呈反J分布型、属于增长型种群。其存活曲线介于Deevey-Ⅱ型和Deevey-Ⅲ型之间,呈现2个死亡高峰。4个生存函数值(生存率、积累死亡率、死亡密度、危险率)均说明该种群具有前期增长、后期稳定的特点。潺槁树是南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林优势种之一,对土壤、光的适应性强且生长迅速的一种优良前顶极种。研究结果对海岸带天然植被的恢复和重建提供了早期研究基础。  相似文献   

Current understanding of life‐history evolution and how demographic parameters contribute to population dynamics across species is largely based on assumptions of either constant environments or stationary environmental variation. Meanwhile, species are faced with non‐stationary environmental conditions (changing mean, variance, or both) created by climate and landscape change. To close the gap between contemporary reality and demographic theory, we develop a set of transient life table response experiments (LTREs) for decomposing realised population growth rates into contributions from specific vital rates and components of population structure. Using transient LTREs in a theoretical framework, we reveal that established concepts in population biology will require revision because of reliance on approaches that do not address the influence of unstable population structure on population growth and mean fitness. Going forward, transient LTREs will enhance understanding of demography and improve the explanatory power of models used to understand ecological and evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Population stage structure is fundamental to ecology, and models of this structure have proven useful in many different systems. Many ecological variables other than stage, such as habitat type, site occupancy and metapopulation status are also modelled using transitions among discrete states. Transitions among life stages can be characterised by the distribution of time spent in each stage, including the mean and variance of each stage duration and within‐individual correlations among multiple stage durations. Three modelling traditions represent stage durations differently. Matrix models can be derived as a long‐run approximation from any distribution of stage durations, but they are often interpreted directly as a Markov model for stage transitions. Statistical stage‐duration distribution models accommodate the variation typical of cohort development data, but such realism has rarely been incorporated in population theory or statistical population models. Delay‐differential equation models include lags but no variation, except in limited cases. We synthesise these models in one framework and illustrate how individual variation and correlations in development can impact population growth. Furthermore, different development models can yield the same long‐term matrix transition rates but different sensitivities and elasticities. Finally, we discuss future directions for estimating realistic stage duration models from data.  相似文献   

We assessed the importance of three behavioral processes on the fitness of individual females as mediated via maternal care in matrilineally organized social groups of spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta. These were maternal choice of foraging tactic, the maintenance of individual dominance rank (social status) within the adult female hierarchy, and the behavioral support provided by mothers to their daughters when daughters acquired their position in the adult female hierarchy. The effects of all behavioral processes were closely linked. Maternal care was dependent on maternal social status because high ranking females had priority of access to food, and individual maternal choice of foraging tactic was frequency – and social status-dependent when medium prey abundance provided an opportunity for such a choice. At medium prey abundance, low ranking females went on costly long distance commuting trips to forage on migratory herds outside the group territory, whereas high ranking females fed on kills within the group territory. As a consequence, offspring of high ranking females grew faster, had a higher chance of survival to adulthood, and thus high ranking females had a higher lifetime reproductive success. Daughters of high ranking females usually acquired a social status immediately below that of their mother provided they enjoyed the effective support from their mothers as coalition partners, and they gave birth to their first litter at an earlier age than daughters of low ranking mothers. Spotted hyenas are therefore an example of the silver-spoon effect. This study shows that the frequency-dependent outcome of behavioral processes can be a key determinant of maternal reproductive success in social carnivores and have a profound influence on the reproductive career prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution challenges the assumption that evolution is too slow to impact short-term ecological dynamics. This insight motivates the study of 'Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics' or how evolution and ecological processes reciprocally interact on short time scales. We tested how rapid evolution impacts concurrent population dynamics using an aphid (Myzus persicae) and an undomesticated host (Hirschfeldia incana) in replicated wild populations. We manipulated evolvability by creating non-evolving (single clone) and potentially evolving (two-clone) aphid populations that contained genetic variation in intrinsic growth rate. We observed significant evolution in two-clone populations whether or not they were exposed to predators and competitors. Evolving populations grew up to 42% faster and attained up to 67% higher density, compared with non-evolving control populations but only in treatments exposed to competitors and predators. Increased density also correlates with relative fitness of competing clones suggesting a full eco-evolutionary dynamic cycle defined as reciprocal interactions between evolution and density.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can affect fitness‐related traits at different life history stages and may interact with environmental variation to induce even larger effects. We used genetic parentage assignment based on 22 microsatellite loci to determine a 25 year long pedigree for a newly established island population of moose with 20–40 reproducing individuals annually. We used the pedigree to calculate individual inbreeding coefficients and examined for effects of individual inbreeding (f) and heterozygosity on fitness‐related traits. We found negative effects of f on birth date, calf body mass and twinning rate. The relationship between f and calf body mass and twinning rate were found to be separate but weaker after accounting for birth date. We found no support for an inbreeding effect on the age‐specific lifetime reproductive success of females. The influence of f on birth date was related to climatic conditions during the spring prior to birth, indicating that calves with a low f were born earlier after a cold spring than calves with high f. In years with a warm spring, calf f did not affect birth date. The results suggest that severe inbreeding in moose has both indirect effects on fitness through delayed birth and lower juvenile body mass, as well as separate direct effects, as there still was a significant relationship between f and twinning rate after accounting for birth date and body mass as calf. Consequently, severe inbreeding as found in the study population may have consequences for population growth and extinction risk.  相似文献   

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