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Since the late 19th century, exotic ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) have been used extensively for suppressing herbivorous insects of economic importance. In recent decades, the introduction of non‐native biological control (BC) agents has been greatly limited due to the awareness of the potential non‐target effects of introductions. Nonetheless, recent episodes of biological invasions of economically important pests have raised the need to carefully consider whether the expected benefits of pest control go beyond the possible environmental risks of introduction. To better understand the factors that contributed to successful BC programs, here we review the literature behind classical and augmentative BC using exotic ladybirds. Additionally, by means of case studies, we discuss the BC efficacy of selected exotic species, e.g., Coccinella septempunctata L., Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), and Hippodamia variegata (Goeze), and their position within the communities of predators in the introduced areas of USA, Canada, and Chile. In Europe, much of the research on exotic ladybirds has been conducted on the undesired impact of H. axyridis. Therefore, we summarize the risk assessment data for this species and review the field research investigating the ecological impact on European aphidophagous predators. According to the BIOCAT database of classical BC programs, 212 ladybird species belonging to 68 genera have been released in about 130 years of BC activity, with 14.6% of introductions having resulted in partial, substantial, or complete control of the target pest. However, because post‐release evaluation of establishment and BC success has not always been conducted, this rate could underestimate the successful cases. Among other factors, ladybird establishment and pest suppression mostly depend on (1) intrinsic factors, i.e., high voracity, synchronized predator‐prey life cycle, and high dispersal ability, and (2) extrinsic factors, i.e., adaptability to the new environment and landscape composition. This review contributes to improved understanding of ladybirds as exotic BC agents.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations and methods of treatment with Metarhizium robertsii Bisch., Rehner & Humber conidia on the non‐target aquatic dragonfly larvae Lestes sponsa Hansemann, Lestes dryas Kirby and Aeshna affinis Vander Linden and on the target bloodsucking mosquito larvae Aedes (O.) flavescens (Muller) were analysed. We found that dragonflies are significantly less susceptible than mosquitoes to the fungus. Larvae of L. sponsa larvae were more susceptible to wet conidia than dry conidia. However, the mortality of the air‐breathing larvae of A. affinis was significantly higher after treatment with dry conidia relative to aqueous suspension. The results help to minimize the negative effects of entomopathogenic fungi on non‐target predator insects under the control of mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust, although its essentiality in plant growth is not clearly established. However, the importance of Si as an element that is particularly beneficial for plants under a range of abiotic and biotic stresses is now beyond doubt. This paper reviews progress in exploring the benefits at two‐ and three‐trophic levels and the underlying mechanism of Si in enhancing the resistance of host plants to herbivorous insects. Numerous studies have shown an enhanced resistance of plants to insect herbivores including folivores, borers, and phloem and xylem feeders. Silicon may act directly on insect herbivores leading to a reduction in insect performance and plant damage. Various indirect effects may also be caused, for example, by delaying herbivore establishment and thus an increased chance of exposure to natural enemies, adverse weather events or control measures that target exposed insects. A further indirect effect of Si may be to increase tolerance of plants to abiotic stresses, notably water stress, which can in turn lead to a reduction in insect numbers and plant damage. There are two mechanisms by which Si is likely to increase resistance to herbivore feeding. Increased physical resistance (constitutive), based on solid amorphous silica, has long been considered the major mechanism of Si‐mediated defences of plants, although there is recent evidence for induced physical defence. Physical resistance involves reduced digestibility and/or increased hardness and abrasiveness of plant tissues because of silica deposition, mainly as opaline phytoliths, in various tissues, including epidermal silica cells. Further, there is now evidence that soluble Si is involved in induced chemical defences to insect herbivore attack through the enhanced production of defensive enzymes or possibly the enhanced release of plant volatiles. However, only two studies have tested for the effect of Si on an insect herbivore and third trophic level effects on the herbivore's predators and parasitoids. One study showed no effect of Si on natural enemies, but the methods used were not favourable for the detection of semiochemical‐mediated effects. Work recently commenced in Australia is methodologically and conceptually more advanced and an effect of Si on the plants' ability to generate an induced response by acting at the third trophic level was observed. This paper provides the first overview of Si in insect herbivore resistance studies, and highlights novel, recent hypotheses and findings in this area of research. Finally, we make suggestions for future research efforts in the use of Si to enhance plant resistance to insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Vector‐borne pathogens are increasingly found to interact with the vector's microbiome, influencing disease transmission dynamics. However, the processes that regulate the formation and development of the microbiome are largely unexplored for most tick species, an emerging group of disease vectors. It is not known how much of the tick microbiome is acquired through vertical transmission vs. horizontally from the environment or interactions with bloodmeal sources. Using 16S rRNA sequencing, we examined the microbiome of Ixodes pacificus, the vector of Lyme disease in the western USA, across life stages and infection status. We also characterized microbiome diversity in field and laboratory‐collected nymphal ticks to determine how the surrounding environment affects microbiome diversity. We found a decrease in both species richness and evenness as the tick matures from larva to adult. When the dominant Rickettsial endosymbiont was computationally removed from the tick microbial community, we found that infected nymphs had lower species evenness than uninfected ticks, suggesting that lower microbiome diversity is associated with pathogen transmission in wild‐type ticks. Furthermore, laboratory‐reared nymph microbiome diversity was found to be compositionally distinct and significantly depauperate relative to field‐collected nymphs. These results highlight unique patterns in the microbial community of I. pacificus that is distinct from other tick species. We provide strong evidence that ticks acquire a significant portion of their microbiome through exposure to their environment despite a loss of overall diversity through life stages. We provide evidence that loss of microbial diversity is at least in part due to elimination of microbial diversity with bloodmeal feeding but other factors may also play a role.  相似文献   

Sustained interest in producing renewable energy from dedicated woody biomass crops, such as shrub willow (Salix spp.), through short rotation coppice (SRC) has resulted in a substantial amount of published research on SRC over the past few decades. One area of constant focus has been the nutritional requirements for optimal growth and yield. Inconsistency in the results of individual research trials has likely been a driver of repeated experimentation. This review is intended to provide a quantitative examination of the effect of fertilization treatments on willow biomass yield in field conditions. Data from the literature were collected and summarized to test for significant sources of variation in willow biomass nitrogen (N) pools of common SRC genotypes used in North American and European research programs. A meta‐analysis was conducted on studies comparing synthetic or organic sources of N willow fertilization to an unfertilized control treatment to test for yield response. Overall, the majority of responses to fertilization were positive, although variation by species, N source material, and crop age were found. While no clear pattern in N dosage response was observed, the level of yield response was correlated with geographic and climatic variables. Nitrogen export levels were fairly predictable, and the synthesis presented here can be used to refine current guidelines. Environmental and economic aspects are also considered.  相似文献   

The benefits of honey bee dance communication for colony performance in different resource environments are still not well understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that directional dance communication enables honey bee colonies to maintain a diverse pollen diet, especially in landscapes with low resource diversity. To test this hypothesis, we placed 24 Apis mellifera L. colonies with either intact or experimentally disrupted dance communication in eight agricultural landscapes that differed in the diversity of flowering plants and in the dominance of mass‐flowering crops. Pollen from incoming foragers was collected and identified via DNA metabarcoding. Disrupting dance communication affected the way the diversity of honey bee pollen diets was impacted by the dominance of mass‐flowering crops in available flower resources (p = .04). With increasing dominance of mass‐flowering crops in resource environments, foragers of colonies with intact communication foraged on an increasing proportion of available plant genera (p = .01). This was not the case for colonies with disrupted dance communication (p = .5). We conclude that the honey bee dance communication benefits pollen foraging on diverse plant resources and thereby contributes to high quality nutrition in environments with low‐resource diversity.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the latitudinal patterns in biotic interactions, and especially in herbivory, is crucial for understanding the mechanisms that govern ecosystem functioning and for predicting their responses to climate change. We used sap‐feeding insects as a model group to test the hypotheses that the strength of plant–herbivore interactions in boreal forests decreases with latitude and that this latitudinal pattern is driven primarily by midsummer temperatures. We used a replicated sampling design and quantitatively collected and identified all sap‐feeding insects from four species of forest trees along five latitudinal gradients (750–1300 km in length, ten sites in each gradient) in northern Europe (59 to 70°N and 10 to 60°E) during 2008–2011. Similar decreases in diversity of sap‐feeding insects with latitude were observed in all gradients during all study years. The sap‐feeder load (i.e. insect biomass per unit of foliar biomass) decreased with latitude in typical summers, but increased in an exceptionally hot summer and was independent of latitude during a warm summer. Analysis of combined data from all sites and years revealed dome‐shaped relationships between the loads of sap‐feeders and midsummer temperatures, peaking at 17 °C in Picea abies, at 19.5 °C in Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens and at 22 °C in B. pendula. From these relationships, we predict that the losses of forest trees to sap‐feeders will increase by 0–45% of the current level in southern boreal forests and by 65–210% in subarctic forests with a 1 °C increase in summer temperatures. The observed relationships between temperatures and the loads of sap‐feeders differ between the coniferous and deciduous tree species. We conclude that climate warming will not only increase plant losses to sap‐feeding insects, especially in subarctic forests, but can also alter plant‐plant interactions, thereby affecting both the productivity and the structure of future forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Because N is frequently the most limiting mineral macronutrient for plants in terrestrial ecosystems, modulating N input may have ecological consequences through trophic levels. Thus, in agro‐ecosystems, the success of natural enemies may depend not only from their herbivorous hosts but also from the host plant whose qualities may be modulated by N input. We manipulated foliar N concentrations by providing to Camelina sativa plants three different nitrogen rates (control, optimal, and excessive). We examined how the altered host‐plant nutritional quality influenced the performances of two aphid species, the generalist green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, and the specialist cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, and their common parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae. Both N inputs led to increased N concentrations in the plants but induced contrasted concentrations within aphid bodies depending on the species. Compared to the control, plant biomass increased when receiving the optimal N treatment but decreased under the excessive treatment. Performances of M. persicae improved under the optimal treatment compared to the control and excessive treatments whereas B. brassicae parameters declined following the excessive N treatment. In no‐choice trials, emergence rates of D. rapae developing in M. persicae were higher on both optimum and excessive N treatments, whereas they remained stable whatever the treatment when developing in B. brassicae. Size of emerging D. rapae females was positively affected by the treatment only when it developed in M. persicae on the excessive N treatment. This work showed that contrary to an optimal N treatment, when N was delivered in excess, plant suitability was reduced and consequently affected negatively aphid parameters. Surprisingly, these negative effects resulted in no or positive consequences on parasitoid parameters, suggesting a buffered effect at the third trophic level. Host N content, host suitability, and dietary specialization appear to be major factors explaining the functioning of our studied system.  相似文献   

Induction of plant defences, specifically in response to herbivore attack, can save costs that would otherwise be needed to maintain defences even in the absence of herbivores. However, plants may suffer considerable damage during the time required to mount these defences against an attacker. This could be resolved if plants could respond to early cues, such as egg deposition, that reliably indicate future herbivory. We tested this hypothesis in a field experiment and found that egg deposition by the butterfly Pieris brassicae on black mustard (Brassica nigra) induced a plant response that negatively affected feeding caterpillars. The effect cascaded up to the third and fourth trophic levels (larval parasitoids and hyperparasitoids) by affecting the parasitisation rate and parasitoid performance. Overall, the defences induced by egg deposition had a positive effect on plant seed production and may therefore play an important role in the evolution of plant resistance to herbivores.  相似文献   

The outcome of species interactions may manifest differently at different spatial scales; therefore, our interpretation of observed interactions will depend on the scale at which observations are made. For example, in ladybeetle–aphid systems, the results from small‐scale cage experiments usually cannot be extrapolated to landscape‐scale field observations. To understand how ladybeetle–aphid interactions change across spatial scales, we evaluated predator–prey interactions in an experimental system. The experimental habitat consisted of 81 potted plants and was manipulated to facilitate analysis across four spatial scales. We also simulated a spatially explicit metacommunity model parallel to the experiment. In the experiment, we found that the negative effect of ladybeetles on aphids decreased with increasing spatial scales. This pattern can be explained by ladybeetles strongly suppressing aphids at small scales, but not colonizing distant patches fast enough to suppress aphids at larger scales. In the experiment, the positive effects of aphids on ladybeetles were strongest at three‐plant scale. In a model scenario where predators did not have demographic dynamics, we found, consistent with the experiment, that both the effects of ladybeetles on aphids and the effects of aphids on ladybeetles decreased with increasing spatial scales. These patterns suggest that dispersal was the primary cause of ladybeetle population dynamics in our experiment: aphids increased ladybeetle numbers at smaller scales because ladybeetles stayed in a patch longer and performed area‐restricted searches after encountering aphids; these behaviors did not affect ladybeetle numbers at larger spatial scales. The parallel experimental and model results illustrate how predator–prey interactions can change across spatial scales, suggesting that our interpretation of observed predator–prey dynamics would differ if observations were made at different scales. This study demonstrates how studying ecological interactions at a range of scales can help link the results of small‐scale ecological experiments to landscape‐scale ecological problems.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to increase the risk of drought in many temperate agroecosystems. While the impact of drought on aboveground plant‐herbivore‐natural enemy interactions has been studied, little is known about its effects on belowground tritrophic interactions and root defense chemistry. We investigated the effects of low soil moisture on the interaction between maize, the western corn rootworm (WCR, Diabrotica virgifera), and soil‐borne natural enemies of WCR. In a manipulative field experiment, reduced soil moisture and WCR attack reduced plant performance and increased benzoxazinoid levels. The negative effects of WCR on cob dry weight and silk emergence were strongest at low moisture levels. Inoculation with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) was ineffective in controlling WCR, and the EPNs died rapidly in the warm and dry soil. However, ants of the species Solenopsis molesta invaded the experiment, were more abundant in WCR‐infested pots and predated WCR independently of soil moisture. Ant presence increased root and shoot biomass and was associated with attenuated moisture‐dependent effects of WCR on maize cob weight. Our study suggests that apart from directly reducing plant performance, drought can also increase the negative effects of root herbivores such as WCR. It furthermore identifies S. molesta as a natural enemy of WCR that can protect maize plants from the negative impact of herbivory under drought stress. Robust herbivore natural enemies may play an important role in buffering the impact of climate change on plant‐herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Observed changes in mean temperature and increased frequency of extreme climate events have already impacted the distributions and phenologies of various organisms, including insects. Although some research has examined how parasitoids will respond to colder temperatures or experimental warming, we know relatively little about how increased variation in temperature and humidity could affect interactions between parasitoids and their hosts. Using a study system consisting of emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, and its egg parasitoid Oobius agrili, we conducted environmentally controlled laboratory experiments to investigate how increased seasonal climate variation affected the synchrony of host–parasitoid interactions. We hypothesized that increased climate variation would lead to decreases in host and parasitoid survival, host fecundity, and percent parasitism (independent of host density), while also influencing percent diapause in parasitoids. EAB was reared in environmental chambers under four climate variation treatments (standard deviations in temperature of 1.24, 3.00, 3.60, and 4.79°C), while Oagrili experiments were conducted in the same environmental chambers using a 4 × 3 design (four climate variation treatments × 3 EAB egg densities). We found that EAB fecundity was negatively associated with temperature variation and that temperature variation altered the temporal egg laying distribution of EAB. Additionally, even moderate increases in temperature variation affected parasitoid emergence times, while decreasing percent parasitism and survival. Furthermore, percent diapause in parasitoids was positively associated with humidity variation. Our findings indicate that relatively small changes in the frequency and severity of extreme climate events have the potential to phenologically isolate emerging parasitoids from host eggs, which in the absence of alternative hosts could lead to localized extinctions. More broadly, these results indicate how climate change could affect various life history parameters in insects, and have implications for consumer–resource stability and biological control.  相似文献   

Resources added to agroecosystems to enhance biological control are potentially available to multiple members of the resident insect community—not only the biological control agents for which the resources are intended. Many studies have examined the effects of sugar feeding on the efficacy of biological control agents. However, such information is lacking for other, interacting species such as facultative hyperparasitoids, which may contribute to pest suppression but can also interfere with introduced biological control agents. Under greenhouse conditions, we tested the direct effects of sugar and nectar provisioning on the longevity, host‐killing impact and offspring production of two pupal parasitoids associated with leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella: the introduced biological control agent, Diadromus pulchellus, and the native facultative hyperparasitoid, Conura albifrons. Adding sucrose, buckwheat or a combination of buckwheat and common vetch to a sugar‐deprived system (potted leek plants in cages) increased parasitoid longevity and resulted in higher leek moth parasitism and mortality compared to water or common vetch treatments. However, the two parasitoid species exhibited a distinct temporal response to the treatments, likely influenced by differences in their life histories. This study provides insight into how integrating conservation biological control techniques could affect the success of a classical biological control programme.  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions repeatedly preserved across fragmented landscapes can scale‐up to form a spatial metanetwork describing the distribution of interactions across patches. We explored the structure of a bird seed‐dispersal (BSD) metanetwork in 16 Neotropical forest fragments to test whether a distinct subset of BSD‐interactions may mediate landscape functional connectivity. The metanetwork is interaction‐rich, modular and poorly connected, showing high beta‐diversity and turnover of species and interactions. Interactions involving large‐sized species were lost in fragments < 10 000 ha, indicating a strong filtering by habitat fragmentation on the functional diversity of BSD‐interactions. Persistent interactions were performed by small‐seeded, fast growing plant species and by generalist, small‐bodied bird species able to cross the fragmented landscape. This reduced subset of interactions forms the metanetwork components persisting to defaunation and fragmentation, and may generate long‐term deficits of carbon storage while delaying forest regeneration at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is defined as a fitness decline in progeny resulting from mating between related individuals, the severity of which may vary across environmental conditions. Such inbreeding‐by‐environment interactions might reflect that inbred individuals have a lower capacity for adjusting their phenotype to match different environmental conditions better, as shown in prior studies on developmental plasticity. Behavioural plasticity is more flexible than developmental plasticity because it is reversible and relatively quick, but little is known about its sensitivity to inbreeding. Here, we investigate effects of inbreeding on behavioural plasticity in the context of parent–offspring interactions in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Larvae increase begging with the level of hunger, and parents increase their level of care when brood sizes increase. Here, we find that inbreeding increased behavioural plasticity in larvae: inbred larvae reduced their time spent associating with a parent in response to the length of food deprivation more than outbred larvae. However, inbreeding had no effect on the behavioural plasticity of offspring begging or any parental behaviour. Overall, our results show that inbreeding can increase behavioural plasticity. We suggest that inbreeding‐by‐environment interactions might arise when inbreeding is associated with too little or too much plasticity in response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Increased plant diversity in cropping systems can play an important role in agriculture by enhancing arthropod‐mediated ecosystem services, including biological control and pollination. However, there is limited research investigating the concurrent influence of plant functional diversity within cultivated systems on different arthropod functional groups, the provision of multiple ecosystem services, and crop yield. During a field experiment, repeated over 2 years, we measured the effect of increasing plant functional diversity on community structure of arthropod visitors, the abundance of multiple pests and induced crop damage, and fruit production in two varieties of tomato. Plant resources (floral and extra‐floral nectar and pollen) were included within experimental plots in four levels, with each level increasing the plant functional group richness, based on floral morphology and availability of resources, in a replacement series. The presence of sown flower mixtures in experimental plots was associated with increased abundance and diversity of natural enemy functional groups and an enhanced abundance of bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes). However, we only detected relatively small variability in arthropod visitors among types of mixtures, and increased abundance of natural enemies did not translate into stronger pest suppression or reduced crop damage. Lepidoptera pest damage was significantly higher in plots adjacent to wildflower strips, an ecosystem disservice, but a significantly higher crop productivity was recorded from these plots. Our results provide evidence that inclusion of non‐crop plant resources in agroecosystems can improve the conservation of beneficial arthropods and may lead to increased crop productivity.  相似文献   

Characteristically, land plants exhibit a life cycle with an ‘alternation of generations’ and thus alternate between a haploid gametophyte and a diploid sporophyte. At meiosis and fertilisation the transitions between these two ontogenies take place in distinct single stem cells. The evolutionary invention of an embryo, and thus an upright multicellular sporophyte, in the ancestor of land plants formed the basis for the evolution of increasingly complex plant morphologies shaping Earth's ecosystems. Recent research employing the moss Physcomitrella patens revealed the homeotic gene BELL1 as a master regulator of the gametophyte‐to‐sporophyte transition. Here, we discuss these findings in the context of classical botanical observations.  相似文献   

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