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Assortative mating is critical for reproductive isolation during speciation; however, the mechanisms underlying mating preferences are often unknown. Assortative mating can be mediated through preferences for condition‐dependent and adaptive (“magic”) traits, but rigorously testing these hypotheses has been impeded by trait covariation in living organisms. We used computer‐generated models to examine the role of body shape in producing association preferences between fish populations undergoing ecological speciation in different habitat types. We demonstrate that body shape can serve as an adaptive trait (variation in head size between populations) and a condition‐dependent signal (variation in abdominal distention among individuals). Female preferences for stimuli varying in only one aspect of body shape uncovered evidence for body shape as a magic trait across population pairs, but no evidence for body shape serving as a condition‐dependent signal. Evolution of preferences only in females from one habitat type as well as stronger preferences in sympatric nonsulfidic as opposed to allopatric nonsulfidic populations suggests that reinforcement may have played a role in producing the observed patterns.  相似文献   

The relative importance of male and female mating preferences in causing sexual isolation between species remains a major unresolved question in speciation. Despite previous work showing that male courtship bias and/or female copulation bias for conspecifics occur in many taxa, the present study is one of the first large‐scale works to study their relative divergence. To achieve this, we used data from the literature and present experiments across 66 Drosophila species pairs. Our results revealed that male and female mate preferences are both ubiquitous in Drosophila but evolved largely independently, suggesting different underlying evolutionary and genetic mechanisms. Moreover, their relative divergence strongly depends on the geographical relationship of species. Between allopatric species, male courtship and female copulation preferences diverged at very similar rates, evolving approximately linearly with time of divergence. In sharp contrast, between sympatric species pairs, female preferences diverged much more rapidly than male preferences and were the only drivers of enhanced sexual isolation in sympatry and Reproductive Character Displacement (RCD). Not only does this result suggest that females are primarily responsible for such processes as reinforcement, but it also implies that evolved female preferences may reduce selection for further divergence of male courtship preferences in sympatry.  相似文献   

Female genitalia have been largely neglected in studies of genital evolution, perhaps due to the long‐standing belief that they are relatively invariable and therefore taxonomically and evolutionarily uninformative in comparison with male genitalia. Contemporary studies of genital evolution have begun to dispute this view, and to demonstrate that female genitalia can be highly diverse and covary with the genitalia of males. Here, we examine evidence for three mechanisms of genital evolution in females: species isolating ‘lock‐and‐key’ evolution, cryptic female choice and sexual conflict. Lock‐and‐key genital evolution has been thought to be relatively unimportant; however, we present cases that show how species isolation may well play a role in the evolution of female genitalia. Much support for female genital evolution via sexual conflict comes from studies of both invertebrate and vertebrate species; however, the effects of sexual conflict can be difficult to distinguish from models of cryptic female choice that focus on putative benefits of choice for females. We offer potential solutions to alleviate this issue. Finally, we offer directions for future studies in order to expand and refine our knowledge surrounding female genital evolution.  相似文献   

The speed of ecological speciation   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  

The spectacular variability that typically characterizes male genital traits has largely been attributed to the role of sexual selection. Among the evolutionary mechanisms proposed to account for this diversity, two processes in particular have generated considerable interest. On the one hand, females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms of selection to favour males with preferred genital traits (cryptic female choice; CFC), while on the other hand females may evolve structures or behaviours that mitigate the direct costs imposed by male genitalia (sexual conflict; SC). A critical but rarely explored assumption underlying both processes is that male and female reproductive traits coevolve, either via the classic Fisherian model of preference-trait coevolution (CFC) or through sexually antagonistic selection (SC). Here, we provide evidence for this prediction in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a polyandrous livebearing fish in which males transfer sperm internally to females via consensual and forced matings. Our results from a paternal half-sibling breeding design reveal substantial levels of additive genetic variation underlying male genital size and morphology—two traits known to predict mating success during non-consensual matings. Our subsequent finding that physically interacting female genital traits exhibit corresponding levels of genetic (co)variation reveals the potential intersexual coevolutionary dynamics of male and female genitalia, thereby fulfilling a fundamental assumption underlying CFC and SC theory.  相似文献   

The study of male genital diversity has long overshadowed evolutionary inquiry of female genitalia, despite its nontrivial diversity. Here, we identify four nonmutually exclusive mechanisms that could lead to genital divergence in females, and potentially generate patterns of correlated male–female genital evolution: (1) ecological variation alters the context of sexual selection (“ecology hypothesis”), (2) sexually antagonistic selection (“sexual‐conflict hypothesis”), (3) female preferences for male genitalia mediated by female genital traits (“female‐choice hypothesis”), and (4) selection against inter‐population mating (“lock‐and‐key hypothesis”). We performed an empirical investigation of all four hypotheses using the model system of Bahamas mosquitofish inhabiting blue holes that vary in predation risk. We found unequivocal support for the ecology hypothesis, with females exhibiting a smaller genital opening in blue holes containing piscivorous fish. This is consistent with stronger postmating female choice/conflict when predators are present, but greater premating female choice in their absence. Our results additionally supported the lock‐and‐key hypothesis, uncovering a pattern of reproductive character displacement for genital shape. We found no support for the sexual conflict or female choice hypotheses. Our results demonstrate a strong role for ecology in generating female genital diversity, and suggest that lock‐and‐key may provide a viable cause of female genital diversification.  相似文献   

Temperature coupling exists when changes in male signal production with temperature are paralleled by changes in female response. Such thermal effects have been observed in various ectothermic animals producing acoustic, visual, and electric signals in which the signal rate may be subject to stabilizing selection imposed by female preference. Often, coupling was considered as an adaptive function wherein male and female thermal effects coevolved under selection pressure favoring species recognition, although this assumption has not been tested definitively. We investigated thermal effects on pulse-pair rate in male song and female acceptance threshold for male song rate in an acoustic moth, Achroia grisella, in which male song rate is subject to directional selection. Male song rate and female acceptance threshold do exhibit parallel increases as temperature rises from 18 degrees C to 30 degrees C, but female thresholds are much lower than male song rates and the thermal effect on female response cannot augment species recognition. In further investigations using inbred lines of A. grisella we found that the male and female thermal effects are genetically correlated, and we discuss the likely sources of this covariance. We consider several explanations for the occurrence of temperature coupling in this species and suggest that it represents an emergent property arising from the neuromuscular responses to temperature that are common to several physiological systems.  相似文献   

Despite the key functions of the genitalia in sexual interactions and fertilization, the role of sexual selection and conflict in shaping genital traits remains poorly understood. Seed beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus) males possess spines on the intromittent organ, and females possess a thickened reproductive tract wall that also bears spines. We investigated the role of sexual selection and conflict by imposing monogamous mating on eight replicate populations of this naturally polygamous insect, while maintaining eight other populations under polygamy. To establish whether responses to mating system manipulation were robust to ecological context, we simultaneously manipulated life-history selection (early/late reproduction). Over 18-21 generations, male genital spines evolved relatively reduced length in large males (i.e., shallower static allometry) in monogamous populations. Two nonintromittent male genital appendages also evolved in response to the interaction of mating system and ecology. In contrast, no detectable evolution occurred in female genitalia, consistent with the expectation of a delayed response in defensive traits. Our results support a sexually antagonistic role for the male genital spines, and demonstrate the evolution of static allometry in response to variation in sexual selection opportunity. We argue that further advances in the study of genital coevolution will require a much more detailed understanding of the functions of male and female genital traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Acoustic mate-attracting signals of related sympatric, synchronic species are always distinguishable, but those of related allopatric species sometimes are not, thus suggesting that such signals may evolve to "reinforce" premating species isolation when similar species become sympatric. This hypothesis predicts divergences restricted to regions of sympatry in partially overlapping species, but such "reproductive character displacement" has rarely been confirmed. We report such a case in the acoustic signals of a previously unrecognized 13-year periodical cicada species, Magicicada neotredecim , described here as a new species (see Appendix). Where M. neotredecim overlaps M. tredecim in the central United States, the dominant male call pitch (frequency) of M. neotredecim increases from approximately 1.4 kHz to 1.7 kHz, whereas that of M. tredecim remains comparatively stable. The average preferences of female M. neotredecim for call pitch show a similar geographic pattern, changing with the call pitch of conspecific males. Magicicada neotredecim differs from 13-year M. tredecim in abdomen coloration, mitochondrial DNA, and call pitch, but is not consistently distinguishable from 17-year M. septendecim ; thus, like other Magicicada species, M. neotredecim appears most closely related to a geographically adjacent counterpart with the alternative life cycle. Speciation in Magicicada may be facilitated by life-cycle changes that create temporal isolation, and reinforcement could play a role by fostering divergence in premating signals prior to speciation. We present two theories of Magicicada speciation by life-cycle evolution: "nurse-brood facilitation" and "life-cycle canalization."  相似文献   

The pace of divergence and likelihood of speciation often depends on how and when different types of reproductive barriers evolve. Questions remain about how reproductive isolation evolves after initial divergence. We tested for the presence of sexual isolation (reduced mating between populations due to divergent mating preferences and traits) in Rhagoletis pomonella flies, a model system for incipient ecological speciation. We measured the strength of sexual isolation between two very recently diverged (~170 generations) sympatric populations, adapted to different host fruits (hawthorn and apple). We found that flies from both populations were more likely to mate within than between populations. Thus, sexual isolation may play an important role in reducing gene flow allowed by early-acting ecological barriers. We also tested how warmer temperatures predicted under climate change could alter sexual isolation and found that sexual isolation was markedly asymmetric under warmer temperatures – apple males and hawthorn females mated randomly while apple females and hawthorn males mated more within populations than between. Our findings provide a window into the early speciation process and the role of sexual isolation after initial ecological divergence, in addition to examining how environmental conditions could shape the likelihood of further divergence.  相似文献   

Male genitalia present an extraordinary pattern of rapid divergence in animals with internal fertilization, which is usually attributed to sexual selection. However, the effect of ecological factors on genitalia divergence could also be important, especially so in animals with nonretractable genitalia because of their stronger interaction with the surrounding environment in comparison with animals with retractable genitalia. Here, we examine the potential of a pervasive ecological factor (predation) to influence the length and allometry of the male genitalia in guppies. We sampled guppies from pairs of low‐predation (LP) and high‐predation (HP) populations in seven rivers in Trinidad, and measured their body and gonopodium length. A key finding was that HP adult males do not have consistently longer gonopodia than do LP adult males, as had been described in previous work. However, we did find such divergence for juvenile males: HP juveniles have longer gonopodia than do LP juveniles. We therefore suggest that an evolutionary trend toward the development of longer gonopodia in HP males (as seen in the juveniles) is erased after maturity owing to the higher mortality of mature males with longer gonopodia. Beyond these generalities, gonopodium length and gonopodium allometry were remarkably variable among populations even within a predation regime, thus indicating strong context dependence to their development/evolution. Our findings highlight the complex dynamics of genitalia evolution in Trinidadian guppies.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence implicate sexual isolation in both initiating and completing the speciation process. Although its existence is straightforward to demonstrate, understanding the evolution of sexual isolation requires identifying the underlying phenotypes responsible so that we can determine how these have diverged. Here, we study geographic variation in female mate preferences for male sexual displays in the fly Drosophila subquinaria. Female D. subquinaria that are sympatric with its sister species D. recens discriminate strongly against both D. recens and allopatric conspecific males, whereas females from allopatric populations do not. Furthermore, female mate preferences target at least in part a suite of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in males and geographic variation in CHCs mirrors the pattern of mate discrimination. In this study, we quantify female mate preferences for male CHCs from populations that span the geographic range of D. subquinaria. We find that the direction of linear sexual selection varies significantly between populations that are sympatric versus allopatric with D. recens in a pattern of reproductive character displacement. Differences in preference partially align with existing differences in CHCs and patterns of sexual isolation, although discrepancies remain that suggest the involvement of additional traits and/or more complex, nonlinear preference functions.  相似文献   

Although male polymorphisms occur widely in nature and have received considerable recent attention from studies of alternative mating strategies, male genital polymorphisms are less well known. Here, we describe a dimorphism in the orientation of the male genitalic complex of the praying mantid genus Ciulfina. Populations of Ciulfina species vary in the proportion of males with dextral (right‐oriented) and sinistral (left‐oriented) genitalia, ranging from directional asymmetry (single orientation only) to apparent antisymmetry (equal proportions of both orientations). The proportion of dextral males varied between species (C. baldersoni: 46%; C. rentzi: 24%; C. klassi: 100%; C. biseriata: 83%) and between populations. We used elliptic Fourier analysis to quantify shape and size variation between the genitalia of dextral and sinistral males and determined that the two forms were mirror images of one another in two species. We found that the level of mechanical reproductive isolation between heterospecific populations of opposite genital orientation was no greater than that between heterospecific populations with the same orientation or of mixed orientation. Genital orientation therefore did not influence premating isolation between these species, despite complete postmating isolation. The geographic proximity of populations to heterospecifics also showed no particular pattern with respect to genital orientation. These results suggest that reversible trait asymmetry in Ciulfina is not driven by reproductive isolation, and add to the growing evidence against the species isolation hypothesis for rapid genital evolution. J. Morphol. 271:1176–1184, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diversification in sexual signals is often taken as evidence for the importance of sexual selection in speciation. However, in order for sexual selection to generate reproductive isolation between populations, both signals and mate preferences must diverge together. Furthermore, assortative mating may result from multiple behavioral mechanisms, including female mate preferences, male mate preferences, and male–male competition; yet their relative contributions are rarely evaluated. Here, we explored the role of mate preferences and male competitive ability as potential barriers to gene flow between 2 divergent lineages of the tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii, which differ in male throat coloration. We found stronger behavioral barriers to pairings between southern lineage males and northern lineage females than between northern males and southern females, indicating incomplete and asymmetric behavioral isolating barriers. These results were driven by both male and female mate preferences rather than lineage differences in male competitive ability. Intrasexual selection is therefore unlikely to drive the outcome of secondary contact in C. decresii, despite its widely acknowledged importance in lizards. Our results are consistent with the emerging view that although both male and female mate preferences can diverge alongside sexual signals, speciation is rarely driven by divergent sexual selection alone.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements between sympatric species often contain multiple loci contributing to assortative mating, local adaptation and hybrid sterility. When and how these associations arise during the process of speciation remains a subject of debate. Here, we address the relative roles of local adaptation and assortative mating on the dynamics of rearrangement evolution by studying how a rearrangement covaries with sexual and ecological trait divergence within a species. Previously, a chromosomal rearrangement that suppresses recombination on the Z (sex) chromosome was identified in European corn borer moths (Ostrinia nubilalis). We further characterize this recombination suppressor and explore its association with variation in sex pheromone communication and seasonal ecological adaptation in pairs of populations that are divergent in one or both of these characteristics. Direct estimates of recombination suppression in pedigree mapping families indicated that more than 39% of the Z chromosome (encompassing up to ~10 megabases and ~300 genes) resides within a nonrecombining unit, including pheromone olfactory receptor genes and a major quantitative trait locus that contributes to ecotype differences (Pdd). Combining direct and indirect estimates of recombination suppression, we found that the rearrangement was occasionally present between sexually isolated strains (E vs. Z) and between divergent ecotypes (univoltine vs. bivoltine). However, it was only consistently present when populations differed in both sexual and ecological traits. Our results suggest that independent of the forces that drove the initial establishment of the rearrangement, a combination of sexual and ecological divergence is required for rearrangement spread during speciation.  相似文献   

物种形成是基本的进化过程, 也是生物多样性形成的基础。自然选择可以导致新物种的产生。生态物种形成是指以生态为基础的歧化选择使不同群体分化产生生殖隔离的物种形成过程。本文首先回顾了生态物种形成的研究历史, 并详细介绍了生态物种形成的3个要素, 即歧化选择的来源、生殖隔离的形式以及关联歧化选择与生殖隔离的遗传机制。歧化选择的来源主要包括不同的环境或生态位、不同形式的性选择, 以及群体间的相互作用。生殖隔离的形式多种多样, 我们总结了合子前和合子后隔离的遗传学机制以及在生态物种形成中起到的作用。控制适应性性状的基因与导致生殖隔离的基因可以通过基因多效性或连锁不平衡相互关联起来。借助于第二代测序技术, 研究者可以对生态物种形成的遗传学与基因组学基础进行研究。此外, 本文还总结了生态物种形成领域最新的研究进展, 包括平行进化的全基因组基础, 以及基因流影响群体分化的理论基础。通过归纳比较由下至上和由上至下这两种不同的研究思路, 作者认为这两种思路的结合可以为生态物种形成基因的筛选提供更有力也更精确的方法。同时, 作者还提出生态物种形成的研究应该基于更好的表型描述以及更完整的基因组信息, 研究的物种也应该具有更广泛的代表性。  相似文献   

Gamete-recognition proteins often evolve rapidly, but it is not known if their divergence occurs within species and corresponds with the evolution of reproductive isolation, or if divergence typically accumulates between already isolated lineages. We examined the evolution of a candidate gamete-recognition protein in several sympatric and allopatric populations of Mytilus blue mussels, species that hybridize in nature. Within a single species, Mytilus galloprovincialis, we found adaptive divergence of Lysin-M7, a sperm acrosomal protein that dissolves the egg vitelline envelope during fertilization. Mytilus galloprovincialis Lysin-M7 alleles group into two distinct clades (termed G and G(D)), and individual alleles in these clades are separated from each other by at least three and up to eleven amino-acid substitutions. Maximum-likelihood estimates of selective pressure (dN/dS =omega) implicate selection in the divergence between M. galloprovincialis Lysin-M7 clades, and within the G(D) clade. Exact tests of population differentiation indicate that the relative frequency of G and G(D) Lysin-M7 alleles differs significantly among M. galloprovincialis populations. Compared with allopatric Mediterranean samples, Lysin-M7 alleles in the G(D) clade are found at elevated frequency in samples from the East Atlantic and California, areas of secondary contact and hybridization between Mytilus species, and Australia, an area of unknown species composition. Adaptive divergence between the alleles most common in allopatry and those found at elevated frequency in samples from sympatry suggests that selection pressures acting in hybridizing populations, likely following Pleistocene secondary contact with M. edulis in the East Atlantic, drove the divergence of Lysin-M7 in M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Correlated evolution of male and female morphologles in water striders   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sexually antagonistic coevolution may be an important force in the evolution of sexual dimorphism. We undertake a comparative study of correlated evolution of male and female morphologies in a clade of 15 water strider species in the genus Gerris (Heteroptera: Gerridae). Earlier studies have shown that superfluous matings impose costs on females, including increased energetic expenditure and predation risk, and females therefore resist males with premating struggles. Males of some species possess grasping structures and females of some species exhibit distinct antigrasping structures, which are used to further the interests of each sex during these premating struggles. We use this understanding, combined with coevolutionary theory, to derive a series of a priori predictions concerning both the types of traits in the two sexes that are expected to coevolve and the coevolutionary dynamics of these traits expected under sexually antagonistic coevolution. We then assess the actual pattern of correlated evolution in this clade with new morphometric methods combined with standard comparative techniques. The results were in agreement with the a priori predictions. The level of armament (different abdominal structures in the two sexes) was closely correlated between the sexes across species. Males are well adapted to grasping females in species in which females are well adapted to thwart harassing males and vice versa. Furthermore, our comparative analyses supports the prediction that correlated evolution of armament in the two sexes should be both rapid and bidirectional.  相似文献   

Male genital morphology is remarkably diverse across internally fertilizing animals, a phenomenon largely attributed to sexual selection. Ecological differences across environments can alter the context of sexual selection, yet little research has addressed how this may influence the rapid, divergent evolution of male genitalia. Using the model system of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) undergoing ecological speciation across blue holes, we used geometric morphometric methods to test (i) whether male genital shape (the small, approximately 1 mm long, distal tip of the sperm‐transfer organ, the gonopodium) has diverged between populations with and without predatory fish and (ii) whether any observed divergence has a genetic basis. We additionally examined the effects of genetic relatedness and employed model selection to investigate other environmental factors (i.e. interspecific competition, adult sex ratio and resource availability) that could potentially influence genital shape via changes in sexual selection. Predation regime comprised the most important factor associated with male genital divergence in this system, although sex ratio and some aspects of resource availability had suggestive effects. We found consistent, heritable differences in male genital morphology between predation regimes: Bahamas mosquitofish coexisting with predatory fish possessed more elongate genital tips with reduced soft tissue compared with counterparts inhabiting blue holes without predatory fish. We suggest this may reflect selection for greater efficiency of sperm transfer and fertilization during rapid and often forced copulations in high‐predation populations or differences in sexual conflict between predation regimes. Our study highlights the potential importance of ecological variation, particularly predation risk, in indirectly generating genital diversity.  相似文献   

The beetle family Lampyridae (fireflies) encompasses ~100 genera worldwide with considerable diversity in life histories and signaling modes. Some lampyrid males use reproductive accessory glands to produce spermatophores, which have been shown to increase female lifetime fecundity. Sexual dimorphism in the form of neotenic and flightless females is also common in this family. A major goal of this study was to test a hypothesized link between female flight ability and male spermatophore production. We examined macroevolutionary patterns to test for correlated evolution among different levels of female neoteny (and associated loss of flight ability), male accessory gland number (and associated spermatophore production), and sexual signaling mode. Trait reconstruction on a molecular phylogeny indicated that flying females and spermatophores were ancestral traits and that female neoteny increased monotonically and led to flightlessness within multiple lineages. In addition, male spermatophore production was lost multiple times. Our evolutionary trait analysis revealed significant correlations between increased female neoteny and male accessory gland number, as well as between flightlessness and spermatophore loss. In addition, female flightlessness was positively correlated with the use of glows as female sexual signal. Transition probability analysis supported an evolutionary sequence of female flightlessness evolving first, followed by loss of male spermatophores. These results contribute to understanding how spermatophores have evolved and how this important class of seminal nuptial gifts is linked to other traits, providing new insights into sexual selection and life-history evolution.  相似文献   

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