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Pollination is thought to be under positive density‐dependence, destabilising plant coexistence by conferring fitness disadvantages to rare species. Such disadvantage is exacerbated by interspecific competition but can be mitigated by facilitation and intraspecific competition. However, pollinator scarcity should enhance intraspecific plant competition and impose disadvantage on common over rare species (negative density‐dependence, NDD). We assessed pollination proxies (visitation rate, pollen receipt, pollen tubes) in a generalised plant community and related them to conspecific and heterospecific density, expecting NDD and interspecific facilitation due to the natural pollinator scarcity. Contrary to usual expectations, all proxies indicated strong intraspecific competition for common plants. Moreover interspecific facilitation prevailed and was stronger for rare than for common plants. Both NDD and interspecific facilitation were modulated by specialisation, floral display and pollinator group. The combination of intraspecific competition and interspecific facilitation fosters plant coexistence, suggesting that pollination can be a niche axis maintaining plant diversity.  相似文献   

Information about the relative importance of competitive or facilitative pollinator‐mediated interactions in a multi‐species context is limited. We studied interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) networks to evaluate quantity and quality effects of pollinator sharing among plant species on three high‐Andean communities at 1600, 1800 and 2000 m a.s.l. To estimate the sign of the effects (positive, neutral or negative), the relation between conspecific and heterospecific pollen deposited on stigmas was analysed with GLMMs. Network analyses showed that communities were characterised by the presence of pollen hub‐donors and receptors. We inferred that facilitative and neutral pollinator‐mediated interactions among plants prevailed over competition. Thus, the benefits from pollinator sharing seem to outweigh the costs (i.e. heterospecific deposition and conspecific pollen loss). The largest proportion of facilitated species was found at the highest elevation community, suggesting that under unfavourable conditions for the pollination service and at lower plant densities facilitation can be more common.  相似文献   

幼苗是植物生活史中最脆弱的阶段,对幼苗存活影响因子的分析有助于我们更清楚的了解森林群落的天然更新机制。利用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)对八大公山常绿落叶阔叶混交林中影响幼苗存活的主要生物与非生物因子进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在群落水平上,幼苗存活与生物因子中的同种幼苗密度呈显著负相关,与非生物因子中的冠层开阔度呈显著正相关;(2)从年龄上看,4年生以下龄级的幼苗存活更容易受到同种幼苗密度的影响,与同种幼苗密度呈显著负相关;4年生及其以上的幼苗存活则主要受非生物因子影响;(3)从生活型上看,相对于常绿物种,落叶物种的幼苗存活率更容易受到同种幼苗密度的影响,也与冠层开阔度呈正相关;(4)在物种水平上,生物因子与非生物因子对不同物种幼苗存活率的影响也不相同。其中,宜昌润楠(Machilus ichangensis Rehd.et Wils.)的存活率与冠层开阔度呈正相关;薄叶山矾(Symplocos anomala Brand)幼苗的存活率与同种幼苗密度、异种大树胸高断面积、林冠开阔度、坡向均呈显著负相关,而与异种幼苗密度和海拔呈显著正相关。本研究表明影响幼苗存活的因子是多样的,而且不是随机发生的。在不同水平上影响幼苗存活的因子不同。  相似文献   

The symbiosis between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is hypothesized to be an important contributor to plant–soil feedbacks, which can influence the outcome of inter‐specific competition. Mycorrhizal feedbacks can be conspecific, which affects individuals of the same species, or heterospecific, which affects individuals of a different species. When heterospecific feedbacks are more positive than conspecific feedbacks, heterospecific individuals are expected to outcompete conspecific individuals. To test this hypothesis, we quantified conspecific mycorrhizal feedback for Plantago lanceolata as a focal species, and heterospecific mycorrhizal feedbacks for 21 competitor old‐field species using mycorrhizae cultured with P. lanceolata. We quantified inter‐specific competition against the focal species by growing the 21 old‐field species with and without P. lanceolata in the presence of mycorrhizae cultured with P. lanceolata. Heterospecific and conspecific feedbacks were both positive, and average heterospecific feedbacks exceeded conspecific feedback by 75%. Competition suppressed P. lanceolata biomass by 14% and average competitor biomass was reduced by 44% in the presence of P. lanceolata, and these effects varied with competitor species identity. Contrary to predictions, the magnitude of heterospecific feedbacks did not predict the ability of competitor species to either suppress or resist suppression by P. lanceolata. Instead, the outcome of competition was significantly and positively correlated with intrinsic growth rate, measured as biomass of competitor species five weeks after germination in non‐inoculated conditions. Our findings suggest that species experiencing more positive mycorrhizal feedbacks than a competitor do not necessarily have a competitive advantage. Mycorrhizal mediated soil feedbacks may be less important than intrinsic differences in growth rate in determining competitive outcomes.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated competition through shared pollinators can lead to segregated flowering phenologies, but empirical evidence for the process responsible for this flowering pattern is sparse. During two flowering seasons, we examined whether increasing overlap in flowering phenology decreased conspecific pollination, increased heterospecific pollination, and depressed seed output in the seven species composing a hummingbird–plant assemblage from the temperate forest of southern South America. Overall trends were summarized using meta‐analysis. Despite prevailing negative associations, relations between phenological overlap and conspecific pollen receipt varied extensively among species and between years. Heterospecific pollen receipt was low and presumably of limited biological significance. However, our results supported the hypothesis that concurrent flowering promotes interspecific pollen transfer, after accounting for changes in the abundance of conspecific flowers. Seed output was consistently reduced during maximum phenological overlap during the first flowering season because of limited fruit set. Responses varied more during the second year, despite an overall negative trend among species. Relations between estimated effects of phenological overlap on pollination and seed output, however, provided mixed evidence that conspecific pollen loss during pollinator visits to foreign flowers increases pollen limitation. By flowering together, different plant species might benefit each other's pollination by increasing hummingbird recruitment at the landscape level. Nevertheless, our results are mostly consistent with the hypothesis of pollinator‐mediated competition shaping the segregated flowering pattern reported previously for this temperate plant assemblage. The mechanisms likely involve effects on male function, whereby pollen‐transport loss during heterospecific flower visits limit pollen export, and more variable effects on female function through pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of habitat selection often incorporate negative density dependence. Despite strong negative density‐dependent effects on habitat selection, more recent studies indicate that animals settle near members of their own (conspecific) and other species (heterospecific) when selecting habitat with social cues. Social cue use for habitat selection is particularly common among songbirds, but few studies have investigated if songbirds use social cues to assess conspecific or heterospecific density (as opposed to just presence/absence) when making settlement decisions. We conducted a playback experiment to evaluate if yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia) and willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii), two potential competitors for breeding habitat, use social cues to assess density (conspecific for warblers and heterospecific for flycatchers) when selecting breeding locations at two spatial scales. We simulated yellow warbler density to be high or low at multiple treatment plots (3.14 ha) with song playback and then evaluated settlement decisions by comparing yellow warbler and willow flycatcher abundances across plots (broad‐scale habitat selection) and individual space use within plots (fine‐scale territory establishment). Yellow warbler density treatments did not affect habitat selection by yellow warblers at the broad scale, but caused individuals to cluster territories at high‐density treatments. Willow flycatchers were most abundant at high‐density treatment plots, but yellow warbler density treatments did not affect territory locations. The results indicate that perceived density affects the habitat selection process for both conspecifics and heterospecifics.  相似文献   

We explored pairwise nearest‐neighbour interactions in four species‐rich shrubland plant communities, asking the question: how often is an individual of species j the nearest‐neighbour of species i? In the observed data and null models, less than 35% of the maximum possible number of nearest‐neighbour species pairs was present, and at three of the four sites the number of observed nearest‐neighbour pairs were significantly less than those occurring in simulated null communities. Many of the missing pairs included woody shrubs whose absence might be interpreted as evidence of site‐specific competition between larger growth forms for soil resources or space. Less than 5% of the pairs of species that occurred did so at frequencies different from that expected under random mixing, and many of these pairs were conspecific. Of the heterospecific pairs whose frequency differed significantly from random mixing there was a weak bias towards pairs occurring at higher rather than lower frequencies than expected. There was no evidence for asymmetry (interaction of species j with species i but not the reverse) in the frequency of species pairs. Nearest‐neighbour relationships are species‐specific rather than between plant functional types. The four sites form a soil nutrient and water availability gradient, and, according to the stress gradient hypothesis, positive species interactions should be most prevalent at the most stressful sites. However, we found the opposite: the site with the highest availability of resources had both proportionally the most heterospecific pairs, and the most conspecific and heterospecific species pairs with frequencies departing significantly from that expected under random mixing.  相似文献   

Local abundance of adult trees impedes growth of conspecific seedlings through host-specific enemies, a mechanism first proposed by Janzen and Connell to explain plant diversity in forests. While several studies suggest the importance of this mechanism, there is still little information of how the variance of negative density dependence (NDD) affects diversity of forest communities. With computer simulations, we analyzed the impact of strength and variance of NDD within tree communities on species diversity. We show that stronger NDD leads to higher species diversity. Furthermore, lower range of strengths of NDD within a community increases species richness and decreases variance of species abundances. Our results show that, beyond the average strength of NDD, the variance of NDD is also crucially important to explain species diversity. This can explain the dissimilarity of biodiversity between tropical and temperate forest: highly diverse forests could have lower NDD variance. This report suggests that natural enemies and the variety of the magnitude of their effects can contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The role of competition in structuring communities of herbivorous insects is still debated. Despite this, few studies have simultaneously investigated the strength of various forms of competition and their effect on community composition. In this study, we examine the extent to which different types of competition will affect the presence and abundance of individual leaf miner species in local communities on oak trees Quercus robur. We first use a laboratory experiment to quantify the strength of intra‐ and interspecific competition. We then conduct a large‐scale field experiment to determine whether competition occurring in one year extends to the next. Finally, we use observational field data to examine the extent to which mechanisms of competition uncovered in the two experiments actually reflect into patterns of co‐occurrence in nature. In our experiment, we found direct competition at the leaf‐level to be stronger among conspecific than among heterospecific individuals. Indirect competition among conspecifics lowered the survival and weight of larvae of T. ekebladella, both at the branch and the tree‐level. In contrast, indirect competition among heterospecifics was only detected in one out of three species pairs examined. In the field experiment, the presence of a given moth species in one year affected the relative abundance of leaf miner species in the next year. Nevertheless, patterns of competition observed in these experiments did not translate into repulsion among free‐ranging leaf miners: conspecific larvae of four leaf‐mining species were aggregated on the same trees, shoots and leaves. In contrast, heterospecific larvae were only aggregated at the tree‐level. We propose that despite the fact that leaf miners do compete and that such effects extend through time, the incidence and strength of competition is relatively small at realistic densities. Hence, competition will likely be of minor importance in shaping the distribution of leaf miners in a natural setting.  相似文献   

Local tree species diversity is maintained in part by conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD). This pervasive mechanism occurs in a variety of forms and ecosystems, but research to date has been heavily skewed toward tree seedling survival in tropical forests. To evaluate CNDD more broadly, we investigated how sapling growth rates were affected by conspecific adult neighbors in a fully mapped 25.6 ha temperate deciduous forest. We examined growth rates as a function of the local adult tree neighborhood (via spatial autoregressive modeling) and compared the spatial positioning of faster‐growing and slower‐growing saplings with respect to adult conspecific and heterospecific trees (via bivariate point pattern analysis). In addition, to determine whether CNDD‐driven variation in growth rates leaves a corresponding spatial signal, we extended our point pattern analysis to a static, growth‐independent comparison of saplings and the next larger size class. We found that negative conspecific effects on sapling growth were most prevalent. Five of the nine species that were sufficiently abundant for analysis exhibited CNDD, while only one species showed evidence of a positive conspecific effect, and one or two species, depending on the analysis, displayed heterospecific effects. There was general agreement between the autoregressive models and the point pattern analyses based on sapling growth rates, but point pattern analyses based on single‐point‐in‐time size classes yielded results that differed markedly from the other two approaches. Our work adds to the growing body of evidence that CNDD is an important force in temperate forests, and demonstrates that this process extends to sapling growth rates. Further, our findings indicate that point pattern analyses based solely on size classes may fail to detect the process of interest (e.g., neighborhood‐driven variation in growth rates), in part due to the confounding of tree size and age.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybrid formation in angiosperms depends on how and when heterospecific pollen is transferred to the stigma, and on the success of that heterospecific pollen at fertilising ovules. We applied pollen mixtures to stigmas to determine how pollen interactions affect siring success and the frequency of hybrid formation between two species of Mediterranean deceptive orchid. Plants of Orchis italica and O. anthropophora were pollinated with conspecific and heterospecific pollen (first conspecific pollen then heterospecific pollen and vice versa) and molecular analysis was used to check the paternity of the seeds produced. In this pair of Mediterranean orchids, competition between conspecific and heterospecific pollen functions as a post‐pollination pre‐zygotic barrier limiting the frequency of the formation of hybrids in nature. Flowers pollinated with heterospecific pollen can remain receptive for the arrival of conspecific pollen for a long time. There is always an advantage of conspecific pollen for fruit formation, whether it comes before or after heterospecific pollen, because it overtakes the heterospecific pollen. The conspecific pollen advantage exhibited in O. italica and O. anthropophora is likely to result from the reduced germination of heterospecific pollen or retarded growth of heterospecific pollen tubes in the stigma and ovary. Overall, the results indicate that our hybrid zone represents a phenomenon of little evolutionary consequence, and the conspecific pollen advantage maintains the genetic integrity of the parental species.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of species coexistence is a key task for ecology. Recent theory predicts that both competition and predation (which causes apparent competition among prey) can either promote or limit species coexistence. Both mechanisms cause negative interactions between individuals, and each mechanism promotes stable coexistence if it causes negative interactions to be stronger between conspecifics than between heterospecifics. However, the relative importance of competition and predation for coexistence in natural communities is poorly known. Here, we study how competition and apparent competition via pre‐dispersal seed predators affect the long‐term fecundity of Protea shrubs in the fire‐prone Fynbos biome (South Africa). These shrubs store all viable seeds produced since the last fire in fire‐proof cones. Competitive effects on cone number and pre‐dispersal seed predation reduce their fecundity and can thus limit recruitment after the next fire. In 27 communities comprising 49 990 shrubs of 22 Protea species, we measured cone number and per‐cone seed predation rate of 2154 and 1755 focal individuals, respectively. Neighbourhood analyses related these measures to individual‐based community maps. We found that conspecific neighbours had stronger competitive effects on cone number than heterospecific neighbours. In contrast, apparent competition via seed predators was comparable between conspecifics and heterospecifics. This indicates that competition stabilizes coexistence of Protea species, whereas pre‐dispersal seed predation does not. Larger neighbours had stronger competitive effects and neighbours with large seed crops exerted stronger apparent competition. For 97% of the focal plants, competition reduced fecundity more than apparent competition. Our results show that even in communities of closely related and ecologically similar species, intraspecific competition can be stronger than interspecific competition. On the other hand, apparent competition through seed predators need not have such a stabilizing effect. These findings illustrate the potential of ‘community demography’, the demographic study of multiple interacting species, for understanding plant coexistence.  相似文献   

Understanding how species interactions influence their distribution and evolution is a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. Theory suggests that asymmetric reproductive interference, in which one species induces higher reproductive costs on another species, may be more important in delimiting species boundaries than interspecific competition over resources. However, the underlying mechanisms of such asymmetry remain unclear. Here, we test whether differences in within‐species reproductive costs determine the between‐species asymmetry of costs using three allopatric Drosophila species belonging to the melanogaster subgroup. Our results support this hypothesis, especially in a pair of insular species. Males of one species that induce costs to their conspecific females led to a 5‐fold increase of heterospecific females mortality with dead flies bearing spectacular large melanized wounds on their genitalia. Males of the other species were harmful neither to their conspecific nor heterospecific females. Comparative studies of within‐species reproductive costs may therefore be a valuable tool for predicting between‐species interactions and community structures.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality is frequently reported between closely related species; however, few studies have demonstrated interspecific territoriality between distantly related species living in sympatry. We conducted playback experiments to investigate territorial behaviour in male and female White‐bellied Wrens (Uropsila leucogastra) in response to simulated conspecific and heterospecific intruders during the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. We explored whether heterospecific songs of the Happy Wren (Pheugopedius felix), a distantly related species and ecological competitor, elicited antagonistic responses from focal White‐bellied Wrens, and whether such responses differed between the sexes. We also examined whether male and female responses to conspecific and heterospecific rivals varied with season. We found that male White‐bellied Wrens always responded to conspecific song, and responded significantly more to heterospecific song compared to a control stimulus (Tropical Parula, Setophaga pitiayumi). In contrast, although female White‐bellied Wrens responded strongly to conspecific song, their response to heterospecific song did not differ significantly from the control stimulus. The proportion of males that responded to heterospecific songs and the proportion of females that responded to conspecific songs varied seasonally, showing significantly lower responses during the breeding season. The intense responses of male White‐bellied Wrens to playback of heterospecific songs suggest that they recognise ecological competitors based on their vocal signals. Furthermore, the decrease in agonistic interactions during the breeding season is in line with the hypothesis that aggressive behaviour may be detrimental to reproductive and parental activity, and the hypothesis that heterospecific animals pose less of a threat during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Black‐capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and mountain chickadees (P. gambeli) have a similar vocal repertoire and share many other life history traits; yet, black‐capped chickadees are socially dominant to mountain chickadees where populations overlap. Previous research suggested that in contact zones, both species respond weakly to heterospecific songs during the breeding season, and have suggested minimal interspecific competition. However, both black‐capped and mountain chickadees discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific chick‐a‐dee calls, suggesting attention is paid to interspecific signals. We compared the responses of both black‐capped and mountain chickadees to conspecific and heterospecific chick‐a‐dee calls during the winter, when both species compete for the same food resources. We conducted an aviary playback experiment exposing both species to playback composed of heterospecific and conspecific chick‐a‐dee calls, which had been recorded in the context of finding food sources. Responses from the tested birds were measured by recording vocalizations and behaviour. Black‐capped chickadees responded significantly more to conspecific than to heterospecific stimuli, whereas the subordinate mountain chickadees responded to both mountain and black‐capped chickadee calls. Based upon the reactions to playbacks, our results suggest these two closely related species may differ in their perception of the relative threat associated with intra‐ versus interspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Whether dominance drives species loss can depend on the power of conspecific self-limitation as dominant populations expand; these limitations can stabilize competitive imbalances that might otherwise cause displacement. We quantify the relative strength of conspecific and heterospecific soil feedbacks in an exotic-dominated savannah, using greenhouse trials and field surveys to test whether dominants are less self-suppressed, highly suppressive of others or both. Soil feedbacks can impact plant abundance, including invasion, but their implications for coexistence in invader-dominated systems are unclear. We found that conspecific feedbacks were significantly more negative than heterospecific ones for all species including the dominant invaders; even the rarest natives performed significantly better in the soils of other species. The strength of these negative feedbacks, however, was approximately 50 per cent stronger for natives and matched their field abundance--the most self-limited natives were rare and narrowly distributed. These results suggest that exotics dominate by interacting with natives carrying heavier conspecific feedback burdens, without cultivating either negative heterospecific effects that suppress natives or positive ones that accelerate their own expansion. These feedbacks, however, could contribute to coexistence because all species were self-limited in their own soils. Although the net impact of this feedback stabilization will probably interact with other factors (e.g. herbivory), soil feedbacks may thus contribute to invader dominance without necessarily being detrimental to species richness.  相似文献   

Differential maternal provisioning of offspring in response to environmental conditions has been argued as ‘the missing link’ in plant life histories. Although empirical evidence suggests that maternal provisioning responses to abiotic conditions are common, there is little understanding of how differences in maternal provisioning manifest in response to competition. Frequency manipulations are commonly employed in ecological studies to assess the strength of interspecific competition, relative to intraspecific competition, and we used frequency manipulations to test how competition in two soil moisture environments affects maternal provisioning of seed mass. Specifically, for 15 pairs comprised from 25 annual plant species that occur in California, we varied the relative frequencies of conspecific to heterospecific competitors from 90% (intraspecific competition) to 10% (interspecific competition). We found that conspecific frequency affected maternal provisioning (seed mass) in 12 of the 25 species (eight significantly (p < 0.05), four marginally significantly (p < 0.07)), and that these responses included both increased (five species) and decreased (six species) seed mass, as well as one species with opposing directions of response to conspecific frequency that depended on the soil moisture environment. Conspecific frequency also affected per capita fecundity (seed number) for 17 of the 25 species (15 significantly (p < 0.05), two marginally significantly (p < 0.09)), which generally decreased seed number as conspecific frequency increased. The direction and magnitude of frequency‐dependent seed mass depended on the identity of the competitor, even among species whose fecundity was not affected by competitor identity; the latter finding reveals competitive differences among species that would otherwise appear to be competitively equivalent. Our research demonstrates how species responses to different competitive environments manifest through maternal provisioning, and that these responses alter previous estimates of environmentally‐determined maternal provisioning and reproductive output; future study is needed to understand their combined effects on population and community dynamics.  相似文献   

High competitive ability has often been invoked as a key determinant of invasion success and ecological impacts of non‐native plants. Yet our understanding of the strategies that non‐natives use to gain competitive dominance remains limited. Particularly, it remains unknown whether the two non‐mutually exclusive competitive strategies, neighbour suppression and neighbour tolerance, are equally important for the competitive advantage of non‐native plants. Here, we analyse data from 192 peer‐reviewed studies on pairwise plant competition within a Bayesian multilevel meta‐analytic framework and show that non‐native plants outperform their native counterparts due to high tolerance of competition, as opposed to strong suppressive ability. Competitive tolerance ability of non‐native plants was driven by neighbour's origin and was expressed in response to a heterospecific native but not heterospecific non‐native neighbour. In contrast to natives, non‐native species were not more suppressed by hetero‐ vs. conspecific neighbours, which was partially due to higher intensity of intraspecific competition among non‐natives. Heterogeneity in the data was primarily associated with methodological differences among studies and not with phylogenetic relatedness among species. Altogether, our synthesis demonstrates that non‐native plants are competitively distinct from native plants and challenges the common notion that neighbour suppression is the primary strategy for plant invasion success.  相似文献   

The presence of a predator can result in the alteration, loss or reversal of a mating preference. Under predation risk, females often change their initial preference for conspicuous males, favouring less flashy males to reduce the risk of being detected by predators. Previous studies on predator‐induced plasticity in mate preferences have given females a choice between more and less conspicuous conspecific males. However, in species that naturally hybridize, it is also possible that females might choose an inconspicuous heterospecific male over a conspicuous conspecific male under predation risk. Our study addresses this question using the green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) and the southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), which are sympatric in the wild. We hypothesized that X. helleri females would prefer the sworded conspecific males in the absence of a predator but favour the less conspicuous, swordless, heterospecific males in the presence of a predator. Contrary to our expectation, females associated more with the heterospecific male than the conspecific male in the control (no predator) treatment, and they were non‐choosy in the predator treatment. This might reflect that females were attracted to the novel male phenotype when there was no risk of predation but became more neophobic after predator exposure. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, our results suggest that predation pressure may affect female preferences for conspecific versus heterospecific males. We also found striking within‐population, between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity: females differed in the strength and direction of their preferences, as well as in the extent to which they altered their preferences in response to changes in perceived predation risk. Such variation in female preferences for heterospecific males could potentially lead to temporal and spatial variation in hybridization rates in the wild.  相似文献   

Negative density dependence (NDD) of recruitment is pervasive in tropical tree species. We tested the hypotheses that seed dispersal is NDD, due to intraspecific competition for dispersers, and that this contributes to NDD of recruitment. We compared dispersal in the palm Attalea butyracea across a wide range of population density on Barro Colorado Island in Panama and assessed its consequences for seed distributions. We found that frugivore visitation, seed removal and dispersal distance all declined with population density of A. butyracea, demonstrating NDD of seed dispersal due to competition for dispersers. Furthermore, as population density increased, the distances of seeds from the nearest adult decreased, conspecific seed crowding increased and seedling recruitment success decreased, all patterns expected under poorer dispersal. Unexpectedly, however, our analyses showed that NDD of dispersal did not contribute substantially to these changes in the quality of the seed distribution; patterns with population density were dominated by effects due solely to increasing adult and seed density.  相似文献   

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