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Does male-biased predation lead to male scarcity in viviparous fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male predation risk due to ornaments seldom reduces female mating opportunities because males escape costs through alternative mating strategies and/or females cease to select for highly ornamented males. Males of the Amarillo fish Girardinichthys multiradiatus (Goodeidae) have large sexually selected fins that impair attack-avoidance manoeuvres. This fish was used to seek evidence that intersexual selection for handicapping traits can result in a deficit of acceptable mating partners. Also it was examined whether, under male scarcity, females remain choosy to the point of missing mating opportunities, and that they can exert effective control over matings, which is a pre-condition of effective female choice. It was found that snakes prey disproportionately on males, that it leads to female-biased sex ratios, and that highly ornamented males are more scarce after predation than males with small ornaments. Females can avoid being fertilized by unattractive males, and that missing one reproductive period can lead to infertility. Thus it appears that females have promoted the exaggeration of a male trait that increases predation risk, remain choosy even when acceptable males are scarce, and pay a large cost when missing mating opportunities. A prediction from these results is that females enjoy substantial fitness benefits from mating with highly ornamented males, which override the occasional fatal costs of refusing to mate with sub–optimal males. One potential consequence of female selectivity and control over matings when males are scarce may be a reduced capability to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

Models of age-related mate choice predict female preference for older males as they have proven survival ability. However, these models rarely address differences in sperm age and male mating history when evaluating the potential benefits to females from older partners. We used a novel experimental design to assess simultaneously the relative importance of these three parameters in the hide beetle, Dermestes maculatus. In a two-part experiment we first explored age-related male mating success and subsequently examined the consequences of male age, sperm age and male mating history on female fecundity and fertilization success. In a competitive mating environment, intermediate-age males gained significantly higher mating success than younger or older males. To test the consequences for females of aged-related male mating success, a second set of females were mated to males varying in age (young, intermediate-age and old), in numbers of matings and in timing of the most recent mating. We found that male age had a significant impact on female fecundity and fertilization success. Females mated to intermediate-age males laid more eggs and attained consistently higher levels of fertilization success than females with young and old mates. A male's previous mating history determined his current reproductive effort; virgin males spent longer in copula than males with prior mating opportunities. However, differences in copulation duration did not translate into increased fecundity or fertilization success. There was also little evidence to suggest that fertilization success was dependent on the age of a male's sperm. The experiment highlights the potential direct benefits accrued by females through mating with particular aged males. Such benefits are largely ignored by traditional viability models of age-related male mating success.  相似文献   

Adaptive hypotheses of female choice predict that females use male courtship displays as an indicator of male quality. A test of whether female choice is adaptive measuring direct and indirect effects of mate choice on females was made using a laboratory population of a lek-mating species, the Mediterranean fruit fly. The nonrandom mating observed in this species is thought to be strongly influenced by female choice. Whether female choice acts to increase fecundity or offspring quality was assessed using two different statistical tests. Multiple regression showed that females generally do not receive direct benefits as a result of mating with males which are successful in copulating with many females. However, in one trial the relationship between male quality and female benefit was nonlinear. Females which mate with males that obtain few matings (<2), and females which mate with males that obtain many matings (>6) enjoy increased fecundity. Mate choice does not, however, appear to enhance offspring quality as father/son correlation and sibling analysis showed no heritable component to male copulatory success.  相似文献   

A trend for larger males to obtain a disproportionately high number of matings, as occurs in many animal populations, typically is attributed either to female choice or success in male-male rivalry; an alternative mechanism, that larger males are better able to coercively inseminate females, has received much less attention. For example, previous studies on garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at communal dens in Manitoba have shown that the mating benefit to larger body size in males is due to size-dependent advantages in male-male rivalry. However, this previous work ignored the possibility that larger males may obtain more matings because of male-female interactions. In staged trials within outdoor arenas, larger body size enhanced male mating success regardless of whether a rival male was present. The mechanism involved was coercion rather than female choice, because mating occurred most often (and soonest) in females that were least able to resist courtship-induced hypoxic stress. Males do physically displace rivals from optimal positions in the mating ball, and larger males are better able to resist such displacement. Nonetheless, larger body size enhances male mating success even in the absence of such male-male interactions. Thus, even in mating systems where males compete physically and where larger body size confers a significant advantage in male-male competition, the actual selective force for larger body size in males may relate to forcible insemination of unreceptive females. Experimental studies are needed to determine whether the same situation occurs in other organisms in which body-size advantages have been attributed to male-male rather than male-female interactions.  相似文献   

Lekking males aggregate to attract females and contribute solely to egg fertilization, without any further parental care. Evolutionary theory therefore predicts them to be nonchoosy toward their mates, because any lost mating opportunities would outweigh the benefits associated with such preferences. Nevertheless, due to time costs, the production of energetically costly sexual displays, and potential sperm limitation, the mating effort of lekking males is often considerable. These factors, combined with the fact that many females of varying quality are likely to visit leks, could favor the evolution of male mate preferences. Here, we show that males of the lekking lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella, were indeed more likely to mate with heavier females in choice experiments, even at their virgin mating (i.e., when their reproductive resources have not yet been depleted by previous matings). This differential female mating success could not be attributed to female behavior as heavy and light females showed similar motivation to mate (i.e., latency to approach the males) and time to copulate. Males seem to benefit from mating with heavier females, as fecundity positively correlated with female mass. This new empirical evidence shows that male mate choice may have been underestimated in lekking species.  相似文献   

The evolution of female mate choice, broadly defined to include any female behaviour or morphology which biases matings towards certain male phenotypes, is traditionally thought to result from direct or indirect benefits which females acquire when mating with preferred males. In contrast, new models have shown that female mate choice can be generated by sexual conflict, where preferred males may cause a fitness depression in females. Several studies have shown that female Drosophila melanogaster bias matings towards large males. Here, we use male size as a proxy for male attractiveness and test how female fitness is affected by reproducing with large or small males, under two different male densities. Females housed with large males had reduced lifespan and aged at an accelerated rate compared with females housed with small males, and increased male density depressed female fitness further. These fitness differences were due to effects on several different fitness components. Female fitness covaried negatively with male courtship rate, which suggests a cost of courtship. Mating rate increased with male size, whereas female fitness peaked at an intermediate mating rate. Our results suggest that female mate choice in D. melanogaster is, at least in part, a by-product of sexual conflict over the mating rate.  相似文献   

1. Female feeding regime exhibited a cascade of effects on reproductive biology and behaviour in the mantid Stagmomantis limbata (Hahn). 2. Well‐fed females (High diet) consistently attained greater body mass, thicker abdomens, and higher fecundity than food‐limited females (Low diet) in four annual generations. Dorso‐ventral abdominal thickness strongly correlated with fecundity. 3. In an experiment in captivity, Low diet females were more likely to cannibalize males than High diet females. 4. High diet females attracted more males than Low diet females in several contexts. In terms of long‐range attraction, caged High diet females attracted more males in the field. In terms of short‐range attraction, males preferentially mounted and copulated with High diet females in captive paired choice trials. In naturally‐occurring pairs in the field, a preference for females with thick abdomens was evident. These results point to two possible explanations: male choice for well‐fed females and state‐dependent female pheromone emission. 5. Two years of field data indicate considerable variation in female feeding success, as measured by abdominal thickness. Average feeding success in nature appears to be relatively high, when comparing the rate of abdominal expansion in the field to captive females maintained on High diets. 6. In the field, nearly all mounts and copulations occurred in September in both years, when female feeding success is expected to be high. If mating activity occurs during a window of high female feeding success, so as to reduce the risk of cannibalism for males, then the female feeding regime may be implicated in the phenology of mating activity in cannibalistic species.  相似文献   

The Oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta (Busck, 1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a key pest of fruit and is widely distributed around the world. There are important connections between its behavior and biology and its management in agriculture, but few studies have investigated the associations between adult behaviors and oviposition. In this study, adult emergence, mating, and reproduction were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. The ratio of females to males at eclosion was approximately 1:1. When one virgin female had access to one virgin male, 66% and 34% of the couples copulated just once and twice, respectively; and the infertility rate of eggs (21.39 ± 1.25%) did not vary daily. Males, given access to one new female daily, could copulate multiple times, whereas females seldom mated more than once, indicating a male-biased operational sex ratio, but mating status of the male parent had no effect on progeny egg reproduction. Also, the number of eggs that hatched by all female partners of a male was inversely proportional to copulation duration for the female laying the eggs for total female reproductive success; and the number of eggs laid by all female partners of a male was proportional to their number of matings for total male reproductive success. However, the total number of eggs that hatched did not significantly differ for eggs laid by a female given new virgin males daily for mating (17.75 ± 4.28) versus eggs laid by virgin females (19.17 ± 7.51) presented daily with a male that re-mated daily with the series of females. Therefore, our results showed that females engaged in mate choice and males engaged in mate competition, affecting egg production, a factor that may be used to enhance mating disruption technology against Cydia molesta.  相似文献   

High male mating investment may favor selection on male mate choice particularly if females vary in quality. Terminal investment strategies constitute a maximal mating effort and have evolved independently in the absence of paternal investment in several spider taxa including the genus Argiope. To test for male mate preferences in the above context, we used the sexually cannibalistic spider A. bruennichi. We varied male state (mating status and post‐maturation age) as well as the competitive context and quantified male mate choice decisions between females of different states and developmental stages in binary choice tests. We found an overall adaptive preference for the virgin against the mated female regardless of male mating state. Furthermore, we demonstrated that older males paid more attention to female fecundity‐related traits than to mating status. In a second set of experiments, we offered males a choice between a virgin and a subadult female and varied the competitive context which had no effect on male decisions. Curiously, a preference for the virgin adult female was only apparent after exclusion of females that matured <3 d prior to the test. Repeated tests of males supported the hypothesis that males do not distinguish between a freshly matured virgin female and a subadult female. Our results show that male spiders execute mate choice based on information collected from female silk strands and that they integrate their own state into mating decisions.  相似文献   

How should females choose their mates if choice is not completely free, but at least partly dictated by outcomes of male–male competition, or sexual coercion? This question is of central importance when evaluating the relationship between sexually antagonistic ‘chase-away’ scenarios and models of more traditional female choice. Currently, there is a mismatch between theories: indirect benefits are seen to play a role in conventional mate choice, whereas they are not predicted to have an influence on the outcome if matings impose direct costs on females. This is at odds with the idea that resistance and preference are two sides of the same coin: either leads to a subset of males enjoying enhanced mating success. In the same way as choosy females benefit from mating with sexy males if this yields sexy sons, females could benefit from being manipulated or ‘seduced’, if the manipulative or seductive ability of males is heritable. Here I build a model where male dominance (or coerciveness) improves his mating success, and this relationship can be modified by female behaviour. This clarifies the definitions of resistance and preference: resisting females diminish the benefit a male gains from being dominant, while preferences enhance this pre-existing benefit enjoyed by dominant males. In keeping with earlier theory, females may evolve to resist costly mating attempts as a counterstrategy to male traits, particularly if male dominance is environmentally rather than genetically determined. Contrary to earlier results, however, indirect benefits are also predicted to influence female mating behaviour, and if sufficiently strong, they may produce female preferences for males that harm them.  相似文献   

Japanese macaques live in multi‐male/multi‐female social groups in which competition between males, female mate choice, and alternative male mating strategies are important determinants of mating and reproductive success. However, the extent to which adult males rely on female behavior to make their mating decisions as well as the effect of social rank on mating success are not clear as results are inconclusive, varying from study to study. In this study, we combined behavioral and endocrine data of 14 female Japanese macaques to examine the relationship between ovarian cycle phase and frequency of sexual behaviors, and to investigate how social rank influences sexual behavior in this species. We found that there was no increase in female proceptive behaviors during the fertile phase of the ovarian cycle, suggesting that female behaviors did not clearly signal the probability of conception. In spite of that, the frequencies of ejaculatory copulations were highest during this phase, indicating that the attractivity of females increased significantly during the period with higher probability of conception. Males, and especially the highest ranking male, were able to discriminate females nearing ovulation and to concentrate their mating effort, implying that the timing of ovulation was not concealed from them. The α male seemed able to monopolize most female matings, which is probably due in part to the low number of females simultaneously ovulating and to the limited number of inconspicuous places that the lower ranking males have to mate with females and avoid α male aggression. All together, these results suggest that different males may have access to different signals of ovulation and/or are differentially restrained as to how they can act on that information. The exact nature of the estrogen‐related cues males use to recognize female reproductive status, and to what extent males use them warrants further investigation. Am. J. Primatol. 71:868–879, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The evolution and expression of mate choice behaviour in either sex depends on the sex‐specific combination of mating costs, benefits of choice and constraints on choice. If the benefits of choice are larger for one sex, we would expect that sex to be choosier, assuming that the mating costs and constraints on choice are equal between sexes. Because deliberate inbreeding is a powerful genetic method for experimental manipulation of the quality of study organisms, we tested the effects of both male and female inbreeding on egg and offspring production in Drosophila littoralis. Female inbreeding significantly reduced offspring production (mostly due to lower egg‐to‐adult viability), whereas male inbreeding did not affect offspring production (despite a slight effect of paternal inbreeding on egg‐to‐adult viability). As inbreeding depressed female quality more than male quality, the benefits of mate choice were larger for males than for females. In mate choice experiments, inbreeding did not affect male mating success (measured as a probability to be accepted as a mate in a large group), suggesting that females did not discriminate among inbred and outbred males. In contrast, female mating success was affected by inbreeding, with outbred females having higher mating success than inbred females. This result was not explained by lower activity of inbred females. Our results show that D. littoralis males benefit from mating with outbred females of high genetic quality and suggest adaptive male mate choice for female genetic quality in this species. Thus, patterns of mating success in mate choice trials mirrored the benefits of choice: the sex that benefited more from choice (i.e. males) was more choosy.  相似文献   

In many species, the order in which males mate with a female explains much of the variation in paternity arising from post-copulatory sexual selection. Research in Drosophila suggests that mating order may account for the majority of the variance in male reproductive success. However, the effects of mating order on paternity bias might not be static but could potentially vary with social or environmental factors. To test this idea, we used an existing dataset, collated from an experiment we previously published (Morimoto et al., PLoS One, 11, 2016, e0154468), with the addition of unpublished data from the same experiment. These previous experiments manipulated larval density in Drosophila melanogaster which generated variation in male and female body size, assembled groups of individuals of different sizes, and measured the mating success and paternity share of focal males. The data presented here provides information on each focal male's mating order and the frequency in which focal males remated with same females (‘repetitive matings’). We combined this information with our previously reported focal male reproductive success to partition variance in paternity into male mating order and repetitive matings across groups that differed in the body size composition of males and females. We found, as expected, that male mating order explained a considerable portion of the variance in male paternity. However, we also found that the impact of male mating order on male paternity was influenced by the body size composition of groups. Specifically, males that tended to mate last had a greater paternity advantage, and displayed lower variance, in groups containing a heterogenous mixture male body sizes than in groups with a single male body size. Repetitive mating only had a minor contribution to the variance in male paternity share across all experiments. Overall, our findings contribute to the growing body of research showing that post-copulatory sexual selection is subject to socio-ecological influences.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effect of local mate competition (LMC) on sex ratios have focused on the effect of post-dispersal mating success by males. A higher proportion of males is expected to be produced as the potential for outbreeding increases. Here we demonstrate that males of a haplodiploid ambrosia beetle with LMC disperse to seek additional matings, and brood sex ratios increase with outbreeding opportunities in the field. Manipulations in the laboratory confirm that females produce more sons when the post-dispersal mating prospects of their sons are experimentally increased. This is the first study showing that male dispersal options may influence individual female sex allocation decisions in species with strong LMC.  相似文献   

Schultesia nitor is a gregarious species living in Cacicus and Psarocolius ssp. pouch-like nests. Due to gregariousness, opportunities for multiple copulations in both sexes are not supposed to be restricted. Females produce only one brood during their life and die within a few days following the birth of their nymphs, but this unique brood could be the result of either single or multiple mating events (i.e., monandry vs. polyandry). In this study, we first determined the age of sexual receptivity of both males and females. Larval development in this species is shorter in males than in females and thus, this species is protandric. Males were not able to copulate the day after emergence. Contrary to males, teneral females (i.e., females achieving their imaginal molt but not yet fully sclerotised and colored) were attractive and were able to mate with males. In the second experiment, we tested the existence of multiple matings in both sexes. Our results showed that females were monandrous whereas males were polygynous. Since we had observed that females were monoandrous, we expected them to be choosy and we determined their ability to discriminate between virgin and nonvirgin males. When given the choice, females preferred virgin males and overall, they were more successful at mating than experienced ones. Our results suggest that monandry may be primarily driven by the female's short life-span fecundity. The occurrence of teneral mating in this species calls into question the existence of a male strategy for monopolizing females, and as well as the implication of female choice. Although further work is required, this species provides an interesting model for understanding sexual conflicts.  相似文献   

The level of female sexual receptivity is an important component of male and female reproductive success. In many insects, mating itself causes a sharp decline in female receptivity. This can be a direct result of the physical act of mating, or because of actions of sperm or seminal fluid proteins. The degree to which males can decrease female receptivity will directly affect their reproductive success, by altering the chance that their sperm will be used in fertilizations in the interval before the female mates again. In this study, we investigated the effect of mating on female receptivity in the sexually dimorphic stalk‐eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Our results showed no evidence for mating‐induced reductions in female receptivity. In addition, we found that matings with males that differed in eyespan did not cause differences in the level of female receptivity. There was also no evidence that females remated sooner when presented with large eyespan males. These results are surprising, given the indirect benefits that females gain from matings with large eyespan males. Finally we demonstrate that males do not appear to discriminate between females on the basis of female mating status.  相似文献   



Assortative mating can help explain how genetic variation for male quality is maintained even in highly polygynous species. Here, we present a longitudinal study examining how female and male ages, as well as male social dominance, affect assortative mating in fallow deer (Dama dama) over 10 years. Assortative mating could help explain the substantial proportion of females that do not mate with prime-aged, high ranking males, despite very high mating skew. We investigated the temporal pattern of female and male matings, and the relationship between female age and the age and dominance of their mates.


The peak of yearling female matings was four days later than the peak for older females. Younger females, and especially yearlings, mated with younger and lower-ranking males than older females. Similarly, young males and lower-ranking males mated with younger females than older males and higher-ranking males. Furthermore, the timing of matings by young males coincided with the peak of yearling female matings, whereas the timing of older male matings (irrespective of rank) coincided with the peak of older female matings.


Assortative mating, through a combination of indirect and/or direct female mate choice, can help explain the persistence of genetic variation for male traits associated with reproductive success.  相似文献   

Although females’ mating preferences are influenced by male characteristics, there are a number of factors intrinsic to females and unrelated to male phenotype that can modulate female choice. We assessed the effects of age and mating experience on mechanisms of pre- and post-copulatory mate choice in female house crickets, Acheta domesticus L., by randomly assigning males to females, but independently varying the age and number of previous matings of females at the time of experimental matings. Latency to mating, a measure of a female’s pre-copulatory preference, was influenced by female age at the time of mating, with older females mating sooner than younger females. The reduced selectivity of older females appears consistent with life-history theory, which predicts that the reproductive value of females should decline with age. The length of time that females retained the spermatophore after mating, a measure of a female’s post-copulatory mating preference, was not influenced by female age at the time of mating, the number of previous matings, or any interaction between the two main effects. Contrary to previous reports, male mass had no effect on either the latency to mating or female retention of the spermatophore in A. domesticus. We conclude that female age and mating experience can moderate female selectivity, but that their impact varies according to the mechanism by which females favor particular sires.  相似文献   

The outcome of male–male contest competition is known to affect male mating success and is believed to confer fitness benefits to females through preference for dominant males. However, by mating with contest winners, females can incur significant costs spanning from decreased fecundity to negative effects on offspring. Hence, identifying costs and benefits of male dominance on female fitness is crucial to unravel the potential for a conflict of interests between the sexes. Here, we investigated males' pre‐ and post‐copulatory reproductive investment and its effect on female fitness after a single contest a using the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. We allowed males to fight and immediately measured their mating behaviour, sperm quality and offspring viability. We found that males experiencing a fight, independently of the outcome, delayed matings, but their courtship effort was not affected. However, winners produced sperm of lower quality (viability) compared to losers and to males that did not experience fighting. Results suggest a trade‐off in resource allocation between pre‐ and post‐mating episodes of sexual selection. Despite lower ejaculate quality, we found no fitness costs (fecundity and viability of offspring) for females mated to winners. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of considering fighting ability when assessing male reproductive success, as winners may be impaired in their competitiveness at a post‐mating level.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that mating success of large malesmay improve under increasing levels of mating competition. Thisoutcome is explained 1) if male mating competition is overridingfemale preferences for male traits that are unrelated to, ornegatively correlated with, male size and dominance and, inso doing, dictates the distribution of matings or 2) if femalesalter their preferences with respect to large males when male–malecompetition is intense. Under both hypotheses, one could expectlarge, dominant males to be more successful under intense competitionthan under weak competition. However, only the first explanationpredicts that male mating success under intense competitionshould be determined by dominance; traits that are unrelatedto male dominance should be uncorrelated to mating success.In contrast, if females change their preferences (explanation2), males with traits beneficial to females independent of thecompetitive environment can maintain a high mating success underall levels of male–male competition. We tested these alternativesusing a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus.The mating success of large males increased under conditionsallowing intense male competition, whereas females showed apreference for good nest building independent of the level ofcompetition. These findings suggest that females are in controlof their choice by altering their preference for male size inresponse to the intensity of male–male competition ratherthan female preference being overshadowed by male dominance.This plasticity of preferences implies that the strength ofsexual selection is not constant at the population level.  相似文献   

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