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Aim  To assess whether eight traits of fish communities (species richness, three reproductive traits and four trophic traits) respond similarly to environmental gradients, and consequently display convergence between the lakes of France and north-east USA (NEUSA).
Location  75 French and 168 north-east USA lakes.
Methods  The data encompass fish surveys, the assignment of species into reproductive and trophic guilds, and environmental variables characterizing the lakes and their catchments. The analytical procedure was adapted from the recommendations of Schluter (1986 ) [ Ecology , 67 , 1073–1085].
Results  The comparison of the regional pools of lacustrine fishes indicated that NEUSA was about twice as speciose as France, mostly due to higher species turnover across lakes, although NEUSA lakes were consistently about 20% more speciose than French lakes for a given surface area. Warmer environments were consistently inhabited by a higher proportion of phytophilous and guarder species than were colder lakes. Hence there was convergence in community reproductive traits. Conversely, there was no evidence of convergence in the trophic structure of lacustrine fish communities between regions.
Main conclusions  The influence of temperature on the availability and quality of spawning substrates appears to be a major constraint on present-day lacustrine fish communities. In parallel, phylogenetic constraints, past events such as the diversification of the North American fish fauna, and selective extinctions during Pleistocene glaciations and subsequent recolonizations contribute to explaining the dissimilarities between the communities of the two regions and differences in their relationship to the environment.  相似文献   

1. The relationships between biological traits of macroinvertebrates and environmental characteristics were investigated in streams with contrasting physical, chemical or landscape level attributes. We used an ordination technique, RLQ analysis, which links an environmental table (R) with traits table (Q) through an abundance table (L) to investigate the relationship between habitat characteristics and biological traits.
2. A major environmental axis explaining the distribution of species and their distinctive biological features was obtained. This axis included variables of anthropogenic pressure (agricultural and urban uses) and natural variability (climatic and geologic) that are strongly intercorrelated in the study area, with a clear spatial component.
3. The attributes of species from frequently disturbed systems (small size, multivoltinism, diapause, ovoviviparity, etc.) were associated with semi-arid areas whereas traits common in more stable and favourable environments (large body size, semi-voltinism, isolated eggs, etc.) were found in upland forested areas.
4. The natural climatic variation was proposed as a disturbance axis of a theoretical habitat templet (driven by the intense hydrological disturbances typical of semi-arid streams), while anthropogenic pressure (mainly intensive agriculture) and high salinity, a natural consequence of geology, was proposed as an adversity axis. Different life-histories associated with contrasting environmental features were superimposed in this habitat templet.
5. The ecological–evolutionary scenario in which stream macroinvertebrates have evolved and by which their communities are organized, is closely linked to disturbance, environmental harshness and human pressure.  相似文献   

Aim We examined the relative contributions of spatial gradients and local environmental conditions to macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams at three hierarchical extents: bioregion, ecoregion and drainage system. We also aimed to identify the environmental variables most strongly related to assemblage structure at each study scale, and to assess how the importance of these variables is related to regional context and spatial structuring at different scales. Location Northern Finland ( 62 – 68° N, 25–32° E). Methods Variation in macroinvertebrate data was partitioned using partial canonical correspondence analysis into components explained by spatial variables (nine terms from the cubic trend surface regression), local environmental variables (15 variables) and spatially structured environmental variation. Results The strength of the relationship between assemblage structure and local environmental variables increased with decreasing spatial extent, whereas assemblage variation related to spatial variables and spatially structured environmental variation showed the opposite pattern. At the largest extents, spatial variation was related to latitudinal gradients, whereas spatial autocorrelation among neighbouring streams was the likely mechanism creating spatial structure within drainage systems. Only stream size and water acidity were consistently important in explaining assemblage structure at all study scales, while the importance of other environmental variables was more context‐dependent. Main conclusions The importance of local environmental factors in explaining macroinvertebrate assemblage structure increases with decreasing spatial extent. This scale‐related pattern is not caused solely by changes in study extent, however, but also by variable sample sizes at different regional extents. The importance of environmental gradients is context‐dependent and few factors are likely to be universally important correlates of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. Finally, our results suggest that bioassessment should give due attention to spatial structuring of stream assemblages, because important assemblage gradients may not only be related to local factors but also to biogeographical constraints and neighbourhood dispersal processes.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrates were collected and physico‐chemical variables measured at 16 stream sites in Western Greenland during July 1999. Eight sites were located on Disko Island in an arctic oceanic climate and eight sites in the Kangerlussuaq area close to the icecap where the climate is arctic continental. The streams had different water sources (glacial, groundwater, snowmelt and lake water). 2. The streams showed pronounced differences in water temperature (2.2–17.3 °C), concentrations of suspended solids (0–2400 mg L?1), and conductivity (10–109 μS cm?1). Principal component analysis (PCA) analysis of the physico‐chemical variables separated the Disko Island sites into a distinct group, whereas the sites in the Kangerlussuaq area were more dispersed. 3. A total of 56 macroinvertebrate species were found, including 31 species of Chironomidae, the most abundant of which was Orthocladius thienemanni. Diamesa sp. was only the sixth most abundant chironomid taxon. Species composition varied between sites, and abundance varied from about 20 individuals m?2 in a glacier fed stream to more than 16 000 m?2 in a lake outlet. 4. The macroinvertebrate communities of the 16 streams were separated into five TWINSPAN groups reflecting water source, irrespective of region. Lake outlets and ground‐water‐fed streams had the highest species richness and abundance, temperature and bed stability, while glacier‐fed streams were characterized by low species richness, abundance, temperature, bed stability and high concentrations of suspended solids. Macroinvertebrate species richness was positively correlated with water temperature and negatively with bed stability. Conductivity was positively correlated with invertebrate abundance. 5. The results of this study suggest that the source of stream water can be used to predict invertebrate community composition in Greenlandic streams and thus the effects of changes in water balance and flow regime, and to identify sites of special conservation interest.  相似文献   

Synopsis Principal components analysis was performed on fish presence/absence data for 39 common fish species from 410 stream sites in Kansas. The analysis confirmed ten ecologically meaningful fish assemblages, based on species associations. Factor scores based on these assemblages were then clustered into six geographic areas or fish ecoregions. Canonical discriminant analysis identified environmental variables that distinguished the derived fish ecoregions. Mean annual runoff, mean annual growing season, and discharge appear most important. Mean width, mean depth, chloride concentration, water temperature, substrate type, gradient, and percent of pool habitat were less important. Correspondence exists between these fish ecoregions and the patterns of physiographic regions, river basins, geology, soil, and potential natural vegetation in Kansas. The multivariate statistical approach used to classify fish ecoregions should have considerable potential value for fish assessment and management purposes in areas other than the state of Kansas.  相似文献   

Niche conservatism (NC) describes the scenario in which species retain similar characteristics or traits over time and space, and thus has potentially important implications for understanding their biogeographic distributions. Evidence consistent with NC includes similar niche properties across geographically distant regions. We investigated whether NC was evident in stream diatom morphospecies by modeling species responses to environmental and climatic variables in a set of calibration sites (from the US) and then evaluated the models with test sets (from France, Finland, New Zealand, Antilles and La Réunion). We also examined whether diatom species showed congruency in environmental niche optima and niche breadths between the study regions, and whether species occupancy and functional traits influenced the observed patterns. We used boosted regression tree models with local environmental variables and climatic variables as predictors. We detected low NC in both environmental and climate models and a lack of consistent differences in NC between widely distributed and regionally rare species and among functional groups. For all species, diatom environmental and climatic optima varied clearly between the regions but showed some positive relationships especially for pH and total phosphorus. Diatom niche breadths were only weakly correlated between the US and the other regions. We demonstrated that diatoms showed overall relatively little NC globally, and NC was especially low for climatic variables. Collectively, these findings suggest that there may exist locally adapted lineages within the diatom morphospecies or diatoms possess some adaptation potential for differences in temperature. We argue that in diatoms, environmental and especially climate models may not be transferrable in space globally but need regional diatom data for calibration because species niches seem to differ among geographical regions.  相似文献   

Synopsis Associations of fishes in physically distinct habitats (riffles, inlets and pools) of Flint Creek were studied to evaluate critically the habitat-guild concept — the notion that fishes associate with patches of stream habitat in discrete groups. There was little evidence of significant interspecific association at the habitat level. Most fishes were very generalized in their habitat-use patterns. Faunal similarity between habitats was unrelated to physical-habitat similarity. Assemblages from physically distinct habitats were little different from those from physically similar habitats. The structure of the associations (constancy within groups of commonly occurring species) varied seasonally and from site to site. There were constant associations in pools from summer through fall and this coincided with conditions of high fish density and low food availability, suggesting that the pattern resulted from past or present interaction between species. However, the timing also coincided with recruitment of young. Pools were the favored habitats of young-of-year fishes which dominated assemblages in these areas during summer and fall months. This apparently adaptive pattern of habitat association, operating in tandem with local reproductive success could have been responsible for the constancy observed in pools. Most of the species considered here made use of a variety of habitat conditions over the course of their life histories. Individual patches of habitat satisfied the needs of few fish, and thus, seemed too small a scale for the study of community-assembly mechanisms. There was better evidence of interspecies association at the scale of two or more of these habitat areas combined.  相似文献   

Knowledge of species composition and their interactions, in the form of interaction networks, is required to understand processes shaping their distribution over time and space. As such, comparing ecological networks along environmental gradients represents a promising new research avenue to understand the organization of life. Variation in the position and intensity of links within networks along environmental gradients may be driven by turnover in species composition, by variation in species abundances and by abiotic influences on species interactions. While investigating changes in species composition has a long tradition, so far only a limited number of studies have examined changes in species interactions between networks, often with differing approaches. Here, we review studies investigating variation in network structures along environmental gradients, highlighting how methodological decisions about standardization can influence their conclusions. Due to their complexity, variation among ecological networks is frequently studied using properties that summarize the distribution or topology of interactions such as number of links, connectance, or modularity. These properties can either be compared directly or using a procedure of standardization. While measures of network structure can be directly related to changes along environmental gradients, standardization is frequently used to facilitate interpretation of variation in network properties by controlling for some co‐variables, or via null models. Null models allow comparing the deviation of empirical networks from random expectations and are expected to provide a more mechanistic understanding of the factors shaping ecological networks when they are coupled with functional traits. As an illustration, we compare approaches to quantify the role of trait matching in driving the structure of plant–hummingbird mutualistic networks, i.e. a direct comparison, standardized by null models and hypothesis‐based metaweb. Overall, our analysis warns against a comparison of studies that rely on distinct forms of standardization, as they are likely to highlight different signals. Fostering a better understanding of the analytical tools available and the signal they detect will help produce deeper insights into how and why ecological networks vary along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

1. High‐gradient mountain streams are ideal for studying longitudinal biological patterns, although the degree of similarity in the biological gradient among physically similar streams in a region is poorly known. Our first objective was to evaluate variability in benthic communities along four streams in the central Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We analysed the relative influence of longitudinal position versus reach‐scale physical variables on community structure and measured community similarity at comparable longitudinal positions on the four streams. 2. Our second objective was to evaluate the relative utility of taxonomically versus functionally defined communities to characterise assemblage structure: are taxonomic patterns more predictable along the gradient than are patterns of ecologically important species traits? 3. Redundancy analyses (RDA), including measures of both reach‐scale environmental variables (substratum properties, periphytic cover, local channel slope) and longitudinal position (altitude, stream size), confirmed that the longitudinal position of a site was most important in determining taxonomic composition. Functional community structure was also influenced by longitudinal position, but reach‐scale variables (especially periphyton and median particle size) were of greater importance. 4. Redundancy analyses explained 29.3% of total taxonomic variance and 26.0% of functional variance, indicating that defining assemblages functionally provides no greater understanding of community patterns given several known environmental variables. Strict longitudinal limits of taxa, the presumably identical regional species pool across our sites, and/or trade‐offs among different types of species traits probably explain this result. 5. Redundancy analyses did suggest, however, that traits related to longer life (semivoltinism, long‐lived adults, and slow larval development) were more common downstream, while long‐distance dispersal ability and high fecundity were associated with higher altitude and its associated harsher conditions. 6. When sampling sites were grouped into three ecological zones defined by altitude, mean community similarity (measured both taxonomically and functionally) was lowest across streams at the highest altitude. This pattern could be driven by increased insularity of alpine‐zone streams, resulting from a combination of harsh terrestrial environment, lack of hydrological connectivity, and limited species ranges along the longitudinal continuum.  相似文献   

Patterns of macroinvertebrate traits along three glacial stream continuums   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Glacier‐fed streams are characterised by low spatial but high temporal heterogeneity, manifested in seasonal and diurnal discharge and suspended sediment peaks induced by glacial runoff. These streams shelter macroinvertebrate communities adapted to such harsh environmental conditions. Studies relating macroinvertebrate traits to environmental conditions in glacial streams could provide important insights into the structure and function of glacial stream communities. 2. From data collected in three glacial streams from the central Swiss and southern French Alps, we analysed the relationships among six biological traits to define five groups of macroinvertebrate taxa with similar suites of traits. 3. The longitudinal distribution of the five groups and of individual traits was analysed, as well as their variation according to a glaciality index combining water temperature, conductivity, suspended solids and substrate stability. 4. The trait diversity along the three streams showed a strong upstream‐downstream gradient. The upper reaches were dominated by a single group of taxa characterised by small, crawling, deposit feeders. The other trait‐based groups appeared progressively downstream. 5. Changes in the relative frequency of trait‐based groups along the glaciality gradient highlighted the dominance of all‐rounder resistant/resilient traits in the three streams and confirmed that environmental conditions in the glacial streams are too harsh or uniform to allow macroinvertebrate communities to develop alternative suites of traits. The findings are discussed in relation to the question of trait coding in the available literature.  相似文献   

We used a large forested preserve (Olympic National Park, USA) to examine the habitat associations of a unique and environmentally sensitive stream amphibian fauna: Ascaphus truei Stegneger, Rhyacotriton olympicus (Gaige) and Dicamptodon copei Nussbaum. We quantified the relative abundance of stream amphibians and compared them to physical, topographic, climatic and landscape variables. All three species were associated with the south‐west to north‐east climate gradient, tending to be most abundant in the south‐west. Although a habitat generalist relative to the other two species, Dicamptodon copei was absent from the north‐eastern portion of the park. Ascaphus truei and Rhyacotriton olympicus were both associated with coarse substrates and steep gradients. Unlike studies in harvested forests, all stream amphibians were common in waters with unconsolidated surface geology (e.g. marine sediments that erode easily). Studies of ecological preserves can provide an important baseline for evaluating species associations with environmental gradients and can reveal patterns not evident in more disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the potential impacts of climate change on stream fish assemblages in terms of species and biological trait diversity, composition and similarity. Location One‐thousand one‐hundred and ten stream sections in France. Methods We predicted the future potential distribution of 35 common stream fish species facing changes in temperature and precipitation regime. Seven different species distribution models were applied and a consensus forecast was produced to limit uncertainty between single‐models. The potential impacts of climate change on fish assemblages were assessed using both species and biological trait approaches. We then addressed the spatial distribution of potential impacts along the upstream–downstream gradient. Results Overall, climate change was predicted to result in an increase in species and trait diversity. Species and trait composition of the fish assemblages were also projected to be highly modified. Changes in assemblages’ diversity and composition differed strongly along the upstream–downstream gradient, with upstream and midstream assemblages more modified than downstream assemblages. We also predicted a global increase in species and trait similarity between pairwise assemblages indicating a future species and trait homogenization of fish assemblages. Nevertheless, we found that upstream assemblages would differentiate, whereas midstream and downstream assemblages would homogenize. Our results suggested that colonization could be the main driver of the predicted homogenization, while local extinctions could result in assemblage differentiation. Main conclusions This study demonstrated that climate change could lead to contrasted impacts on fish assemblage structure and diversity depending on the position along the upstream–downstream gradient. These results could have important implications in terms of ecosystem monitoring as they could be useful in establishing areas that would need conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

1. Stream metabolism is increasingly used for monitoring and assessment of the biological condition of aquatic ecosystems. However, distal environmental drivers, such as land use, are typically not well connected to the proximate controls, such as stream chemistry, that are usually invoked as driving metabolism. This is particularly true for North American prairie streams and for grassland streams worldwide. 2. Stream metabolism was measured at the outflow of 19 subcatchments of the Red River in southern Manitoba, Canada. Subcatchments represented gradients of nutrient‐producing human activities present in the region, that is, wastewater treatment (WWT), livestock production and crop cultivation. Stream metabolism was estimated at all sites using diel changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration over 1 week in the middle of summer. Environmental parameters hypothesised to control stream metabolism were sampled across three spatial scales (stream reach, stream segment and catchment). Model selection using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) was used to determine linkages between environmental parameters and measures of stream metabolism. 3. Estimated rates of metabolism were within the range of past studies of metabolism in prairie streams, although most streams had negative values of net ecosystem metabolism. However, production‐to‐respiration ratios were >0.5, at all but three sites suggesting that autochthonous production was an important source of organic matter. 4. The a priori model that best predicted gross primary production (GPP) was the intensity of nutrient‐producing human activities (i.e. WWT, livestock and crop cultivation) measured at the catchment scale. Ecosystem respiration (ER) was best predicted by the a priori model comprised of GPP, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). However, model averaging revealed that prediction of ER could be improved by including riparian cover and removing TP from the model. The positive association between GPP and ER suggested that heterotrophic compartments of the ecosystem were modest contributors to variation in respiration rates. 5. Overall, this study suggests that variation of metabolism in prairie streams of southern Manitoba is controlled by human activities occurring at the catchment scale, a finding consistent with current hierarchically structured riverine paradigms. Moreover, increased understanding of the hierarchical structure of stream metabolism drivers will help to ensure that assessment results can be used more effectively to inform management strategies for prairie ecosystems.  相似文献   


Background: Functional trait-based approaches have been used to identify patterns of plant species diversity and composition related to environmental variability/changes. Bryophytes are rapidly affected by perturbations and thus their traits and distribution are expected to show well-defined relationships with environmental variability.

Aim: To quantify the impacts of fragmentation on the diversity and structure of epiphytic bryophytes to vertical and horizontal environmental gradients in an Atlantic Forest remnant.

Methods: Six functional traits related to water relations and light tolerance were recorded and one of them, the leaf lobule area in liverworts, was selected for morphometric measurements along the gradients analysed. Functional diversity and composition metrics of bryophytes along gradients were compared.

Results: Functional diversity changed little along the vertical and horizontal gradients. Conversely, the functional composition of traits changed markedly. Traits related to water storage, such as the presence and area of lobules, and to protection against excess light incidence, such as dark pigments, were more numerous in the canopy and at the fragment edge.

Conclusions: Functional composition is more correlated with the vertical and horizontal gradients than functional diversity. The lobule of liverworts stood out as the most relevant trait to explain the adaptive strategies of bryophytes.  相似文献   

This study aims to discuss the seasonal and spatial dynamics of fish assemblage of River Soan in relation with environmental changes. Survey was conducted during pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons in 2008. Physico chemical and biological samplings were carried out at 26 sites which were selected along the whole stretch of the river. High concentration of total phosphorous and conductivity, low pH and dissolved oxygen were measured at urban part of midstream zone whereas high concentration of total nitrogen was measured at downstream zone. A total of 22 species were collected during the survey among which Barilius pakistanicus, Puntius ticto, Crossocheilus diplochilus and Labeo dero were distributed throughout the river stretch. Maximum fish diversity was recorded at suburban part of midstream while its urban part was appeared to be the most species poor part of the Soan River. Herbivore individuals constituted the dominant trophic group of fish assemblage. Significant seasonal and spatial changes in fish assemblage were determined at river downstream. Upstream- downstream differences in fish assemblage were more pronounced during pre monsoon and seem to be related to thermal gradient and hydrological changes. Seasonal variations in fish assemblage were significant only at downstream zone and were influenced by velocity, floodplains and migration patterns in fish assemblage. Understanding of spatial and seasonal trends in fish assemblage in relation with their environment is of great importance for the management and conservation of fish assemblage. Findings of this study will be helpful in future attempts to restore and conserve the aquatic assemblages of Himalayan streams.  相似文献   

Character displacement is typically identified by comparing phenotypic differences in sympatry and allopatry. Recently, however, Goldberg and Lande (2006) pointed out that when phenotypic characters vary along an environmental gradient, the standard approach may fail to identify sympatric character divergence. Here we present a general analytical procedure for identifying sympatric character divergence while accounting for phenotypic changes that covary with environmental variables. Our approach uses residual randomization from a generalized linear model, and allows the statistical comparison of sympatric phenotypic divergence to allopatric phenotypic divergence while accounting for phenotypic variation along a gradient. Through simulation we demonstrate that our approach correctly identifies patterns of sympatric character divergence when they are present, and does not identify such patterns when they are not. Our analytical approach complements and extends the suggestions of Goldberg and Lande (2006), by allowing a full statistical assessment of the varied patterns of character displacement along environmental gradients, or while accounting for other covariates and sources of variation.  相似文献   

Flooding and drought are important hydrological disturbances occurring in intermittent streams located in semiarid regions. The present study aims to analyse the effects of flood and drought on the diversity and stability of an intermittent stream fish community from the Brazilian semiarid region over the 1996 hydrological cycle. Fourteen fish collections were conducted during the rewetting, wet and drying phases, and 808 individuals were collected. Diversity was measured by using Simpson’s Index (S) and community stability was analysed by using the variation in the abundance, then tested by applying Kendall’s (W) test of concordance over the relative abundance rankings. This test supplies information about the stability of communities by means of the concordance of rankings. A community that is stable or near equilibrium has more constant rankings of its constituent species compared with a fluctuating one. The diversity increased progressively during the rewetting phase (S = 0.480–0.693; coefficient of variation = 0.131), reached its highest values during the wet phase (S = 0.745–0.861; coefficient of variation = 0.072), and remained high during the drying phase, with a lower oscillation than in the other phases (S = 0.699–0.801; coefficient of variation = 0.050). The abundance per collection varied significantly (Kruskal– Wallis 6.94, P = 0.031) throughout the hydrological phases. The stability of the community was higher during the rewetting (W = 0.58, P < 0.001) and drying (W = 0.86, P < 0.001) phases than during the wet phase (W = 0.45, P = 0.1818). In the Brazilian semiarid region, flooding disrupted the stability of the fish community studied and increased the diversity, whereas the absence of floods (expressed by the drying phase) caused a higher stability of the fish community and led to less variation in diversity.  相似文献   

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