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Island biotas emerge from the interplay between colonisation, speciation and extinction and are often the scene of spectacular adaptive radiations. A common assumption is that insular diversity is at a dynamic equilibrium, but for remote islands, such as Hawaii or Galápagos, this idea remains untested. Here, we reconstruct the temporal accumulation of terrestrial bird species of the Galápagos using a novel phylogenetic method that estimates rates of biota assembly for an entire community. We show that species richness on the archipelago is in an ascending phase and does not tend towards equilibrium. The majority of the avifauna diversifies at a slow rate, without detectable ecological limits. However, Darwin's finches form an exception: they rapidly reach a carrying capacity and subsequently follow a coalescent‐like diversification process. Together, these results suggest that avian diversity of remote islands is rising, and challenge the mutual exclusivity of the non‐equilibrium and equilibrium ecological paradigms.  相似文献   

Testing hypotheses on drivers of clade evolution and trait diversification provides insight into many aspects of evolutionary biology. Often, studies investigate only intrinsic biological properties of organisms as the causes of diversity, however, extrinsic properties of a clade's environment, particularly geological history, may also offer compelling explanations. The Andes are a young mountain chain known to have shaped many aspects of climate and diversity of South America. The Liolaemidae are a radiation of South American reptiles with over 300 species found across most biomes and with similar numbers of egg‐laying and live‐bearing species. Using the most complete dated phylogeny of the family, we tested the role of Andean uplift in biogeography, diversification patterns, and parity mode of the Liolaemidae. We find that the Andes promoted lineage diversification and acted as a species pump into surrounding biomes. We also find strong support for the role of Andean uplift in boosting the species diversity of these lizards via allopatric fragmentation. Finally, we find repeated shifts in parity mode associated with changing thermal niches, with live‐bearing favored in cold climates and egg‐laying favored in warm climates. Importantly, we find evidence for possible reversals to oviparity, an evolutionary transition believed to be extremely rare.  相似文献   

Through the course of an adaptive radiation, the evolutionary speed of cladogenesis and ecologically relevant trait evolution are expected to slow as species diversity increases, niches become occupied, and ecological opportunity declines. We develop new likelihood‐based models to test diversity‐dependent evolution in the auks, one of only a few families of seabirds adapted to underwater “flight,” and which exhibit a large variety of bill sizes and shapes. Consistent with the expectations of adaptive radiation, we find both a decline in rates of cladogenesis (a sixfold decline) and bill shape (a 64‐fold decline) evolution as diversity increased. Bill shape diverged into two clades at the basal cladogenesis event with one clade possessing mostly long, narrow bills used to forage primarily on fish, and the other with short thick bills used to forage primarily on plankton. Following this initial divergence in bill shape, size, a known correlate of both prey size and maximum diving depth, diverged rapidly within each of these clades. These results suggest that adaptive radiation in foraging traits underwent initial divergence in bill shape to occupy different food resources, followed by size differentiation to subdivide each niche along the depth axis of the water column.  相似文献   

Competition for shared resources represents a fundamental driver of biological diversity. However, the tempo and mode of phenotypic evolution in deep-time has been predominantly investigated using trait evolutionary models which assume that lineages evolve independently from each other. Consequently, the role of species interactions in driving macroevolutionary dynamics remains poorly understood. Here, we quantify the prevalence for signatures of competition between related species in the evolution of ecomorphological traits across the bird radiation. We find that mechanistic trait models accounting for the effect of species interactions on phenotypic divergence provide the best fit for the data on at least one trait axis in 27 out of 59 clades ranging between 21 and 195 species. Where it occurs, the signature of competition generally coincides with positive species diversity-dependence, driven by the accumulation of lineages with similar ecologies, and we find scarce evidence for trait-dependent or negative diversity-dependent phenotypic evolution. Overall, our results suggest that the footprint of interspecific competition is often eroded in long-term patterns of phenotypic diversification, and that other selection pressures may predominantly shape ecomorphological diversity among extant species at macroevolutionary scales.  相似文献   

The time–area–productivity hypothesis is a proposed explanation for global biodiversity gradients. It predicts that a bioregion's modern diversity is the product of its area and productivity, integrated over evolutionary time. I performed the first experimental test of the time–area–productivity hypothesis using a model system for adaptive radiation – the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25. I initiated hundreds of independent radiations under culture conditions spanning a variety of productivities, spatial extents and temporal extents. Time‐integrated productivity was the single best predictor of extant phenotypic diversity and richness. In contrast, ‘snapshots’ of modern environmental variables at the time of sampling were less useful predictors of diversity patterns. These results were best explained by marked variation in population growth parameters under different productivity treatments and the long periods over which standing diversity could persist in unproductive habitats. These findings provide the first experimental support for time‐integrated productivity as a putative driver of regional biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

The emergence of angiosperm‐dominated tropical forests in the Cretaceous led to major shifts in the composition of biodiversity on Earth. Among these was the rise to prominence of epiphytic plant lineages, which today comprise an estimated one‐quarter of tropical vascular plant diversity. Among the most successful epiphytic groups is the Polypodiaceae, which comprises an estimated 1500 species and displays a remarkable breadth of morphological and ecological diversity. Using a time‐calibrated phylogeny for 417 species, we characterized macroevolutionary patterns in the family, identified shifts in diversification rate, and identified traits that are potential drivers of diversification. We find high diversification rates throughout the family, evidence for a radiation in a large clade of Paleotropical species, and support for increased rates of diversification associated with traits including chlorophyllous spores and noncordiform gametophytes. Contrary to previous hypotheses, our results indicate epiphytic species and groups with humus‐collecting leaves diversify at lower rates than the family as a whole. We find that diversification rates in the Polypodiaceae are positively correlated with changes in elevation. Repeated successful exploration of novel habitat types, rather than morphological innovation, appears to be the primary driver of diversification in this group.  相似文献   

Understanding population‐level responses to human‐induced changes to habitats can elucidate the evolutionary consequences of rapid habitat alteration. Reservoirs constructed on streams expose stream fishes to novel selective pressures in these habitats. Assessing the drivers of trait divergence facilitated by these habitats will help identify evolutionary and ecological consequences of reservoir habitats. We tested for morphological divergence in a stream fish that occupies both stream and reservoir habitats. To assess contributions of genetic‐level differences and phenotypic plasticity induced by flow variation, we spawned and reared individuals from both habitats types in flow and no flow conditions. Body shape significantly and consistently diverged in reservoir habitats compared with streams; individuals from reservoirs were shallower bodied with smaller heads compared with individuals from streams. Significant population‐level differences in morphology persisted in offspring but morphological variation compared with field‐collected individuals was limited to the head region. Populations demonstrated dissimilar flow‐induced phenotypic plasticity when reared under flow, but phenotypic plasticity in response to flow variation was an unlikely explanation for observed phenotypic divergence in the field. Our results, together with previous investigations, suggest the environmental conditions currently thought to drive morphological change in reservoirs (i.e., predation and flow regimes) may not be the sole drivers of phenotypic change.  相似文献   

Aim To estimate the rate of adaptive radiation of endemic Hawaiian Bidens and to compare their diversification rates with those of other plants in Hawaii and elsewhere with rapid rates of radiation. Location Hawaii. Methods Fifty‐nine samples representing all 19 Hawaiian species, six Hawaiian subspecies, two Hawaiian hybrids and an additional two Central American and two African Bidens species had their DNA extracted, amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced for four chloroplast and two nuclear loci, resulting in a total of approximately 5400 base pairs per individual. Internal transcribed spacer sequences for additional outgroup taxa, including 13 non‐Hawaiian Bidens, were obtained from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were assessed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. The age of the most recent common ancestor and diversification rates of Hawaiian Bidens were estimated using the methods of previously published studies to allow for direct comparison with other studies. Calculations were made on a per‐unit‐area basis. Results We estimate the age of the Hawaiian clade to be 1.3–3.1 million years old, with an estimated diversification rate of 0.3–2.3 species/million years and 4.8 × 10?5 to 1.3 × 10?4 species Myr?1 km?2. Bidens species are found in Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South America, but the Hawaiian species have greater diversity of growth form, floral morphology, dispersal mode and habitat type than observed in the rest of the genus world‐wide. Despite this diversity, we found little genetic differentiation among the Hawaiian species. This is similar to the results from other molecular studies on Hawaiian plant taxa, including others with great morphological variability (e.g. silverswords, lobeliads and mints). Main conclusions On a per‐unit‐area basis, Hawaiian Bidens have among the highest rates of speciation for plant radiations documented to date. The rapid diversification within such a small area was probably facilitated by the habitat diversity of the Hawaiian Islands and the adaptive loss of dispersal potential. Our findings point to the need to consider the spatial context of diversification – specifically, the relative scale of habitable area, environmental heterogeneity and dispersal ability – to understand the rate and extent of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The Antarctic is considered to be a pristine environment relative to other regions of the Earth, but it is increasingly vulnerable to invasions by marine, freshwater and terrestrial non‐native species. The Antarctic Peninsula region (APR), which encompasses the Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetland Islands and South Orkney Islands, is by far the most invaded part of the Antarctica continent. The risk of introduction of invasive non‐native species to the APR is likely to increase with predicted increases in the intensity, diversity and distribution of human activities. Parties that are signatories to the Antarctic Treaty have called for regional assessments of non‐native species risk. In response, taxonomic and Antarctic experts undertook a horizon scanning exercise using expert opinion and consensus approaches to identify the species that are likely to present the highest risk to biodiversity and ecosystems within the APR over the next 10 years. One hundred and three species, currently absent in the APR, were identified as relevant for review, with 13 species identified as presenting a high risk of invading the APR. Marine invertebrates dominated the list of highest risk species, with flowering plants and terrestrial invertebrates also represented; however, vertebrate species were thought unlikely to establish in the APR within the 10 year timeframe. We recommend (a) the further development and application of biosecurity measures by all stakeholders active in the APR, including surveillance for species such as those identified during this horizon scanning exercise, and (b) use of this methodology across the other regions of Antarctica. Without the application of appropriate biosecurity measures, rates of introductions and invasions within the APR are likely to increase, resulting in negative consequences for the biodiversity of the whole continent, as introduced species establish and spread further due to climate change and increasing human activity.  相似文献   

Aims Conduct a quantitative, but rapid, regional-level assessment of the alpine flora across northwest Yunnan (NWY) to provide a broad-based understanding of local and regional patterns of the composition, diversity and health of alpine ecosystems across NWY.Methods A stratified random sampling design was employed to select sites across the different mountain ranges of NWY. Vegetation was sampled by stratifying each site by the three major alpine vegetation community types: meadow, dwarf shrub and scree. Two 50-m transects were randomly located within each community type at each sampling site with 10 1-m 2 subplots systematically placed along each transect. Environmental variables were recorded at each transect. Multivariate analyses were used to classify the major plant community assemblages and link community patterns to environmental and habitat variables.Important findings Forb species richness varied from 19 to 105 species per site (21 sites total) with an average of 59 species per site (60 m 2 sampled per site). Most species were patchily distributed with narrow distributions and/or small population sizes; over half the species occurred at only one or two sites. Distinct species assemblages were identified in the meadow vegetation that was strongly aggregated by geographic location suggesting the presence of distinct phytogeographic zones of the meadow alpine flora. Elevation and geographic location were the dominant environmental gradients underlying the variations in species composition. Jaccard's coefficient of similarity averaged only 10% among sites indicating there was little similarity in the alpine flora across the region. The alpine vegetation is highly heterogeneous across the complex landscape of the Hengduan Mountains of NWY. Conservation strategies need to take into account the large geographic differences in the flora to maximize protection of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations are defined as rapid diversification with phenotypic innovation led by colonization to new environments. Notably, adaptive radiations can occur in parallel when habitats with similar selective pressures are accessible promoting convergent adaptions. Although convergent evolution appears to be a common process, it is unclear what are the main drivers leading the reappearance of morphologies or ecological roles. We explore this question in Myotis bats, the only Chiropteran genus with a worldwide distribution. Three foraging strategies—gleaning, trawling, and aerial netting—repeatedly evolved in several regions of the world, each linked to characteristic morphologies recognized as ecomorphs. Phylogenomic, morphometric, and comparative approaches were adopted to investigate convergence of such foraging strategies and skull morphology as well as factors that explain diversification rates. Genomic and morphometric data were analyzed from ~80% extant taxa. Results confirm that the ecomorphs evolved multiple times, with trawling evolving more often and foliage gleaning most recently. Skull morphology does not reflect common ancestry and evolves convergently with foraging strategy. Although diversification rates have been roughly constant across the genus, speciation rates are area‐dependent and higher in taxa with temperate distributions. Results suggest that in this species‐rich group of bats, first, stochastic processes have led divergence into multiple lineages. Then, natural selection in similar niches has promoted repeated adaptation of phenotypes and foraging strategies. Myotis bats are thus a remarkable case of ecomorphological convergence and an emerging model system for investigating the genomic basis of parallel adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Geist J  Kuehn R 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(4):997-1008
Biodiversity in fluvial ecosystems is under pressure as a consequence of their degradation. Conservation strategies for endangered freshwater molluscs and for salmonid fishes have been proposed but they are typically poorly integrated. Here, we examined for the first time the genetic structure of a critically endangered obligate mollusc invertebrate parasite, the freshwater pearl mussel ( Margaritifera margaritifera ), and its vertebrate host fish, the brown trout ( Salmo trutta m. fario ), in European headwater streams. We compared genetic differentiation and diversity with productivity and ecological habitat features of both species in nine different European streams from the drainage systems of the Danube, Elbe, Weser, Tuuloma, Kemijoki and Aulne. Genetic differentiation was more pronounced in pearl mussel than in brown trout, although the drainage-specific patterns were generally similar. Genetic diversity of host and parasite was negatively correlated. The most oligotrophic, postglacially colonized areas represented genetic diversity hotspots with high conservation priority for pearl mussels, whereas their host fish displayed low diversity in these areas. This pattern can be explained by differences in the ecological niches and in the life-history strategies of both species. These results question the effectiveness of single-species approaches in the conservation of genetic aquatic resources and suggest that genetic information from species with different life-history strategies, such as invertebrates and fish, should be considered simultaneously for geographical conservation prioritization in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

In order to guarantee the safety of genetically modified (GM) soybean crops, it is important to assess the potential toxicity of their expressed insecticidal proteins to non‐target organisms. In the present study, the effects of the GM soybean Insulin‐like Growth Factor (IGF), which is tolerant to the herbicide glufosinate, on plant‐dwelling non‐target insects and arachnids were evaluated in soybean agroecosystems. For comparison, the non‐GM parental cultivar of soybean Gwangan‐kong was used as a control. Data were collected in 2016 and 2017 via surveying at Ochang and Jeonju, Korea. In total, 13,031 individual insects and arachnids, representing 64 families in 11 orders, were captured during the study. Firstly, the results indicate that the GM soybean IGF did not negatively affect plant‐dwelling non‐target insects and arachnids. However, the numbers of captured individuals on both IGF and Gwangan‐kong were higher at Ochang in 2017. The occurrence of insect pests, natural enemies, and other insects differed significantly according to region, region and survey year, and survey year, respectively. In addition, the dominance, diversity, evenness, and richness indices for the collected insects varied significantly among the regions and survey years regardless of soybean variety. The score from PROXSCAL multidimensional scaling using combined data showed that insects and arachnids in different natural environments were separated by their cultivation regions and years irrespective of soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Rapid diversification may be caused by ecological adaptive radiation via niche divergence. In this model, speciation is coupled with niche divergence and lineage diversification is predicted to be correlated with rates of niche evolution. Studies of the role of niche evolution in diversification have generally focused on ecomorphological diversification but climatic‐niche evolution may also be important. We tested these alternatives using a phylogeny of 298 species of ovenbirds (Aves: Furnariidae). We found that within Furnariidae, variation in species richness and diversification rates of subclades were best predicted by rate of climatic‐niche evolution than ecomorphological evolution. Although both are clearly important, univariate regression and multivariate model averaging more consistently supported the climatic‐niche as the best predictor of lineage diversification. Our study adds to the growing body of evidence, suggesting that climatic‐niche divergence may be an important driver of rapid diversification in addition to ecomorphological evolution. However, this pattern may depend on the phylogenetic scale at which rate heterogeneity is examined.  相似文献   

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