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Quantifying the relative contribution of multiple isolation barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species is essential for understanding speciation processes. In parapatric populations, local adaptation is thought to be a major contributor to the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, extrinsic postzygotic barriers assessed in reciprocal transplant experiments are often neglected in empirical assessments of multiple isolation barriers. We analyzed multiple isolation barriers between two closely related species of the plant genus Dianthus, a genus characterized by the most rapid species diversification in plants reported so far. Although D. carthusianorum L. and D. sylvestris Wulf. can easily be hybridized in crossing experiments, natural hybrids are rare. We found that in parapatry, pollinator‐mediated prezygotic reproductive isolation barriers are important for both D. carthusianorum (0.761) and D. sylvestris (0.468). In contrast to D. carthusianorum, high hybrid viability in D. sylvestris (–0.491) was counteracted by strong extrinsic postzygotic isolation (0.900). Our study highlights the importance of including reciprocal transplant experiments for documenting extrinsic postzygotic isolation and demonstrates clearly divergent strategies and hence asymmetric pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation between closely related species. It also suggests that pollinator‐mediated and ecological isolation could have interacted in synergistic ways, further stimulating rapid speciation in Dianthus.  相似文献   

Abstract.— .Drosophila yakuba is widespread in Africa, whereas D. santomea, its newly discovered sister species, is endemic to the volcanic island of São Tomé in the Gulf of Guinea. Drosophila santomea probably formed after colonization of the island by a D. yakuba‐like ancestor. The species presently have overlapping ranges on the mountain Pico do São Tome, with some hybridization occurring in this region. Sexual isolation between the species is uniformly high regardless of the source of the populations, and, as in many pairs of Drosophila species, is asymmetrical, so that hybridizations occur much more readily in one direction than the other. Despite the fact that these species meet many of the conditions required for the evolution of reinforcement (the elevation of sexual isolation by natural selection to avoid maladaptive interspecific hybridization), there is no evidence that sexual isolation between the species is highest in the zone of overlap. Sexual isolation is due to evolutionary changes in both female preference for heterospecific males and in the vigor with which males court heterospecific females. Heterospecific matings are also slower to take place than are homospecific matings, constituting another possible form of reproductive isolation. Genetic studies show that, when tested with females of either species, male hybrids having a D. santomea X chromosome mate much less frequently with females of either species than do males having a D. yakuba X chromosome, suggesting that the interaction between the D. santomea X chromosome and the D. yakuba genome causes behavioral sterility. Hybrid F1 females mate readily with males of either species, so that sexual isolation in this sex is completely recessive, a phenomenon seen in other Drosophila species. There has also been significant evolutionary change in the duration of copulation between these species; this difference involves genetic changes in both sexes, with at least two genes responsible in males and at least one in females.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation (RI) is a critical component of speciation and varies strongly in timing and strength among different sister taxa, depending on, for example the geography of speciation and divergence time. However, these factors may also produce variation in timing and strength among populations within species. Here we tested for variation in the expression of RI among replicate population pairs between the sister taxa Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and A. arenicola. While the former is predominantly outcrossing, the latter is predominantly selfing. We focused on intrinsic prezygotic and postzygotic RI as both species occur largely in allopatry. We assessed RI by performing within-population crosses and interspecific between-population crosses, and by raising offspring. RI was generally high between all interspecific population pairs, but it varied in timing and strength depending on population history. Prezygotic isolation was strongest between the closest-related population pair, while early postzygotic isolation was high for all other population pairs. Furthermore, the timing and strength of RI depended strongly on cross direction. Our study provides empirical support that reproductive barriers between species are highly variable among population pairs and asymmetric within population pairs, and this variation seems to follow patterns typically described across species pairs.  相似文献   

Floral nectar is thought to be one of the most important rewards that attract pollinators in Pedicularis;however,few studies have examined variation of nectary structure and/or nectar secretion in the genus,particularly among closely related species. Here we investigated nectary morphology,nectar quality,and nectar production dynamics in flowers of Pedicularis section Cyathophora. We found a conical floral nectary at the base of the ovary in species of the rex-thamnophila clade. Stomata were found on the surface of the nectary,and copious starch grains were detected in the nectary tissues. In contrast,a semi-annular nectary was found in flowers of the species of the superba clade. Only a few starch grains were observed in tissues of the semi-annular nectary,and the nectar sugar concentration in these flowers was much lower than that in the flowers of the rexthamnophila clade. Our results indicate that the floral nectary has experienced considerable morphological,structural,and functional differentiation among closely related species of Pedicularis. This could have affected nectar production,leading to a shift of the pollination mode. Our results also imply that variation of the nectary morphology and nectar production may have played an important role in the speciation of sect. Cyathophora.  相似文献   

Speciation occurs when reproductive barriers substantially reduce gene flow between lineages. Understanding how specific barriers contribute to reproductive isolation offers insight into the initial forces driving divergence and the evolutionary and ecological processes responsible for maintaining diversity. Here, we quantified multiple pre‐ and post‐pollination isolating barriers in a pair of closely related California Jewelflowers (Streptanthus, Brassicaceae) living in an area of sympatry. S. breweri and S. hesperidis are restricted to similar serpentine habitats; however, populations are spatially isolated at fine‐scales and rarely co‐occur in intermixed stands. Several intrinsic postzygotic barriers were among the strongest we quantified, yet, postzygotic barriers currently contribute little to overall reproductive isolation due to the cumulative strength of earlier‐acting extrinsic barriers, including spatial isolation, and flowering time and pollinator differences. Data from multiple years suggest that pre‐pollination barriers may have different strengths depending on annual environmental conditions. Similarly, crossing data suggest that the strength of intrinsic isolation may vary among different population pairs. Estimates of total reproductive isolation in S. breweri and S. hesperidis are robust to uncertainty and variability in individual barrier strength estimates, demonstrating how multiple barriers can act redundantly to prevent gene flow between close relatives living in sympatry.  相似文献   

The Cyprinodon species flock from Laguna Chichancanab, aged 8000 years, provides another potential case of sympatric speciation. The flock consists of seven morphologically distinct species, each within partially different trophic niches, and a group of specimens which cannot unequivocally be assigned to one of these species. Genetic analyses, based on mtDNA and five microsatellite loci, revealed significant genetic differentiation of one species, C. maya, from other members of the species flock, providing strong evidence for reproductive isolation. For the remaining members of the flock significant genetic structuring was detected, with some evidence of gene flow with the most abundant species C. beltrani. These analyses suggest that speciation proceeds with ongoing hybridisation, and further suggest that the morphologically unidentifiable specimens found in the lake are probably hybrids. I propose that in the Cyprinodon species flock besides disruptive selection sexual selection plays an important part in achieving and maintaining reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies of closely related species distributed along successional gradients should differ as a consequence of the trade‐off between competition and colonization abilities. We compared male reproductive strategies of Quercus robur and Q. petraea, two partly interfertile European oak species with different successional status. In the studied even‐aged stand, trees of the late‐successional species (Q. petraea) grew faster and suffered less from intertree competition than trees of the early‐successional species (Q. robur). A large‐scale paternity study and a spatially explicit individual‐based mating model were used to estimate parameters of pollen production and dispersal as well as sexual barriers between species. Male fecundity was found to be dependent both on a tree's circumference and on its environment, particularly so for Q. petraea. Pollen dispersal was greater and more isotropic in Q. robur than in Q. petraea. Premating barriers to hybridization were strong in both species, but more so in Q. petraea than in Q. robur. Hence, predictions based on the competition–colonization trade‐off are well supported, whereas the sexual barriers themselves seem to be shaped by colonization dynamics.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation occurs when populations evolve reproductive isolation as a result of divergent natural selection. This isolation can be influenced by many potential reproductive barriers, including selection against hybrids, selection against migrants and assortative mating. How and when these barriers act and interact in nature is understood for relatively few empirical systems. We used a mark–recapture experiment in a contact zone between lake and stream three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linnaeus) to evaluate the occurrence of hybrids (allowing inferences about mating isolation), the interannual survival of hybrids (allowing inferences about selection against hybrids) and the shift in lake‐like vs. stream‐like characteristics (allowing inferences about selection against migrants). Genetic and morphological data suggest the occurrence of hybrids and no selection against hybrids in general, a result contradictory to a number of other studies of sticklebacks. However, we did find selection against more lake‐like individuals, suggesting a barrier to gene flow from the lake into the stream. Combined with previous work on this system, our results suggest that multiple (most weakly and often asymmetric) barriers must be combining to yield substantial restrictions on gene flow. This work provides evidence of a reproductive barrier in lake–stream sticklebacks and highlights the value of assessing multiple reproductive barriers in natural contexts.  相似文献   

Population divergence in geographic isolation is due to a combination of factors. Natural and sexual selection may be important in shaping patterns of population differentiation, a pattern referred to as ‘isolation by adaptation’ (IBA). IBA can be complementary to the well‐known pattern of ‘isolation by distance’ (IBD), in which the divergence of closely related populations (via any evolutionary process) is associated with geographic isolation. The barn swallow Hirundo rustica complex comprises six closely related subspecies, where divergent sexual selection is associated with phenotypic differentiation among allopatric populations. To investigate the relative contributions of selection and geographic distance to genome‐wide differentiation, we compared genotypic and phenotypic variation from 350 barn swallows sampled across eight populations (28 pairwise comparisons) from four different subspecies. We report a draft whole‐genome sequence for H. rustica, to which we aligned a set of 9493 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using statistical approaches to control for spatial autocorrelation of phenotypic variables and geographic distance, we find that divergence in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling, as well as geographic distance, together explain over 70% of genome‐wide divergence among populations. Controlling for IBD, we find 42% of genomewide divergence is attributable to IBA through pairwise differences in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling alone. By (i) combining these results with prior studies of how selection shapes morphological differentiation and (ii) accounting for spatial autocorrelation, we infer that morphological adaptation plays a large role in shaping population‐level differentiation in this group of closely related populations.  相似文献   

GUY DUTSON 《Ibis》2008,150(4):698-706
A new species of white‐eye, the Vanikoro White‐eye Zosterops gibbsi, is described from the island of Vanikoro (= Vanikolo) in the Santa Cruz Islands (= Temotu Province) within the Solomon Islands. It differs from the geographically closest white‐eye, the Santa Cruz White‐eye Zosterops sanctaecrucis, by a number of features including a much longer bill, and different leg‐ and eye‐ring colour. This is the second bird species endemic to Vanikoro; the neighbouring Nendo Island supports three endemic species. Although the conservation status of this species appears to be secure, the Santa Cruz Islands are very poorly known. Despite supporting several globally threatened species, the Islands at present are not protected by any conservation activity.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of sexual isolation in sympatry has long been associated with reinforcement (i.e., selection to avoid maladaptive hybridization). However, there are many species pairs in sympatry that have evolved rapid sexual isolation without known costs to hybridization. A major unresolved question is what evolutionary processes are involved in driving rapid speciation in such cases. Here, we focus on one such system; the Drosophila athabasca species complex, which is composed of three partially sympatric and interfertile semispecies: WN, EA, and EB. To study speciation in this species complex, we assayed sexual and genomic isolation within and between these semispecies in both sympatric and allopatric populations. First, we found no evidence of reproductive character displacement (RCD) in sympatric zones compared to distant allopatry. Instead, semispecies were virtually completely sexually isolated from each other across their entire ranges. Moreover, using spatial approaches and coalescent demographic simulations, we detected either zero or only weak heterospecific gene flow in sympatry. In contrast, within each semispecies we found only random mating and little population genetic structure, except between highly geographically distant populations. Finally, we determined that speciation in this system is at least an order of magnitude older than previously assumed, with WN diverging first, around 200K years ago, and EA and EB diverging 100K years ago. In total, these results suggest that these semispecies should be given full species status and we adopt new nomenclature: WN—D. athabasca, EA—D. mahican, and EB—D. lenape. While the lack of RCD in sympatry and interfertility do not support reinforcement, we discuss what additional evidence is needed to further decipher the mechanisms that caused rapid speciation in this species complex.  相似文献   

Identifying the contribution of pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to gene flow is a key goal of speciation research. The widespread dung fly species Sepsis cynipsea and Sepsis neocynipsea offer great potential for studying the speciation process over a range of opportunities for gene exchange within and across sister species (cross‐continental allopatry, continental parapatry and sympatry). We examined the role of postcopulatory isolating barriers by comparing female fecundity and egg‐to‐adult viability of F1 and F2 hybrids, as well as backcrosses of F1 hybrids with the parental species, via replicated crosses of sym‐, para‐ and allopatric populations. Egg‐to‐adult viability was strongly but not totally suppressed in hybrids, and offspring production approached nil in the F2 generation (hybrid breakdown), indicating yet unspecified intrinsic incompatibilities. Viable F1 hybrid offspring showed almost absolute male (the heterogametic sex) sterility while females remained largely fertile, in accordance with Haldane's rule. Hybridization between the two species in European areas of sympatry (Swiss Alps) indicated only minor reinforcement based on fecundity traits. Crossing geographically isolated European and North American S. neocynipsea showed similar albeit weaker isolating barriers that are most easily explained by random genetic drift. We conclude that in this system with a biogeographic continuum of reproductive barriers, speciation is mediated primarily by genetic drift following dispersal of flies over a wide (allopatric) geographic range, with some role of natural or sexual selection in incidental or direct reinforcement of incompatibility mechanisms in areas of European sympatry. S(ubs)pecies status of continental S. neocynipsea appears warranted.  相似文献   

Species distribution patterns range from highly disjunct to continuous, depending on their ecological demands and the availability of respective habitats. East African savannahs are mostly interconnected and ecologically comparatively homogenous and thus provide a prerequisite for a rather panmictic distribution pattern for species occurring in this habitat. The Abyssinian white‐eye Zosterops abyssinicus is a savannah inhabiting bird species, representing such a continuous distribution. This species occurs in high abundances and is very mobile, and past population genetic studies have suggested that gene flow is high and genetic differentiation is low even across relatively large geographic distances. Further, only little morphological differences were found. In order to test for potential divergence in acoustic traits despite its interconnected geographic distribution, we analyzed 2795 contact calls of Z. abyssinicus, which were recorded at 19 sites across Kenya. Our data indicate weak, but significant differentiation in call characteristics across latitudinal gradients. We found strong changes in call characteristics in populations where Z. abyssinicus occurs in sympatry with its highland congener, Zosterops poliogaster. However, the changes in call characteristics in sympatry were in different directions and lead to strong differentiation of the sympatric populations to other conspecific populations potentially representing a case of cascade reinforcement. The detected spatial gradients likely result from ecological differences and balancing effects of natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

We assessed prezygotic (probability of spawning) and postzygotic (hatching success) reproductive isolation among the three ecologically and morphologically similar species in the Fundulus notatus species complex. We employed a multi-generation breeding experiment to test the hypotheses that karyotypic differences, body size differences, or geographic isolation among populations will increase pre or postzygotic reproductive barriers. Overall, prezygotic barriers were strong and postzygotic barriers weak in crosses of non-hybrid heterospecifics (F1 hybrid crosses) while prezygotic barriers were weaker and postzygotic barriers stronger in crosses involving hybrid individuals (F2 hybrid crosses and backcrosses). Prezygotic barriers among the two smaller species (Fundulus notatus and F. euryzonus) broke down rapidly; first generation hybrids spawned (F2 hybrid crosses and backcrosses) as frequently as parental forms in intraspecific crosses. There was no increase in postzygotic barriers among species with cytogenetic differences. There were increased prezygotic, but not postzygotic, barriers among geographically isolated populations of one species. While pure males and females were just as likely to spawn with hybrids, some types of hybrid females suffered from increased sterility, but not inviability, over hybrid males. Female sterility was only seen in hybrids with a Fundulus euryzonus parent, while other female hybrids produced viable eggs.  相似文献   

Cichlids are one of the most diverse and colourful groups of freshwater fishes in the world. Despite much investigation, the factors that promote speciation in these fishes are still uncertain. However, previous studies suggest that sexual selection on male colour is one of the main drivers of speciation among these fishes. Metriaclima estherae is a polymorphic cichlid species from Lake Malawi, and thus provides an ideal model for the investigation of the importance of colour as a species recognition cue. M. callainos is a closely related and morphologically similar species, with male colour pattern very similar to that of M. estherae. We tested female choice by giving females of the two species a choice between conspecific and heterospecific males in the presence and absence of visual (colour) and chemical cues. The results show that females of M. callainos were able to reliably recognize conspecific males, even when colour was eliminated as a cue. However, females of M. estherae did not prefer conspecific males, although they were able to discriminate between red and blue conspecific colour morphs by using chemical cues. These results suggest that species recognition cues may differ even among closely related species of cichlid fish, and that female preferences for male coloration may be weak in certain species.  相似文献   

In speciation research, much attention is paid to the evolution of reproductive barriers, preventing diverging groups from hybridizing back into one gene pool. The prevalent view is that reproductive barriers evolve gradually as a by‐product of genetic changes accumulated by natural selection and genetic drift in groups that are segregated spatially and/or temporally. Reproductive barriers, however, can also be reinforced by natural selection against maladaptive hybridization. These mutually compatible theories are both empirically supported by studies, analysing relationships between intensity of reproductive isolation and genetic distance in sympatric taxa and allopatric taxa. Here, we present the – to our knowledge – first comparative study in a haplodiploid organism, the social spider mite Stigmaeopsis miscanthi, by measuring premating and post‐mating, pre‐ and post‐zygotic components of reproductive isolation, using three recently diverged forms of the mite that partly overlap in home range. We carried out cross‐experiments and measured genetic distances (mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA) among parapatric and allopatric populations of the three forms. Our results show that the three forms are reproductively isolated, despite the absence of premating barriers, and that the post‐mating, prezygotic component contributes most to reproductive isolation. As expected, the strength of post‐mating reproductive barriers positively correlated with genetic distance. We did not find a clear pattern of prezygotic barriers evolving faster in parapatry than in allopatry, although one form did show a trend in line with the ecological and behavioural relationships between the forms. Our study advocates the versatility of haplodiploid animals for investigating the evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

Polygala vauthieri andP. monticola var.brizoides have secondary pollen presentation from a basket-like structure on the style apex. This basket is loaded after the first visit by a bee. Pollen reception, therefore, can precede the issue of pollen. A sticky stigma secretion glues the pollen from the basket under the head of the bee visitor in an exactly predetermined spot on the left side only. This position mostly forms a kind of safe spot, where the bee can not remove the pollen. The exact position on the bee's head is determined by the species specific distance between style tip and nectary in the visited flower. In this way the two sympatric species deposit the pollen 2 mm apart on the visitor and so can avoid hybridization pollination, while being visited by the same group of bees.  相似文献   

We report the quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of reproductive isolation traits between Ostrinia nubilalis (the European corn borer) and its sibling species O. scapulalis (the Adzuki bean borer), focusing on two traits: mating isolation (mi) and pheromone production (Pher). Four genetic maps were generated from two backcross families, with two maps (one chromosomal map and one linkage map) per backcross. We located 165–323 AFLP markers on these four maps, resulting in the identification of 27–31 linkage groups, depending on the map considered. No-choice mating experiments with the offspring of each backcross led to the detection of at least two QTLs for mi in different linkage groups. QTLs underlying Pher were located in a third linkage group. The Z heterochromosome was identified by a specific marker (Tpi) and did not carry any of these QTLs. Finally, we considered the global divergence between the two sibling species, distortions of segregation throughout the genome, and the location and effect of mi and Pher QTLs in light of the known candidate genes for reproductive isolation within the genus Ostrinia and, more broadly, in phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Key to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the process of speciation is the determination of the nature of the barriers to gene flow between related taxa. Species that show zero gene flow in sympatry or parapatry are of little use in this respect. In the present study, we used two closely‐related species of large house spider, Tegenaria saeva and Tegenaria gigantea, which hybridize to a limited extent along a natural contact zone in southern Britain. The species are apparently indistinguishable with respect to habitat utilization and phenology. Laboratory crosses using individuals from both allopatric and parapatric populations suggest that, although male and female courtship, as well as web and cuticular‐borne pheromones, are conserved between the species, mechanical difficulties are experienced during interspecific copulation. Copulation bouts are, on average, significantly shorter during interspecific matings because of these difficulties, and are probably not sufficiently long for effective sperm transfer to take place. In the two cases of successful interspecific crossing, and in subsequent F1 and backcross generations, there are few indications of differential fertility, fecundity or viability, suggesting little post‐zygotic incompatibility. The high success rate of crosses between F1 hybrids and both parental species underlines the principally mechanical barrier to gene flow between these taxa. Once this is breached, there appears to be little impediment to continuing introgression, which could, in some geographical areas at least, ultimately lead to the fusion of the two species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 355–367.  相似文献   

In interspecific crosses, a mismatch in internal physiological conditions between two species can reduce sperm viability in the interval from insemination to fertilization, leading to gametic isolation. Two closely related Japanese phytophagous ladybird beetles, Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata and H. pustulosa, show several isolating barriers, including reduction in the number of heterospecific sperm in the female reproductive tract and low egg‐hatching rates in interspecific matings. However, the mechanisms of these two potential isolating barriers and the association between them are unknown. Here we investigated temporal changes in the number of sperm stored in the female reproductive tract and egg‐hatching rates in inter‐ and intraspecific crosses between these species. Although the number of sperm decreased after both inter‐ and intraspecific crosses, the reduction was more drastic in inter‐ than in intraspecific crosses for females of both species. Most of the sperm reduction occurred early on, during sperm transfer from the bursa copulatrix to the paired ampullae of the common oviduct (the sperm storage organs). These two species also demonstrated stably low egg‐hatching rates in interspecific crosses. Since the degree and timing of the sperm reduction did not correlate with egg‐hatching rates, the reduction in heterospecific sperm in interspecific crosses may not directly cause the low hatching rates. These two isolating barriers could be different expressions of the physiological mismatch and/or genetic incompatibility between gametes of these species.  相似文献   

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