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A key trend in the 210‐million‐year‐old history of modern turtles was the evolution of shell kinesis, that is, shell movement during neck and limb retraction. Kinesis is hypothesized to enhance predator defense in small terrestrial and semiaquatic turtles and has evolved multiple times since the early Cretaceous. This complex phenotype is nonfunctional and far from fully differentiated following embryogenesis. Instead, kinesis develops slowly in juveniles, providing a unique opportunity to illustrate the postembryonic origins of an adaptive trait. To this end, we examined ventral shell (plastral) kinesis in emydine box turtles and found that hatchling plastron shape differs from that of akinetic‐shelled relatives, particularly where the hinge that enables kinesis differentiates. We also demonstrated shape changes relative to plastron size in juveniles, coinciding with a shift in the carapace‐plastron structural connection, rearrangement of ectodermal plates, and bone repatterning. Furthermore, because the shell grows larger relative to the head, complete concealment of the head and extremities is only achieved after relative shell proportions increase. Structural alterations that facilitate the box turtle's transformation are probably prepatterned in embryos but require function‐induced changes to differentiate in juveniles. This mode of delayed trait differentiation is essential to phenotypic diversification in turtles and perhaps other tetrapods.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of beta‐proteins in the epidermis of the soft‐shelled turtle explains the lack of formation of hard corneous material, Acta Zoologica, Stockholm. The corneous layer of soft‐shelled turtles derives from the accumulation of higher ratio of alpha‐keratins versus beta‐proteins as indicated by gene expression, microscopic, immunocytochemical and Western blotting analysis. Type I and II beta‐proteins of 14–16 kDa, indicated as Tu2 and Tu17, accumulate in the thick and hard corneous layer of the hard‐shelled turtle, but only type II is present in the thinner corneous layer of the soft‐shelled turtle. The presence of proline–proline and proline–cysteine–hinge dipeptides in the beta‐sheet region of all type II beta‐proteins so far isolated from the epidermis of soft‐shelled turtles might impede the formation of beta‐filaments and of the hard corneous material. Western blot analysis suggests that beta‐proteins are low to absent in the corneous layer. The ultrastructural immunolocalization of Tu2 and Tu17 beta‐proteins shows indeed that a diffuse labelling is seen among the numerous alpha‐keratin filaments present in the precorneous and corneous layers of the soft epidermis and that no dense corneous material is formed. Double‐labelling experiments confirm that alpha‐keratin prevails on beta‐proteins. The present observations support the hypothesis that the soft material detected in soft‐shelled turtles derives from the prevalent activation of genes producing type II beta‐proteins and high levels of alpha‐keratins.  相似文献   

Invasive species often exhibit either evolved or plastic adaptations in response to spatially varying environmental conditions. We investigated whether evolved or plastic adaptation was driving variation in shell morphology among invasive populations of the New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the western United States. We found that invasive populations exhibit considerable shell shape variation and inhabit a variety of flow velocity habitats. We investigated the importance of evolution and plasticity by examining variation in shell morphological traits 1) between the parental and F1 generations for each population and 2) among populations of the first lab generation (F1) in a common garden, full‐sib design using Canonical Variate Analyses (CVA). We compared the F1 generation to the parental lineages and found significant differences in overall shell shape indicating a plastic response. However, when examining differences among the F1 populations, we found that they maintained among‐population shell shape differences, indicating a genetic response. The F1 generation exhibited a smaller shell morph more suited to the low‐flow common garden environment within a single generation. Our results suggest that phenotypic plasticity in conjunction with evolution may be driving variation in shell morphology of this widespread invasive snail.  相似文献   

The G-matrix summarizes the inheritance of multiple, phenotypic traits. The stability and evolution of this matrix are important issues because they affect our ability to predict how the phenotypic traits evolve by selection and drift. Despite the centrality of these issues, comparative, experimental, and analytical approaches to understanding the stability and evolution of the G-matrix have met with limited success. Nevertheless, empirical studies often find that certain structural features of the matrix are remarkably constant, suggesting that persistent selection regimes or other factors promote stability. On the theoretical side, no one has been able to derive equations that would relate stability of the G-matrix to selection regimes, population size, migration, or to the details of genetic architecture. Recent simulation studies of evolving G-matrices offer solutions to some of these problems, as well as a deeper, synthetic understanding of both the G-matrix and adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

A major focus of the field of organismal biology is to understand how morphology impacts performance. Although the functional implications of certain aspects of shape have been widely examined, the functional implications of a related parameter, symmetry, remain mostly unknown. We used finite‐element models to examine the effects of turtle shell asymmetry on shell strength across three morphologically distinct emydid species. The goals of this study were to: 1) test the hypothesis that increased asymmetry (independent of differences in shape) is associated with increased stress levels for a given load, and thus with weaker shells, 2) ascertain how asymmetry and the position of load application interact to influence shell strength, and 3) determine how interspecific differences in shape influence the effect of asymmetry. We found that increased asymmetry does produce higher stresses for both midline and non‐midline loads. Non‐midline loads produce slightly larger and more variable stresses. Species‐specific shell shape can mitigate the effects of asymmetry; stronger shapes are potentially more resistant to the negative effects of asymmetry. Our findings indicate that changes in asymmetry associated with relatively small changes in shape can have as much of an effect on stress incurred by the shell as the changes in shape themselves. J. Morphol. 274:901–908, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding population‐level responses to human‐induced changes to habitats can elucidate the evolutionary consequences of rapid habitat alteration. Reservoirs constructed on streams expose stream fishes to novel selective pressures in these habitats. Assessing the drivers of trait divergence facilitated by these habitats will help identify evolutionary and ecological consequences of reservoir habitats. We tested for morphological divergence in a stream fish that occupies both stream and reservoir habitats. To assess contributions of genetic‐level differences and phenotypic plasticity induced by flow variation, we spawned and reared individuals from both habitats types in flow and no flow conditions. Body shape significantly and consistently diverged in reservoir habitats compared with streams; individuals from reservoirs were shallower bodied with smaller heads compared with individuals from streams. Significant population‐level differences in morphology persisted in offspring but morphological variation compared with field‐collected individuals was limited to the head region. Populations demonstrated dissimilar flow‐induced phenotypic plasticity when reared under flow, but phenotypic plasticity in response to flow variation was an unlikely explanation for observed phenotypic divergence in the field. Our results, together with previous investigations, suggest the environmental conditions currently thought to drive morphological change in reservoirs (i.e., predation and flow regimes) may not be the sole drivers of phenotypic change.  相似文献   

Expanding the scope of landscape genetics beyond the level of single species can help to reveal how species traits influence responses to environmental change. Multispecies studies are particularly valuable in highly threatened taxa, such as turtles, in which the impacts of anthropogenic change are strongly influenced by interspecific differences in life history strategies, habitat preferences and mobility. We sampled approximately 1500 individuals of three co‐occurring turtle species across a gradient of habitat change (including varying loss of wetlands and agricultural conversion of upland habitats) in the Midwestern USA. We used genetic clustering and multiple regression methods to identify associations between genetic structure and permanent landscape features, past landscape composition and landscape change in each species. Two aquatic generalists (the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta, and the snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina) both exhibited population genetic structure consistent with isolation by distance, modulated by aquatic landscape features. Genetic divergence for the more terrestrial Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), on the other hand, was not strongly associated with geographic distance or aquatic features, and Bayesian clustering analysis indicated that many Emydoidea populations were genetically isolated. Despite long generation times, all three species exhibited associations between genetic structure and postsettlement habitat change, indicating that long generation times may not be sufficient to delay genetic drift resulting from recent habitat fragmentation. The concordances in genetic structure observed between aquatic species, as well as isolation in the endangered, long‐lived Emydoidea, reinforce the need to consider both landscape composition and demographic factors in assessing differential responses to habitat change in co‐occurring species.  相似文献   

Heat‐shock proteins 70/110 (Hsp70/110) are vital molecular chaperones and stress proteins whose expression and production are generally induced by extreme temperatures or external stresses. The Hsp70/110 family is largely conserved in diverse animals. Although many reports have studied and elaborated on the characteristics of Hsp70/110 in various species, the systematic identification and analysis of Hsp70/110 are still poor in turtles. In this study, a genomewide search was performed, and 18 candidate PsHSP70/110 family genes were identified in Chinese soft‐shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. These PsHSP70/110 proteins contained the conserved “heat shock protein 70” domain. Phylogenetic analysis of PsHSP70/110 and their homologs revealed evolutionary conservation of Hsp70/110 across different species. Tissue‐specific expression analysis showed that these PsHSP70/110 genes were differentially expressed in different tissues of P. sinensis. Furthermore, to examine the putative biological functions of PsHSP70/110, the dynamic expression of PsHSP70/110 genes was analyzed in the testis of P. sinensis during seasonal spermatogenesis following germ cell apoptosis. Notably, genes such as PsHSPA1B‐L, PsHSPA2, and PsHSPA8 were significantly upregulated in P. sinensis testes along with a seasonal decrease in apoptosis. Protein interaction prediction revealed that PsHSPA1B‐L, PsHSPA2, and PsHSPA8 may interact with each other and participate in the MAPK signaling pathway. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis showed that PsHSPA1B‐L, PsHSPA2, and PsHSPA8 protein expression was associated with seasonal temperature variation. The expression profiling and interaction relationships of the PsHSPA1B‐L, PsHSPA2, and PsHSPA8 proteins implied their potential roles in inhibiting the apoptosis of germ cells in P. sinensis. These results provide insights into PsHSP70/110 functions and will serve as a rich resource for further investigation of HSP70/110 family genes in P. sinensis and other turtles.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity has been the object of considerable interest over the past several decades, but in few cases are mechanisms underlying plastic responses well understood. For example, it is unclear whether predator-induced changes in gastropod shell morphology represent an active physiological response or a by-product of reduced feeding. We address this question by manipulating feeding and growth of intertidal snails, Littorina obtusata, using two approaches: (i) exposure to predation cues from green crabs Carcinus maenas and (ii) reduced food availability, and quantifying growth in shell length, shell mass, and body mass, as well as production of faecal material and shell micro-structural characteristics (mineralogy and organic fraction) after 96 days. We demonstrate that L. obtusata actively increases calcification rate in response to predation threat, and that this response entails energetic and developmental costs. That this induced response is not strictly tied to the animal's behaviour should enhance its evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

When facing the challenge of developing an individual that best fits its environment, nature demonstrates an interesting combination of two fundamentally different adaptive mechanisms: genetic evolution and phenotypic plasticity. Following numerous computational models, it has become the accepted wisdom that lifetime acclimation (e.g. via learning) smooths the fitness landscape and consequently accelerates evolution. However, analytical studies, focusing on the effect of phenotypic plasticity on evolution in simple unimodal landscapes, have often found that learning hinders the evolutionary process rather than accelerating it. Here, we provide a general framework for studying the effect of plasticity on evolution in multipeaked landscapes and introduce a rigorous mathematical analysis of these dynamics. We show that the convergence rate of the evolutionary process in a given arbitrary one-dimensional fitness landscape is dominated by the largest descent (drawdown) in the landscape and provide numerical evidence to support an analogous dominance also in multidimensional landscapes. We consider several schemes of phenotypic plasticity and examine their effect on the landscape drawdown, identifying the conditions under which phenotypic plasticity is advantageous. The lack of such a drawdown in unimodal landscapes vs. its dominance in multipeaked landscapes accounts for the seemingly contradictory findings of previous studies.  相似文献   

The initiation of innate immunology system could play an important role in the aspect of protection for sperms long‐term storage when the sperms got into oviduct of turtles and come into contact with epithelium. The exploration of TLR2/4 distribution and expression in oviduct during hibernation could help make the storage mechanism understandable. The objective of this study was to examine the gene and protein expression profiles in Chinese soft‐shelled turtle during hibernation from November to April in the next year. The protein distribution of TLR2/4 was investigated in the magnum, isthmus, uterus, and vagina of the turtle oviduct using immunohistochemistry, and the gene expression of TLR2/4 was analyzed using quantitative real‐time PCR (qRT‐PCR). The results showed positive TLR2 protein expression primarily in the epithelium of the oviduct. TLR4 immunoreactivity was widely observed in almost every part of the oviduct, particularly in the epithelium and secretory gland membrane. Analysis of protein, mRNA expression revealed the decreased expression of TLR2/4 in the magnum compared with the isthmus, uterus, and vagina during hibernation. The protein and mRNA expression of TLR2 in the magnum, isthmus, uterus, and vagina was decreased in April compared with that in November. TLR4 protein and mRNA expression in the magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina was decreased in November compared with that in April. These results indicated that TLR2/4 expression might protect the sperm from microbial infections. In contrast to the function of TLR2, which protects sperm during the early stages of hibernation, TLR4 might play a role in later stages of storage. The present study is the first to report the functions of TLR2/4 in reptiles.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and genetic divergence can be influenced by a variety of factors, including sexual and natural selection, genetic drift and geographic isolation. Investigating the roles of these factors in natural systems can provide insight into the relative influences of allopatric and ecological modes of biological diversification in nature. The strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio, presents an excellent opportunity for this kind of research, displaying a diverse array of colour morphs and inhabiting a heterogeneous landscape that includes oceanic islands, fragmented rainforest patches and wide expanses of suitable habitat. In this study, we use 15 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci to estimate population structure and gene flow among populations from across the range of D. pumilio and a causal modelling framework to statistically test 12 hypotheses regarding the geographic and phenotypic variables that explain genetic differentiation within this system. Our results demonstrate that the genetic distance between populations is most strongly associated with differences in dorsal coloration. Previous experimental studies have shown that phenotypic differences can result in sexual and natural selection against non‐native phenotypes, and our results now show that these forces lead to genetic isolation between different colour morphs in the wild, presenting a potential case of incipient speciation through selection.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of crocodilians leads to the formation of particular assemblages by accumulation of carcasses on the bottom or at the edge of water points, in addition to the characteristic marks it leaves on bones, making crocodilians important taphonomic agents. We report here the case of a Pleurosternidae turtle shell, Pleurosternon bullockii (Owen 1842 ), discovered in 2014 in Angeac‐Charente in south‐western France. The shell shows a range of tooth marks left by a crocodyliform. Several elements designate Goniopholis as the most likely author of the marks and support the use of the ‘nutcracker’ technique. Some marks appear to have healed, while others suggest that this P. bullockii individual suffered from shell diseases. Many turtle remains and some ornithomimosaur dinosaur bones from Angeac‐Charente bear marks of a crocodyliform attack.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are novel interstitial cells that have been found in various organs, but the existence of TCs in the testes has not yet been reported. The present ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study revealed the existence of TCs and differentiate these cells from the peritubular cells (Pc) in contact with the surrounding structures in the testes. Firstly, our results confirmed the existence of two cell types surrounding seminiferous tubules; these were Pc (smooth muscle like characteristics) and TCs (as an outer layer around Pc). Telocytes and their long thin prolongations called telopodes (Tps) were detected as alternations of thin segments (podomers) and thick bead‐like portions (podoms), the latter of which accommodate the mitochondria and vesicles. The spindle and irregularly shaped cell bodies were observed with small amounts of cytoplasm around them. In contrast, the processes of Pc contained abundant actin filaments with focal densities, irregular spine‐like outgrowths and nuclei that exhibited irregularities similar to those of smooth muscle cells. The TCs connected with each other via homocellular and heterocellular junctions with Pc, Leydig cells and blood vessels. The Tps of the vascular TCs had bands and shed more vesicles than the other TCs. Immunohistochemistry (CD34) revealed strong positive expression within the TC cell bodies and Tps. Our data confirmed the existence and the contact of TCs with their surroundings in the testes of the Chinese soft‐shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis, which may offer new insights for understanding the function of the testes and preventing and treating testicular disorders.  相似文献   

Abrams 《Ecology letters》2001,4(2):166-175
In recent years, three related methods have been used to model the phenotypic dynamics of traits under the influence of natural selection. The first is based on an approximation to quantitative genetic recursion equations for sexual populations. The second is based on evolution in asexual lineages with mutation-generated variation. The third method finds an evolutionarily stable set of phenotypes for species characterized by a given set of fitness functions, assuming that the mode of reproduction places no constraints on the number of distinct types that can be maintained in the population. The three methods share the property that the rate of change of a trait within a homogeneous population is approximately proportional to the individual fitness gradient. The methods differ in assumptions about the potential magnitude of phenotypic differences in mutant forms, and in their assumptions about the probability that invasion or speciation occurs when a species has a stable, yet invadable phenotype. Determining the range of applicability of the different methods is important for assessing the validity of optimization methods in predicting the evolutionary outcome of ecological interactions. Methods based on quantitative genetic models predict that fitness minimizing traits will often be evolutionarily stable over significant time periods, while other approaches suggest this is likely to be rare. A more detailed study of cases of disruptive selection might reveal whether fitness-minimizing traits occur frequently in natural communities.  相似文献   

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