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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Biomass and in vitro ginsenoside accumulation in cell suspensions of Panax quinquefolius (L.) and P. sikkimensis (Ban.) are differentially affected,...  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is one of the important signal molecules modulating plant responses to environmental stress. In this study, the effects of exogenous SA on leaf rolling, one of drought avoidance mechanisms, and antioxidant system were investigated in Ctenanthe setosa during long term drought stress. The plants were subjected to 38-day drought period and they were treated with or without SA (10−6 M) on the 25th, 27th and 29th days of the period. Leaf samples were harvested on the 30th, 34th and 38th days. Some antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, dehydroascorbate reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase), reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide and superoxide) and lipid peroxidation were determined during the drought period. Treatment with SA prevented water loss and delayed leaf rolling in comparison with control leaves. Exogenous SA induced all antioxidant enzyme activities more than control leaves during the drought. Ascorbate and glutathione, α-tocopherol, carotenoid and endogenous SA level were induced by the SA treatment. Levels of reactive oxygen species were higher in SA treated plants than control ones on the 34th day. Their levels on the 38th day, however, fastly decreased in SA treated plants. SA treatment prevented lipid peroxidation while the peroxidation increased in control plants. The results showed that exogenous SA can alleviate the damaging effect of long term drought stress by decreasing water loss and inducing the antioxidant system in the plant having leaf rolling, alternative protection mechanism to drought.  相似文献   

Water homeostasis is crucial to the growth and survival of plants under water-related stress. Plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) have been shown to be primary channels mediating water uptake in plant cells. Here we report the water transport activity and mechanisms for the regulation of barley (Hordeum vulgare) PIP aquaporins. HvPIP2 but not HvPIP1 channels were found to show robust water transport activity when expressed alone in Xenopus laevis oocytes. However, the co-expression of HvPIP1 with HvPIP2 in oocytes resulted in significant increases in activity compared with the expression of HvPIP2 alone, suggesting the participation of HvPIP1 in water transport together with HvPIP2 presumably through heteromerization. Severe salinity stress (200 mM NaCl) significantly reduced root hydraulic conductivity (Lp(r)) and the accumulation of six of 10 HvPIP mRNAs. However, under relatively mild stress (100 mM NaCl), only a moderate reduction in Lp(r) with no significant difference in HvPIP mRNA levels was observed. Sorbitol-mediated osmotic stress equivalent to 100 and 200 mM NaCl induced nearly identical Lp(r) reductions in barley roots. Furthermore, the water transport activity in intact barley roots was suggested to require phosphorylation that is sensitive to a kinase inhibitor, staurosporine. HvPIP2s also showed water efflux activity in Xenopus oocytes, suggesting a potential ability to mediate water loss from cells under hypertonic conditions. Water transport via HvPIP aquaporins and the significance of reductions of Lp(r) in barley plants during salinity stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Drought is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity and an important factor limiting barley yield. To investigate the initial response of barley to drought stress, changes in protein profile were analyzed using a proteomics technique. Three-day-old barley seedlings of sensitive genotype 004186 and tolerant genotype 004223 were given two treatments, one with 20 % polyethylene glycol and the second with drought induced by withholding water. After 3 days of treatments, proteins were extracted from shoots and separated by 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Metabolism related proteins were decreased in the sensitive genotype under drought; however, they were increased in the tolerant genotype. Photosynthetic related proteins were decreased and increased among the three sensitive and three tolerant genotypes, respectively. In addition, amino acid synthesis and degradation related proteins were increased and decreased among the three tolerant genotypes. These results suggest that chloroplastic metabolism and energy related proteins might play a significant role in the adaptation process of barley seedlings under drought stress.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most adverse stresses that affect plant growth and yield. Disturbances in metabolic activity resulting from drought cause overproduction of reactive oxygen species. It is postulated that brassinosteroids (BRs) regulate plant tolerance to the stress conditions, but the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. An involvement of endogenous BRs in regulation of the antioxidant homeostasis is not fully clarified either. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the role of endogenous BRs in regulation of non‐enzymatic antioxidants in barley (Hordeum vulgare) under control and drought conditions. The plant material included the ‘Bowman’ cultivar and a group of semi‐dwarf near‐isogenic lines (NILs), representing mutants deficient in BR biosynthesis or signaling. In general, accumulations of 11 compounds representing various types of non‐enzymatic antioxidants were analyzed under both conditions. The analyses of accumulations of reduced and oxidized forms of ascorbate indicated that the BR mutants contain significantly higher contents of dehydroascorbic acid under drought conditions when compared with the ‘Bowman’ cultivar. The analysis of glutathione accumulation indicated that under the control conditions the BR‐insensitive NILs contained significantly lower concentrations of this antioxidant when compared with the rest of genotypes. Therefore, we postulate that BR sensitivity is required for normal accumulation of glutathione. A complete accumulation profile of various tocopherols indicated that functional BR biosynthesis and signaling are required for their normal accumulation under both conditions. Results of this study provided an insight into the role of endogenous BRs in regulation of the non‐enzymatic antioxidant homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effects of salicylic acid (SA), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide donor, and their combination (SA+SNP) on some physiological parameters of 23-day-old soybean seedlings grown under saline and nonsaline conditions were studied. The changes in the leaf area, shoot fresh and dry weights, contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids, amounts of MDA and hydrogen peroxide showed that the addition of 100 μM SA and/or 100 μM SNP markedly declined the oxidative damage to soybean plants induced by 50 and 100 μM NaCl. Our results proved that combined action of SA and nitric oxide donor significantly activated catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), which contributed to the decay of H2O2 in soybean leaves under NaCl toxicity. The protective action of (SA+SNP) against saltinduced oxidative damage was often more efficient than effects of SA and SNP alone. We also observed that the accumulation of proline was apparently accelerated by these substances under salt stress. As well, it was observed that the interaction between SA and nitric oxide had synergistic effects in decreasing of the damages induced by NaCl salinity.  相似文献   

The mechanism imparting thermotolerance by salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA) is still unresolved using either spraying technique or in vitro conditions. Alternative way of studying these effects under near in vivo conditions is through the use of liquid culturing technique. Effects of SA and ABA (100 μM) on antioxidative enzymes, antioxidants and lipid peroxidation were studied in detached tillers of three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars PBW 343, C 306 (heat tolerant) and WH 542 (heat susceptible) cultured in a liquid medium. Ears were subjected to heat shock treatment (45°C for 2 h) and then maintained at 25°C for 5 days. Heat shock treatment resulted in increased peroxidase (POD) activity, while superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were reduced compared to control. The decrease in CAT activity was more significant in susceptible cultivar WH 542. Concomitantly, content of α-tocopherol and lipid peroxides increased in heat-treated wheat ears, whereas contents of total ascorbate level were reduced. Following treatment with SA and ABA, activities of all three antioxidative enzymes increased in correspondence with an increase in ascorbate and α-tocopherol content. Apparently, lipid peroxide content was reduced by SA in heat tolerant cultivars (PBW 343 and C 306) whereas in susceptible cultivar it was decreased by ABA. The up-regulation of the antioxidant system by SA and ABA possibly contributes to better tolerance against heat shock-induced oxidative damage in wheat grains.  相似文献   

Additive effects of Na+ and Cl- ions on barley growth under salinity stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Soil salinity affects large areas of the world's cultivated land, causing significant reductions in crop yield. Despite the fact that most plants accumulate both sodium (Na(+)) and chloride (Cl(-)) ions in high concentrations in their shoot tissues when grown in saline soils, most research on salt tolerance in annual plants has focused on the toxic effects of Na(+) accumulation. It has previously been suggested that Cl(-) toxicity may also be an important cause of growth reduction in barley plants. Here, the extent to which specific ion toxicities of Na(+) and Cl(-) reduce the growth of barley grown in saline soils is shown under varying salinity treatments using four barley genotypes differing in their salt tolerance in solution and soil-based systems. High Na(+), Cl(-), and NaCl separately reduced the growth of barley, however, the reductions in growth and photosynthesis were greatest under NaCl stress and were mainly additive of the effects of Na(+) and Cl(-) stress. The results demonstrated that Na(+) and Cl(-) exclusion among barley genotypes are independent mechanisms and different genotypes expressed different combinations of the two mechanisms. High concentrations of Na(+) reduced K(+) and Ca(2+) uptake and reduced photosynthesis mainly by reducing stomatal conductance. By comparison, high Cl(-) concentration reduced photosynthetic capacity due to non-stomatal effects: there was chlorophyll degradation, and a reduction in the actual quantum yield of PSII electron transport which was associated with both photochemical quenching and the efficiency of excitation energy capture. The results also showed that there are fundamental differences in salinity responses between soil and solution culture, and that the importance of the different mechanisms of salt damage varies according to the system under which the plants were grown.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) can alleviate damage to rice plants induced by heat stress, but its role in preventing spikelet degeneration under high-temperature stress has not been documented. Rice plants pretreated with SA (0–50 mmol L?1) were subjected to heat stress at 40?°C at the pollen mother cell meiosis stage for 10 days. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in grain yields and yield components among rice plants that were exogenously sprayed with SA (0–50 mmol L?1) under natural conditions. Under heat stress, the grain yield, spikelet number per panicle and setting rate in response to SA treatments were higher than under the control (0 mmol L?1 SA or NON-SA) treatment, especially with 1 and 10 mmol L?1 SA. A higher grain yield, spikelet number per panicle and setting rate were recorded in these two SA treatments compared with the NON-SA treatment. During this process, soluble sugars, proline, phytohormones including ABA, GA3, BRs, IAA, ZR and JA, and antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), were induced by SA. Moreover, soluble sugars, IAA, POD and APX in the spikelets with SA treatments were not only higher than with the NON-SA treatment but the changing patterns were also similar to that of the spikelet number per panicle under natural conditions and heat stress. Therefore, our results suggest that sugars, antioxidant enzymes and IAA might mediate SA to prevent spikelet degeneration caused by heat stress.  相似文献   

In order to discriminate between the ionic and osmotic components of salt stress, sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L. cv. Co 86032) plants were treated with salt-NaCl or polyethylene glycol-PEG 8000 solutions (?0.7 MPa) for 15 days. Both the salt and PEG treatments significantly reduced leaf width, number of green leaves, and chlorophyll stability index. Osmotic adjustment (OA) indicated that both the stresses led to significant accumulation of osmolytes and sugars. Salt stressed plants appeared to use salt as an osmoticum while the PEG stressed plants showed an accumulation of sugars. Oxidative damage to membranes was not severe in plants subjected to salt or PEG stress. The salt stressed plants showed an increase in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), while PEG stress led to an increase in SOD but not APX activity as compared to the control. Thus, results indicate that the iso-osmotic salt or PEG stress led to differential responses in plants especially with respect to growth, OA, and antioxidant enzyme activities.  相似文献   

We adopted a proteomics approach to identify and analyze the differential expression of maize root proteins associated with abscisic acid (ABA) regulation under combined drought and heat stress. Using mass spectrometry, we identified 22 major proteins that were significantly up-regulated under combined drought and heat stress. These 22 proteins were classified into 6 functional categories: disease/defense (8), metabolism (3), cell growth/division (3), signal transduction (2), transporters (2) and unclassified (4). Our previous reports showed that ABA regulates the expression of several small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) in maize leaves subjected to the combination of drought and heat stress; however, no sHSPs were identified among the root proteins up-regulated in this study. RT-PCR and western blot analyses were used to identify six known sHSPs. The maize roots were pretreated with 100 μM of ABA, and subsequently, the expression of the 22 up-regulated proteins and 6 sHSPs was examined. 11 proteins were up-regulated in an ABA-dependent manner, 13 proteins were up-regulated in an ABA-independent manner, and 4 proteins were up-regulated but inhibited by ABA. The up-regulated proteins are interesting candidates for further physiological and molecular investigations of combination stress tolerance in maize.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate abiotic stress (WAK, HvPIP1.1, HvPIP1.2, HvPIP1.3, HvPIP1.5, CYCD3, DREB2) and brassinosteroid-related gene (DWARF4) expressions in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. “Hilal”) roots grown under different salt (150 and 250 mM), HBR (0.5 and 1 μM), and salt + HBR applications during 48 and 72 h at dark with their controls. Phylogenetic trees were also constructed to observe relationships among genes found in other plants. The expression of HvPIP1.2 and WAK reduced after salt treatment while HvPIP1.3, DREB2 and DWARF4 expressions increased. HvPIP1.1, HvPIP1.2, HvPIP1.3, HvPIP1.5 and DWARF4 expressions were upregulated under only HBR applications. Salt + HBR treatments increased HvPIP1.1, DREB2 and DWARF4 but decreased HvPIP1.2. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that Oryza sativa L. shared similar sequences with HvPIP1.5. CYCD3 could diverge relatively earlier from cyclin genes during evolution as it segregates in a distinct clade. Sorghum bicolor showed sequence homology with DREB2. Oryza australiensis L. and DWARF4 were found in the same clade. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed report related to salt stress and HBR applications in terms of the expression of different genes in barley, providing a valuable information for molecular breeding improvement of stress-related traits.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of jasmonic acid (JA) to enhance drought tolerance in different Brassica species in terms of physiological parameters, antioxidants defense, and glyoxalase system. Ten-day-old seedlings were exposed to drought (15 % polyethylene glycol, PEG-6000) either alone or in combination with 0.5 mM JA. Drought significantly increased lipoxygenase activity and oxidative stress, levels of malondialdehyde and H2O2. Drought reduced seedling biomass, chlorophyll (chl) content, and leaf relative water content (RWC). Drought increased proline, oxidized ascorbate (DHA) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG) levels. Drought affected different species differently: in B. napus, catalase (CAT) and glyoxalase II (Gly II) activities were decreased, while glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activities were increased in drought-stressed compared to unstressed plants; in B. campestris, activities of glutathione reductase (GR), glyoxalase I (Gly I), GST, and GPX were increased, monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), CAT and other enzymes were decreased; in B. juncea, activities of ascorbate peroxidase, GR, GPX, Gly I were increased; Gly II activity was decreased and other enzymes did not change. Spraying drought-stressed seedlings with JA increased GR and Gly I activities in B. napus; increased MDHAR activity in B. campestris; and increased DHAR, GR, GPX, Gly I and Gly II activities in B. juncea. JA improved fresh weight, chl, RWC in all species, dry weight increased only in B. juncea. Brassica juncea had the lowest oxidative stress under drought, indicating its natural drought tolerance capacity. The JA improved drought tolerance of B. juncea to the highest level among studied species.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(9):1070-1084

In addition to serving as the power house of mammalian cells, mitochondria are crucial for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis in response to physiological or environmental changes. Several lines of evidence suggest that posttranslational modification (PTM) of proteins plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the bioenergetic function of mitochondria. Among them, reversible lysine acetylation of mitochondrial proteins has been established as one of the key mechanisms in cellular response to energy demand by modulating the flux of a number of key metabolic pathways. In this article, we focus on the role of Sirt3-mediated deacetylation in: (1) flexibility of energy metabolism, (2) activation of antioxidant defense, and (3) maintenance of cellular redox status in response to dietary challenge and oxidative stress. We suggest that oxidative stress-elicited down-regulation of Sirt3 plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes, cardiac hypotrophy, mitochondrial diseases, and age-related diseases. Besides, the physiological role of newly identified lysine acylation mediated by Sirt5 and its biochemical effects on oxidative metabolism are also discussed. Moreover, we have integrated the regulatory function of several protein kinases that are involved in the phosphorylation of mitochondrial enzymes during oxidative stress. Finally, the functional consequence of the synergistic regulation through diverse protein modifications is emphasized on the maintenance of the bioenergetic homeostasis and metabolic adaptation of the animal and human cells. Together, we have provided an updated review of PTM in mitochondrial biology and their implications in aging and human diseases through an intricate regulation of energy metabolism under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

马乐元  陈年来  韩国君  李良 《生态学杂志》2017,28(10):3274-3280
以豆科牧草“绿宝石”小冠花为试材,研究PEG-6000(浓度8%和12%)模拟干旱胁迫下不同浓度外源水杨酸(0、0.5、1.0和2.0 mmol·L-1)对小冠花种子萌发和幼芽生理特性的影响.结果表明: 0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸显著提高了干旱胁迫下小冠花种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和芽长,12%PEG胁迫下1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理小冠花幼芽干质量显著高于干旱处理.0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理显著提高了干旱胁迫下小冠花幼芽脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白含量,显著提高了过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性,显著降低了幼芽细胞电解质渗透率、H2O2含量、O2产生速率,其中以1.0 mmol·L-1水杨酸处理效果最好.水杨酸浓度超过2.0 mmol·L-1时对干旱胁迫没有缓解效应.表明适宜浓度的水杨酸(0.5~1.0 mmol·L-1)可以提高小冠花幼芽渗透调节能力和抗氧化能力,促进小冠花生长,缓解干旱胁迫伤害.  相似文献   

Stress caused by soil salinity and soil drought limits cotton productivity in China. To determine the tolerance levels of cotton, we assessed the effects of soil salinity and soil drought on the biochemical characteristics of the roots of two cotton cultivars (CCRI-44, salt-tolerant; Sumian 12, salt-sensitive). Specifically, we analyzed root biomass, fatty acid composition, antioxidative enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation, H+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities. The cotton root biomass of the two cultivars declined significantly under conditions of soil salinity, soil drought, and the two stressors combined. The antioxidant enzyme activity of the roots also decreased markedly, which caused lipid peroxidation to increase, and changed the composition of the fatty acid membrane. H+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase and antioxidant enzyme activity decreased more under the two stressors combined. However, H2O2 content and O2 ? generation increased under the two stressors combined, compared to each stressor separately. Overall, the combination of soil salinity and drought has a greater inhibitory effect and more harmful impact on root growth than each stressor separately. The higher tolerance of CCRI-44 to soil salinity and drought stress than Sumian 12 might be explained by differences in cotton root antioxidative enzyme activity. The lipid peroxidation levels of cotton roots might represent an important biochemical trait for stress tolerance.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and abscisic acid (ABA)-induced antioxidant response of maize to the combination of drought and heat stress. First, the increased activities of enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT), induced by drought were less than those by heat or combined drought and heat stress, except some individual cases (e.g. CAT in leaves, GR in roots). Second, both HSP70 synthesis and H2O2 production increased prominently under drought, heat or their combination stress; the increase in leaves induced by drought and heat combination was the highest, followed by heat and by drought, while the increase in roots had not visible difference. Third, either in leaves or roots, pretreatment with ABA inhibitor, HSP70 inhibitor and H2O2 scavenger, significantly arrested the stress-induced increase of antioxidant enzyme activities, and ABA inhibitor and H2O2 scavenger obviously suppressed HSP70 synthesis, while HSP70 inhibitor slightly heightened H2O2 accumulation. Finally, 100 μM ABA significantly enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes, HSP70 expression and H2O2 production under stresses in comparison with ABA-deficient mutant vp5 maize plants without pretreatment. Thus, ABA-induced H2O2 production enhances the HSP70 synthesis and up-regulates the activities of antioxidant enzymes, resulting in the suppression of cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Our results suggest that HSP70 may play a crucial role in ABA-induced antioxidant defense of maize to drought and heat combination.  相似文献   

Episodes of prolonged drought coupled with heat waves (i.e. drought and heat combination) can have a devastating impact on agricultural production and crop yield. It is therefore not surprising that improving tolerance to drought and heat combination has been a major goal for breeders and biotech companies. Although much is known about the physiological and molecular responses of vegetative tissues to a combination of drought and heat stress, less is known about the impact of this stress combination on yield and different yield components. Here, we used a meta‐analysis approach to synthesize results from over 120 published case studies of crop responses to combined drought and heat stress. Our findings reveal that drought and heat stress combination significantly impacts yield by decreasing harvest index, shortening the life cycle of crops, and altering seed number, size and composition. Furthermore, these impacts are more severe when the stress combination is applied during the reproductive stage of plants. We further identify differences in how legumes and cereals respond to the stress combination and reveal that utilizing C3 or C4 metabolism may not provide an advantage to plants during stress combinations. Taken together our study highlights a need to focus future studies, as well as breeding efforts, on crop responses to drought and heat combination at the reproductive stage of different crop species.  相似文献   

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