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Plant traits are fundamental components of the ecological strategies of plants, relating to how plants acquire and use resources. Their study provides insight into the dynamics of species geographical ranges in changing environments. Here, we assessed the variation in trait values at contrasting points along an environmental gradient to provide insight into the flexibility of species response to environmental heterogeneity. Firstly, we identified how commonly measured functional traits of four congeneric species (Banksia baxteri, B. coccinea, B. media and B. quercifolia) varied along a longitudinal gradient in the South Western Australian Floristic Region. This regional gradient provides significant variation in moisture, temperature and soil nutrients: soil nitrogen content decreases with declining rainfall and increasing temperature. We hypothesized that (i) the regional pattern in trait–environment associations across the species would match those observed on a global scale and (ii) that the direction and slopes of the within‐species relationships would be similar to those across species for each of the measured traits. Along the regional gradient we observed strong shifts in trait values, and cross‐species relationships followed the expected trend: specific leaf area was significantly lower, and leaf Narea and seed dry mass significantly higher, at the drier end of the rainfall gradient. However, traits within species were generally not well correlated with habitat factors: we found weak patterns among populations, either due to the small ecological gradient or perhaps because fine‐scale structuring among populations (at a micro‐evolutionary scale) was low due to high gene flow within species. Understanding how species traits shift as a result of climatic influences, both at the regional (across species) and local (within species) scale, provides insight into plant adaptation to the environment. Such studies have important applications for conservation biology and population management in the face of global change.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals for mating are important traits that could drive population differentiation and speciation. Ecology may play a role in acoustic divergence through direct selection (e.g., local adaptation to abiotic environment), constraint of correlated traits (e.g., acoustic traits linked to another trait under selection), and/or interspecific competition (e.g., character displacement). However, genetic drift alone can also drive acoustic divergence. It is not always easy to differentiate the role of ecology versus drift in acoustic divergence. In this study, we tested the role of ecology and drift in shaping geographic variation in the advertisement calls of Microhyla fissipes. We examined three predictions based on ecological processes: (1) the correlation between temperature and call properties across M. fissipes populations; (2) the correlation between call properties and body size across M. fissipes populations; and (3) reproductive character displacement (RCD) in call properties between M. fissipes populations that are sympatric with and allopatric to a congener M. heymonsi. To test genetic drift, we examined correlations among call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance across M. fissipes populations. We recorded the advertisement calls from 11 populations of M. fissipes in Taiwan, five of which are sympatrically distributed with M. heymonsi. We found geographic variation in both temporal and spectral properties of the advertisement calls of M. fissipes. However, the call properties were not correlated with local temperature or the callers' body size. Furthermore, we did not detect RCD. By contrast, call divergence, geographic distance, and genetic distance between M. fissipes populations were all positively correlated. The comparisons between phenotypic Qst (Pst) and Fst values did not show significant differences, suggesting a role of drift. We concluded that genetic drift, rather than ecological processes, is the more likely driver for the geographic variation in the advertisement calls of M. fissipes.  相似文献   

There is discussion over whether pollen limitation exerts selection on floral traits to increase floral display or selects for traits that promote autonomous self‐fertilization. Some studies have indicated that pollen limitation does not mediate selection on traits associated with either pollinator attraction or self‐fertilization. Primula tibetica is an inconspicuous cross‐fertilized plant that may suffer from pollen limitation. We conducted a selection analysis on P. tibetica to investigate whether pollen limitation results in selection for an increased floral display in case the evolution of autonomous self‐fertilization has been difficult for this plant. The self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility features, the capacity for autonomous self‐fertilization, and the magnitude of pollen limitation were examined through hand‐pollination experiments. In 2016, we applied selection analysis on the flowering time, corolla width, stalk height, flower tube length, and flower number in P. tibetica by tagging 76 open‐pollinated plants and 37 hand‐pollinated plants in the field. Our results demonstrated that P. tibetica was strictly self‐ and intra‐morph incompatible. Moreover, the study population underwent severe pollen limitation during the 2016 flowering season. The selection gradients were found to be significantly positive for flowering time, flower number, and corolla width, and marginally significant for the stalk height. Pollinator‐mediated selection was found to be significant on the flower number and corolla width, and marginally significant on stalk height. Our results indicate that the increased floral display may be a vital strategy for small distylous species that have faced difficulty in evolving autonomous self‐fertilization.  相似文献   

Resource availability influences sexual selection within populations and determines whether behaviours such as territoriality or resource sharing are adaptive. In Thoropa taophora, a frog endemic to the Atlantic Coastal Rainforest of Brazil, males compete for and defend limited breeding sites while females often share breeding sites with other females; however, sharing breeding sites may involve costs due to cannibalism by conspecific tadpoles. We studied a breeding population of T. taophora to determine (i) whether this species exhibits polygynous mating involving female choice for territorial males and limited breeding resources; (ii) whether limited breeding resources create the potential for male–male cooperation in defence of neighbouring territories; and (iii) whether females sharing breeding sites exhibit kin‐biased breeding site choice, possibly driven by fitness losses due to cannibalism among offspring of females sharing sites. We used microsatellites to reconstruct parentage and quantify relatedness at eight breeding sites in our focal population, where these sites are scarce, and in a second population, where sites are abundant. We found that at localities where the appropriate sites for reproduction are spatially limited, the mating system for this species is polygynous, with typically two females sharing a breeding site with a male. We also found that females exhibit negative kin‐bias in their choice of breeding sites, potentially to maximize their inclusive fitness by avoiding tadpole cannibalism of highly related kin. Our results indicate that male territorial defence and female site sharing are likely important components of this mating system, and we propose that kinship‐dependent avoidance in mating strategies may be more general than previously realized.  相似文献   

The function of long calling is a subject of interest across animal behaviour study, particularly within primatology. Many primate species have male‐specific long‐distance calls, including platyrrhines like the folivorous howler monkey (Alouatta spp.). Howler monkeys may howl to defend resources such as feeding trees or areas of rich vegetation from other monkey groups. This study tests the ecological resource defence hypothesis for howling behaviour in the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) and investigates how anthropogenic forest fragmentation may influence howling behaviour. More specifically, this study examines how howling bout rate, duration, precursors and tree species richness, DBH, and canopy cover vary in 100 m anthropogenic edge and interior forest zones at La Suerte Biological Research Station (LSBRS), a fragmented tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. Results show that tree species richness and canopy cover are higher in forest interior at this site, suggesting that monkeys should howl at greater rates in the interior to defend access to these higher‐quality vegetation resources. Overall, our results supported the ecological resource defence hypothesis. The main howl precursor was howling from neighbouring groups. Although howling rate did not differ between forest zones, howling bouts from forest interior were longer, had a greater number of howls per bout and were preceded by different precursors than howls from anthropogenic edge zones, including more howls from neighbouring groups. Our findings provide some of the first evidence for behavioural edge effects in primate vocal communication behaviour.  相似文献   

  • This study tested the hypothesis that self‐compatibility would be associated with floral traits that facilitate autonomous self‐pollination to ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. In a comparison of two pairs of Ipomoea species with contrasting breeding systems, we predicted that self‐compatible (SC) species would have smaller, less variable flowers, reduced herkogamy, lower pollinator visitation and higher reproductive success than their self‐incompatible (SI) congeners.
  • We studied sympatric species pairs, I. hederacea (SC)– I. mitchellae (SI) and I. purpurea (SC)–I. indica (SI), in Mexico, over two years. We quantified variation in floral traits and nectar production, documented pollinator visitation, and determined natural fruit and seed set. Hand‐pollination and bagging experiments were conducted to determine potential for autonomous self‐pollination and apomixis.
  • Self‐compatible Ipomoea species had smaller flowers and lower nectar production than SI species; however, floral variation and integration did not vary according to breeding system. Bees were primary pollinators of all species, but visitation rates were seven times lower in SC than SI species. SC species had a high capacity for autonomous self‐pollination due to reduced herkogamy at the highest anther levels. Self‐compatible species had two to six times higher fruit set than SI species.
  • Results generally support the hypothesis that self‐compatibility and autonomous self‐pollination ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. However, high variation in morphological traits of SC Ipomoea species suggests they maintain variation through outcrossing. Furthermore, reduced herkogamy was associated with high potential for autonomous self‐pollination, providing a reproductive advantage that possibly underlies transitions to self‐compatibility in Ipomoea.

The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) has a rich and complicated vocal repertoire. However, different populations use similar and common types of signals. We studied physical features of one of these types, “vowels,” in three Russian populations: the White Sea population (European North), the Chukotka population (the Bering Sea, Chukotka), and the Okhotsk Sea population (Russian Far East) as well as in four summer aggregations of the White Sea belugas over several years in duration. The pulse repetition rate (PRR) at half of the duration of the signal was measured. We found that the PRR of “vowels” collected in the same summer aggregation during different years is stable in time but varies between locations. The degree of variation corresponds with the geographic distance between different locations. Significant differences were discovered between populations separated by thousands of kilometers, and to a lesser extent, between summer aggregations inhabiting different bays of the White Sea. The variation in PRR between the locations can be caused by the divergence of signals owing to the accumulation of random errors during transmission of these signals from generation to generation, which progressed independently in different summer aggregations and populations.  相似文献   

The ring‐tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is a group‐living strepsirhine primate endemic to Madagascar that has a complex vocal repertoire including affiliative moan and hmm calls. Past research has suggested that both vocalisations may be contact calls, and we assessed their usage in addition to examining the effect of individual differences and social factors on male calling behaviour. We tested three hypotheses: the group cohesion, preferred companion and individual differences hypotheses. From March to July 2010, 565 h of focal animal data were collected on 31 males aged ≥1 year at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. Focal males were observed for 30 min, with vocalisations, allogrooming and agonistic interactions noted using one‐zero sampling, and general behaviour, nearest neighbour identity and distance noted using instantaneous point sampling, all at 2.5 min intervals. We found support for the group cohesion hypothesis for both vocalisations, and support for the preferred companion and individual differences hypotheses for the hmm but not the moan vocalisation. Moan and hmm calls maintained the distance between a male and his nearest neighbour, and were made at higher rates during behaviours which may lead to separation from conspecifics, such as travel and vigilance. Males made hmm calls at higher rates when they were low‐ranking, and/or when the nearest neighbour of a male or a preferred companion of either sex. Low‐ranking males may hmm call to maintain proximity to specific individuals within social groups who will show them increased tolerance, with the hmm signalling peaceful intent. Ring‐tailed lemurs are one of the best living models of gregarious primate ancestors, and gaining a better knowledge of the function and range of usage of their contact calls informs our understanding of the evolution of primate cognition.  相似文献   

Female birds may adjust their offspring phenotype to the specific requirements of the environment by differential allocation of physiologically active substances into yolks, such as androgens. Yolk androgens have been shown to accelerate embryonic development, growth rate and competitive ability of nestlings, but they can also entail immunological costs. The balance between costs and benefits of androgen allocation is expected to depend on nestling environment. We tested this hypothesis in a multibrooded passerine, the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor. We experimentally manipulated yolk androgen levels using a between‐brood design and evaluated its effects on nestling development, survival and immune function. Both in first and replacement broods, the embryonic development period was shorter for androgen‐treated chicks than controls, but there were no differences in second broods. In replacement broods, androgen‐treated chicks were heavier and larger than those hatched from control eggs, but this effect was not observed in the other breeding attempts. Androgen exposure reduced survival with respect to controls only in second broods. Regarding immune function, we detected nonsignificant trends for androgen treatment to activate two important components of innate and adaptive immunity (IL‐6 and Ig‐A levels, respectively). Similarly, androgen‐treated chicks showed greater lymphocyte proliferation than controls in the first brood and an opposite trend in the second brood. Our results indicate that yolk androgen effects on nestling development and immunity depend on the environmental conditions of each breeding attempt. Variation in maternal androgen allocation to eggs could be explained as the result of context‐dependent optimal strategies to maximize offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Sphaceloma murrayae is a significant fungal pathogen of Salix spp. It causes greyish‐white leaf spots, which were reported worldwide except in China. Its morphological characteristics were described in the early literature; however, there is a lack of molecular information pertaining to this fungus. This study identified and characterized three fungal isolates that obtained from weeping willow leaf spots in China. Based on disease symptoms, morphological characteristics and single nomenclature rules for fungi, these isolates are proposed to be new combinations of Elsinoë murrayae (Synonym: S. murrayae). Phylogenetic analysis that combined internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large subunit (LSU), RBP2 and TEF1‐α DNA sequences indicated that E. murrayae isolates and Elsinoë salicina—another Elsinoë sp. isolated from Salix sp.—were distinguishable species. With trypan blue staining and stereomicroscopic observation, we found that large‐scale cell death occurred at 2 days postinoculation (dpi) and slight disease symptoms started at 3 dpi when the conidia were inoculated on Salix babylonica leaves. Pathogenicity analysis revealed that three isolates can successfully infect mature leaves of S. babylonica, Salix fragilis and Salix suchowensis, but not Salix matsudana. In addition, a necrosis‐ and ethylene‐inducing‐like proteins’ (NLP) gene, named EmNLP1, was cloned. The cytotoxicity of EmNLP1 was confirmed by transient assay in tobacco. During infection, EmNLP1 dramatically peaked at 2 dpi and maintained a high‐level expression in the necrosis lesion growing stage.  相似文献   

Phylogeography of B atrachospermum viride‐brasiliense was investigated using two mitochondrial regions: the cox2‐3 spacer and the barcode region of cox1 gene. Eighty‐seven individuals were analyzed from nine stream segments throughout its distribution in Brazil. Ten cox2‐3 spacer and nine cox1 haplotypes were observed among the individuals studied (87 vs. 43, respectively). Divergences among haplotypes were relatively low (≤2.4% for cox2‐3 and ≤1.8% for cox1). Most locations have a single haplotype, whereas only two locations had two haplotypes for both markers. The haplotype network for cox2‐3 showed a phylogeographic trend from the south towards the southeast with haplotypes from the southeast more closely related. For cox1 a trend from the southeast spreading towards the south and north was revealed, with the southern haplotypes more closely associated. Results clearly indicated that B . viride‐brasiliense represents a single species and the phylogeographic pattern consisted of a closely connected group of haplotypes from southern and southeastern Brazil. Levels of intra‐ and inter‐population variation were similar for the two markers with slightly higher values for cox2‐3. The trend observed in this study is similar to that in other members of Batrachospermales with little variation within a stream segment (one or two haplotypes) and more distant haplotypes showing higher divergences. This pattern could be attributed to the fact that colonization of a site might be rare by a single event with subsequent proliferation of the population. The geographic distribution of B . viride‐brasiliense was interpreted according to the biogeographic models proposed for South America being limited to three morpho‐climatic domains or biogeographic provinces: tropical Atlantic rainforest, sub‐tropical rainforest and cerrado (Brazilian savannah).  相似文献   

Amino acid changes in mitochondrial (mt) oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes have been suggested as a key adaptation to environmental variation. Here, we analyzed 416 sequences of ATPase synthase 6 (MT‐ATP6) and NADH dehydrogenase 2 (MT‐ND2) in 22 different hare (Lepus) species from across a wide range of habitats and climates. We used site‐ and branch‐based methods to test for positive selection on specific codons and lineages. We found four codons in MT‐ATP6 and five in MT‐ND2 under positive selection, affecting several species lineages. We investigated the association of protein variants at each locus with climate zone, using multinomial generalized linear models (glm), including species, regions, historical introgression events, and the co‐occurring protein variant at the other locus as additional explanatory variables. A significant climate effect as based on the “Köppen climate classification” was observed for MT‐ND2 protein variants as translated from our nucleotide sequences. Moreover, MT‐ND2 protein variants were significantly affected by the co‐occurring MT‐ATP6 protein variant in the same mtDNA molecule. Contrary to the expectation for non‐recombining mitochondrial DNA molecules, the presence of an evolutionarily relatively ancestral protein variant at one locus was associated with a relatively derived protein at the other locus in the same mitochondrial molecule, respectively. The relative evolutionary status of a protein variant was evaluated according to its positions relative to the respective out‐group protein variant in a network analysis of nucleotide sequences. All our results suggest a complex effect of various climatic parameters acting on multiple mtOXPHOS genes in a co‐adaptive way, favoring combinations of ancestral and derived variants.  相似文献   

Aggression is a social behaviour which can be affected by numerous factors. The quality and quantity of food resources may play an important role in the aggressiveness of territorial ungulates as the defence of these resources influences female choice and mating opportunities. However, the relationship between food resources and aggression remains poorly understood. We assessed the ecological and social factors that influence aggression in Lama guanicoe, a territorial ungulate exhibiting resource‐defence polygyny, during three periods (group‐formation, mating and post‐mating) in the reproductive seasons of 2014 and 2016. We recorded 460 focal observations of territorial (family groups, solitary) and non‐territorial (mixed and bachelor groups) males. We performed analyses at the population level (including all focal observations) and at the group level (each social unit separately), to test whether the factors that influence aggression differ at these different scales. We also identified proxies of vegetation quality as potential predictors of aggression. At the population level, we found that the presence of aggressive behaviour peaked during the mating season and that post‐mating aggression may have been driven by inter‐annual environmental variations. For family groups and solitary males, variables reflecting high vegetation quality/quantity were predictors of aggressive behaviour, reflecting the resource‐defence strategy of this species. Conversely, for mixed‐group males, aggression may be more associated with social instability and group size, although this hypothesis has yet to be tested. Our research reinforces the idea that aggression can occur in multiple contexts depending on male status (e.g. territorial or non‐territorial) and contributes to our understanding of how ecological (i.e. availability of food resources) and social factors influence aggression in a territorial ungulate.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudo‐nitzschia contains potentially toxic species of problematic taxonomy, making it one of the most intensively studied diatom genera. The study of 35 clonal strains isolated from the Bilbao estuary, an area that experiences recurrent blooms of Pseudo‐nitzschia, revealed the presence of two new species, P. abrensis and P. plurisecta, differing from their congeners in both morphology and gene sequence. The morphological features were analyzed by LM and EM, whereas molecular analyses were based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) regions of the rDNA. P. plurisecta appears closely related to P. cuspidata/P. pseudodelicatissima in the phylogenetic tree, whereas P. abrensis forms a moderately supported clade with P. heimii/P. subpacifica and P. caciantha/P. circumpora. Comparison of the secondary structure of ITS2 regions reveals marked differences in the most highly conserved regions among related taxa. Morphologically, the new species differ from their closest congeners in the arrangement of the poroid sectors and the density of valve striae and fibulae. The two species share similar pigment composition, and belong to the group of Pseudo‐nitzschia species containing only chlorophyll c2 and c3.  相似文献   

On a global scale, false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) remain one of the lesser‐known delphinids. The occurrence, site fidelity, association patterns, and presence/absence of foraging in waters off northeastern New Zealand are examined from records collected between 1995 and 2012. The species was rarely encountered; however, of the 61 distinctive, photo‐identified individuals, 88.5% were resighted, with resightings up to 7 yr after initial identification, and movements as far as 650 km documented. Group sizes ranged from 20 to ca. 150. Results indicate that all individuals are linked in a single social network. Most observations were recorded in shallow (<100 m) nearshore waters. Occurrence in these continental shelf waters is likely seasonal, coinciding with the shoreward flooding of a warm current. During 91.5% of encounters, close interspecific associations with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were observed. Photo‐identification reveals repeat inter‐ and intraspecific associations among individuals with 34.2% of common bottlenose dolphins resighted together with false killer whales over 1,832 d. While foraging was observed during 39.5% of mixed‐species encounters, results suggest that social and antipredatory factors may also play a role in the formation of these mixed‐species groups.  相似文献   

Ecologists frequently use physiological tools to understand how organisms cope with their surroundings but rarely at macroecological scales. This study describes spatial variation in corticosterone (CORT) levels in feathers of invasive house sparrows (Passer domesticus) across their range in Mexico and evaluates CORT–climate relationships with a focus on temperature and precipitation. Samples were collected from 49 sites across Mexico. Feather CORT (CORTf) was measured using methanol‐based extraction and radioimmunoassay. Relationships between CORTf and spatial and climate variables were examined using simple linear regressions. Ordination was used on climate data, CORTf was plotted against the resulting axes, and univariate regression trees were used to identify important predictors of CORTf. Universal kriging interpolation was used to illustrate spatial variation in CORTf across Mexico. Correlations with ordination axes showed that high CORTf was associated with low precipitation during the rainy season and low dry season temperatures. Specifically, CORTf was negatively related to May precipitation and January and July minimum temperatures, and positively related to April deuterium excess and June minimum temperatures. CORTf was higher in second‐year birds compared to after‐hatch years and after‐second years. House sparrows had higher CORTf levels in the hot, dry, north‐central region of Mexico, and CORTf was negatively related to temperature and precipitation. House sparrows molt primarily from August–September but climate conditions throughout the year were important predictors of CORTf, suggesting that conditions outside of molt can carry over to influence energetics during feather growth. These data suggest that dry conditions are challenging for house sparrows in Mexico, supporting previous work showing that precipitation is an important predictor of broad‐scale CORT variation. This work highlights the utility of CORTf for evaluating the influence of physiology on current avian range limits; furthermore, these data may allow us to predict future changes in species distributions.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the family Delphinidae have been widely debated. We examined 347 skulls of Tursiops, Stenella, Delphinus, Steno, Lagenodelphis, and Sousa in order to resolve the phylogenetic position of Australian species of Tursiops. Five Tursiops type specimens were included. Cranial morphology was described using 2‐dimensional (2‐D) and 3‐dimensional geometric morphometrics (3‐GM), counts and categorical data. Analyses showed a clear morphological separation of Tursiops, including type specimens, from other genera. The three Stenella species did not cluster together. Stenella attenuata clustered with Delphinus delphis, and Stenella coeruleoalba with Lagenodelphis hosei. Length and width of the skull and rostrum were important discriminators in both methods. For 3‐D data, round vs. angular posterior skull shape distinguished some genera. Taxa that overlapped in the multivariate analyses had different mean tooth counts. Our study challenges genetic studies that identified Tursiops as polyphyletic, with T. aduncus closer to S. attenuata.  相似文献   

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