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Excessive fishing pressure can induce population declines or complete collapse of fisheries. Unless commercial and recreational fisheries for K-selected fishes, or those with slow growth and late maturation, are carefully managed, declines in abundance or fishery collapse is probable. Paddlefish Polyodon spathula,are a K-selected species that experienced historical declines in abundance as a result of habitat degradation and overfishing. Mark-recapture studies are well-suited for long-lived fishes by providing information on population density and vital rates. For sustainable commercial or recreational fisheries targeting species such as the paddlefish, managers require accurate estimates of population vital rates including survival, abundance, and exploitation. We used a Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MFWP) mark-recapture dataset and modified Jolly-Seber (POPAN) models to estimate survival, recapture, probability of entry, and abundance of 8,518 tagged paddlefish over a 25-year period. With many supporting estimates including stable survival (0.92 for females, mean of 0.82 for males), low exploitation rates (means of 2.6% for females and 2.9% for males), and stable abundance estimates (25-year mean of 12,309 individuals for both sexes), the Fort Peck paddlefish population appears to be stable and well-managed over the past 25 years. Presently, this is the only study focused on paddlefish in North America that has estimated survival and abundance for both male and female paddlefish using contemporary analyses. This research provided a unique opportunity to highlight that the effort exerted by management agencies to collect long-term field data is extremely useful to our understanding of fish populations and management.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of North American sturgeons and paddlefish to fishing mortality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sturgeons and paddlefish exhibit unusual combinations of morphology, habits, and life history characteristics, which make them highly vulnerable to impacts from human activities, particularly fisheries. Five North American sturgeons (shortnose, Gulf, pallid, Alabama, and green sturgeon) are listed as endangered or threatened by management authorities. Managers have instituted fishery closures for the three other species of North American sturgeons (Atlantic, white, and shovelnose) and paddlefish because of low stock abundance at some point in this century. Reproductive potential in four species I examined (Atlantic, white, and shortnose sturgeon, and paddlefish) is more sensitive to fishing mortality than it is for three other intensively-fished coastal species in North America: striped bass, winter flounder, and bluefish. The sturgeons and paddlefish are generally longer-lived than the three other coastal species, and also have an older age at full maturity, lower maximum fecundity values, and older ages at which 50% of the lifetime egg production is realized with no fishing mortality.  相似文献   

We studied sex and maturity stage of great sturgeon with different reproductive stages using sex steroid hormones concentrations in blood plasma, gonad histology and laparoscopic technique. One hundred sixty farmed great sturgeons at ages between 1 and +12 years and weight ranged from 0.45 to 49.65 kg (80 males and 80 females, 20 fish of each maturity stage) were selected. Mean sex steroid levels showed that testosterone (T) and 11ketotestosterone (11KT) in plasma varied significantly by sex and maturity stage. But the mean concentrations of 17B‐estradiol (E2) varied significantly only between the maturity stages I and III. All fish were sex determined by laparoscopy and histology examinations confirmed it. Our results showed, however laparoscopy was effective method for sex determination at four maturity stages, but young fish at maturity stage I required gonadal histology examinations to confirm sex. The present study results showed that some steroid sex hormones (T and 11KT) can be used to determine sex and reproductive stage in great sturgeon, especially in later maturity stages. Although the laparoscopy may be stressful and cause small scars on the body of the fish, but it is a fast, effective, and cheap method for sex and maturity stage assessment (30 to 40 s for each fish), especially at later maturity stages. Histology of gonads is a very accurate, but it is an invasive method and not a suitable technique for commercial purposes. Histology is more suited for scientific studies than commercial application. The ability to use minimally invasive methods for sex determination will assist broodstock management and conservation in sturgeons.  相似文献   

Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula, Polyodontidae)are large, mostly-riverine fish that once wereabundant in medium- to large-sized river systemsthroughout much of the central United States. Concernfor paddlefish populations has grown from a regionalfisheries issue to one of national importance for theUnited States. In 1989, the U.S. Fish and WildlifeService (USFWS) was petitioned to list paddlefish asa federally threatened species under the EndangeredSpecies Act. The petition was not granted, primarilybecause of a lack of empirical data on paddlefishpopulation size, age structure, growth, or harvestrates across the present 22-state range. Nonetheless,concern for paddlefish populations prompted the USFWSto recommend that paddlefish be protected through theConvention on International Trade in EndangeredSpecies of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The additionof paddlefish to Appendix II of CITES, which wasapproved in March 1992, provides a mechanism tocurtail illegal trade in paddlefish and their partsand supports a variety of conservation plans. Paddlefish populations have been negatively affectedby overharvest, river modifications, and pollution,but the paddlefish still occupies much of its historicrange and most extant populations seem to be stable. Although many facets of paddlefish biology andecology are well understood, the lack of informationon larval and juvenile ecology, mechanisms thatdetermine recruitment, population size and vitalrates, interjurisdictional movements, and the effectsof anthropogenic activities present significantobstacles for managing paddlefish populations. Questions about the size and structure of localpopulations, and how such populations are affected bynavigation traffic, dams, and pollution are regardedas medium priority areas for future research. Theavailability of suitable spawning habitat and overallreproductive success in impounded rivers are unknownand represent critical areas for future research. Research on reproductive and recruitment success inimpounded rivers have significant implications formanaging paddlefish, as rivers are modified furtherfor human use.  相似文献   

Choi SC  Hey J 《Genetics》2011,189(2):561-577
A new approach to assigning individuals to populations using genetic data is described. Most existing methods work by maximizing Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium within populations, neither of which will apply for many demographic histories. By including a demographic model, within a likelihood framework based on coalescent theory, we can jointly study demographic history and population assignment. Genealogies and population assignments are sampled from a posterior distribution using a general isolation-with-migration model for multiple populations. A measure of partition distance between assignments facilitates not only the summary of a posterior sample of assignments, but also the estimation of the posterior density for the demographic history. It is shown that joint estimates of assignment and demographic history are possible, including estimation of population phylogeny for samples from three populations. The new method is compared to results of a widely used assignment method, using simulated and published empirical data sets.  相似文献   

Historically, management of fish populations has been achieved through the use of age‐derived estimates of growth and mortality. For long‐lived species such as the paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, the validation of calcified structures is necessary to correct for the presence of false annuli or the absence of growth rings. Regardless, numerous studies on paddlefish populations throughout their range have continued the use of un‐validated age estimates to evaluate dynamic rate functions. The use of mark‐recapture studies has been applied widely to evaluate growth of short‐lived fishes, but only recently to a few long‐lived freshwater fishes (i.e. white sturgeon, shovelnose sturgeon, and pallid sturgeon). This study provides the first simultaneous evaluation of both mark‐recapture and age‐estimate information in determining population characteristics for paddlefish. In doing so, this study has determined that the Pspathula population in the Black River below Clearwater Dam, Missouri is sustainable. Additionally, mark‐recapture information is sufficient to produce accurate and reliable assessments of paddlefish populations in lieu of validated aging structures; future management should be centered on accurate scientific methods, which is not the case when using un‐validated aging structures (e.g. scales, otoliths, fin rays, dentary bones) to determine population parameters. Mark‐recapture information can provide an accurate, alternative source of growth and mortality information for use in evaluating and managing paddlefish populations throughout their range.  相似文献   

Most modern protein sequence analysis is carried out using classical, wet-chemical Edman degradation technology. However, an increasing number of studies on both natural and recombinant genetically engineered proteins demands the use of new technologies capable of assigning structural features such as glycosylation, which cannot be assigned by Edman sequence analysis. The most important alternative and complementary procedure at present is the use of high-mass mass spectrometry. This brief article introduces some of the principles and applications of the technique. Protein research laboratories, both academic and industrial will make increasing use of these techniques to complement classical gas phase sequencing, and to identify post-translational modifications including glycosylation, phosphorylation, SS bridge assignment and processing events, including the formation of ‘ragged ends’.  相似文献   

The yellow cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) is a passerine bird endemic to southern South America. At present, the species is threatened with extinction, in part because of the capture of wild birds to supply the illegal caged-bird market. Previous genetic evidence supports the existence of 3 management units for the species in Argentina, where the largest populations are currently found. Our objectives were to guide the reintroduction of these animals to their respective management units by determining the origin of seized specimens from illegal trade using 2 molecular markers, mtDNA and microsatellites, and to monitor the success of the released birds through radio-telemetry. We compared the performance of different molecular markers and assignment approaches to optimize a technique capable of assigning the origin of confiscated yellow cardinals in a reliable way. Five of 10 released radio-tracked individuals were predated shortly after liberation; however, 3 were successful in finding a mate and starting reproductive activities. Individual success was independent of the time spent in captivity, the liberation with a partner, the settlement type (semi-open or closed), and the maximum distance traveled from the point of release. Cardinals that survived had higher individual heterozygosity. Our findings contribute a robust genetic assignment technique to be used in future yellow cardinal seizures and identify factors that might improve subsequent releases. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

  1. While invasions of large rivers by exotic fish species are well documented, assessing actual or potential impacts on native species is a challenge. Rapid assessments may be possible through the application of a combination of bioenergetic and population dynamic models.
  2. Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is a native species in the central USA with a history of population decline due to waterway development and overharvesting for roe. It is not known whether paddlefish are impacted by resource competition from invasive bigheaded carp populations, including silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), which have expanded dramatically in the Mississippi River.
  3. We used bioenergetic models to project the potential impact of invasive silver and bighead carp on zooplankton density and paddlefish somatic growth in backwater habitat. Bioenergetic outputs were translated to impacts on fecundity, becoming inputs for 50-year metapopulation simulations of backwater habitat connected to the main-stem Mississippi River by episodic flood events.
  4. Competition with carp reduced growth and increased the risk of population decline for paddlefish. Impacts increased disproportionately with increased carp abundance and were further exacerbated in scenarios with increased diet overlap or decreased zooplankton abundance.
  5. We also analysed paddlefish condition data collected at sites near the lower Mississippi River with varying histories of carp invasion. These data give credence to the bioenergetic model output; paddlefish had reduced body condition at sites with long-established, high-density carp populations.
  6. We conclude that invasive bigheaded carps have great potential to reduce paddlefish growth, fecundity, and abundance. The pairing of bioenergetics and population models is likely to be broadly useful in assessing the risks posed by other invasive species.

Hermaphroditic organisms are key models in sex allocation research, yet the developmental processes by which hermaphrodite sex allocation can evolve remain largely unknown. Here we use experimental evolution of hermaphrodite‐male (androdioecious) Caenorhabditis elegans populations to quantify the developmental changes underlying adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation. We show that the experimental evolution of increased early‐life self‐fertility occurred through modification of a suite of developmental traits: increased self‐sperm production, accelerated oogenesis and ovulation, and increased embryo retention. The experimental evolution of increased self‐sperm production delayed entry into oogenesis—as expected, given the sequentially coupled production of self‐spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Surprisingly, however, delayed oogenesis onset did not delay reproductive maturity, nor did it trade‐off with gamete or embryo size. Comparing developmental time dynamics of germline and soma indicates that the evolution of increased sperm production did not delay reproductive maturity due to a globally accelerated larval development during the period of self‐spermatogenesis. Overall, heterochrony in gametogenesis and soma can explain adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether location and sex affected the age precision estimates between two southern, reservoir populations of paddlefish [Polyodon spathula (Walbaum, 1792)]. From 589 paddlefish collected in Grand Lake and Keystone Lake, Oklahoma in 2011, ages from dentaries were estimated using three independent readers and precision was compared with coefficient of variation between locations and sexes. Ages were more precisely estimated from Grand Lake and from females.  相似文献   

Sturgeon and paddlefish populations worldwide have declined because of anthropogenic influences. The structure and magnitude of genetic diversity of natural populations serves to buffer these fishes against environmental variation and should be maintained. Modern molecular biological techniques provide the ability to sensitively characterize and quantify the extent of genetic variation in natural populations. We provide a summary of those problems in sturgeon population biology that are amenable to investigation with DNA approaches, and their applications to date. These have included genetic identification and discrimination of taxa, identification of hybrids, stock identification, mixed-stock analysis, and estimation of gene flow and homing fidelity. To date, almost all studies have been restricted to North American fauna. Improvements to these technologies, including nondestructive sampling, should permit more widespread application of molecular approaches to problems of acipenseriform conservation. We suggest that the use of more sensitive molecular tools such as analyses of hypervariable repetitive and non-coding single copy nuclear DNA may assist management even in those taxa which exhibit overall low levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Rapid assignment of bacterial pathogens into predefined populations is an important first step for epidemiological tracking. For clonal species, a single allele can theoretically define a population. For non-clonal species such as Burkholderia pseudomallei, however, shared allelic states between distantly related isolates make it more difficult to identify population defining characteristics. Two distinct B. pseudomallei populations have been previously identified using multilocus sequence typing (MLST). These populations correlate with the major foci of endemicity (Australia and Southeast Asia). Here, we use multiple Bayesian approaches to evaluate the compositional robustness of these populations, and provide assignment results for MLST sequence types (STs). Our goal was to provide a reference for assigning STs to an established population without the need for further computational analyses. We also provide allele frequency results for each population to enable estimation of population assignment even when novel STs are discovered. The ability for humans and potentially contaminated goods to move rapidly across the globe complicates the task of identifying the source of an infection or outbreak. Population genetic dynamics of B. pseudomallei are particularly complicated relative to other bacterial pathogens, but the work here provides the ability for broad scale population assignment. As there is currently no independent empirical measure of successful population assignment, we provide comprehensive analytical details of our comparisons to enable the reader to evaluate the robustness of population designations and assignments as they pertain to individual research questions. Finer scale subdivision and verification of current population compositions will likely be possible with genotyping data that more comprehensively samples the genome. The approach used here may be valuable for other non-clonal pathogens that lack simple group-defining genetic characteristics and provides a rapid reference for epidemiologists wishing to track the origin of infection without the need to compile population data and learn population assignment algorithms.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations and oxidative stress indicators (including production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative damage) were measured in muscle of blue sharks collected along the west coast of Baja California Sur to determine potential differences by sex and maturity cohorts. Mercury (Hg) concentration in muscle samples from larger sharks (>200 cm LT) exceeded the permissible limit (>1 ppm wet weight) for human consumption set by numerous international agencies. Significant differences were found in Hg concentrations (mature>immature; males>females), and in protein carbonyl concentrations (male>female); however, except for carbonyl protein levels, no significant differences by sex or maturity stage were found in the oxidative stress indicators. Differences between sexes and maturity stages in trace element concentration and carbonyl protein levels in blue shark muscle may be related to variations in diet within different cohorts.  相似文献   

Variation in age at maturity is an important contributor to life history and demographic variation within and among species. The optimal age at maturity can vary by sex, and the ability of each sex to evolve towards its fitness optimum depends on the genetic architecture of maturation. Using GWAS of RAD sequencing data, we show that age at maturity in Chinook salmon exhibits sex‐specific genetic architecture, with age at maturity in males influenced by large (up to 20 Mb) male‐specific haplotypes. These regions showed no such effect in females. We also provide evidence for translocation of the sex‐determining gene between two different chromosomes. This has important implications for sexually antagonistic selection, particularly that sex linkage of adaptive genes may differ within and among populations based on chromosomal location of the sex‐determining gene. Our findings will facilitate research into the genetic causes of shifting demography in Chinook salmon as well as a better understanding of sex determination in this species and Pacific salmon in general.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,昆虫不育技术(sterile insect technique, SIT)已被用于防治农业害虫和人类健康相关的病媒害虫。相较于传统的农药控制策略,昆虫不育技术具有物种特异性和环境友好型等特点。通过释放不育雄虫的昆虫不育技术的主要障碍是在大规模饲养阶段将雄性与雌性分离,从而提高这些防治方法的成本效率,并防止释放携带和传播疾病的雌性群体。目前大多数针对双翅目害虫的遗传防治策略没有进行性别分离,少数害虫性别分离方法是基于蛹的大小或者雌雄蛹羽化时间差异进行人工识别和机械识别分离。双翅目昆虫性别决定及分化分子机制多种多样,其性别决定主要信号差异巨大,其多种性别决定基因已用于性别分离系统的开发。性比失衡性别分离策略通过破坏性别决定途径关键基因的表达获得雄性偏向后代,雌性条件性致死分离策略利用性别决定关键基因的雌雄选择性剪接差异实现性别分离,这两种性别分离策略目前正在害虫不育防治中接受大规模饲养应用评估,而基于双翅目昆虫雌雄性二态和基因标记发展的可视化性别分离策略也已成功实现多种害虫的性别分离。我们对性比失衡分离策略、雌性条件性致死分离策略和可视化性别分离策略在双翅目害虫中的研究进展进行了综述,重点评估了这些方法在雄虫大规模饲养和释放的应用潜力,以期在更完善的性别分离技术支持下为害虫防治研究取得更多突破性进展。  相似文献   

Harvesting of wildlife populations by humans is usually targeted by sex, age or phenotypic criteria, and is therefore selective. Selective harvesting has the potential to elicit a genetic response from the target populations in several ways. First, selective harvesting may affect population demographic structure (age structure, sex ratio), which in turn may have consequences for effective population size and hence genetic diversity. Second, wildlife-harvesting regimes that use selective criteria based on phenotypic characteristics (e.g. minimum body size, horn length or antler size) have the potential to impose artificial selection on harvested populations. If there is heritable genetic variation for the target characteristic and harvesting occurs before the age of maturity, then an evolutionary response over time may ensue. Molecular ecological techniques offer ways to predict and detect genetic change in harvested populations, and therefore have great utility for effective wildlife management. Molecular markers can be used to assess the genetic structure of wildlife populations, and thereby assist in the prediction of genetic impacts by delineating evolutionarily meaningful management units. Genetic markers can be used for monitoring genetic diversity and changes in effective population size and breeding systems. Tracking evolutionary change at the phenotypic level in the wild through quantitative genetic analysis can be made possible by genetically determined pedigrees. Finally, advances in genome sequencing and bioinformatics offer the opportunity to study the molecular basis of phenotypic variation through trait mapping and candidate gene approaches. With this understanding, it could be possible to monitor the selective impacts of harvesting at a molecular level in the future. Effective wildlife management practice needs to consider more than the direct impact of harvesting on population dynamics. Programs that utilize molecular genetic tools will be better positioned to assess the long-term evolutionary impact of artificial selection on the evolutionary trajectory and viability of harvested populations.  相似文献   

North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, were once abundant in most large rivers and tributaries of the Mississippi River basin, but numbers have declined dramatically in most areas during the past 100 years. Habitat destruction and river modification are the most obvious changes affecting their distribution and abundance. Although peripheral range has dwindled, paddlefish still occur over most of their historic range and are still found in 22 states. Populations are currently increasing in 3 states, stable in 14, declining in 2, unknown in 3, and extirpated in 4. Sport harvests presently occur in 14 states, however two states with traditionally important sport fisheries report decreased recruitment into the population and are planning more restrictive regulations. Commercial fisheries are reported in only six states. During the past 10 years, five states have removed paddlefish from their commercial list primarily because of declines in adult stocks due to overfishing or illegal fishing. Ten states are currently stocking paddlefish to supplement existing populations or to recover paddlefish populations in the periphery of its native range.  相似文献   

George F. Gee 《Zoo biology》1983,2(3):199-213
Some unique features of crane reproduction, management, and conservation are described. Because cranes are sexually monomorphic, sexing is difficult and must be accomplished using behavior, laparoscopy, cloacal examination, genetic techniques, or fecal steroid analysis. Although husbandry techniques for cranes are similar to those used with other nondomestic birds, a number of basic characteristics, such as extreme aggressiveness, imprinting by the crane chick on man, a delayed molt in the immature crane, delayed sexual maturity, and infertility, pose special problems for the propagator. Artificial insemination is a practical solution to crane infertility. Vigorous captive management and propagation efforts must become increasingly important if several endangered crane species are to survive the continuing decline in wild populations. The ultimate goal is the restoration of suitable habitat and sustainable native populations.  相似文献   

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