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I studied a group of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha)for 1800 hr from early 1985 until September 1987 near the lower Apaporis river of the Vaupés Department in the eastern Colombian Amazon. The group had an activity budget of 29.9% rest, 38.8% move, 25.8% forage, and 5.5% other activities during 720 hr of observations evenly spaced throughout this year. The only significant change in these activities during the study period was social activity, which increased as a function of increased food supply. Average diurnal activities of resting and moving are negatively correlated, and each activity show significant changes during the day, while foraging show no significant change. The activity budgets of the adult males and females are not significantly different, but the activities of the juveniles and infants showed much more social activity than the adults. High moving scores may be correlated with the comparative infertility of the soils of the Caparú forest, which require increased effort to maintain the energy levels necessary for maintenance and reproduction in Lagothrix.  相似文献   

Leptin was originally thought to be an antiobesity hormone, but increasing evidence suggests that its ancestral role was to mobilize neuroendocrine responses to starvation. Research on wild primates is critical for interpreting the high leptin values seen in Western human populations and captive animals. This study examined natural variation in serum leptin in wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops), testing the hypothesis that serum leptin in vervets varies with sex, adiposity, ecology, and reproductive state. Analyses made use of a unique dataset comprised of serum and morphometric measurements obtained from vervet monkeys in four Kenyan sites differing in altitude, temperature, rainfall, and access to human foods. Leptin and gonadal steroid concentrations were analyzed in serum samples from 116 adults. Low leptin levels in males and acyclic females support the contention that levels seen in captivity are not typical for wild primates. Measures of adiposity were not correlated with serum leptin, reflecting the extremely low fat storage in wild cercopithecine primates. Associations with habitat and season, however, indicate that leptin does register ecological variation in energy balance. Leptin levels were higher in sites and seasons with higher rainfall. Moreover, leptin varied significantly with reproductive state, with higher levels in pregnant than in acyclic females. Changes in leptin with gestation stage and duration of lactation suggest that transitory and reversible elevations were an important part of its ancestral role. These data show that in this wild primate population leptin is a sensitive index of natural variation in habitat and seasonally fluctuating reproductive state.  相似文献   

Responses to environmental variability sheds light on how individuals are able to survive in a particular habitat and provides an indication of the scope and limits of its niche. To understand whether climate has a direct impact on activity, and determine whether vervet monkeys have the behavioral flexibility to respond to environmental change, we examined whether the amount of time spent resting and feeding in the nonmating and mating seasons were predicted by the thermal and energetic constraints of ambient temperature. Our results show that high temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent resting, at the expense of feeding. Cold temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent feeding, at the expense of resting. In contrast, both feeding and resting time during the mating season were independent of temperature, suggesting that animals were not adjusting their activity in relation to temperature during this period. Our data indicate that climate has a direct effect on animal activity, and that animals may be thermally and energetically compromised in the mating season. Our study animals appear to have the behavioral flexibility to tolerate current environmental variability. However, future climate change scenarios predict that the time an animal has available for behaviors critical for survival will be constrained by temperature. Further investigations, aimed at determining the degree of behavioral and physiological flexibility displayed by primates, are needed if we are to fully understand the consequences of environmental change on their distribution and survival. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:357–364, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In social species, network centralities of group members shape social transmission and other social phenomena. Different factors have been found to influence the measurement of social networks, such as data collection and observation methods. In this study, we collected data on adults and juveniles and examined the effect of data collection method (ad libitum sampling vs. focal animal sampling) and observation method (interaction—grooming; play—vs. association—arm-length; 2 m; 5 m proximities—) on social networks in wild vervet monkeys. First, we showed using a bootstrapping method, that uncertainty of ad libitum grooming and play matrices were lesser than uncertainty of focal matrices. Nevertheless, grooming and play networks constructed from ad libitum and focal animal sampling were very similar and highly correlated. We improved the certainty of both grooming and play networks by pooling focal and ad libitum matrices. Second, we reported a high correlation between the proximity arm-length network and the focal grooming one making an arm-length proximity network a reasonable proxy for a grooming one in vervet monkeys. However, we did not find such a correlation between proximity networks and the play one. Studying the effects of methodological issues as data collection and observation methods can help improve understanding of what shapes social networks and which data collection method to choose to study sociality.  相似文献   

A group of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) consisting of an alpha‐male, six adult females, and several immatures was observed from May 2005–2006. We collected over 1,968 hr of focal data on the adult male and 1,539 hr of focal data on the six females in a forest along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia. Availability and seasonal changes in plant species consumed by the focal monkeys were determined by vegetation surveys carried out across an area of 2.15 ha along 200–500 m trails in riverine forest. A total of 188 plant species were consumed by the focal monkeys. The activity budget of members of our study group was 76.5% resting, 19.5% feeding, and 3.5% moving. Young leaves (65.9%) and fruits (25.9%) accounted for the majority of feeding time. Over 90% of fruit feeding involved the consumption of unripe fruits and in the majority of case both the fruit flesh and seeds were eaten. Although fruit eating was rare in some months, during other times of the year time fruit feeding exceeded the time devoted to young leaves. We found that monthly fruit availability was positively related to monthly fruit eating and feeding activity, and seasonal fluctuations in dietary diversity were significantly affected by fruit eating. These results suggest that fruit availability and fruit‐eating behaviors are key factors that influence the activity budget of proboscis monkeys. Earlier assumptions that colobine monkeys are obligate folivores do not apply well to proboscis monkeys and certain other colobines. Our findings may help contribute to a better understanding of the dietary adaptations and feeding ecology of Asian colobines. Am. J. Primatol. 71:478–492, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective was to determine the prevalence and heritability of obesity and risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome (MS) in a pedigreed colony of vervet monkeys. Design: A cross‐sectional study of plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, glycemic indices, and morphometric measures with heritability calculated from pedigree analysis. A selected population of females was additionally assessed for insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Subjects: All mature male (n = 98), pregnant (n = 40) and non‐pregnant female (n = 157) vervet monkeys were included in the study. Seven non‐pregnant females were selected on the basis of high or average glycated hemoglobin (GHb) for further characterization of carbohydrate metabolism. Measurements: Morphometric measurements included body weight, length, waist circumference, and calculated BMI. Plasma lipids [total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C)] and glycemic measures (fasting blood glucose, insulin, and GHb) were measured. A homeostasis model assessment index was further reported. Glucose tolerance testing and hyperinsulinemic‐euglycemic clamps were performed on 7 selected females. Conclusion: Vervet monkeys demonstrate obesity, insulin resistance, and associated changes in plasma lipids even while consuming a low‐fat (chow) diet. Furthermore, these parameters are heritable. Females are at particular risk for central obesity and an unfavorable lipid profile (higher TG, TC, and no estrogen‐related increase in HDL‐C). Selection of females by elevated GHb indicated impaired glucose tolerance and was associated with central obesity. This colony provides a unique opportunity to study the development of obesity‐related disorders, including both genetic and environmental influences, across all life stages.  相似文献   

Background Causes of infant death remain unknown in significant proportions of human and non‐human primate pregnancies. Methods A closed breeding colony with high rates of infant mortality had pregnancies assessed (n = 153) by fetal measurements and maternal characteristics. Infant outcome was classified as neonatal death (stillborn or died <48 hours from birth), postnatal death (died 2–30 days) or surviving (alive after 30 days). Results Fetal size did not predict outcome. Poor maternal glycemic control and low social ranking increased odds for adverse outcome (OR = 3.72, P = 0.01 and 2.27, P = 0.04, respectively). Male sex was over‐represented in stillbirths (P = 0.04), and many were macrosomic, but size did not associate with maternal glycemic control measured as glycated hemoglobin A1c. Postnatally dead infants were smaller (P < 0.01), which associated with behavioral factors and glycemic control. Conclusions Fetal growth estimates predicted gestational age but not fetal outcome. Maternal social status and metabolic health, particularly glycemic control, increased risks of adverse pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

Assessing the diet of wild animals reveals valuable information about their ecology and trophic relationships that may help elucidate dynamic interactions in ecosystems and forecast responses to environmental changes. Advances in molecular biology provide valuable research tools in this field. However, comparative empirical research is still required to highlight strengths and potential biases of different approaches. Therefore, this study compares environmental DNA and observational methods for the same study population and sampling duration. We employed DNA metabarcoding assays targeting plant and arthropod diet items in 823 fecal samples collected over 12 months in a wild population of an omnivorous primate, the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). DNA metabarcoding data were subsequently compared to direct observations. We observed the same seasonal patterns of plant consumption with both methods; however, DNA metabarcoding showed considerably greater taxonomic coverage and resolution compared to observations, mostly due to the construction of a local plant DNA database. We found a strong effect of season on variation in plant consumption largely shaped by the dry and wet seasons. The seasonal effect on arthropod consumption was weaker, but feeding on arthropods was more frequent in spring and summer, showing overall that vervets adapt their diet according to available resources. The DNA metabarcoding assay outperformed also direct observations of arthropod consumption in both taxonomic coverage and resolution. Combining traditional techniques and DNA metabarcoding data can therefore not only provide enhanced assessments of complex diets and trophic interactions to the benefit of wildlife conservationists and managers but also opens new perspectives for behavioral ecologists studying whether diet variation in social species is induced by environmental differences or might reflect selective foraging behaviors.  相似文献   

I studied a group of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha)for 1800 hr from early 1985 until September 1987 near the lower Apaporis river of the Vaupés Department in the eastern Colombian Amazon. The group had an activity budget of 29.9% rest, 38.8% move, 25.8% forage, and 5.5% other activities during 720 hr of observations evenly spaced throughout this year. The only significant change in these activities during the study period was social activity, which increased as a function of increased food supply. Average diurnal activities of resting and moving are negatively correlated, and each activity show significant changes during the day, while foraging show no significant change. The activity budgets of the adult males and females are not significantly different, but the activities of the juveniles and infants showed much more social activity than the adults. High moving scores may be correlated with the comparative infertility of the soils of the Caparú forest, which require increased effort to maintain the energy levels necessary for maintenance and reproduction in Lagothrix.  相似文献   

The results of comparisons of behavioral data between individuals, age–sex classes, seasons, sites and possibly even species may depend on sample size and the computational method used. To establish whether these are valid concerns, we compared results for percentage time spent feeding on major food types (fruit, leaves, flowers, invertebrates, bark, pith and other) for two orangutan populations in Sabangau (24 months) and Tuanan (29 months), Indonesian Borneo. Both the minimum follow limit included in analyses and the computational method used produced small, but statistically significant, differences in the results obtained, and the differences were more common for food types eaten less frequently. In addition, using different computational methods produced more significant differences than did including different minimum follow lengths in analyses. The computational method used also influenced the results of tests for differences in diet composition between age–sex classes. Thus, the method used can influence the results obtained and, hence, it is important to state explicitly the minimum follow limit included and computational method used to compile averages, and to ensure standardization in methods when comparing data between age–sex classes, time periods, field sites or species. Am. J. Primatol. 71:353–358, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist and known PPARalpha and PPARdelta agonists to increase HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) in the St. Kitts vervet, a nonhuman primate model of atherosclerosis. Four groups (n = 6) were studied and each group was assigned one of the following "treatments": a) vehicle only (vehicle); b) the PPARdelta selective agonist GW501516 (GW); c) the PPARalpha/delta agonist T913659 (T659); and d) the PPARalpha agonist TriCor (fenofibrate). No statistically significant changes were seen in body weight, total plasma cholesterol, plasma triglycerides, VLDL-C, LDL-C, or apolipoprotein B (apoB) concentrations. Each of the PPARalpha and PPARdelta agonists investigated in this study increased plasma HDL-C, apoA-I, and apoA-II concentrations and increased HDL particle size in St. Kitts vervets. The maximum percentage increase in HDL-C from baseline for each group was as follows: vehicle, 5%; GW, 43%; T659, 43%; and fenofibrate, 20%. Treatment with GW and T659 resulted in an increase in medium-sized HDL particles, whereas fenofibrate showed increases in large HDL particles. These data provide additional evidence that PPARalpha and PPARdelta agonists (both mixed and selective) have beneficial effects on HDL-C in these experimental primates.  相似文献   

2007年9月至2008年8月,以广西弄岗国家级自然保护区内的一大群野生猕猴为研究对象进行连续的跟踪观察,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集其食物组成、活动节律和活动时间分配的数据,旨在探讨影响石山猕猴活动节律及活动时间分配的环境和社会因素。结果表明:研究猴群的日活动节律表现为上午和下午的觅食高峰以及中午的休息高峰,这与白天温度和日照强度的变化有关。日活动时间分配中,休息42.1%,移动34.5%,觅食15.1%,玩耍2.0%,理毛5.2%,其他行为1.3%。猴群依据食物的变化调整活动时间分配,其中用于移动的时间与食物中果实的比例成显著的正相关性。不同性别年龄组个体的活动时间分配表现出显著差异,主要表现为成年雄性花费更多的时间休息,而成年雌性花费更多的时间觅食和社会性理毛,未成年个体则花费更多的时间玩耍。与同域分布的小群猕猴相比,本研究群花费更多的时间休息,较少的时间觅食。这些差异可能与盗食农作物有关。  相似文献   

Vigilance behavior is considered as an effective strategy for prey species to detect predators.An individual benefits from living in a group by reducing the time spent being vigilant without affecting the probability of detecting a predator.However,the mechanism producing a decrease in vigilance with increasing group size is unclear.Many models of vigilance assume that group members scan independently of one another.Yet in recent studies,the other 2 patterns of vigilance,coordination and synchronization,were reported in some species.In 2 summers(2018 and 2019),we studied the group-size effect on vigilance and foraging of Tibetan wild ass in Chang Tang Nature Reserve of Tibet.We also tested whether individuals scan the environment independently,tend to coordinate their scans,or tend to synchronize their vigilance.The results showed that individuals decreased the time spent on vigilance with increasing group size,while increased the time spent foraging.Group members scanned the environment at the same time more frequently and there was a positive correlation between group members'behaviors,indicating that Tibetan wild asses tend to synchronize their vigilance.  相似文献   

The extent to which dominance status and sex can influence the physical act of grooming was examined in two groups of rhesus monkeys. Both the sex and the dominance status of the groomee, but not of the groomer, were found to affect the body sites groomed and the positions assumed by the animals during the grooming bout. Females were groomed more on the back and head and less on the tail, rump, upper leg, and lower arm than males. Females with infants tended to face away from the groomer. Higher-ranking groomees were groomed more on the tail and rump and less on the upper leg and back than lower-ranking groomees. Higher-ranking groomees spent more time lying down during grooming than lower-ranking groomees, while lower-ranking groomees faced away from the groomer more then higher-ranking groomees. The behavioral interactions just prior to and immediately after grooming were also recorded. Although the onset of grooming was preceded by social interactions between the partners, the end of grooming was followed by a complete break in interactions. Particular types of social signals displayed by the groomee just prior to grooming were highly correlated with the grooming of specific body sites. These results suggest that the groomee controls the behavior of the groomer by the social signals it displays and the positions it maintains during the grooming bout. Thus, the grooming act itself may play an important role in the social relationships between group members.  相似文献   

The quantitative genetics of sustained energy budget in a wild mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explored how morphological and physiological traits associated with energy expenditure over long periods of cold exposure would be integrated in a potential response to natural selection in a wild mammal, Phyllotis danwini. In particular, we studied sustained energy expenditure (SusMR), the rate of expenditure fueled by concurrent energy intake, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS = SusMR/BMR), a measure of the reserve for sustained work. We included the masses of different central processing organs as an underlying factor that could have a mechanistic link with whole animal traits. Only the liver had heritability statistically different from zero (0.73). Physiological and morphological traits had high levels of specific environmental variance (average 70%) and postnatal common environmental variance (average 30%) which could explain the low heritabilities estimates. Our results, (1) are in accordance with previous studies in mammals that report low heritabilities for metabolic traits (SusMR, BMR, SusMS), (2) but not completely with previous ones that report high heritabilities for morphological traits (masses of central organs), and (3) provide important evidence of the relevance of postnatal common environmental variance to sustained energy expenditure.  相似文献   

This report describes the activity budget of a group of Callithrix geoffroyi in a patch of Atlantic forest on the Brazilian coast, between February 1993 and January 1994, using the scan sampling methods. On average, the group rested for 29% of the daylight hours, fed for 21%, moved for 20%, and foraging and gouging occupied 14% and 13% of this period, respectively. A greater proportion of time was spent resting during the wet seasons (32.1%) than the dry seasons (17.8%), but the reverse observed for time spent foraging (9.7% and 20.6% of the group's daylight hours during wet and dry seasons, respectively). The time allocated to feeding was greater in the first hours of the day. Gum consumption showed two peaks, a larger one in the early morning and a minor one in the afternoon. Animal prey foraging occurred throughout the day, but was more intense during the hottest hours. The increase in foraging and decrease in resting during the dry season was related to a decrease in the availability of insects. Am. J. Primatol. 46:333–340, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Socio‐ecological theory predicts that group fusion in female‐philopatric primate species will be rare because females experience increased costs by associating with non‐relatives. Indeed, fusion has been reported only 14 times in only 4 female‐philopatric cercopithecines despite many years of observation. Here, we describe changes in ranging and agonistic behavior of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) after the fusion of two groups, the sole group fusion during 11 years of observation, induced by a brief but intense period of apparent leopard predation. Before fusion, both groups made few incursions into the other group's territory and spent most of the time in their own territories. After the fusion, the amalgamated group shifted its activities and used both territories in similar proportion. Rates of female agonism increased after fusion, particularly in the 2 weeks following fusion, and the small group females assumed the lowest ranks in the female dominance hierarchy. Rates of agonism returned to prefusion rates a month later. Although rates of high‐intensity interactions (i.e., chases) did not increase after fusion, small group females were more likely to be the recipients of, and lose, agonistic interactions than large group females; a small group female and her infant were attacked and wounded by a coalition of large group females shortly after the fusion. The observations presented here reveal that the circumstances surrounding group fusions are more variable than previously realized, but are still in accordance with expectations from socio‐ecological theory that predation can favor the formation of larger groups. In this case, under threat of severe predation, individuals may have surrendered group autonomy for the greater security of larger numbers. Am. J. Primatol. 72:634–644, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Homo erectus is notable for its taller stature and longer lower limbs relative to earlier hominids, but the selective pressures favoring such long limbs are unclear. Among anthropoid primates, patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and extant hominids share several extreme characteristics involved with foraging and movement, including the relatively longest lower limb proportions, longest daily travel distances and largest home ranges for their body or group size, occupancy of some of the driest habitats, and very efficient thermoregulatory systems. We suggest that patas monkeys are an appropriate behavioral model with which to speculate on the selective pressures that might have operated on H. erectus to increase lower limb length. Here, in a comparison of the locomotor activities of patas monkeys and sympatric, closely related vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), we provide evidence for the hypothesis that patas use their long stride more to increase foraging efficiency while walking than to run, either from predators or otherwise. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:199–207, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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