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Trophic niche overlap in native and alien fish species can lead to competitive interactions whereby non‐native fishes outcompete indigenous individuals and eventually affect the viability of natural populations. The species Erythroculter mongolicus and Erythroculter ilishaeformis (belonging to the Culterinae), which are two commercially important fish species in the backwater bay of the Pengxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), were threatened by competition from the non‐native Coilia ectenes (lake anchovy). The latter is an alien species introduced into the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China and now widespread in the TGR. The trophic consequences of non‐native lake anchovy invasion for E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were assessed using stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) and associated metrics including the isotopic niche, measured as the standard ellipse area. The trophic niche of native E. mongolicus had little overlap (<15%) with the alien fish species and was significantly reduced in size after invasion by lake anchovy. This suggests that E. mongolicus shifted to a more specialized diet after invasion by lake anchovy. In contrast, the trophic niche overlap of native fish E. ilishaeformis with the alien fish species was larger (>50%) and the niche was obviously increased, implying that fish in this species exploited a wider dietary base to maintain their energetic requirements. Thus, marked changes for the native E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were detected as the trophic consequences of invasion of non‐native lake anchovy.  相似文献   

The utility of using fish scales collected during stock assessment exercises to assess the trophic relationships of riverine fishes using their stable isotopes of d13C and d15N was tested using three riverine fish communities in England (Rivers Great Ouse, Ivel and Goyt). In each river, European barbel Barbus barbus was an important species, with other cyprinid species, including chub Squalius cephalus, present. Stable isotope analyses was completed using relatively small sample sizes per species (<11) from fish samples collected in 2001, 2005 and 2006 when up to 5 scales were collected from each fish. The calculation of standard ellipse areas (as a measure of trophic niche size) revealed that relative to other fishes, B. barbus occupied high trophic positions with minimal overlap in their trophic niche with other species, especially S. cephalus. As the analysed fish samples comprised species of various length ranges and as length has strong ontogenetic consequences for fish diet composition, generalized linear models were developed in which length was the covariate; model outputs included length‐adjusted mean δ13C and δ15N for each species. In each fish community, significant differences in δ13C and δ15N were apparent between B. barbus and S. cephalus, but were less apparent between B. barbus and other fishes. Thus, whilst the utility of using fish scales from stock assessments in stable isotope analyses are limited due to the differing length ranges of the sampled fishes, they can be useful in identifying trophic differences between species when methods such as stomach content analyses are unavailable.  相似文献   

Turkey’s natural and ecological situations are very suitable for aquaculture. Turkey also has a wide variety of freshwater and marine species comprising trout, carp, sea bass, sea bream, turbot, mussel, crayfish, etc. The total production of fish and shellfish was 646,310 tons in 2008. The contribution of freshwater catch to total fishery production is relatively small. Capture fisheries production amounted to 494,124 tons whilst aquaculture production was 152,186 tons in the same year. In Turkey, Engraulis encrasicholus (anchovy) is the main caught sea fish species. Fisheries in the Black Sea are the most important fishery by far and show the greatest variations in total catch. Alburnus tarichii (a local species belonging to Cyprinidae) and Cyprinus carpio (the common carp) are the most important species caught from freshwaters. Aquaculture is going to play an increasingly important role in the Turkish economy, as fishery products are the only products of animal origin that can be exported to the EU. There has been a fast increase in the aquaculture production in Turkey with the implementation of scientific and technological modernization. For example, total aquaculture production for 1986 and 2008 was 3,075 and 152,186 tons, respectively. The percentage of aquaculture in total fish production has been rising every year. The ratio of cultured fish production to total fish production was 1.5% in 1990 s, 13.57% in 2000 and more than 20% in 2005. It was 23.55% in 2008. Trouts are the main cultured freshwater fish species. Raceways and floating cages are employed in culture of trout. Carps are also important cultured freshwater fish species. Sea bass and gilthead sea bream are grown marine fish species. Floating cages, off-shore and earthen ponds are used for marine fish species culture. There has been an increase in fishery exports and imports in recent years. It was more than US500 million in 2008, but that of 2004 was just over US 500 million in 2008, but that of 2004 was just over US 233 million. However, aquaculture production is still far away from the production targets and fisheries sector is not an important part of the economy at present.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of fish eggs to species level is a challenging task as many species have similar egg sizes and morphology. The results of egg determination of three economically important fish species are presented by using DNA barcoding in comparison to the classical morphological determination. About 500 fish eggs from the Celtic Sea were collected, morphologically identified and used for DNA analysis. In total, DNA barcodes were successfully obtained from 98% of the investigated eggs, including 167 DNA barcodes from 169 morphologically identified fish eggs of Merluccius merluccius (98.8%), 257 of 262 Scomber scombrus (98.1%), and 47 from 50 Trachurus trachurus (94%). Overall, species identification with DNA barcodes showed a congruence of 96.2% to identification by morphology, whereas 3.8% (= 18) of the analyzed eggs were morphologically assigned to the wrong species. The highest number of incorrect identified eggs was for S. scombrus (= 15). Our study highlights the usefulness of DNA barcoding for valid fish egg identification but also indicates the robustness of the classical morphology‐based approach.  相似文献   

This study provides the first report of length–weight relationships (LWRs) for three fish species collected from the Yalong River, one of the tributaries to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, China. The LWRs of these fish species were BW = 0.0070TL3.0539 (r2 = 0.9662) for Schizothorax wangchiachii, BW=0.0134TL2.8523 (r2 = 0.9676) for Schizopygopsis malacanthus, and BW=0.0143TL2.9253 (r2 = 0.8538) for Euchiloglanis kishinouyei, respectively. Also investigated were the spawning season, absolute fecundity and main food items of the three fish species in the natural environment. In addition, new maximum sizes for the three species are provided.  相似文献   

Wetlands such as rice fields and associated canals are congenial habitats for different fishes and provide the foundation of rice‐fish culture. The selection of suitable fish species determines the success for this linkage of aquaculture and agriculture. An assessment of fish assemblages in selected rice fields and associated canals in West Bengal, India documented the candidate species for culture and conservation in rice fields. Indigenous minnow traps made of bamboo were employed in the rice fields and canals for a period of 3 months, to collect and record the fish abundance. A total of 531 fishes representing 19 different species were caught from the rice fields in 30 sampling efforts. From the canals, 13 different fish species totaling 676 fishes were collected in 80 sampling efforts. The fish collected per trap in the rice fields (mean 17.7 ± 1.97 SE) remained significantly different (t = 4.461, df = 112; P < 0.001) from those of the canals (mean 8.05 ± 1.09 SE). Diversity indices ranged between 1.91 and 2.01, with a 53% similarity between the rice fields and canals. Among the fish species collected, Badis badis, Colisa fasciatus and C. lalia exhibited high abundance; the two species Heteropneustes fossilis and Mystus vittatus established as threatened fish categories, showed low abundance. The fish species collected were important as food resources and the ornamental fish trade, and many of them bear potential in regulating mosquitoes in the rice fields. These fish assemblages in the rice fields and associated canals suggest a rice‐fish culture potential for integrating food and health.  相似文献   

The Mekong flows north to south, through six countries in south–east Asia. Many studies have concentrated on fish and fisheries in the Lower Mekong, which has been identified as one of the largest inland fisheries in the world with an incredibly rich diversity of species. In contrast, fish and fisheries in the Upper Mekong (Lancang River) have remained relatively undocumented. In this paper, we synthesized information on freshwater fish biodiversity and fisheries in the Upper Mekong and documented 173 species and subspecies (including 87 endemic species) among 7 orders, 23 families and 100 genera. We divided the Upper Mekong into 17 sub-basins based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and then used fish species data to cluster the sub-basins. Four parts (the headwater, the upper reach, the middle reach and the lower reach) and one lake have distinct fish species communities associated with them. There was a linear relationship between fish species (x) and endemic species (y) as y = 0.5464x − 3.2926. Relationship between species number or endemic species number (y) and mean altitude (x) can be described as y = −54.352 ln(x) + 460.79 or y = −30.381 ln(x) + 253.85, respectively. Fisheries kept as about 6,000 t from 1989 to 1998, and then steadily increased to 10,000 t in 2004. We reviewed the overall threats to the Upper Mekong fish and fisheries, and found that hydrological alteration is the largest threat in the basin, followed by over fishing and the introduction of exotic species. In terms of specific river sections, water pollution was the most serious threat to fishes in the upper reach of the Upper Mekong, whilst migratory fishes in the lower reach of the Upper Mekong are seriously threatened by the construction of cascade dams. The Buyuan River and the Nanla River were identified as important feeding and spawning habitats for upstream migrant species and should be considered as a priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) in the present study were determined for three fish species: Collichthys niveatus Jordan & Starks, 1906; Ctenotrypauchen chinensis Steindachner, 1867 and Liparis tanakae (Gilbert & Burke, 1912), collected from Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea, China using bottom trawl nets from June to August 2014. The b parameters in the fitted LWRs for the three fish species were 2.882, 2.991 and 3.353, respectively. A new maximum total length (15.6 cm) for C. chinensis was recorded. The LWRs for the three fish species are first reported in FishBase.  相似文献   

Morphology and morphometry of the sagittae otolith were studied in pelagic and mesopelagic fish. The shape, margins and rostrum of four groups of otoliths from several species were analyzed: group 1 (pelagic fish associated with the under ice cover N = 42), group 2 (pelagic fish associated with water offshore N = 9), group 3 (mesopelagic fish associated with extensive vertical migration N = 57) and group 4 (mesopelagic fish associated with short vertical migration N = 54). E (maximum width of the sagitta /maximum length of the sagitta %), R (rostrum length (RL)/maximum length of the sagitta %) and S (sulcus area (SS)/otolith area (OS) %) indexes were calculated for each species. Sagittae of pelagic groups (1 and 2) showed the smallest sagitta dimensions in relation to the total length of the fish, in this group the sagitta shape is variable. Sagittae of mesopelagic fish (groups 3 and 4) showed variable shape and edges. The shape in group 4 was polygonal and these species have more width than length. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in the E, R and S indexes. These results were compared with other 19 species, belonging to six families, taken from a publisher-edited literature. E, R and S-values could be used to characterize the sagittae of the Antarctic fish and could be considered as a useful tool for fish ecology studies.  相似文献   

In this study, length‐length relationships (LLRs) and weight‐length relationships (WLRs) were established for a Carangidae species: Uraspis helvola and tow Flatfishes: Pseudorhombus elevatus and Psettodes erumei that are substantial marine fish species to commercial fisheries in Persian Gulf that are indigenous marine fish species in the region. Samples were collected by non‐selective fish bottom trawler with stretch mesh size of 4 centimeters at the cod‐end area, which helped us to obtain such a broad range size that included small, medium and large size classes during June to August 2017. Hitherto, the length‐weight model presented in this study for Pseudorhombus elevatus and Uraspis helvola were not documented on Fishbase. Additionally, new records of maximum length are presented as 64.5 and 30 centimeters for P. erumei and P. elevatus respectively. A comprehensive size distribution and highly significant fitted model (r2>0.95) in this research provides useful insight for future studies on fish biology, fisheries assessment and ecological modeling.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate a prey body size from the hard parts (e.g. otoliths) of a fish species frequently found in the guts of predators. Length–weight relationships between otolith size (length, height, weight and aspect ratio) and fish size (total length and weight) were determined for four fish species captured in the Arabian Sea by bottom trawl (2015 survey on‐board FORV Sagar Sampada, 200–300 m depth), off the west coast of India: Psenopsis cyanea, Pterygotrigla hemisticta, Bembrops caudimacula and Hoplostethus rubellopterus. No significant differences were noted between the size of the left and right otoliths (t test) in any of the four species. The length–weight relationship of the otolith in all four species showed a negative allometric growth pattern (t test, p < .05). The data fitted well to the regression model for otolith length (OL), otolith height (OH) and otolith weight (OW) to total length (TL) and total weight (TW). Results showed that these relationships are a helpful tool in predicting fish size from the otoliths and in calculating the biomass of these less‐studied fish species during feeding studies and palaentology.  相似文献   

The present study reports length–weight relationships (LWR) and length–length relationships (LLR) for five native freshwater fish species (Schizopygopsis younghusbandi, Triplophysa orientalis, T. tibetana, T. stewartii and T. stenura) and four introduced freshwater fish species (Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius auratus, Micropercops cinctus and Oryzias latipes) captured in the Lhasa River Basin, Tibet, China. Five of the LWRs are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The present study analysed the incidence of mycobacteria in apparently healthy looking freshwater aquarium fish in Uttar Pradesh (State), India. Sixty fish belonging to eight different species were collected from six aquarium shops in different cities and processed for isolation of Mycobacterium species. Using the initial protocol of decontamination of tissue homogenates (with 1N HCl & 2N NaOH) and incubation at 30°C for 2 months, Mycobacterium sp. was isolated from 25% of the fish. The isolates were identified by standard biochemical tests. A 441 bp fragment of the hsp65 gene was amplified and digested by two fastdigest restriction enzymes, BstEII and HaeIII. Digested products were analysed using agarose gel electrophoresis. Sequencing of amplified fragments of the hsp65 gene was also performed. Isolates were identified as: five isolates of M. abscessus, three M. gordonae, two M. fortuitum, two M. conceptionense, two M. parascrofulaceum, and one isolate of M. senegalense. Mycobacterial incidence in apparently healthy looking freshwater aquarium fish is dreadful and the study is relevant because of the mycobacterial diversity related to aquarium fish and its zoonotic importance. All Mycobacterium species isolated in this study are well known pathogens in humans as well as fish.  相似文献   

The degraded state of the fragile ecosystem of Chilika lagoon on the east coast of India caused by natural changes and anthropogenic pressure was in the process of restoration through an effective hydrological intervention during 2000 after thorough scientific investigation including EIA study. The rich fisheries of Chilika lagoon that support livelihood of 0.2 million local fisherfolk was in dwindling state during the eco-degradation phase. Studies on fisheries and fish biodiversity of the lagoon for 4 years before and 4 years after the intervention showed the stark and rapid recovery of fishery immediately after opening of the new mouth with sixfold increase in average annual landing. The average productivity (11.3 t km−2) and CPUE (6.2 kg boat-day−1) during post intervention phase registered 528 and 464% increase, as compared to Pre-intervention years. In total, 277 species of fish and shell fish were documented as occurring in Chilika lagoon before the hydrological intervention. Inventory survey for fish and shell fish species diversity during and after hydrological intervention documented 68 and 97 species, respectively. New records of 56 species of fish and shell fish (7 freshwater, 20 brackishwater and 29 marine) were documented from Chilika lagoon after the hydrological intervention. Analysis of commercial catches showed that the migratory species contributed to the bulk of catches (75% by species and 68% by catch weight). Fish yield and biodiversity seemed to be very sensitive to salinity and hydrologic dynamics of the lagoon. Correlation analysis indicated inverse relationship between water transparency and fish catch (R 2 = 0.715; d.f. = 25; P < 0.01). Positive correlation between salinity and prawn landing (R 2 = 0.542; d.f. = 25; P < 0.01) and salinity and mud crab landing (R 2 = 0.628; d.f. = 25; P < 0.001). Average salinity for the whole lagoon was significantly increased by 42.7% (P < 0.007) as compared to pre-intervention situation. Maintenance of estuarine character of Chilika’s ecosystem particularly the salinity gradient, un-hindered auto-recruitment of fish and shell fish and prevention of destructive fishing are the key factors for fisheries enhancement. Unless carefully planned conservation and regulation measures are ensured with the active participation of local communities during the early phase of restoration, the present scenario of fisheries enhancement may not sustain for longer time.  相似文献   

In the Barwon River, Australia, a tidal barrage formed a major impediment to fish movement so in 2013 a vertical slot fishway was installed. The assessment of fishways on tidal barriers is rare in Australia so to ensure the fishway was achieving its ecological objective (i.e. successfully passing the target size range of fish of 20–400 mm total length), fish were trapped at the entrance and exit on 12 occasions and the species composition, abundance and length of fish at the two locations were compared. Additionally, a section of the river downstream of the fishway was sampled to ensure fishway trapping accurately reflected the species composition wanting to use the fishway to move upstream. Eighteen species and 69,246 individual fish were caught in the fishway traps. Catch rates between locations did not differ for Common Galaxias (Galaxias maculatus) or Australian Smelt (Retropinna semoni), although species‐specific catch rates were lower at the exit for Flat‐headed Gudgeon (Philypnodon grandiceps), Tupong (Pseudaphritis urvillii) and Yellow‐eye Mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri). Length distribution between locations only differed for Australian Smelt with small fish under‐represented at the exit location (<25 mm total length). Eight species of fish were collected downstream of the fishway that were not collected in it; however, all of these were estuarine dependent except the non‐native Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Our results indicate that vertical slot fishways are a suitable design for improving river connectivity at a low head, tidal barrages in south‐eastern Australia. The study reiterates the importance of reinstating connectivity for species with obligate marine/freshwater migratory life history traits, and the indirect benefits of increased productivity made available to upstream areas.  相似文献   

We isolated a total of 22 microsatellite loci from two Haliaeetus species: the Madagascar fish‐eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) and the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Five loci were monomorphic in both the Madagascar fish‐eagle (n = 24–43) and the bald eagle (n = 2–8) but were found to be polymorphic in other Haliaeetus species. Haliaeetus loci have proved useful for investigating gene flow in Haliaeetus and Aquila eagles. Ten loci were polymorphic in the critically endangered Madagascar fish‐eagle and will be used to investigate the genetic population structure and mating system in this species.  相似文献   

1. Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) are widespread and invasive salmonids with important lethal effects as predators, although indirect effects are also possible. We used stable isotope analyses (δ15N, δ13C) to explore how the density of invasive trout in 25 Patagonian lakes alters the trophic niche (TN) of a widespread native fish, Galaxias platei (Galaxiidae). We also explored how the density of the galaxiid influences the TN of invasive trout. 2. We quantified two aspects of the TN: (i) the proportion of littoral carbon (PL) and (ii) trophic height (TH) (i.e. the ‘height’ at which the fish feeds in the food web). We related these measures of TN in a given species to the density of other species (as estimated by catch‐per‐unit‐effort). 3. As G. platei body size increased, their PL increased (increasing littoral feeding) in several lakes. However, none of the fish species investigated showed changes in PL with increasing density of the other fish species. TH increased with body size in all three species. In addition, the TH of large G. platei declined with increasing trout density and, reciprocally, the TH of large S. trutta decreased with decreasing G. platei density. 4. The reciprocal effects of native and the invasive fish on TH were as large as a shift of one trophic level. This pattern is consistent with an exhaustion of galaxiid prey for both piscivorous G. platei and S. trutta in lakes with high trout density. 5. These finding support the suggested management strategy of culling trout from overpopulated lakes, which should simultaneously protect native fish and enhance a lucrative sport fishery for large trout.  相似文献   

The ichthyofauna of the Chacahua Lagoon in the western Oaxaca State of Mexico was sampled every 2 months, using a trawl net over seven sampling cycles. The estuary mouth closed in late January, generating hypersaline conditions in the system. A total of 33 species belonging to 20 families were recorded; most of them marine species, showing tropical and subtropical affinities. The most abundant species were Diapterus peruvianus, Centropomus robalito, Anchovia macrolepidota, Lile stolifera, and Lutjanus novemfasciatus. Total fish abundance and species richness were not significantly affected by the mouth closing, and this was related to the presence of a permanently open entrance channel with an adjacent lagoon, which allowed easy exchange of fish between these two systems. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that salinity and dissolved oxygen were the most important environmental variables in determining the observed variability in fish community composition. Two fish groups were evident: the fish assemblage of the low-salinity period (open-mouth phase), in which Eucinostomus currani, Sciades guatemalensis, Centropomus armatus, Citharichthys stigmaeus, and Caranx caninus constituted the majority of the catch; and the fish assemblage of the high-salinity period (closed-mouth phase), with A. macrolepidota, L. stolifera, and Harengula thrissina as the most abundant species. Multivariate analyses showed differences in the composition of the fish community between both periods. Other species, such as the permanent residents D. peruvianus and C. robalito, which showed the widest range in tolerance of ambient salinity, were caught during both periods. Seasonal succession of fish populations may be related to differences in life cycle and tolerance of the environment among those species adapting to ecological conditions.  相似文献   

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